The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 17, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Page 3, Image 3

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New Arrivals At The Toggery
Early Spring Deliveries of Crisp, Up-toDate
Mi Haberdashery
Ilrcnrns, Grnyn, Fcnrl, Rlnrk nnd Nutria, every now shape of
(he season, AND THE PRICE $.'I.OO.
MARSHFIELD, In plnin colors nnd fancy wenves.
EVER-WEAR HOSIERY in purr nllk nnd lisle.
UNDERWEAR, In Bilk, wool and cotton.
HEIDE CAPS, Just arrived.
PACKARD SHOES. "Will give yon nnotlicr pair If they don't
shirts The TOGGERY
They are color-fast
$1.50 up.
WHEN a man gets a
fancy shirt buck from
the wash minus most of its
color, he doesn't stand on
the niceties of language
he's likely to come in here
and demand a new shirt.
It's to avoid that sort of
thing that wc carry the
E. W. KAMMERKR, Successor to
Thayer Grimes and Geo. Goodrum.
Lots on Installments
Bay View, Bay Park
Bunker Hill
j Eaitiide and Other Locations
. S. KAUfMAN & CO.
177 Front St.
coplc Take Notice!
Wo have all lengths of utovo wood
tale, prices ranging from fl.SO
Ir tier up. We can furnlih any
Dtb you wlnh.
Phone No. 120-J or 49-L.
ish Market
In Ferguson TrniiNfor Hide.
Foot of Mnilivt Ave.
MITH & BALCH, Proprietors.
i r"""""MM'"""'"""'""""MW"""M
I II. Illltl) II. CLARKE.
Specialist on norvos. snlno nnd
Ikeumatlsm. I'hono 174, North Bond.
pis. i:. siiAnnuRXE.
Teacher of voice placement,
Ireathlng nml Interpretation of song
ready to recolvo tho nubile. Studio
F'l Commercial Ave.
Niituioiintli mid Cliiroiirnctor
Ml chronic discuses Hunted. Consul-
"Ulnu fieo. Office hours:
' 'o 12 a m : 2 to 5 nnd 6 to 8 p. m
naturopath Institute Itoniii No, 1
F" W Broadway. Marahfleld. Ore
'G. W. U'SWR.
Osit-iipiillilc Physician
graduate of the Aniurhnn school ol
P'fonaihy nt Klrksvllle. Mo. Office
i" Fldorado Rlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to
Phone I61-J; Maraunold; Oregon
)ni,e ovr Flanagan & Bennett Bank
hr1neld Oroeon
I Hup
" ' T. McCORMAO,
physlclan and Surgeon
MarshHeld, Oregon.
I.orkhart Building,
opposite Post Office
Phone 105-J
. .1 lipvnrvio
MiKlern lontnl Parlors.
' ir .-nii-ppp,! tn ,n htKh cIaBI,
nfl nhurl nnrlna u .). vnr-
WP., ... ""w" '" uc '""
- i.ripos Examlnntlon free
""' Ucn1nni rii, i...m.ii-
r,e(naii,lPrno'el. phone 112-J.
Garden and Lawn
Tools and Implements
LAWN MOWERS FROM $5.50 TO $12.00
All Ball Bearing.
Dandelion Spuds, n . ' f J 'JR Jft
Sidewalk Weed Cutters,
Garden Tools of all Descriptions
AVatch our Window Display.
Industrial Accidents
Double During Dark Months
Accidcut insurance statistics show that twice as
mauy injuries to factory operatives occur in
the dark winter months as during the light slim
mer months.
The cause principally is poor interior lighting;
too few lamps and pooi methods of illumina
tion. Had factory lighting also diminishes production
and adds to damaged material. '
Our lighting experts will plan installations for
workrooms and factories which will reduce the
personal injury list, increase production and
very likely decrease the expense of lighting.
A representative will e ill at your rcque i
Telephone 178.
Oregon Power Co
Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire
and Marine Insurance
Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.
HKM.V sM,!.rUKKV Mgr.
Coqullle Offl:e Phone 191 Marshfleld Office H-J.
Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty
General Afnt "EASTSIDE"
A Running Record of In
divldunl Opinion by a
Quiet Observer.
