k IS JUST ONE THING RIGHT AfTER ANOTHER DID YOU EVER NOTICE IT? jjT ADVERTISING In The TIMKS yill Put Your Heal Estate "in ' jlie Mniket" Kircctlvclyl I will nut tl10 '" "'" ;"' icrty before the eyes of all "pos buyers" i" town. And if c'g one of them who ought to It, you'll sell it! fflnrJS mm tm MEMIIER OK ASSOCIATKI) PRESS WANT ADVERTISING in Tlio TIMES l Will Keep the Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lnpslngt YOU enn rnnllv halii tho family a revenues by renting a few furnished ft rooms and, If you know how and n when to use the classified columns. H you may keep that little extra Income I as "steady as a clock." MIISWl JiiJTOKaJA'MjiS'iufiiiiU V&UJuE& XXXV Established in 1K7H us Tin' CiMit Mn II miiB MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION S EVIDENCE OF SENSATIONAL HE ON 000S BAY II -EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mull nml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 179 8 Isscs 111 Insurance Case Ims Policyholder was lurdercd Near Here. TELLS OF HUNT :fJR BURIED IKtASUKt nn Locally Knows of Any ase of Strange Tale In St. Louis uase. isoclatcd Press to Cos Bay ! Times.) IniilS. Mo.. Fell. 10. .lohn II. ly a Now -Mexico rnnchman, 111 II1U IVIUIIIIl'l "ww tut...,. iiiiieil the man who shot licit Ccorgo A. Klmniol In a n Oregon, Aug. 1 t. ISnS, two nftcr Klmmci disappeared ncy was allowed to toll IiIh O tllO jury Willi mil miK"i niinn rrniii tho attorneys for iirnnrc rompnny which holds nmount HB to $:i".uu on L MP S KENTUCKY FOED LEADER KILLEi TR Three Children Cremated in Iowa Home as -Result of Explosion. '.Dy Assoclal rtl Press to tho Coos Daj Times.) MAXWELL, lowa, Fob. 10. Ex plosion of a lamp caused last night's tragedy In which three chll lion In tho household of Isaac Smith, a farmer living near here, wore burn ed to death and Smith himself prob ably fatally Injured. This Is tho Btntoment of tho nthorltlcs who In- Louis Hall Who Boasted of Having Killed Twenty-two Men, and Son Shot By Con stable. (By Associated Press to Coos Da) Times.) PIKEV1LLE, Ky., Feb. 10. Ono of the most notol feud leaders of thu big Sandy vulley. Louis Hall, who had boastol of hilling twenty-two men, wns shot and Instantly killed to day at Shelby ami In tho Pino moun tains by Conntablo George Johnson and Hall's son. .Morgan Hall, mot the 'son. same fato a moment later at tho of ficer's hands. People In that section fear a revival of tho feud war. Join son had a warrant for Morgan Ha::, vho was suspected of operating a "Dllnd Tiger" and who had openly dolled the detectives to enter his home. Johnson followed Hall out of a store to the porch and wns In tho act of reading n wnrrant when Hall made signs of resistance The older Hall, who Is S.'l years old, rushoil out of his homo a short dlstanco away and Johnson nt once opened lire, shooting first the fnther and then tho MEXICAN TROOPS NOT ALLOWED TO CROSS THROUGH TEXAS NOW STEPHENSON IS EXONERATED I t'niil lint tnil 4 It n I .. 41... I... .....I ',..' life. The defense plans I , Ttoday. " " "' U'U mram on witnesses who. It Is con-. will discredit Swlnney's tos- i Iwltncs Is nn ncknowledgc.l I Bn rnnvlt't. having HUl'VOd tWO les for murder and train ron- hiol. I rompnny with tho Into M. Snyder or Kansas juy, named Johnson, nml Swlnnoy. nk to Swlnney's testimony, insfts City the nlglii Kinunoi arod for Coos Hay, Oregon, to forn burled trensuro of $-10,-ho nartv went through Denver n Frnnrlsco nnd took n snll- M from Snn Francisco to Cops Undine $1000 of tho trens- cnnllng to Swlnnoy, Johnson amel quarreled In tlio woods, oiot Klmniol, swlnnoy in hot nml kltlol .lohnsou nnd nnd Fnyier burled tho bf Johnson nn 1 Klmmci In tho Irnie, covered it witn leaves Inpeil nwny. ncy tP'tllled Hint Fnvdor toolt I'd efforts nn I Intondo'l to bom to Ids