The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 14, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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Will Keep the Income from Your
I'm nislied Rooms from lapsing!
YOU can really holp tlio family
revenues by renting a few furnished
rooms nnil. If you knw how nnd
when to use tl e classified colutuiiB,
you may keep thnt Httlo extra Income
an "steady as a clock."
Will l,,lt Your ill''" Jismio "
the Market" Kirccllvelyl
hi .,..f. tho facta about your
nrnnorty before tbo eyes of nil "pos-
ihio buyers' In tow"- aiiu "
'So' one of them who ought to
oWn It. you'll Bo11 "
-TrrZ2ZSn!S!233'Z2R ' iHBZlcCSOr
pari," lty 4Kfli
)l. XXXV
Ksdnlillsliotl In J7H
im Tlio Coast Mull
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull
nnd Coot Buy Ailu'iMxrr.
No. 182
tavwrmimitm.'.-mrTuynmjitu m wjwiufcm'wnmK
irtv-six Taken Into Custody
on inaicuiiBiiio uuun.xu
at Indianapolis.
nei RwRCDlnti Federal Prose
cution of Kind Ever At
tempted is biarieu.
, AMCMlntcd Press to Coos Baj
INI)INA10MS. Intl.. 1-oh. 14
1 . t 1 wns Mil 1 to bo tlio most
n..nliic Federal action of Its Kimi
'undertaken, tbo United State..
pr. meat today within a fow bourn
..." .iinrltv of tho HI men
lctc.1 fr ulleBOil complicity In tbo
lo...Udo dynamite conspiracy. At
ybend-.s Frank AK.mjiros-
,t of tlio lniernuui"i a .........
nrldpo and strueiu u. y
L Mnny oinor tuiuum. -. o
I..-., o iinrkln. second vlco-pres.-
l ,i successor Uio union's
rpinrv-trensurer to J. J. munii-
rn. tlio convicted dynamiter, wo.o
Reports from all over tlw country
l '.i.u.n,i Hint five of tho suvon
barters executive board mombors
a half dozen or moro inuniuum
. ,,.. nliuttlllt
VC InKCIl miu '""'
rheso of flclals nun tnoir co-uciuii'i-
L ., rlinrirml with Violation Of tllO
itrnl Btatus regulating IntorBtnlo
bment of explosives which lemni-
from tho m ui .-
naras nnd Mraanigni ami i
nnmttlnc crow" who carried tho
Inmlte nnd nltro glycerlno nboui
country on pnssengur trains.
Lll the defendants aro chnrgo".
coneplrncy to furtlior tno serica
no hundred explosions which wero
r.rt in im directed "by tho lnbor
hn nffMnlii nual.iHt tno iron aim
1 contractors null omployors of
union lnbor. Tlio explosions
wA tho destruction of bridges,
ucts nnd buildings nnd tho wrock
of tho Los Angeles Times build-
was nn Incident of tlio sorios.
nre noon today 30 nrresta hart
i mnde.
liiKcno A. Clancy, of Sun Frnn-
o; J. i:. Munscy. ot huh i.,nKo;
! A. Tvlotmoo. of Snn Francisco,
Ortlo Mc.Mnnlgnl already Indlct-
bn tho Pacific Coast, and J. J. Mc-
nara and James H. McNnmnra al-
By conlcled are also Indicted
At Minneapolis.
Plmrlcs N. llouin. t:.iincss agent
secretary of tho Minneapolis
IJIng Trades Council.
At Indianapolis.
Irank M. Itynu, president of tlio
Irnatlonnl Association of Bridgo
Structural Ironworkers; Spur-
I. Meadows, business agent au.l
rlct (cum II of tho liitcruntlounl
tlierhood of Carpeutoru an!
era. Ho Is nn offhlnl of threo
'ns Involved In tho dynamiting
(piracy.; Herbert S. Ilockln, of
oil, bernud Icd-presldout and
etary-trcasuror of tho Ironwork
I'tlcn, John T. Ilutlor, of Buffu
first Mce-prefildont, and Fred, business ngent hero.
