THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1912 - EVENING EDITION I DAY WINS Br ISUOMI A KiCKOUIi ' ! HI.II.B5 HIE IEETII Easy Victor Over Jack Linkcn- Celebration of Eighteenth An bach of Klamath Falls Here nual Festival Saturday Saturday Night. Night Very Enjoyable. Jess Day was nn easy viclor over , The fuom Wo. Jack Llnkcnbach Saturday night. , ,,'lnnlali Ilnll last Saturday evening The Intended 20-rouiid contest ended 1)C81,l0 tho rn t,0 hall was crowd In the eixth round when Day 0j t0 Its capacity with members and knocked out his man with a stiff nlcIr families, the cclohrutlon this right on tho chin. Hcfcroo tmo being n private affair. Over Howard counted him out and asslBt-, 300 people wore present, ed him to his corner and the bout : short program, Including read was ended after n little parley be- f j,lg 0 t1Q annUal report by Alex, tween the referee and tho seconds to JonnBon BpCCchcs by John Anderson tho defeated man, tho latter claim-, of North Bend and C. J. Hlllstrom Ing that Llnkenback was counted out. of .Marshllold, nnd n couplo of selcc too soon. This que&tlou was quickly . ton8 j,y tho band, preceded tho in settled, howovor, tho circumstances formni reception and social. This was plainly placing the referee In tho followed by a sumptuous bnnque.1. right. Tho dance continued until morning. Jess Day wns the victor through-, Tho launch Wah-Tn-Waso of out, his opponent nt no tlmo hnvlng Catching Inlet made a second trip In a show to win. Tho affair was a j t0 Marshllold In tho evening to nc bloody one, tho Klamnth FallB boy commodnto outsiders whe uttoiun I bleeding profusoly from noso ami ; the festival, and tho snmo vessel mouth nnd from a bad gash under j brought home tho Coos river an 1 BROWN 10 GET j HFRCF 8 tho left oyo. But tho opinion Is thnt It was tho body punches that fin ished him, till he v.'as completely at tho mercy of his opponent. The preliminary, an Interesting S round go between Sing ilostin ami Kid Whlto from Montnnn, was per- Catching Inlet lsItors early Sunday morning. The fc,stlnl was n most cnjoyab'.o one, and one of tho best attended ever given by the society. Tho Suomi Society Is making very rnpld gains of lato. "Tho Knlghru haps oven moro surprising, tho llttlo ()f i,'!,,),,,,,," n local society of nlmlln- alm organize 1 among the bwcJHii Flnnlsh population, was recently con solidated with tho Suomi Society, tho two assuming tho Inttor's nnmo. Tho Finnish Hall wns built and originally owned by "Tho Knights of Finland," nnd this very valuable property hay by tho consolidation rovortcd to tho Suomi Society, wnicii is strong uoin Chlnamnn winning a good draw over tho Imported man. Except In the fifth nnd eighth rounds Slug had much tho best of tho bout nnd wns a winner If the go hnd been decid ed strictly on points. Except for n llttlo blood drawn from tho China man's nose, this wns a bloodless affair. It became evident thnt some rcnl flnnnclnlly nnd ub a great factor so- North Bend News Mrs. Robt. Simpson nnd son, Wll llnm, woro Mnrshflold visitors Saturday. .1 t ...111 1. ...... i.a i,-,,i,i in 11 nnncinnj niiu us K'-'"i iuti"i " fighters will have to bo brought In , nm', for nni0nB poo- hero to bent tho surprisingly clover 1 . 