THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1912 EVENING EDITION l w 4BTH STATE Simplicity Marks Inauguration of Officials of Last Territory Admitted to Statehood. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 15 With tlio simplicity tlmt In matters official has como to be d-wicnated as "Jef forsonlan" characteristic of that part of tho West which was Inst to bo surrendered to civilization by the n. vanco of the white man George W. P. Hunt was) Inaugurated ns the first stat'i uovrnor of Arizona. A fen hnun (nrlliM- In tlin ilnv. u-nril linil come by tologrw.h from the National bo thrown Into tho discard W no o Some Republican Leaders Hold Conference in Portland for Purpose. ' PORTLAND, Ore, Feb. 15 Tho Journal says: Tho ghost of tho old convention system stalked out In dny- llght at tho meeting of tho Republi can state committee In tho Multno mah Hotel. With bravery and bitterness, sov cral speakers advocated that tho presidential prcferonco primary law, so far as it relates to tho selection of dolcgatcs to tho National Republican convention and tho nomination of candidates for presidential olector, DRATORY IN . HIGH SCHOOLS FINDING OF NUGGET IN TUR KEY'S CRAW CAUSKS SWKET HOME STAMPKRE. SWEET HOME, Ore., Fob. 15. The llndlng of a gold nugget in a turkey's craw some few weeks ago by Commissioner Drown of Lebanon has created quite nn excitement in i this vicinity, ns tho turkey wns I bought from one of tho mountain Coos County Schools Arrange ' cl,cs "? ,-M1cn1n,'f01 f'"l?fJto (n. rf; h UnM ; I lioro by tho hack loads to InycstlBnto iui vuiuuoi iu ue ueiu in I nnd ook for tho mlnorai mat mny uu hidden In theso hills. Tho Qnbrcl 1 boys have succeeded In llndlng ono oro bearing spot and have dug a tunnel 25 feet back In tlio mountain. Capital that President Taft hnd signed the proclamation admitting Arizona, the hut of tho territories on contifuoiiH soil nnd tho forty c'pi'th Ki'iio ot tho Union. Tho now Governor of Arizona is a native of Missouri, and not 50 years old. He comes from revolutionary slork, his great grandfather having been an officer under Captain Paul Jonjs. Ho ib a member of tho Sons cf tlio American Revoltlou, a Shrlnor and nn Elk. Ho Is a first cousin of Richard Yntos, War Governor of Illi nois. Mr. Hunt came to Arizona In tho early eighties and "punched" a burro into Globe, where hl first em ployment wns In n restnurant. Later ho became a clerk in the Old Do minion Commercial Company, of which ho Is now president and larg est ownor. Arizona enters tlio Union with 113,020 siiunro miles of land within its borders, nnd a fraction more than two inhabitants to each square mile. Advocntlng a return to tho conven tion system for tho election of dele gates and nomination of oloctorB, J. S. Dclllngor of Astoria and Dr. J. M. Kccno of Medford declared that tho tlmo 1ms arrived to "go down tho lino" and call a convention, disre garding tho "fool law" passed by tho people In 1010. "Tho trouble Is," explained Dr. Koeiio, "thnt wo havo boon drifting along for years, lotting U'Ron havo his own way. Tho tlmo has Just about arrived to point out to tho peo ple tlio way things aro going. I am in favor of taking action right now. Lot this committee call a state con vention for tho election of four dele gates nt largo to tho national con vention, and congressional conven tions In each congressional district. This is tho only way I sco to got tho party represented by Republicans In tho national convention." Charles H. Carey, who Is not x member of tho commlttco but had Near Future. ' Supt. F. A. Tlodgen nnd Dr. J. T. McCormnc. supervisor of schools, re turned todny from n visit nt tho high The rock tliev aro now working In is schools nt Bnndon, Coqulllo niul , Bnd to bo valued at $12 per ton. Myrtle Point. Supt. Rnab of North ; They think they will strlko tho main Bend, who accompanied them, will vo 0f ore In n fow weeks. M. J. return this evening. jsVOi ngent for tho Oregon Wcstorn Yesterday a mooting of all tho city ' Colonization Company, mado another school superintendents In tho county ,nSCovcry last Friday, six mllc9 north nnd County Superintendents Bunch ,'. 