The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 10, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Page 4, Image 4

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COOS BAY iliti'S
M. 6. MATiOXKV l.ill.m and Bub.
PAX E. MAI.OXUV .Scws irdltor
Entered at tho postoflico nt Marsh
flolil, Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls as second class
mall matter.
Dedicated to tho scrvlco of tho
people, that no good causo shall lack
a champion, and that evil shall not
thrlvo unopposed.
Ono ;car ?G.Q0
Ter month 5o
Ono year $1.50
When paid strictly In advanco tho
Mibscrlptlon pried of tho Coos Bay
Times Is $3.00 per year or $2.50 for
lx months.
Ofilclnl IH.r of Coos County
IstlJ.i as cxr o .frnal result
Multitudes of Ik k1 ent friends
MlnJ i ' Accuniti-
lntlons- of hnrdshlps may embitter
... . .. . ..... .. lit, linhlmp
s ..mi inu up' ; ""i- "uihiui
fortune noi favr trr lioavy-footel
lary ran steal from us tho burden
m- tho blessing. Wo nuist swoop
before our own doors In one manner
r ninther. or else suffer tho conv
eniences of littered street or road
way and lose the humble sntlsfac
Mon w'Mi comes from meeting tho
lnws of life unshrinkingly.
nNCE It was tbn fpshlnn to sneer
nt women's clubs as being mere-
- ly the frovolotiB centers for tho
Copyright by American Press Asso
elation, 1311.
Of u II the strange coincidences l
have ever heard none Is stranger than
one happening tu my owu 'Jfe. ittid II
led to Important lesults.
One du. happening In nt my law
ycr's ulllee, lie said lo me:
"Ity the bye, we have u big lot of
! . .. i...-. ..! mw. irnlmr in
. , . NnVel'tllOlCBH Win iHv-ii " r,"---r
JjnttJtJJJnjn, bo afflicted wlththat uneasy reeling.
i.i,mM! it ...It. Bf IjIjIICH.
This Is ono of tho most popular
j modern chanties and will probnbly
' last as long as thoro are sailing nhlps:
GOOD EVEXIXG. "O, tho times nro hard nnd tho
' wages low
A genuine friend Is the one i.onvo her, bullies, lwivo her;
who can tell us our fnttltH with- j Be8H tH tino for us to go,
out bolnjr glutl about the oppor- ,t.H tlmo f()r UH ( leave hor.
Utility. "Kor (.'ooiltics' Sake."
'Ebriioy, nieeney, mlney, mo
1 IMtlltl'tl III t 11111 I'tlM.. llt.llltlUt ltttlt.. I I... .1... I....I ,l. I..,1tl
If tt'no tinlntn'1 nil flint ' ' " " ,Ill lIlu uuu l,,u """- "'
it was poiiuc.i out itiai .. .. , , ..ti..-i ,n, ,i i .,i,i . . ... ... .,
""" o. ....- i ... . ......... A nine tiress in mo corner mum,
n. .mil iiii-ui mm i jiii. iun. t A .inr or lroMBor8 behind
ovoruuiuoiieu uoro wim uenu uncu
incuts "
An Independent Hcpubllcan news
paper published ovcry evening except
Sunday, and Weokly by
Tho Coos Hay Times 1'iibllslilng Co.
Address nil communications to
Mnislillcld :: :: :: : Oregon
THAT tho greatest canals In tho
world nro In North Amorlca and
that they nro great not becauso of
spectacular construction or dongtlt
or depth, but on account of tho Im
portance In the economics of trans
portation, speaks woll for tho Indus
trial unity and strength which tho
country Is gaining from these sources
of commerce.
Tho old countries of Greece and
Italy wcro weak because of their
divisions. Mountains nnd other nnt
urnl barrlors shut each little group
away by themselves with their own
potty Jenlousles nnd onch trying to
ollmlnnto tho other Instead of work
ing In common.
But civilization has overcome tho
fiimmf nltta ti'ltli ...ill ..,. ila .,i.l Imd '
......... ...h. iiitiiuiiiiD ...u mm
united tho plains mid tho ocenns nnd
lakes with canals. Three Inland
waterways alone, tho Erlo, tho Wol
laml and the St. Lawrence system,
nggregntod In 1910 a tonnngo of 02,
363,218. This tepresonts a gain of
nearly four and n half millions of
tons over tho provlous yenr.