Editor Times:
Onco In n while a man, moved by
remorse, will swell up with an almost
uncontrollable desire to mako amends
nnd do tho "squaro thing" by his
In n caso liko that he Is liable to
riinh rlnwn tntvn In n fnvnrlah hnatn
! and buy n $9 Jardiniere nnd put a
enrysanmemum in n, or an oicanucr
I or some other flower with a Swe lo
name and come lugging It home, full
of conscious pride.
1 Maybe, though, It Is a clock ho
will buy.
I 1 ni n rlnpl In mv rnan. Ono
of those bronze affairs. On tho top
waB a llttlo 7-ycar-old cupId, couch
ant, nnd a grass widow rampant by
his side, holding a pewter wreath
In her hnnd, and a look on her fnco
like she was going to lam someone
over tho honrt with It; then, crouch-
j maybo thp are rabbits (I don t
think thero Is a man living who
1 would bn sworn nnd toll which, un
less ho perjured himself). Dcnenth
this costly outlny of fancy work In
bronze Is n llttlo $1,150 clock thnt Ib
prunrnntocd to pay dividends on all
this lavish dlsnlnv in art, nnd be
sides, keep time. Thcro was nn alarm
connectc "'"' tnnt was enunny
as irritating ns thnt siren whistle nt
the Smith mill nnd had Just about ns
much Judgment when to go off. You
know how it Is yourself when you
don't cet to slcop until 4:30 nnd thnt
shrieking demon awnkons you at 6
nut what a gong thnt clock had!
When I think It over, it wns thnt
gong thnt landed me. Tho escaped
convict thnt sold mo this clock told
mo thnt down In Sonomn County, CaU
iforntn, thcro wns a clock with a
gong. onlv. of course, larger: but It
wnsn't n bit better than tho gong In
this clock, except for outdoor con
certs. As a teMmonlnl ho told mo thnt
ono dny thoro was to bo a fellow
hunc up nt Tacoma nnyhow. It wns
at tho countv sent. Everything was
readv, and Just an tho Sheriff wns
nboti't to slip the blnck cap over tho
condemned man's hend nnd separate
hts Immortal snlrit from tho sordid
clay, thnt clock In tho court house
towor commenced to strlko olovon.
Tho Sheriff stonned to listen. Tho
crowd brcnthlessly turned to enzo on
their proud possession, nnd listened.
Sllenco. oxcept for thnt gong, rolgnod
ovorywhero. Tho blrclB quit singing.
Even a woodpecker, Industriously
drilling nwny on a nearby to'onhnno
polo, cocked his hend nnd listened.
When tho Inst stroke of olovon hnd
been tolled off, tho Sheriff heaved
nn crstntlc sigh, nnd turned to pull
tho levor but tho mnn wns gono.
I hnvo often thought ho was tho
unnrlnclpalcd cuss who sold mo thnl
When thnt tlmcpleco struck tho
Idcn wns thnt It would mnko a child
shut un crying with tho enrncho, nnd
lull him Into a sloop, dronmlcss nnd
soft and sweet oh klssoH from tho lips
of love. It wns better thnn hot
goose prenso or chloroform nnd you
didn't hnvo to get up nnd adminis
ter It
Thnt riov tomntlncly offered
to md for 0. "' ' hung fire. Thon
his )nt rrrn"lnlnc bit of conscience
smote him nn ''led. Ho snld I could
bnvo it for $7.r.0. Ho confessed thnt
the wrenth '"n, tni' wns a Inst
yenr's one, nnd out of stylo: so ho
would knock off fl.OO.
I bought tho clock nnd took It
hnni" with mo. NVnrly overy stop
tho lolt would stnrt tho gong nnd
.aa1a iitll otnn nml lnnlr nrntmd.
I'Wf'IV t.Mll.l PlWi ...... .ww. ...
I th!klnc l wns n flro nlnrm.
I nrrlved homo all rlcbt with mv
Itlmonlcco. nnd tho fnmlly gnthoro'l
nround rno. nnd thoro wns Joy nnd
jhnrmony In my household. I mado
It ftrlKO ror ro nniiv. wunim un i"
nlncm nnd turned It looso and sho
stuck ''or fingers In bor onrs, dnncod
round tho room nnd shouted until ono
of tho nelchbors enmo over, snld ho
thought I hnd com homo drunk nnd
wns bentlng tho child. I wns feollng
so satisfied with myself that It nover
made mo mad.