mother, but that I wan nfrnlil to do so firt news of lneatl trenussc murder raio from oast. laliove slory Is iilvon but III- Brnco by old residents of Coos rhe find new) came In eastern an which nn nttorney gavo out k erldcnm .us was outllnnl llavlt mn-'o by Swlnnov some T" nfll 'n It covn'o I "i-nr- the cnine points ns outlined IMIp'p, It n-ciMonM eonsldo - Ilk l'CrP, lll't " rim ro"l ', 'I Wlio '"l o o" ln-r'l oT tn". hit resemble I In nnv wnv nnv if the treasure hunt nnd crlmo by Swlnnoy. purse It m cit hnve occurred f who hnvo heard tho story Iny rro-lenro In It. HEAVY SHELLS FDR CRUISERS U. S. Vessels on Pacific Are Ordered Supplied With Extra Ammunition. (ny Associated Press to Coob Da) Times) MARK ISLAND, Oil., Fob. 10. Orders hnvo been rocelved nt tho Nnvy Yard for eighteen thoiisanil rounds of armor plorclng sholls to bo Issued at onco to live crulsors on tho const. Tho Cleveland and Dun vor, which nro lying hero, aro to got :t000 rounds ench, 11000 go on tho Oalvonton nt Ilreinertnn, mid 1000 will bo reserved for tho Charleston on her return from Pugot Sound, nnd tho remainder will bo shipped to tho bouui uaxntn nt Honolulu. Senate Committee Adopts Re port In Favor of Wiscon sin Senator. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Raj Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 10. Ily a vote of 7 to Ti tho Senate committee on privileges nnd elections todny ap proved tho report of a Hub-committee, exonerating Sountor Stephenson from charges of corruption In connection with his election. Ily a vote of eight to llvo, Sona- orn Clnpp, Jones, Kcnyoii, Kern and Nca voted In the ncgatlvo nnd will present a minority report to the Sen ate. Thoy took tho position that tho expenditure of $107,000 In the sen atorial primary rnlsed tho prosumi) Hon of wrong doing on tho pnrt of Senntor Stophonson and that thoy failed to II ml In tho ovidonco that inch prcsuntntlon had boon romnvod. ''onaton Dillingham, Gamble. Hoy burn, Sutherland. Johnston, Flcteh "r, Ilrndloy nnd Pomorcuo voted In f ivor of Stophonson. Ollvor nnd Payn ter not present. NOLAN COM FIVE LOST IN . AERIAL CAGE Several Others Injured By Drop of 186 Feet On Big Wyoming Dam. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times., CASPER, Wyo., Fob. 10 Whllo n gnng of workmen wero crossing' tho Platte River on nn aorlal tramway at tho government Pnthflndor Dam, GO miles southwest of here, tho cablo uroko nnd carrier with Its human freight dropped to tho rocks 18G foot bolow. Flvo aro reported dead and several badly Injured. CITY HAS TO P OR M Springfield, III., Required to Reimburse Man Whose Cafe Was Destroyed. (By Associated Press to Coos Da) Times.; SPRINGFIELD. III., Fob. 10. Harry Loher, owner of tho enfo wrecked by a mob during tho rnco riot hero thrco years ago, was awarded a Judgment for $7750 ngnlnst tho city In tho circuit court todny. LohePs plnco wns destroyed becauso It was alleccd ho aided th sheriff In spiriting away negro prlo- onern. OL WORK WILL All) CAXAli. IS PLANED Pniiania Hallway to Give Preference to Its Work. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day I Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 10. To avoid Interference with tho construc tion of tho Panama cnnnl, Socrotary Stlmpson Issued an order today which will restrict American freight nccopt od for transportation over tho Pnnn ma railroad Tho freight rateB will not be increased. HODLEY TO GO TO W K TO GIVE M Former Leading Financier and Promoter of London Sen tenced for Fraud. (Dy Associated Press o Coo? IJ.i) Inies) LONDON, Fob. 10 Urnest Tcrnh Hooley, who was ono of tho leading mon In tho financial world of Lon don a fow years ago, was sentenced today to a year'B Imprisonment on tho charge of obtaining money by fraudulently representing ns frco from