At St. I.011K
ia r-ry. former wnlkliiK dolu-
Cf the Urldco and Structural'i
.orktn.; Paul Morrln, ncllvo in
Alleged to Have Originated
Details of Alleged Dyna
mite Schemes.
(By ABBodntod Press to Cooo Bny
Herbert S. Ilockln, who was ariostod
hero today for connection with thu
dynamite conspiracy, Is unite a noted
figuru In lnbor circles.
In tbo Information supplied tbo
government, Ilockln In made to ap
pear as chief lluutenaiit of John J.
McNamara, "tho boss of tbo dyna
miting crow." Ho Is olmrged with
having planned tho explosions ilo
slrod by tlio enemies of the "open
Hhop" contractors. Ho Is named by
Mc.Mnnlgnl as one of tho men who
originated -tho nlnrm clock scheme by
which the oxploslons wero nrranged
to occur soveral hours after the
bombs wero sot, thus enabling tho
(lynnmltcrs to got away and stnb
llsh an nlllil.
Ryan and Ilockln In statements 1o
dny declared themselves Innocent of
having violated any law.
Former Supporters of LaFol
lette Call on Roosevelt To
day and Others Confer with
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
Ni:V YORK, Feb. M Two of the
men who have been actively support
President Taft Signs Procla
mation Admitting Last of
(Uy Associated Press to Coos Da)
WASIIINOTON, Feb. 11. As tho
Wltlto House clocks wero striking
ten, President Taft today signed thu
Ing the political aspirations of La
Folletto todny called on Col. Roose
velt. Thoy wore GIfford Pinchot and
Gov. Johnson, of California. Oscar
Strauss, who was in Roosovolt's cabi
net, Col. I). C. Collier, of San Diego,
nnd Seth Bullock, United Stntcs Mar
shal of South Dakota, later Joined
the conference. When tho confer
ence ndjourncd more than an hour
.later, none who nttonded would dis
cuss It.
Nuptials of Miss Helen Doble
and Claude Nasburg Sol
emnized Today.
(Spcclnl to Tho Times.)
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 14 Miss
Helen Doblo, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Doble, was married this
jiooii to Claudo Nasburg, of Marsh-
flnl.l Wl... t..A.1,ll.... I tl.-
irsr i"5 Aarn : .-r.:ir?5
the Union. Housed a gold pen S8 " e.u ' Rov. J.I
which s to bo given to Postmaster , a,mp80ll 0f0latlng. Miss Doblo's
General Hitchcock.
;ov. HUNT'S
J-'Irst i:ccutlve of New State De.
livers Inaugiiinl.
By Associated Prss to Coos Unj
P1IOI2NIX, Ariz., Fob. 14 Gov
ernor Hunt's address wns short and
succinct, and whllo hrcnthlng tho
attendant wns Mrs. Grant Mays, of
tho Dalles. Harry Butler, of Sun
Francisco, who wns a fraternity
brothor (Slgmn Chi) of Mr. Nasburg
nt tho University of California, was
best man.
At tbo conclusion of the high
church ceremonies, the wedding pnrty
nnd n fow relatives nnd intimato
friends repnlred to tho Hotel Multno
mah where n wedding breakfast was
served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nasburg will
loavo tonight for n short wedding trip
nnd expect to visit n short tlmo In
Chambers Estate Wins Suit
Against Wm. Utter and
Robert V. Ojeda.
Judge John S. Coko has handed
down n decision In favor of tho plain
tiffs In tlio enso of the Chambers os-
tato . Wm. Utter, Robert V. OJola
et ai. Tlio caso involved the tltlo to
about a section of vnluablo coal and
ranch Innd near Coalodo. Besides
the victory in tho case Itself, tho
plnlntlffs wero glvon Judgment for
tlio costs of the litigation,
The caso nrose out or nn offort of
tho Chambers estate, consisting of
the heirs of tho Into R. C. Chambers,
to qulot tltlo to tho proporty which
thoy havo hold slnco 1877. Tho
servico of the original proceedings
under which tho property wns sold
wns alleged to bo defective but aftor
this sale, Messrs. Utter an) OJcdn
gave deeds for It to tho Coos Bay
Coal company.