0f Sweet Home. He brought nnd Dr. McCormnc was held nt Co qulllo at which school mutters In gen eral wero dlscussod. Ono of tho principal actions taken was to nrrango for Coos County ora torical contest In which representa tives of tho flvo lilgli schools will compote for a silver trophy cup which Dr. McCorhinc Is to purchase Tho dato nnd plnco of this contest will bo announced Inter. This con test will bo Independent of tho do bato which will bo hold this month In compliance with tho stato plan. somo of the rock In with lilm. INSECTS DAMAGE TIMBER Government Making Crundc Against Little Ihicmles of Forests. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 11 Throughout tho Pacific Blopo nnd Rocky Mountain regions grow tho largest nnd most vnluablo conlforous trco spcclos of tho world: tho pines, tho spruces, tho Douglns fir, tnd bal sam firs, tlio hemlocks, tho cedars, and tho Sequoias (redwood). Each ono of theso has nt least ono Insect THEY INJURE CHILDREN Cnthnrtlcs and Pills nnd Hnndi Phys ics .May Cause Distressing Complaints. You cannot bo ovcr-cnreful In tho selection of medlclno for children. Only tho very gentlest bowel med lclno should over bo given. Ordinary pills, cnthortlcs, and purgatives aro too npt to do more hnrm than good. They sometimes cnuso griping, nnu sca, nnd distressing nftor-offects, and mny nctunlly Injuro tho health, thus establishing a life-lasting annoynnco. Wo porsonnlly recommend nnd guarantee Retail Orderlies as a safo and dependable remedy for constipa tion nnd nssoclnto bowel disorders. Wo have such faith In tho virtues of this remedy thnt wo soil It on our guornntpo of money bnck In every Instni'ce where It falls to give entire satisfaction, and wo urge all in lined of such medlclno to try It nt our risk. Rexnll Orderlies aro eaten Just like "MONEY TALKS" For tlio HiRhost Grado of Men's Clothing Clothing which is the highest type of character, fit ask to see sWe J Benjamin Clothes They are depen dable clothes, Stetson and Patriot Shoes in all the new styles for early spring wear, u;noi-mrr clmoe it Ic nncolhln in hnx. "M MUUIIIIfc, V1IIUUU II IU I'uuuiuiu " WUJI $5.00 AMD $6.00. "MONEY TALKS' Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, MAUSUFIISLV nASM Tho territory wns ncqulrod from boon railed In to ndvlso tho members r ... ... . ! . - fii si mi ttnn nnniiDiiimi minnn. xtiexico uy cession in m-iv nnu mot"" " 'i iuunoomu uiuuwu Cnnndlan purehnso In 1S53 when It wns mado a county of Now .Mexico nnd called Dann Ans. In 1 SG4 an effort was mado to orgnnlzo n terri tory, n memorial being introducod into tho Loglslnturo of Now Mexico to that effect. Two years later n con vention wns held nt Tucson and Na- winn v. uook elected delegate to Con gross. Ho was not seated. In 18G7 Sylvester Mowrcy was oloctcd and llkowlso was not allowed n scat. In April, 18C0, a constitu tional convention was hold nt Tucson, n constitution drafted and territorial officers elected. Hut It was not un til tho Civil War that President Lin coln signed tho act which crented tho lumiory or Arizona. Tho first torrltorlnl officers woro nppolntod by Lincoln. Tho flag was raised nnd tho government of Arizona proclaimed nt