Thcso facts show that tho commer
cial Interdependence of tho country Is
becoming continually grentor, imtl
that tho mutual bonoflta nnd strength
derived from this closo Intercourse
means more for ultlmnto Independ
ence nnd healthy activity than Is
easily cstltnntod.
It Is tho old principle of common
Interests mid needs uniting, and It Is.
after all, only tho prlmltlvo demands
Idle gossips
the club women spent too much time
nt their clubs nnd too little In tho
both their children nnd tholr lius
binJs saw so little of them
their feelings became niiennted
Coos Day has had abundant ovl
deuce of tho benellcinl Inlluence of
women and women's clubs. Tho
work of the Beautiful America Club
In North Bend and tho A. N. V.
Club In Mars'ifleld have contributed
much to tho civic betterment of both
cities. Tho work of the Ohnmlnnde
Club '- - "if hns been of Inestlm
iblc bonoflt. Tho practical results
from such work cannot bo realized at
once. It requires tlmo to realize tho
effects of tho work of theso organi
zations. Tho real value of clubs for women
has as yet been realized bv tho few.
Tho many still regard thorn wUh
sustilclnn, If not with open dlsfavDr.
Hut clubs properly organlzod are uni
versities of truo culture. Thoy can
be tnndo the center for tho pleasant
nnd Instructive discussion of sub
jects of grent Importnnco to society.
The views nnd Mens thus obtained
can be used outside tho club for the
Improvement of the home nnd for tho
mWMllni of useful l'linwle-'ne easily
aciiulred In a truly Interesting wny.
A pair of trousers
O. don't you li't" I''" oU nmu Hay
I.eavo her, bullies, leave hor.
Tomorrow you will got your pny
It's tlmo for us to lenvo her.
If every man on Coos Bay who
owns it vacant lot without lnciiiu-
I braiico would borrow enough iiiony
Ue inlli-il mi ulllcf boy and sent for j iMo nnyeu-out siocKings upon i"" u, n,IU,r,y i sultubly Improvo
tbo impers They came to n.e III ono , .,. c '"'.,,, ,,., lmnM .'., Cmw j,ny W(,uld make tin uslouud-
urge bunille. which I t .. umI undiMiny f , ,- , nw -, W(llI,
IV tm1 I?1 "",";; W " ,"ml "m'U ' A the dny lone hvo tho Uttlo feet ',.,, n aml nv Ml0 ,.,. That old
t. wlthmit op.'i.l. It. Into mi ii on . VaitoreA nbout , t,1B,r chldlsh ,,"" HV. o.i.iL llnv .nil never he uuy
box kept fni family rtvortN ,,!. .Idea that tons uaj tan uooi iil uuj
T.o Much Risk Involved In Patroniz
ing tin P.'ddl:r.
Scarcely n munih p.-fnes thnt It does
r.m In In-; u rcpiri from uiaii ruriil
ii:iiiiiiinli .uf frninliili'iii alcs or
friiinliili-nt prnJii'tM uf snim xnit lieliiK
pnlincil uir mi I lie fiiniii'iH li, stuiiiiih
t.ll!;lllL HIlllMUICU, Till' lllll'Hl CIIIIH'.S
fnini Iscoiiilti mid Is In tin uiiluie
of ii kick at the lung MiitlVi'iug nil nun
ptiiiic. .More properly xcnl;liic, ll N
mi iilijcciluii to a ccrtiilii oil ciiinpniiy.
a cailniKl of wlitm- piuilut't wiih Hiiiil
.uiiii Hie fanucrx lust i-utiitiicr mid
which dill tint live Up In lln iiuivi'llli'llt
ih to the niiiillty of the oil. says the
.Miicrlcnii Agrlculiuilst
A citiivnwcr ilniw ihrnugh tliecoiiu
of food, clothing and sholtor which I ,r.v r,,",, "''"'", " ll"""'' taking nil
nro nt tho bottom of this gigantic I vntnv imiIcin for kemsene. giisollin.'
