THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1912 EVENING EDITION Jways H'lkA &I7 T AffkW JLUKf AJwjr vwra 72 Ste JA-" Matter of Dollar 99 and Sensi &a lore's onlv ono klml of medicine to net when ynH'io slik mill Unit's I. IIKJIIT KIN'D i'tiro, fresh iiml effective. '..... .1..., i rM.l lllcu imyliiK lii-rh mhos for till.- LK'KT KIN!) mi! u don't need to. 1 fni'lUllUH IllO II1U IIIIUOL III 111- 111) UUI IIItU UIU UIU UllJHl lablonnil wo XUVISU OVEUOIIAIU'E. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. 'HONE MAIN Z9B US iott Our casoii iportant Notice to Voperty Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff does not notify you. First National Bank ie Royal TONIGHT 0 riJKT OK PICTURES. KfiOIH'ATIIEIt," (n very lino to film.) SlIHItllT'S LOVE" (n cowboy story.) BT ILLUSION" (Ropoatcd by !.) J. LKAMAXSKI. Proprietor. L S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT 8T. lie Take Notice ! ve all lengths of atoro wood , prices ranging from 1.S0 up. Wo can furnish any rou wish. H. HEISNER one No. 120-3 or 49-L. fchard's Livery le ecure tbo livery busl. H. Helsner and aro pra rendfir a...!., an,..!... r. pple of Coc Dav. nirr..i SSooq H33 ad ovorythlng .""u Miuractory service to P'c Phonf us for a driving I B or anything needed in 17 line. Wo also do truck- u 01 all mud8f 'CnAItD BROTHERS t- Feed and Sales Service. ,,r nd Alder Streota t TT bp!-- WANTED ! ! ! JAHPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pnouma tlo Cleaning Company. Ordors foi work takon at GOING . HARVK PHONE ion WANT ADS. LOST Open-faced gold filled Knlck orbockor wntch, nt or nonr Tnbor nnclo, Wednpsdny night. Rownrd for Information us to Its whoro ubouts or roturn to Times offlco. BOILER AND ENGINE AT A BARGAIN. FOR SALE Ten horse-Power stenm bollor nnd onglno, oquippod with circular saw nnd cross cut saw for pnwlng wood. Flno for clearing lnnd and pulling stumps. Enqulro of J. E. Fitzgerald, 973 Drondway, or phono 31 10, LOST Gold Elk pin with diamond between tlio horns. Roturn to E. S. nnrgolt nnd rocolvo rownrd. FOR KENT 7-room houso In nay Park with ovory modern conveni ence Inquire Times offlco. REWARD for roturn of gold handled umbrolln with Initials A. J. H., picked up on stroot In front of J. T. Hnll rosldonco In West Marsh flold Saturday. Tom Hall. TRADE 100 acres tlmbor lnnd for bottom land. Inqulro Lloyd Hotel. TX ffi& Xm. rS & ijmv SriM-tar .- . r. I v -rM si- m,-- -w nn L7 . w flik s-3 Rmsii m &je& F--3 IiM y COOS MAY TIDES. Hoi w Is given I o time mid hclgi.tli nf high and low water v Mn-fihllotd. Tlio tide? luo placed In tin1 ordtsi of occurrence, with Uiulr time oi. tliu (lift line nnd heights on the sec oiul lino of uucli dny; n comparison of coiiKoetitlvo heights will ludlcata v'i-i or It In high or low weti-r. F n I., '.Ml't'i' nli lur flllbl'i-- J hour" !i i .niii.i i Dutu 1'i'li.i.iii.v, I Dili. in hours.l.G2 O.'