Tho members of tho Chambers cs
lato rosldo In Missouri.
Mrs. Delia Totten, Convicted
of Murdering Washington
Rancher, in Asylum.
Mother, Aged 75, Granted New
Trial, But May Never Be
Tried Again.
'By ABSoclal Al Press to tho Coos Bny
WKNATCHI3B, Wash., Feb. 14
Mrs. Delia Totten, whoso sontonco for
llfo In tho Walla Walla ponltontlary
for killing James Sutton, noar Cash
mere, two years ngo, was recently up
hold by tho Supremo Court, hns be
come Insane nnd In confined In tho
Medical Lako asylum. Thoso In
charge say sho Is In nn Incurable
condition nnd Is growing worso.
Mrs. Touch's mother, Mrs. Boobo.
tried as an nccompllco nnd grantod a
now trial, may never bo tried again
as sho Is now nearly 7G years old.
She Is out on bond nnd Is kcoplng
house for a son-in-law, Nool Totton,
on n farm near tho scene of tha
spirit of "progressive democracy,
referred only to two things In tho "t ',""".? "' .'""" "
TlirllS 'SKffiT tb '"re homo" In MaSh fold? To en
Jr L ? i loslHluturo, tho gngomont or Ml88 Dobl0 n populnr
governor declared, must replace In portinnd clrl. to tho m -itninJnn
of Southern Oregon, was announced
a, fow weeks ngo.
United States Soldiers to Pro
tect American's Ranch
Near Border.
(Br Associated Preao to Coos Bay
Tlmos. ,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 Troops
havo been asked for by tho proprie
tor of Balloy's ranch which crosses
tho Mexican border near Columbus,
N. M. Mexican robots are roportod to
bo pillaging tbo ranch Just south of
tho lino. Troops havo been sent but
It required thrco days to travel over
tho 80 miles of snnd.
the Constitution tho provision for re
call of Judges, and an nntl-lobbylst
Uounl AssocJatlou of Bridgo
Structural Ironworkers.
Patrick K. Farroll and Daulol llro-
phy. Farroll was formerly a menibor
of tun executive commlttoe or tlio In
toruatlonnl Association of lirldgo uml
Structural Ironworkers. Brophv's
alleged (ouneition is not disclosed
In tho warrant.
At IMilliiilclnliiii.
Michaol Ciinamc, business agent of
i tho Structural lronworkors' Union.
At Denver.
Henry W. Loglelnor, who waa n
member of tho executive bonnl of
I tho International Association of
Ilrlil l'o nnd Structural Ironworkers
"B the defense fund for tho Mc- at tho tlmo of tho nrrest of John J
aras. nnd who was business mnn-' McNnmnra who ennio hero recently
Ol tl, I.OIIlH Local 18 nf tlin In. frnm PIllHlnircr.
latlonal lirldgo nnd Structural: t'lcveland.
orKers. Potnr .1. Smith, formerly bus nohs
Stronger Demand and Increase
of About $1 Per Thousand
In Price.
That tho lumber mnrket Is picking
up considerably, the domnud being
better nnd tho price about $1 per
Dr. Leslie and Others Circulate
Petitions to Have Water
way Filed.
Dr. Geo. W. Losllo and othora aro
circulating petitions to sccuro tho
thousand higher than It was boiiio i consent of tho Wnr Dopnrtmont for
At lWl-nlt.
Paries W. VViiiOimnlntnlii nml
J. Murphy, ald to bo Iron-Mrs.
At Syracuse,
L. Plllllllis. fnrmnl. unninlnii. nf
RWro and Structural Ironwork
Itnlon. and Tnin, Cairol, to whom
pips books Kuril Inrnnil nvnr
l he ceased to act as secretary.
.ii .Miiuialiti.
' Ueldlll nntl Hormnn n. sin.
structural Ironworkers.