system of commercial Industry. It am! u paint nil which lie nfrVicil ux n
is only by a larger nnd moro IntolII-, Milixtllutc fur linseed nil The Hiimples
gent Helflshneas of this sort thnt hu-j lie carried with him were apparently
iiinniiy Kama ua greniesi stops hi sii-st class, and orders weie tnken with
he tiudcrstuiidlug that the product de
ll vcied was to he eipially guild. The
kerosene was sold in I" cents per gal
inn Ii wax furnished In barrels, which
tvere to lie taken back by the company
when empty and u rebate of $1 given
Tli.' barrels were guaranteed not to
When the oil nrrlvcd most of the bar
WITH tbo 'llrrvln- n uUIM it' r
of modern reforum nnd causes
nit I pbllaiii'ironlc mil no-ir-philanthropic
eitturnrlscH, the student
of social and moral coalitions h
sometimes ImrcMol t'i ren'omlim- the
old proverb to the offe't thnt every-1 rels leaked badly, and In soiue enses
ono should swni be'nve his o- n; the loss was very heavy. The nil Itself
door mil not trouble nbout his ptoved to be uf u very unontlsractnry
neighbors. Hinillty nnd In ninny enne eutlielv uu
It Is ruthor bowlllo.liu to contoni- ii, for ,, A ,. ,hl, IU;r r
IHUU' I llli KIIIH'131 WICI'lCTfl 'Vl I 'I f
wotiM occur anioutt tuili'le lnln'o'
spirits and olho' who '-o fosteHnr
niovemonts for tho iinnuinr uood If
overvono nhoi'i i mi'Monlv mi I unev
lookliu? after his n n Uit In'o-o 'r
nnd tonluctlii" his nrivifo ni'"tls h
wnv wlil h roui t not Iiiterfpi" si'iihm,
fnriners who consider that they were
swindled In Hie deal Is one who writes
thai he Is unable to use the kerosene
In lamps nt all. but lias trausfericd It
to a Unlit receptacle and will i;eep It
lo use on Canada thistles and ipmck
with I'-o coinfcit and wjll-balns of
his iiflli?hbor.
There would b" i'McM'hj tn.
den-y toward HlulUfvlin; tho activ
ities 'f ni'v rt's ti'fii""tos of i'i(
C'l itrtM't cl,,tiiii r-r bu bHI'Hll of
I'lO r'"n Dl'll'lc V l-l'K oonn't lcfllP"
tn 'o r ii M..-nr Miy o!i-.
etle Pill r littrl "' niiwniii ' i
got lnHBSoie f'o nt fmy "l.rr.t.
null k wi'i'ltni't " ' 1 1 f.f t'"
liittoins lui'l mi' iit" fileu ot cfl
tlicl" rt iH ' fm Ii- In mil I.,
III cusps of thl i kind tliere Is nppar
cully no practical menus uf redress,
I'liivhiiMM'x eliher depnylt tl.elr money
In ndvniice nr pay It Imuiisllalelv upon
dellwry It Is tuiicli uafcr and usually
innre satlsfnctnry to deal ullh wune
well established, well l.iinwu local con
cern Then In cum- of dl-uiailsrailun
there lc always an easy means of ml
Ths Public Hoalth.
inae't" wnn, trlti niMi'vlliiiiK In In- j hi cities having an iietlve hoard of
0fi Vnr ind vilf-rtipei t mi' 'h i health with a competent corps, of in
ll II r I.I A tlnUullMJS ... I. I . I I ........ 1 ......