.l 12.C3 7.20 Tldo ....1.5 3.5 5.7 0.1 10 hours.2.14 7.30 1.39 7.59 Tldo ....4.9 3.3 5.9 17 hours.2.51 8.11 2.14 8.30 Tldo ....5.2 , 3.0 CO 0.1 18 hours.3.20 8.42 2.51 8.57 Tldo ....5.5 0.5 0.1 0.2 ' THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) Oregon Itnln tonight nnd Friday. Brisk southerly winds In Interior, and high nlonj; the coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 a. in., Fob. 15, by DonJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl government meteorological observer: 4 Mnxlmum 50 4- Minimum 45 At 4:43 a. ill 48 Precipitation 00 Wind, South: Cloudy. months until the roads get In bettor s 'i . e. vlii'ts I'mwlci' ThoFx olslor yos- . Drought In a I shipment of t 20 tens of powder which will lis ifirol nt Llbby. The powJor wuu . .e. hero, presumably for some r but the bill of lu.Mng does l t show for whom. 1'mc Supt. Parks of the ' .. i-tlj ' int High Ui liool pissed i'i'ot(,ii lid-" touiy with the Myrtle nl b b,ct b'il to tin en route to . 'h Ten I v. ho ft t' oy will pl.-y to--.i? t. T ,.1.1 .-liy In Mnrshflold i . urrov,- i.) to Il'iin f 1' iMi.i-; J' e old rumor it i l'u. i.3 nj ma e for cutting i m h i. .u. r.' tl e sniiin. It between " y i i :n iso iJcdi.H'e vnlloyH Is i.. In In Iri ulntl.iii. .Jt st who stnrt- .i ii i: i known, bupt. Mlllor of tlio Im Hi iilv, ay lias no tuhlscs eon- Leinlng any such u plan. It Is not likely Hint tlio tunnel will bo put through unless tlio local railway Is extended cnstwnrd to Ilosoburg or tlio log traffic grows sufficiently to warrant It PERSONAL NOTES, Nortl- Bend News MRS. .1. T. HUMPHREYS hns now . ?rc' '-ovnr lias been quito side nt lni a In I nn Rnntli llinnilivnv. HIS Homo Hero. Plan for Vessel Englnoor Lccfo In chargo of tlio govornmont work on Coos Dny hns takon up with tlio Portland engineering offlco a plan for putting bo mo additional spar buoys In tlio lowor Bay. Tho ro qucst was mado by Capt. OlBon of tho Nnnn Smith, who Is to pilot tho Bcs slo Dollar In nnd out of horo in March. Tho big vossol with a cargo of 3,500,000 foot of lumber will draw about 21 foot of wnter and Capt. Olson docs not nntlclpato any difficulty oxcopt whoro tho chnnnol In rnthor tortuous nonr tho old gov ernment works. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS HORN. CONKLIN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Conkllu, nt their homo on Catching Inlet, Wednesday, Fobruary 14, n 14-pound boy. Mr. Conklln says this Is tho finest Vnlontlne that anyono could rocolvo. Meet Tuesday Tho next mooting of tho Progress Club will ho hold nt tho homo of Mrs, C. W. Towor next Tuesday nftornoon, a day later than was originally announced. Dunce Ih Success Tho Valentino hnll given by tho Coos Bay Concort Dnnd nt tho Englo'a Hall last ovon lng drow ono of tho lnrgost crowds that hns attended a dnnclng pnrty on Coos nny this year. Tho music was good and ovoryono had an un usually onjoynblo time. In Candidate Walter Richardson Is circulating petitions to bocomo a candidate- for tho Republican nomina tion for Constnblo in this Justlco of tho ponco district nt tho coming pri maries. W. B. Cox Is now Constnblo nnd It Is understood that ho will bo a candldnto for ro-oloctlon. lluiiar Tomorrow Friday nftor noon nnd ovonlng tho Sisters of Both nny nro holding n fair nt tho I. O. O. F. Hall that promlsoo by tho oxtont of Its preparations to bo ono of tho lnrgost displays of its kind for a long timo. Evoryono Is oxpocted to turn out and pntronlzo somo of tho many pretty and usoful booths. Roads Aro Dad W. K. Wisoman and wifo and dnughtor who started a fow days ago to drlvo to California roturned yostorday. Thoy found tho roads In nwful condition and nonr tho Sncchl ranch their wagon broke down nnd thoy could not procood any further. Thoy hlrod nnothor vohlclo to roturn In nnd ongngod n man to bring back tho damaged rig. Thoy will probably romnln horo a fow NewH of Upper Coqulllc as Told by The Entcrpilse. Elinor Boll's gasollno bont "Poarl" cnpBlzod nenr tho J. D. Barklow plnco on tho North Fork ono dny Inst wook. Tho crow on bonrd escaped with n .good ducking, but of tho two tons of potntocs on bonrd only sovon sneks woro rocovorod. OAL P.. BRIDGES nnd wife, of Coos . , aro In Mnrshfleld today. 1 . .MARSH expects to lonvo Satur ., fur Portland en business. ARTHUR BLANCHARD Is laid up with a sovero attack of la grippe. BLUFORD DAVIS nnd wife, of Coos River, are Mnrshfleld visitors to day. ' G1CO. COUCH oxpocts to lonvo Satur day fur Portland on business nnd plonsuro. C. ?. DODGE and family today moved to tho A. B. Dnly residence In West Mnrshfleld. JOHN I1ENDRICKSON, of Coos Rlv or, was a business visitor In the city today. MRS. CLAUDE PIPER, of North Coos River, passed through hero today en rotito to North Bond to visit friends. TOM V. JOHNSON nnd family moved to Myrtle Point today to make tholr homo. Thoy hnvo boon resid ing on Hall avonuo. MISS M. F. MULLEN, who hns boon spending a fow weeks on tho Hay, oxpocts to lonvo Saturday via. Portland for her home In Snn Frniulsco. J. A. ALBERTSON was hero from Bandon UiIh week arranging for machinery and equipment for n broom hnndlo factory which ho Is opening there. Grndo Sumorlln hns resigned hln position with tho Pnclflc Orocory Co. nt North Bond, whoro ho workod for tho pnst yonr, nnd Is spending n fow weeks visiting rolntlvos In thin sec tion, hoforo going to Bnndon whoro ho expects to sccuro employment. M. M. Young, tho gontlomnn who runs tho Mlnnrd mill nonr Dora, was looking after business mnttors horo Wodnosday, having como down with Lloyd Lcathorman In his boat. Mr. Young, who sufforod a stroko of pa ralysis somo tlmo ago, Is getting back to his usual honlth again. DIod At Cnlgary, Canada, Jamos D. Park, nt tho ngo of 7fyonra. Ho lnnvni-i n. widow nnd seven children of whom our Supt. A. T. Pnrk Is ono. Mr. Park rocolvod notlco or ins min or's doath through tho Canndlnn gov- ni.nmniil nti.l linllnvoa Hint It itrnl)- ably occurred a month or moro ngo. Ho has wrltton to got tlio Tacts in tho caso. LOSES FINGERS. a. B. Gago bad tho Inst two fin gors on his right hnnd bndly.lnjurod in tho Prosper mill Inst Thursday. Ho was brought to tho Bandon hos pltal, whoro it was found nocossary to nmputato tho fingor. Bandon Rocordor. DAYTON NEWS m anrJ Press f and Gent's Suits -Hs Ca"ed for nd De'Svered WANTED TO RENT Farm at rea- snnnble prim with 30 or 40 cows, either In Myrtle Point, Coqulllo or on tlio Bay. Address A. J., enro Times. ' KWS fnr hatching; pure bred S. O. Wl'Ue L-v-l-o'-ns npd R. I. Reds; p'n fow pnMn hons. Phono ma.1,, HeriJ. Ostllnd. Published O-n-'liMinMy by Mnrshfleld Cyclory MUNICIPAL DANCES FIRST AIDS TO CUPID RUSS TOWER Is expected homo to morrow from Portland whoro ho hns been on business and plcnsuro. Ho Is expected to bring In tho now nutos for L. F. Fnlkonstoln, Edgnr Simpson nnd sovornl others with him. CAPT. EDGAR SIMPSON nnd Dr. Bnrtlo, of North Bond, woro In Mnrshfleld today on business. Thoy nro arranging to hnvo n lnrgo por tion of Tromont stroot flllod by tho drodgo Oregon. This will permit tho completion of tho wntorfront roadway between Mnrshfleld nnd North Bend. DAVID NELSON, cnshlor of tho Smith mill, will lonvo on tho Nnnn Smith tomorrow for San Frnnclsco whoro ho will spend n wook or so. Mr. Nolson will nccompnny Miss Hannah Wostorlnnd, n nloco of Mrs. Nelson, who hns boon spend ing a fow months nt tho Nolsqn homo that fnr on routo to hor homo In Chicago. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Alllnnco sails tonight from Portland for Coos Bay nnd will snll from horo Saturday for Euroka. The Nnnn Smith arrived In this forenoon from Bay Point nnd will snll early tomorrow for thoru. Tho Bronkwntor will nrrlvo In to morrow morning from Portlnnd and sail at 9 o'clock Saturday morning for tho Roso City. CUT WORMS IN ORCHARDS. CINCINNATI, Ohio, Fob. 15 Tho proposod municipal danco halls will also bo matrimonial buroaun If con ducted on tho linos sot forth by Mnvnr Hunt. "I want tho supervision so strict. that any girl may fool socuro In at tending them," Bald tho Mayor. "Tho nvorago girl who works has too llttlo chance to moot avallablo mon, Sho should be nblo to pick a husband from tho mon sho will moot at tho municipal danco halls." NOTICE All Coos County warrants drawn on tho gonoral fund, nnd, endorsed prior to October 1, 1910, will bo paid on prosontntton nt my offlco In Co qulllo; no Interost will bo allowed on nny of those warrants nftor Fobruary 9 1912 ' Dated this 8th day of Fob'y, 1912. T. M. DIMMICK, County Troasuror. Save money by patronizing The rimes advorilsors. PP" "W'T R'-ltn nf houEOkeoplii'; rooms, i"' Foiit'i P.r-viwiv "" ii k w nnouMLWLMj Vr it s !,'; T1 oro'iii'Mired brown t n-jVo-n ; hons and ono roobter. I n-piie ni-i-x. ' IMPORTAN' Thin' lofnro you net Think Hof'- vh liny a BICYCLE. irvf ".. oMir c "oil to gat par f r you w.ou ? That's All PantatoriLm ('l.(j I''""-'! l.. KlVltS Ol ,!".V IM -(.,, 4-room cotn--o. 2 i '"" 0"'n AdiM-eia B0. Bex 523. ynv ni,.' loyen finf punn. . runi' 21 1 -I. Pf M'rpRS T' 371. -r Imi pin; lli'nn. ,,fin I.l, r'lvi.p in"""iT ' vp ' 'v J. E. Fli-'TrnM, Phono 3110. l"ti ,, ,-0',lnvrtlvnl'llti -"' invtriivn ni'Mt -i.." ii ' ,, U.llu.,t, l I Ol M t r'( M " IJPfMII lill.t l-l i'iiimi lnii niuiillnnnPS, vv Condron. ay on Bjcyc es Are Standard hv riirt rnr b dup'lcn ol nt Mv.'sheld CycVry ' O 8 Ihonc l---.t. (07 i'r n . THAMK YOU WE THANK THE PE'H'LK Ol-' OUR CITY AND COOS BAV POP. THEIR LIBERAL PAT ROX AGE OX OCR OPENING DAY. IT SIMLL BE OUR SOLE AIM TO SERVE YOU INVTHE FU TURE. 4 Fple? S,l.Qandl5cStor3 Much dnmngo to young orchards is dono by climbing cut worms. Thoso Insects eat the buds and young foliage only during tho night tlmo. During tho dny thoy hldo at the baso of tho troo, going down n fow lnchos into tho soil. Tho Washington Stnto Experi mental Station rocommonds as the host treatment for this pest to scat tor a poisoned bait a spoonful to a troo. This Is mado by mixing dry 1 pound of Pnrls greon to 20 pounds of bran, then nddlng ono or two quarts of molasses nnd If posslblo tho samo amount of old beor. Work up with enough wator to mako a stiff mash boforo placing ovor tho orch ard. Do not let chickens havo accoss to this polsonod bran. As a supplement to this troatmont spray tho treos with Bordoaux mado as follows: 5 pounds of bluo stono dissolved In 25 gallons of wator and 6 pounds of llmo slackod in 25 gal lons of wator. Mix tho two. Tho Bnmo schomo of trontmont will nnswor for tho gnrdon cut worms. If the polsonod bait bo distributed boforo you sot your plants or bow your sood you can work out tho cut worms from