BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 912 - EVENING EDITION 1912 - EVENING EDITION 4 THE COOS Doeftors Use Tfefg for Eczema T)r Evans l.rotnntp'-lonrrof Ilrnltli, Prescription for ecsema nmt i iv: '"Aero I almost no relation lie wiaraniro that It will tnko twec'n bI.Hi !"' "" "" ,,lood-' Tl" Uch tho instant you apply it. PKII1 must DC curru l"'u,,f" "" ,""' rm. n.AH...u h not hrt wflHlind out. unci CO unlvcs Imvo 1. nr oi o h.on found worth Ics. The most nlvnnenl plivulclnns of a'iFoltitcly away tuo this country nro now agreed oil t!)!1?, nnd nro proscriblm? u wiimi of wlnteiKiccn. thymol nml otlnr inprnllnntu for core ma nnd nil other pUIn diraps. Thl com round Is Known na D.D.D. Prescription jor Kczetnn. ... , . Dr. Ilolmrs, tho well hnown ' In spe cialist writes: "I nm convinced that tho D.D.D. Prrscrlptlon la ns much n ppcclflc for cczomn ns iptlnlno for muliirln. o have hc-rn prescribing tho D.D.D. remedy We. ourselves vouch for tho D.D.D. WILL BE GOOD" GUE IOHI It vnn nri BiilTorlnir from "". form of nt;In troul'lo wo would lIKu to Imvo you come to our Ftore, for wo Imvo had tho PKoncy r-' this i oniony lor so ninny veara tlmt wo can toll you nil about I -- - nil.D, Proscription and how It cures ' rcr.cma. In fnct, wo nro i pure of wlint nnriiin onrl Marcllfinlri lD.n. will do for you that wo will bo O0Cllllie "I'll IVIdl JjIIIIUU Kinu to let you nave n i uomo on our Kuiirnuleo tlmt It will cont you nothing unlcHH you llnd tlmt It docs tho work. For tlmt mntter n trial liottlo for 2fic ought to he rnniiKh to absolutely provo tno merits of tho remedy. Drop into our ntoro nnywny nnd wo will tell you all about this creat remedy. Contest for Basket Ball Honors. Will Red Cross Drug Store. H I c Hffl PRIZES LEAP YEAR LIS! SCHOOL ESSAYS r! M-J.. f.. rnnMrin 'Tl !LnZ:r,,.yi; Public School Pupils Encour- nuiintjaJiuy iiaouuu.. uvu.- . nnoH tn Wr to On Pa triotic Topics. looked for Long Time. -.. v--- i..i it liuar nui . -i.u. , gon Qf Why haven't you placed Ocorgo E. " ... Hennessey's nnmo on tho bnchclor tho Amorlcnn Revolution offers llstB7 You know ho's tallyman over prizes totnllng $100 to tho pupils of nt tho C. A. Smith mill nnd he's renl ly awfully nice. ' I'm positive tlmt n number of tho girls nro longing to propose to him, and aro only waiting to sco his nnmo enrolled along with tho rest of tho "Incxcusnblo Blnglcs." "An Admlress." P. S. Won't you publish a list of "old mnlds?" A . tho public schools of the Stato of Oregon, for essays en subjects con nected with our Wnr for Independ ence. Ono prlzo of $25, ono of $15 nnd ono of $10 will bo nwnrdod for tho first, second and third best essays, respectively, written by pupils of the High Schools of tho Stato on ono of tho following subjects: 1. Treaty of Alllanco with Franco. 2. Tho Injuries of tho Colonics Undor Great Drltnln. 3. Relation 6f tho Now England States to tho Revolution. Ono prlzo of $25, ono of $15 and ono of $10 will bo awarded for tho first, second nnd third best essays, respectively, written by grade pupils on any one of tho following subjects: 1. Alexander Hamilton. 