THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION few Arrivals at "THe Toggery" The vogue in out door headwear HEIDCAP. Tar. far ahead of the ordi nary cap-tho HEIDCAi; has stylo and verve. Madooi ex clusive English cap cloths It Is a fine cap and it makes a man look finis "Till: TOGGERY" Express Shipments of Neckwear, Gloves, and Cluett Shirts Something "Just a Little Differeut" Here you are boys Early shipments of Spring Haber dashery that is right up-to-the-minute The same class of merchandise that you can find in all the better stores of the larger cities. Not necessarily high But standard goods with a guar antee "See big window display," Yours Anxious to Please, "The TOGGERY" K. W. KAMMERKIt, Successor to Tlinyci- Grimes ami Geo. Gooili-um "ItOSOM FRIENDS" PSn (Fpllsi L hiimnn beings, llllt tllO llCSt lm friend Hint a ninn ran rely i on n "Htnto" occubioh is ins bosom. In Bitch a enso, Is your urnimrlv Ironed linilllflonioly Idered? Everything doponda i your Iinunilry, whether you ail rleht nr all wrong. Ulir hiirv tvnrk In our nrlilc. an J ro ts tlio prnlsc of all who havo I It. Pnrfor.t work, dono and do led whoa wanted, anil at a rca Iblc price. )s Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN fT'.J 1 Children's Eyes tool. 'iJFJi Clean, Fast Satisfactory Cooking That is the kind of work the Gas Range can be depended upon for Winter, Summer, Fall and Spring The Kitchen Heater attachment to Gas Ranges holds fire over night, requires little fuel and is built for heating the room It permits full use of the Gas Range all the year; means punctual meals, clean kitchenr and reduced labor Ask our New Business Depart ment Telephone 178 Oregon Power Co child's eyes nro aoltonto things. cc It Is only by tho rarest skill, children eyes titled with glnssos, Eh nro In accordance with tholr llrcmcnts. Years of cxpcrlonco lloi mo to gitnrantco satisfaction uch cases. Do Our Own Grinding over Norton & Hanson's Store. T. J. HAYES, Optometrist Optometrist. --7 hi -a ti.,-1 1 WANTED ! ! ! ll'HTS UPHOLSTERING AN!) NOS T ('I.KAN, by tho Pneumu- Cleaning Company Orders for ukpii at nnio a ntt).. IMIOVI. i n.i l-pw..-.-t. miMiinii M. City ish Market I'HIM-: DELIVERY. 1'n rriKiisnn TiimsfiT iiiii.. 'out of Mat ha Ave. "Til & BALCH, Proprietors. phone onj Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff does not notify you. First National Bank 8CA1PE C2 A h. HODOIN8 larshfield Paint 'Decorating Co. ' 1,es MAHSHKIELD. "'M Phone HO!. Oregon veThat Roof Fid ov v VOUTllEI.L m k r lWi V TBT'.riwt ' " t i f.'V.lV w Architect. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IX COOS COl'XTY, ESTAHLISIIED IN 1880. Capital and Surplus . . . $100,000.00 Undivided Profits .... 8,000.00 Into. ?st paid on time depo3lts. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR HUNT. U. S. Depository for Po&tnl funds. Taxes can be paid through this bank free of charge '"i r:ovr st . rv. t . . Modern Urlok Building, Electric Unique Pantatonum , "SkffiftjSK- jbw IIVIilNCi. -l,K.XINCi. I'llKSSIVI. ..MilS'l. C. A. METLIN. Prop. vati'b. DO cents a Day and Upwards Coi Broadway and Market Marahfleld. Oregon AND REPAIRING AM. KINDS Ol ItOSS IT.'KGOR 2r. Ponlrnl nvenii 1'i.nnw V II T WORK The Gary Schools Considered Ideal Tlio School System Adopted by the New Indiana Town Ih Conimciitcd On Children Taught to l'lny. Tho root trouble with our ontlro cducntlonnl system, Including the public schools and universities Is that they are not democratic. Doing an Institution, tho school Is clamped by tho dead hand of tho monarchic, caste-Infested past. The school, In a democracy, ought to preparo tho child to work; not to bo a gcntlomnn, n scholar, or n ser vant. The Idea of tho three D's, doctor of law, doctor of medicine, and doctor of theology, still hampers all education. Tho public school has no business preparing a child for n "degree" It should prepare him to be n useful citizen. In n democracy, too, the school ought to study tho child and devolop his natural gifts; it should not seek to make him conform to somo theo retical standard. Tho nation exists for tho Individual. Thcro Is one town in tho United States where they havo n real school. It Is Gary, Intl. As far as I know It Is the only place where- the public school, by tho consent of tho whole community, has been freed from edu cational noneenso and adapted to psychological