' -t imwi if "P5nrr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1912 EVENIWO EDITION COOS BAY 'IIMtS I. C. ALA LONE Y Ktlltui- ami lub. DAN K. MALONEY News Editor Entered nt tho poatofflco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as second class mall matter. ' I A LOXt; T E V VT ' FRONT M Tlio coast Bteamer "Rustler" came Into port this morning from tho Slus-law. TALKS OX TARIFF THAT civic phooress catch l'JIUAHE. TIIK article In a recent Ibhuo of Tho Times concerning catch phrases or slogans for various cities created much Interest. Some sugges tions like ".Murfchfiold Men Make Money," ' Coos Uuy Collars the Com merce and Coin," "North Uend Never llreaks" and a dozen others have been mnde. Tho ease with which these may bo made Is suggested with "You'll Seo and Settle In Seattle" or "You'll Put Your Money In Portland" or "Van couver Values Your Visit" or "San Francisco Spells Satisfaction" or "hots Look Only for Los Angolos," touching this section of tho country would show that this field is open to tho Inventive and Imaginative. Seeking mottoos was a business all to Itself in ancient times, and ap parently n profitable one; Borne of those that have come down to us In Latin and French aro models of con densed expression. Tlioro is no rea son why n tasto In this direction should not bo stimulated nnd en couraged now. INCONSISTENCY An cloven day passenger and freight service has boon established by the American-Hawaiian line bo- Thp steam turbluo engine has been abandoned by the unvy department on account of Its oxpcnslvenaes ns compared with the old reciprocating type. Capt. Dolls, U. S. Inspector of hulls and bottoms, nt San Francisco, who Is well known along this const, has been stricken with paralysis and cannot recover. EVERY once In a whllo your be lief in tho consistency of mor tals Is rudely shaken by chnnco light on a character that you had thought ubove tho petty llttlonoss of tho or dinary rank nnd file. A man preaches honesty and open ness and seemingly pines for n chance to suffer upon the altar of his convictions but shortly when tho tables are turned, nnd ho Is tho one to bo discomfited by this samo meth od, Ills hushing propensities nru re markably conspicuous. It is only tho quostlon of solflsh ncss, tho ability to scu tho mote In the other fellow's oyo and not tho beam In our own. Men wore once eager to dlo for an Idea. Now fow of thorn scorn to have any that thoy consldor worth losing n llttlo money on. Hut that there are Ideas of hon esty and Justice nud regard for the common good which are worth de fending Is ovldent to most of us In our best moments. It Is tho souse of consistency In recognizing those nnd in appreciating their vnluo whothor allied with porRonnl good or not which Is lacking In modern Jifo. An easy spirit of compromise, a Inch or tho sensibility which will not suffor nt tho thought of niennncsH and dccolt Is the discouraging tiling about modern morals. And It is this Hlckonlng Inconsistency which makes our best contentions so Inndoquate. There Is not in all tho world n keel being laid for the building of a sail ing ship, nor was there a sailing ves sel documented In the United States during January. Tlioro are 71,000 soamon In tho British mercantile marine, with an average able soamon wage of HO cents ns against nn average of a dollar n day of American A. B.'s. Scattlo held third plnce of all tho cities in the Union for tho largest number of foreign bound ships, the rating being Now York 420, Now Orb-mis 112, Seattle 10.1, San Francisco 73, Tnconm C3. CHARTER SCHOONER. According to statements mndo by tho officers of tho Pacific Lumber company, It appears that tho Olson Mahonoy stenm schoonor Washington has boon chnrtorod by tho Pacific Lumber company for