Aftor admiring tho clock for some
tlmo. mv wlfo. in kind of a hesitating
wny. suggested thnt tho wreath
nround cunld's loins wns n llttlo out
of dnto. Tbl" Irritated mo. I told
bor I wns nwnro It wns hung a trlflo
high, nccordlng to my notion: hut
thnt fact nlono snvod mo $1.50 on tho
nurchnso prise: thnt I couldn't nfforu
to go nlugglng nround, throwing n
SO clock over mv shoulder slninlv
becni'po It d 'n't hnvo n 1912 wrenth
nround tho llttlo nrchor.
Tho first p-rlof thnt enmo to mo on
necoi'nt of tbt clock wns tlio snmo
ovenlncr I brought It homo. I rushed
out rlgbt nfer sunner nnd got a enr
ontor thnt llvo-i In tho block to mnko
o n uholf on which to rest tho thine
Tho sholf wir n work of nrt: but
when 1 won n" i un ho drovo
noro tbnn fortv nnlls through tho
lnRtorInf nnd tore cront. uclv rents
In on hleh-nrtrod pnpor, trying to
fin'' tb stud-'lnir.
Plnnllv ho throw down his hi
mer nn1' t"M mo wv )ohbo hadn't
nv. Thl 'urt m to think bow I
Wi boon Imnosod noon. I got him
i hiinmor nnd ononnd un h bottlo
nf grqne luko. nnd nftor thnt ho nov
er "Misod tho stud'Unc once
When wo cot thnt clock un It tnrt.
' irt trk off oornn''s Hlfo It W-
"Ijip' run l'tiiv'rod voth, I
lioir- t utriip diirln? tho nlebt nn I
Mother Ornv's Sweet Powders for
obllil en n Certnln rollef for Fevor
lehnepsi, Hendncho. nnd Stomnch,
I Toothing, nisoiders. movo nnd icgii
I 1nt the nowels nnd Destroy Woms.
t T'ev brenk un olds 'n 24 hours.
Thov n'o fo nlonsnnt to tho tnto
ri'l'd en nice them Ovor 10 000
testlmonlnls .Used by Mothers for 23
yenrs. Tlicy never full. Sold by nil
Druggists, 2.1c. Sample mn'lpl
REE d ess, Allen S. Olvsted. I o
Roy, N. V.
turned over In bed with tho sclf-sntls-fied
notion that I hud mnuu nn Invest
ment that would stay by mo and back
up my Judgment.
In tho morning when I got up I
found that my Seth Thomas had
Btoppcd at 3:30 a. m., and hnd Bot
tled down to a still, quiet hush. I
was not much dlncourngod, for it
struck mo that the shelf was not ex
actly horizontal, I stuck a pleco of
blotting paper under one of Its turtlo
like legs, and started it going again;
nnd when the hired girl snld thnt she
"didn't think that clock wns no good"
I lost my temper nnd fired her.
For fear people might mlsjudgo
me, I will sny hero thnt Sophia is
working for us now, when sho feels
llko it and I " -'M further, thnt
no clock can come botween us.
That night when I cpmo homo tho
thing had stopped again. I got an
other blotter and crammed part of It
under nnothor leg, wound It up, nnd
started off in n gladsome manner,
llko It was going to make up for all
tho tlmo It had lost. I sat up and
read until about 10 o'clock, and alt
tho whllo it ticked and struck beau
Dofore going to bed I wont In and
took ono last look at that clock. The
woman with the dogs nnd llttlo cupId
looked peaceful "', ntlroly satisfied
with their lots; the pendulum swung
back and forth with a steady move
ment, like It hnd settled down to a
suro Job and was content. The Btln
night -' '"Med with tho harmoni
ous rhythm of thnt song, whllo the
pendulum with its even mensured
swing, ticked off time to the music.
Thon I went to bed.
It may have been nn hour II
might hnvo been two when I wokw
up. Tho clock wns striking. I count
ed twelve; thon It struck thirteen
still I might havo boon mistaken
fourteen, that gavo my constitution
a norvous shock Thon I counted up
to fifty. Tho cold perspiration broke
out on mo nnd I began to think. Do
foro thnt clock had struck sixty-nine
I hnd reviewed all tho ensen thnt hnd
como to my knowledge of hallucina
tions wrought by overwork.
I wns Just getting rendy to stnrt In
on n spell of reformation nnd was
figuring wl'i'4' nd bettor call In
first a doctor or a prenchcr that
tlmopleco was still hammering nwny
when my wlfo called to mo and
nsked: "What'" tho matter with
your clock?"
