Y nrwrrT-pr'T fr- TW-1T1 A nr-v mi f ni r , "f y "'fly vf Mi irl.' IIUVJ-.". .8f HAL Qj.YhGI. : jCDj ., ."LJiM J 83i.liT'f -ji. 2.T MEMBER, THAT IE IT WERE NOT FOR THE RAIN THERE WOULD BE NO ROSES WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES AVIH Tut Your Itcnl Estnto "in Uio Market" Effeciivclyt It will put tho fnctB about your ' nronorty boforo tho oyos of nil "pos (EflOB WANT ADVEHTISING in XUo TIMES Will Kcp Uio Income from Yoar Furnished Rooms from Lap-sing! YOU can roally help tho family revenues by. renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and whon to use tho classified columna, you may keep that JUtlo .extra lncomo ns "steady ns a clock." sible buyers" m town. uu .1 them's ono of. thorn who oughjfr-to l 55, It, you'll soil it! i MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PItESS " -"Fry,wfromi ifpju-Tt rr vTmlr7iTwT',' r - njp -tir? innfnH fiijr"T TirT7,"py " mat mmtB )L XXXV Kstflbllshcd-in- 1H78 M Tho Const Mull i .. ii m 111111 11' , : 1 . ' ' n PERHAM BUYS LARGE UHfLIN a? .tffe. Ml B I III III l Jl pM 4h I I - t M i BBw HI MIJUIKINIi TOIIiHNtUI 1 CT h'hllTDIlPT Lu-uumnHui FOR BUILDING MARSHFIELDrtJREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1912. -EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of TIitich, Const Mult nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 184 'S RECORDS AS EVIDENCE Over 40,000 Letters and Tele-1 nbctt,nB n n,moBt onc hundred ex. 1 r!i-.i 1.. .! 1 ilnloslons. Tho corrosnondence 1h con- .,.-..1 ca Ann fnr Finhtu ic ann out.uuu .-pyj fAcres of Southern Oregon l n nnn'c I and OUilljJciny -" IRTOFITUES ' IN WEST MARSHFIELD I cures Valuable Acreage for nvestment and Speculative Purposes loaay. ; n. Porhnm has closed negotla' Ins for tho purchuso of eighty acrei land from tno soutuum urusuu apnny lylUB J8t west ot ivnoo hi. Tho purcnaso price ib umuw od to havo boon nuout m.uuu. , ,iial Ib ono or. tno largest tint been inndo In local real estnto Fiovcral monthB. Tho nronorty Ib unplatted, but a Igo portion of it lien inside tho - limits or juarsnuoiu. o wwi boundary of It Ib on n lino ruii- fg north nnd Bouth JuBt west of t It. A. Coppio nonio on uonimurcini cnuo whllo tho soutliorn boundary but a short dlstnnco north or com- rclal avenuo. Mr. rorham bought tho proporty an Investment nnd for apcculatlvo rposes. Whllo ho has bought It no. ho expects a hrothor nnd pos- ly some other onstorn pnrtlcB to :omo associated witn mm in nan us It Inter. While his plans for tho property I possibly depend on devolopinonts c, It Is understood that ho will t part of It at lonst and Hell It In . Ho mny nlso personally grndo Improvo a Inrgo part of the tract lore placing It on tho market. FJHERJ BUT TODAY (iamshlp Arrives This Morn ing From Portland Will Sail Early Saturday. fbe Breakwater arrived in early lay from Portland. Sho had n go pasBongor list mid a big enrgi freight. In tho freight woro flvo omobllcs lor local partloa. Ono s for Darker & Goodnln. nnn fnr P. Falkonsteln and ono for Kdgnr nison. fhe Urcakwator will sail nt a lock Saturday for Portland. Kmong thoso arriving on tho lakwater woro tho following: K- n. inompson, J. J. Reynolds, pv. Herman, Mrs. Herman, Larlna hnan, Vera Horninn, G. 0. Gatton, a. ouorman, u. Mnnnamakor, Mro. C UOWlos. Mrs. W. Illplintt P. 1 l-lfwls, Mrs. Hall-Lowia, I. O. nkland. G. J. T.nmnnaVI Umlrxi 'or, Ida Elsenor, Mrs. Waddoll.J ' VaUUOII. H Illnlwlnh V) Tl hael, Mrs. Mlchnol, Mrs. Korri, J.' viuiian, w. uorgman. A. R. ". C. Kltchon, F. Kaiser, L, TBan, W. 8. Dotlcn. IV T nnri-Att A. Drown, J. A. Mataon, 0. R. . I. It. Tower, A. J. Monde!, Miss r. miss Hwoot, J. S. Miller. Mrs. 