VA'IIV I U FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1912. EVENING EDITION THE COOS BAY TIMES,. MABSHFIELD,,OJlEGON, jr iu-ii r PERSONAL NOTES S. S. JEFFRIES' G-yonr-old Child Is reported quite 111 today. MRS. WM. FARRIN, of Sumner, is a Marshfleld shopper today. MRS. E. C. DREWS Is 111 at their homo In South Marshflold. O. D. WALKER, of Gardiner, Is look lng after business Interests here. H1LLIS SHORT Is In from Ten Mllo on business and pleasure. J. D. aOSS has returned from a business trip to Coqullle. G. J. LEMANSKI returned today from a business trip to Portland. oil will bo struck boforo thoy reach ' 2B00 feet. Thoy oxpoct to go itnwn 3000 foot iC necessary. Tho woll to dato has cost about $26,-000. WM. CANDLIN, of Coqullle, Is trans acting business hero. N. C. McLEOD, of North Dond, is n Marshfleld business visitor today. W. B. CRAINE, tho Dnndon lumber man, Is In Marshflold on business. MRS. C. E. DROADDHNT, of Myrtlo Point, Is In Marshflold today. DR, EDWARDS and wlfo, of Flor ence, nre spending a few days In Marshflold. URGES JETTY W A GREAT DISCOVERY MRS. FRED HANSEN of Sumnor was a visitor In Marshfleld today, MRS. MACQENN of Empire and daughters, nro Marshflold visitors today. G. A. DROWN returned via Portland todny from a trip to California and othor points. O. R. PECK nrrlved homo on tho Breakwater today from a trip to Salom and Portland. MRS. ANNIN and Mrs. Irwin of Myrtlo Point nrd visiting tho Marshflold schools today. GEORGE THOMPSON returned on tho Dreakwntor today from a fow weeks' visit in Portland. W. II. KENNEDY returned today from a business trip to Portland and othor.northorn points. C. R. PECK roturnod todny from Portland, Salom and San Fran cisco, whoro ho wns looking nftcr n case involving somo or w. a. Chandler's property. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Rodondo will sail from San Francisco Sunday afternoon for Coos Hay. Tho Allinnco sailed Inst ovoning from Portland for Coos Day nnd Is duo In hero tomorrow. Tho 8tcntnor M. F. Plant, formorly on tho Coos Day-San Francisco run but recently In tho Alaska trado, Is now undergoing extensivo ropnlrs at San Francisco. Now boilers nro bo ing InBtnllcd, doubling hor stonm prossuro which it Is expectod will In creaso hor speed thrco or four knots per hour. NORTH UENI) NEWS , . Tho medal contest will bo hold nt tho Lutheran church Tuesday, Fob. 20. Tho Episcopal Ladlos' Altar Guild will hold a cako snlo tomorrow at tho Coos Hay grocory. 11. J. Coko has sold his ICO-acro ranch at McKinloy to enstorn parties for $GQ00. Alpha Wlckl'und, who hns been visiting rolntlvcB in Emplro for tho past week, returned todny. Mrs. Laura Houscr nnd Mrs. W. Haskell and llttlo daughter, Miss GrnCO. Of Onldnml. linvn hnnn vlolf. MRS. ARTHUR M. McKEOWN and ing this week nt tho Hermnn Snnford son, Joey, leavo Monday overland , "oino nt Sumner. uu II irii lu ouu riuuciDvu, nuuiu J. ALDERT MATSON arrived homo today on tho Breakwater from n business trip to San Francisco nnd Portland. MRS. R. II. OLSON, of Empire, Is spending a fow dnyB horp as tho ..j. ... .- T m Unit 'In M'niih guest Of Mrs Marshfleld J. T. Hall In West thoy will visit friends for n fow weoks. UNCLE JERRY HAYNES, a Coos nnv nliinonr. rotiirneil to lila hnino at Myrtlo Point todoy after a few of to birth of a nine-pound girl to i e Mothers' nnd Teachers' Club will meet this afternoon nt tho Cen tral school nt 3:00 o'clock. Mrs. Herbert Armstrong will glvo a talk on "Sorlul Hygiene" V. E. Wnttcrs has roonlvoil wnni dayB' visit with his daughter, Mrs. Dick Nohlo, and othor relatives of Marshfleld. P. M. HALL-LEWIS and wlfo and baby returned today from