" '""'i'" ""' iiuiiBn ii-iiii" upeciuni less responsiniuty rests upon
the Individual regaidlug saiillnry pre
cautious, hut In Icxmt ciiloN mid towiM
Ten years passed, during which pe
riod I went on an average to the but
once or twice u year to tins Into II
some doi'iiiiieut thai would pruliably
never be needed again I had no ue
casluu to look lut u the box during all
this period, but the time came when
1 found It uivos.siiry to overhaul It In
n search for a missing paper Ity the
time I found my paper excry separate
bunch had been unrolled mid theli eon
tents were all In confusion. Picking
up n paper marked "Last will and testa
ment of .lames Chlciiliigsby," I was
somewhat xuru-Wcd to llud such a
1 opened mid ran my eye over Its
contents. There was nothing to ludi
cnto the value of the estate, nor were
the names of any of the legatee fa
miliar lo me. There weie u few small
beitiess to different persons, nud the
residue was to lie glxen to u minor
How the papet got Into my box wus a
I mystery. I was mil Interested In the
' will, hut I was deeplv Interested hi
I how It cntiie tu tie where I found Ii
It must have iieen there u ions while
' but not mure Hum twenty years, for
! the date It was executed was no fur-
thei back than that. But It might
have been put lu my box much tuoie
lately than that
I should have attached more Itnper
tame to It It persons could not malic
more than one legal will. It struck
me that this uilglu be tin old our
which had heeii voided by u Intel onr
mid tui'i t:nt mixed with old nut ol
date papers Hut unit Old not explain
how it came In lie In my possession,
for It was imt a paper In which I oi
any ol m, tniull.v. o far as I knew,
had any iiitetest I lookist It over
carefully to see it there was any clew
by which I enunl discover who were
the legnlees, lint inure wns nothing in
give me the siicine-d Information rou
renting It. I took It to my desk lu n
room I occupied tor stuulitug iiutl
placed It In a pigeonhole. Intending to
advertise it Hut time passed, and I
took no tii'tlnu
Suine time lifter this married my
stenographi'i and typewrltei. She was
very poor unit I wus nut rich, I was
milking a imie livtnu ami until our
first child was Imrn sin returned her
position lu my service Indeed, It wile
essential that she should nud wticr
children came and I wus deprived n
her assistance lu spite ot nil my ef
forts I was losing my grip nnd could
not ulTord lo hire another steuogra
One tnariilng while looking over my
newspuper my eye drifted to real es
tale Items, Ono of them mentioned
the sale of u piece of properly belong
lug to the riilenlngsby estate The
name was an odd one, but It seemed
lo me that I had seen It somewhere
"My dear." I said to inv wife !
Voices that rang with ti lnitghter tiling but n shipping town Is being
sweet, i exploded by tho Increasing number of
Stilled nnd hushed nt tho close ot ,.Dlmt ,,e0p!o who want to emtio
Then tho sandman comes creep,
creep, creep
And tho tired babies are soon
"Onery, orry, Ickory, Ann
Into tho bed for tho old sandman!
sticky print on tho wlndowpnno,
A muddy track on tho ballroom
Four little foot walking Dy-lo lane,
And stillness Is ushered In onco
moi o
All the dny long nnd tho cottage
With tho elf In sounds of tholr
childish glco;
Then tho night tlmo comes and with
It brings
Quiet nud luuesomoness for me,
Kor the sandmuu's como creep,
creep, creep .
And I'm alono in tho sllonco deep,
"Kllllson, folllson, Nicholas,
Bless tho babes my oyes rest cm I
A happy pair In a little bed,
Dreaming tho dreams thnt tho
nngcls send;
Snuggled so warm 'ncntli tho covers
Tired hut happy at tho long dny's
AH forgot nro tho bumps nud the
And nil forgot nro tho pains nnd
Memory fulls when tho snndmnn
Never returns when tho sun-god
And I rost content till tho morning
Brings welcomo bIioiiIb of 'Dood
niornln', dad!' " Selected.
Mnrrlaro vows nro too often fol
lowol by nintrlajje rows.
Tlmeo who rlo early In f'o morn
Ing nro I'm) more likely to line nbove
their troubles.
Men nro Ilk" hens, tho Iit'oi- t'-ov
hnvo to scratch for a living tho
more useful they become.
The nbylnlorlsts toll us thnt wo
hnvo five -onei. mi 1 yet fcomo folks
lit ns If they had none.
hero and live.
Sonic of the peoplo who howl be
rauso things nro not published would
howl n doggoned sight louder If we
publshed some of tho things wo
know about thorn.