'er, W. t. Hummort, P. D. Den ", Mrs, Aldormnn. n. n aih. ithWwC?,mWt ' wlnnd, A. 1.1. ftmnody, W. 0. Rowlea, -.ftnsoni, i. d. Holdlman, D. B. pnberg, p. a. nnr, n c nrn.n. teLA'.P-vKAsF. Pehl8l8, ElUabotU McGown; LiF.: M5C8enn reports that thoy '-" y,w 8UK SOUthnnntnrlv ,vien th!y cussed out from the SSSW Prova,nKnM, about . ,i " "Jorning. on the last wKSfa?i:.y a6?.eu" caDL m.v;- zvjr.."i hA ti . "" u""'o iuib up una r !fc.jrt,aad on the "turn an r ahead of schedule. Ti...?.fJhe PnB8ongers Buffered w i.. '"J88, Th0 Bldor an an- large boat that atnrtnrt out er tif;r?.aLahead of the Dreak- er turned hu, .. . iL- bu weather hn . r. i. -...,. - e ahead. u'""'" THE WEATHER. onEGovsoc,1,at.ed ?reB8-.) Ke:rron!Bhh!?We3tW,nd8 L.bJ.C0AL The kind YOU have "o 18ED. Piiovu ts o.mi. t7 Tranter Co. H BTA8ttUr(lay aUd SUn- Standard Oil Company to Erect $5000 Structure on North Front Street. Mnnogor 0. W. Montgomery of the Cooa JJny branch of tho Standard Oil company hoB awarded to J. G. Horn of North Uond tho contract for tho conBtrurtlon of tho now building nnd dock for tho compnny. Tho now building Ib to bo on tho slto of tho proHont Btructuro on North Front atreot. Tho old building will bo torn d6wn aoon nnd work on tho now Btructuro will begin nbout Mnrch 1. It will bo rushod to completion. Monnwhllo, tompornry qunrtorB will bo found olaowhoro by tho compnny. Tho now Btructuro will bo 100x120 foot, a big Bhed being constructed along ono aldo of tho building. A dock 313 root long nnd 50 foot wldo will nlao bo constructed. A flont about 20x60 will bo built for tho arcommodntlon of Bmnllor bonts. Tho Improvement will coat nbout $5000 nnd will bo a big improvement for that part of town. ' 1 : t WIDEN A 10 NORTH Government Authorizes Harbor Improvement From Cold Storage to Porter. Englncor F. H. Lcofo, In chnrga of tho government harbor work horo, last evening received tho following BolNoxplnnatory telegram from MnJ. Morrow at Portland: "I'ort'a roquost to havo channel wldonod from Cold Storage to Porter hUB boon authorized. Inform Com-, mission. ' Tho application for this important improvement In tho chanhol wna mado sonio tlmo ago. Major Morrow linn been on a trip to Panama and It Ib understood that ho haa Just ro turnod. Tho Improvement will not only widen nnd deopen tho channel be tween Mnrahflold and North Henri, but will ollminnto tho ahnrp turns which havo been quito bothorsomo to navlcntors. Tho 'chnnnol now varies from 200 to 250 feet in width and tho new plan provides for ranking it 300 fcot wldo. in somo piacos an ombanluncnt from seven to twolvo foot high will liavo to do cut nway. It Ib estimated that there is nt least 160,000 yards to bo, removed to com plete tho project, Of this, tho Port Commission will havo to pay for about 120,000, this being outside tho present government project. ,Ju't whon tho Oregon will start on this will dopond on when tho now casting for tho pump la secured. It probably will bo 8orao tlmo in April. Moat of tho dredgingo will prob ably bo pumpod into the flat tn front of Forndalo if the bulkhoad is com pleted. Bosldeathe now bulkhead required,, Enftlnepr Loofo announced today thot unl6flB tho north portion of tho present bulkhead Ib cabled, no dredglngB will be pumped in behind JL Tho bulkbpad Ib not strong enough to retain tho dredglngB. Where tho former fill was mado, tho bulkhead waa cabled under tho di rection of Arthur McKeown. grams Cited in Indictments in Dynamite Conspiracy Case. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coob Hnj Times. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Fob. 16 NeW dlscloBurca nro mado in tho dy nnmlte conspiracy cases through 40, 000 lcttors and tolcgrnms quoted In the Indictments nB Implicating practi cally all tho officials of tho Inter national Association of Rrldgo and Structural Iron Workors, and thoy will bo mado tho basis, it Ib declared today, on which tho govornmont will Bcek to convict tho G4 dofondnnls who nro charged wltrf'c'omm'lttlng or enco. tnlned In one of tho 32 indictments and embracing what are termed "Un consumntcd acta of conspiracy" Ib held ns allowing that tho vast plot was known to bo furthered by Frank M.jltynn, president of tho Iron Work ers' nnd to members of his oxocutlvo uoaru ami many uuBincss ngontB, nnu was carried on for bIx yenra to do s(roy proporty of steel and iron con tractors who employed non-union help. It Ib charged that nil tho defend ants are equally guilty as nbottcrB. Four more Indictments, not mado public, supplement the principal In didtment containing 'tho correspond- DESPERATE EFFORTS 10 SAVE FOUR FROM GALLOWS FUTILE RIGHT OF WAY IN NORTH ISEKO Southern Pacific Negotiating for Residence Block Simpson Deal On. Tho Southern Pacific continues ac tive in Its negotiations for right of way proporty in North Bond. Somo pieces havo been bought and nego tiations nro well under way for othor tracts. Now tho company Is negotiating for olio of tho host rcsldcnca blocks LIEUT. FIELDS. WILL GET "HIS" Commander of American Sol diers Who Crossed Into Juarez to Be Censured. homes of T. W. Ronnto. R. J. Coko. Wm. Uroulllard, and W. R. Thomp son nnd tho former Dr. Gnlo homo. ' It was also roportcd today that the Southern Pacific hnd bought prac (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 16 Tho War Department has decided to deal drastically with Lieut. Bon W. Fields of tho Eighteenth Infantry, who in command of a squad of Amorican soldiers mndo tho mlstako of croBS In North Bond. This Includos tho flng into Juarez, Mexico, from El Paso yesterday afternoon and nearly pro rli Hated an International clash. Fl dds Iibb been arrested ponding an investigation. tlcolly tho entire waterfront proporty RETIRE WARSIIIP104 YEARS OLD nnnr tho Old Tnwn mill frnm Mwi ' nenr tho Old Town mill from tho Simpson Lumber Compnny nnd had HuVclvlng. Ship Independence nt Mure also ncqulred part of tho property back of tho mill. Thoso negotiations nro being handled at San Francisco, jNlnnd to Mo. Put Out CoinmlKslon. VALLEJO, Call., Fob. 10 Orders to plnco tho receiving ship Indopond It Ib anld, nnd no confirmation of enco now nt Marc Island, out of dbm- mom couid' uo obtained. mission, wero rccolvcd at tho navy No further news Una boon received ' yard. Tho Indopeudonco Ib tho old- rclatlve to tho reports that tho South- i est vessol In tho United 8tates navy. crn Pacific" was plnnnlng- to begin Tho keel was laid In 1808, nnd the construction on this1 ond. Somo1 vessel hns been used as a receiving claimed that tho company's inability ship nt Maro Ialnnd for 50 years. It to closo with R. C. Cordos, F. J. do Is neHqved that tho vessol will bo "' " i jiuiib ui uiu mm ur, boki. Smith for tho dynamlto proporty I might delay It. Thoro Is 135 acres Property Sold Tho court has con- In tho tract and tho compnny hns be- firmed tho Halo of tho 160 ncrcs bo gun suit to condemn right of wnv, longing to tlio Richard Handel es- .i.. ...i. i, ii ,.; ..,. . p " ...... . k. ...... . .-. iiiniuh" ii, aiiiiiiuKii wiuy iricu to buy the wholo tract, It Ib said. i PLAN TO FIGHT PEACE PLANS Nation-wide Campaign Against Arbitration Treaties is Launched. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) NEW YORK, Fob. 16 A natlon wldo campaign ngalnBt tho Interna tional Pcaco propaganda Is tho plan of tho American Truth Socloty Just lnunchod horo. In a statomont an nouncing tho organization of tho so cloty, Its sccrotary denounces tho proposed arbitration troatlos na "buo stantlally a stop in tho rounion of Grent .Britain and tho United States and n monnco to tho Amorican frea institutions," nnd adds. "If a trib unal with Judicial powers can bo thus established, tho tribunal's legislative powers can also bo established. If a legislative and oxocutlvo tribunal is established, really it only romalns to croato by treaty an cxecutlvo pow er to onforco tho legislative enact ment and Judicial decrees. " Slayers of Fred Guezlow Are Hanged Today Despite Protests. APPEAL TO COURT DURING EXECUTION Convicted Negro Murderer is Saved by Intervention of Federal Court. to Cows BJ) fouq RETURN OM OTHER POINTS MYRTLE POINT, VICTOR AGAIN REVIVAL IS SUCCESS. VHWPPMPW The Good News Revival at tho Baptist Church Is progressing In n very encouraging manner. Rev. O. H. MeKee has given each night help ful and Inspiring addresses. Yester day tho afternoon was devoted to apodal prayer. Thus far tho attend ance nnd interest have been gratify ing to the pastor and his helpers. Rev. George L. White la expected tomorrow. Thus far tho meetings havo been splendid preparatory aer vices for Mr. White's work. All aro cordially Invited, 'FALL OF TROY" nt ROYAL THEATER SATURDAY NIGHT. REAL MILK and REAL CREAM delivered to your homo on FIVE MINUTES' NOTICE. PnOXE 329-J, F A. Sacchi. A TURKISH BATII will do yon GOOD. Phone 214-J. Defeats .Nortij; Bend High School Basketball Team by Score of -23 to 16. - By a score of 23 to 16, tho Myrtio Point .Hlgh- School basketball team defeated tba North Bend High School toam at North Bend last ovonlng. In tho preliminary 'gamo tho Coqulllo iiign bcnooi second team defeated tnto to Wra. J. McPlieo, of San Fran cisco. Tho property is located at Ton Mile and tho prlco was $2001. Tom Hall waa administrator of, (lio, estato. HOT SHOT .FOR p . (By Associated Press Times.) CHICAGO, Fob. 10 Tho murderers of Fred Guolzow wora hangod todny. Thoy woro Ewald and Frank Shlbllawskl, who dlod togeth er first, and Phillip Sommorllng and Thomas Schultz, who mot death a fow minutes later. Thomas Jennings, tho negro slayer of Clarenco Hlllor, who wna to havo been hangodi wna saved for a tlmo at least, by tho ploa of his lawyers boforo a "Fedoral court that his constitutional Immunity from having to testify ngalnBt him self had boon violated. Dcsporato elovonth-hour offortn woro mndo by sympathizers to sa tho Uvea of tho Guolzow alayors. A. Catholic prlost doclared boforo Judges McKlnloy In tho Suporlor Court that ho bolloved tho youths Insnno. A bailiff from tho court summonod Jailor Dnvles to court but throo mlnutCB boforo tho bailiff's arrival, tho ShlbllawsktB had been hangod. Davlcs rofused to obey tho summons. Instead Chlof Doputy Potor.s tele phoned to tho Judgo that U of tho men had been hangod an I hu the oxocytlon of tho othor fw would pro ceed unless a formal writ was IsbuccJ. No writ was Issued and E3n.mc.iui& and Schultz followed tholr compan ions on (ho gallows. RELIEF FUND STILL GROWS W. F. Jewett of Gardiner Con tributes $100 Contrlbu- . tors on the Nann Smith. Tho Times Rollef Fund for tho families of tho victims of tho launch OS Chairman Barnes of New York Scores Third Term in Speech. (By Associated' Press to Coos Bay Times, ALBANY, N. .Y Fob. 16 Wil liam Barnes, chairman of1 tho Repub lican state Committee, spbdklng at iSTO bK o?'f I S BPl 8COml Cy nPublcaT Organiza: fn0"'!0 ' -Won Had this to say of Col. Rooso- velt:' ( ' "JXq greater. 