THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1912 - EVENING EDITION f COOS BAY TIMES SI. C. MALOXEV I'dl'm- and Pub. RAX E. MALOXEV .Vowh Editor Entered at the postofllce nt Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through the mnlls as second class mall matter. EXVIROXMEXT. I N DISCt'SSINd In a recent article the old (ltiustloii of heredity nnd envl ouinoiit. Or. Woods Hutchinson declares that In America our heredity Is nlnoty-Ilvo per cent good nnd he believes that the tin portnnt problom, both socially and bi ologically, Is to provldo proper en vironment for the development of the hereditary traits that are doslrnble. Ho takes an optimistic view of American conditions, and says thnt the Now York tenements are not to bo compared with the unfavorable surroundings found In the old world "Threc-fouiths of the young people of Now York nro getting n fair chanco In life," ho believes, nnd de clares "Wo as n community are respons ible If tho excellent heredity of our children has not the fullest chance for development. Wo must provldo them with nlr spaces and play grounds for exercise, and protect them from confining labor and under feeding. Nearly till tho diseases which cripple the ndult and make him undesirable as n progenitor of the raco aro superimposed upon under feeding nnd poor hygenlc conditions In childhood." Dr. Hutchinson's feeling H thnt naturo has dono a largo, part In tho development or tho human nnimnl nnd thnt If allowed hnlf n chance win ovorcomo nor own dofects. His lie m IS IGi w NORTH HEX!) NEWS It Is expected that tho Porter mill will resume operations next wcok lift er hnvlng been closed down some time for repairs. Murder of Empire Chinaman Causes Serious Differ ences in Portland. PORTLAND, Feb. S Tho Journal says: "The Hop Sing Tong will not sup port Low Soon when he faces trial for murdering Seld Ring, whose body 'fas shipped to Seattle. Neither will It lend support to Wong 81 Sam nor 01 Sen, according to tho agreement reached by representatives of tho Chinese Six Companies. Tho confer ence was hold Sundny afternoon to determine whnt action should be taken. Following this general con ference, tho lenders wont Into secret I discussion nnd tho nbovo Is said to bo tho decision. Tho-e nro members of the Hop Sing Tong who nro not satisfied with this nrrangoment, nnd may causo trouble, but tho leaders, it is said, will do all possible to quell any trouble thnt might bo started. Tho now Ling Tong, ono of the factions that has up to this tlmo re mnlncd Hllont, Is snld to havo broken Into tho fight now, under somo pre tense, nnd tho report has reached official cars that n prlco of $G00 each hns been sot on tho heads of Leo Fong nnd Wong Tun, of tho Hop Sing Tong, who wero two of tho commit tee that mot with 01 Son Inst Satur day nnd henrd her detailed story of tho murder of Sold Illng, preparatory to advising with tho Chinese Six Tho No th Bend City Council will meet ns n committee of tho whole Friday night to dlscues proposed chnngos In tho city charter. Many of tho changes have to do with tho pro posed renewnl of the Terminal Rail way's application for a franchise hnrc nnd nro also In rofcrenco to tho city bond Issues. JMI1I6 liife The, R With tho completion of nil vessels now under construction or nuthor Izod, tho United States will have a fleet of .12S ships of nil classes, with an aggregate displacement of 1,500, 000 tons. "Eleven of tho ships, weigh ing 30,280 tons nro unfit for sen ror vlce. There nro 32 vessels now un der construction for tho navy nnd 2-1 moro with n totnl dlsplncomont of 3-1,570 tans havo been authorized, YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE. Pain nloug the back, dizziness, head ncho nnd general languor. Get a package of Motho Gray's AHOMAT. K'-LEAF, the plcnsant root nnd hero euro for nil Kidney, Dlndder nnd U. Inny troubles. When you feel nil run down, tl.ed, wenk nnd without energy use this remnrknblo conibln ntlon of nature's ho bs nnd roots. As oi regulator It hns no canal. Mo. thcr Gray's AROMATICLKAF is sold by D. ugglsts or sent by mall for 50 cts. Samplo sent Fill. Address, Tin Mother Gray Co.. I.o Roy. N. Y. mo (Repeated by Request) This Great, Five-Reel Production Will be Shown at .oyal Friday Night As a Repeater This picture has got anything that has ever been shown in a Marshfield playhouse beat a city block. We will show this picture; with some others, again Friday night to enable all to see it and the admission will be Only 1 0 CeEts TBe Royal 0. J. LEMAXSKI, Proprietor. Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND RliPAIHIXU ALL KINDS Ol ROSS .V PI.'IKGOK. 