truth and actual hu man life. Teachers, or, bettor, nchool trus tees, ought to go there on a yenrly pilgrimage. Tho Oary schools nro under tho management of William Wirt, n man with lilcns, courago to stand by them, and shrowdncss enough to get them put Into practice. Ho ts helped considerably by tho factB that tho city Is only nbout four years old, tho citi zens wldc-awnko and tho genus moss bnck has not yet had tlmo to grow. Hero are a few of tho features of tho Gary nchool system: Tho buildings nro open nil day, from eight-thirty In tho morning to ten at night. Of course children nro not compelled to attond nil tho time, but they may attend any tlmo. Pro vision Is mado for nil of the child's time. Tho "Street nnd Alley" hours of tho average boy usually undo what the six hours of school havo dono for his character. Gary hrs teachers on tho play ground. Children nro taught to play as well as to work. The tlmo of tho child is reasonably divided between work nnd play. Tho motive forco In tho Hchools Is tho child's own activity and not tho Imposed will of tho Instructors. About three hours n day aro dovot ed to tl.o ordinary studies, such as reading, writing nnd arithmetic. Thrco nnd n half hours nro taken up In manual training, scientific experi ment, nuiflc nnd gymnasium work. Tho rest of tho day Is for fun In tho swimming pool, gymnasium nnd play ground. Each department In under tho di rection of nn expert. Children of nil grades work to gether. Thus tho youngor learn by Imitating tho older, a much neglected principle In tho common school. Children nro taught to sow, uso tho typewriter, and such things. Evory on" learns somo useful work. Thoso who deslro nro Instructed In the various trndes under tho direction of teachers who aro members of tho trade union, nnd tho tlmo spent In pchool Is applied upon tholr nppron- tlcesMp. While one set of pupils nro nt the classroom' desks nnnthor sot nro busy In tho playgrounds or manual train ing department. Thus tho Bchool can accommodate twlco tho number of children that n school conducted In tho ordinary way can look aftor. There Is no threo months summer vacation, n relic of tho days when boys hnd to work on tho farm. No child need attond school tho wholo year and no teacher Is required to work all tho tlmo; but tho school la nlvpys open, excopt In August. Tho Gary schools nro as full of ldens as an egg Is full of meat. The entire ensto pystem hns been abol ished. Democracy Is Hiipromo. In telligence has the right of way. Tho qhosts of dead educational nations havo ben banished. And there Is not a town In tho land where the Gary Ideas might not ho anplled. KKV. GKOHGE Ij. WHITI!. One of tho special speakers to bo at tho Baptist church during tho next two weeks. Meeting? begin Sunday morning. Rov. O. 11. McKeo will speak both morning nnd evening. Willlngneit. "Hut would you die for meV" per tinted the romantic maiden. "I would." replied the frank nnd elderly miltor. "Even now I inn imlug a ulch prlii'd tiri'puratlou wiimtuicd m ruHtnru hair to Um orlgluul colur. " Di'trnll l-'rw I'ri'HR. Had Touched tho Limit. Short I llguri'il up tin other day I tin I I owed my trletuN nearly $.'.ixiii l.iiliy-Wlml arc ynu goliiK In do tbinit It? Short That's what puzzle mo. I can't think of nny one else who will lend mo money. Chicago News. Fixed Him. Mrs. Cobtv Was the grocer's hoy lm pudent to you again when you tele pnuned your order this murnlug? Cook Ye-. Mrs. Cobb, he win Hint, but 1 fixed hliu tblx time. 1 scz: "Who the do you think you're tnlkln to? This Is Mrs. Cobti."-Llfo. The Grotetque. Canon Alnger. biographer nnd editor of Charles Lamb, once uttered thin pithy Hnylng: "Yon may preach llkeiin angel, hut If you can whlntle on a itlck people Ignore your preaching nnd Bpenk of you as 'Ih' man who cnti wblxtle nu n nilck.' " FIRE A CONSTANT MENACE. IS YOUR TOWN FREPARED 7 Well Orcanlzcd CommunltUt Con itnntly on Guard. Every well organised community it careful to protect tin property of Its InhiibltiintH ft mil the ravage of lire. The npnrk from u miitili might bi the menu of destroying In n few hours tint t whlih It has taken a town yean to build. A good orgnnlzntliui of (Ire flghtort Is nn linnet not to be lightly considered It should be the pride of every town to have Its tiro lighting corps In rcadl- first Class Auto Service Pars leave Front of Lloyd hotel 'o meet all