THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION 1XHKBCISKM Always "Ihe Busy Comer" SPECIAL ATTENTION M Is railed lo our regular Satiirilay sales which vu nro about to in augurate. These nro in standing with tho rapid strides our city is taKIng and in lining tills wo are endeavoring to give Marshflold n Drug Store iih near lllco tho large down-town stores of tlio larger tlllcs us conditions Mill penult. Tomorrow wo offer you a itrm'iait noc ladies dki'shixh ccmiu at the Special Pnce 25 Cents "Wntch Our Store." Lockhart-Parsons Drue Co. PHONE MAIN WANT ADS. IIOILKR AND ENGINE AT BARGAIN. TON SALE Ten liorsc-Poucr steam boiler mid euglno, equipped with circular saw and cross cut saw for batting wood. Kino for clearing j i" mi niiu puiiing Biur.ips. Mnqiuru uf J. i:. Fltzgorald, 973 nroudway, or phono 129-J. 1011 ItK.NT Suite of hnusokconlnir rooms, 320 South llrondwiiy. IOC MIST Kiiriilsl-iiil ep- lii'S rooms. Phono ISM.. I'""' S t.l? T'o.-nmililii-nil liniwn l-iKiioiu ; s aeiid ami oi.o rootar. Phono 311. IMIK'AIV Now 4-room cottage. 2 lots, sr.0. Address P. O. Uox R23. 111,! SVI.r Moi HitVrM an1 ktliou furniture, Incubator and two brooders. John l.nfon. Phono I OH HUNT r.oom flat, Flist st. V Apply aeo. A. Haines, ISC nrcatlwny South. Wll S.I,K T'"-lHl 1 "371. 0 doyen 211 -J, or lino pullets. address Ilox tf 'VITIN- HOTEL -Rooms now open iiniPT si.r.n $ so rn T -,---, T, !-." ..w... roit FT Vory chonp if taken at 0 " ! liouro, barn, chicken Iioubo fnil two acres of land In EastBldo. "ond location for chicken ranch. A,l''y Inimedlntoly Mnx Tlmmer-r-iau's brnt shop. !Wu'Ti: Evorybody ill Marshflnld Flch Market. 10 uv fls'i nt City I'lione 2C9 J. ! 10P lll'XT A S.rnnm house, noar f -JnI- pi,ono 124-L. VlTn-rrror Imy to ' deliver Fourth 'no Times. .MllBt ho In 1 raue at pclnol. I rou "'' ' I' -."-ncn Ininrnvnrl rnnph 'Mi Crocm house; closo in. Ad 0 r"s n 704. rni 'M'N'Tmxtpp,, room house ln Mn'lern Inj conveniences Eoi.cb!e rent. Seo Ivy Condron. 0U are invited to the opening of our 5, JO and J 5c Store, Wednesday, February Fourteenth, You are invited to see the many new things and come and receive one of the handsome souvenirs wh?ch will be given to each lady attending and to take advantage of some unusually good values Won't you come? You are invited whether you intend making a purchase or not. Peoples' 5, 1 0 and 1 5c Store O'Connell Apartment Building, Marshfield, Ore. 298 US TR R,oyal Theater Sunday Might 3,000 feet all now pictures THE CATTLE Itl'STIiKlt'S KM) A Wcs'ern Cowboy Film tiii: edelweiss A Perilous CMmb for a Moro Flower of tho Rocky Mountains LOST ILLUSIONS Mooting after Flvo Long YoarB. SKfP. 1 OIHSi 3,000 Feot of All Now Pictures 'nu: MISSIONAKY'S flltATITl'DH A Gront Indian Picturo Till .U'DfiK'S STOUV A Thrilling War Story :: PKiicivAii uoxi;iii:ad O. .7. TiUMAXSKI, Prop. aiuj ,j i.ti.i. it ' XOTM i; TO SI'IISOiUIIKIIS. rimes siiliMrl' era who do not receive tholr papers icgularly aio rt(u,stod to notify The T'nies '.nioco'of nay Irregularity lu delivery. This Is the only means Tho Times baa of know- Ins when subscribers mlcs tholr 4 papers, nnd consequently the only means of remed lug the trouble. FOR SAM3 CIIKAP Complete ret of household goods for small fam ily; must bo sold at once. 1073 Commercial avo. V INSTALL NEW OFFICERS At tho regular mooting of Bnndon Camp No. 3.S, Division of California and Oregon, 8. V. U. S. A., tho fol lowing officers wero duly Installed Into their rcspcctlvo offices for 1912, by Post Commnndor mid Installing offleor, C. II. Zook: It. A. Folter, eoinninnder; II. K. Honk, Sr. vlco roinmandor; Archlo Uosn, Jr. vlco cominandor; (1. P. Topping, secro tnry; Walter J. Sabln, tronsuror; Chnrlcs Lomna, chnplnln; M. F. Shoe maker, dolognto to division encamp ment; Ernest Dlvolhlss, ultcrnnto to division ourauipnient; C. II. Hook, (I. S. Porter. F. C. Woodruff, camp council. Bnndon ltccorder. Tho steamer Qulnniilt rccontly mn.le t'-o nm fro'ii sin Francisco to made t.o run rro.n sail iinnclsco to Portland 111 fil hours. This Is tho best tlmo yet mado by a stoa'm schooner. Night wns coming on, tho storm was Increasing and some of tho deck fittings had already boon swopt ovor board, when the cnptaln decided to Fend up n distress signal. Tho rnnkot was nlrcndy lit and nhout to nscond when n solemn fncod pnssongor stop ped up. "Cnptaln," sa'd ho, "I'd ho tho last man on earth to enst a dninn or on any ninn's patriotism, but sconis to mo this here's no tlmo for colc- hratln and nottln off of fireworks." A contrnct hns been let for tho lowing of 20,000,000 feet of logs noxt Hiinimor f-om tho Columbia to San Diego, for the nierson Lumber Company, A yoiJTII REND NEWS Mrs. K. .1. Kttr"nT of South Marsh (lob' w n mwst en Thursdny of Mm. C. I!. Ferrlss. M'tve your cnlllng enrds printed at Tho Times' office. AGKXTS pirrsnritn Farm and Garden Implements Price Pri:e J6.O0 $11.09 S7.50 You Can See Thoy ftavc the won- of three in six men, are economi cal, lahnr-snviny ait-1 iJ untile they will last a lifetime W offer yon the fates! improved, best made, easiest hmdhd tools for cwy k 'ml ofcrop-growiny. Look them over. ' rr.0 .sairtDiDiV f . w 0 Front Street ." ) M.TVT1 ""K "-K- Kit" COOS HAY TIDKS. Ik'l w la given tho tlmo and eighth of high tuul low water at llllshfiold. Pho tides nro plnced In tho order f occurrence, with tholr times on 1 1 Urm Hue and heights on tho sec- iiil line or each day; a comparison r consecutive heights will lndlcato lieti u.r It Is high or low water. For water on bar, subtract 2 hours I minutes. Unto I'Vlnnary, 1111!!. 10 hmtrs.1.21 S.07 2.4G 9.29 Tide ...2.1 G.9 1.0 3.2 11 hotllS.2.l! 9.01 4.00 11.00 Tide 11.2 fi.7 0.8 I!. I O LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 1: 13 a. in., Fob. 10, by Uonj. Ostllnd, speclnl government mo- I teorologlcal observer: 10 Mnxltiuini G5 ! Minimum 41 , At 4:13 a. m 43 Precipitation 53 Wind southwest; cloudy. ' .1. V. Hmcutoii Hero General Managor .1. V. Smeaton, of tho C. A. Smith company, nrrlved hero on tho Nairn Smith today for a short Htay on the liny. Commission to Meet Tho Port of Cons Buy Commission will hold tholr tegular meeting on Monday, Febru ary 12, at 10 a. m. Illed nt .Los .Angeles Mrn. Dan ' Keating today reeolved nows of tho ' death nt Los Angeles of her brothor- In-law, Watt Shone, tho husband of her sister, Molllo. No particulars wero glvon. Issues Brochure R. O. Graves has Issued a neat little brochure entitled Kastor Thoughts" which has won 2:1m any compliments. It Is neat tvpngraphlcnlly and contnlra some beautiful poems oxpresslvo of the soi son. .Meet Tuesday Tho special com mittee of tho stock company formed hero to tnko chnrgo of tho speed boat matter last fall for tho Astoria re gatta will meet next Tuesday night at tie Chamber of Commcrco to tnko action on tho matter. fiVSH Kino AutiH IC S. Bnrgolt to day received his now niitouiobllu "idorrd through Geo. Goodruni. Tho nHl" ,H 101- M0'10'- 30 liorsopowor Cl,(I,Ilt. lim(!ll,, n strikingly v.innslni- ehnlncntn color. Ii Is said to he tho only nuto of this color In tho county to date. It Is thoroughly modern In evory respect, bolng olec trlc llshted nnil solf-stnrtlag ant provided with nil tho latost improv meiitH otherwise. Dies at Hospital Mr. Alexander, who came to North Hend from Flor ence n few wcoks ago for treatment for llrlghfs dlscaso, died this morn ing of llrlglit'B disease. Ho was CI years old. Ho had no friends or rel atives hero and hut llttlo is known about him. Ho wns a monibor of tho Mn onlc order nnd tlo North Ilond lodge will take chnrgo of tho re mains. Whether burial will ho hero or nt Florence hns not been dotor inined. Oil at llaiidou Tom Nlcols ro lelvod a long dlstnnco tolophono mes sage from Ceo. Topping, at Unndon, snylng thnt thoy oxpectcd to Btrlko a big flow of oil In tho Donr Crook woll vory soon. Tho well is now down to n depth of nhout 2,200 feot. Mr. Topping In formed Mr. Nlcols thnt Driller Smith roported thnt thoy wore now In u vory hard formntlon nnd thnt consldornblo oil was bolng brought lo tho surfneo and thnt tho Indications wore thnt tho main oil donnolt would bo struck vory soon. pkiikkot ki;ngix Them Here a ware Co. Marsh field, Grey on. AM'MIM'M V l K i PERSONAL NOTES SlIKUIFF GAGE is liero from Co (liilllo on business. JOHN .tONUHIlO or Frultvnlo was in t j city on business today. MIIS. C. 12.. EDWARDS, of Allegany, Is u Mnrshflcld visitor today. MHS. DAN KEATING has roturncd from a short visit at Coqulllo. W. II. MORGAN, of Daniels Creek, was a Marshflold visitor todny. FATimil SPRINGER wns a North llend visitor in Mnrshflold todny. MHS. E. CORT1II3LL, of Enstslde, wns a Marshflold shopper today. LOUIS STONE, of Catching Inlet, was a visitor In tho city today. II. V. HOOVER and son nro on a hunting trip to South Inlet todny. MRS. P. II. HUIER, of Coos River, was shopping in Mnrshflcld today. W. II. KENNEDY loft today for Portland on business ami pleasure AMIEItT COLLVER of Catching In let wns a visitor In tho city today. MHS. ALEX. MATSON, of Catching Inlet, was shopping In tho city to day. MHS. ROUT. McCANN, of North Hend, spout the day lu Mnrsh flcld. MHS. HOHERT McCANN, of North Hend, wns u visitor In tho city to day. MHS. E. OUPTIL, )f South Coos River wns a Marshflold visitor to day. It. A. CHURCH, of North Inlot, wns a business visitor in tho city to dny. MISS GLADYS HOnfiHTS of Catch ing Inlet wns n visitor lu the city todny. MHS. E. L. HESSEY, of Coos River, wns shopping in Marshflold this morning. JOHN COLLVEH of Cntchlng Inlot wns n business visitor in tho city today. A. W. STEVENS and wlfo of I Initios Inlet todny roturno I homo to their ranch. MHS. P. L. PIIHLAN of Myrtlo Point Is visiting friends In Mnrshflold for a few dnys. ARTHUR K. PECK returned last evening from a business trip to Coqulllo. MHS. WALTER CONDON roturncd last evening from it short visit nt Myrtlo Point. MHS. CHANT AMES of Myrt'o Point H visiting her dnurhtcr, Mrs. Woodruff, of this city. MHS. P. L. PHELAN, of Myrtlo Point, Is tho guest of Mrs. F. M. Frledhorg ovor Sutidny. JULIUS AND ARCHIE KRUSE, of Isthmus Inlet, nro business visi tors in Mnrshflold todny. HOHEHT O. HOOKE and his sistora, of North Coos River, woro shop ping lu Mnrshflold today. F. A. WILLIAMSON, of tho Standard Oil Co., la In tho city on business cuniicctcd with thnt institution. WALTER COPPIOUS roturncd today to Coos Hay after a two years' so journ In tho vicinity of Portland. T. J. THRIFT, Coos County Assessor, pnsved through horo today on route to Portland and Salem on business, MHS. EMIL OGKI'N of Coqulllo nnd her inothor, Mis. Fox, aro guost" nt tho Fgnnhoff itoro in West Mnrshfiold. LEO J. CAItY camo ovor from Co q'lll'o to