r THE POOS BY TfE, MAflSHflELD, dRECjOfc TOESDftV, FEBRUAft? 13, 1913 - EVENING EDITION " V, .11 U "i ii i - ' Big Alteration Sale For 30 Days, Beginning- February 15th, 1912, We Will Give a Reduction of One-Fourth Off for Cash on All COOS BAY PAINT , WALL PAPER CO. Corner of Second and Central Marshfield, Oregon COOS BAY TIMES M. O. JLALOXEY Editor mid Pub. DAN E. MALOXEY News Editor 12 IS i Entered nt the postodlco at Marsh j field, Oregon, for trnnsmlsslo ( through tho malls as second class mall matter. Dedicated to the scrvlco of tho ' people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. SUDSCHIPTIOX KATES. I)AIIA Ono year JG.00 Per month 60 WKISKIjY. Ono year Whon paid strictly ubscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Day Times is $5.00 per year or J2.C0 for Iz months. ASSISTANTS OF MOHGAX SHUST Elt AS TREASURER GEXERAL or PERSIA HEM) TO EXP LAI X SHORTAGE. (Dy to Coos Ha) Official Paper f Coos County An Independent Itopubllcan nows--papor published ovory ovonlng oxcopt ' Sundny, and Wcokly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co, Asa-tclatod Press Times.) ST. PETERSBURG, Pub. Kl Tho Persian government mis tulCKrunhcil orders to Enzuil mid uusut luuu uct- J1.G0 J lug tltetu to dutaln K. E. Cairns and In ndvnnco tho 1 1 other Americans formerly on tho stuff of Morgan Sinister, the o.x Treiisuror General of Persia, accord lug to dispatch received this evening by tho Novoyo Vromyu from Teheran. Calms and tho former usslstunts Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Marshtlcld ;i ;; tt it Oregon ,A .IUDOK'8 HEPUEHmxTTnEWS OX PUIH.ICITY. I ALOXO THE AVATEUFKOXT The Redondo Is scheduled to sail from San Francisco next Friday af ternoon for Coos Day. Tho Alliance, which sailed for Portland yesterday, Is scheduled to lunvo there Thursday evening at C o'clock for Coos Hny. Tho gasoline schooner Hustler loft Mnrshdold today with a cargo of oil and merchandise for tho Sluslnw riv er points. LAUXCII IS SAFE CrnfC Thought Lost Aloiitf Lower California Heachcs San Francisco. (Dy Assoclntoa Press to tho Coos Buy Times. SAN DIEGO, Cn!., Feb. 13 Tho power launch Fortuua, Oakloy Hall innalni tt'lttl III l)n(ln.an nt. T .. ...Ill I... 1 1 .1.- .... ,., ...v.. ... 1 IIHllOUU ui- uuu- 1 2 tni r.vx ., AU. V 7 ,cu " , lo". representing Hothschllds, and patch says, to answer tho lrregularl-1 55. wirt of Mlllfonl in on innni ties which tho Persian officials al- Vcl, was St bo lost alo cZ,,Kl?,VS,!1,i8L;".mrC1i"t,0,nC' lowor California, reached Ensonnda counts of ShuBtor whllo ho acted ns today In safoty Treasurer Genorul. t ' I (Dy Da; FEW dnv --n n now jersey JiuIko. In sentencing a innn to u. long term In tho ponltentlnry in , United Domocrncy of Missouri Is bo - 1.1. 1. It .11.... ...Ill I.I...I ,1... O. ...!. II ftlBU III WIIIUII UlU liunuuiin, nil- mint tuu QIIUUKUI. AltE FOK CLAHK Associated Press to Coos Times.) WASHINGTON. I.'aIi 1 !1 Tl.n Mia. sourl delegation In Congress Issued a ' Btatoniont today sotting forth tho public record of Spoalcor Champ Clark urging him ns n candldato for tho Domocrntlc nomination for Pres ident. Tho statement doclaros tho TO. PHOTO RECORDS First Class Auto Service Cars leavo Front of Lloyd hotol to moot nil trains. Faro 25c. Special calls nnywhoro at all hours. BEST CARS. DeBt drivers. Phono C6-J un til 11 p. m., after 11 p. m. phone 5-J. Rcstdcnco phono 28-J; aftor 12 phono 181R. D. L. FOOTE. Proprietor. The Royal WEDNESDAY NIGHT Xew ness was a young girl, was omphal ic In declaring that the nowspaporH wore romlsH In not giving more pun liclty to such crimes. "Llttlo Hcoms to bo known of tho clinrnctor of tJieso cuscs by tho gen eral public," ho snld, "probably bo causo thoy aro montlonod In tho nowspnpors ns 'statutory offenses.' It will probably servo public IntercHts n gront donl hotter to liavo tho farts of crimes of this nature spread broad cast." It Ih refreshing to havo n Judge tako tho samo viewpoint of publicity