tho purposo of carrying lumber botweon tho com pany's Oakland yards and tho mills In Eureka. The Washington Is known as tho hoodoo ship of this coast. Sho figured In a wreck oft tho northern coast sovoral months ago which nearly ended her oxlstonco and the passengers nbonrd of hor at tho time. Yostordny tho vessel again enme Into tho limelight ns a hoodoo vessel. Whllo running from this port to Eureka sho was found labor ing along about ulno miles oft Point Cabrlllo with her engines disabled. A heavy sea was running nt tho tlmo nnd tho llttlo vessel wns under her canvas. Sho woh picked up by tho tug Defiance and brought back Into this port for repairs. Oakland Trib une. YOlT CAN (JKT MOKE 5 and 10 cent articles for $1 In tho old estab lished COOS ll.W f'AHII STORE than In nny place in town. Clinch's M, Hrhwiih Pleads for Pro tection Roforo Senate Committee, 'liy A8S0clnt 1 Press to tho Coos Daj Times.) WASHINGTON, Feb. S Charles M. Schwab told Senate committee todny that the Underwood bill rnto on tho larger steel products will be f serious consequence to the steel business of the Eastern stntes, nnd "ndertook to explain his own n'tl ittde. "With tho same conditions, especially with labor as cheap, we ask no protection, but the labor ac count weighs heavily agolnst us. Though wo aro only 100 miles from Now York It costs ns much to put teel thoro ns it does to bring it from Hollnnd. "I consider the present tnrlff rates necessary to tho prosperity of the Bteol business. Most emphntlcally, I tun opposed to any reduction." .. fT" TffA New Arrivals ai ine i oggery Express Shipments of Neckwear, Gloves, and Chiett ShirJ Something "Just a Little Different" Here you are boys Early shipments of Spring HaW Inclinrv ilmt Is ricllf Ntl-tO illO-ltlinilln Tlin onm.j' SI OOO PEARL IX A CLAM HiimIi of llimtcrt to Caddo Lake, Texas, Follows Discovery. HOUSTON, Tex., Feb. 9 Pearls of great purity and of good mnrkot value have been found In cln ins which nbound In Cnddo Lnko, In Marlon Colnty, Texas. Tho finds wore mndo by n cnmplng party on Joying a clambake, ono of tho clnniB yielding a penrl appraised by local Jewolors at $1000. Announcement of tlir find precipi tated a rush of amateur penrl hunt ers, nnd tho number of clnms that. Inhabit tho lnko was quickly reduced. So oxtenslvo did the search become, that tho Stnto dame, Fish nnd Oyster , uopn-tmont nnnounced Julsdlctlon over tho "penrl Industry," and pearl hunting was stopped. Tho pearl hunters question the authority of tho Stato Oamo Warden over tho search, nnd n test enso Is to bo made, which, If decided against tho state, will lot down tho bars for tho opening of n now Industry In Toxns. I $iil I Vivl? "W'1""!') JfW The vogue in out door head-wear HEIDGAP. Far, far ahead of the ordi nary can tho IIEIDCAP Iini stylo nnd x'crve. Made of ex clusive English enp cloths It is n flno cap and it makes u uiun look f iu "THE TOOCIEHY" ciasncry mai is ngiu up-iu mu-mmuie i no same class or mercnanaise mai yuu utui mm in an mo uctter stores! Ul IIIU Icllfcut wuuoi Not nocossaiily high But standard goods with a guar antee "See big window display," f m' Yours Anxious to Please, "The TOGGERY E. V. HAMMERER. Sureessur Id 'I'linyer ii lines mid (I'D. t.OOlll'lllll II Unique Pantatorium! DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ROSS & PINEGOR. 