visit his wlfo who Is still confined nt .Mercy Hospital ln North Hend. MR, AND MHS. ARCHIE KRUSE and small son, of Randolph, eamo ovor on tho trnln todny to visit; olutlves on tlio liny. MnS. JAMES RICHMOND of Coqullh arrived in tho city today to visit at tho hoiro of )ior pironts. .Mr. ."lid Mr3. Goo. Gr-uH, of Rivers! Jo HERBERT ARMSTRONG and Mrs. Armstrong, of North Bond, woro visiting and attending to business mattors in Mnrhhflold today. t II W. K. WISEMAN and family leavo tomorrow for California whero thoy will seek another climate In The Flow TtaS: Des Not Disappo'nt Sperrs Drifted Snow Hour BEST BY EVERY TEST hopes of bonoflting Mrs. Wlse uinn's health. MISS ANNIE SMITH loft today for (I an over-Sunday visit with her parents on Kmituck inlet. JAS. 11. FLANAGAN is cxpocted home on tho next Rcdondo from a business visit In San Francisco. MHS. LIZZIE BE ALE, of San Fran cisco, is visiting nt tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. E. T. Dalch. Mra. llealo was formerly Miss Llzzio Ei lcrby. Fight Tonight Jess Day will meet I.hI; I iiiKL'iiiMich, of Klnmnth Falls, ln n 20-round go at tho Marshflold Skating Rink this ovenlng. lloth nro In good condition nnd a fnst go Is being prophesied by tholr sup porters. Rack From Trip Herman Krug er, former proprietor of tho Owl Sa loon, hns returned from n sovernl mouths trip to his old homo in Ger many. Ho visited ninny points of Interest during his nbsenre. CATCH I NO IXLKT NEWS 4 Mrs. L. Hudson Is visiting hor son, Hyron Hodson. Mrs. Alvn Honebrako Is tho guest of Mrs. Sarah Bonebrakc. T. W. Hlgglnson, II. S. Bonobrako and Idn Mntson woro pnssongors on tlio 'Wnli-Tn-Waso to and from Mnrshflold Wednesday. Henry Sldwcll roturnod homo Wedncsdny from an extended visit Enst among relatives and frlonds. Ho snys "It sooms good to get back to Coos Buy." One of tho Davis boyB who waa splitting kindling with n double bitted axo accidentally cut an ugly looking gnsh on his brothor's foro hend 0110 dny last weok. MALICIOUS FRUIT. The Stlngi That Coma With CaraUti Handllno of Prickly Peart. My first sud experience of the Afri can prickly penr was gained on a visit to ii,c market place or AlglorM. Tho fruit wan banded to us. politely peeled by the Arab dealer, and thus as wo made aciiualiitunce with Its delightful coolness no suspicion of Its evil quali ties entered our uilinR A few days later, adding the excite ment of ti little trespassing to the mora legitimate pleasures or a country ram ble, we eame upun 11 well laden group uf prickly pear bushes nnd could nnc resist the temptation to help otirxclvei to some or the fruit The result was woeful Courentrnted essence of stinging net tle Hccmc'J nil ut once lu be assailing hands, lips and tuugue, and our skin wherever It bad come in contact with the 111 natured fruit wus covered with 11 thick crop of minute, bristly hairs, apparently growing from It and veno mous and irritating to Hie Inst degree. Our sill: gloves, transformed sudden ly Into miniature- robes of Nessus. had to be thrown uway. perfectly uiiwear able, and thu Inadvertent use of our pocket liuinlUcrvlilefH before wo hnd fully realized tin extent of our misfor tune caused fresh agonies. In which nose ns well ns lips participated. For iiany n day did the retribution of that theft haunt us In the form of myrlnda of tiny stings. "Homo I.lfo on nn Os trich Farm " JUST RECEIVED A Ircsli Assortment of CANDIES Famous Since All Styles and Prices From 5c to $2.00 BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS ( i&es& ) VCHOCOLATES AND CONFECTIONS 1 I