n visit at Corvnlllu, Hood River and oth or northern points. Thoy will ro Bldo in Marshfleld, Mr. Hall-Lou Is having urniuged to open an engi neering 'nnd architectural offlco hero. P. J. DE NEVUE, a former resident of tho Day, nrrlvod hero today to ins (laughtor. Mrs. C. W. Johnson. of Oregon City. Mrs. Wnttors wnB nt tho homo of hor daughter at tho tlmo of tho ndvont of tho llttlo stranger. Whllo nt Ten Mllo recontly, Mm. Goo. S. Holllster hod a narrow escnpo from drowning, mills Short was taking hor ncross tho Inko In a launch. Tho launch struck n Bunk en log nnd was on tho vorgo of sink ing wnon .Mr. snort got on tho log Congressman Hawley Writes That Prospects for Federal Action Are Good. That tho Coos Day Jotty project !s not being overlooked but that ovoiythlng possiblo is bolng dono to, seouro fnvorablo actl news received horo Congressman Hnwloy. Henry Song rtackon has been urging tho matter and today received tho following let ter from Mr. Hnwloy: "1 havo Just had a furthor confor enro with Congressman Davidson, r6)ntivo to tho restoration of tho north Jotty, and ho will tako caro of tho situation in ovory possiblo way. Genornl Ulxby will ho boforo tho cdmmittco on rivers nnd harbors In a short tlmo and tho chnlrmnn of tho commlttoo is prcpnrqd to obtain tho Information in tho hands of tho ouglncora with a vlow to showing tho I'ftrcssity for an appropriation at this tlmo to restore tho Jotty. Tho mat tor scorns to bo progressing now as well us pott-iblo and o very thing has been and li being dono that can bo." TABERNACLE PLANS TOLD High School Committee Make Statement About Gymnas ium Arrangements. Editor Tlmos: Thero scorns to bo considerable misunderstanding among various Marshflold people In regard to tho high school and tho ownership of tho old Tnbornnclo building. It scorns to bo the Impression of a good many that money recontly paid to tho Tnb ernnclo Association wns to bo usod in purchasing tho Tnbornnclo building for uso as a high school gymnasium nnd tho various commlttcoB experi enced .somo difficulty In straighten ing things out. Tho following stntomont will, wo think, successfully clear matters up: Tho Tabornnclo building originally cost about $1500 At tho tlmo It wns built shares woro sold in It for $r aploco, ono-hnlf to ho paid down and tho othor hnlf to bo collected when noedod. This second hnlf, howovor, was novor called for. At tho tlmo tho Shnnnon meetings closed tho Tnbornnclo Association wns about $700 in dobt, with nbout $100 loft Certain Ingredients Tlint Really Pro mote Hnlr Growth When Prop erly Combined. Rcsorcln is ono of tho most effec tive gorm dostroyers ovor discovered by science, nnd in connection with Dota Napthol, which is both germi cidal and antisoptlc, a combination is formed which destroys tho goi.u which rob tho hnlr of Its natural nourishment, nnd also creates a cleon, healthy condition of tho scalp, which provonts tho dovolopraont of now gorms. Pllocnrpln, nlthough not n coloring mniinr nr ilvo. Is n woll-known in- Jton oSVta tho'SSTent for 'restoring the hair to its in a lottor from i natural color, when tho loss of ha i nv. Honrv Snnir- has been caused by n disease of tho scalp. These lngrodlonts In propor combi nation, with alcohol addod as a stim ulant nnd for Its woll-doflned nour ishing properties, porfoct porhaps tho most effectlvo romedy thnt Is known for scalp and hnlr troubles. Wo havo a romody which Is chiefly composed of theso lngrodlonts, in combination with othor oxtromoly ln vnlunblo medicinal agents. Wo guar antee it to positively euro dandruff and to grow hair, oven though tho scalp In spots Is bnro of hair. If thoro Is any