IN CHINA THEY COULD NOT STlftE LIBERTY AND REFORM FOREVER EVEN (E000 38m? tm WANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMES Will Keep tho Incoino from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn really holp tho family revonucs by renting a few furnished rooms and, li you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep that Httlo oxtrn income WANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMES Will Tut Your ncni usinto "in tho Market" Effectively! It will put tho facts about your nronorty boforo tlio eyes of all "pob ?K buyers" in town. " And if there's ono of thorn who ought to oS It, you'll soil Itl as "steady as a cIock." MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED' PRESS, VOL. XXXV Established In 1K7H as 'I'ho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall q 181 mid Coos Hay Advertiser. UNITED STATES TROOPS SENT TO DRESS LIKE T E TO 0 it i a n I AM C BETTER ROADS Coos Bay Men Take Up Plan Pronosed Bq Gov. West's Commission. INDICTM S AT 10 Larger Force Stationed at El Paso to Enforce Neu trality Laws. REBELS STIlThOLD COUNTRY NEAR JUAREZ Report From Torreon That a Large District There is in upen neuenion. (Ey Associated Prosa to Con Baj Times.) i:i, PASO, Texas, Feb. 13. A battnllnn of the Eighteenth Infantry, ncrompniilcd by a tiitirhlno gun pla toon, arrived from ron nuns imuiy from Whipple barracks arselml to r-iim-n thn Fourth Cavalry ho that tho liivnlnry can hhhuiiio bordor guard duty In enforcing neutrality laws. Tie rciiets sun nnm mo country nest of t'liihuabua and south of Juarez, but appear Inactive aside from raiding ranches to replenish their supply of horses, food and am iminltlon. Proin tho vicinity of Torreon comes news that the whole country Is In amis against tho existing government niid that thero are far more Tobols in arms than them are troops to give jirotectlon. arouses ;i:i:.i.x mi:. ltrporlcd Murder of Kaiser's Subject In Mexico Causes hill'. (Dy Associated I'rcBS to Coos Da; TlmoB. HKHL1N, Teb. i:i. Tlio reported murder of E. Hans Angicmnn, a Ger man ranch owner, at HI Porvenl., Mexico, attracted much attention In a newspaper here to tho conditions in Mexico. Th general ImnrewJou In that the United States -will bo forced ultimately to Interfere in that coun try. A. i;orioi.x, retired dealer ix i.jc;c."i-:it.s supplies at m .iTti.e, i)is(ovi;i(i:i iiiumx i:i at sax francisco. (fly Atbocliuea Prosb to Coos Uaj Times.) SAN I'll r irn i..i. i !.... bocy of A. Ilrotkninn of Sonttlo recovered from tho bay today. U was rcrocnized na n liiiKsnnirnr nn i.nt ilcamer V atbon, which r.rrlvoj hi o lat week fiom Seattle. -'1'MTI.K. Fdi. 12. X. Ilr.iek- man ua a icthe.1 dualur in logger' upill Jin went to San FrniuI.KM MM his r,r,u, a. Ilioc'cm'n, Jr.. laM ""' l-Wn? Mis. DrooKnmn, wifj ' h llC I II nil lll.'n Clii liu IpM iiruins conroinlnti: tlio death ot iier Inubaiid fuither linn tho A jodatol l'rc.s dispatch. l. Is' '"ought jonni; Uiockman rrust hu: JBt with lll.foituno or oln- ho wool I j Jave notified his mother that his """ s missing. YOUTH IS MURDERER. I'laho liny KIIN Another In Item (By Asaoclntod Press to Coos Day Tin. .. t ..... lllirw, w , ii, o, 'Ctl : J.- " ' ""j, nj,rd IS, is charged wun '"ill jilrubin? U'lllinm wiiiiit, aid !n i.. .. "... ... ;;:"" ""'.! .- " iiiiinui nuru nniuru.ty "i. no htirren lore 1 today. Whl .' w 8 stabbe 1 ftvo times an 1 dlo I -Lnlay. niwk declaiod ho would PCud,rr..c.-- -- VW,Ql. G1VKX XEW TIIIAI By A8clated Press to the Coss Da? vlmw Times.) nn ,Y0UK- Fol)' 13 Folko 13. frhi; ' formpr vnlot Mortlmor L. wl, s",p"'l to 30 years for i'i.v i ywns sranted n now trial to tMSVu.J"ail.e "snlsky. who Een- ri.i , ." ' "'''KlnnHy. Uo has served 11 i vo years of his sontenco. J'JM(iiiov Is tho"day5, 10 ' n-iit o"eii3 at 1 o'clock. " nl c ............ UiTMM.nA "' Planters and ,l'TIAT01s at MILXKH'S. (Jn;i,,B,,W Is the day-3, 10 1 1-,,n o-)pn3 at 1 o'clock. W.U, Miidi niid UEAIi Ci;EAl "ivr t0 V0Ur home on F'V,'; i voTirw iMinvEfian j . i. ..1.1 FIND DEAD, SON IS MISSING -' " veil. I DENY RUMOR OF INTERVENTION State Department Corrects Er roneous Stories Circulated in Mexico. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 Realiz ing tho danger to Amurlcau residents in Mexico through tho circulation of erroneous press dispatches tolling of tho proponed Intervention on the part or the United StntcH, tho State De partment today issued another cir cular to Its diplomatic and consular representatives In Mexico denying all tho "Foolish stories" of American in tervention and expressed good will dud tho slnccrest friendship of tho united States government for Mexico During flio Mexican revolution tho tnto department Issued n similar cir cular. Slnco tho recent trouble as Niimcd Rerlous proportions tho do pnrlmcnt has mado overy effort to stop stories of Intervention by mak ing plain Its policy towards the sister Republic. T WAIT A WEEK City Council Defeats Action on Renuest For $150 Per Month For Its Support. After listening to tho appeal of a half dozen men who appeared as n special rommlttco of tho Mnrnhflold Chamber of Commerce, tho city coun cil last night postponed Ilnnl nctlon for a week on tho petition that the city npproprlato $150 per month to support tho Coos Day Concert Dand. Tho action was takon after sovoral members of tho council bad express o,l themselves as doubtful whothr tho city would havo tho cash to spare and also as to whothor It would bo better to suhstltuto tho band for somo of tho other things which they thought tho city nccdod. Tho matter was Hrst presontod by C. V. McKnlght. Ho had a longthy pctltion signed by representative bus iness men and property holders. I'm snl.l that nearly nil of tho largest taxpayers In tho city woro repre sented on tho petition. Ho made a strong appeal for the support of tho ban 1, H-lilch ho snld would bo lost unless tho city council appropriated tho $1 HO per month needed to sup port it. Tom Dennett followed Mr. Mc Knight with a similar appeal, IIo said that he had helped clrculato tho petition and estlmntod that tho sign ers of tho petition represented about threo-fourths of the assessablo prop erty in Mnrshllold. Ho snld that In view of this, ho did not sco who could protest ngnlnst tho council appropri ating the $150 per month needed. IIo said that this was tho only oriultnblo way of raising money for tho band. Ho said that to rnlso tho money by subscription would bo to compol tho public splrltod citizens who havo to put up for everything to dig for tho ban J, Ho said this was not right and that ns It was a public benefit, tho city ns whole should provido fir It. Ho pointed out that other cities woro paying largo sums out of municipal funds for public parks, Imiib nnd other diversions. Ho said that all that was noolod In Mnrsh flol 1 was n little o location along this line. Ho snld that ho was confident tint there would be no protests if tho petition was prantol. Geo. MrCutchoon spoke brlotly, re viewing tho work tho band had dono. lJe il'l that it was organlzod In Mo-Mi, ifiOfl, nnd that since then It had nveragel nbout twonty frco M-hUr enrorts per year and had nn nverago membership of 25. Ho said tho members gave their services for nothing and tho SI 50 per month was n ho vo-' In paying tho director and 'no eto" small exponses. Ho said Mpt the hand had .tried to mako "n'f n Kc'f-supnorting organization, 't ha I filloi. He said that Crescent CMv. OnMfornln, was paying $150 per -"n'i fcr a banl: Lewlston, Idaho, sfO yei and many other towns "ii flMo1 Him amounts. IIo said "nt it would bo a good investment '""'"n " Inn1' ,,"'H rocognizod ns "o r Miq best in tho country anil ho - n iht .rA- t'o city nldci. it '- ' ' simply have to go out of ex istence. Hrch McLaln also spoke In favor 0 M (Coutlnued on page 4.) President of Chinese Republic Instructs Diplomats in the United States. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 13 Offi cials of tho Chinese Consular scrvlco In tho United Stntes havo boon or dered to adopt tho American stylo of dross by an edict received here from President Sun Vnt Son of the" now republic. Tho Consular offi cials are Instructed to remain at their posts until their successors nro ap- MANII'KSTO IS 1SSUICI) Foiiucr Premier Calls Himself Or ganizer of New (Joveriiiuciit. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) P13KIN, Fob. 13 A manifesto was Issued this ovonlng by Yuan Shi Kal in -which tlio Premier assumed tho tltlo of "tho fully ompoworcd organ izer of tho republic." Tho manifesto politically commands officials of tho army and politic to continue their duties niid maintain order. PLAN STRIKE OF Nearly Million Employes in Great Britain's Coal Mines . Threaten Walkout. (Dy Associated Prass to Cooa Dn Times.) 