fw THE COOS BAyMmES, MAtatajELtfOREGON, WEDNESDAY; BEBlTUArtr 14,1912 EgEBUmSEPlTlflarJ m COOS BAY '1IMES M. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Piib. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor Entered nt tho poatofllco at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmlsalon through tho malls as second class mall matter. Dedicated to the scrvlco of tho people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. SU1ISCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year ?C.0O Per month 60 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times is $G.OO per your or $!.G0 for six monthB. .mynient of SHOO, availing horsolf of, FASHION NOW FAVORS .1 building and loan lunjclatlon to fl-, THE. SLENDER FELLOW .iiHico tho others, nnd sua would re-' " nerve tho remaining moioty or ner y0 padded Shoulders, Tlnht VHh niul capital to pay lanmng expenses uii- i Misery for Fat .Man. til crops were raised nnd sold. BUFFALO, N. Y Feb. 12. Fash It took the gritty, gUIliPtlonal ClH Inn'a .Innrnn imvnrnlnir mon'a ilrnan only n llttlo more than two years to ( during 1912 offors smnll comfort to pay the mortgage and earn tho $1000 ' tho fat man. Tho dictum of tho extra, on .May zu, luuit, sno uocanio Custom Cutters Association of Anier n horny-handed daughter of tho soil. , icn, now In session here, la ns fol She had drawn tho plan for hor two- lows: Official l'iiicr of Coos County An Independent Republican news paper published ovory ovcnlng oxcopt Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrshflold :: ;; ; : : j Oregon A LEAP YEAH SUGGESTION. Mf F THE story of Madamo Maoter- Muck's strenuous wooing of tho Bolglau mystic Is acted upon to any extent, ollglblo bachelors of all class es will havo to secure somo special legislation will have to tnko to cy clono collnrs until tho storm of foin Jnino dcslro to take the Initiative In compounding matrlmonry gets a chnnco to blow over. Should you be nt all skeptical as to tho fomalo of tho species being more deadly than tho mnlo in the matter of wooing, cnBt your oyes ovor tho following ac count of tho Mnotorllnck courtship as rotated by Mndamo Mnotorllnck: "I camo ncrosH a book of Maurlco Mnotorllnck nnd I was enraptured. I rond and re-rend It and then I de clared, 'Ho Is mlno; ho Is mlnoj my husband, my lovo; tho only ono I lmvo ovor known. I hall moot him. 1 shnll lovo him, nnd ho must lovo mo A pnrty was given nnd I wns Invited. Thoro I hiiw Mnotorllnck, I shrlokcd out; I ran wildly townrd him. Ho was nfrnld of me. Ho feared me. " 'My man, my man, you nro mlno,' I Bald, nnd I took his hand. Ho was awed, overcome with my audacity nB ho thought It to bo. Ho wns won dorful, but so shy, o dlffldont." " It would bo Interesting to discover what an ollglblo bachelor who Is not . a literary man or a symbolist would do If nn nttractlvo lady rushed up to him and tagged him In this emphatic Xnshlon. Tlicro Is no doubt that ho would bo considerably moro nwed than was Maurlco Muotorllnclc. For mndamo admits that nvou tho Belgian mystic npponrnd somowliat taken aback by tho ardor of her suit. I Tho most strenuous of male wooers has novor been quite ns aggrcsstvo as thlB. Supposing that an ardent vnln should moot an authoress nt a pnrty for tho first time nnd rush up to her exclaiming, "My lady, my indy, you nro mine," and then tnko hor hnnd. If she happened to bo nth Jotle, tho lady would probably box tho ardent gentleman's ears. Othor wlso hIio would call for help nnd got it. Butnlns for the lone nnd unprotect ed bachelor should tho Indies decldo upon adopting tho plan of winning a ninto by a frontal attack instead of by devious ways nnd menus. There will bo retribution In plenty for tho t-nvo days, when tho mnlea of tho npo .cIcb nro said to havo dragged tholr mmtCR to tholr dwellings by tho hnlr. All ollglblo bachelors who nro not prepared to start for tho Sahara dosort or tho uorth polo on a mo mont'B notice had bettor select wlvoa to thoir'own llklug boforo thoy thom Bolves nro selected In tho Mnotor liucklan