bob'S BTilljsZRiHilltBhEGON: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1912.6VEHING EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONET Editor and Pub. PAN E. MALONEY News Editor m"m """" Address all communications to COOS DAY DtlMMIMES. Mnrphrtcld ! " Oregon SCIENTIFIC HOUSEKEEPING QUESTION OF A SHOUT TIMI2. SCIENTIFIC housekeeping threat !? ens to become a fomlnlno slogan ns scientific management has become a motto in cortaln masculine busi ness. Why not, too? Housekeeping Is or should do a business as really as manufacturing Btccl or woolens. When science Bliall havo. put moro apparatus Into the- housowlfo's hand, ns cookery by electricity, practical dishwashing machines, vacuum clean ors or washing tubs that clean the clothes or themselves, then the ser vant will be reduced to harmless ills uso and yet much drudgery with Us waste of time ana vigor win ruyaii. Keeping house- may yet bocomo the delightful occupation that It now In not for tho homemaker who has to do her own work. Tho bachelor maids who have entored more re munerative or congenial fields may bo lured back to homes of their own. Tho homes of tho future will sur pass tho homes ot the Ra8t- .ww FOREIGN MILLIONS AUTOMOBILES. FOIt AN INCREASE of GG por cent In tho valuo of tho country's ex portation of motor cats during tho year 1911, bh compared with tho valuo of tho oxporlonco of 1910, will glvo tho gonoral public some ldoa of tho progress of Introducing the cars manufactured In tho United StntcB to'UBors In foreign countries. Eighteen thousand five hundred cars wero nent abroad, and, tnkeil In connection with tho nutomobllo nc-i cossorlos exported, they represented a value of more thnn 120,000,000. unclaimed liirrrnits. List of unclaimed letters remain ing In tho Mnruhfleld postofflce Feb ruary 1G, 1912. Persons calling for same will ploaso say advertised and pay ono cent for enrh lotter called for: j. a. Alien, Aouori asii, w. a.i Rlalr, Carl Ulomberg, II. D. Barrett, I Thntnna TlrnniiNn Tlinrt Ttltint Xfra I Mnrla Uarrott, J, O, Drlggs, Mrs. Ida Urpwn, Chcstor liny, 8. M. Drllos, John M. Dort, Ous Hoy, Miss Lillian Cottor, II. E. Cooly, John Conley, II, M, Colllor, Ceo. Enoltnnn, Miss Dolly Edwards, Grovor C. Evans, Androw J. Frodorlckson, Hans Flather, Harry Hastlo, Albort Hclntz, Wllllnm Hud on, 7 E. Jackson, Jnckson Ilros., R. Jacobson, Pep. W. Jacobs, Miss Potra Jollo, Mrs. N. Knox, Emoro J. Larson, Tom Lawoon, Mrs. Matt Loyby, J. W. Llnnohnn,- Mlth. Louso, M. McQuIro, Robert E. McKcnulp, James McCahey, James McCormlck, Mrs. McLoby, 'John R. Mnnlnfc, Johnoy Martin, Ed Mason, Frank May, Chas. S. Murphy, Ernest Norton, Tonndor Olsson, John Rands, James Kob'ortson, Fred Rog ors, Alfred" Roy, George M. Iloss, John RiiBkllh, John SnodgraBS. John P. Stltzor, Wlillahi Sharp. Charles Smith. P. E. Smith, William Thorp, Henry Toruorth, Joo Ward, U. L. Wright. R. A. Wlldor, Mrs. Frank Williams, B. K. Young. W. JJ. CURTIS, PoHtmnBter. NOTICE All Coos County warrants drawn on tho gonoral fund, and, endorsod prior to Octobor 1, 1910, will bo paid on presentation at my offlco In Co qulllo; no InteroBt will bo allowed on nny of theso warrnnts after Fobruary 9, 1913. Dated thlu 3th day of Fob'y. 1912. T. M. DIMMIC1C, County TrqaBuror. 15e Royal TONIGHT aOOO FEET OP NEW PICTURES. "THE NAVAL HEVIEW." lilggust mobilization of war ves hoIh over hold In American waters. 102 vessels, tho (low or ot tho U. S, Navy, In Now York harbor, with tho battleship Connecticut as flagship. Tho greatest fleet of war vessels over shown. Also 2000 foot of other good Alms. G. J. LEMANSKI, Proprietor. A WARNING AGAINST WET FEET. Wot and chilled foot usually affect tho mucous mombrnno of tho nose, throat and lungs, and la grlppo, bron chitis or pneumonia may result. Watch carefully, paitlculurly tho chil dren, and for tho rncklug stubborn! couglis glvo Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound, It soothes tho Inflamed mombrancs, and lioals tho cough quickly. Tako no substitute. Hod Crobs Drug