1 2. Capturo of Tlcondcrogn nnd Crown Point. I 3. George RogcrH Clark nnd the Conquest of tho Western Frontlor. Tho essays nro limited to thrro thousand words ench, must bo writ ten In tho .student's own handwriting on ono sldo only of tho pnpor nnd no rnmpunlcd by n certificate from tho wrltor'B tencher, slating that the writer Is n pupil In n designated class, nnd tlmt tho teacher believes tho es say tn bo tho pupil's own unaided work. Tho essays must bo signed by tho writer, giving nlso his or hor post- "Always a hole in your stocking Always n button gono Its surprising to mo you've stood It so long! Now hurry up nnd proposo to mo As soon ns you can For I'm sorry for you, Yoti poor bachelor mnnl From a Leap Year Valentine. If tho bachelor doesn't happon to bo of such nosthotlo nnturo that ho writhes whon ho rends tho pootry (7) on some of tho Leap Yenr valentines that nro at lnrgo, thero ought to bo u grent thinning of tho ranks of un married men this year on Coos Day. ' Such a dclugo of Leap Your vnlon tlncs ns has descended upon tho city stores and Innocently convortcd them into matrimonial agencies, hns never boon Hoon before. Tlioro nro vnlon tincs and verses without number nnd nondescript. They enn express every temperament from tho "Ideally", fomlnlno to tho most confidently, suffragette, although it Is a long ago I nxMnliul Mu.nrv tlmt If n ninlil would bo tactful with a man she will ob- co ''" , Including county), literate from her consciousness and They should bo forwnrded to John K from hor vocabulary all such forbid- "' ocl- fhnlrmnn of committee, 313 buiuuii iiilliillllH. l "Milium, uii-kiiii, nnd should reach their destination not Inter than Mnrch if., 1012. Ra don words. t Valentino designers nnd wiitorB of vnlentlno verso this yenr must Imvo revolted In tho possibilities which only como every four yenrs. Un doubtedly their feeling nnd their In vcntlvo genltiB ran riot with such noblo Inspiration us they could find in p Yenr ntmosphere. If you but inspect tho lacoy, berlbbonod amis you enn find tho "conception" of many a fomlnlno nnturo embodied thero. Thero Is tho pink nnd whlto vnlontlno for tho butterfly girl; thero Is tho vnlontlno In subdued tones for tho modest little housowlfo girl; then thero Is tho card whero bluo predominates with Its dollente sug gestion to tho bachelor man. Somo oven nro red to express tho embar rassment of tho giver that sho must press tho psychological question her solf. Then thero Is yollow which tho dlscornlng "bach" knows at onco menus "I'm pining nwu',." And bo on ad Infinitum. And tho nlco part about tho leap on ndvnntnge of leap year nnd had year valentines Ib tlmt most of them, pressed their charms on tho young In sontlment can bo used ns easily by f HiIb country. says not complying with theso condi tions will bo rejected. In nwnrdlng theso prizes tho com mltteo will bo governed by considera tions of: 1. Orlglnnllty. 2. Accuracy of statement. 3. Mnnnor of treatment. I. Orthography, syntnx and punc tuation, 5. Neatness and legibility. TIipho prizes nro offered to en cournge lovo of our country nnd tho study of Its history. Any additional Information which may bo desired will be choerfullv furnished on application to tho chnlr muu of tho committee. joiin s. ni:M,iNni:R, J. GADDIS NICHOLS, JOHN K. KOLI.OCIC. Committee. tho man nB by tho woman nnd. of course tils being true, tho Leap Tear piorogatlve will trail In the dust, Ignominious, despised, Ignored nnd u bushel of other words Just ns bad nnd worse. leap year is silly, says suffragette NEW YORK, Fob. 8 "Ib leap year of any service to me? Of course not! Of course not! The Idea of propos ing to n man never entered my head. I hnvo other nnd more Important things to think of. The only people who think of girls taking tho Initia tive nnd mnKlng proposals of mar riage nro men. Women don't think of such things for a minute." This Is what Mir K. Sylvlu Pnnk hurst. daughter of England's most n llltnnt Biiffrngette, thinks of leap year and the choice It nffords