6rr)r Coild bo com mitted in the interests of tho very principles to which wo adhere than to rovjlo, or uphold any man, deluded though be 'may be, in' hls'ohdaavor to breakdown those fundamedtal prin ciples of Individual liberty and con stltutjonil rlehts whtc fpr;ra the foundation of our government' and which must be the reality nt the Re publican party, because for a fow hours or days or weeks, he whom wo have honpred and whom we have in the past glyen our votes has strayed, through devotion to falso goods, from the real principles of the Re- puuiican party. "We must not forget that during the term in which he held the Presi dency of tho United States he per formed a wonderful service to tho people of this country and although wo do not believe In establishing In this country a pure Individualism, yet we do not forget that all the great services he has rendered to the peo ple in the daya of the Spanish War and in tho inauguration of the Pana ma Canal although today wo utter ly deprecate what apparently wub an unfortunte error of Judgment." Barnes defined tho truo progres sive as "the man who holds to the constructive doctrine that baa given us the reason for being," "At the Saratoga convention in 1910 Roosevelt fought the Republi can state committee's program and forced the nomination of Henry L. Sttmson for Governor. At the poIIb, John A. Dlx, the Democratic nomi nee, won with a plurality of 67,401." The main game was ono of the best eyer seen la North, Bond. For a time North Bond was In tho lead 'with a score of 10 to 4 tand at the end of tho fl,rfit half the score w&b 12, to 14, in favor of Myrtle Point. Early in the second half North Bend again took' the lead, but in tho last few minutes of play Myrtle Point scored several times. There was a big crowd In attend ance. Lester Summerlln was referee of the principal game and Clarenco Klbler umpire. North Bend's line-up In the prin cipal game was Van Zlle and Hanson as forwards; Grout and Chappell an guards, and Hodson as centor. Tho North Bend second team was com posed of Welling at center, Dewey and Shelly as forwards, and Simp son and Shepard as guards. Tonight the Myrtle Point High School team will play the Marshfleld High School team at the Marshfleld Tabernacle building. WnY CARRY FRATERNAL INSURANCE? When you can take an old-lino policy with EDGINGTON in the PACIFIC MUTUAL and earn dividends while creating a savings fund which will be returned to you at tho end of your policy period, giving you free Insur ance? ' Increased assessments aro un known with old line fnauranco. It. W. EDGINGTON, 177 Front St., Marshflold, Ore. "FALL OF TROY" nt ROYAL THEATER SATURDAY NIGnT. Coos Bay Men Back- From Eastern and Southern Trips Their Observations. J. H. Flanagan returned yesterday on tho Nann Smith from n business trip to Snn Francisco. Whllo thoro hg met R. A. Graham, builder of tho Coos Bay, Roseburg and Eastern, and tho latter wns rnther pessimistic re garding the rnilroad outlook for Coos Bay. .Mr. Graham had Just returned from a trip to Now York and Lon don. Ho told Mr. Flanagan that tho OrkiirVirmn Tin nl fin ltnl m ItitnntlAn rt MUUltlUltl A UbtltV 114U I4U flllViifclUi V I j.1,,,1 o.. Hi a. . building to tho bay now. Regarding " , ', r . mi "Vnu08 l0 B.rov! tho other projects, ho know nothing ?, "& ,1, TlTlmoa received