1.OND0N, Fob. 13 A conference of representatives of 800,000 coal miners hold here today confirmed tho decision to bring nbout n national btoppago of work in tho coal mines February 29 unless, In tho menntimo tho mine owners accept tho prlnclplo of minimum wage for all nion nnd boys employed underground. TO BE BOILT NOW North Front Street Property Owners to Do Work By Private Contract. The property owners on North Front street" havo finally doclded to go ahead and put In tho proposed bulkhqad by prlvato contract Instead of requiring tho city to do it. This was announced last oveulng at tho moating of tho Council by Honry Scugstncken, who said that practical ly all had agreed to it oxcept tho Webstor estate and ho hoped they would soon. IIo said tho Port Com mission had taken tho matter up nnd had asked for bids to bo oponed Feb ruary 1C. C. F. McKnlght and Mr. Seng stackou both informed tho Council that they did not want tho Council to drop tho mnttor until It was ab solutely certain that tho property owners woro going to go nhead with the Improvement by private contract. It tiey do not. tho Council can forco tho Improvement through, although the cost will bo nearly double what It will be If tho work Is dono by pri vate contract. In consequonco, tho Council mot ns n board of equalization on tho matter last night but adjourned until Feb ruary 19 without taking any action. To Change Ordinance. City Attorney Goss was instructed to draft an amendment to tho build Ins ordinance whoreby property own ers within tho flro limits can movo buildings on tho samo lot providing that tho change In tho location does not Increase the fire hazard. This action grow out of tho saveral appli cations of Honry Sengstacken for a no-'iilf to move a lmlldlng near tho rumor of Third and Market. City Building Inspector Trlbboy brought t i'p Tast evening. Wonts New Proposition. pim- Atorney Go3s nported that 'fnbnr Mp-dn. ?r-, now wanted the Co'incl' t" nii'ic him an offer fir th'o wafer right which ho c'alms to ho'd ,cn the city park property. Tho mat- -r wnpreff r-ed to tho finance com 1uutTunocT7n ' Juge . i 800,000 MEN BO .1. C. Kendall and n number of other Mnrshflcld men nro taking up tho Good Roads bill which waB pro pored by special comtuittco np pointed by Governor West and will endeavor to secure favorablo action on It in this locality. It will prob ably bo presented to tho Mnrshfteld Chamber of Commorco at nn early meeting for their consideration. Tho bill, which It is planned to submit under tho Initiative at tho next general election, provides for amending tho constitution of tho Stnte of Oregon to permit a $20,000, onn bond Immi'i Tlio proceeds of this Issue nrc to bo expended In building permanent roads throughout tho state. Tho "inn Is to place tho work under tho direction of exports. Tho Btnto Is to dofrny one-half of tho ox- nense of tho roads and tho counties tho other half. Tho gcncrnl plan provided by tho bill is In accord with tho latest Ideas along this lino suggested by conimls slons In othor Blatcs that hnvo thor oughly Investigated tho good roads problem. -r- - . ;w IF HE WILL RUN Strenuous One Has Not An swered Letters From Eight Governors Yet. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times., NEW YORK, Fob. 13 Colonol Roosovolt has received letters from eight Governors sent nftcr a confor enco In Chicago asking him if he will accept tho Presidential nomina tion but ho has not yet framed nn answer to It. "I havo received lottor from tho olght poworB sent mo from Chicago," said Roosovolt today, "and am giving it my careful consideration. I shall reply to it within n short time, prob ably within a weok. Until that time 1 can say nothing on tho subject." North Bend Experiencing a Little Boom as Result of Renorts. A'tcr n dearth of railroad nows for a lew days, a fino bunch of ru mors wore afloat today, especially in North Uend. Most of tho rumors in North Rend hlngo on tho tologram from h. J. Simpson to L. F. Fnlkon stein instructing him to tako tho Simpson town property off tho mar ket. Many nro Inclined