At C'lni't limit 1.
Pard Clark, formor walking del
P. and Emis n w n.,n.. -.
E.lfc -" ". ,. imouj, iui iii-
P'.ness aeent nt i, i... ii ..i
trloti " mo hiiui iiuiiuuai
'W on of Structural Bridgo and
"Titers. IlnRanv kiIJ.. i. i.
lt)0ls. ' "-""a ...
ri,. . ' t'hlcauo.
't.t,.1. Il0"lnn. flnnnclnl
l"y Of tlie Chlpnirn of !,
e,.?.n,, ""uctural lronworkors'
i J .i Jnn"es Cooney, buslnoba
' or tlie Cblcauo local: James
Win. ,mjPr cf tll Chicago lo
,VJl..?0"ie. former busl-
-eui vnicago local
i i
ngent of tho Intornntlonul Assoc la
tlon of Bridge and Structural Iron
workers, nnd George (Nlppor) An
derson, said to bo n walking delegate
of tho Ironworkers.
At Sci-antoii, Pa.
M. J. Ilannon, formor local busi
ness ngent of the Sturcturnl lron
workors. but now ngent of tho Con
trol Labor Union.
At Dnveiipnit, Lmn.
Daniel Buckley, business agont of
tho local lronworkors' Union.
At llulutli.
Frod Moonoy, connected with the
structural lronworkors.
At Springfield. HI.
A. J. KavnnnuKh and M. L. Pen
noil, said to bo connectod with the
unions Involved.
At Pcoilu.
"Red" Smytho, business ngont of
tho Structural Ironworkers nnd pros
Ident of tho Bell ling Trades Council,
nnd J. E. Ray, lei lor of labor circle,
At Boston.
An unnamel man. mil warrant
are out fcr two others.
tlmo ngo, Is tho gratifying nows that
has reached hero, D. D. Plorco, sec
rotary of tho Coqulllo Mill & Mer
cantile Company, is bore from Co
qulllo nnd says thnt tho prospects
are much brighter than they have
been far somo tlmo.
Mr. Plorco ennio over today to di
rect tho loading of tho schooner
Lilly whloh they havo cbartored to
carry lumber from hero to San Fran
cisco. Tho Lilly is owned by tho
closing nnd filling Mill Slough. Dr.
Lesllo stnted this morning that the
owners of nbout two-thirds of tho
abutting proporty had slgnod tho pe
titions nnd mnny others wero also
Joining In tho movement.
For samo tlmo the mnttor has beon
discussed. Mnny havo favorod clos
ing It becauso tney rolt that It would
tend to divide tho town If kopt opon
nnd also claimed that tho draw
bridges would bo a nuisance to tho
Gardiner Mill Company and will bo gronter Marshflold, besides bolng ox
towed In by tho tug Gloaner. Sho; penslvo to construct. Othors urgot
carries about 200,000 foot of lumber.
Mr. Plorco s company Is now cut
ting nbout .15,000 foot of lumber per
dny. The other mill nt Coqulllo Is
vuttlng nbout 50,000 feot.
Mr. Plorco says that with tho Im
provement in conditions In tho ship
plug trade and tho prospect for a
good homo trado, tho smaller Coos
County mills should havo nn unuounl
ly good season this year.
rprt ,, "" y.
''"'in an i business ngont orl XOTK'K.
""emtirml Association of Sr.nset rncnmpmeut No. 4'l, 1. O.
v "111 i . , In P" 11 i-nm'iofR nf tlio mirniitn.
'6 lm .t ' " lll'IHlUrKOlOl . , " 7 .
s.i , l niUllon-dollar Ar-' nient nro requested to bo present nt
"ii IJurl'nstcn bridgo over'01"" reculnr mooting Thursday even-
, " uiver was dynamited nB reurunry 10. nu;. uusinetH m
j m e-tl( Wln HUCCOe,i0,i inMinrtnnra nnd Roynl Purple Degree
e -rL . 'ilfston the locnl will bo conforreu. uy oruor
G.'T. COLEMAN, Scrlbo.