'f .. imtlonty. Tl ,.l .,! Ilnv Willi cIlllWB llll ' P' l ,lH ""U"W. exceptional ability In tho stylo of fighting followed hero at present. Fight by Hounds. Round 1: Men shook hands. Sparred cautiously. Day leads with left for face. Lands lightly. Thoy clinch. In the clinch Day Innds sev eral times on Link'B henrt. Link lnnds sovcrnl light ones to head. Round oven. Hound 2: Day lands stiff loft to fnco bringing tho clnrot. They clinch. nv inmia (n limlv n half dozen times. Link Is kept busy trying to covor. Tho schooner Advent Is In from Thoy break and Link lands on hend , Snn Pedro taking on n cargo nt tho as thoy como together. Day lands Porter mill, two good punches over tho heart. T)nv linn nhiwle. I IJnvlcnl nnrvlrnn will lincln tonlcht Hound 3: Thoy mix from tl'o , nt tll0 Methodist Kplscopnl church on' sound of gong. Iloth land good ones Mt,ndo nntl Virginia nvenues. I In tho clinch thnt followed. Link tries hard for hond In tho Infighting, Mr8 ,ko preolund and daughters, I whllo Day kcopB misy on mo uoay. f Ihuos Joanotto nnd Holon, of Shor- Martln Hrecn of Enstsldo was transacting business In Mnrshflold on Saturday. Prosecuting Attorney Decides to be Candidate for Re-election. Deputy District Attorney LHJcqvlBt Is in receipt of n letter from Georgo Brown stntlng tnat it is nis intention to bo a candldato for tho offlco of dis trict attorney at tho coming election. Mr. Brown has beon district nttornoy for Coos, Curry nnd Douglas Coun ties continuously for 10 years, nnd there seems to bo but llttlo doubt that ho will bo elected for another term of four years. It was Mr. Liljeqvist's Intention to offer himself as a cnndldato for tho offlco In cnBO Mr. Brown did not sook re-election, but now thnt ho has de cided to run Mr. Llljeqvlst says ho would not oven entertain tho thought of running In opposition to him. Coqulllo Sontlnol. .InckHon May Hun ' The Hosoburg News says: "It Is Intimated by friends of Hon. 0. S. Jackson. cx-Roprescntntlvo of tho Twmifv.fnnrMi Legislative Assembly of tho Stnto of Oregon, that ho may allow his namo to go befaro tho peo ple of DouglaB, Coos and Curry Coun ties as n candldato for prosecuting nttornoy. Ills friends say thnt thoro Is romp sentiment for a chnngo In thnt office." CRAWFORD KOH GOVERNOR New Things for Men Rlar.fc and tan Shoes, Stetson Hats, new ! shapes, New Cluett Shirts, New Negligee j Shirts, New Silk Crocheted Neckwear, New ! Rain Coats and Gaberdines, Benjamin Clothes have all tin newest Ideas, anil 1110 the embodiment of stylo, lit, rlinriictcr and service. Benjamin clothes AIM! HETTER CLOTHES. Women's and Children's Shoes Zrwm f 1 y "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAItSIIFIELD BANDON Don't take chances o n your hat. Get the best the Stetson Link docs not scorn to bo nblo to pro toot the body. Dny docs not wait aft or tho clinch but lmmodlntoly bores In with hard rights to body. Day's round. Hound 4: Tho mon spar lor n mo mnn nvcnuo wcro Mnrshtlold visitors Snturdny. Mrs. Walter Hobortson and llttlo sou, of Enstsldo, visited Saturday moT Link lands light Wit to head. and Sunday nt tho homo of ..or sister. iriinw nllnnli tlnv nllt. riClltS linK in."'"" " """"'! '" -""O"" ho clinch. As tho rofcrco brcnKs them Link's bocoiuIb cnutlon him to keen away. Ho tries tins ana tnoy Miss Inoz Andorson of Shermnn, Ore, Is 111 of yellow jnundtco at her mix lively for n tlmo with rights nnd homo and her sister, Miss Ellen An iens to tho hend. Day inntis sun uorson, is inning nor pinco tor n low left on Link'B oyo. As tho gong days nt Dr. Hartlo'B onico. sounds Link does not henr It nnd tries to keep on boxing. Day's round ALONG THE WATEH FRONT. by big margin. - Former Coos Bay Mnn Expected to Be n Candidate. SALEM, Or., fob. 12 From n sourco apparently authentic In every way, It wns learned hero thnt At torney General Crawford has aspira tions to becomo Governor of tho State, and that It Is probable that ho will becomo n candidate two years hence. When questioned with relation to tho subject, tho Attorney aonornl would neither affirm nor deny that ho would becomo n candidate. Ho mndo It plain, howovor, that ho would not bo a candldato again for Attomoy General, nnd ndroltly turned tho convocation from tho Governorship to plans of ongnglng In tho law business with