trains. Faro 25c. Special cnlls anywhere nt all hours. BEST CARS. Best drivers. Phono fiC-J tin Ml 11 p. ra., after 11 p. m. pone S-J. Resldonce phono 28-J; after 12 phono 181R. T). L. FOOTE, Proprietor 1 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE 'I.NSriOU 51 II o ssri.visnu siiiok fiiu S5IOII XVIV SSHNISfin v 4 1 4 ONISMlKlAflV SS5IrI MUX THE "LITTLE llROTIIKIt" MOVEMENT AMONG ELKS Tho following excerpts from tho annual report of tho grand oxaltcd ruler, August Herrmann, submitted to tho grnnd lodgo of Elks nt Its ses sion in Atlantic City, dcnls with tho "Big Brother" movomont: "I know of no subject which has appealed bo strongly to mo, nor nny that will appeal moro strongly to you, my brothers, than tho Big Broth ers movomont, which Inaugurated In tho cast, nnd has spread to tho west nnd which goes not nlono to works of charity nnd bcnovolonco, but to tho making of n hotter gonorntlon to fol low us nnd to porpctunto tho work of uplift. "Tho Big nrothor movomont wns brought to my attention nt Denver, on tho occasldn of my recent visit to thnt city, through nn address de livered by Brother John Redding, of Donver lodgo nnd his earnestness nnd forcof illness In presontlng It, voryj largely entered Into my determina tion to present tho matter to tho, grnnd lodgo. "It Is a movement which involves no expense. It Is n movomont which Involves tho exorcise of that chnrlty which lends tho boy tho Llttlo( Brother who possibly, for Inck of propor homo Influences, or hecauso' of evil associations or becnuso of what Is called Incorrigibility, has, fallen nnd hns bitterness In his heart to tho knowledgo of tho fact tVfit ho Is an Integral part of humanity, nnd that It depends In tho Inrgest do greo, upon himself, whothor his fu ture bo ono of rectltudo, making him n vnliinblo oloment of society or oth erwise. Tho work Is not dono by severity, nor by distrust of his sin cerity, but by kindness, shown to him nnd continued to him by his nig Brothers that Is to say by you my brothers, who nro not calloused but onco woro boys and know tho tomp tntlons and tl'o dangers to which tho boy Is oxposed. "Tho Big Brother is not nn offi cer of tho law. Ho Is nn offlcor of Humanity, of Charity, of Gocd C.'tl- zonshlp nnd of Kindness." IAK r.MlK'B MIXDB. ncss to tackle any alio lire nnd gain control before It has nn opportunity to' spread. Give them every poBsIblo assistance In the wny of up to dato cqulpniontV etc.. making their work effective In Oak Park. Cul., now equipment Is constantly being added to the tiro de partment In nn effort to mnku It equal to the dciniiuds of the rapidly growing suburban community. A tiro station, n horse drawn hoe cart, proficient olli ccrs nnd paid lire fighters nro among the additions of the last two or thrco months. A new system Is nbout to bo Inaugu rated In having paid call men sta tioned in different nectloiis of Onlc Park, so as to Insure quick responso to alarms from nny pnrt of tho district. -M"i--M-M"M"-MM:''..:..:.. a, UWWW tJlUVVI tISHIIIVIIfc TrHr ilko tho army mi etmfvato clonrnctt, nrl tAathnnIrttnAa talk. X VF T T T T T ?ttt T T Tttt .' T T T 'r V TV T ment writer, X lule whackers, X it, conolteneit t nets in their X CIVIC IMFP.OVEMENT SOCIETY. Every Progressive Community Ghoulf Havo One, Every community now without one should organize n civic improvement society. At tho outset, or. Indeed, lit nil times, it is best not to cumber the organiza tion with tunny rules, else the restric tions will be so many mid ho hard to llvo up to that many members hecoinu discouraged at tho start. But one tula Is really uueded, and that Is that every member agrees to devote some tlmo personally to the work of the society, cither In gathering fluids, superintend ing work or other active committee duties. Thcro are plenty of opportunities for ncttvo work In every small town, and no resident need go out of his own premises to note some surrounding spot that merits more or less attention In order to elevate the general tone of tho neighborhood. Has your commu nity a live society V If not. ennnot you bo the organizer of one? Our best communities, thoe that prove most nttructlvu to home seekers, have each had a live bocloty'for yeurs. Without at least one uo place mnUes a health ful growth. Try Tho Times' Want Ads tfcK-. V "? licraiaijco. m0 jFlBtlR i - I' 4iww nwrr , Seow Drift Flour Highest Quality