' W,PIH"HW'I ''""" ' " " " THE COOS IAY. TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARYS 6, A912.EYENING. EDITION. .- tt t V-' . ' a ; jfe New Arrivals At The Toggery Early Spring Deliveries of Crisp, Up-toDate Ml Haberdashery SOMETHING ".JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT." NEW BONNETS FOIt SPRING BIG SKLKCTION. GREAT VALUE8 AND RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE. Browns, Grays, Poarl, Black niul Nutria, every now slwpo of Uio season, AND THE PUIOIS $8.00. THE GREATEST STOCK OF NECKWEAR THAT EVER niT MARSHFIELD, tn plain colors and fancy weaves. IRELAND'S GUARANTEED OLOVES. EVKiMVEAR HOSIERY in pure bIIIc. and llslo. UNDERWEAR, In silk, wool and cotton. HEIDE CAPS, Just arrived. PACKARD SHOES. WU1 glvo you another pair If they don't wear. YOURS, ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, shirts The TOGGERY WHEN a man gets ft fancy shirt back from " the wash minus most of its color, he doesn't stand on the niceties of language ' he's likely to come in here and demand a new shirt. It's to avoid that sort of thing that we carry the C2ecce& They are color-fiat. f 1.50 up. K. W. HAMMERER, Successor to Tliaycr Crimen and Geo. Goodrum. MP COOS BAY TIDES. DolW Is given the time and helghth of high and low water at Marshflold. The tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr tlmos on tho first lino and heights on the sec ond line of each day; a comparison of consecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 1 34 minutes. Date February, 1018. 10 hours.2.14 7.3G 1.39 7.59 Always "TEe Busy Corner" t SATURDAY SALE SPECIAL on Pond's Extract Soap and. Peroxide Soap, regular 25c cake, for Saturday only, 2 cakes for 25 cents. See our window. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE ; MAIN 298 US Lots on Installments Bay View, Buy JPrk Bunker Hill j Eastside and Other Lecatio-s ' I. S.' KAURlAN. & co:' ' 177 Frost' St. City Fish Market Tldo ....4.9 3.3 5.9 17 hours.2.51 8.11 2.14 8.30 Tldo ....5.2 3.0 6.0 0.1 18 hours.3.20 8.42 2.51 8.57 Tldo ....5.5 0.5 6.1 0.2 UORN. HIQLEY To Mr. and Mrs. O. Hlg loy, at tholr homo In Porter, Fri day, February ,16, a nlno-pound girl. Mother and child aro doing nicely. Mr. Hlgloy has charge of tho yard department of tho sash and door factory. PAINTER To. Mr. aid Mrs Palntor, at their homo In Bond, Friday," February 6, Warren North a ten- pound son.; Mr. .Palntor is "agent lor uio Ainanco at North Bond arid the young cdupjo's many frlonds' .will hasten to Extend congratula tions o'vor tho arrival of their sec ond .child. . ' i i . .. . New HcstauranU Tho Gom Wnfflo iu tenon, at q37 North Fropt stroot, oponod for business this morning and will Borvo regular moals qvbry day hfcrcaftor. O. C. Smith is' proprietor, assisted by, Mrs. M.oochor. Gets Umbrella Mrs, J. T. . Hall has .rccoyorod a,, $10 gold; -handled umbrolla as'aro'sult df'a "want ad" In Tho TlmoB. Sho valuod It highly as a prosont and Is dated ovor Its rocoyory. IN buying clothes or anything else, it's good to know beforehand wliat you're getting; ' When you see the mark of Hart Schaffner & Marx ' in a garment, you know at once all you want to know about it; we don't need to say a word. ' ' It's all-wool, perfectly tallorod, correct in stylo; and If wo sell It to you, satisfaction gua'rantcod. .;,L' r 'I WOOLEN MILL STORE This store Is the homo of Hart dehaffner & Marx clothes. orrfboh at 2:30. Director Fonton i Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff does not notify you. First National Bank rANT ADS. or on tho Day. Times, Address A. J., caro JST Pair lmlv'u lirntun 1,1.1 1a. 1i Initials "ii n .. ini,ia n ard for return to Times office. Ill ',,:-N'T--Furn8hoa hausekeop 'DS rooms. Phono 49-L. M Al IWtllMl oi ... .1.. I c ror Blnglo meals. 113 Second. JST 0pl.r,,.,..l 1,1 l.l T.T..I..1. BPi., '" h"iu unci! jvuiun.- erOOCker Watch, at nr n,ir Tnlmr. ?3Ce. Wednnsilnv ntniif nn,r,i aiL,maUon "8 to Its where a"outs or return to Times offlco. 