THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1 912 - EVENING EDITION 2 CONTRIUtTiONS concerning social happenings, intended for publication In tlio society depart ment of Tlio Times, must be sub mitted to the editor not later thnu 0 o'clock p. in., Friday of each week. (l3xeoptlons will be allowed only in cases where events occur later than tlio tltno mentioned.) Til 13 SOCIKTV KDlTOlt. Dehold the society editor! Think of the things That she must write, Think of the doings ily day and by night; Think of the parties And dunces, too, Think of tho worry Thnt she goes through. Numos and Initials Must always ho right, The tltno and tho plnco Forovor in sight; Adjectives, oujoetlves, Oh, for n score, Ueuutlftil, Elegant, Others galore. Toll how tho table Was covered with flowers, Speak of the ribbons And rorcs and bowers; Who was tho hostess? Name every guest, Who was assisting And how wero they dressed? Who won the honors? If bridge was tho gnmo; Who wns Invited? Please give every nnme, Pity, oh, pity The woman who gocH To writo of receptions And dimes and clothes; Hero Is the lot Which no ouo would choose, Writing and writing Society news. Spokesman-He view, "Chlnookcrs." 0 CHARACTER liuil-Mnte Is the first important duty In ll'o. says '01 1. 1 Whoolor Wilcox, Noxt comes homo building. And how rarely do wo find the woman who made this second object nno of serious thtught or effort I Ask one hundred young girls from 18 to -5 to doscrlbo an Ideal homo, and how dlfllcult they would find tho task. IlecaiiHO the Idual has not boon .formed in their minds. One has been thinking of a enreor jis an nrtlst; another wants to write; another longs to go abroad and study for tho ulngo. Ono has social ambitions, hut a large fortune and a rich husband comprlso her Ideals of hupplness. It would he remarkable If one girl in tho entire hundrod should ho able to promptly dollne her Ideal of a perfect home, a homo where husband and children might llnd earth's best hap piness, and the wife and mother ask no larger or greater Held of useful ucss, It Is tlio woman who makes or mars the homo, Tho most perfect typo of mnn could not make an Ideal homo If tho woman who shared Ills rcsldonco wero a virago, dissoluto or immoral. Yet many Instances can bo found whoro tho Ideal and tactful woman lias mndo lior homo a center of de light nnd Inspiration and comfort to children and friends, despite the fact that lior partner In life lacked all lr virtues which she believed he pos sessed on tho day ho led her to tho altar. This Is not surprising, when wo consider thnt thoughts are living things, nnd thnt a ntrong, well poison, healthful mind, continually sending out hopoful, loving, kind nnd patient thoughts for sixteon hours of tho waking period of tho day does much to counteract tho dlsngreonblo or un wholesome thoughtH which tlio man may send forth for less than half that timo. Thorofore, tho real homemaker must he tho woman. When sho Is aided by the man, then. Indeed, heaven conies very noar: nnd If tho man falls to do his part she has, at least, the pride nnd satisfaction of knowing sho mwo him his chanco of linnnliiew, and she knows, too, thnt sho made ncice aii'l nleasuro possible for her children nn 1 her friends, despite her handlcnii. An appreciation of a beautiful ami nttractlvo home Is tn ilist rorncr stono to lie laid. Then must come Ideals of comfort nnd convenience, then a study of restful ami becoming