Store. LOCAL HOf STORY BASIS Strange Tale Alleged to Have Had Basis in Blighted Coos 1 Bay Romance. A tragedy, tho particulars of which huvo boon kept partly socret on Coos Bay In tho past, Is rovealed In a short story nubllshad In thn Nnrfh Tlnml Harbor this wook. Ttio story, if cor- roct, will bring to tho minds of old rosldontR of thn Ilnv Mm fnrta In tlin case which have ovldontly been hnn- uieu witn pootic license In giving them the touch of fiction. Editor McDanlels says that the atory, whoso author Is given as tNnVfl A. Hnpltn " wnu U'rlM.1.1 nm fails' and vouched for by a former uapo Arago lighthouse tender. Tho siory is as ioiiows: It was a very hot nftornonn In June I had been traveling since early morning and tho Journey seemed long and slow. Peoplo drift ed in, chlofly pooplo who had been in mo city ror a uny and ns tho train crawled 'through -tho mountalns"thHy left by twos and throes at tho llUlo stations. Shortly boforo G "o'clock when r wns tho only passenger In a seat across tho nlslo, from mlno.' . j...i diuu uiu ninsaziDO jn wiilcn I had been trying to Interost mysoli, and propped my iand against my cheok, nnd lndlfforontly obsorved.hor from bohlnd my scroenlng fingers, 8ho was npatly dressed, Her" man nish cont of black serge oponad over a plain whlto shirtwaist. Tho curly locks that hid her tomplqs wqro, sil ver gray, yet her faco was wfunfngr with Its childish unnor tin. oval, and clear, lovely brown oyes. Grace was also Imprintod on the,tru- KllO body, nnd hnniitlfiil I. ,!.. mi.. . i iu only disturbing foaturo was an p- I'u.v.ik. i umiuBsucss nnu constraint. imi i iiiusou, wnen suddenly tho dUll ViimiO Illlhliln nt U... ..i...ii... wheels nnd shuddering window wuiuvn uurupuy conseil. I thrust my bend out of tho window. Tho train wus on a sldo truck nt a lonely stu tlon In tho mountains of tho Pacific Coust rnngo. ;.iu "Walt two hours," suid a niak a ho passed beneath my window. "What can of hupponcd." I Hpoko Involuntarily, but tho sound of my VOICO Startled thn wnmnn ,..,.! .' glanced at mo Inquiringly. Then I """7 "U,V Pr. "You nro hi. Llo down," I said, taking hold of hor nrm. SIlO cllll tint annul I.... i-i.i hoad against my shouldor u moment. . .,..,.. iiiuiiK you- sue pusliou mo nwny from hor and snt upright "If YOU coulil nnn'llm lnJi.i'. .... tho part that's tho real mo, you ".u n,,ui.i mo,' suo said, in quick, ImpulHlvo yet a gontlo volco. "Doar lady," I said. "I'm huro you mlsjudgo yourself. Many peoplo nro posslmlstlc when thoy aro 111. Is thora anything I can do to muke Vou moro comfortable?" Sho shook hor hnml alnmlv 'xr ono can do anything for mo because uu uuo can oring mo doad to llfo." "Our Hoavonly Master will help you If you nsk Him." i ani.i "Ho hntos mo," sho onld, brushing uwny a toar. "but norhnns vnn ran holp mi). Perhaps you know what viuu iiuiiKH auoui somo things.'' ' She wns sllnntr tiinmii i,n,uno movod and finding nothing to say that was not futllo I sat dumb, with ... ..wihm. ui u uuKouy uoanng on my hoart until of hop nwn oimiPu.u1.,i soomlngly ns If oho must tnlk, sho iiruno lorin, tumultously. "Llston, nnd I will toll you tho thing I did. Until I wns twenty I lived boyond theso mountains In ,a wiiiiko on mo snores or Coos Bny, Oh, those goldon yoars of girlhood; so radiant with hopo. so filled with vnguo longings; so bosot with vis ions Imnosslblo of ronllzntlnn in lit. tlo appreciated until they wore of wio iinsi. ao misty with dronms, Ah, If thoso dronms had boon lofty and puro, I would not now look back with unbonrublo rogrot. Hut, alas, I looked with Indifference on nil tjilngs from which Integrity of purposo and usefulness would como. I was sol flsh nnd vain. I hnd had my own way slnco babyhood. My fond par onts lnvlshod overy caro on tholr ouly child, and having no responsi bilities, my thoughts wero filled with romance. I spelled It with n capital R. TIioro days I was considered it bonuty, A bitter curso that beauty lias boon to mo. Yos, nnd to tho man who lovod mo." Sho paused a moment, and gavo a