unmar ried women of taking n militant nttl tude with Cupid. Kmpliutlc In Remaiks, She expressed herself omphntlcally on the subject ns soon as sho arrived from Southampton today for n throe month's speeoh-mnklng tour of the United States. Miss Pnrkhurct was astonished when told thnt many woman had tak- "It would bo well for those girls to think of mutters of more Import ance," bIio said. "The woman of the futuie will be the Ideal woman, who will not worry herself Into a stato of iiervoua prostrntlon ovor trivial mnt ters, such ns the winning of n man's affections. Surrchs Th! Yenr "Tho lenson why mother nnd I nnd other Kngllsh women como to Amer ica to talk suffrngo Is that when women on the other side of the At lantic hear wl nt we aro doing In this country It stimulates their Interest In the enuso. We have won tho first part of our fight nnd we shall have our rights this year. "We have simply kept on flghtln"? nnd It was necessary for us to nitV I '"yd Oenrge nnd Mr. AsquMh a lit tle to get anything. If you don't bother tho life out of Kngllsh s'-tos-men yon will never get nnythlng. Sees American Fulling "The trouble In America Is thnt the average citizen does not toko enough Interest In politics; he leaves thnt to tho grnfters. When women take a band there will bo fewer graft ors. Women hnvo made exce'Ion mayors In England nnd they hnvo also proved splendid mnglstrntes." Marshfield nnd Coqulllo High Schools meet for the second time this yenr In the Mnrshfield gymnasium to night. Coqulllo won tho first contest on her own floor nnd u grent deal of speculation hns been nrouscd ns to the probnblo outcome of tonight's gmno. The Mnrshfield boys nro Just be ginning to piny In their proper form. They hnvo been considerably hnndl capped throughout tho season on nc Icount of limbllty of somo of tho regulnr players to take pnrt in tho gnmes. However, they expect to have their regular lineup tonight and will glvo Coqulllo tho gnmo of tholr lives. If Mnrshfield wins tonight's con test It will put them well up In tho percentage column, besides giving Coqulllc n decided set-back. Coqulllo expects to bring over quite a number of rooters to help them nlong, bo a large crowd Is expected. NORTON IS C1IOSKN. Mmidillclil Mint ,'KloctocI Fair Society. Ollloor of "With Eugene ns the plnco whore tho district fair is to bo held this year, residents of thnt city predomi nate in tho personnel of olllccrs named to: tho Second Southorn Ore gon District Agricultural Society nt n meeting of Its representatives In the ofllccs of Frank E. Alley, In Rose burg. Amos WllklnB, of Eugene, was elected president of tho society for tho ensuing yenr; Mr. Alley wnB chos en first vice-president nnd F. P. Nor ton of Mnrshfield, second vice-president. All othor oIIIccb were filled by Eugonltcs, ns follows: Henry Hollen beck, sccretiry; J. F. Dlllnrd, treas urer; E. J. McClnuahnn nml E. M. Wnrren, committee on exccutlvo work nnd flnnncc. To this committee wns left the matter of dotoB for the fair. Mr. McClnnnhon nnd Mr. Warryn wcro present nt the meeting. "It Is probable that n county fnlr will ba held In Roscburg." CAUSE FOR ALARM. I.HSN of ApiK'tlle m' DMicsh After Kutlug n Symptom Tlmt Should Not lie Disregarded. Appetite Is Just u natural deslro for food. Loss of appotlte or stomach distress after eating Indicate Indiges tion or dyspepsia. Over-entlng Is a bablt very dangerous to a persoifB good gciiernl health. It Is not what you eat but what you digest nnd nsslmllnto thnt docs you good. Somo of tho strongest, heaviest nnd healthiest persons are