colors, and an expression of Indi vidual taste. Whatever part economy plays in n home, it must nevor cripple tho dain tiness of tahle or bed, In order to make u display In showy ornamenta tion or elaborate menus. The best manners, tho sunnlost moods, the whitest llnon nnd the sweetest surprises must be for tho homo clrtlo rather titan for tho sometimes guest. Whoever enters that homo must faol tlio good will, tho usefulness, l'e slumio liosnltnllly and tlio spirit f 1'rnHtndo which Its Inmates liavo In their hearts If thoo are the thoughts sent out I'V the ''cvxIn'itliKi spirit of the homo, hov will he felt by nil who enter tlio 'onr. If ! u'lfo tui'l mother nnnroclntes 'or homo eii"i'ii to nmko it Iter p'tiltm bo snr the children will loin "ith ltnr In tn mitlinm of worship. rnd vnlnsH the husband Is Indeed I'ntinlim )io vl rmno Into " till- dorstnndlng of all the ilth wlilc , Is lily in I. miiig siuh a home, tui'l ji-ln in tiiP horns. .Mahogany and rosewood and mar- blo and bronze aro nut needed to (omplete tho Ideal home. j Tnere are million dollar palate along upper Fifth avenue and seat ! tore i un over America, whuh ate not only unldcnl, but do not deserve let en tne name ef homes There was nn Idenl homo where continual economy stood guard over each small purchase, ami where an Irritable scml-luvalld husband nnd father was not above to dim the sun shine of good nature and hopeful ness and morritnent which filled tho Biuull domain with hope and linpp. ness from year end to year end. Tho Ideal home must ho built up on those Inner qualities cheerful ness, a sense of humor, unselllshncss, the Idealizing of the comiiionplnco nnd then must come n training of tho mind in tho laws of beauty and ap propriateness and usefulness Tho chomlcnl values of food, cooking ns a lino art, architecture, Interior deco rations, embroidery, needlework, mu sic, nil these things aro good for a woman to study who wants to de velop In herself tho power to enjoy and to help crcnto nn ideal home. A development of humanitarian qualities and sympathy will sotHo many servant problems. The Ideal homo must be n home to the domestic as well as to employ ers. From such a home may n woman extend lior powers of usefulness to these who are bolcvv lior ami nbove her. nnd oven Into the Invisible realms of tho beyond, whoso borders He close to tho boundaries of I ho Ideal home. 0 One of the daintiest possible val entine parties was given lust evonlnz by Miss Mary nnd llnlnli Kruse nt their homo In Wost Vnrhflol-1. Un usual care nnd tnste hail boon ox'toii1' ed on tho decorations, with result tint Mir lwuso itself lcoko 1 llko n huge valentine. Two rooms wor hum; with rows of big and little pin:; hearts strung on baby ribbon cross ing In tho center over the crepe paper shades and Ivy thnt decked tho chan dellors. A third room wns lined frcm curtains to contor-pleeo with Iny rol hearts, nnd two cross-chains swnyod overhead from opposlto comora. Tlio dainty colors wero em phasize 1 by the background of dnrk ureen In which tho house wns banked. Dnlnly pen-and-ink skotches, cuplds with bows nnd arrows, drnwn on pink hearts, furnished tlio scoro cards for whist. Miss Marian Seaman nnd Wesley Seaman carried off card honors nnd woro nwnrdod tho nrotty ttrlzos. Re freshments. " honrt-shapod nlnlc "kos nnd Ires wore served by Mrs. Ohrlstlno Kruno, nldod by Mrs. .1, AN bort Mntson, nnd candlesticks to ntntch tho rooms, shaded with covers of red