weary slcll. Thorn vn n ilnntli nf mlsory In hor jovoly oyos. "Ono afternoon," sho wont on In n low, but determined volco, "down on tho Orecon Count tint fnr frnm thn ontranco of Coos Day ho told mo ho enron ror mo, ills love wns not an hallucination of tho brnln. It wns n groat lovo of which only a groat soul Foley Kidney Pills will euro nny enso of kldnoy or bladder trouble not beyond tho reach of modlclno. No nunllctno can do more. Red Cross Drug Storo. I Is eapnble, Ho was not 'handeomo, yet Ills mi:o buuwuu iwi;u uuu character,.' Thero was no affecta tion 'aboutrjilnn Ho was straight forward ''aflOft'ppen. Ltttlo glvon to thcTclndftall that.sorxoa In so many casoajo conceal character. ". The wbman8 vblco tromblod Sho was silent a moment then wenPbn again. "Wo woro near tho Arago llght houso on a precipitous cliff that ovoi hanga tho Paclflc.i with tho son on three sides of It, when suddenly my inhoront lovo of tyranny Btlrrod within mo. "Harry," I cried. "I don't- want ,to marry. , A'U marrlod peoplo I know; Hvo, move, and brcatho tho atmosphora of the com monplaco. I do-not care to live such a prosaic oxlstencc." "'Elvira.' ho answered, -'lovo Is n mysterious thing. It Is llko religion nnd rovoreuco. It's not tho mnrrlngo part that matters; It's tho lovo that makes peoplo marry so thoy can keep togothor. I'm sure you would not think It would bo commonplace If your heart responded to tho deep, faithful lovo which I feel for you." " 'I nm not suro that you .really caro for mo. You havo novor done anything .to provo that ypvt. haye a feeling stronger than friendship.; " 'What Bhnll I do?' ,ho cled. Jn a icnse, fliruiuuu yuicu. - , Y " "Wi wero standing upon tho yory qdgo qt tho cliff. Tho restless swash of tho Pacific hai;rlod0andifrettQd.and fumed sixty foot bolowu! 'Got that boat that Is fastened to that rock bo low us,' I sal37'dughlng. 'I. will raeoL'you at .aunsot. Landing,' "'Thnt will ho a 'convincing nroof joi my affection?' "ho saidwlth n note qj inquiry Jif uifyuicu. , "I torn njm nwouia, in my irivoi ous .WAY, whllo,,lb ' looked ; at" tho t.roacherous sea ihnt, rose,', and foil In loni? oily swells. (i," ,. , "Then he turnednnd gazed at me n, .moment, an'd "decfiired In ncccnts thlfc"wlth')apBlon.',,'"' ' ''El'vlrat I will oboy -yolir Cort land 4 tho rfsk bfrmyMlfo; if by bo poing l .may win your iovo uuu tuu fldonco"' '. , ' , "I gavo him my promise with- a light hoatt. Tills Is "TRUE RO-MANCEI'-or which I, havo always "qoon droam'lng, I themght1, as r watch od him descend the, steep1 arid rugged wall of atono. ,r " ' "A moment lntd I 'realized his" great danger, but It was too latoV Ho was hnnclntr thirty feet from tho angry breakers, with hlo hands grasp ing a sllpppry projection or rocK. it wns only a second that ho retained his hold, thon, " ' Tho wornan ceaaed speaking, and rocked" Aba'ck, and forth, on tub float, holding hor head' with both hands, and groaning.' I could say nothing. Then sho prsrcdut mo again. with n lodk of .Intense Buffering. .ctu "Always blnCo then,", sho whisper ed "asteop or awake I .can soo noth ing' but a (ghastly1 face, and a watery grave. The" angry' sea Ib over Tum bling nnd LTOnring'.lrt my 'oar. But God knows'that Mihvo repented. And oh, how I rogrt jnyjovo of ndvonturo nnd n,dmIrntlon. Evory Decoration Day I visit M ?cojao of ' f ho fipdy with a trlhutt), of flpvxorB." -' "How.d d-Ypurrparohts fcol about It;?" 1 .askU' . ' ' '' ' A".'