2GG Central avonuu Phono 2 5 OX HAT WORK. " U3XU A BALD-HEADED WOMAN. Lest wo forgot, romenibor that no city wns evor built In tho history of the world whose home cltlzoiw did not hnvo tho faith and tho ontorprUo to first build buildings and Improve tho streets to inspire the ronlhlonce of Bt'angers. DIES AT PltOSPEIt. Mrs. Lucludn Wlllnrd was born In Bulllvnn County, Mo., July 18, 187-1. Sho moved to Jackson County, Ore gon, with her paroulu where she was mnrrlod to J. II. Wlllnrd. About threo years ago, Mr. Wlllard moved with his fumlly to Coos County In hopos of Improving tho health of Mrs. Wlllard. In this hope he was disappointed and on Saturday, I'ob tuary 3, Mrs. Wlllard passed away, leaving a boroaved husband nnd flvo children. Tho funeral sorvlcos wore1 bold In tho Prosper Pronbytorlnn I loinody Shorn of Her Crown of Rcmity, Loses In Love mill .Mnnlngc. Hnlr Is certainly most necessary to woman. Who could love nnd marry u bnld-headed woman? What charms coud one array to offset such a disfigurement? A woman s goal Is usually lovo and murrlngo. Her crowning glory Is her hair. Tho loss of hor hnlr mars her beauty, happiness mid success. Yet, right hero In Mnrshflold, tlioro are hundreds of women who nro neglect lug or Injuring their hnlr to such nu extent that it Is only n mntter of tlmo whon It will bo utterly ruined. Jinny women destroy the beauty of their hair through thoughtlessness or Ignoranco of cortnln facts. They uso curling Irons overheated, or to oxccsb, which uesiroys mo natural oil or tho hair, causing It to split, break nnd come out. Thoy do not shampoo thi'lr hair often enough or too ofton. They ut'o coups or preparations which contuln ingredients positively harm ful to tho scalp nud hnlr. As a result of such treatment, dan drufr Is crented, tho hair loosens, Iot.es color, fulls out, nud bnldness coniinouces, unless propor nnd prompt precautious nio takon In time. Then ngnlu, microbes and cortnln dlseasos nring about unhealthy scalp and hair conditions. Aliuokt nny woman may rid horsolf of dandruff and disoused tcnlp and hnlr if she will but use the rlulit Wo hnvo that remedy, nnd GHtLS KEEK WESTERN MATES Fish City Market. Yew Eye ' " ',.,. Workers Washington Homes. RKATTLI5. T.'ob. ft Soventv-flve rn, pirt of tbom factory workers i Nnw..Ter"v towns, hnvo written lo Mnrrlueo Llrnnro Clerk Clnwlo F "nue. oxnrnsHmr a doslro to bo nut In rotntiMilmtlnn with tho 12 Lnn lng (Mich.) bachelors who wrote two wpoUr iipo asking for brlilos to He with tbom nn western Wash ington loggo-'-nff lands. In nddl ion to tho Ml"hli:nn bachelors Mr. (Ingo has received lottors from 20 mon In all parts of tho Union nsklng him to nsslst thejn In finding wives. FREE DELIVERY. In Fergnson Transfer Illdg. Foot of Market Ave. SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE 200J T. J. BOAIFE S5 A. II. HODOINS Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phono 140L Orogon AS EPIDE.MIO OF COUGHING Is swcoplng ovor tho town. Old and young nllko aro affectod, and tho strain Is particularly hard on llttlo children nnd on oldorly pooplo. Fol ey's Honoy nnd Tar compound Is a quick, snfo and rollablo euro for all coughs nnd coldB. Contains no opi ates. Red Cross Drug Storo. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Seo GORTEEBL Phone mat First Class Auto Service Cars loavo Front of Lloyd hotol .o meet nil trains. Faro 25c. Spoclnl calls anywhoro at nil hours. DEST CARS. Dost drivers. Phono CC-J un til 11 p. m., nftor 11 p. m. phone 5-J. Rcsldonco phono 2S-J: nftor 12 phono 18111. D. L. FOOTE. Proprietor FIHST LA GltlPPE, THEN 11HON. CIHTIS Thnt was the c'nscwlth Mrs. W. S. Ilnlloy, McCroary Ky. "My wlfo was takon down with a sovcro at tack of In grlppo, which run Into bronchitis. Sho roughed ns tho' sho had consumption nnd could not sloop at night. Tho first bottle of Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar Compound gavo hor so much rollof thnt sho continued using It until sho wns pormnnontly rurotl. Rod Cross Drug Storo. Clean, Fast Satisfactory Cooking That is the kind of work the Gas Range can be depended upon for Winter, Summer, Fall and Spring, The Kitchen Heater attachment to Gas Ranges holds fire over