fashion. story house of five rooms, collar nnd bath, and It wns built for $1535. Sho set out strawberries, raspberries and currants and -10 fruit trees apples, Bartlett pears, cherries, peaches and plunls. Pruning nnd fertilizing' tho original orchard have mndo it bear better fruit, larger crops and moro money each year. Miss Cranston docs not attempt plowing, harrowing or cultivating with the horse, but sho docs much of tho work nnd hor strength grows up to ench additional exertion. It cost two summers of experimenting to find what to spcclnllzo on. Sho has made her place a hay, fruit nnd chicken fnrm. From tho first its products havo paid for all living ex penses. In 1010 tho credit balance wns $327. In 1911 tho fruit netted $102 and half of tho winter apples nrc held for tho higher prices of this spring. But poultry pays bettor in proportion to Its co3t than anything else. It Is a romnrknbly helpful experi ence that Miss Cranston hns narrated. Smnll farming demands brains, enpi tnl, persistence nnd pluck, but grit and gumption will enable other women to win tho Cranston bcnoflts. Many men might nlso learn from this farming Dlotlmn. Tho slender man Is to be tho model for 1912. To be considered well dressed and' well groomed, n man must gtvo tho impression of slonder ncss. If he Is not naturally Blonder, his tailor must adopt measures to make him appear so. Tho effects must nil tend to produce slender ness." Conservatism will bo the watch word, nccordlng to Chairman M. P. Walkor. See the Difference Let us take you- through our store. Lt us sho-m.voin ami: explain you J Good furniture-really i?uuI how liltlt it costs, wiwn you miy Lroin xm KILLED NEAR DAM EUGENE, Ore. Feb. II People arriving from the south report tho killing by tho train' of an old man by the name of C. McElhany, n resi dent of Ogdon, Utnh, near Drain. Ho was until recently nn employe of tho Utah Constructions Cdmpany. Peo ple who witnessed the accident say that McElhancy noticed tho ap proaching train, b'nt refused to heed the wnrnlng of tli'e- engineer. It Is tho theory of somo that the mnn pur posely stepped In front or tho loco motive. Tho Corotrcr of Douglas County will hold air lirqucat. Let tis show you tfeanwitssolli'theciriimous'. Life-Time Furniture? Conipnrc'om" choice hand-finished Michigan Birdseye Maplfo with oilier- inajJ Pay speeihli attention to our incomparable Bulec(ii8-or dining room ftU'ti&liinJ COURT WILL DECIDE IF EATING IS LABOR Indtcecd Railway Offfclnls Claim Triiliinii'ii Aiv Off Doty When nt Meals. SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 13 "Ib n man under orders, of thn train crow, but nwny from tho train eating lunch, on or off duty?" This was ouu of tho chief questions under consideration In the case of officials of tho Chica go, Mllkaukco & Puget Sound Hall way, who nro charged with violations of tho 10-hour law. Tho. road plead ed guilty to IS of tho 33 counts con tained In the Indictments. Attorneys for tho mllrond main tained that men cntlng meals whllo their trains wero standing stilt and tho mon went nwny from them, wero not on duty. Attorneys for the ov ornmont argued that tho men woro on duty under thoso conditions; nnd" could not tr.ko n rent. Ho explained thut tho purpose of tho law Is to pro tect life nnd property by- Keeplnx the men in full possesslmi of their senses nnd not Incapacitated by lack of sloop. Federal Judge Frank Rudkln took tho enso under advisement, the? JMry hnvlng boon wnfred. WHO OWNS EGGS LAID.RY HEN IN U. S. MJUUS'. HOW A CLEVER LIBRARIAN IIEOAME A FARMER 1 wns wearing my life out nnd working toward notli- t lug. Nerves beginning to Jangle sounded n warning note. What preparation was I making for tho time whon I could work no long er, what plans for n homo when I aliould sorely need ono? rHUS Mary Cranston, a gifted llt orarlnn and successful librarian, auorlod. And back to tho land was hor unswor. Shu had ouly $G00 capital, but sho bought 14 acres of good laud four miles from Now Brunswick, N. J., and less than halt a mile from