or pink hearts and dangling smnller ribboned hearts from their edges, wero set on tho Individual tables. Dancing and music brought a fitting end to tho happy ovonlng. Among those Invited wore Misses Lucy Povvors. Ruth Ilnrton. Myrt.o Oownn, Mnv Myron, Evelyn Flanagan, draco Williams, Hcsslo Douglas, Elslo Hall, Frances Ooldon and Marian Sonman, Messrs. John Ferguson, Geo. Johnson, Tom Patterson, Mnx Rcl gard, Lee Hverly. will Hortoti, Wos loy Penman, Noble Iitinnn nnd Syd ney Clarke, Miss Ruby Watklns returned homo on tho llreakwator after spending several mouths attending high school at Tho Dalles. 0 Mrs. John Lnfon, assisted by Mrs. Ward M. lllako and Mrs. M, C. Mn lonoy on the occnslon of tho Prog ress Club mooting nt lior homo, pre sented a very Interesting pnpor on tho subject of tho nftornoon, "Fa mous Women of tho French Salon." Tho executive committee for tho com ing year chosen nt tho Inst mooting will bo composed of Mrs. W. S. Nich olson, Mrs. M. C, Mnlonoy nnd Mrs. Ward M. Hlnke. In tho course of tho afternoon's work Mrs. F. A. Tiedgon nnd Mrs. A. I. Darker woro elected to membership. Mrs. C. W, Tower will eiitertnln tho club when next they meet, tlio subject bolng "Tho lew, lu History nnd Fiction." 0 PERSONAL notices of visitors in tho city, or of Coos Day pooplo ?,'!( visit lu other cities, together with nations of social affairs, tiro gladly received In tho social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish same. ollna. A busy, pleasant afternn' n was spent in looking nftor babies and lu sowing between times. Among those present woro Mrs. John Lnfon, Mrs. W. U. Douglas. .Mrs. Ward M. Dlake, Mrs. W. S. McEldownoy Mrs. Root. K. Drowning, .,rs. i. u. l'et ham. Mrs. C. F. Hinull. Mru. A. II. Powers, Mrs. J. W. Dennett. Mrs. C. F. Ilrflmnn, Miss Palmer and Miss .Maud Reed. rites woro Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Martiu, Mrs Ciulo and Mr. Churchill, all of Hunlcr Hill. Tho regular mooting of , the 1. lge will bo hold the fourui Tuesday of the month, which falls on ' Fob. 27. According to tho usual cus tom. In every month thnt Includes a ! fifth Tuesday, a Joint social is hold 1 i pen that day with the Modern Woodmen, and a program nnd feast of some kind aro prepared. In pur i uanco of this custom the two lodges will Join forces In un effort to mnko Tuesdny night. April 30. the date of uie of the plensantost evenings hold ' by the two chapters, -0 Mrs. W. F. Miller will otitorMIn Welnesdny. Feb. II. at a Valentino llrldgo parly at hor home. Tho Women's Missionary Society of the Ilaptist church met Wednesday ut the home of Mrs. Peter Clausen on South Tenth street. The mooting was opened by song nnd phi) or, and was continued for nn hour on tho topic of tho nfternoou, "The i Homo Mission Alphnbet." Following 1 dlscucslon of this, an Indoors pic ture of tho nsscmblngo wns taken by Mrs. Wesley Smith. A song by Mrs. Smith nnd tho serving of refresh ments by Mrs. Clausen, Mrs. Lewis nnd Miss Mary Price, ended tho aft ernoon's eiitortuliimont. Those pres ent were Mrs. 13. I., (iraef, Mrs. .1. C. Donne. Mrs. A. .1. Carlson. Mrs. A. L. Downs, Mrs. V. O. Pratt, Mrs. ! Amanda Rose, Mrs. 13. W. Lewis, Mrs. Peter Clausen, .Miss Mnmlo (liilovseu, Frank Sherninn leaves today on Mrs- w- M Urcon, Mrs. Alva Doll, tho Drcakwntor for Portlnml whoro Ml'8' w- K Smith, Mrs. C. O. Oosney, ho will meet his lirntlw.r m.ri aiatni Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Mrs. O. Lo Roy who nro coming from Port Huron, I,nll Mrs- DnlB' Anderson and Miss Mich., to spend sovoral wcoks In tho JInr' Prlco. Rose City. Ills mother, Mrs, C. lion- , 0 nett, loft on tho InBt boat to proparo Tho Mlnnle-Wls will hold a Val npnrtments lu Portland for tho fain- entitle pnrty and exchange at tho y i homo of Mrs. 13. 