to bollovo that Mr. Simpson has received somo important railroad nows and is now holding their property for tho big boom. On tho strength of this bo llof, thero is snld to bo unusual ac tivity in North Dond (real estate Many of thoso negotiating for it aro snld to bo Mnrshflcld men. Cnpt. Edgar Simpson, who re turned yesterday from San Frnncisco, has little or nothing to say as to tho enure of Mr. Simpson's action. Somo who nro not so enthusiastic over the situation claim that tho tak ing tho town property off tho market !b moroly in compliance with tho de cision reached by tho Simpson com pany some time ago to Increase tho valuations on their town lots. It Is claimed by tlieso that as soon as tho valuations nro readjusted'and raised, tho property will again bo put on tho market. Tho Southern Pacific right of way agon's aro still buying property thero to connect up with tho proposed loute of tho Terminal Railway, as was announced In Tho Times sovoral days'ngo. This, together with tho re port that condemnation, proceedings nve been Instituted against R. C. Corde-nil 'tho othdr owners of tho "ronerty at Dynamite, Just above Snrid Point,) Is enthusing a number. 1 ,n-n't for.cet MIIA'ISR'S price on WIHH FK,M'I-:. r r ."5, 10 mid 15-CRXT STORK O'Con- uell apt, bids Opens tomorrow. rnlne vitCIIKIJj AXLE Grease K ROOSEVELT MAN H Ul ,ni.l .. M1I.VI.MHl! ww-wv.wvsv r OR FREE LIST Democrats Draft New Chemi cal Tariff Revision Measure Increase Income. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.: WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Tho chomlcnl tariff revision bill, prepared by tho Democratic members of the Wnys and Means committee of tho house was mado public today. It puts tho following articles on the frco list: Acids, sulphnto of coppor, borax, chnrcoal and bono black, coal tar and somo of its products, sulphate of Iron, narls croon. London nurnlc. phosphorus, sheep dip, sulphate of soda, strychnine, sulphur In nil forms, talcum, all drugs such as bnrks, beans, borrlcs, fruits, dried llbro roots nnd tho like. According to the com mlttco's estimates tho bill would In irenso tho government's revenue from the v.licmlcnl tariff to moro than six Icon millions In the next fiscal ycai, nn inercaso of moro than four mil lions. LACKS FUNDS Maneuvers for State Troops Handicapped Plans for ,ttie Coming Year. ' ' WASHINGTON, Fob. 13. In In terpretation of nn nllowanco by con cress of tho war department's esti mate of $1,350,000 for tho joint man euvers next sumnior oi tno regular army and tho oranlzcd militia, Drlg-ndlor-Gonornl Evans, chief of tho Division or Militia Affalrh, has juM communicated with tho adjutant gen ornl rt n-illfnrnln. Orocon. Wnshllltf ton, Idaho, Arizona, Now Mexico and Utnh definitely to ascertain me nvn; her and kind of troops each stale will bo nblo to furnish. Tho small appropriation nvnllnbtf for tho transportation of tho regular irnnim tlm!ta thn number Hint Clll tako pnrt, but tho War Department is hopeful that it can find n way lntir in tiinronsn thn number, norlians bv asking tho gocrnors of tho stales mentioned to enll upon their legisla tures to supplement tho funds sup plied by tho nntlonnl treasury. On tllO rOCIllC const, llio iiuriiunu ia in natnlillall two mnllGUVOr CaillDH. 0110 near San Francisco, tho othor in tho Pugot Sound region. Tho first mon tlonod enmp will bo mnnnod by rog- ulnra frnm tlm PrusidtOR of Sail Fmil- olsco and Monteroy with tho militia of California. Nevada, Utah, Arizona and possibly Now Moxlco, and tho last will bo supplied by rogular troops from Vancouver Darracks, Dolso Dar racks, Forts George Wright and Law ton, reinforced by tho Nntlonnl Gunrd of Oregon, Washington, Idaho nnd Montnnn. Roth camps nominally will ho commanded by Major Gonornl Ar tl ur Murray, commanding tho Pacific division, hut each will bo directly under tho department commnndor, Drlgadlor General II. II. Drush, In California, and Drlgndlor Genornl M. P. Maus in Washington; Genoral Murray acting as chief umplro. in each camp tlcro will bo two r-nnlrnrlln? ni'n' (il.cll COinnOSOd Of a rolnforcod brigade, of both regit-1 if rs nnd militia. Tho red army will I act as defenders. Tho blue will rop- losont a forolgn forco safoly InndoJI on tho const nna beeKing 10 penetrans tho lntorlor. The navy may tako I nrt, both offensively nnd dofons-! Ively, with theoretical attacks on tho, tea const fortifications. . Tho maneuvers will continue olght days, but are designed as camps of Instruction for ofllcors nnd men rath ei than ns tests of endurance, darches w.M be limited to 10 or 12 miles a juy, and tho main bodies whl him ample rest at night. While ecor.uc.nau o n kept up for tho np-pi-.i- b of He c tmy, brlgado prob lems will bo worked out. Then, as Mio forco approach, opportunity will bo afforded to test tho rosourcoful ne?s of subordinate ofllcors in mov ing their commands through dlfllcult f run try. o-uh army commnndor be in front In Ignorance of the other's movements Tho L111P- " i Methodist niiircji will irko Chicken Tuiiiule Wcdiic- duv afternoon. Tamales will bo on so'" tho church kitchen after 1 oVI 'k. . SPRAV PUMPS at MIL-NEK'S. MN MA Clarence Dowd, Organizer of Machinists' Union, Ar ' rested at Rochester. IMPLICATED IN ALLEGED DYNAMITE CONSPIRACY Claim That He Represented One of Omanizations Aid ing McNamaras. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.; ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Fob. 13. Clarence Dowd of Mnnsflold, Ohio, al leged to havo been implicated in tlio McNainnra dynamite conspiracy, was arrested hero today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Fob. 13. It Is snlcj that rinro Dowd, arrested In Rochester, wiife C. E. Dowd, an or ganizer of the International Machin ists' "" ' - --' Hint ho roprcsontod ono of tho unions involved in tho dynamite conspiracy. READV FOR HARROW. Date of Trial of McNiimara Attorney to Re Set Tomorrow. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Timet) LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13. A con ference between Assistant District At torney Ford nnd Dort Franklin, the McNamara defonso dotectlvo, charged with Jury bribing, just ono day boforo tho sotting for trial of tho caso of Clarenco Darrow, again brought forth rumors today that Franklin will bo tho star witness for tho stnto against Darrow, who is also accused of Jury bribing, ARRESTS ALL UtflfJEKTAIN Timo or Taking Indicted Men Into Custody StJII Uncertain. (Dy Assocl at k1 Press to th Coos Bay Tim OB.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Fob. 13 Whether arrests wcro to bo mado in tho dynamlto conspiracy cases today was said at District Attorney Mil ler's offlco at noon tolbo still un certain. That all tho planB for tak ing into custody tho dofondants now said to number moro than 50 aro completed and that it Is moroly a question of sending word by tolo graph was admitted but whon tho ac tion will bo precipitated cannot bo learned. Tho suddon disappearance of somo men believed to be unmod miuor de fendants In tho dynamlto conspiracy cases, was said to havo caused dolay In tho qovornmont's plan to mako ar rests today and an announcement seemingly final ennio from tho Dis trict Attornoy's offlco thnt action will go over until tomorrow. PENSION BILL IS CHANGED SENATOR SMOOT'S SURSTITUTE ADOPTED BECAUSE PLAN WILL COST GOVERNMENT LESS. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 12 Tho so callod "Dollar-u-day" pension bill was rejected today by tho Sonata committee on pensions and anothor mensuro which will Increaso tho an nual oxpendlturo $24,000,000 pro posed ns a substitute by Senator Smoot, of Utah, wns adopted. Sonn tors Drown of Nebraska and Curtis of Kansas gnvo notlco that In tho Sennto they would press tho Shor wood hill as a suhstltuto for tho Smoot bltl. Smoot's estimate of $21,000,000 as tho coat of his plan is based on tho ponslon bureau's computation of ago and length of service of veterans. Tho Sherwood hill, nccordlng to tho pensions bureau, would cost $75, 000,000 a year. Smoot's bill was ndopted by a voto of 12 to 2 after tho Shorwood bill was voted down 10 to 1 and embodies provisions to ponslon Civil Wnr yctorans 02 yoara old who served 00 days or moro. vvlcnn Wnr veterans would recolvo $30 a month. Civil Wnr veterans would bo put on a graduated scale from $13 a month for 90-dny vet omns, (52 years old to $30 a month for voternns 75 years old who sorvod threo years or moro. Clean, your Oiled. Painted or Waxed FLOORS with SHERWIV W!T,T.T.MS FLOOR AVIPE at MIL-NEK'S. M