tho garden. After tho plants havo como up tho Bordoaux spray will holp to protect them. Tying bands of cotton around tho treo trunks or painting with tangle foot or nxle grease; or fastening col lars of tin or paper around tho trunks aro remodtos that will not nnswor for our climbing cut worms. There aro several other Insects which food on buds, foliago and gar den produce which may not bo kllloa by thlB troatmont. Miss Esther Imhoff sustalnoJ a broken thumb whllo playing basket ball tho othor doy. Mrs. Elinor Russoll, who has boon quite 111 of tonsllltls nt her homo on Union avonuo, Is now Improving. Dr. B. B. Clnrko and Miss Bcsslo Bain, of Sherman avenue, nttoiidod tho Bnln-Mnttson wedding In Mnrsh fleld Inst night. Tho numbers of tho North Bend city wnrrantB which woro Issued In excess of tho $25,000 limit nnd which it is proposed to lognllzo nt tlio spe cial olection April 10, nro from 951 to 2239. II. M. Bnrncs wns nrrcsted ngnln this week for teaming without a li cense This Is tho second tlmo ho has been up for tho offense, tho othor time being several months ngo. tils hearing Is sot for 2 o'clock this nft ornoon nnd ho has ongngod nn nt torncy to fight tho enso for htm. Tho charges woro filed before City Ro cordor Derbyshire. Tho North Bond Flro Doparlmont hns boon given permission to uso part of tho second floor of tho City Hall for headquarters. Tho partltloiiu will bo changed nnd tho room ftttod up for social purposes. Besides tho Improvements of Slior mnn nvcnuo from Florida street south to California and to tho north end of Sherman avonuo, Mayor L. J. Simpson has written a lotter to tho North Bond Council urging it to lm provo Mark Hanna stroot from Shor mnn avonuo to Pony Inlot. Tho Council hns not takon nny action on tho latter yet. City Englnoor Brig linni Is to dotermlno whothor tho old brldgo loading from Shormnn nvonuo to Old Town shall bo torn out nnd tho gulch flllod or whether n now brldgo will bo put In. ELKS ON BOSTON Training Ship (o lie Utilized During Portland Meeting. PORTLAND, Ore,. Fob. 15 In structions hnvo gono forth to ovory lodgo In Elkdom from grnnd lodgo re union hondquartora hero that nil women visitors must bo provldod with identification cards by tholr fathers, husbands, brothors or sons from tho lodges to which tho lnttor bolong, or tho fair box will not bo rocogntzod ns eligible to nny of tho numerous functions and ontortaln monts of tho wook. Socrotnry Harry . ilcAlllstor rocolvod a lottor from Grnnd Exnlted Rulor John P. Sulll van In which tho lnttor npprovos tho notion of tho local commission, so tho mnttor Is finally sottlod. Tho Orogon Naval Miimn, uirougu Exocutlvo Offlcor a. O. Blomborg, hns tondorod tho grnnd lodgo com mission tho freo uso of tho crulsor Boston for tho ontlro wook nnd for such purposes us tho Elks mny doslro. Tho iondor of tho Naval Mllltln Band goes with tho offor. It Is proposed to dross tho Boston up In splondld ro galla for tho rocoptlon of visitors during tho wook. Don't forgot tho Turkish Baths PHONE 21 t-J. 24 Hours Hot Why waste time in getting up at night to heat the children's milk? Get a Thermos Bottle It will keep the milk warm 24 hours. No extra time lost It is a great big conveni ence to have handy Buy a THERMOS BOTTLE at From $t-50 to $3.50 BROWN DRUG CO GRADUATE CHEMISTS Quality High Makes People Buy j SPERRY'S BEST DRIFTED SNOWfLOUR L.-4 M.