eiiciimbrnuco somo property ho had sold to tho complainant. Hooley was ono of tho lending financiers of Kuglnnd from 1800 to 1898, when ho wns declared bankrupt. Ho hnd been regnrded as one of tho wealthiest men In the country, nqiilrlng riches through tho promotion of numerous companies. Ho was supposed to hnvo folk today retired from tho ' "mdo n ,)roflt of 12r,u0000 ,n n vnaorseincnt n .Missouri for "uuur l,, "viu '" xou"' PlOcratlc Presidential nnnitnn. agreeing to a proposal mndo r"r v.imnip ciark who want-, "J agree to n divided dole rolk did this nnd n Min me relenoii nil i.in i,ic I Mng him thilr support. I "'VAX (SIV1W V1KW. 1 """"on or Any ()m. Favored '') Wall Street. Isoclated Press to Coos Day ., limes.) HOMACITY. Fob. 10.-'I 1 Ulll be SllirH.il r. nml. ..J a"vT"3 elso fnvo-i --v, 1 Ills mnoanno lmni it. -) UUUI Rtic Asoirant Aarees tn ivicled Delegation In Missouri. hoclatea Press to Coos Uj Times.) kOl'IS, Feb. 10 Former Gov IN FEW DAYS Developments In Waterworks Negotiations Expected to Follow His Arrival. LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER Vessel Sails This Aftarnoon for Rose City With Large List of Passengsrs. Board Arranges to Reopen Special Courses In High benool Next Year. Tho Mnrshllold School llonrd mot last night to take up tho matter of re establishing domestic Sclcnro, mu sic and drawing and tho commercial course In tho curtculum. Dr. Mc Cormac, J. C. Morchant, School Clerk Judgo Hall and Supt. Tlodgen woro nrosent. A communication from Miss Jessie Chnso wnB road, recom mending n follow Btudont nt 81m nion'H Collego, Doston, for tho do mestic slconco position. Tho snlorlos of the toaehora and Janitors for tho past month wero or dorcd paid. ThomnB J. Nolan of Omaha who holds an option on t'-o Coos Day water conipany'3 plnnt and who has been negotiating for several months to cither secure a CO-yenr franchlso tn .Marshflold or dlsnoso of thn nlaiit. lo tho city nt a considerable advance ' Pf Hirers arriving on tl-o Drotlcwator; i vor his option price, is expected hero I ) ,l,"lk;,1111, ' Jlnson, D. Flynn, Tho Drenkwnter arrived In 7lnrnh field at 0 o'clock last evening. There wero two automobiles Includsd In tho largo cargo of freight which was brought In. Tho following Is a list of tho pns wit 1 In n fow days. Ills onglneer, Mr, Cummins of Senttlo, has boon hero for some days. Just what developments will follow Mr. Nolans visit Is not Known L. K. nnlllncor, J. II. Snlcor. W ..M. Solnndor. B. HutchonB, C. D. Thomas, V. Shelley, A. Gubsor, V. n. Mllburg, tiuoi unrnani, littiol Watson, Mn, O. Strathorn, rs. K. K. Jones, Ruby COQUILLE LOST TD NORTH B Home Basketball Team Defeat ed Visitors 16 to 11 Last Night. 1'.";e"r,. J. Dryan was re- The North Eenl High School bas- "' Dy l Into 1 Qlntno Cv.4nnH ! l.tl.n11 Anwk ln nlfl.t l.if.mtnl lto Ql Qli- mvo hjuittiiut -ihumu iviuj upv niht'V uwti;iiu,i khm inluT.i'' Iex,B' "J" tole- CsiiTllIe Hlch 'ahn.. ns ' el' circulated , Iionl by n , Somo tlmo ago ho wroto friends hero j Wntklns, J. Darlogor. Miss Dodson. Mint ho would not roturn until tho city hnd definitely decided what It was going to do about the water question. City Engineer GIdley Is now at work appraising tho vnluo of tho Coos Day Wator company's plant In compllnnco with Instructions from tho Council. Ho Is also enumerating Improvements which will bo neces sary to furnish ndequato wator ser vice. Owing to his many other duties taking up so much of his tlmo, It Is understood that It will bo somo little tlmo boforo ho will have completed Mils roport. Ho statod today that ho hoped to have his roport ready by the last of noxt week. Just when Mr. Nolan's option on ho waterworks will explro Is not known, but It Is understood to no JUDGE COKE DECIDES CASE OVKItltl'MCS ."MOTION TO QUASH .MAYOHAIrV COXTKST CASH ACTION TO UK THIKI) ON MKItlTH NOW. Judgo Coko this afternoon handed down a decision overruling tlio mo tion of tho attorneys for Mayor Straw to qunsh writ of servlco In tho May- United States Cancels Permit of President Madero as Result of Complaint. SITUATION ALONG BORDER IS CRITICAL War Department Holds Troops In Readiness to Proceed There Quickly. Dy Associated Pross to the Coos Da; TlmeB.