-" a few days.
.t v m-
hnl- n .:. ,l" OI
t....." '!t)b. former momhor of . GOOD COUNTRY SHORTS at
"me ""wrd of tho Interna l' A.Vi:s.
Yuan Shi Kai to Be Chosen
President of Republic of
China Tomorrow.
(By Associated Press to Coos Ba
Time ;
that It should bo kept open as n har-
uor ror tno gnsnllno launches.
Thoro Is likely to bo considerable
opposition to It. P. M. Friodberg,
Chas. Hlckcx and othors aro said to
bo opposed to It. It Is claimed that
under tlio act of Congress ndmlttlng
Oregon to statehood, a provision that
nil streams shall bo kopt opon high
ways and forever freo will prevent
the War Department or anyone else
closing Mill Slough.
Judge Hall Suspends Sentence
of Boys Who Stoje Liquor
in That City.
Two young men, Noel nn 1 Polnte
both 16 yoars old and living nt Co-
1 ciulllo. wero yesterday trlvon a huh.
NANKING. Feb. It The National pended sentence by Judge John F.
Assembly caucus has decided to-elect Hall in Juvenile Oourt at Coniilllo
Yuan Shi Kal as president of the Chi- j for taking seven bottles of whisky
uesu i-vpuuiiv mi I'euruurj iii. i irein a local snioon.
A back door to the ealcifcn hud bean
YOUR FRIENDS will expect toluroKen open nnd tho whisky taken
Rumor That Southern Pacific
Will Soon Start Work Near
According to n report In circula
tion bore today, tho Southern Pacific
Is arranging to start construction or
tho big tunnol south of Gnrdlnor Just
ns soon as tho weather will pormlt.
Tho repprt could not bo vorlflod
horo today and Just whoro It origi
nated could not bo ascertained.
Supt. W. F. Mlllor of tho Southern
Pacific's local holdings had no ad
vices concerning it nor had Chns. Ii.
Marsh, tho right-of-way ngont for
the Southern Pacific.
That It may bo corroct would not
bo a surprise as It has boon known
for somo tlmo thnt tho Southern Pa
cific officials wero planning to start
work horo this spring. This wns not
officially glvon out, but enmo from
nn authentic source
Tho tunnol In question Is about
4000 feot long, the south ond of it
bolng uoar the A. R. McDonnld prop
erty on Black Creole through which
Southorn Pacific recontly purchnsoci
right of way.
It Is likely tnat something dofl
nlto or official will bo known con
cerning It within a few weoks or a
North Bend Is btlll all agog ovor
various railway rumors and tho
Simpson deals. Capt. Edgar Simpson
1b saying nothing. Howovor, tho dis
covery thnt somo of tho real estato
doals thoro which woro roputod to bo
for tho Southern Paclflo woro moroly
porsonnl transactions has caused
some to hobltato.
Voters to Pass on Proposed
Charter Amendments
There April 16.
Tho North Bend City Council nt ft
mooting Inst ovenlng mndo prelimi
nary nrrangomonts for a spcclnl oloc
tlon to bo hold thoro April 10 when
n numbor of charter amendments to
comply with tho tonus of tho fran
chise deslrod by tho Terminal Rail
way will bo submitted to tho voters
for tholr approval.
Dosldcs thoso amendments, which
nro practically tho samo ns submit
ted last fall, somo other nmondmonts
nro proposed rolatlvo to tho Indebt
edness of tho city. One provision
fixes tho limit of tho warrant In
debtedness nt 5 per cent of tho as
sessed valuation instead of $25,00t,
as It now is, tho bond limit bolng loft
nt 20 por cent of tho assessed valu
ation. Anothor mnttor to bo submit
ted Is for legalizing the warrauts that
havo boon issuod In oxcoss of tho
$25,000 limit.
l'lanj wero also mndo for Improving
Sherman avonuo from Florida to Cal
ifornia nnd ovonlng up grade whoro
It Is now plankod. Also for plnnklug
Shorman avonuo from South of Flori
da strcot to tho north ond of it.
