T g., . -r ,-v- tgjrrg-Hisvivn rw- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSriFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1912 -EVENING EDITIOIl TALKS OF COOS W TRADE C. R. Peck Tells Portland Newspaper of Com merce Conditions. "Nlnoty per cent of Cooa Day pro duction Is shipped to Snn Francisco, not to Portland. Ono hundred por cont of tho lumber Is shipped to San FrnnclBco. Whou shipments aro to bo mado to tho interior thoy go to San Francisco, although tho rates to tho Interior nro tho Bamo from Port land as from San Francisco. Why don't Portland go nfter tho const wlso and Coos Day business?" ques tioned C. It. Peck, n well known Mnrshflehl lawyer, when ho canio to Portland, nccordlng to tho Portland Journnl. "I camo In on tho Breakwater," continued Mr. Peck. "Captain Mnc "genn was complaining because ho had an empty ship. ' " 'Isn't thoro any business out of Coos liay?' I nsked him. i " 'There's plenty of business,' ho answered, 'but It all goos to San Francisco.' I Sun Francisco Capital. ' "And whnt Captain Macgonn said Is true. I could verify It out of my own knowledge Our butter and eggs and cheeso all dairy products go to San Francisco. Our fruit Is shipped to San Francisco, nnd San Francisco capital is invested In Coos Hay. "Hut wo will have railroad connec tion nnd regular train scrvlco bo tween Portland and Coob Day within 18 months. It will revolutionize trndo conditions. "Portland can got tho Coos Day business when tho railroad is finished without trouble. Wo of Coos Day nnd of tho Oregon coast, nro Oregon citizens. Wo nro not Cnllfornlnns. Wo would rnther do business with Portland, if Portland gives us tho op portunity. "Wo would llko to buy from Port land on nn oxchnngo bnsls. Wo hnvo dnlry nnd othor products to Boll. Wo wnnt to buy manufactured articles of all kinds. Marvelous Development. "Thoro Is to bo a marvelous do volopmont on Coos Day. Tho oecond GIVES QUICK ACTION Lockhart & Parsons Drug Co. ro-, ports that A SINGLE DOSE of slmplo, buckthorn bnrk, glycorlno, etc., no compounded in Atllor-l-kn, tho now Gorman nppondlcltls remedy, rollovos constipation, sour stomach or gas on tho stomach almost INSTANTLY. Mnny Mnrshfiold people nro being holpod. city In Importance nnd slzo In Oregon I will be located there. Hnll transpor i tntlon will work a transformation. , "Wo nil agree that Portnnd Is tlo 1 ing the proper thing to go after tho Alaska business, but from a stnnd polnt of state development, and of business profits, wo think It Improper for Portland to longer neglect tho op portunity offered by Coos Dny nnd (oiiRtwiHo business. "Wo'd llko to sco a Portlnnd-Coos Hay business excursion organized. There hnvo been business excursions Into every othor part of tho state. Wo will glvo tho Portland business men n wolcomo nnd wo will show them tho opportunity for profitable business exchnngc. "Is Portlnnd going after tho Coos Hay business? Is Portland willing to continue to permit San Francisco to do tho business nnd renp tno proms i Does Portland wnnt tho Coos Dny business?" ELECT! FOR aaaaamauaiuii ip pit;; New Things for Men WOULD DANCE LIVE IF IIU1 WAS f.'ONE? DENVER, Colo., Feb. S "If the hug wns tnken out of tho dance, It wouldn't Inst moro than two weeks. Married men do not dnnco with their wives but with other men's wives. If Hit" bnllroom were partitioned into two parts, tho men on ono sldo nnd tho women on tho other and the men wero compelled to dnnco with each other they would stay about ten minutes." Theso nre sonic of tho remarks mado by Hcv. Father Honcdlct, nn eastern missionary, In tho course of a lecture to young girls nt tho Logan nvonuo chapel hero. Tho priest dls ciiBsed dancing and courtship nnd among other things ho snld: "Somo girls would run barefoot nfter a mnn for a sack of pcannts or candy or a drink of lomonndo. "Six hours a week Is enough for a young man to spend courting n girl. It gives him plenty of tlmo to get In n lot of Billy talk. "If n mnn Is a modornto drinker or Binokor, no girl should object to him on theso grounds, but don't mnrry n man if you can amoll his breath n block or two away. "Thoro 1b usually enough pnrlor furniture; you don't havo to econo mize by sitting on each othcr'H lnp." Only 5-10 nnd 15 cents Theiro'H n Hiirjirlso in store for you. 