his son nt Portland. lii.Jr Out tnf rVinirrrnq Adopting as his campaign slogan "For Hoosovolt and Progress, nnd AgnlnBt Tnft and StnndpntlBin," John P. Husk, of La Grnndo, Spenkor of tho IIoiiso of Representatives nt-tho Inst session of tho Legislature, filed with tho Secretary of Stato his dec laration of intention to becomo n can dldato at tho primaries for Congress from tho Second Congressional Dis trict. If olected, ho says, ho will support tho offorts of Hoosovelt, La Follotto, Cummins nnd other progros slvo lenders. Ho declares In favor of Hoosovolt for President, nnd snys If Hoosovolt will not nccopt tho nomi nation that ho will support somo oth er fighting progressive. TO lUW FOR SENATOR City Auto Service Good Curs, Careful Drivers nnd rcnsonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel nnd Blnnco Cigar Stoto. Day Phonos 78 and 46. Night Phono 4C. BARKER .V GOORALH. Proprietors. MEN of Mrat,whohavohomotnvcnttvonMllty ti'jtiart torlln lllfl'l! l t tl..llTIIIL Vualillia1ott, l ti nlflawj wriWHlKi:i:i.KV A M.I.NTIHK, iHirni Alloritcj Ilouiul D: Doth men seem fitrong The Alliance nrrlvort In toilny from . f mu .. ...- fH .. irt- I MIV A ituiiu iiunui III IWI1I1J I I V nt ginning- ' r.f or ,.:u,.olui nl, w, mU, ,nt0 nfto mont nnd cl Inch Lin k wpt tr nj. mm f()r ,,ortlluul ,, ,3 BC,,0(llc for hond. Day showers blows to body. od loriionu. "J r,ni Tlvolv for n 1 " fr tlloro ThuiBdny aftor At tho break they mix llvel for n 1 i.iiiK seems 1 - Owing to tho rough weather out side, tho Redondo, which left hero Friday to sail for San Finnclsio nn.l Snn Po.lro, did not cross out from I Empire until Sunday morning. ' Tho Nairn Smith sailed Sunday I iiiiilltlllir ulth l i.illM'n fif liimlini fritu ..... ...... ..o' " ......M.. ....... time. Ilo Is very strong to weaken from body blows. Ills eye Is puffed. Ho Is game. Day beats him hero In long distance boxing. Dny's round. Round 11: Day 1b fresh. Ho bores in with grent rapidity. Link breaks ground nnd covers up. Link comes nut nnd rus hoa Day. nicy mix 111 11 tendor Heathor People Take Notice! Wo havo nil lengths of utovo wood tor Balo, prices ranging frcm 1.50 per tier up. Wo can furnish any longth you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. Ill limiiv. .-... ...--, - i, i! 'BW.''M. "5r..n"' iVSf t-' T hi lighthouse er they break Link seems weak and "ossod In today from tho Columbia Day out points him. Again thoy ior. clinch and Day tears In with fast blows to body. Suddenly ho shoots .rV SIWDAY SCHOOL stiff right upper-cut to point of chin. Link goes to floor on hands and ),.Kllat r t ,.nijvllle knees. The referee counts Uliii out. ,..f,.,4Ml and 'iViiclien. Chosen. The men shako bauds after i.uik rea- A ....ini. Sinulnv bcIiooI win stnrt- llzes he has been counted out. I j , Heuryvllle yesterday under the Earl Chlsholni, of Coqulllo, wns In- KuporvlHlon of Rev. Fred W. Davis, troduced as the man who will fight the liimtwrnien's evangelist. It will . Jess Day on March Hi In this city. remain an liiterdeinonlnatlonal Sun- "Hilly" WiWon ehnllenged Sing day school and will be In chnrgo of llosim, and the two will meet in n Mr. Tlieo. Williams ns suporlntend-10-rotind bout ns n piellmltinry to 0Ut .i,.8 Giover Moore, assistant Bli the fight on tho night of tho Day- petintendent. nnd Miss Jennlo Smith Chlsholm contest. secretnry nnd treasurer. The tench A pretty good crowd witnessed tho rH nl0 Mrs. P. Lennlng nnd Mrs. W. ffght nud a flashlight picture was Mi Williams, in addition to tho above takon of tho arena and the crowd Just nnmed. They will meet In the school beforo tho main event. house every Sunday horeaftor nt 2:30 I o'clock. Tho school was started with COQl'll'IiH FIREMEN ELECT 07 children present the first tlmo, nnd thero nre