vitality loft in tho roots, It will positively euro bnldnoss, or wo will refund your monoy. If tho scalp hns a glared, shiny nppcarnnco, it's an Indication that baldness Is pormnnent, but In othor instances wo bollovo baldness Is curablo. Wo want ovory ono troublod with scalp dlsonso or loss of hair to try Rcxall "93" Hair Tonic. If it dooa not euro dandruff nnd grow hnlr to tho satisfaction of tho usor, wo will without question or qulbblo roturn ovory cent paid us for It. Wo print this gunrnnteo on ovory bottlo. It hns effected a posltlvo euro in 03 per cont of eases whoro put to a practical test. Roxall "03" Hair Tonic Is entirely unllko, nnd wo think, in ovory pnr tlrular, hotter than nnythlng olso wo know of for tho purpose for which It is proscribed. Wo urgo you to try this preparation nt our entlro rlski Ccrtnlnly wo know of no bettor guar antee to glvo you. Romombor, you enn obtain Roxnll Remedies In Mnrshr Mold only nt our storo Tho Rcxall storo. Lockhnrt-Pnrsons Drug Co., "Tho Dusy Corner." -.-. -. . V --. . o ftvv Y4;uit rrit-it ituviib v '"T011 ino, wntorloggod crnft nbovo tho running oxponsos. This until nolp responded to his erlcH forlwna pnld on tho $700 nnd a number aid. of business mon took up n noto for or mo nay, nrnvou noro touny to Tim Nnrii rtnn.i i.ii. .ni..i i . - r. . ' visit his daughter. Mrs. Hillls bnung teams for So effii SSl IS" C f.r l bni,nnr0, .. Short, of Ton Mllo, and hlo many ga 0" to bo hold &feS T L .D?r,?R, V.0 Ly-n 1n,co '"K8 . .friends hero. Ho was connected bZ, X?VIO,rUbrE..?3 S? ?r.linn.1 !,0',t wns ro,u,,.tl t0 lj!Vwlth R, A. Grnhain horo a number j of years ago but has beon resid ing In tho cast. Ho still has ex tensivo property Interests on tho Hay. J. MENDEL, of tho Hub Clothing & Shoo company, returned today from an extended eastern buying HOLD MEDAL CONTEST trip. On his return to tho. coast, I w c T ir ... ,,,,, ho was accompanied by his broth- "' vJii. liomi i' TO5,1",n or. Josonh Mendel, nn.l thov .nmn -. .r"hl lUl -. ?" c'nuiry 80. Via, tho Southern route, stopping ''. ...,r.V ..". .Domroat modnl u ..i..i..i . -m ;-.-- iwnn-ni. will uu IIUIU nt inn IVnrtli est. His' broker eec!ed,,o,,X; "ff K& " W T' Coos Hay but was called homo I fcnm hi- 78.0, T" r,olJow,,nK when they reached Po'rtlund. R '- M.sS T. J. NOLAN, of Omaha, who holds ' 3 -f vo?cV Vm " iK'1 an option on tho poos Day water 1 0uL" om tho Poor- company's plant, arrived here on'o "S "Tho Cow boy's Z? lm IlrnnUu-ntor fn.lnv. lnnl, n. . Mllh I 110 VOWUOy 8 KCSt .... ...w ..... .... ...., , ,uun U..U, I. m. OMIUIIll L.IIIUUU this ucon cnohon. Geo. Downv. r.n i.., . nvA i.A ,.nnnr. Clinppoll and Chns. Van ZUo will I nnd interest on tho noto nraountod to composo tho nfflrmntlvo tenm nnd about $1C0. bringing tho noto back f1!? SI!.".8,0.' Ff,nnt!08 Ooldon nnd to $600. During tho last meetings n?. y "iV er il'. neKiJtlvo. Olon hold by tho ministers of Mnrshflohl P-.0-1. nn.,,.?.n18 n"by WntUlns will nbout $230 wns raised In excess of act as substitutes. tho matter, It Is expected that tho City Council wlU-tuko somo action on It. It is understood that Mr. Nolan's option expires In about six weeks nnd ho Is anxious to mnko somo sort of arrnngoments with tho city before1 then. CHRIS RASMl'SSEN, of Unndon, was n Marshflold business visitor Rending "Why 1 wear do White Rib oon Mnrjorlo Smith So' Cnrl Goldor Rending "A Shadow". Anna Tmmnn Reading "Tho Convict's Soliloquy" ; " Esther Imhoff Solo ; Mildred Rood Reading "The Prisoner's Soliloquy" Loin Rltchoy today. no reports everything . . , ,. Shlrloy Peterson MouHslilnc thqro. Ho huvh thnt Reading "Tho Drldnl Wine Cup". . tho reports about oil being