3ST flnl.l on. ... ' T. . tot ,. r, "'r "" " uiamona S nnV-i:l,e "orn8 "oturn to E. - nargelt and receive reward. EGOS for hatching; pure brod S. O. White foghorns and R. I. Reds; nlso few setting hons. Phono 103-L. BenJ. OBtllnd. -,V FREE DELIVERY, In Ferguson Transfer Bids. Foot of Market Ave- V SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE 3MJ Don't forget the PHONE 914-J. Turkish Baths 1 Roys Rotlicr Somo , small bbys aro chargod with entering tho A. P.' Owens resldenco property on West Eleventh stroot and doing somo dam ago. Marshal Carter Is trying to round up a number of lads who aro charged with various offenses. 1 ' High School Vacation In order to onablo tho Marshflold High School toachors to visit. Uio North Bend High School, the high school today M talc ing, a vacation. It Is tho general custom, to havo tho teachers visit oth er schools' and got In tauah ,wlth ti work as conducted In thorn. Raise pionoy J. W. Don'nott. I. S. Smith and -Hugh McCain',' tho special commltteq of, 10 Ohdihwpr of Co'm morco appointed to ralso '$2 GO, Coos Bay's nB8C88montB towards tho main tenance of tho Rlvo'rs and Harbors Cop gross, yesterday raised fl8G of tho am9,unt.r ,, . .Concert Sunday Tho Coos Bay Concert Band- will glvo a cpneort at tho Masonlo Opera Houso Sunday aft- Ladies' $29.00 To $36.00' Two Models . : . ,r - Men s $27.50 ' T" $42.50 Four ModeU It will bo freo and will announco the program tomorrow. K t In Now HuNlncHs P. A. SandberB, formorly City Engineer, has taken u position as tho Coos Bay reprcsonta tlvo of tho Warren Construction com pany, 'which Is planning to compoto for the" paving In Marshflold this yoar. They put In tho blthullthlo paving. Opens Office R. J. Montgomery Is- arranging to open a rodl ostato offlco on Front streot near Contral avonuo. Ills long familiarity with Coos Bay real catato Is suro to win bib tho success which his many frlonds will wish him in tho now buslnoss. Oppose Plan Chas. HIckox nqd others nro circulating petitions re monstrating against tho proposod closing of Mill Slough which Is being petitioned for by othors. Ono of tho remonstrances is to bo signed by proporty owners directly affoctod and th5 'other by tho gonernl public. discovered, going to tho Odd Fel lows' Hall whore, thoy wore assisting In decorating for tho bazaar. Mr. Donnls estimates tho damago at from UCO to (200. It is fully covorod by Insurance Bazaar In Progress Tho bazaar which Is being given by tho 81stor of Bothany oponod at tho Oddfellows Hall this attornoon with a good at tendance dosplto, tho unfavorable woathor. Tho bazaar will closo this ovonlng and thopo promlsos to bo a largo turnout as, arrangements have boon mado for an unusually enjoy able affair. New Boat Nod Galloway, who op orates tho launch North Star botwecn hero and Ten Mllo is having a largo frolghtor .built for handling tho In creasing freight traffic on tho run. Tho boat will carry about 20 tons and will bo equipped with an eight horsepower englno nnd wUl havo a cabin. Seek DliiKiimn Constnblo Cox has roquosted Sheriff Oogo to assist In locating Wm. DIngman of North Bond who is wanted on a statutory charge, tho victim bolng his lG-yoar-old cousin who had boon keeping houso for him slnco tho death of Mrs. DIngman. Ho has not boon seen in North Bend for several days and tho girl's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Graham, mado complaint to Justice Ponnock. Dlngmnn's three children aro with relatives at Looking GIbbb, Douglas county, Is Democrat Through a misun derstanding, It was statod yostorday that Walter Richardson would bo a t candidate for the Ropubllcan nomi nation for Constable In this district, (It should havo statod that he was (Booking tho Domocrntlc nomlnatlow Mr. Richardson hns always boon a dyed-ln-tho-wool Domocrat and ob- jucin iu iiiu luumawon mm no nas changed his politics. THE ADVERTISEMENT "MAKES US ALL OF ONE SIZE. A CAT MAY LOOK AT A KING, ETC, HERE YOU Mr. Retailer LISTEN!!' FOR RENT Suite of housekeeping rooms, 321 South Broadway. c'Oll RENT . ''ii room houso cloie In Modern conveniences. Reasonable reut. See Ivy Condron. TRY THE EDGE WITH YOUR FINGER. Examine a collar fresh from our laundry. Notice Its clear, white col or, its even, elastic stiffness, Is smooth and its perfect shape. Then test the top edge by running your flngor-tlp ovor It. Notice tho smooth, slick finish given it. Noth ing there to rub, dig or Irritate your neck. This test will prove tho value of our service. Send us a trial bundle and apply tho test. MarshfieldHand & Steam Laundry Mnuzey nros. Props; Phono 22D-J. t).,It,'-iT--7-room houso In Bav en; ,'" ?very modern convenl- iuiro Times offlco. PWHF-,1 en .. ... .... ottom irT.i i l'"lur nu lor miana, Inquire Lloyd Hotol. '!w.XESp.ff ,mu,lng dono I'n"'", - ..