a great many moro ex- a mont Inir nf the Volunteer Flro pected to Join, everybody showing O. P. Cosliow of Roseburu Has As pirations (br Toga. Tho Hosoburg Roviow'snys: With in a fow dnys Hon. O. P. Cosliow, of this city, will formally nnnounco his cnndlducy for tl-o Domocintlc notnl- . ,...l.l Cnlnj. On.inL.M 1.1 linilOU Ilir L'llllUll Olllll-n ouiiiiiuii i" I succeed Sonntor Jonathan Bourno, i Ropubllcnn. Mr. Cosliow is won nno favorably known throughout tho state, having represented Douglns pimfv iii Mm Stntf, cjonntn during two sessions of that body. Othorsj Hoek'ng tl-e Democratic nomination 1 I'M' i'iil,'(l f'l'M sonntor uru nun. Milton A. Mlllr, of Lebnnnn. and Hon. Wa'ter Plorco. of Hot Lnko, Union Countv. both nlso former mom bor? of the Stnto Senate. The opin ion Foenn to pvevall that Sonntor Bourno will probably be renominat ed to succrod himself, and If so Mr. Coshow will verv llkolv dofeat Mm nt the gonernl o'ectlon In November. In thnt caso Oregon will be assured of n llvo.'nrtlvo member In tho up per Houso of Congress. TRY THE EDGE WITH YOUK FINGER. Exnmino n collar fresh from our laundry. Notlco Ub cloar, whlto col or, Us oven, olastlo stiffness, Is smooth and Its perfect shnpo. Thon tost tho top odgo by running your flngor-tlp over It. Notlco tho smooth, slick finish glvon It. Noth ing thoro to rub, dig or Irritate your neck. This test will provo tho vnluo of our scrvlco. Send us a trial bundlo nnd npply tho test. Marshfield'Hand & Steam Laundry Mnuzey Bros. Props Phone U20.J. Our Wagons Go Anywhero Anytime PR0FESSI0IMA1 niRFCTnov "KTHS. E. SIIADIIL'RNE. Teacher of voico placomont, breathing and Interpretation of song In rondy to rocolvo tho public. Studio till Commercial Ave. Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony This Is a vital question for present dny homobulldors whether to hnvo n houso which In nppenrnnco must nlwnys remain tho urn or a houso that will permit of n llttlo refreshing occasional;. Neighborhoods chnngo ns do Individual tnstos a trnmo house cu easily bo mado to hnrmonizo with Us surroundings a fresh coil of paint often will mnko It as good ns your neighbor's now hom tho snmo ns a now suit makes you feel llko a now man. At any rnto n frnmo houso Is suscoptiblo to most nny change joj might dcslro nnd whllo It Is pormnnont It docs not neccsurt!? neod becomo nn oyesoro or a monotony. Thoro nro lots of thlop wo'vo observed about houses nnd lumbor thnt you should knot bofora building come In nnd we'll glvo you our vlows. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT SOUTH BROADWAY, MAIISHFIELU FAST AND COMMODIUH Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUBMARINE HEM Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco and San Pedro Friijj February 9, at 3 P. M., Stopping at San Francisco, Both Wifl INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone II. C. l.Y.McGE()HOK,.tpl Steamer Homer DATE OF SAILING TOI BE ANNOUNCED LATER F. S. Dow, Agent r R. E. I'. WINKLER. I " Ntitiii-opntli and Chiropractor All chronic diseases treated. Consul" tatlon frco. Offlco hours: 9 to VI a. m.; to 6 nud 0 to t p. m Naturopath Instltuto Room No. 1 No. HO Brondway, Mnrshflold, Oro DELAYS PORT ELECTION pvR. G. W. LESLIE. - Osteopathic Phynlclau Uradunte of the Amerhnn school ol Osteopathy nt Klrksvillo, Mo. Office lu Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4 Phone 101-J; Marshllold; Oregon Department wns hold for tho election great Interest, of officers for the ensuing year. Tho present officers wore re-eiecieu: M. Nosier, chlof; R. R. Watson, S. sec retary: W. H. Lyons, treasurer; . C. Laird, captain of house No, 1; W. C. Chase, captain of house No. 2: dc-orge E. Peoples, chlof of huso nnd ladder. A committee was nppolnted to nr rango for fcceurlng a hnll for next ninth nt least to be used as a tsym 1 asluin-GeoiBe E. Peoples. R. R. WatHon, O. Knowlton, Walter Oerd ' it?, Einene Wlokhuin. It win decided that practice would 1 l'd twice n month nnd those who r tended practice regulnrly would bo plven n r'upper once n month 10 be provMed by tho Cltv Council. If ap proved by them. Coqulllo Sentinel. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. 4 Times subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly nro requested to notify Tho T'iiicb oftloco of any Irrogulnrlty PRESTON J ONES rMinn.l tr.i-iv vl Hnn'ion from a fow wks' ms' with frloiHs at Snn Frniu'lKo and Stcnford Unlvmlty. In delivery. This is the only means Tho Times has of know- Ing when subscribers miss their papers, and consequently tb only means of remedying tho rouble, l.ns:ioi CI II SSJINIS.UI MIIOK" JIHX S?IO(I XVIC SSMNISnil V ONISIXIKIAHV SSH'I MUX Pert of I'mPdiiu Proposition Contin ued Until .Inly Term of Court. The Roscburg Nows snys: "Tho County Court ndlourned at noon Fri day, after a briof tosslon. T e 111 tor of setting an olectlve date for the proposed Port of I'mpqua was con tinued until tho July term of court when It will receive duo considera tion." . 11 IWIIIBMIHIW RELIEVE YOUR STOMACH We Will Help You Do It. Rend Our ( Dyspepsia may be comp.etoly eradi cated If prore ly trained. We boil n remedy that we positively Ru.uantee will eonip.etely relieve Indlsostlon or dspepsla, or t o medicine 1.1 d lug the trial will cesi the usei n )th- j lug. T''ls remedy has boan named Rex-! all Dyspepsia Ti.blets. Cert Uulv no j offo" ct)u'd be more tr'v. .mi' o; r of fer sbnu'd b' p-oof ntwlMve 'ht Pev nll Dyspepsia Tnblcts are a depMid ab'e remedy. Inasmuch ns the modlclue vlll cost you nothing If It doos not benefl- you, we urge you who nre sufferln? wlt'i Indigestion or dyspepsia to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. A 21 ceut hex contains ouuiikIi ni'dlifne for flrteon days' treatment. For chronic cases wo bavo two I.t h' slzos. 50 cents nnd $1.00. Kowvr-1 ber, you can obtnln Hexn'l Rw-.-oM j nn'v st ?'o" Ti'o ?'"'! 1 nek'n,,-',ersnns Drug Co. "T i' Bufy Corner" 1 J W. HENNETl', Lawyor. THE FRIEND OF COOS BAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR. EUREKA FROM COOS BAY OS Thursday, A. M., February 8 CDNNIVTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT I'OHTLtf NORTH PACIMl' STI'XXIIIII VVflAVV. I'lu'ue II. Ct p. .Mi-fiEOJlGli .If )ffieo over Flanagan & Denuott Dank Iarshtlold Oregon r-R. J. T. McCORMAO, - Physician and Surgeon j Marshfleld, Oregon. Jflice: Locklmrt Building, opposite Post OfUte j Phono I05-J EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwatei ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT H P. M. ON FEHRUARY l.'l, SO AX" SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX J"1 ARY 10, 17 nud 1. i,, A, iWRKHUHST, Agent. Phono MID V L. II. KEATING, Agent. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S .Modern Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high clnst work on short notlco nt the very lowest prices. Examination freo Lndy atlendnnt, Coke building, oppo le Phnndler ho'nl nhorio 112-.T Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunher Hill Eastsi e an 1 Cther Locations !'. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. nENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Cc-qullle Offl e Phone 191 Marshfleld Offlco M-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lnnd special'? Gensral Agents "EASTSI DE" I Have Somo First Class RESIDENCE LOTS ! In Eugene to Exchange for Coos Dayj Property. i What Have You Got? AIG. FRIEEN CS Centra! Ave., Marshfleld. DRESSMAKIM GOWNS. SFITS AXH HE.MODICLIN0 Mil c TT R ANDI' Phone 10-J, Cor. th nd l' I