Attractions ofTfr
tho guide honk,, n... ,r.u tor
are the boat ! n. V"6 Wil
freshing, H.1.VH tho ,,n,;lkll
mii- tM..,K.of.Wl
Kederuted My St' t,
fiuv tmlitf i.t . ,lls F
might notice: Hcdroo, -iW
icoc uy u reef, entli ,i,,,le
twontyllvo candle " Z )S
irk' lell and electric ll k
"" ff't l.v 12 fee ,dL "."
room nt.,1 lltted will, ,0;u
colored til,.- ..... T'S
ton dittos: n iin, "'I'H
dor .l2ofee. In l..B,h .,
.en eicc nc hen ,lttCj --
line, no thnt ii... ,.i,
whether he Is hchiir ,. . '!0!"
don Globe. untt
Watlhn's liaj
San Ralvndn, Is fori 1
IcrcHilins lilMi... i..i .."
lean side of the w'h, '
and muni wiii.,1, i....... . "O:
'- 111 1IIIITI.. a
,.i. vet it hM lost I,, lln;v;
, of the history not ,i.,ii..i .'
group, but or ti,,. AimTioi j!
ns well, it Is far Trotn Z?:
!' Wcntlty of th,. 2
ve bee,, I1(, 0te1
eatlnn shimlil h,.
nliotild huv
reidenllflcntlnn Hlinm.i i,...'."
--" "j if
The decline In shipbuilding In Cali
fornia Is gradually decreasing nt the
tale of about 3 per cent per annum.
upon the day's Imtnonsurcil
nllenco of
Fobmnrir, ll l frt'), n lti
short, but it Is likely to pull through
without lniikrtiptlng Mnrch.
Ono rf our ccntomporarloi ndvlscs
scnles for tho farm, and t'nt Snii
lose i fitter Is doing its bo-t to sut
ply them.
Farmers aro consl 'orod tho most
'imisst clans rn the onrtli, lint o-hii
''n linot rt I linn. . ,. ,.... I ...... 1 1 .. ....
-. ...... . .,,,,, ,.ll7 i-'iiiuuiruiy IUK-
you ever hear of the nut hieniugs i in ndvntitngo of tho weather
byV I
Indlulunl effort In helmlf of net
rein I sifoty nit I sanity an I unbjr
, i .2 i i. t . lov,'r- '""'"' 'ner should be vigilant
.My"..,!? urttur; s ; --- - -
llgantlc system of Hhlniru or lr.bir, At .. ......
vl'lrli hiiM roull from this ioei-1 '""""'J-'e thrown about Itidlscrltul
plexltv. has ma e tie wiattur o. '""''b' Is Jiiht as uiu.-h of a memue
rweet ItiK bftCij our own doom I ,n '"'""h lu a village ns In u city As
ruber a dlilhult one. I ot-ai w in-'"' neatness, tin inns nnd u.h lilies, i
.,!.,. I . , . . .... . I .. I. I ,l . . .. .... ' . ... .
i iw"t:u.n uavr nm hupii :, iiirnt'itii """ " ""'" menus ioi ot riiiiiii-n, i day If he likes ami only the last one
fownrdlco or v tiUn- or moro j are far inn common lu small centers uf i Is of any value Ncvei'i holes.. wa
hort-sirhte!iiis. to dlm'ovor thuil'i pnpulatinii Dxen If not ilmon,..! in i nrniw,i ' i ri,,...i .,. .....
"-- ' .. .....-.. i I M-H' 11 "HI ! 1 1. I lit I HI
"I had mi uncle ty Cut name
though I never saw hlui lie dNap
peared when he was a buy and was
never heard from. All I know of him
Is that I heard my minuet speak or
h!m before she died "
I kept thinking or the name till and
denly It Hashed upon mo thai I had
iccn It lu the will round lu my Iron
box 1 went to my desk, tool; nut the
document and read the tiaiiie uf the
testator .Initios Cldenlngsby I call
ed my wire ami read the will to tier
When I came to the name ot the heir
to tliu iimidue ot the estate I stopped,
wonder stricken It was her maiden
She was as much mvstlUed as All
she knew or the name or t'hlonhiKsby
was what she had told me Hut we
were both in a lliitter or excitement
What did ll mo.iuir I'lieu I lomemliei
ed that a man may make a will even
"Our host men's aro thono who
toll us of our faults" so rrns tho
mirlo"t nrovo-b: bet t Is nn"inuln
that thoy do not romaln our frlen 'h
very Icng aftor they hnva told t.s.