night, requires little fuel and is built for heating the room. It permits full use of the Gas Range all the year; means punctual meals, clean kitchenr and reduced labor. Ask our New Business Depart ment, Telephone 78. Oregon Power Co A. llaborly on Sun- we will positively guarantee that It I, and the romnlus'"1" ol,"l,' l'"10 dandruff and bald Church by Rov dav. Fobrunrv were laid to rest lu tho Ilnndon Com-' J1,01' ,l wlU ,lot 1 l,l MMP "" 1,1,1 -n"n uocoruor. That's 11 pretty broad statomont, I but we will back It and prove It with OV CAN GET MOKE r nnd 10 '' "'n money. Wo will return your rent articles for $1 In the old ostab-1 !uo,".?y lf you Uo not flml tllIlt Hoxall llshed COOS 11 W cwii crmti; , '' ""lr To,c Is an ontlroly satis- hn 1.. . i . V SH)UK factory remedy that will promote hnlr than lu any place In town. j growth and ovorcomo scalp and hnlr !""""' "" tioubles; that It will grow hnlr oven SOl mi si,ui.'i iw rnirn iii.i,-,,,.1!"1 ,,nl,l heads, unless nil life In tho MUM) SLLEI Ol. (,OOD HhALUI balr luola has boen extinguished, tho 1 If not Tor those suffeiiiig fi 0111 kidney follicles cloned, and tho sculp Is ailments nnd Irrogulnrltlos. Tho k!boI nud shiny. It gets Us nnmo iiom ine isct tnnt it grow hair in ' l:l out of 100 eaioi, whore it recelvod I n iiiorouuuv lal nud streiKthen sore, wenlc and practical test. t'lllng kidney, testoie normal actlou. .. V0WB.", you ,0 ll' Coos Bay Naturopath College iiilUOritACTIC, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY nnd nil branches of Nnturnt Thorn poutlcs taught. Tonus reasonable. First Seinebter to open Februnry 12. For Information nddross DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North Rend, Oregon. 1 WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. tflnntrlr ( A. Modorn Urlck Uulldlng, Lights, Stenm Heat. Elogantly Furnished Raoinc with Hot nnd Cold Wntor. HOT E L .0 O OS C. A. METLIN. Prop. Kates: 60 cents n Day and Upwards Cor. nrondwny nnd Market Marshfleld. Oreeon prompt uso of Foley Kidney Pills will ''"l11" ukhhuih nun rueumailSlll. a lliomillllllv ini-,1 l,,,,,n,llnl n.l and with It health nud strength. Mrs. Hair Tonic nt our risk. Rexnll "OH" You surely The RoyaS Tonieh 1 1 1 11 in ,,,, tfy tJ& Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff does not notify you. ! 1 First National Bank! 70(10 Feet of Pictures, '. i rtlllllfll HlftU HIlVriimflF li 1 n n nn M F. SpaUbury. Sterllug, 111., snys: ( while you havo' everything to gain! 1 si. nu'd great imiu lu mv back ami ' You had better think this over, nml Uldub. could not jleeu at night, and' ,,Jjn QOlil ln f"'1. 8ee "" nll0,t '"I" .ould not raise my hand, over my v.sitr KibS bond Rut two bottk'i Tjdin P1IU cured me." Drug Storo. of Foley you can got Rexnll Ilemodles In Mils Red Cross eommunlty only at our storo Tho Rexnll Store. Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co . "The Rosy Corner " 9 I ante s inie ive Full ill W ft. -j A f" L FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY, ESTADLISHED IN 1889. K T I? m IMWUUW ,i Xr ri- LWV73i WEM HMiir now Drift Flour Highest Quality Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits $100,000.00 8,000.00 Intft st paid on tlmo deposits, SAFETY DEPOSIT ROXES FOR RENT, hank STo?'1 t,,nd, TnSCS - b I,nl" lhr0,,Bh " Ml With H.Oim feet of other nlctures will lm Jmu-n. r-... .. ... . v.w, nu,, ,i.u mi) I long mul lu hull. It won't cost nny more than nny oJJut hiv i j,wil and is 1000 times ns good. .lut t lihik how well your dm,,. N spent when you can see This Road for 10 Cesits Abstracts, Real Estate, Five and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Cou.ul.le om e J on llTZ' ., ne l81 Manh field Offlco H-J. """" T"ubor Coa nd Plattins Lanrt a ipeelalty. General Agenta "EASTSIDB" CTK3I