13. Kelly Snturday 0 J ovonlng, Fob. 17. Mrs. 13. Mlngiis ontertnlned at four 0 tables of hrldgo Saturdny nftornoon, The Presbytorlnn Ladles' Aid of tho third of n series of small parties North Hond spent a pleasant afler sho Is giving. Mrs. D. Y. Stnfford noon Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. nnd Mrs. R. K. Booth won enrd lion- J. Monde on North Hond Heights. In ora. the regular routine of business a mnt- O ! tor cunio up deserving of the Interest Mrs. I. S. Kniifinnii nml Mrs. M r. : of tlio women's club. Two families Mnlonoy woro tho representatives of "vo been found In North Hond nml nos nnd duets wero given by Miss tho Progress Club or Mnrshtleld nt a 'o In Cooston who will be greatly Clara Rehfleld and her brother, Chas, mooting of the Cnqulllo Educational J benefited by tiny charity that can bo Robflold. anil Miss Alpha Mnuzoy League In Couiille Friday. Kadi I procured for them. Sunday ovonlng mure tho vorv pretty lullaby "Lltlln vnar. a member nf the Proirrnsq Pinh n collection nmountlnir to S22 wns Puff of Smoke. Oondnlght," nftor hns been t'e'oentod to prosont n nn-i taken up for tholr relief nnd turned which the hostess usslsted by Mrh a conunllteo to tnko chnrgo of tho disbursement of tho fund nnd of whatever supplies might como into their aid. After this business, sowing and refreshments completed tho aft ernoon. Thiwo present were Mrs. K. Rood. Mrs. (leo. llolstor, Mrs. C-. A. Smith Mm. C. II. Fnrriss, Mrs. Win. Vaughn. Mrs. llarrett, Mrs. MeLood, in it. C. Holmes Mrs. A. It. (luorn sev. Mrs. 13. J. Kottrlng, Mrs. Robt. MeCnnn and Mrs. J. Mendo. 0 Messrs. Wallers. John Mullen nnd Archie Phillips have been named uh u committee to make preparations for a big Common Inl Club party lo be given some llino tills month. Mlss Mary Kruse win hostess to a few of her friends Saturday urtor noon nt her home In West Mnrsh lloll. Sewing bags were emptied of their pretty contents nnd embroider ing and chat lllled I he nfternoou. Mls Mary was aided by her molhor, Mrs. Christine Kruse, In serving dn'nty refreshments. Misses Florenco Powers, lingular Flelsberg. Dorothy Mi rton, Roxle Hill and Nellie War wide were her guetts. Mrs. C. H. FnriisH of Union avenue entertained a number of friends nt luncheon Thursday. O Tho llrldgo Club was enter! allied Wednesday by Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr.. at hor homo on Central avenue. Card honors fell to Mrs. W. T. Mer chant and Mrs. J. W .Dennett. Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. Mrs. F. 13. Ilnguo nnd Mrs. C. M. Hylor or North Hond, were substitute guests. O Miss Kvolyn Lnngvvortliy will be hostess at n Valentino parly Sntur day, February 17. O Miss Clara Rehlleld entortnlned the .1). Y. II. Club of the Hap! 1st church Friday evening nt games and music. As part or the bushiest or the moetliiK. election or officers wns hold. Alpha Mau.ey was chosen nresldent. Mary Price vice-president. Itelvn Flanngan secretary and Clara Rehfleld treasurer. Violin nnd piano Mutt hows, Corn iw""- Hesslo Ayre. r W K KniiKlilhi ami Firi?'". K "in Mru. Clan. , stu ,J e5 mill .viessn Drini lu . ' Rehfleld. K,M ()iv'n.rr und Clifford n.inn . '' 0 ir. aim iirs. c. it v I moved from the Vllii.L3l iioiiko nii'inerlv nwi. T",,il W. Kum moron ., nX? 