tho station ou tho Pennsylvania's main line. Thoro woro 32 npplo troes, cherries nnd peats In bearing, a tiny i.ouso and bain, both dilapidated, nnd an excellent market In tho town that is reached by a flue pike. Sho paid $175 cash and assumed a mortgago of $000 nt G per rent for tho balance. At first she planned to pay tho mortgage and accumulate at least f350 aa working capital tor tho first year. But alio decided to build n WASHINGTON, Fob- 13 Tho Treasury Depurtmont having, decided that a lion Is not u bird. bird's uggB Loins udmltted freo of duty and. hon'B eggs having to pay fiva cents, a. doz en It is now up to Uio PoHtofflco Department to settlo a momeutouB question arising, from tho ownership of eggs laid in tho malls. Tho National Association, at Poul try Breeders, anticipating the pas sage of tho Parcols Post hilt, roceut lv Inquired of Poatmaster General l'lltchcock It poultry might bo sent through tho mall. In au unofficial statement the dopartinont anBWorod that, should tho pnrcola, post moas uro bo enacted, thoro would probably bo no objection to shipping tho fowls, stumped. The Postmaster Gonoral, however, was ot tho opinion that fomo ono would have to bo delegat ed to look out for tho well bolug of tho "porlBhablo mall" and thoru somo ouo raised tho question of tho owner ship of tho eggs laid by thw hons whllo In Undo Snm'a caro. Would thoy bolong to th Bcndnr, of tho hens; to tho rocolver of thci hens; or to tho govornmontr Thoro not being any legislation n vpiidv ennctod tinon the subject, tho PoBtmnstor Gonoral detonated Jeuao- Hutor, chief of tho bureau ot pari nient, to look into tho nmttor. Jesso, nrini' Kovi'rnl davH BDent in a vain search through dusty tames on postal laws nnd rogulntlonn. has about de cided to give up thn Job, for ho say there nro no precedents. Therefore, it will bo up to the courts to decide the ownership of any offspring of the fowls. LIUo tho frolght ngont In Ellis Butter's "Pigs, Is Pigs." Sutter thinks tho eggs ought olthor to ho gtren to tin mall clorks or bo confiscated by tho government as nn atd In furthor ilpcrpasinir the doflctt which Is the bugbear of ttio department. If you havo anything to soil, trn.lo, rent, or wnnt help, try n wnntnu. AN EPIDEMIC OF COUGHING Is sweeping ovor tho town. Old and young allko nro affected, and tho strain Is particularly hard on llttlo children nnd on oldorly peoplo. Fol ey's Honoy and Tar compound Is a quick, safe nnd reliable euro for all now iioubo aim mini nun ui uavo . ,, ,, ... nAn.lno nn nnt Tli. lmlla.i uT.i.1.1 LHllh" "" wuimo. vu.m. ww w4.. MU ..ui.ou "uuiii .. . SI 000 ns canltal. cost $1500: alio would make a first atoa. Bed Cross Drug Store. yjiaoass Pieaunisca XB&' m IftOOR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality FnIN Into Ilny UTirfs Grabs fell overboard from the launch Marsh flcld at tho Southern-- Pncirc dock this afternoon nud wns rescued by n number of follows who thru-w n lino to him nnd pulled Iriih' oat. Ho was bruised somewhat and btidly rYight oneil, but continued hltf Jourtwy ns Intended. It nutyoc 3oii nwiiitenest'edt iiu Baby's Furnishings ACCI I 1 1 NT TO D R KDG K. lregin'?i Wirk Inipinlcit ly Otsllng Cracking Wi'migi!- Plan. The dredgo Oreg(in lta.4 bmtt out of sorvlc toiluy as a, rcsuJi, of a cast ing: on the mntiii pump smoking. It is now being temporaoUy ropalrod acl a now one has been, ordered from Poctlnnd. Engineer Leefe. ntutud. Ml at the ac cident would uccrtwitutu' the Oregon pu.uiplu(c ouly a short dlstaiwo until J tb. now casting urrivua. Lw coiiho-I qu'tnee of the bulkhitoil uni North FiDut Btreot not btdng, built, tho Orsf-j goo. will probably go to North Benil tomorrow to worJc thoro until ttoc irmv casting arrives. NOTISU-UT.Oi WASTK Life Is short L'vj muclt to do p I cau't sit round with, you puttlngMip a line of wnlllngs, talklnts ot hqebo feUow'a falllnr., tlkrashbm; o'ervtho situation that Ib thcentonLng ourr.aa tUm! L1fo U.ahont nnd; I am ,L'sy writing, vorsoadulL and dizzy, thnfc tho frnu may Itavy- a boAtiot wi.h, a largo stuffod' rooster ou It, uud I haven't tlm-foruaslng.,or th gQV ernmont or cusalng mlsttt lawn .wlilch fcnock: thu pooplu Qlghcc than Abo vll- lago BteopJal' IUfo a shwet, Its. thread Is slotiduo; and. I'm buutlng u Auspcudor,' fairly tearing up the trackage tmnocusmlatfi a pauknge,. 