Nnvnjo Springs, Do- ccmuor sa. iao3. John N. Ooodwln was tho first Govornor. Tho first election was hold on July 18. Chan p. Poston wns chosen first dolegato to Congress nnd n Leglslaturo of 27 mombors olectod. Tho first Legislature convened nt x-rvacuii, oopiemoor 28, 1804, Tho Capital was moved from Pros cott toTucson In 1807 nnd then bnck to Prescott In 1877. Soon after It wnB movod to Phoonlx whoro It will romnln until 1925, according to tho enabling act. Arizona's efforts to acquire stnt hood bogan more than 20 yearB ago. On two different occasions, bills granting statehood woro passed by tho Houso of RoproscntntlvcH only to bo rojoctod by tho 8onnto. In Juno, 1910, both Houses for tho first tlmo concurred In n bill granting Arizona nnd Now Mexico separate statehood, tho measuro being Ilnnlly approv ed January 20, 1910. Thon fol lowed1 tho oonstttltunonl ronveltnon at which tho majority disregarded warnings from Washington nnd wroto lowed tho constitutional convention referendum and recall. Tho latter as applicable to tho Judiciary was uiimt. natod mt tho first atato election as u necessary condition to admission Im posed by President Taft. Tho Legls Inturo will moot on Mnrch IT. when It will olect Marcus A. Smith nnd Henry P. Ashurst, chosen by advisory vote aa United States Senators. A large majority of tho mombors nro pledged to resubmit to tho peoplo, tho rein corporation of tho recall of Judges Into tho constitution. It Ib gonernlly oouovou mni an nmondment favoring tlon. Ho ndvlsod that tho peoplo would not support tho course of no tion outlined by Kcono nnd Dclllngor. Ho said ho bcllovod tho commltteo should follow tho law ns It stands, but It would bo propor to name committee to sco what could bo dono to test tho constitutionality of tho law. Carey'B advlco prevailed. It was voted to namo a commltteo to consult with Attorney Genoral Crawford and Secretary of Stato Olcott to docldo what can bo dono toward bringing a friendly suit without dolny to teat tho validity of tho law. Tho chlof point to be called In question Is tho provision by which Voters In each party aro allowed to voto for only ono out or ten cnndldntes for nrfonal dolegato and nno out Of flvo candi dates for presidential oloctor. Chairman C. W. Nottingham, who presided, appointed J. S. Dolllngor, Dr. J. M. Keeno nnd W. W. Stolwor, tho latter from Wheolor County, as a commltteo to tako up tho matter. enemy which has klllod trees In tho past and Is nctunlly doing so todny.Jcnn,1Vi nro particularly prompt and nisei wuimiKu iu oiui limn; '"-ingroeablo In action, mny bo taken nt her In tho National Pnrkn, Is tho tl-;nny t1110i (lnv nr n,R,lt. ,lo not pn,0 to of a paper road by nn export of), Ilnrrl , griping. oxcosslve the Bureau of Entomology, United looroness. or other undesirable effects. States Department of Agriculture, bo-iT,,0V , ,,, , , vp iuiu uiu luiiiuiw i ui ....1.U..W .... np,0n ,pon ,)n orpnnH W,J, W,c,, 1 1 to 1 1 cost rhinos SIMPLK LIFE IN ZOO Monkoy'H nnd Hlppo'tf Luxuries Cut Off In tho Meimgerle. NEW YORK,- Fob. K. Tho latest complaint ovor tho high cost of liv ing comes .from Central Park menng orlo, whero It nnpoara that tho mow- koys, lions nnd hippos nro loading the votornn sugar plno known as "Uncle slmplo life owing to tho curtailment Tom," nlong tho road entering t!o superintendents held under the nus pices of tho Secretary of tho Interior on Soptembor 11-12, 1911, and Issued ns Circular 143 of tho nureau of En tomology.1 In this circular a num mary Is given of tho dnmago causod by a little group of "treo-destroying" booties, and of tho practical methods of controlling thorn, resulting from tho Investigations of