'J ""'"enitd The Hantltu . ,v-. win riiuveil( tiieeting win In, i,. ,,"' Airs. C. O. (1( n.j'ntLrV'11 rod Ave. A Mh,,. '.S lied for the u,.i, ..."k llllOH ttr the tl- I rn-l'j.N nuccessriil nn i r ,.. '"it, return to the iM.Mni,Prg ,' und trouble. "ir8rt!n for n .l" ll - "ll 1,1 0 .Mrs. W. T MmrluM v. .eefo nml Mm j VT I the day MoiuIhv ns 'lct.c KUOMl ,1 c' M' t NorthS; --0 rue cordlnibv etui, .... ovonlng ut (In. homo of J ,v I. O. Knney in South Mi Progressive whM ye,,leJ ' to Mrs. Harry llrailfCM ... Illldenbrand and rcfrcshnj Horvotl bv the host ess. ii..i. ,...i...,. .. "ir V'"" "'" 'ennin the tin day, February 20 0 Mrs. Nellie Owen nnj u.l Klrod loft on the Itelonlo ,1 Francisco lo uttend to rc I IttltrtM lt i l. t .. '"" I iirnn in iihil 'yt o M. C. llorton returncl tlJ uif, iiiiiii a irut to waihir v...!,. ......... .v, muni a mm u took his dnughter Lucy forrtil sovorul mouths of ovcr-itiJ vviiHiiiugion univermty. O Mr. (Jeorge Tliomptonts t'l'Kiuy on i no iireakwaterf plt'iisure trip to Portland ml whoro ho visited Ida tltten j iuw nays. 0 Mrs. (leo. Itourko of Bail-I entortalno'l the nioinhors of &l elllu Club Wedneslnycvenlttil I in; nml music Hit tit .Misses (lonoviove Tclltfioi nor bofnro tio Couiille organization ' over to tho Ladles' Aid which Thurs-! Claudo Stiitsmnn served a light sup- Mnthlscn nnd Slgno Un Mrs. Mnlonoy was 'day appointed Mrs. N. C. McLeod. per. Those present were Misses Mil-1 " A large attoudaiico marked the gathering or the Sisters of Uothnuy and the Ladies' Auxiliary of tho Kplscopal church at tho homo of Mrs, (leo .F. Murcli Tuesday nfternoou. The day was dovoteu largely ut needlework and conversation ami re freshments wero daintily Berved. Among thoso present wero Mrs. J. W. Hennott, Mrs. Arthur McKoown, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mrs. Otto Solicitor, Mrs. H. Urndfleld, Mrs. F. A. Sacchl, Mrs. Downing, Mrs. J, T. Hull, Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mrs. W. A. Toye, Mrs. P. A. Sandberg nnd Rov. Robert 13. Hrownlng, Mrs. Karl Sav age, Mrs. A. 13. Adelsporgor and Mrs. 13. M. Harry woro guests of tho aft ernoon. Miss Kvolyn Anderson will enter tain tho Sisters of Hethany at their next meeting. The Lndles' Auxiliary will meet tho first Tuesday in Mnrch with .Mrs. Downing. Tees lay afternoon n unique "baby" party was given by Mrs. J. M. Upton nt her home In West Marsh Itjid In honor of Mrs. John Ltfon and Miss Juanltn Florenco Lnfon, who leave noxt month for North Car- nnd this sonson solo'ctol to take part gram. II. J. Ur-wti f Pnlron, h-m "rrl-oi in MnrhiloH to tnko a nnsltlrn In t!'o local railway olllce Mrs. F. Monroe of Florenco wns guest of honor nt a whist pnrty given Thursday night by Mrs. M. O. Colo- mnn nt her home In North noml. Mrs. Hurtle and Julius Jncobson won I f'o nrl7e. Mrs. Charles Williams and ' R. J. Cnleo the consolntlon. Among ' thoso Invited woro Mr. nnd Mrs. K. 13. Rlggs, Dr. nnd Mrs. I. U. Hnrtlo. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Cokn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. I.oomK Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Der byshire. Mr. nnd Mrs, II, O'Mnrn, Mrs. Frank Monroe. Miss Kmmn Johnson, Miss Mnv Peterson. Miss Florence Peterson, Miss Ooldlo Rlggs, Miss Lily Hutlor. Mr. Noll Hnnks nnd Mr. Julius Jncobson. Mrs. Mon roe lenves tomorrow nftor an extend ed visit nt tlio M. O. Coleman home, for her homo In Florence Miss Rdlth R. Proton has como to Mnrshflold from Lowell, Mass., to spond sovoral months nnd nrob ablv to mnko hor norntnnent homo with hor undo, F. P. Norton. 