'Petitions for it .Filed at Rose- burg Probably Will Vote On it April 19. ' ItOSEUUUG, Ore.i Fob. S. Coun- 1 ty Clerk Lenox has received petitions jrolatlvo to tho proposed Port of Umpqun, nn extended mention of which was mado two weeks ago. Tho petitioners nro 2CC in number, or' about 20 por cent of the total voting population within tho boundaries of: tho port, ns outlined. They nsk tho I County Court to fix n dnto for nn election nt which tho question of es tablishing tho port ,mny bo decided by tho elcctornto within tho territory directly involved. Court moots this week to transact Bonio unfinished business, but wheth er it will net on tho port petitions also could not be learned. It Is con sidered likely, however, that tho court will defer action until tho Mnrch term. Tho assessed vnluatlon of nil taxable property In tho pro posed port is over $0,000,000. The boundnrlcB drawnombroco nil of Douglas County north of a straight cast and west lino that passes Just sonth of tho city limits of Oakland. Tho petitions presented to tho Coun ty Clerk do not contain tho names of nny residents of Oakland, nor of Yoncnlla. Nearly all nro from Drain, Elkton, Kellogg nnd Gardiner. Onco tho port Is established by n mnjorlty voto, It Is then within Its power to flont bonds for nny naviga tion Improvement on which It mny determine. It ,s tllc Immediate aim of tho promoters of tho project to Improvo tho Umpqun River, build up a larger navigation trndo nnd thereby Invito tho construction of n railroad. It is probablo that this olcctlon will ho held on April 10, tho snmo dny nB tho regular primary olcctlon for tho nomination of candidates for tho olcctlon on November C. ' Waffles 2 Go lb. nt STAFFORD'S Snturday and Sunday. VALI'.NTINTS from 1-2 rent up m tho COOS HAV CASH .STORE. Waffles 2fic lb. at STAFFORD'S Saturday and Sunday. REAL MILK and REAL CREAM dollvcrcd to your homo on FIVE MIXrTES' NOTICE. PHONE a2D..T. F A. Sncchl. Llbby COAL. Tho kind VOC hnvi WAVAVS I SED PHONE 72 Pacific .Ivorv h Transfer Co. pHERE is no use trying to evade.it! You are going to get all you can for your money We do Drop in and get our prices. Our stock is the largest make us prove it Just Received a Factory Shipment of Latest Patterns in Metal and Iron From Milwaukee at prices from $3.00 to $ S 9.00 We can give you a swell bed with 2-inch posts for $U,00, Can you beat it? We Have Also Received Our Spring Stock of Rugs (irk AH Sizes) Curtains and many new patterns in curtain goods at 20c, 25c up to 50c per yard Come in and inspect our stock you are always welcome I Black and tan Shoes, Stetson Hats, new shapes, New Cluett Shirts, New Negligee Shirts, New Silk Crocheted Neckwear, New Rain Coats and Gaberdines, Beniamin Clothes )) have all the nemM Ideas mill hit (lie oiiiln illnicnt of Myli', lit. I'liiii'iirtcr and mtvIit. Itoiijiuiilii dollies ARE HETTEH CLOTHES. Women's and Children's Shoes . fi -TffrTh V t?r 1 ff I jjjuyyi m j viy u AJ o t&ijSr "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAJiSIIFlELD C9 BANDON Don't take chances o n your hat. Get the bestthe Stetson City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhocc at any tlmo." StandB Illnnco Hotol and Dlanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 7S and 4C Night l'liono 40. BARKER Ai CHORALE, Proprietor. Blanchard's Livery Wo hao neciiro die livery 'rial' lobe ot L. II. Helsnor and aro pin pared to render esculent Borvleo u tho pooplo of Cot- Day. Careful ) Ivors, gjou rljjs .id everything hat will mean satisfactory sorvlce to tho public. Phon us for a driving horso, a rig or onthlng needed Id tho lWory lino. Wo nlso do truck ng business of all kinds. IlLANCHAItD RROTHERS Phono 13 8-J Livery, Feed imtl Sales Scrvlco. 