dls- Marlon LanKonberc covored In tho Hear Creok oil well Solo Prof. Davidson nro erroneous, Ho Bays thoy nre A talk upon "Object of Contest" nnd now down nbout L'250 foot and the f W. O. T. U. . . .Rev. D. A. MacLeod strong gas pressure nnd other In- Musical Selection. ...H. S. Orchestra' dlcatlons lend them to bellevo that Awarding of Medal.... Dr. 11. Clark WllK.VYOirMKl-J ' PRIZE HKKP OATTLK nt nn exhibition you very naturally think how you would enjoy a roast or a steak from tho carcass. Well you can enjoy one eqtially as good If you will ordor it from this market. All our beef comes from grain fed cattlo, bred and fed especially to produce t)io tenderest, sweetest meat. Try It for a treat, MARSHFIELl) CASn MA11KKT. FOURIER BROS. Two Market TELEPHONES: Marohileld North Bend SQ1-J 01 tho Cunning expenses, nnd this nmount was paid on tho noto, reduc ing tho indobtcdncss to $370. Tho I building wns then sold to tho School In Hoard for $150, which nmount -ro- i duced tho nbovo mentioned noto to $220. This bnlnnro wns raised by prlvnto subscription among tho busi ness men. Tlio subscriptions taken up nnd c611e6tfons mndo by tho Tnbornnclo Association committees hnd nothing whntovor to do wlHi thoso of tho htgh school and all money paid to thorn wns usod In paying debts in curred by the Tabornnclo Associa tion. At tho tlmo tho Tnbernnclp wns built no mention was mndo of using it for n high school gymnas ium. The School Hoard later turned It ovor to tho high schobl for uso nri such and the subscription clrculuted by tho High School Athletic Associa tion was to obtain money to ropnlr, oqulp and maintain tho building. At present the School Hoard has n lcnso on tho proporty on which It stnnds till Juno 16, 1912, with good pros pects of getting it extended. Executivo committee of Athletic Association: P. A.. TIEDGEN, CHAUNCEY CLARKE, "GUr'STUTSMA'N, " F GRANNIS, WILL IIORTON. Coos Bay Naturopath 'College CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY. and all branches of Natural Thorn poutlcs taught. Terms reasonable First Semester to opon February 12. For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE .c North Ilend, 'Oregon. r " ;: ' K Modern Drlck Duliaing, Electric Lights. Steam Host. Elegantly Furnished Roonu with Hot nnd Cold Water. . n O T EL .CO 09 O. A. .UETLIN. Prop. tates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards Cor. Droadway and Market Marahfluld. Orejcon. City Auto Service frood Cars, Carotul Drlvors and roasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere nt any time." Stands Dlanco Hotel and Dlanco Cigar Store. Day Phbnes 78 nnd 46 Night Phone 4G. DARKER & nOODAfiK. Proprietor ,TnE LLOYD. Most modern Rooms nnd Apnrt-ment-houso In the city: Day translont 50c nnd up Per wepk f . $2.00 and up .Wa'liavo nicely furnished 2-room pn,rtjnonts, Including bnth, $10 per month nnd .up. T-l"-! PR0FESSI0NAI 0IRECT0RN HOW COLD KKKT AFFECT THE KIDNEYS. Avoid taking cold If your kidneys nro sensitive. Cold congests the kid noys, throws too much work upon them and weakens their action. Seri ous kidney trouble and oven DrlRht's disease may result. Strongthon your Kidneys, got rid of tho pain nnd sore ness, build them up by tho timely uso or h'oioy Kidney Plus, Tonic In action, quick In results. Red Cross Drug Storo. UTTHS. E. SHAimURNE. " Teacher of volco placement, breathing and interpretation of song Is ready to receive tho public. 8tudlo S41 Commercial AVe i TVR. K. P. WINKLER, " ' Naturopath and Chiropractor All chronic diseases treated. Consul utlon 'free. Office hours: 9 fo 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. m Naturopath Institute Room No. 1 No, 136 Broadway, Marshfleld, Ore Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIKNItY BENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl.-o Phone 1D1 Marshfleld Office 14-J. Farms - Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agenta "EASTSIDE" T. J. 80AIFE A. H, HODGmi 9 Marshfleld Paint (& Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD. Phone 140L Qregoo Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOUTHELL Phow 81U rVU G. W. LESLIE, Ostopthio Phytlclaa Graduate ot the American school ol Osteopathy at Klrkiville, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4 Phone 161-J; Marshfleld; Oregon J. W. DENNETT, lawyer. Jffiee over Flanagan k Bennett Ban) larshfleld Oregon TAR. J. T. McCORMAO, - Physician and 8urgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Jfflcej Lockhart Building, opposite Post Offite Phone 105-J D R. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. ' We are equipped to do high clasi work on short notice at the ver? lowest prices. Examination free' Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo lte Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. "MONEY TALKS" - Forthe Highest Grade of Men's Clothing Clothing which is the highest type of character, sivL fit ask; to ee ' 'wa Wl ' v VJ !' vt , r They are depen dajblo clothes, vjivtwft m wi oiioej in all the new styles f6r early spring wear, Tan, Black and Patent Leather, the best fitting wearing shoes, it is possible" to buy, 5 $5.00 AND $6.00. IWiniUITY TA IfC uk riu: & cl. A1UU V,lUUllllg X. iJIIUC U MARSHFIELD baum . Buy Your Meats at the i - UNION MEAT MARKET 'Phone3! And You WUI Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. H Home Permanency v?. Home Monotony This Is a vital question for present day homehulldorswhMW, t. hnvo n houso which In nppoaranco must always remain the ua or n houso thnt will permit of n llttlo rofroshing occulonirj Neighborhoods chnngo as do Indlvldunl tnBtes a frame honucu cnslly bo mndo to harmonize with ita surroundings a frh cmI of paint pfton will imako It as .good as your neighbor's new lebu , tho saiuo as ajicw suit mnkoa you foel llkn u nnv m.n h any rnto n framo houso Is sugcoptlblo, to most any change jtt might dcslro nnd whllo It Is permanent It does not neceiiiilj need becomo an oyesoro or a rrionotony. Thero aro loti of ftlip wo'vo observed about houBca and lumbor that you should hn uuiuru uuimiogtcoino in ana.wo'H glvo you our views; ij C. A. Smith Lumber & MiWlftt- RETAIL DEPARTMENT fiOUTH BROADWAY, MARSHFJ , f 5 l-'ASTAND OtbLMODIOlJB l I. Steamer Redorid EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND 8UIIMARI.NK HKLL SAILS,' FROM SAN.FRANCISCO FOR COOSBAj Sunday, Feb. 18 at 3 P. M. INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTAIION COMPANY. A ' i,,,l,ne " ( O. V. .McOKOUGP, gl THE FRIEND OF COOS RAV S. S. ALU A NCI Egt'IPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOFC COOS BAY OH February 15, at 6 P.M., COXNECTiNfi WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT P0ItlL lumm PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. . C. F. McGEOHCK, . Phone 4 I. r -5 - Steamer Homer DATE OF SAILINeff 6 "i V hi BE ANNOUNCED LATEK F S. Dow, Agent i r EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME, oAILS FROM COOS nAY AT RRnvmr. . m vtiRl mv m m . " " w' xiiiu -xiuxi " - . -. nu -. Ju A PAnianrrST( Agent. L. H. KEATING, AKent. Phono Main3 in I Have Somo First Class RESIDENCE LOTS Eugene to Exchange for Coos Bay x-roperty. What nave Yon Got? 1 AUG. FIUZEEN M tOmXnd Ay., Miwhfiold. DRESSMAKING qpwNS, suii;s anp REMODELINO MRS. E. BANDEl rhone 10, Cor. 4th wia" PJ MOM