! -ih6Vio4,ihU Is fbr thorn, loo, An .ovor-naurjtlnB mlBory, which tnrtur'es thdm unspbakably. Thoy can nover forglvo themselves, "yet I know that It Is I who should know hotter who nm nil In fault. Somotlmcs whon I nm tornfontdd,boyond bearing wltji rombrjvcJXtlX..tP jjbtold.rnysolf bohlnd my lack of moral "raining, and't wish I had been taught to bo humblo, pa tlcn.t, tnndhfvlng "oh" tho. walling tono of that word still llngor Jn jny, oof -"-"Will -the ond ever compl" ,', Tho train started and I was- glad.. Tho poptor camo In whistling nrtd snid with a grin-. ' i ,,ho'X hoilrs wait after all. Aren't you"".Klad?"A And' I wondered what would havo happened It wo had Not until tho train had ground out another noisy fifty miles or so, and wo w,oro ),'Balqin did tho woman speak ngnln. "This Is my home,"3Bhp.Ba!d with a emiie. "uooaDyo, to you. Much obliged to you." . A moment later she passed through tho car. and llkt) the transient, Im porsonnl, altogcthor'tnys(erlou8 stlm ulnnt of a strain of martial music sho vanished Into space.' NOTICE TO rUIJLIC. Notice Is hereby given by tho Coos Day Oil Gns Cnmnnnv Mint n nnn but officers or directors of tho com- puuy is nuinorizeu to transact nny business for it or recolnt fnr mnnnv paid In. R. T. KAUFMAN, Sec'y. Y ES this is the celebrated Ostermoor you have heard of and no doubt your friend who has one has told you about its quality and durability. We have them at prices the same aj you pay in New York from $ 500 to $25.00. We also have the largest line of all kinds of mattresses in the city al prices from $2.50 to $25.00. A good felt mattress for $10, Call and examine our entire line. You are always welcome. ,'fr-' - ' GOING HARVEY CO, COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Wc Clean an A Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J HAVE YOU READ IT? The Adler-I-ka book tolling how you can EASILY guard against ap pondlcltls, nnd got Instnnt rollof from stomach and bowol trouble Is bolng road with much Interest by Marsh Hold people. It Is given away free by I.ockhart & Parsons Drug Co. '' 4? IVWtffh. Lrlorasisco. iSSl- i m mm f'HavW !3 IW?" Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality First Class Auto Service Cars leave Front of Llnvrf hntoi n meet all trains. Faro 25c. Special calls anywhoro nt nil lmnra tipct CARS. Best drivers. Phono 66-J un- ' 11 p. m., after 11 p. m. phone 5-J. Resldonco phono 28-J; after 12 phone 18IR. V.L. FOOTE. Proprietor Unique Pantatorium pYKINq; ,.OLBANINa, PREBSUiQ AND ItBPAIRWa ALL KINDS OP V . A'ROSS ' FfNTOOX. 3 66 Central avenu Pbona 3502 RAT WORK. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. People Take Notice! We have all lengths of stove vood for sale, prices ranging from 11.60 per tier up, We can furnish any length you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. Blanchard's Livery We hae secure . the livery b'lal iebs of L. II. Helsuer and are pre pared to render excellent service tu the people of Coi Buy. Careful Ivors, gjoa r!ss ud everything bat will mean tatUfactory service to the public. Phon us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In tbe lUery line. We also do truck g business of il kinds. niiANCHARD imOTIIEUS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets Industrial Accidents Double During Dark Months Accident insurance statistics show that twice u many" injuries to factory operatives occur in the dark winter months as during tho light sup mor montiis: The cause principally is poor interior lighting too few lamps and poor methods of illumination. Bad factory lighting also diminishes products ana aaas to damaged material. Our lighting experts will plan installations for wona-ooms and factories which will reduce i personal injury list, increase production and very likely decrease tho expense of lighting. A representative will call at your request. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co WANTED ! ! ! JAIUMCTS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders foi work taken at GOING & nARVUl WTOVK 1IM ifl C M . e om Inventive abillt um I-,,,.! An.,,,, M.fcu,iM . S Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIHENCR WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIV.EN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J FLANAGAN & BENNETT BAN OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY, ESTARLISIini) IN Capital and Surplus . . . $100,000. Undivided Profits .... 8; Into. ?st pnld on time deposits. SAFETY DEPOSIT ROXES FOR RENT. U. S. Depository for Postal funds. Tnv n ho nald throw'1 bank free of charge. The Times Does Job Prinl