tho Duronu of entomology. In a national forest whero there was no ovldonco of destructive flreB for tho last 20 years It' was found that tho standing and fallen dond' yollow plno that hnd died within that period, and which had horotofoiu been considered ns a natural and In evitable forest condition, represented In bonrd feet nearly half as much tlnibor as was then living. Tho sugar plno and Douglas" fir roprosented ono- fourth ns much-dend ns was thon liv ing. Every doad trco examined In this estimate showed orldonco thnt It had been klltod by Insects. An irroparublo- loss was causod from nu nosthotla point of vtow In 1904 nnd 1905 by tho doath, through tuo attack of tho mountain plno bo tlo, of tho throe giant sugar pines on tho trnll from Wawonn to Glacier Point and th6 Yosemlto valley. Tho they como In contact, apparently art Ing ns a regulative tonic upon tho rr-'nxod ninsculnr cont of tho bowel, thus overcoming weavers, nnd nld Ing to restore tho bowels to more vigorous nnd healthy actlvltv. Roxnll Orderlies not inly relieve constipation, but help to remove the cniiBO nf this nllmont. Thov n'Rn fre quently overcomo 1U10 neoepsltv of constantly tnklnc; laxatives to keen flip bowels In normal condition. Thoro Is r?nlb In our1 onlnlon. no Imllnr medlclno ko good an Roxnll OrderlloR for tho nurnn to wlrh It Is directed, especially for o'llldrnn need nnd dnllrnto pprsnnc. Thy nro prennrod In fnb'ot fo-m n"d In two r7o nf nnpunrfs: 12 tpliW. in an tablets. 2r.p, nnd 80 t-hletB fin- (fonipmnpp. von pnn nhtp'n PptpII Romprtlps In- thl onmmnnltV on'v' n'.oro--T,'P Roxnll stnro. LocV-hnH-PnrionB Drug Co. "The IHirv Cornpr." T Home Permanency vs. Home Mon Thin la a vltnl nuestlon for nrORoht rlnv linninii,iii.i... . . .. hnvo n houso which In nppcaranco must nlwnys remain the n-ll or a houso that will pormlt of a llttlo rofroshlng occailoniiif Neighborhoods chnngo na do Individual tnstos--a fraino house . easily bo mado to hnrmonlzo with its surroundings a freih m of paint often will mnko it ns good ns your neighbor's now hoiu tho snmo na n now suit makes you feel llko n now man kt any rnto a framo houso Is suacoptlblo to most any chango ' might doslro nnd wlillo It Is pormnnont It doca not necemrl1! ..v... ... .... ,u... u.,Uii. iuuiu nro lots oi thlan we've observed nbout homos and lumbor that you should W, beforo building como In nnd wo'll glvo you our vlows. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT SOUTH IHtOADWAY, MARSHFIEul KAST AND ro.M.MODIOUH Steamer Redond equipped iTit Wireless and hkll SAILS TROM SWN FRANCISCO F)R COOSBAI SuiidayVFebi 18 at 3 P. M. " INTER.OCKA.N TKAPOltTATION CO.SlPATXV 1 """c 44' O. F. SIcGKOnOE, .t(ntl of oxponslvo luxuries from tholr bill or-faro. Tho monkeys hnvo not Been nn egg In two months. Thoy usod to got ono aploco every dny, but' It would ho UKo oirorlng thorn poarls now to food them eggs, according to Ovorseor Konnn. Tho only luxury thoy hnvo Is milk, and thnt with plonty of water In It, for tho supply Is but flvo ounrts a dny and thoro nro 00 monkeys to drink it. ''Ton yenrs ago." explained Kennn. "wo could bonrd a monkey for 7 conts n day; a hippo or elephant f 00 cents. Now It costs 12 cents for tho monkeys, for tho hippos, nnd f2,7G n dny for tho elophants. Tho big tigers nnd lions need from 12 to 1 8 pounds of moat a dny, and tho cost runs closo to 10 conts n pound" parkj was also killed by this beetle Tho fait that It Is plainly shown thnt this' wasto of natural resources can bo prevented must lntorost not only tho offtclnls of our national and stato parks and forests but ovory owner of timber, largo and small. QUAfL SHUT OUT rUNLIGtlT City. Auto Service