1.00K upon Hip day's In
- lie holds unfilmrcd tho
1 , the nky
Fnr down tils Moult.
cycH iK'scry
Tlin caglp's vmiilro anil the falcon's homo.
I'nr down the kiiIIcoiis of aiiaset roam;
Ills IikziihIm mi the sen uf morning Ho;
Sori'iio he hears the lirukcn tempest hIi;Ii
Where cold blorraM Klnun lllto Mcatterud
And Irnst of nil he holds tho butnnn
UiiHlllln.t now that envious men prcpnrii
To make their dream nml Its ftilllllment
When, poised nliovo tho rnMrona of the
Their hisirts, conlctnptiiou.n of (tenth,
bhnll d:ro
Ills ronds brtwrcn the tlmmlcr nnd the
OeorKo HterllnE,
Not a Lusratlvo Job.
l-'rleiid-So your son has left collej
Wha I in he in':
I'liler Delit. tlosioii Tniu-erlpt.
In the Lover'i Eye,
All's ralr lu into, ivpci lally I he girl
i loiluw is in one wilh.-l'hllatlelphla
An EKpemlve Habit.
When ,oii hollow trouble you'll Hud
the rale or liileiesl pielty high .Mcli
Imiii lilnbe.
Very Easy.
"Is she o-tsy In gel along with?"
"Yes. she bellows everything you
loll Her." Pelt-nil Floe I'rosH.
A Mottor of Verdict.
Caller-Will Hie cashier be nwny
lung': Olllce Hoy-It deiends euilrely
on Hie Jurj. Boston fnurier.
Justifiable Procraitinatlon.
Always put otT tonight what you tire
uoinc io pin on in the moriilng.
I'tluieiuii Tiger.
Vantod to Know.
"My ennelehi-o never troubles me
any inure"
"I didn't know that iliey could am
piiltili" the conscience so successrully."
"Who Is jour surgeon"
Her Sorrow.
"Mrs Drown sas marilae Is a full
uro." "Why. what complaint has she lr
"She says the courts no longer nllow
largo ailiuiiii.N "
Inyed until ttio tnltlillo of th iT
titry. when Cnptahi Wh.!.
Ish nnvy l;y uppllcatlnn nf.. .?
tlun eontnlned In t'olnmbuV fc.
the course from ihmwn mST:
inns iletermlued clcurly (hat V.
lulllltll i. I..I... . l "
"",u" ,,",", '"'i an n-qulna
uu- cuse. rtrgotiiiut
Puttinn It NUi-
There Is a good ileal a r
llilng nicely. , prisoner n,
Bentenced nt the tinslzv-i the
"You have n pleasant b1(t
bright llresldu with Iumiii.m-
tltig tiround It. haven't joiir,'
"Yes. sir." sahl (U, )rl
thought he saw a way oiitgfiv
"WpII." said thojudce. ,
children sit a round the rberrfil
side until you return thn hI
tliere Just two innntliM.Ut,J
Moklno Hit MtanlncC'ii-
honnior ijusi leturiusi in f
liig.iin-,Mr Kelei in),,
ment of the people In ymuw
Itlsinu I'lUltlciin isiirm tv
lllgl N'tuili r wo (Ion ,-,
lllent in out (nWtl lie lli I
-f M X tiles' i .,.. Ir"c
$ 1 00 Reward, $l(
Tin r m,-icf llilt-r i-fl U rl
icnrii nun incre ikiii n -ii' onedrr i
(list cl me lm liccii dli!:-! r.-t
IH!L,lllll lllll ll'HH III Hi 1 1
Care t he mi no. t icrnirtnl,
the iiicilli-nl frslernllr l U rnUi
Mlltlllliniiil iII'i'mh- ri-iiiifri ifi;
Iri-itf Ill-lit. Hull.. ChImt liinrrl.l.l.