K!-.K V(-y nt the GRAVI) liAMAl'l ny.8rcnHns tno ev ctenco. Up-
. , , v,,. ,...,, c "elng arraigned the t)oys plonked
Episcopal Church FRIDAY AITER- guUtv (0 (aUng tno wWaw ,JUt (le.
NOON an I lUKNIXfi. I. O. O. F.'nleJ all knov:lo3Ke of how tha doc.
HAi.L. Aamisiion m cents; onu-iha.l been brrJ:en. Tbo whlp'cy ivr
dren 3 cents. j.i Wiiy j n near-by barn and later
, roturnei iinoi-enej.i Anil as thert
REAL MILK and REAL CREAM ' WtV n" evl cnf c oth'prlamage
rie'lvered to your homo on FIVE ," -.. "Jr" u, " i Z'i. .
Mivrrrs notice.
F. A. Sacchl.
lfilnannv normlfesablo In snrh rnnp.q
PHONE 320 J nmJ gave te . V8 ,l1tlr rce ,
teir DJoi bo.ttlor.
RnlhvnjN Estimating Timber Along
Sulslaw Route.
FLORENCE. Ore, Fob. 14 Tho
West says: Railroad work during
thu month of January scorns to have
taken on such condition of lethargy
thai t irnny Indicates n deslro to
withdraw from the gnmo and thoro
aro thoso who oven at this time think
that It is nil a bluff.
A closer look Into conditions will
'XiiVlnco oiio that Inetoad, both com
panies are hero and there making
moves to proparo themselves at an
early dato to rush tho work. Thore
uro many llttlo details which havo
been nnd are being lnukol aftor at
this tlmo of the year when tho hoa-
lor work can not bo accomplished.
It wns stated by a party Just re
turning from Portlan 1 that tho Pa
cific Great Wostom bna a largo offhe
force nt work tbero an 1 it seems tc
bo a socrot mndo public tliut thoy are
backoj by the Grnt Northern.
Forest s.ioor.'luor colicnn nm
Ranger Young woro nt work tho first
of this week estimating thu amount
if timber bolonqlng to tio govern
ment on tho right-of-way ot tlfia Pa
"Iflc Groat Western nnd Hunt 'road.
Pnrt of tho r.iirvoy of this company
between Eugene nnd Mnpleton runs
hroiifrh tho Sluelnw forest roserio
pd it i M.o tl-iipr nn this nart of
(Continued on pago 4.)
Final Bites Over Mndgo Yarbrough
Wero Largely Attended.
Tho funoral of Madgo Yarbrough,
who died at Morcy Hospital on Sun
day, took plnco shortly boforo noon
today from tho Baptist Church, Rov.
Hall tho pastor, preaching tho fu
noral Eormon. Tho lmprcsslvonoss of
tho sorvlco was augmented by tho
prcsonco of tho Junior class of tho
Sunday school, who participated In
tho program,
Tho lntormont was rondo at Coos
River comotory. Tho following nctod
ns pnllboarors: Wesloy Smith, Frod
Soulo, Rov. Fred W. Dawls, John
Martinson, D. L. Rood and Tom Robinson,
Oregon mid Washington Universities
May Change From Football.
(By Associate Press to Coos Bay
BERKELEY, Cal Feb. 14
Hopes of Inducing Oregon and
Washington Unlvorsitloi to ndopv
Rpgby In the p'reo of Amorlcnn foot
bnl1 pro nntn-ta'nod nt to Unlvo.s
!ty of California Word bus been
received thnt Graduate Manager
7-"'"'rr nf Washington favors tho
"bonne with n view of giving tlo
oa-t n unified tvpo game.
All Coos County warrants drnwn
on the general fund, and, endorsed
nrlor to October 1, 1010, will bo pld
on pre'sontntlon at my office In Co
qulllo; no Interest will be allowed on
nny of theso warrants nftor Fobrunry
9 1912
'Dated this 8th day of Feb'y. 1912.
County Treasurer,