141 First and Alder Streets Mil : I1' II .',n YfWfsssc & aiFiilrrl 5$ I I II !l! Ri' Bf GOING m HARVEY CO complete house Fm.Nisnrsns TKV THE EDGE WITH YOUIt FINGER. Examlno a collar fresh from our laundry. Notlco Its clear, whlto col or, Its oven, clastic stiffness, Is smooth nnd Its porfect shape. Thon test tho top edgo by running your finger-tip over It. Notlco tho smooth, slick finish given It. Noth ing there to rub, dig or Irrltato your neck. This test will provo tho vnluo of our service. Sond us n trial bundle nnd npnly tho test. Marshfit Id .Hand & Steam Laimdrv Mntiey Urns. Props Phone 220-.L Our Wngons Go Anywhcro Anytime. PR0FFSSI0NAI niRPCTO"' Tf7w.TsiTAmunTxErN 1VX Teacher of volco plncomont, brenthlug nnd Interpretation of song Ih ready to receive tho public. Studio -II Commercial Ave. r R. E. I-. WINKLER. .V.itiii'tipatli niul C'lilropracini Ml I'hronlu diseases treated. Consul ration free. Olllco hours: io 12 n, in.; 2 to G and C to S p. m Vaiuropnth Institute Room No. 1 n 13fi Brondwny, Mnrshfleld, Ore ry (i. w. i,t:si,in, O-JtiMipntlilr Phyulclun JrmlunU' of tho Aiucrhai) school ot )i'0inthy at Klrksv'.lle, Mo, Offlei In Eldorado Hlk. Hours 10 tn 12; I f Phone ltil-J; Marhuld: OiMgiiii W. RENNET1, (jiwyir. )flleo over Flanagan v Ui-nnoit Nun larshlleld Oroeo T"R .1. T. .Mi-COJOIAC. - Physician nnd Surgoop Marshlleld, Oregon )mro l.nokhirt Diilldlng. oppumte P ini nn... Phnne 105-J DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Miuli'rn IMitnl Purlors Wo aro equipped to do high clam work on short notlco nt the vov lowest prices. Examination fn Lady attondant, Coke building, opp site Chnndler hotel, phone 112-1 THE LLOYD. Most modern Rooms and Apart-nient-houso In tho city: Day transient 50c and up r" ok $2.00 nnd up Wo havo nicely furnished 2-rooni apartments, including bath, $10 per month nnd up. WANTED ! ! ! R1TTS PPHOI.STERIVG PIANOS TO CI.EAV. by the Pneumu Ic Cleaning Company Ordprs f rork taken ut GOING ,v HRJv IMIOVP Kin Home Permanency vs. Home a Monotony This Is n vital question for prosent day homobulldors whether it havo a house which In appearance must always romnln tho uai or a Iioubo that will pormlt of a llttlo refreshing occasional!;. Neighborhoods chnngo as do Individual tastes a f ramo houso ai easily bo mndo to hnrmonlzo with Its surroundings a fresh cm! of pnlnt often will muko It as good na your neighbor's now hom tho snmo as n now suit mnkes you feel llko n now man. it any rato a irnino uouso is suscepituio to most nny change jti might dcslro nnd whtlo it is pormnnont it docs not nccciutQ need becomo an eyesore or a monotony. Thoro aro lots of tblsp wo'vo obsorved about houses and lumbor that you should knot beforo building como In nnd wo II glvo you our vlows, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, IlirrAIL DEPAItT.MENT SOUTH BROADWAY, MAHSHFIEtu FAST AND CO.MMODIL'H Steamer Redondi EQl'IPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUR.MARINE lll.'LL Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco andSan Pedro Frit February 9, at 3 P. M., Stopping at San Francisco, Both ?J INTER-OCEAX TRANSPORTATION CO.MPANV. Phone .11. t F. M(.'E()lt(li;.W Steamer Homer DATE OF SAILING TOT BE ANNOUNCED LATE! F. S. D:w, Agent TTTTIWnnHIW iimiiii W 10 THE IRIEXD OF COOS RAY' S. ALLIANC) El'IPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR. EUREKA FROM CCOS BAY Thursday, A. M., February 8 ODNNHfTING WITH THE NORTH RANK' ROAD AT WMIlU1 NORTH PACIKIC STEA.MSIIIP COMPANY. PImiiio 1 1. c.t p .McKKOIKiK .'r EQUIPPED WITH WIRELi:.SS Steamship Breakwate ALWAYS ON TLME. SAILS 1RO.M PORTia.ND AT K P. .M. ON TERRUARY li.-oAJ?j h.ll,S I.ROM C()()S RAY AT SERVICE OK THE TIDE 0. ARY IO, J7 and 21. j,. A, PARKHl'RST, Age"'- L. II. KEATING, Agent. Plume MI I Hnvo Somo First Class RESIDENCE LOTS In Eugene to Exchango for Coos Da? Property. What Have You Got? AV(J. FRIZEEN GS Central Ave., Marshfleld. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastsi 'c and Other Locations I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front St. People Take U ffaratfl Wo havo all lengths of " for salo, prices ranging W per tier up. Wo can length you w!ch. L. H. HEISN ,. . iii.1.1 or 0 ruuuo io. i-" - DRESSMAKIf oowns. sfirs asp ItEMODEL'N ?fl!51l ,f',!-,,".haoinmolnventlveabIllty MRS. F. BAOT in ri i Jih unu i & iiiiiiu iuU --- tJTOMtT smwan ' -' f -fWrifil mHWi i