moderate eaters. Thero Is nothing thnt will causo iporo troublo than n disordered stom ach, and ninny peoplo daily contract Ecrlous maladies simply through dls icgard or abuso'of tho stomach. Vo urgo nil In Mnrshflold who suf fer from nny stomach derangement, Indigestion, or dyspopsln, whothcr ncuto or chronic, to try Rexnll Dys pepsia Tablets, with tho distinct un derstanding that wo will refund tholr money without question or formnllty, If nftor rensounblo use of this medi cine, they nro not perfectly sntlsflod with the results. We recommend them to our customers every day, nnd have yet to hear of any ono who has not been benefited by thorn. Wo honestly bellevo them to bo without equnl. They glvo very prompt rellof, aiding to neutralize tho gastric Juices, strengthen the digestive organs, to regulate the bowels, nnd thus to promoto perfect nutrition, nnd eradi cate nil unhealthy symptoms. Wo urgo you to try n 25c box of Rexnll Dyspepsia Tablets, which gives 15 days' trentmont. At the end of thnt time, your money will be re turned to you If you nro not satis fled. Of course, In chronic enses lougth of treatment vnrlos. For such enses. wo hnvo two lnrger sizes, which sell for 50c nnd $1.00. Remomber you can obtain Rexnll Remedies In this community on'y at our store The Rexnll Store. Lockhnr'-Pnrsona D-iig Co., "The liusy Corner " BlancbarcFs Livery Wo hae jeeuro che livery Vial lets if L. H Helscei nml are pi nnred to render oxc-.lent service tt 'he people of Co Rny. C-x-Hf.,1 'vers, gioii r! ? evemh'iu' hat wti! menu batlfnciory service 'i hp publ'e. Phont us for a -Irtvin. horse, u rls or niiMhlng needed li he lwery line 'Ve aUn do iruel e huslnfcs of u,l kinds itl.WrilMtn IUtOTIIKJt Phnnt- Kis-.i l.lverv IVmI nml iiiw WW, HI First mid Alder Streets gUHBHStiAMMitlu aamSgjiaMjUamHBBBB8Sttl New Things for Men Black and tan Shoes, Stetson Hats, new shapes, New Cluett Shirts, New Negligee Shirts, New Silk Crocheted Neckwear, New Rain Coats and Gaberdines, Benjamin Clothes & Oj a lime nil the new oil Ideas, nml ate the embodiment of .style. IH cliuiactei- nml service. Ilviijuiiilii ilothes ARK lliriTKII CLOTHES. Women's and Children's Shoes WW 4 'MONEY TALKS' Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD BANDON Don't take chances o n your hat. Get the bestthe Stetson City Auto Service Good Cnra, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro nt nny time." Stands Ulauco Hotol and Dlanco Cigar Store. Dny Phonos 78 and 46 Night Phono 4C. I1ARKKR At flOODALK, Proprietors. A Large Variety of the Latest SINGER HKWIXU MA IIIXKfi Such ns tho 66-27 and 9W7 nre to be seen now nt our ofllce. Como and look them over before buying elBowhcre. Wo nlso have n few slightly used mnchlncs of different makes f om 85 to $10. Repairing n Specialty All Work Ounrantccd SIXC2KR SEWIXG MACHINE OFFICIO 17H So. Ilrondiviiy. Mnrslirtcld Phono: 18-t-L PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY E-VKRT NYMAXOVKR, Pitching! Voicing, Polishing nml Tun ing. Organs Repaired. HAINES .MUSIC IIOUSK, MARSH- FIELD, OREflOX. DR . IIIRI) 11. CLARKE. Specialist on nerves, splno and rheumatism. Phono 174, North Bond. R7TRS. E. SIIADIlURXn. 