ood Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable chargos. Our motto 'Will go anywhore at any time." standi Rlanco Hot,el and Blanco Clgnr Storo. Dny Phones 78 and 46 IrM Phono 40. ' HATtKKR & nOOnU,K.PronrlPn, Uellef Kund Committee. Mombors of tho special commltteo appointed to tako cbargo of tho re lief fund for tho families of tho vie- equal suffrage will bo submitted nt t,,n8 of munch North Star dls tno Bamo tlmo. Arizona's ohlef Industry Is coppor Tllltlltltr 111 nrmlllftilnn nt .r...... Arizona lends all stains m tlm lin nn' ?,ara field. Chamber of Coinmerco, Cnllfofiiln lllrds Aro ' Destroying Crops, LOS ANGELES, Fob. 15 Ranch era from tho Concholla vnlloy who Wore In Los Ango'es todny, report ed that quail wero so thkk In the valley that crops of all kinds were being destroyed, despite tho efforts of tho Stnto Qnmo Wardens, who nro now trapping the birds by thousands and sending thorn to other section of the etato. Ono raucher said tie saw ono covey of quail thnt must have contalnol C000 birds. "They wore so thick tho 'i)i.'bt wnn chut out whon they flow post," no said. "The qunll nro vory THE LLOYD. Most modern Rooms nnd Apart-ment-houso In tho city: Dny transient 60c nnd up rer we 12.00 nnd up Wo hnvo nicely furnished 2-room npnrtmonts, Including bath, io per month nnd up. .nstor aro requested to bo presont at. mho," ho uuued. "and hunters find i n mooting to be hold Friday evening, trouble In shooting them, while tho 1-cbruary 1G, nt 8 o'clock nt tho . trapping is Btlil m6ro difficult." PROFrTSSinfl' Y) n-i "'HI) II. CLARKE Specialist on nerves, splno and rnoumntlsm. Phono 174, North Dend. S Si THK'ViUEND OV COOS HAY' r - U i ALLIANCE KQUIIPE1) WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLANb FOR COOS BAY CI February 15. at 6 P. M CO.VNIXn-INfl WITH THE NORTH BANK jlOAl) AT 'rOIlTLW ftOKTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. r,,on0 4i' c. f. McflianaK'JiM Agrlculturo also has thrived, encour aged by Fo lernl reclamation projects nnd Arizona had tho largest unbroken forest In tho world nbout 10,000 square miles of yollow plno. Have your Job printing done The Times' offlce. at' Important business to como up. F. A. SACCIII, Chairman. Tho best conversationalist Is tho ono who knows what not to say, Tf .... t..... ...... .1.1 . ii . . uu umu uulHIUK IU BOH, irnCJO I rout, nr want hpln. frv n want ad I cs Our Personal Guarantee So all Skin Sufierers" Red Cross Drug Storo. Vp Jiave l'Cn In tmrlness in tl'l town '- ' Uiuo. ami we u-e tool in b to i uuuu nt ainua iiiniaint our i ..oi.a lljLl. 1 1 vlim we tell you Hint wo have I .u n.o eczcniu remedy unj tlmt we i titj iHt-k of It with tlio mumifucturer'H I on c au (;t'.arjiitce. backo.l by ourselves u can 0cti.O i.on It tlmt we kIvo our f IvUe not In order to se'l tew bottles rl p euclnn to b' In miTerers, but be r .'. we know bow It will help our It-a.ucbd If wd help our patrons. V'o lic-p in etoe1' nnd sell, all the well I . vvn fkm lemeilles. llut wo will say . .' ll.ou "ru HufferlUB from any I nil or H 'n trnuhle. epxema. psoriasis, r h or tetter, wo want you to try a full ie bottlo of V. U. D. Prescription. Ana, II it doca not Uo the work, this bottle will cost you nothing. Tou alone to Judne. ABJln and again we have seen how a few uium of this simple wash applied lo the skin, takes away tho Itch, in stantly. And the cures all seem to ba permanent. D. V. D. Prescription made by the I). D. 1). laboratories of Chicago, Is composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wlnternreen nnd other healing, soothing, cooling Ingredients. And If yon are Just croxy with Itch, you will feel soothed nnd cooled, the