0 A very successful salo wns given Saturdny nftornoon nt tho Coos Hay grocery In North Ilend by tho Indlos of St. Mnry's Altnr Oullil. Mnny do lectnblo dishes wero prepared by tho olghtenn members which dlsapoonrd llko the provorhlal hot-crke. netting tho sum of $15 for tho guild's treas ury. As this first ono has been so Bticcesfful, other cooked-food sales will be held each month, places and committees to bo determined lntor. A guild mooting Is bolng hold this afternoon nt tho homo of Miss Oor trudo Mandlgo, who with Mrs. Hnrtlo nnd Mrs. dnrdner formed tho com mltteo In chnrgo of Inst week's salo. Pinna nro bolng mndo for giving n ten tho early part of next month. 0 Mr. Dennis Flynn hns arrived from Minnesota to bo the guest for so time of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Or linos, Tho W. r. T. V. nf North Hen I mot Tuesdny aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. Josephlno Jones on I'nlon nnd Virginia avenues. A short business "tooting was hold, n tlmo wns snout In parliamentary drill, nnd nrriMi-eo-iiients woro completed for the sllvor medal contest to bo hold by Dr. Clark February 20 or thoroibout. A num ber of the boys or tho High School nro practicing on n drill thnt Is to no given at this contest, nnd sovoral girls aro pronarlnt: rend inns nr rnM. tillons Aittcng the latter nro (Jladvs Crnnnlck. Shlrlov Poiors-on, Hesslo' Haines, Ksther Iniboff. Mnrlan Lnn-, gonberg, Amolln Llllobo, MnrJorlo Smith. Annie Truman nnd Lola, Rltchlo. After Scripture reading bv Mrs. Marshal and Invocation bv Mis. V. T. Hoiison tho club ndjouriiol. to "opt next vltt. nr n. ciarl: the firs ! Tuesday of March. i III the pro- Mrs. 1C. Rood nnd .Mrs. Robt. McCiinn1'"" OiftleriiMim .vini.n Mnuev. UitHt fCnntlnitcd nn pan III 13 vir.iiati-jvalK Lovely Styles in New Spring Coats Now Here, Priced from $1 5 to $25 1-M3SE fascinating Coats give a tiiio conception of tlio beautiful styles that will bo worn for Spring T and Summer. White is very prominent for Spring, while various shades of tan and the darker blues will receive much favor. Black and while. stripes will bo very much favored in whip cords. Collars are of plain clotl bengaline, lace, satin or braid-trimmed. Both the single rovers and the double one-sided rovers are shown. Fringed out ruchings in widths from 2 to a inches are another trimming feature for Sprint. Wl v This early showing clearly depicts all these models and style tendencies for Spring. The arrival of everv steamer now brings us tho very newest metropolitan stylo ideas, nnd your regular visit to our store, to see the now things as they arrive is welcomed. The Hrnd will glvo nncther of t. nnnulnr entertainments Voitpnaittv' night. February 1 1, at tho Eagles' Hall. O ' Tho Finnish M'll Tnns'nv ovenlm? was the scone or the lntltlon of ri r "W p"tinps l)to '" Jn...l Xoltr'"- bors of Amorlca. Quito a lre crow won nrownt nn' Inlt'i""' Mi a soohl evening ft- tho Inltlntlnn cei" monles, nrel'ed over bv the Oracle, Mrs. Nettle LaChapello. The fnnr "nw Neighbors sharing In tho mysterious See Our Window Displays : tt i - COOS BUILDING L Open Until 9:00 TonigM I Uilianllij, .