uimi.lt HUH! , I', UUWUl, IUU Willi known Gardiner lumberman, for $100 for tho fund. Cnpt. Macgonn roports that Capt. and Mrs. J. J. Roynolds, of Portland, recently sent a largo amount of clothing by htm to Mrs. Macgenn at Eniplro for distribution among tho noody families. Chairman Sacchi of tho Gonoral Relief Committee, baa called a moot ing of tho committee to bo held at the Chamber of Commerco this ovonlng to comploto plans for tho work. List of Contributors. Tho contributions from tho officers and crow on Bteamer Nann Smith to the North Star dlsastor rollof fund aro as follows: B. W. Olaqn $10.00 O. Erlckson 10.00 Oscar B Berg 10.00 C. Mortonson 10.00 E. Hormanson , 5.00 Thos. Overwick 5.00 A. Sjogren 5.00 J. Johnson 5.00 B. Hanson 6.00 F. Johnson . . 5.00 R. Benson 6.00 C. Thompson 6.00 O. Lundborg 5.00 G. Phillips 5.00 L. Rees 5.00 J. H. Qutnn 5.00 J. A.. Wickman 4.00 Wm. Honegger 3.o A. Moss 2.0 C. Ofoldt 2.00 M. Phillips 2.0V Clms. Young 1.60 P. Soderstrom LOG W. Balka 1.00 M. McGllvery 1.00 A. Dalman 1-00 Z. S. Gaston 1.00 Chas. Domingo 1.00 L. Lopez V00 but said that they woro like tho many surveys that had been mado hero In tho past. Mr. Flanagan said that Mr. Gra ham has always been of a pessimists trend regarding tho Coos Bay rail road situation Blnco ho (Graham) loft horo so that Mr. Graham's state ments did not depress him much. Ho said that Mr. Graham Informed htm that ho (Graham) had seen President Lovott of tho Southern Pacific whllo In New York. S. D. Magnet? Improving. J. Albert Matson, who arrlvod homo today via Portland from a business trip to Snn Francisco, roports that S. D. Magnes, his partner, who has been ailing- Blnco last summer, was getting along nlcoly. This will bo gratifying news to his many friends on the Bay. Mr, Matson says tho business situa tion at San Francisco is improving nnd all are anticipating great things soon from tho Panama Exposition. ' Whjlq flt Portland, Mr. Matson Qpent somo tlmo investigating the ie' secured somo valuable Information Ho secured spraovaluablo Information rvKt.ru. tig mum. uy nam vuui u uiu not hear any new railroad news, but that everything looked good. Had Fine Trip. A. J. Mendel of tho Hub Clothing and Shpo Company, who returned to day from an extendod eastern and southern trip, says the Pacific coast Is away ahead of tne east- uuainess conditions generally are good, al though tn tho east thero is a tendency to hold back on account of tho ap proach of tIQ presidential election, He visited many of tho eastern man ufacturing centers, and following that had a fine pleasure trip via tho southern routo to California with his brother, Joseph Mendel, of Mead vllle, Pa. "Although I had a flno trip, I am mighty glad to got back to Coos Bay," remarked Mr. Mendel today. "It certainly looks good to mo In comparison with other towns and sections of the country that I havo visited during my trip. No, I did not hear much railroad news, but the railroad Is coming all right. "FALL OF TROY" at ROYAL THEATER SATURDAY NIGHT. Saturday and Sunday SPECIALS. PENOCIII and OPERA CREAM ROLLS 35c per lb. at STAFFORDS. Total $121.00 Relief Fund Committee, Members of the Bpeclal commltteo appointed to tnke charge of the re lief fund for tho families of tho vic tims of tho launch North Star dis aster are requested to bo proBont at n meeting to be hold Friday evonlng. February 16, at 8 o'clock at the Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce, Important business to come up. F. A. BAGOHI, Chairman. PENOCin and OPERA CREAM ROLLS 85c per lb. Saturday and Sun day at STAFFORDS.