Itch absolutely washed nwny the moment you applied this U. D. D. We have mad fast frUnds of mors mau one lamuy oy recommending this IUNG TAKES FINGER OFF Wedding Emblem Worn for 83 Yenrs Costs Wonimi'Part of Hand. HELENA, Mont., Feb. 11 A wed ding ring worri for 53 yenrs cost Mrs. M. Marks tho loss of her finger. After a visit to hor husband's grave In a local cemetery sho nttempted to oloso tho cemetery gnto from a mov ing buggy. Tho ring, which hnd grown looso from years of wear, caught on nn Iron splko and her fin ger was ground off beforo tho buggy could bo stopped. The ring wns placed on her flngor at her marriage and nover enmo off until tho flngor enmo with It. TT lis:. K. SHAHHURNE. Teacher of volco placement, breathing and interpretation of song Is ready to recolvo tho public. Studio 241 CommerclnrAve. T ft. K. I VINkLKR, auiuroiuitii hnd t'hlnipracliii All chronic dlspases treaie'd.'' Consn 'atlon free. Oince hlnirx 9 to 12 n. ra.j 2 to C und rt tov8 p m Naturopath Institute Roob No. I No. 136 Broadway, MarahHeld. Ore Steamer Homer DATE bF SAILING TOl BE ANNOUNCED LATER F. S. Dow, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLESS ryt. O, W. LLSLIK, Osteopathic Phyilcl&a Uraduate of the Amerhan school ni Osteopathy at Klrkavllle, Mo. Otnc In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 ti 4 Phone 161-J; Mnrshneld; Oregon J. W. 11ENNET1, Lawyer. )ffle ovpr Flanagan & Dennett Rani arslifleld Oregon Red Cross Drug Store. SPEAKS TO STRANGER, FINDS LONG-LOST SON DENVER, Colo., Fab. 1 i By mp'o chance. Sepnpho'n Tlovens, n Relglan, met his son Raymond on n business street In Donvor after n search of moro than ten years for the hoy, who rnn away from his home In nruscels nt the ngo of 9. Tho , older Tlevons came hero from St. Louis a week ago and asked his w--' of a young stranger encountered on the street. Tho young man reeog nlzed his Interrogator to bo n Bel gian, ana in replying spoke In his nntive tongue. In tho convorsntlnn "" " ' """" m tne vor thnt 'followed the rolatlonshln wn ,owpi nrlcps Examinntlon fr- I discovered, and fnthor and son will 1v niiendsnt. CoVp hiilldlnu opno I return to Brussels within a fow days, alto Chandler hotel, phonp U2j Steamship Bfeakwatt! I aiaVavs ON TIMK ' ...... ...w v.i 11.HIV, I 'Wit !' P2"X,) AT 8 P. M. ON FEnnUAHY 1, 20 M SAILS FROM COOS ItAV AT cvni'i rAn nv VTMl ARY 10, 17 and 24. A. riffi'KnunST, Agent. L. II. KEATING, Agent. r,,ono ytA' Tyi. J. T. McCOR.MAf. - Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld. Oregon, iftlce: Lockhirt Building, opposite Post Olii Phone I05.J DR. A. J. HENDKY'S Modern IMitiil Parlors. We are equipppd to do blsh clas uub "" iiv rpriininiHnninp1 inia nts uuu in iruii iiiiz miiiik in ri l a r2nleiMLt a 8kltI aufrerr here and nntive tongue. In tho convorsntion n rl nntlrp af the y there and we want you to trv it now i.- ..n.. .. . .7 " . . OMu, ,o0, ,i- .. -... - i.i - - - " : "- "- iiuii iiuinwpn rnA ra or nnoh n .n n, hi ivra in iniif inn - uii iiur iiimnii'H iin.iin v 111 n ii n v aa ,-..., -v iv 1 viiiliuiidiiiii 11 -in - w f-VW MW-' bwMHVVl Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, (Win ,,KN"V 9RNSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle om e Phone ,91 M.rrtfleld Ofllw IW. """n - Timber - Coal and Platting Landa a specialty General Agents "EAST8IDE" In I Have Some First Class RESIDENCE LOTS Eugene to Exchange for Coos Ba7 Property. Wlmt Hare You G01? AUG. FRIZEEN 68 Central Ave., Marshfleld. DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SPITS AM RKMODELI.VO MRS. F. BANDEI' . ... j Pirk' Phono 10-J, Cor. nn nnu - Bhi 'mlMm yjtir"iiTatMifiifi ig TtgJii'pwajMMmtf T--twrM.-