VER NOTICE THAT "SHORT CUTS" TO EORTUPfe ARE GENERALLY CUT SHORT? .Qftmra WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep (lie Income from Your Fui-iiislieil Rooms from Lapslngt YOU can really help tlio family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tlio classified columns. you may keep that little extra Income as "steady as a clock." VNT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES VMI '" Ym,r lloal Es,n(0 ",u tlio Market" Effectively! u ...i nut tlio facts about your J crty boforo the eyes of a,, ;.l)oa; PSuft - ' - On" " me.mukr of associated press w.'-Krt.wzim'T'jiy.mi Gums )L XXXV Eslnbll'dieil In 1H78 us The Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mall nml Coos llnv AtHnlNi r. No. 183 MhnHHHIMBHnmMMBBIMOTOTIIBWyiraHMHnVmU SuIWfound dead on steamer alsqk nt Awful Fate in Gulf of Cal- lifornia Had Been Missing For wccks. URST THOUGHT TO HAVb KILLtU Irltivi Issel Blown Out to Sea and 3ccalmctl until i-resn wa ter Supply Gave uut. Iy Assoclntctl Presa to Coos Day 1 llllini I ran DIKGO. Call., Fob. 15 Iflliip helplessly In tlio (lulf of llfornln, the hi hoonor AIhoii, Capt. so Koia VHiiiavicnein, which red from EiiHcnadn, December IS, 8 fount! Hist Saturday wmi 1110 ptnln anil i row dead. Tlio iiowh m telegraphed from Han Qiientlu to Iscnncln today by Captoln CIiiiho of power boat Kca, wiileii was sont co weeks ago from San Diego to ircli for tlio missing Hehoonor. Tlio ion took mining inaelilnory and Diillea from Ensonndn to Santo I)o- ItiRo. A man was put asboro at It plnco to secure noip in unionii t cargo and when ho returnod ho Bnd a wrecked llfobont and tlio flv of a sailor on the beach. A Inn was blowing off the coast. tiling was seen of tlio Alson until It Saturday. It Is uoiiovoii Hint tno ion was blown far south and bo mod until tlio fresh water aboard Ip gno out and tlio crow sue- tiled. In addition to tlio captains By tlioso of thrco men of tlio crow re found on board. Apparently all fished of thirst. TO T W Inti:ssi:s m: lied TO CONVICT UIVAIj Ln 0. (intcM Moved to AiIiiiInnIoii by Picture. CEDAR IIAIMDS, lown, Fob. 15 it truth really Is often stronger i fiction and thnt moving pictures birrowlns scenes sometlniCB havo klr virtues, )ias boon proved In Co 1 iiapids by the confession or Jonn jstes that ho sworo to false tcstl- by which sont his friend, Charles ; to tho pcnltontlnry. few DlebtB ngo Oates attended a il moving plcturo thoater and wlt- cd a film which showed, how a d pad been sent to prison through (also testimony of a friend. As prisoners swung along In a lock to their colls, antes was solzod remorse and today went to a Iyer and mado an affidavit thnt ns Innocent of tho crlmo for Ich ho served 18 months in tho le penitentiary. Bates and Jack both lived at Traer, la, and both loved tho sumo girl. es claimed that Jack met bun In a : street and at tho point of a gun landed 110 and a ticket to tho end ibe Rock Island road. Jack was Ivlctcd on Gates testimony. San Francisco Police Appeal to Government to' Make the Chinese Behave. (By Assoclatea Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15 On tho ground thnt tho present tong war Is an Intorstato niattor Involving a conspiracy botwoon tho Chlncso In California, Oregon and Washington, Clilof of Pollco Will to decided today to appeal to tlio Fodoral authorities. Moanllmo detectives nro limiting n thorough Investigation of tlio causes of tho war. I HLILLI O.S. I DIE III 1 R A I N WRECK Irty-two Others Injured inen hast Train is Djtched in Pennsylvania. Auoclated Pross to Cooa Bay Times.) MOONA, Pa., Fob. 15 Four 'engera wore killed and thirty-two fed on tho Pennsvlvunln T.lmllA,! resa which left Chicago lost oven- no. was duo in Now York early lX and wMoh ,o i.j ,o. R1?E0' rn' Th0 traln l0" - vuo nour nna seven minutes i . "-onianed a postal car, ton 'passenger coaches hauled by two OOtives. Whlln n.D.l nr-i. e btatlon tho two locomotives nVTv car Uroko away from tho oi tho train and ran ahead u lr of a miio Ti,n ,...!., train upset, all but one car fall w on their sides. It is suy- e auiuent was duo to broken International Trouble Threat ened by Mistake, of Troopers in Juarez. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Daj Times.) EL PASO, Tex.. .Fou- IB Amon can iBoldlars wont Into Juarez today by mlstako and International troublo Is threatened as a result. Tho sol diers aro now men horo and a com pany of them attomptod to go nround from ono international bridgo to an othor on tho Mexican sldo, Thoy wore stopped by Mozlcan guards and tho whole town was quickly In arm. Tho cars havo stopped running and no Americans enn got across and tho river was lined with armed MoxleanB doing guard duty. Tho Americans were mombors of tho battalion of (he eighteenth Infantry who camo, from Arizona Tuesday. Tho soldiers, placed under arrest by tho Mexican guards but lator woro released. Tho town has quieted down. officials in eugene MSKvkit ORDER ILLEGAL Y " "' "averse Onler oa Indian !'.,.... i I A8Sdated Press to Coos Daj Aoniv. nines. !e Kl'' Keb- IB-Doubt of ed hv n emue or mr i w. T'ieoro Rooseelt two st J1 i transfer back from tho SCHlce to the Donnrlmnnl nf n. f - - v. . ! n Oro him o Knrt nnn MeVnCreet,lftn' ln Cllfornla. Iow i, i :. "". tan io 'the IS thouBt, will sign an 'PreSsrSor?VOrSlnS tUe acUn Soiitlicrn Pacific lteiricntnt!vc8 Jiook Over Projects. Tho Eugono Quard says: 7J. Q. Harlow, first assistant ongl noor nndor Chlof Hood of San Fran trip lines of tho Southern Pacific in cIsco, and Paul Shoup, vice president and assistant managor of tho olec trlo lines of tho Southern Pacific ln Southern California, carao In on a prlvaio car last night and left town today In an auto for some unknown point. Tho objoct of tholr visit has not been disclosed up to tho presont, nhd thoy havo not visited either tho offices of Twohy Drothors, contrac tors, or of tho cnglneors of tho Coos Day lino. This js probably duo to tho fact that. Englneor Darlow Is con nected with tho malntennnco depart ment and doos not fiave charge of work of construction." RICH UHOTHEBS STBANGERS. Frank Rockefeller Says no Hasn't Spoken to John D. In 12 Years. CLEVELAND, 0., Fob. 15. "How much does your brothor John D. pay his chauffeur?" an attorney asked Frank Rockefeller In Municipal Court. "1 don't know," answered Mr. Rockefeller. "He and I havo not spoken to each other for 12 years." Mr. Rockefeller had appeared In court to fight a suit for $G3 brought by his chauffeur. The defendant was testifying that 20 automobile owners ln his fnmlly paid tholr chauffeurs only ffiO a month, when the attorney Interrupted with his question about John D. Rockpfel'of. A Judgment for $44.20 was clven ho chauffeur. Mr. Rockefel'er announced t' at he would appeal. YOUR FRIENDS will expect to SFK YOU at the fJBvn ltA'M" Episcopal Church FRIDAY AFTER. NOON an r.VI'NMVO. I. O. O. F. UALTi. Admission 10 cents; chil dren 5 cents. PEAL MILK and REAL CREAI rtpMvored to vntir homo on F'VK MtVI'TrS NOTICE PROVE 2f .? F A. Sacchl. Genuine MITCHELL AXLE Grease at MILNEH'S. WILL HANG FIVE IN SAME DAY Illinois State Board of Pardons Decides That Five Murder ers Shall be Executed To morrow. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Ray Times.) SPRINGFIELD, 111., Fob. 1C Tho Stnte Hoard of Pardons docldod today HE SHOT GOV. GOEBEL Man Fatally Wounded in Ar kansas Confesses to Noted Crime in Kentucky. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) HELENA, Ark., Fob. 15 Fatully wounded in a duol with a bartender here, James Gilbert, who camo from Kentucky, dcclnrod today ho Is tho man who fired tho shot that killed Governor Gocbol at Frankfort, Ky., In Janunry, 1000. that four murdorors of Frod W. Guol zow must hang tomorrow at tho Cook County Jail. Tho slayers aro Ewald and Frank ShlbllawHkl, Thomas Schutz and Philip Summorllng. With thorn will hang Thomas Jonnlng, it negro burglar, who shot and killed Clarenco Illllnr, a railroad official In Hitler's homo. Tho murder by Ouclzow of a truck fnrmcr was bru tal. Tho hanging of flvo men ln ono day Is a record for Conk County. RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS MEET Ninth Annual Convention of Western Association at Seattle Today. (Dy Associated Prow,, to Coos Daj Times.) SEATTLE, Fol. 15 Tho ninth nn 'nual convention of tho Western Do tal) Lumber Dealers', Aasoclntlqn .as sembled today wlth-dolegatoH presont from Colorado, Idaho, Montana, 'Cali fornia, Oregon, Utah, Nevada, Wyom- Inn nnrl YI'finlilniTtnn whlnfi otnrnii nnti. itlft itiiu ii itriiiiiftiuu rf 4ii ntuiuu v ji sumo us per cent, or mo rorosi proa ucts of Oregon and Washington. President J. C. Martin, of Fresno, Call., delivered his annual address nnd Socrotary A. 55. Porter, of Spo kane Wash., read Ills report. At tho tho afternoon session, p. C. Palmer, of North Yakima, spoke on crodlts; Honry C. Stlno, president, of tho Pa cific Coast Shlppors' Association, dis cussod shingles; E. T. Alton, forester of tho Western Forestry and Consor yatlon Association, le tured on tho forest Industry, an I John W. Darry, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, spoko on "Tho Mythical Lumbor Trust." THREE IN W E Trainmen Victims of Blaze That Destroyed Wrecked Locomotive in Maine. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) YARMOUTH, Malno, Fob. 15 Three trainmen woro burned to death today when n flro ln tho wrcckago of two Grand Trunk frolght trnlns which collided near South Yarmouth demolished tho locomotive In which they were imprisoned. EIVE VICTIMS OF W DOR WO MESSE IE RS OF $25,000 ll ! I MARCH 10 IS M Ministers Throughout United States Make Appeal for Starving Chinese. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Fob. 15 March 10 Is to bo obsorved as "Famine day" throughout tho Unltod States. Min isters of ovory denomination will do voto part of tho tlmo nllotted to tholr sormon to bring boforo tholr congre gations tho alarming situation In Chi na, whero thrco million pooplo nro throatoncd with starvation. n w WELL KNOWN COUPLE ffi W. D. Bain and Mrs; JNlancy M. Mattson Married in Marsh field Last Evening. A most happy home, wedding was celebrated laBt night on tho occaB(on of tho marriage of )'. D. Daln and Mrs. pfancy M Mattson at tho homo of Mrs. Mattson, Rev. G. L. Hall of the Baptist church officiating. Tho houso was beautifully decorated with flowers and garlands.' After tho core many a splendid supper was. served, Tho no,wlyweds received a number of very valuable prosents, among thorn a large expensive leather-covored rocker. Doth brldo and groom aro well known and popular, Mrs. Daln having for a number of years been proprietor of a popular boardlng houso, and Mr. Daln for a long tlmo resident here nnd captain of the launch Marshfleld. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Cal Drl'lges, Mr. and Mrs. Dluford Davis, Mr. and Mrs, Pete Scott, Mrs. Jack McDonald and daughter, Dr Clarke, Mrs. Charles Doane, Miss Maud Elliott, Miss Desste Daln, Miss Jennie Jones, Mr. Virgil Mattson, Mr. J. P. Sibley, Captain Dave Holden, Mr Goorge Cuchn and Mr. Wayno Stead. Derailed Engine Topples Off Utah Embankment Through Roof of Building. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SALT LAKE, Fob. 15 Flvo woro killed and thrco slightly Injured when n locomotive hauling thrco cars load ed with oro Jumped tho track and rolled down a hill 75 feet and crashed through the roof of tho Citi zens' Stnto Dank and tho Dlngham Dyo Works at Dlngham, Utah, bet oral stores were wrecked. Tho flvo men killed were sleeping In a tailor shop. The dead arc,: FRED ANNIS, an englneor. , , FELIX LOMDARD, a boiler wash er. C, W. LEWIS, proprietor of tho tailor shop. P. J. GILLEOAN, a tailor, An unidentified man uleoplng' ln tho tailor shop. VALET IIMfc. PLDT VICTIM Grand Jury Proves Charge of Conspiracy to "Railroad" Man to Prison. (Dy Associated Prees to Coos Bay Timer NEW YORK, Fob. 15 Indjct monts for conspiracy nro confidently expected by District Attorney Whlt man, who with the grand Jury, has been Investigating the Imprisonment of Folko E. Drandt on tho chargo of first degree burglary to dotormlne whether Improper Influences were used'to send him to tho penitentiary. Tho prosecutor says ho will continue tho investigation oven though the former valet of Mortimer L. Schlff, the banker, Is pardoned by tho Gov ernor. It Js said that reports reflect ing on Drandt'8 character woro pre pared by detectives without proper investigation and upon Instruction from Schlff's attorney. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Notlio Is hereby given by the Coos D?y 01' Gas CompAuy that no ono nt offl o"s or directors of the com psnv is aihorlze1 ti transact any ncjTifiB frr It or recelt'f f'r money utd in. R T. KAUFMAN, Soc'y. Clean your Oiled, Painted or Wixed FLOORS with SIIERWIN WILLIAMS FLOOR WIPE at ML-NER'S. CARD OF THANKS. We hereby wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who rendered us so much ns8l8t,anr during 1 10 illness and death of little Mad ;e Yarbrough. We especially wish to thank tho members' of the Baptist Junior LeiKue or their kindness and sym pathy. i A. I... rosier nna larany, Edmund Yarbrough, Yalta Yarbrqugh. Hrnd SEEDERS Planters and CULTIVATORS at MILNER'S. SPRAY PUMrS at MILNER'S. OF SMITH HELPS Contributes $121 for Relief Work Makes Nearly $1 100 Subscribed. Tho crow of tho Nnnn Smith has raised a purso of ?121 to bo turned in for tho relief of tho families of tho victims of tho launch North Star disaster. Tho purso was subscrlbod Immediately following tholr last pay day nnd announcement of It whs mado on tho arrival of tho vessol today. It was given tp Tho Times to bo turned over to tho comniittoo in chargo of tho rollof work. This makes tho fund that has boon subscribed through Tho Times con siderably over 11,000. The subscrip tions through Tho Times aro as fol lows; Previously reported $969.47 Chas. Solandor 2.50 Nnnn Smith's crow 121,00 IN NEW YORK Three Bandits Successfully Carry Out Holdup in Heart of Financial District. OVERPOWER VICTIMS ' IN TAXI ON STREET Grand total $1,092.97 Camp No. 1 Fund. Tho employes of tho Smith-Powers Camp, No. 1 havo contributed $46,25 for tho rollof of the families of tho victims of tho launch North Star dis aster. Tho contributions woro as fol lows M. R. Adams $2.00 Chas. Dlllaboy 2,00 O. March 2.50 W. M, Wakcman 2.00 W. R. Davenport 2.00 W. II. Eynon 2.00 Frank Stehr 2.00 Joo Knight 2.00 Frank Adams 2.00 Lbuls Evans 2.00 Frank Somo 2.00 C. A. Rolund 1.00 Wm. "Wlnkloman 1.00 Pat McOoo 2.00 A. G. Ham 1.00 John Ward 75 Herb, Davis 2.00 Dpb Parks 2.00 Gust Smith 2.00 Porry Radford 2.00 II. G. Harrington 1.00 John Toskoy 2.00 Peto Murphy 1.00 Tom Murphy 1.00 Frank Durga 5.00 Total MC25 XA.NKIXG IS CAPITAL Plans Completed for Provisional Government of China. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times) NANKING, Fob. 15 The National Assembly this afternoon unanimously elected Yuan Shi Kal, president of the republic, and then decided tho provisional capital should bo Nan king. SEVEN TO BE ABRESTED Nearly All Indicted at Inillaiinpolls Are In Custody. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Feb. 15 Official reports received by tho gov ernment today showed only seven out of tho fifty-four men indicted for the dynnmlto conspiracy were not arrested. Don't forcet MILNER'S price on WIRE FEXCE. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU hav M.WAVfl IrtKI) PIIOXK 72 Pacini Mvery & Transfer Co. One of the Messengers Badly Injured Robbers Escape in Another Automobile. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Fob. 15 Two mes sengers of tho East Rlvor Dank to day woro hold up nnd robbed of $25, 000 at tho cornor of Church and Doc tor stroctB In tho heart of tho finan cial district. Tho messengers, W. F. Smith nnd Frank Wnrdell, woro riding In a taxi cab when thoy woro hold up nnd beaten. The money wlilch was in curreniy wns taken. Tho taxlcab had procoodod up Droadway without mishap when for somo unknown reason tho chnuffour turned west on Rector stroot Into Church street, strlklnc tho sldo anil roar of Trinity Church yard. About midway of tho old comotory, thrco men sprang from tho curb. One Jumped Into tho driver's seat nnd tho othor two got Into tho vohlclo. Tho mnn on tho sont pressed a rovolvor In his overcoat pockot against tho sldo of tho chauffeur, G. Martin, and commanded him to drlvo Bwlftly" without making any outcry. Insldo tho vohlclo the two robbors woro bo Inborlng tho bank messongora over tho head. Smith, ono of tho mes--scngors, was 61 years old and was badly beaten, being almost uncon scious when tho machlno ronchod Park Place whero tho rdbbors Juropod from' tho taxlcab with tho' box of currency. Wnrdell was badly boaton but was not sorlously hurt. Tho rob bers sprang Into a waiting outdmo bllo and were soon lost In tho mazo of traffic. Martin contlnuod to' run his machlno until ho found a police man and gavo tho alarm. Smith Is in a hospital. MOB TENNESSEE NEGBO Black Charged With Attacking Whlto Girl Is Slain. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; MEMPHIS. Tcnri., Fob. 15 A mob lynchod nn unidentified nogro today accused of having attackod a 16-y oar old wh(o girl yostorday. It Is said tho negro confessod. A ropti was tlo'd about bis nock and ho was draggod to a bridgo across a branch of Wolf Rlvor and hangod whllo tho mob usoil tho body as a pistol target. MYRTLE.FDINT TO PLAY HERE High School Basket Teams Meet Tomorrow Night At North Bend Tonight. Tomorrow ovonlng tho Myrtlo Point basket ball team will meet tho local boys here ln tho final gamo of tho season. Marshfleld has strength enqd Its team slnco tho last game, Larson and C. Clarko being back ln tho llno-up, Myrtlo Point has boen undefoatcd so far this soason and If all goes well tho home toam hopes to break their winning streak. In addition to the regular game thoro will also bo a girls' gama be tweon tho high school and eighth grado teams. Tho girls havo boon practising since early In tho soason but this will bo tholr first real gamo. Tonight Myrtlo Point plays against North Bond nt North Dend. It Is ex pected that tho gamo will bo a warm one. It Is hoped that a good crowd will turn out. 8o far this yoar Myrtlo Point has had tho largest turnout 500 people bolng out to tho last gamo there, whllo Marshflold has not supported Its team as wolt as any oth or town ln tho county. Tho girls' gamo tomorrow ovonlng will start at 7:30 o'clock sharp. On account of the extra tlmo required to play two games an early start will havo to bo mado. Tho girls' teams will bo as fqjlows; High School. Eighth Grade, Druco Kelley . . .C Eva Hansen Alta Soule . . . .C. Dagmar Fllesbrurs Clara Sargent .. ,C May Myron .. . ,R. F.FlorencePowora Dessle Flanagan L. F.Esther Asplund Ruth Hoagland.R. E. Nellie Warwick Joan Fitzgerald .L. G,. .Ruth Dungan Those who will play with tho Myr tlo Point team aro: Adams, Roed, Wilson, Druer and Davenport, ' L,