30. that when I'm. old nod hoivry I can llvo In pomp and slory. So that whon at' last Im planted myfntigI;no3t will not be haunted by n hungry' d ow'a sighing so I havon'-t tlmo.for crying o'er tho nntlou'a chiionlc trouble, o't'r tho "iieopal'a buutedl bubbles. Life Is nhort and" men are fooling time- nwny In empty drolling; over tilings that dan t ennrorn theuu dodging' ftovs that no'er wllr hui UioiMi. Walt Maeon Havo- your Job Th. Tlmo once. printing Jono at SOUNJU SLEEP OF GOOD HEAXTH Is not tor thoso suffering fom lt"jdnoy all meats and Irr.sgulnr'jtiDs.. Tho prompt uso of Foley Kldnoy PUls will dispel bnckacho nnd rhoumatlsm, boat and strengthen, boto, weak nnd tilling kidneys, nastoro normal ncUon, and with It health uno) stronjsth. Mrs. M. F. Spnlsbujy, StwlJng. 111., snys:. "I sutfored grat pain In my back and Kidnoys, could' uot pixep at night, and' could not raise ruy hands over my bond. Bub two bottles of Foley Kidney PUIb cured: ia." Red (frosa. Drug Storo. First Class Auto Service Car leavo Front of Lloyd hotol :a moot all trains. Faro 25c. SpoIal calls, anywhere at all hours. nKST CARS. Best drivers. Phono GC-J un til 11 p. m., nfter U p. m. phono 5-J. Residence phono 2S-J; alter 12 phone 181R. V.L.FOOTE. Proprietor. Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIDKXCK WIRED l-OU LIGHTS. ICSTiMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 23.J 9 tv XX (V have Baby Cliifloniors i'6'u b'li&y clOlhialrg UuUy Budfej. EJassiniatti, lligh'.GBainl Vand the-best on earth, tho Fulton: Go-carts witlii Itiri'm.'fti wheels thai; nuiket j run' easy over 11113- surface,-. i j We Are Mill Agents; tj r or iv.ug: Wt have special f eatuvess iii rugs, found no where else. This -nitg line dif rect fi-oin the mills is beyond: coinpari-:-.sou Now Compare Out Prices, lTn, i-UZ-.-. I... ,m...... ..:a... Tr 1 V5- uiu.fcv7 iy uuiuj.uuiaujjj vth KKl ywii'Wimt the niosfc f oryaur niuneyJi aw ui a po.sition.ito giv you the ks Diirgauis. Come Ih Be Your Own Judge J Perry m Nicholso va Ihe Royal WEDNESDAY NIGHT Ihe Austin, Pa., Flood Oj(ofr tho BronUiHt pictures e..-r rolwHod- will ho shuwn at tho hyj) Vnmiy night THIS, WEEK For 10 Cents THE S;l.ME OI,D IVI.MIJ,. G. J. LKHANSKI, PtioprJetvtc City Fish Market ' FREK DEM VERY. In Ferguson Transfer Rldg. Foot of Market Ave. SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE SOOJ T. J. BCAIFE A. H. HODOIN8 Marshfield Paint 8b Decorating Co. Industrial Accidents Double During Dark Months 'Accident insurance statistics show that tviccas many injuries to factory operatives occur ii uiu mine wuuer nioijciuj as during the lujpt sum- uier inoiuns. The causo principally is poor iiiterioi-liglitin?; ion iev lamps awl pooi methods of illumina tion. bad factory lighting also (liniim'.shns production mm nous 10 damaged material. Our lighting experts will plan Installations for workrooms and factories which will reduce ft jvrsonal injur 11 list, inero.asn nroduclion anl very likely decrease the expense of lighting. A ropi'Gsentativo will call at your request. &' p Teleplmne 178. Oregon Power Co. Bailmntea FurnUlied WAITED ! ! ! WRPU1S UPHOLSTERlNQ AND IMAXOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma Ic Cleaning Company. Ordors foi orlr taken at j , PHONE tOd MAUSIIKIELD. Phone 1-tOL OretroL Have That RooflFxld NOW See COIiTIIELL Phono nisi FLANAGAN & BENNETT UW OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY, KSTAHMSIIKI) IX Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits oo,o ? nto, sst paid on tlmo deposits. SAEETV DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Lt ?ei,osUory for Pom und. Taxes can be paid oaiik free of charge. thro"1 Jhejjmes Does Job Prjnj GOOD. Phoni Yiw. W,H U 7QU Z&uSi "Tv A TURKISH ntTii .m j.