It was like breaking loose from n
nightmare. T immediately Kavo up
all notion of pending for n doctoror
a prcachor, nnd. llko a man wholly
without fear, I got out of bed nnd
marcho'' Into tho room whoro my
wlfo sleeps and wnntcd to know what
sho was worrying her hend about that
clock for.
"Why. It h struck 247 times, or
had when I called you, nnd It Is not
through yet."
And sho snld "my clock." It was
plain to mo that In tho future thero
would bo no ono to share with mo tho
responsibilities of that clock. This
naturally mado mo sordid and out of
condition. Mentally I was keoplng
track of tho stroko 320 321.
I finally broko looso nnd tnlV"-' in
a tongue thnt was nlmost new to my
folk: thon I grabbed my revolver and
Hworo. bl'Chlorldo of mercury, if It
struck boyond 400, I'd shoot ' '"
Its vltnlB; p ' ' -rv ihot gun right
In tho fnco of the hollo of California
as I called that rrenturo on tho
clock and hold It thoro.
My wlfo got up nnd enmo down
whoro I was. I callod that clock
Romo nwful nnmos. If tho mnkor of
It hnd boon nround ho cortnlnly
would hnvo folt tough.
Whothor It was tho Influonco of
mind ovor mattor, I cannot say; but
ns suro as tho world Is a foot across,
that clock struck Just 400 and quit.
Tho next ovonlng when I enmo
homo to punpor. I heard Sophln sing
ing a swo'io song in too Kitcnon.
Thnt clock Is still there, nnd It In
still still. It Is decorntod ovory
Christians nnd on my birthday with
ribbons and thon presented to mo by
my fnmlly ns a present. I am sore.
I havo a plan, though. Next sum
mer I am going to send my fnml.
down homo, on tho farm, with tho
lnrd bnckot. I nm going to send
them before tho fourth of July. I
will romnln nt homo, nnd on tho
morning of tho fourth I nm coming
down town, shoot off n fow snno flro
crackers, hang out a flag or two, and
bo uncommonly patriotic.
Thon, nftor dlnnor, I nm going
homo. I nm going to tnko with mc
a quart of Old Crow, a packago of
tobnero nnd n plpo. Thon I nm going
to tnko thnt clock out Into tho b'
vnrd nnd sot It down under tho shndo
of n chorry treo that Is thoro. After
thnt. 1 nm going to Bit on my bnrlc
porch nnd smoko n plpo.
Whon thnt Is dono. I nm going to
tnko nbout Mireo flngors of Old
Prow, dlroct ' bottlo take
a club It Is nn old nock yoko nn-i
I nm going to wnlk up to thnt clock,
polect my nnlnt of nttnek. spit on mv
bunds, nnd wolt thnt tlmopleco of
mine nlno tlmo" " best.
A no thnt. I will smoko ngiln
touch nid Crow for three flngor
iporo T ""-v tnlk out loud to in vol f
'tno if iipro Is, nnvono In thnt l
lniv wtoliln", ho will notice mo
irn n t'it pji'li nn'1 ro"o"t tho fnr
niir -Vo I pto eoln to Unn Mil
un imMI tlin r'looV Jnjd nut to TPV
cnpin'pto --"-firMfll or I nil) !'
ont first.
'CliO'o l nn !, of ' nuthorlMP'"
trvln? wn n nlMini Tf '"
"no ton fir I "'n irf"i''od min
VMtpn, T "" 'n t'o Mnln' rnoni nrw
tliPt llttlo Irninront ci'nld In"!" ,n'
mldgot rufflnn ond ho wo"i ""'
tho wreath, vim wpr nroi"o' h
n specimen of tho best. gns d w
on mo with n look so conro nn
brnzon thnt It cannot bo ". fnr
TJbbv COAT. The kind VOr hP
f.lverv & Transfer Co.
Director Fenton of tho Coos Day
Concert Hand this mornnlng an
nounced an excellent program for tho
concert which the organization will
give at tho Masonic Opera House Sun
day afternoon at 2:30.
Mr. Fenton nnnouncos that this
probably will bo thel last concort tho
band will glvo unless the City Coun
cil Monday ovonlng appropriates tho
$1G0 nor month needed to maintain
the organization. During tho last
year besides tho funds subscribed by
business men, tho memborB of tho
band have raised about $500 to moot
expenses of tho organization.