list ', ctlliK illrii'll) iinmi Uir tlw'i
c us unrlS' i of tlid lrni,llif.tli4
the foiiiiiliillnti of llieilN imp
l"t tent uir nut Ii fn IhiIMIik upih
lion nml h lilli'L- iniiiire In 'Mail
Hie pmiirletn'ii I hm innrhhl'kk1
live piMycro iiihi inev crvrovii i
inr inr iiiiv rne nun n iumi m run
Hut of Ifotlii.oiilii
K.J.l,ll"NKV.lCO TI
Snlil livn'l llriiuuUtn.'V
Take HiiIV I'hiiiIIi I'lllnlnrroul
. to illm'ovur thelt'i pupuhitiuii
i n I !i -.nrr .Mm t!w. l... i........ .... i .1... ..1 ,.. I .. .. .. ... .
iii " 1 '" mininii me nniveui.v inviicr.s wy, or me one wim nan once had m
V." II If .1 Ml t II'M .- . ihl'DW If Ilium I hi. liii!l-t vn..,ii,l I,,, I l.,. !.,.. ....... .,1... ...... 1 ......'
l.a .....! 1 .. ....... -. .... ,..., ...... ,1. .. xiiiinru nun ine 1111 -ii
-7 -I .- 1 f . .,- in ti,,, ,,ii,...
nee'ol martvrg pii i fnrl'rs t' I ...i, .,i .' ' ,
..... -,,...,,,, ,.,ir..i I,,,- 1, .lu,,,' Mi:t
iMiame nui, n. imiiiiMiuiueiit. fm
ii : I n.
1 lottel duties
) r; . th
A Portland uroncher toll his con
Ri'eratlnn on Si n'ny 'ip rv.n R noi
irin'o for h'-sines iMnno. But thin
wouM tie a better world If moro men
could bo Induced to stick to bustnow-..
"Bnltlnioro." says tbo S3rr"--enio
I'n'on. "rn l tin Krvp"ird cf tho olj
Dipiorritl" -tv." The vwv iln,
'H. 'll Wliloh In lun-y n few of tho
1012 Prosidonllnl booms
V's'-l'iTf-n. D. P. win nrhilily
povar Iib a sironhrl 1 nf mirri-npui.L
As rol''-q rf tho iintion'sM'anl'-ii1 ,no ' m'u'r ,l,lv' ' tmuble wall
nro not allowed to vote, women will nllu " ""
i ni-iiv livo oIowbe'i if thev vnluo,
ten uiiiat above ovorytlilnB olno.
irii q llm-.'tnn.
I loos ho .iiiii wh'ii diiij ttilJuV"
"Hi" linn."
"Ami iostiomlsy
"o. he alwiiys finds i tint ue .
business in a not her diioetli.nM
"I i Mr. Black a nsr.uV'
"Yes "
"You me siin of Iff"
"Cerial.i lie nlwajs iiif..H wim
$SB to
Ready to Wear
Best Ever Suits
$8.50 to
TJi; Rlclir Prtec
7 he First AM
Mavshfiold & Noitli 11
I ment and was aiimit to ask linn 10
iiuii.e no iim-MiL-ouoo inr mo w lien ue
"lly iliuiider"'
"K.Npialn"' l cried luipailontlv
"Instoid nt answeriua me he called
nit to his pa Pliers ileroh n win for
I'lP (,lllOllill.ll psliiti."
Tor hoaeir siike tell mo'"
"Where did mil itel 1I1N
"Found 11 in 1 lm ot mine where
It lias pl'oli'tldx Iieen fo eir"
"It repre-ent an esiaie 1 hat
A Kentl'ike ncm '"mn I doi I i ..
pior ilnv wiin nddrossod by hid
wife. V'.- '-.'n't n-(en to Mm fm
Ti "Tll-d M''"i i- 1". WHS nVVVTif.
bv IliQ I'OT'li- of ' oi,j tli." , ,)
might try to maho up for lost tln.e
l uhll" lorvuits nr iiia napie ri
I 11 ll itnu 1 1 . I... I r I riH.'l.v ... ' . ...