HALL PLAYER WEDS PORTLAND, Feb. 13 Fulfilling minors which hnvo boon flying thick and fast for nearly a fortnight, Wnl ter McCrodlo, rannngor of tho thrlco chnmplou Portland Coast Leaguo baseball club, slipped clandestinely across tho Columbia last Thursday night and shook oft tho ties of bach elorhood In favor of Mrs. Etta Roltz, n beautiful widow. Mrs, Holtz was formerly Miss Etta norsoman, dnughtor of a prominent l nt to i e vsnanors o oven he' 'mnn f Pendleton, Ore. Sho has &". ""??2??J?.Jl.X?. teen living at tho RusboII apartments on West Washington street, and it was horo tho romnnco began two years ago whon Walter McCrcdlo, Eugono Krapp and Jess Garrott, momiiors of tho Portland team, rent doos go fnrthor than tho averngo pub Usher thinks will conserve tho public , wolf aro, snys an exchange Ills aro not cured by shutting the eyes to them. It Is ns rensonnblo for society to shrink from contemplation of crimo which It Is In u measure ro-. sponsible for ns It would be for a man to refuse to look at or recog nize tho existence of u rancor on his body. d apartments In tho snmo building. (Dy Day CHANGES IX ENGLAND Associated Press to Coos TlmoH., LONDON, Feb. 13 Earl Cnrring ton today resigned the offlro of Lord of tho Privy Seal and tho Marquis of Crowo was appolntod to succeed him. Lord Pentlnnd resigned as Sec retary of State for Scotland and Thomas MoKluuon Wood, under Sec retary of Forolgn Affairs, was ap pointed to tho office. (Dy PACKERS ARE INDICTED. Associated Press to Coos Da; Times.) ATLANTA, (hi., Fob. 12. T.n Cudnhy Packing Company was indit ed today by tho feduial rand Jurv mi -GT. counts of making alleged false .ntornnl revenue return on Hakv i f oleomargarine. It Is chnrged tho company sold largo ipintltles to loiwl butter dealers and reported it soil to restaurants. CARELESS ABOUT APPEN DICITIS JNJVIARSrlFIELD Many Marshfield people hnvo stom ach or howol trouble which Is likely to turn Into nppoudlritls. If you hnvo constipation, sour stomach, or gas on tho stomach, try simple buck thorn bnrk, tlycorlno, otc, ns com pounded In Adlor-Mca, tho now Gor man appondlcltls remody. Lockhnrt & Parsons stntes that A SINGLE DOSE of this slmplo romedy will ro llovo bowol or stomach troublo al most INSTANTLY. Relief Fund Committee. Members of the special commlttoo appointed to tako charge of tho re lief fund for tho families of tho vic tims of tliu launch North Star dis aster aro requested to bo present nt a meeting to bo held Friday ovoulng, February Itf, at 8 o'clock nt tho Murshflold Chamber of Commerce. Important business to romo up. F. A. SACCHI, Chairman. ALLIANCE IX AND OPT Steamor Alliance brought the fol lowing passengers to Coos Ray from Euroku yesterday: F. W. Humphrey. Mrs. C. Wenhoe. S. Demenlnghlnl, W. 1). Stevens, C. Illuclc and T. Hone. The Alliance loft the Day nt 4:45 p. in. for Portland. Five passengers arrived on the evening train from Co qulllo too Into to go along ns Intended. System In Introduced In Coos Co.inty Work. Coos County is to nnvo n flrst-clnsn end up-to-date abstract plant. Tho Record Photographing Abstract coin pnny hnvo filed their nrtlclos of in coiporntlon nnd on Monday Installed ono of their two machines in tho uounty uourt Houso nt Coqulllo. So rapidly nnd so perfectly do thnnn in. chinos work that a volumo of GI0 pngos of deeds or mortgages can bo roprodiiied in a slnglo working day by one man nnd one machine. These mnchlnes nro rapidly com Jng Into favor und ono used In sov eial counties tho state, In tho of fice of the Secretary of Stnto and by uiu u. o. Kovornnioni. Inst ,nd of furnishing garbled state ments ; tho contents of n writing, this company will furnish, at no gi enter oxponso, truo and oxnet copies of tho Instruments themselves, or ox net copies thoroor, ns thoy appoar of record. This method does avnv with com paring tho copy w-:n tho orlglnnl and nvolds tho possibility of making any mistakes. After tho public rec ords rro onco photogrnpho'l any tnm poring with tho originals run bo easily dotected. Within four months Mnrshtlold Is promised nn exact copy nnd duplicate of all tho county rec prds of Coos county rolntlng to all lands lying within Its borders, which, owing to conditions, Ih a thing very much to bo desired. The Austin, Pa., Flood Ono of tho grontest pictures over Tcleasod will bo shown nt tho Roynl Wednesday night THIS WEEK For 10 Cents THE SAME OLD DIME. G. J. LEMAXSKI, Proprietor. OPPOSE FREE LIST Machine Tool Manufacturers Want Protection of Tariff. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 Protests of niaehino tool manufacturers against tho proposal to plnco their products on tho freo list of tho houso steel tariff revision bill todny marked tho opening of tho second week of tho tariff hearing by tho Sennto fl nnnco committee. City Fish Market FJREE DELIVERY. In Ferguson Transfer Dldg. Foot of Market Ave. SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE 200J Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT IIESIDEXCE WIRED FOK LIGHTS. t ESTIMATES GIVEX Coos Bay Wiring Co. PIIOXE 037-3 $100 Reward, $100 i..Tln .rrn.,.,,ji' " I1'1 vi,er w"11 MMMHi 10 !i iV'.'! ,,u'.rc ' l''"'! niie.lrt-H.lf.1 ,U,li iiint iicurr iiai noiMi Riiinioir. ! aiu.: riite U Ilip only iolt ve onre now known id I ho iiusllrai trmornlty. I'HUrri) Inlni a" , , (aa.l. -.... i. .. . ." ." iriiiiiiiHtn iiuii r llio fomiilAiliiii of Uu..1I-k..hii.I Blvlnirilf. M'lont .trriiKll; (u tmlMl.u . p I e ,., mtu tlnn uiiil aa.liMlni. n,i i.. !i..i.... i. . '".' T. J. SOAIFE A. H. HODOINi Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. Rstlmates Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phone HOL Oregon niOTOiQiaco. imt4 I SSI FLOUR 1 Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Tlio iiruiirlcf.ira hv-V.. ..'.,. V. i. ','.' ':."'" the power- llml they nffir one llnmlr-i ). iKMKnT.'t.',,,WUlo,,,w- -"' THkplUIU'rmnllvPlllatoriniKiriiHiion WM. S. TURPEN Architect, FRONT ST. 171 Union Oils .JASOLIXE DISTILLAT3 HEX2IXE KEROSEXF SAJISOX GAS EXGIXES aa CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil& Supply Co. "We Consider This Form of Advertising the Most Economical" This is tho boliol' concerning electric udver li.sin of Alfred Stahul & Sons, Inc., )ro)rielors of a large crockery store in San Diego, Califor nia. This progressive linn says over its signature: "We are fully convinced that electric siyn vcrtisiny is of jrculcrbt,)ieit than mo.st mer chant appreciate. "We consider this form of advertising the most economical and positively feel that we got the most for our money." The temporary removal of this firm's sign gave it an opportunity for a comparison of val ues. .Do yon know of our very liberal two-years-to-pay sign proposition? A representative will call and explain at your request. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff does not notify you. First National Bank WANTED ! ! ! " JARPETS l'PIIOISTKRI.G AXI) PIANOS TO CI.KA.V. by the Pneuma. tlo Cleaning Company, Orders foi vorlc taken af GOIVG IIIKYKV PHOXE 106 MiipxIiNHcl, Ore. Mall Order PHOXE 302W Solicited FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IX COOS COUXTV, ESTABLISHED IX 1880. Capital and Surplus . . . $100,000.00 Undivided Profits .... 8,000.00 Into. st paid on tlmo deposits. SAFETY DEPOSIT HOXES FOR RENT. Taxes can ho paid through tbl U. S. Depository (or Postal funds hank freo of charge Have That Roof Fixed XOW See G 01? THE LI Phono iai Apart- THE LLOYD. Most modern Room a nmi nient-hoiiso In tho city: Day transient GOc and up re5we10k 12.00 nnd up We have nicely furnished 2-rooin apartments, Including hath, 10 ,,er month nnd up. a. Modern Drlck BuIWIdk, Elw"1 Lights. Steam Heat. Elegantl Furnished Roomt with Ho' and Cold Water. HOTEL. OOOS O. A. METLIN. PrP' fi Ratea: 50 centa a Day and Up"" Cor. Broadway and MrW Marahflald. Oregon. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE