The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 12, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Page 3, Image 3

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ednesday Is the Big Day
At 10 o'clock the doors open and business begins. .IT you have had any doubt as to
Lvhethor or not you would attend, these bargains should make you determined to
And besides these special values there are other reasons, .lust seeing the new
store and the many goods is a treat, and during this day a handsome and useful
Livehir froc lo every lady.
lon't Miss the Opening Day
'lio biggest enameled ware bargains
jvor offered in this part of the country.
A U-qunrl rich mottled gray enameled
Wish pan of extra heavy steel base,
st rough' riveted handles. 1 f
)ni only lo each purchaser J V
A beautiful semi-porclain 8-inch (ac
tual size 9 inches) salad or utility
dish in two very dainty decorations.
You would ordinarily pay anywhere
from 55c to 75c for it. One to each
buyer Wednesday for only 1
, 10 and 15CENT STORE
O 'Council Apt. Building, Marshficld, Ore.
"The Busy Corner
Th JvWciE& JAvw
-(...1 ... ...... ..... Iiim CnlitnliiW Ufiljm VflttMl W lltVl fillIll. tf til
18 CUIICU lO lllir rvHUiur au o...-i. ......... ..v. ... .........
nuRurntc. These nro lu standing with Uio rapid strides our city Is
taking nuil 1 doing this wo nro endeavoring to glvo Marshflold n
llrilg Bloro UN lU'lir KO UIO liiru mnni-iunn riuito mi nig iiubv'
rlllcs as conditions will )ierinlt. Tomorrow wo offer you
. ......... . . m m.WMi h rt0 1n S1-r ft Ml mill.1
A KI.(ilil.U one li.Mtii'.n- iMir.nni.Mi lujid vx- juwj
Special Price 25 Cents
"Wnteli Our Store."
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
MAIN 298
XvwH of Clty-by-clie-Son As Told by
Tlio Jlecorder.
It. I). Hunnlciitt rcculvcd u letter
today announcing the death of Ills
son-in-law, Gcorga Callaway, of Nor
ton County, Kansas. .Mr. Callaway
was shot In Bonio uiystorlous way
but as yut tlio particulars havo not
boon learned by Mr. Hunnlcutt.
NCIJ Party who took sllvor
Iandled silk umbrolla from porch
f J. T. Hnll homo Saturday aftor
ooa la requested to roturn It; no
ucstlona naked; engraved with
pmais A. J. II.
UHI ICO acres tlnibor land for
ottom land, luqtilro Lloyd Totol.
l.NTi:i- Woman to work bv day
r half day. lnqulro at Times of-
XTi:i TO RENT Farm at rea
dable nrlpn with !tn ni in nwn
Ither In Myrtlo Point, Coqulllo
r on uio nay. Address A. J., caro
;S for batching; puro brod S. C.
k IlltO Leulioi'llx niwl 11 I. TIpi1!
'so fow sotting hens. Phono
!'. I enl Ostl nil.
I'KItT Illlni.'i.'iM'iiiwi i .ii
-- iwiinuiirivil HL'UKS BH
flllnn. 1Q .. i i..
e and double entry; part tlmo
nililnviiHMit A ,1.1 ,.,. lnM,.
.--,....... iiiiutuoa ijuuniw'm
i vuiu t lllll'S,
Good location for chicken ranch.
Apply Immediately Max Tlmiuor
innn's boat shop.
WANTED Everybody In Marshflold
to buy fish at City Fish Market.
Phono 2C9-J.
WANTED Carrier boy to deliver
Tlio Times. Must bo In Fourth
Grado at school.
l'Oi: KEXT Furnlshod housekeep
ing rooms. Phono 49-L.
I OK iti.M . it room liouso
cloio In. Miilara conveniences.
"oncfmni'V rn. Sp Ivy Condron.
W. E. Angliii has accepted a posi
tion as first onglnoer on tlio Brook
lyn, having gono down to San Fran
cisco on tlio Inst trip and will bogln
work whuu alio loaves tlio city on her
return trip.
Noslor & Norton havo sovored their
connection with tlio Unndon Waro
houso Co. and tlio Estabrook Co.
have taken tlio business ovor again,
and E. W. Schottor will bo In charge.
Guy Dlpplo has also accepted a posi
tion In tlio warohoiiBO.
Bel -w Is given the tlmo and
holghth of high and low water at
Tlio tides aio placed lu tlio order
of occurrence, with their times on
the first Hue and heights on tlio sec
ond line of each day; a comparison
or consecutive heights will Indicate
vthuti.or It Is high or low water. For
high water on bar, subtract 2 hours
:n minutes.
Dato February, Will.
12 hours.!!. 3T. 10. 0C 5.07
Tido .. ..3.9 C.5 0.G
13 hoiirs.0.!) 4.50 11.09 G.02
Tlilo ....3.:l 4.2 5.G 0.1
14 hours.1.13 7.04 12.04 G.48
Tido ....4.1 3.9 G.G 0.2
1G hours.l.G2 0.G4 12. G3 7.2G
Tido ...,4.G 3.G G.7 0.1
1G hours.2.14 7.3G 1.39 7.G9
Tido ....4.9 3.3 G.9
17 hours.2.Gl 8.11 2.14 8.30
Tido ....5.2 3.0 G.O 0.1
18 hours.3.20 8.42 2.G1 8.G7
Tide ....G.5 0.G G.l 0.2
(By Associated Press.)
OREGON Italn In west and
fair In cast tonight; Tuesday
rain In west and rain or snow In
enst; southerly winds, Increas-
lug along coast.
For twonty-four hours ending
at 1.43 n. m., Fob. 12, by BonJ.
Ostllnd, special government me-
teorologlcal observer:
Maximum G2
Minimum 37
at 4:43 a. in 38
Precipitation 02
Wind northwest; partly cloudy.
NOAII To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noah,
a 9-i)ouud son. Mothor and child
are doing woll and Goorgo Is tho
proudest father west of tho Rocky
Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have
ALWAYS L'SED. PI10XK 72 Paclllc
LIvory & Transfer Co.
Tlio Times' Want Ads bring results
Meet Tonight Tho Marshllold city
council will meet this ovonlng to take
up tho North Front street bulkhead
Ing nnd othor municipal matters.
Mwt Tuesday As Wodncsdny Is
St. Valentino's day tho ladlos of St.
Monica's Clrclo will advanco their
mooting with Mrs. Blanrhllold ono
day and hold It Tuesday, Fob. 13.
Xt'vv Restaurant O. C. Smith, .1
rostauratour rocontly from Medford,
Oregon, Is opening whnt will bo
called "Gom Walllo Kitchen" at GTJ
Front Btroot. It will bo an up-to-dalo
collator nnd tables, and Intended '.o
moot a popular domnnd.
Weds In Portland A marrlago
, IIcoiibo was Issuod In Portland last
weok to miss Mnrio units ana Ar
thur O. Abbotts. Miss Grills form
erly lived In Marshflold with hor
mothor, Mrs. Murphy, nnd sister,
Mrs. Win. Wado.
II IIIIXT 3-rnoni house and two
pm iota, nil fonced; good for
r'-cii unn cnicKons; roasonaoio
pt; four months' lenso for sale
,, , " lnk0 at once. Phono
SAU: niiMii n it .t
i . ' . VU1IIIIUIU oct
1 "OUSellOld L'nnilu for u.,.n 11 fnm.
); must bo sold at once. 1073
""uuerciai ave.
Wed., Feb'y 14 th
Muslo by the ontlro aggregation.
Tickets $ I.O( . . Ladles Free
lirAT Sllltn nf limicnfrnnitliir.
r"8. 320 South Broadway. I
S.i,i: to, !...., . '
thnr.,;. c """"Kuuruu urowii
lhn" .'. . "BI1B nu ono rooster.'
""UC Ol1-..
Ba.i.vnw .i :."";
S50. Address P. O. Box G23.
It sam' .. r
iBiLni,"' " nozen nno pullets.
tphone 2n.Ji Qr n;Ulress Box
VTTIX llOTi:inooms now
Mies 11,60. 2, J2.G0 week..
' ""vXTYerv o)mn if invn t
rCG! hniin. . .
I ...), uarn( chicken house
PtWoaprpa f i.i ..-,...
TFe Royal
3,000 Feet of All Now Pictures
A Cowboy Story of tho Great West
Occasionally by
A BrlRht Young Woman Discovers
tho Characters of Hor Lovers by
Employing Clover Strategy,
As the Lady Said to Hor Child, "I
Must Leave You, My Precious One."
O. J. LEMAXSKI, Proprietor.
More Leap Year News
Warranted Not to Fall
The Tandem Bicycle
Wo Have Ordered
Tandem Bicycle
For our routing service, and will ront
It to responsible poisons by tho day
or hour.
Get HIM On a
Tlioro's Nothing to It
Ono, Two, Throe Out
Dayton Guarantees
Do Not Inc'.udo Tires, Spokes Nor
Leap Year Husbands
I Am Mailing
to aii DAYTON ovnors
Keep Your Button
It Will Entitle You to Discounts
Watch My Ads.
Marshfield Cyclery
Will Hun Justlco C. L. Ponnock
has completed tho circulation of tho
petitions nocossary for his nnmo to
bo placed on tho primary ballot. Tlio
law requires only two por cont of tho
registered voters of tlio party to
which tho candldnto bolongs. Mr.
Ponnock Is a Kopubllcan nnd will bo
a candidate to succeed himself as
justlco of tho peace hero.
Need Halu Badly Goo. Uotnor,
manngor of tho Woolon Mill Storo
who Is now In San Diego to nttond
tho mnrrlago of hla oldost daughter
which will tako place- Wednesday,
wrltos Tho Times as follows on an
aeroplane post card, "This Is somo
town for high flying but thoy would
glvo half their lives horo for ono of
thoBo good old Coos Bay rains.
Evoryo'no Is praying for It."
Wants Divorce John W. Mael lias
filed a suit for a dlvorco, charging
his wlfo with desertion. Ho asks tho
custody of their two chlldron, aged
flvo and six. Ho and Julia Mael
woro married at Grants Pass, Oro.,
In June. 190G. Mael charges that his
wlfo left horo In company with an
othor man on tho Breakwater for
Portland about a month ago and that
ho has not heard of her since.
Condemn Hlglit of Way Tho Wil
lamette Paclllc Railway Company.
Eugene to. Coos Bay, has tiled suit
In tho Circuit Court horo to con
demn a right of way through llvo and
a half acres of land owned by Andrew
Anderson nnd situntod near Gardinei
Tho plaintiff places a valuo of ?G00
on tho land and says the defendant
rofuses to accopt that amount.
Roseburg Nowb.
Phono 180-lt.
Child U Stricken Madgo Yar
brough. the 1 3-year-old nlqco of Mrs.
A. L. Foster, of South Marshflold,
died lato Saturday night at Mercy
Hospital whoro sho had boon receiv
ing treatment for paralysis and a
complication of Ills. She had been
bed-rlddon since last Thanksgiving.
Ilr.r parents died five or six years ago
nnd Flnco thon she linyi madov her
hnmo with her aunt, Mrs. FoVter.
Tbreo brothors, Edmund. Dalta and
Tannins also survive. Tho funoYal
wU bo hn'd Tue'rtnv at '10 o'clock
nt tho MrrnMle'd Bc'tlcl church,
Pr" O, T f "") Hnll offlA'ptlns. Tl'ft
007 Front, enskot will be open preview to eery
IT'S worth money to you to have
clothes that you haven't any
doubt about; style, fit, quality
right; clothes that feel good to
you, and look well to others.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are that kind; and we sell them.
The extra value you get doesn't cost
anything extra.
Suits and Overcoats $18 and up,
Tills More is the home of Hart KchalTiici' & Mnr.v clothes.
vices only. Interment will bo In tho
Coos Itlvor comotory.
Autolst Arrested As n result of
fast driving Saturday night, Marshal
Cnrtcr arrested the driver of ono of
D. L. Footo's machines. Ho was lined
$5 by City Recorder Butler, It being
his first offense.
Out for Shci'lIT O. O. Lund, tho
well known Marshllold shoo doalor
Mid leather manufacturer, has en
tered tho rnco for the Republican
nomination for sheriff nnd today Is
circulating nominating potitlons.
Just who his opponents may bo has
not boon nscortalnod.
Celebrates Birthday C. I. Rclgard
celebrated his (iOth birthday last
Thursday with a llttlo luncheon to
the other mombers of tho bar who
have passod tlio half century mark.
Among thoso present woro G. A.
Sohlbrcdo, Tom Hall and Judge
J. S. Coko.
pnny at Portland for several
months, la visiting relatives horo.
JESSE BARKER, of Falrvlow, is
spondlng a fow days with friends
nt Sumner.
EDOAR McDANIEL, editor of tho
North Bond Harbor, Is In Marsh
field today on business.
Schools May Attend Numerous
parties havo Inquired of tho Orphoum
In tho past fow days, whothor or not
tho "Two OrphanB" will bo shown on
Tuesday so that school chlldron may
bo ablo to sco It aftor school Is out,
and this Is to notify all that a con
tinuous porformanco will bo stnrtod
at 2 o'clock without Intormlsslons,
running clear through tho ouppor
hour, so all win bo accommodntod.
F. E. LEEFE and wlfo will ontor
tnln a number of frlonds nt cards
at tholr homo this evening.
qulllo this mornlnc to hold a spe
cial session of tho Juvcnllo court.
SON returned today to Coqulllo,
after visiting relatives on tho bay
ovor Sunday.
let, was In town today.
MRS. S. YOAKUM of Coos river was
a Marshllold visitor today.
WM. McCULLOCH, of Ton Mllo, Is
doing biiBlnoss in Marshflold.
O. E. SANFORD, of Hnlnos Inlot,
was n Marshflold visitor today.
T. C. RUSSELL, of Bcavor Hill, is n
Marshflold business visitor today.
ARCHIE JOHNSON loft this after
noon for Bnndon and othor Co
qulllo valloy points.
MRS. EMIL OGREN and hor moth
or, Mrs. Fox, havo roturned horo
from a short visit with relatives
nt Sumner.
CHAS. SELANDER and wlfo, of
Catching Inlot, nro visiting In Marsh
flold a fow days.
MATT MATTSON, of Catching Inlot,
has returned homo aftor n short
visit nt tho Asplund homes.
II. A. WELLS has been confined to
his homo for n fow days by n so
vera attack of throat trouble.
Crouch, of Haines Inlot, woro at
tending to business in Marshflold
JOS. LARSON, who recontly sold his
Coos Rl or ranch, loft a fow days
ago to visit at his old home in
S wed on.
MRS. W. G. CRAIG loft for hor homo
nt Blackfoot, Idaho, on tho Break
water Saturday after a pleasant
visit at tho homo of hor parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Torroy.
contly resigned as bookkoopor at
tho Western Union offlco, has taken
a position as cashier of tho local
telephone, ofllco.
CECIL HOLLAND, who has been
working In tho navigation depart
ment of the Shavor Lumbor Com-
E. II. FISH, who has bcon confined
to his homo for sovoral days with
an attnek of In grlppo, was ablo to
bo out today for tho first tlmo.
J. II. Flanagan nro roturnlng via.
Portland from tholr San Francisco
trip. Thoy nro oxpected In on tho
noxt Broakwator.
C. C. PRATT, who has boon qulto 111
at tho homo of hla son, Vlnco Pratt,
Is getting along nicoly, much to tho
gratification of tho vonorablo old
goutloman's many friends.
MRS. L. W. jiYRlCrTand llttlo son,
who have boon visiting hero with
hor pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. S.
Patterson, loft this nttornoon on
tholr roturn to Gordlnor. Roso
burg Rovlow.
MATT ANDERSON has sold out his
Intorests at Boavor Hill and mov
ed to Marshriold, coming horo with
his family on Saturday. Tho fam
ily will occupy ono of Anderson's
houses In South Mnrshilold.
JOHN ROSS, son of Capt. Robs of
tho launch Banshoo who recently
uiidorwont an oporatlon for appon
dlcltls, Is recuperating ntcoly at
Morcy Hospital and will probably
bo nblo to roturn to his homo on
Isthmus Inlot soon.
MRS. ROY McCLALLEN arrived in
Grants Pass Tuesday from Co
qulllo, Oro., coming on n visit to
hor pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. S.
Cook. Mr. McClallon will Join
his wlfo tho latter part of tho
weok and thoy will romaln horo
for sovoral weoks. Grants Pass
Howdy, PapT .
How do you do?
Fooling fine.
How nro you?
Nothing wrong.
Couldn't bo for wo nro
tho M-doublo O-S-E.
which will hold a grand,
Good tlmo In tholr hall,
Tuesday night, February 13, 1012.
A largo nttendnnco Is desired,
As thoro Is considerable now busi
ness to como boforo tho mooting.
Visiting members welcome
GEO. E. COOK. Sec.
le not for thoso suffering from kidney
allmonts nnd irregularities. Tho
prompt uso of Foley KIdnoy Pills will
dispel backacho and rheumatism,
heal aud strengthen Boro, weak and
ailing kidneys, restore normal action,
and with It health and Btrongth. Mrs.
M. F. Spalsbury, Sterling, 111., says:
"I suffered groat pain in my back and
kidneys, could not sloop at night, and
could not ralso my hands over my
head. But two bottles of Foloy
KIdnoy Pills cured mo." Rod Cross
Drug Storo.
Quality High Makes People Buy
iuuu iu u.uaib)utj.