1 leiKo'ois il'osoti r.u' vnurln ll lh " ,",,,"", '" f"l,l, health, and uia,
1 lln ill.. Itiilll,...! .. ..f .. .!..
t ennKoiren. '" ,", "'"""i -ihiio 01 iiiani ue,iiu
Bet a'tr n" ' !! rf - ' I'leaiillnos-. In peiNiui. lu iharacioru.u1
fen '..orii v p-v-i'iv .i.i rn !. Ill ".iiiiniiiiillngs eerts a con-lilcniliie
1 j. v-rt .rp ;n" M liflntc t I Intliiem o lu inultllng clean cliaracteis
lv!ili'l .-"t- - -l ' ', .-. The chnlce lies with you
V.'e )tr rof of ' w'h l! "" nt! '
.ur ronrmt mi 1s-rr-t. Tll"V -in . Lot Your Good. Da Soon
. -,, ... n. r- . IW; , ,rm. ,,. W.,11WB tr, 1.
, -. .-r-ri-T'iK""T ' :np 11-3 :'" i,mjJi, : ., , .... ' " ' i--
y t'. i-'rrii.- I.. 11.M.1 uu- 111111-11" jiiii nine 11 ii-ire no eiino 11:11 ua ; ,, .... BVe ,f
I,l.o-- In 'iffie of inr! '""I""; "' uisncr ihuu Hie level 01 iieier ueoii onioil lie u one UU i." .- 1 -
r llv " i'i fr p'-n inv;- ' ' "IM"'i pan ur the win- Mieeii rotiuil near oihiiihIi nt l;ln i.ieiilui
r wh- I- ''t frr i'. V'n ri-tll"'u' "f emu so reiitilics dccoinitlnii tu It If this n ceuiii'ie nl i,n tlnve
f'.r- rep M'""! "nn 1 of p1m-ii, add 1 uiuplcii')ies nr detail, lut yui.i row In ijitnt ui- to 'ls K I'liorlue
ike cor ( frM ' a I fi mil, Will get betl.-r lesllll.-i r the guisls you I Miller whom-ei !( hum lie '
ok v-"" ' "-t (! ,.!-. ' hao on s.iio are so placed as to com- I "fhe" nu wife
1 nt -itb mi.'. u'tufo o nmvi miiiul the attention wlthmil eTort of ! We were ri-n The win hen n.n.n
'!!. In ""--- n,-..,-iT..',. .,. ,, u.,10 .laju.0 mo ,Ul xvludow.-. Men b Hie i.wtaioi win, ,m mnruevs
, , , P1.. ,,.ll,M.l nf o1M I11' -1' "m, :", ",,,i"" w,,' "'" '""'"" " I'n
t .nr' i.-.-i ),iro. o'i n-' I : 'ir PX"" '" '"" !,'", ,m'1 ,,,np ,0
vnipvi. n.B -1" r- h Umaintii . If .mui no anything to sell. triJe l(:U w""" "'"'
b. - " "Uy w:!:. v"3 ir".t lxr Qr rout, or wan holp, try n wain ad ' '
The W-M-Btnn wonmn who wmtol i
i'vi..rer ""inn li mr.,.oin- -.
,, - !-... n. -,,,,..) 1't,rp.
rpcl: QVi'nt:y bollevus t"t fupu
1.0,.. - - . , in,i,nl worili
Va,lfMn ".AW l.nwl 1. l .. ... ... .. . .
I " "-... ....... . ... '
. -.- -v-.n-.B '-,... 1
1 '.-ii n f.
"lit'tllnsc en ddf."
-i--' i. i, --.
'r fj., ,..-, 1. n., I
ll - tn M. I(.. .
P"l1'. T'-a la...
lipp.T' jii - w
nujulwr pf rowt).
w particulir
... . -,. .,.. IV . , ..
.' , o rvl-.f, f revn,..,,
during loip yoar u a'.l nonseno.
Ihc Landlord ora Tf
of you evory month tot
rent don't yen o't.n '1
owned tho hmisp 'JU
live l
,t m4
You can do it n".l r'fiW "
nro In eornoU about I'
In nml loam how Ci ''
.. ,,.,nrtV C'
uuu ueeoiuu i'i"i""
if you really want to. We'1
real estato which can he b3
with very llttlo cash I'
have sufficient nml!on
own it.
1T7 1'iont St.