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 10. Tho Eighteenth Infantry has boon ordor ol from Whlpplo narracks, Ariz., to El Paso, Toxas. Tho tdtuatlon lit Junroz, opposite El Paso, Is reported ugly. Tho Insurgents aro much dis turbed by the threatened entry of tho Madero troops Into that placo by way of American territory. Tho withdrawal of pormlBslon of Mexican troops to proceed ovor American territory nmounts only to n delay until u complcto understand ing Is reached. When nt first tho request of tho Mexican govornmont was granted by tho Stato Department, It wns understood that only 400 mon wero Involved for garrisoning tho post at Junroz. Lntor much uneasiness was ex pressed by Texans who foarcd Moxlco would uso tho American routo for a general mobilization of troops to suppress outbreaks In Chihuahua. Upon representations from Govornor Colquitt of Toxas Uio first permis sion wns hold up. Discussion Is now progressing bo tweon tho two countries to mako It clear that tho American govornmont bo granted permission only for a- small garrison to go to Juarez. When tho understanding Is cloar, tho soldiers undoubtedly will pass under escort of American cavalry. Tho War Department, It Is Bald, has not In contemplation of Bonding any other troops toward tho bordor at present, but thoy still nro In read iness. ' ' CAN'T CROSS ItOltDKIt. Mtlmu Troops Not Permitted to Ku tvv United HtutcH. fDy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.. WASHINGTON Fob. 10. Tho Stato department has coucludod to dccllno tho roquost of tho Mndoro government for permission for Mox Ican troops to cross Texas. Tho Eighteenth Infantry battalion with tho machine guns detachment will re lievo Colonel Steover's cavnlrymon on guard duty at El Paso an 1 onablo tho lnttor to patrol tho bordor. DENIES SALE TO L AD C. Kendall, J. nranor, P. J. Tuckor, W. Ferguson. E. J. Laurandonn. L. Darklow, H. A. Phillips. L. A. Yoak um, w. L. Coppins, II. A. Carlson, G. Getting, J. L. Dartloy, Mrs. Cop nl'iis, c ' -.,o o. Clomens, Mrs. Lnrsen, 13. Clemens. D. Larson, Mrs. Clemens, A G. Chnso, G. II. Dyor, C. Thompson. H. P. Dyor, J. R. Hamil ton. G. C. Dyor, L. Turloy, J. Marsh, T. Denis. A. A. Levy. C. Montlf. T. Snmlovlch, V. M. Norman. C. Conrad nnd M. E. Kelly. E. J. Wisn nn.i w. J. Smith. Tho Dreakwator sailed this after noon for Portland with a lnrgo list of passengers. Cnptnln Macgenn and the crow hnd to mako haste In dis charging and loading froluht horo In about March SI. Ho lias boon nego- order to get out todny, hnving been Mating with tho city under this op-' delayed so much at Portland nnd en J C. McLawrln II V Hnrrln r t l" V"UD" wru ol servico in uio May l!oS;"' Mri IlJrVllVc I. P Mci ,X C"t08t ,MtU,,ted b' "' A Tho offect of tho decision Is to leavo tho caso for trial on Its morlts. Mayor Straw's attorneys entered a motion to hnvo It thrown out on somo nllogod technical errors. It Is expocted that thoro will prob ably bo other motions. Just when tho caso will como up for trial has not boon fixed. HOES, RAKES, SHOVELS and all Gardon tools nt MILXER'S. tinn for Fovernl months. APPOINTMENT IS DELAYED. Successor '!NT(i.; I' S COLD. the Sfhool toam at North ore cf 10 to II. Tho tto was a Psf ono from start to flnhh. Thoro was a good attend- line, Tlio NrtAtMii nt Min two fn.iniH woro rr,".v'i!!,l,,lrt to ,,,s Homo i "8 M'-W- 'irrefl prBi.a Hodson o Custer . ''" l . '"n'",a .if Oerdlng "' ' -t'i'i-w " n 7i'e If Hodgo ' . f( hi. hrino with ' "', '" rg Milton " ' h tnt res;nr3oil I Grout lg Miller t coM ' T i Umplro Kibbler of North Rend.