-numm. i-uuiie 411D. sonahio .77 ,:', rarm ai rea "imDie pre w th tn n. ja e,,11er in Mv1.11. niJl ...r..'tnr Wnenna no Anvwhero Anytime. I' don't regard the BICYCLE as a plaything. Allst of those who have bought DAYT0NS from me would read like "among those present1' .at a business meeting. I Want to Sell Bicycles to Progressive Retailers,.. You are in business to make money, Are you getting all the orders you should? I believe that the way to get bus iness is to GO AFTER IT. Put a HUSTLER on a DAYTON bi cycle and send him out after orders and 'new business, Doesn't it cost out of all proportion to nrofits to deliver a fiw small special orders by automobile? How about a sign on your bicycle? BLANK & CO., PROMPT DELIVERY? j FiirnlBhed ,reo with your DAYTON Marshfield Is Going Ahead! BOOST! Don't sit still and be left behind, BOOST for me and I'll BOOST for me, I'm a BOOSTER from What? No, sir: from California, You are reading my daily ads, so you must know the advantage of buying a DAYTON It costs us nothing to warrant our Bicycles; we have an iron-clad, signed, five-year guarantee from the manufactur ers of DAYTON BICYCLES. Thank you for reading this through; NOW THINK ABOUT IT. Marshfield Cyclery Phone 180 R Dayton Agents, Coos County '607 Front Adjust Trouble Yostorday J. O. Kendall, In bohalfof somo outside creditors, attachodho cigar storo of T. ,L. Batcholor on North Front stroot. Ills claims amounted to $106 without a 125 attornoy fco. Mrs. O. A. Howard showed that sho had a roortgago on tho proporty and tho at- tacnment proceedings wero dropped this morning when Mrs. Howard paid tho $6.25 costs. Mr. Batcholor Is now arranging to straighten matters out. Plan Boat Capt. J, J. Roynolds, who oporatod a cannery hero tho past soason and who Is connoctod with the Barnes Salmon Canning Company of Portland, arrived horo todny on busi ness. Ills company Is figuring on building a largo gasollno schooner for tholr trado and It Is undcrstood that his visit hore Is In connection with tho construction of tho now vos- BOl. To Hospital Judgo John F. Hall today ordorod Mrs. Maggie Quatcr mass committed to tho Stato Hospital at Salem. -Sho has been suffering from melancholia and her condition boenmo such that 'Mr. Quntcrmasi and tho family could no longer pro (cct her agalnsfp'osslbly becoming a victim of her strango hallucinations. Tho case Is a very pathotlo one. "FALL OF TROY" nt ROYAI THEATER SATURDAY" NIGHT. .' NOTICE,, Myrtlo Lodgo, K of P., will put ob degree work A.t tholr noxt mooting, Monday ovonlng,, February 19, at I. O. O. F. Hall. Banquqt ty'Jll bo sorved nftor lodgo In honor of tho anniver sary or tho onjpr A) Knights uU sojourning brotjtora aro requested "to bo present. .- COMMITTEE. ' YOUR FRIENDS will expect to KEE YOU at tho GRAND BAZAAR Episcopal Church FRIDAY AFTER. NOON and EVENING. I. O. O. F. HALL. Admission 10 cents; chil dren 5 conts. The Times' Want Ads briny results Farewell Party At the Baptist Church this ovonlng a farowoll re ception was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Wosley Smith nnd M. Wm. Groono and son, Roy. Mr Smith will leave tomorrow for Eastern Oregon to tnko up his now position as colportor of tho Baptfst Church and his family will soon Join him tlioro. ' Fire Last Night Flro starting from a defective fluo Caused slight damago at tho homo of Mrs. M. J, Elrod last ovonlng Tho flro was dis covered by Matt Stonholm, who promptly turned In tho alarm und, tho Flro Department's prompt re sponse and effective work extin guished the blaze beforo It bad dono much damage. Mrs. Elrod Is In San Francisco and Frank Donning nnd wlfo havo boen staying there during her absence. Thoy loft tho houso about 30 minutes bofore tho flro was Ferry's Morse and Lilly's Garden Seeds A Full Lino of Each In Every Variety Also Flowor Seeds, GRASS SHEDS SEED OATS SEED POTATOES FERTILIZERS Everything for tho Spring Planting Soason. COJIK TO HEADQUARTERS The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Quality High Makes People Buy SPERRY'S BEST DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "rf.MH cuiui, VJUqU110 I "-r r 1 I I