Tho progrnm for tomorrow la as
Mnrch "Punjab" Payno
Overturo "Tancrcd" Rossini
Intermezzo "Cupldlotta" . . . .Tobanl
Descrlptlvo Fantasy, "A Vision of
Salome" Lampo
(Dy roqueat.) .
Quartet from "nigoletto". . . .Vordl
Selection "Bohemian Girl". . . .Daofo
March "Famous 22d Regiment"..
P. OHmoro
"Star Spangled Banner."
K. II. Hanson, A. M. Snyder and
David McNalr went to Coqulllo Inst
Saturday to attend tho meeting of tho
newly elected directors of tho Co
qulllo Valloy Tolcphono Company.
The directors organized by electing
tho following officers: David Mc
Nalr, president; K. II. Hanson, vice
president; J. II. Dnrklow, secretary;
and R. II. Mast, treasurer. Minor
matters of routine business woro
transneted and J. D. Clinton having
resigned the managership, President
McNalr was Impowercd to appoint a
temporary managor. J. N. Jacobson
has boon named and Is in charge, and
his appointment will probably ,bo
confirmed nt tho noxt meeting of tho
bonrd on tho first Thursday In March.
Myrtlo Point Enterprise
Frank I)urkhnltcrt wlfo nnd stop
son, Clnudo Moon, returned Monday
on tho Flllold from San Francisco,
nftor a four month's outing In Cali
fornia nnd Mcxlcco. Thoy tourod
tho greater part of California In their
"auto," visiting almost all tho coast
cities. In all, they covered over 8000
miles In their machine, and are warm
in tholr prnlso of California roads,
climate and scenery. Coqullle Son-tlnol.
Ends Uho of Iiakcd Potatoes and
NEW YORK, Feb. 1G If Captain
Polack of tho steamship Goorgo
Washington of tho North German
Lloyd lino, has hit upon tho right
Idea, no matter how his vossol may
plungo nbout nnd disport In tho
whlto crcBtod seas, tho whoola of tho
water wngon nood not slip for any of
his passongorB who may bo tomptod
to resort to baked potatoes and cham
pngne as a moans of preventing soa
sickness. Captain Polack put hl Idea Into
operation whon ihe Georgo Washing
ton steamed from Iloboken for Dro
mon, nnd on Its success deponds tho
nllaieulury comfo'l of many of hor
two hundred first cabin passongorB.
"Thero Is a deal of truth in
tho Btntomont," ho said ystorday,
"thai nml do nior 1b a mental dlsaf
fedinn, and I li.uo discovered ono
thlu which I bolltvo hns moro to do
than wind and w.itor In limiting pas
songerB uncomfoitablo. That la tho
barometer which hnnga In n cornor
In one of the putbiigownys outsldo In
tint main t-nloon
"The Inurnment la suspended In a
bracket by i inhershl pivot, which
ki'oiiri ii ii'uju lu'luilur to tho aurfaco
of the cm tli. ni matter how the ves
sol may roll That Is, tho baromotor,
which is one of tho long kind, shapod
llko a pondulum, is always pointing
townrd tho onrth's contor. Whon tho
vessol rolls ono gets tho impression
that tho bnromotor Is swaying to und
fro, whoruus II Is actually tho only
Immovable thing on tho vessol, for
tho f.iH'l l xuluglng nbout tho In
Ut'inifiit. "Well. 1 hnvo soon pereons who
ni-ver dimmer, of being nffectod by
Mio milium of tho vossol which thoy
feol stnnd and gnzo nt that thing un
til thoy bollovo tho steamship Is roll
ing all ovor tho ocean. If thoy Just
look long enough nnd bogln to rea
lUo how rough it really la, thoy bo
como 111. I havo seen It ropeatoJly.
and 1 havo now hnd n scroon placod
nround the bnrometer, bo thnt It can
not bo beon by parsons caaually pass
ing. Judging from past porform
anies, thnt ought to biivo about forty
passongora from acute aiacomforturo.
It la moro slinplo than bilge keels,
and I daro to hope will bo quite ns,
delivered to your homo on FIVE
F A. Sacchl.
Authot'C uid vtlutUsiuonatboa
About biMomff. natduDff. tuuaff.
feciu;g nd liouiing poj'irv 11
coriaiaru in in i.,i ruuiiwi u
Lilly I I'ouliiy Uook jufl pnatcd.
fi(l fcr copy, f(M.
. ...I.-. ,-iYhlfll I i-f----'
ni I r.