- ,E Pflu''l'dMie or 1 b l-S r,. d. p:,0!1c 122.J,' J. I. CASK PLOWS nt MILXER'S. to JllHtlrc Ifiirhm NiniMI Yet. Not route here. Among thoso sailing on tho Drenk wnter for Portland wore: W. II. Kennedy, II. S. Dovlno, An nlo Nicholson. Jo8"iih Nicholson. Al- vjn Miuth, p. II. Cardant, Tom Mil- GALLS BRYAN "El GENIUS" ,ny A-clnt'ed Prs t- Coos Day 2, ?'S; WAFHINT.TONmFeV. 1 0.Tft has ! ",,J- g. yST! "IlI'OHMTT'HIll 'ite .Ti'Rtlce states sunreme Hi I.n of loUnl K'1 St-nburs, M. Haley, P. Miller ne coSrt Un,t0, TIor. Nolan, W. M. Rohror, J. S. "q ' Rohrer. C. A. Mooro. C. Kuhlman, REPRIEVE FOR NEGRESS President Tvft Pohtitoiies Mattio Lo . . . innv Ieciitlcin Illy Associated Press to the Coos Ray Times., WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 10. - ''"i ,"xt Tft to'lay renrlovei for 01 ' Tom Nott'o. Mrs. G. W. Ross. L. a' ! She'don, II. Mills, W. D. Davonpnrl, Mrs. W. D. Davenport, Fred Wo'sh. Mrs. C, E. Holdoinnn nnd Infant. Jim Weoks, W. A. Wood. G. L. Wood, , A. WliiFtock. Mrs. M. G. Wlnstock and child. II. W. Crosby. Mike Llcht, Mr. Wlckorsham, Mrs. Wlckersham, Hnzoi wiekorslinni, Lewis Wicker -V8 VM.o Lo.x tl-e negress un- -,,,; E' Strickland. Mrs! Jni Cole, 'or sentenco or death for tha murder Mrs. Jn. Cnin. Mr. n. o. nmnviiin of her husbonl. nondlng the decision Mrs. C. O. Granville. Mrs. J. S. Ro'.ir- -f a ca-o In the District of Columbia or, Mrs. L. Lockwood. Ed Fe'sho- Involving rlclits of Juries to give a aus Megan. Olaude Nnehurg, L. K. quallf.ol vorilct In a homicide trial. Dalton, H. Slnglo, S. J. Kelly. Representative Dyes of Texas Assails Nebraskan In House Today. (D Associated Press to Coos Daj Times WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 W. J. Dryan was hold up to tho IIoueo ns fie "Evil genius hovering on tho flanks of Democracy" by Ropresonta t vo Dyes of Texas who spoko In re ply to Dryan's latest attack in his nowspnper on tho Democratic mem bership of the IIouss. Democrnts and I'opi'bllcnns nllke cheered Dyos' dec laration that ho "neither feared tbo powor nor respected the judgniont" of tho Nobraskan and his further an nouncement that Domocracy under the leadership of Champ Clark nnd Oscnr W. Underwood wns honded to- ward complcto success, Manager Armstrong Says North Bend Report is Without Foundation. Quito a little stir was occaslonod In North Dond this afternoon by tho roport that Herbort Armstrong, man- ngor of tho Monnsha Woodonwaro Company, had announced that his company had sold 270 acres of land near Emplro to tho Sumner Railroad companies. Mr. Armstrong was in Marshflold this afternoon nnd Informed Tho Times thnt tho roport wns absolutoiy untriio nnd that ho had nover statu 1 any such a thing. Mr. Armstrong stated that a weok or so ago a stranger camo to him and asked him If his company would fix a price, on somo of tholr holdings on tho penin sula. Ho gavo tho inferonco that ho was representing tho Sumner people Ho did not stato that ho wished to buy tho property for them, Ho did not show any credentials. Mr. Arm strong Informed him that his com oany would soil anything thoy hold but he did not enter Into any fur Mio' negotiations. Domocratlo side of tho Houso Into storms of npplause. Dyo's attnek on Dryan followed the lattor's declaration In tho last Issue of his nowsnnpor that the thirteen Democrats who voted against tho re cent amendment to tho iouso bill to reoulro the pub'l'ltv of nil recom mon 'atlon-j to tho rrH 'cut on judge shlu appointment! wrn "unworthy o ro'ro-ent n De-c ratio conatltul-Muy." HRIGHTEX UP with Shorwln Wllllam's PAINTS ami VARNISHES swept tho l at MILXER'S.