1VX Tcnchor of volco plncomont, breathing and Interpretation of song Is ready to rccclvo tho public. Studio 211 Commercial Ave. rR. E. P. WINKLER, '-' Xnturopatli nnd Clilroprnctor All chronic discuses trcnted. Consul tatlon frco. Ofllco hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 nnd 6 to 8 p. m Naturopath Instltuto Room No. 1 Vo. 136 Uroadwny. Mnrshfield, On pR. G. W. LESLIE, - OHlpopntlilc Phyulcbu Graduate of tho Amurhnn school o Osteopathy nt Klrkevlllp, Mo. OflU' In Eldorado nik. Hours 10 to 12; 1 t ! Phone 161-J; Mnrshfield: Oregon J W. I1ENNKT1, lawyer, )fTIe over Flnnagnn & Hennott BniiV mrsbfleld Oregoi yll. J. T. MrCORMAC. Physician nnd Surgeon , Mnrshfield, Oregon, iftice: Lockhnrt Dulldtng, opposite Post Dili. Phono 105-J D1 R. A. J. IIEXDRY'S Modem Dentnl Ptirloro. We nro equipped to do high elnx work on short notice nt the ven lowest prices. Examination fre l.iidy nttundnnt, Coke building npi ll fhiuuP'T hotel, phone 1 1 ?.,! Union Oils JASOLINE DISTILLATE REXZIXE KEROSEXF SAMSOX GAS EXGIXES - nnC CEXTRIFL'UAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Mnndtfleld, Ore. PHONE 302-J Mnll Ordern fwillrlted. THE LLOYD. Most modern Rooms nnd Apartment-house In tho city: Day transient roc nnd up Per week $2.00 nnd ui Wo hnvo nicely furnished 2-room npnrtments, including bath, $10 per month nnd up. WANTED ! ! ! RPF.TS ri'IiniSTKRIVO AXI' IMAXOS TO CLEW, bv the Pneums lo Cleaning Compauy, Orders fot 'ork tnVen n GOIXO .V IIXItVKi PHOXE J DH Home Permanency vs. Home Monoto This is a vital question for present dny homobiilldors whothtr t have a house which In appcarnnco must nlwnys remain the nti or a Iioubo tlmt will pormlt of a llttlo rofroahlng occaslonallj, Neighborhoods chnngo ns do Individual tnstcB n framohouioas easily bo mndo to hnrmonlzo with its surroundings a freih coil of paint often will mnko it as good as your neighbor's now hotm tho samo ns n now suit mnken you feel llko n now man, At any rato n fratno houso Is BUscoptlblo to most any change joi might deslro and whllo It Is pormnnont It docs not nccemri!; neod becomo 'an oyesoro or a monotony. Tlioro nro lots of thlip wo'vo obsorved about houses and lumbor that you should hot boforo building como in nnd wo II glvo you our vlows. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT SOUTH BROADWAY, MAR8HFIELU FAST AXI) COMMODIUS Steamer Redond EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AXI) HUUMAHIXK HELL Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco and San Pedro Frib February 9, at 3 P. M., Stopping at San Francisco, Both m IXTEH-OCEAX TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. I'lmiif ii. c. r. Mi'Gi:oii(n;.iyi Steamer Homer DATE OF SAILING TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER F. S. Dow, Agent THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY' S. S. ALLIANCI IIH'HTKD WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR. EUREKA FROM CCOS BAY Thursday, A. M., February 8 COXXEITIXG WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT I'OltTUl NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 'hone II. t, K, .McCCOIKii; SP EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwatei ALWAYS OX TIME. SAILS FRO.M PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON JANUARY . SAILS FROM l OD.s R.Y AT SERVICE OF THE TII)R ARY II, lit, ai, U7. Ill, 'A' ox wl L. II. KEATING, Agent. Pliono !' I Hnvo Some First Class RESIDENCE LOTS In Eugene to Exchango for Coos Ba7 Property. What Have You Got? AUG. FRIZEEX 6S Contrnl Ave., Marshfield. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastsre and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 From St. People Take Nofij Wo havo all lengths of t for salo, prices ranging I"0 ' nor Hor ,m We CSU lrIll"l '. .. ..k. - length you wloh. L. H. HEISM Phone No. 120-J or 19-U DRESSMAKIW GOWXS, SUITS A'p REMODELIN'O MDC TT RANDV Plmnn 10..T. Pur. 4lll na ' i . .....v .HV w-. mmwr .-j-7'ti ua. Sb-Ki