2Rfl Central avuuuu Phnpo 2f0 HAT WORK. article suggests tho truth often 00.lCompnnlos ns to whnt action thoyj ecrvcu in tills connection. Hint it i W01"" "IKO- leso iwo men nppenion ( not coddling the rnco needs so much ns a fair chanco, broadly and gen erally speaking. Tho health nnd comfort of tho great mass of human kind rather tlinu tho exceptional arro of (ho few, Is the doctrine which ho nnd other thlnkorH along the Hue of greatest posMblo development nro "reaching. to Chief Slovor yesterday for per mission to enrry revolvers but this was rofuscd thorn, nlthough they wore promised pollco protection. Chung, ono of tho tinned gang thnt Is snld to bo thick In Chinatown, wns arrested nt Fifth nnd Everett Ibis morning for cnrrylng concenled wonpons. by Pntrolmon Ford nnd Morelock. Ho hnd n londod rovolvor In his possession." LOCAL OVERFLOW limit In IWflxitil. Rnlnb n. I'mit, Hinf pnrlfr of tho Pnrlllc Orof Wo-Unm Rillr-iv Company. Is In Portlnn.l (or n row days on business connected with tho company. Eutrono Ounrd. $100 Reward. $100 Titer mli'Mof lil impT wfl1 In- iltni-1 to Iimmi Unit llioro lnt Hrit nnoilri'inli'il nl.oi-H' tli t M'l on- lm l.t'i'ii iililii to rii "c In nil lt mui".iiii. luit U i mIii nt. Itnli'i. cuiiirrli Pure Him onlvilt Mwnrc iimw Icikihii n tin- imillcnl friilcrnllv. I'nlmrii Im-Iiu 11 run. ullliitlmiiil ill.iMiko. roipirrrii i rcittltiit"nl lri-nliii-it Hull, Cut tr li core l tkin Itiii-r-nnl y, rtlnif illrctlyuoin tliu liton.t mill not. r- iih nrlivi nf thil yii'in. Ilicicliv ilrirn lug I lie fuiinilntliin ,if Die IIhm, hih! kI ! u tho t'X li-nl Mr IlKlll fn ImlMltw llitln IMlXlllll. Hun mill hk-Ii'II' a iintiiri In ''iilnit llHMtirk, f ho nmtirlclnr, i.v uiiimIi r.ilili In I ftlip iHinrr Hint tlu-v . fftirOn llu tliv-l pot. nr fin iuivniM thai It flU tii run.. Hrml for llttof icttlD.onln ... .. .K- J.CHIWTY.U'O., Toledo. O PoMlivn'l llnit'l. ;v Tiiko llnlV I'Htnllv I'llNlnridinirMi'lnii lUiy Xow noun. j, ,; Kitrrcrald hns purduisod two and u halfKnc" of Innd nenr Kast Port which he hns cleared nnd will cultlvnto for truck garden lug. Ho ,1I1B 1I10V0!, ih' l to tho now home from thulr for mer residence In .MniHlillold. Li'hm. Stmloiil Ranch K. M. Hall ma loaned tho ranch f ,10 lot",. tn.'.nv"'"1' ,from tlu' 8,n, ;1 lofl I?'1? for .Vnyno" ,,,,,'t t0 tnfco poH-w-nlon. Uo oxnodH In bo JojVt a'cr by h l.rotlior. who will -. .t lilm In mannRoniont ()r nu, p,uo, ni.n ,Sf,,ii,SK So',-Alr- Alex. Johnson, ono of th0 imrliiori In tho Storganrl .t Johnson clKiir store, today sold lu """ imwrosi in mo IiiihIiio.hh to Mr. Stoi'Knnril, who takes full pos- llnuulnti ill ... . ' . ..... , llv, ,,-, jnniiHoii con- iviiiinHi.-H going into koiiio other line of buslucAs In (Ills .ty. StillVivd Ptoiimliio 1'iilsoiilng MIhs Iloxlo" Hall. iimiKlitor or Judgo Hall, wns seize,! with u novoro nt tnck of ptomntno polHonlng while nt school Tuesdny. Sho roturnol homo nnd wns promptly placed undor ., physlclnn'H enro mill today Is ro )ortod recovering rapidly. E. V. CiiiiiiiiIiin, tho export wn tor engineer of 'oattlo, employ od by Noinn ft Jaikson, Is ngnln In tho city In ronferonio with Claude Nasburg, No statement hns noon given out as to tho purposo of his visit nt this tlmo. but It Is thought ho inny bo prepnrlng llguros ns ii IiiihIu for another proposition to tho city. KKNUST LAUSO.N Is In town from Isthmus Inlet today. MRS. FHlil) of Coqtilllo Is u visitor In Mnrshflold today. CHARI.KS LI(i7n-iTTorTon Mllo was n Marshflold visitor today. j JOHN ROSS, who was operated on rccontly for nppondleltls, 'is o- portod to bo ImprovluB rapidly. MRS. J. G. CORNMLL, who has spent somo tlmo on tho Hay ns ropiosou tntlvo for an oastorn ptibllshlu hoiiBo, loft this uftornoon ou tho Alllanco for liutoka. t 1IKR.MAN KltUliGKR. fonnor ro- prlotor of tho Owl saloon tuul well c;, r-i a,. r known In Marshflold, returned to- it LldSS AlllO ClGrVICC day from an oxtonded trip to his Cars lenvo Front of Lloyd hotel .o old homo In Uormanv. Ills fath- lnoet n" trains. Faro 25c. Speclnl or Is still living nt tho ago of 78. f"! nQnnyw.ho!'0. nt n,i, hours' IIBST !Ll7..Tr. "' f "'.B7r,A thought that the pooplo wero still D-J, Resldonco phono 2S-J; after J 2 ougaged In flghtliitf Indians In tho phono I S 1 It. Fur West. Royal Tailored Suit Fit They Are Euilt for You By the Best Tailoring House In America to 40.00 Fish City Market sia Always Something New AT STAFFORD'S This week It is a Sprclal Sale f Hani Candles on Kntmilny and Sunday. Tin-so Saturday and Sim day Sales aro proving decidedly popular nnd aro rapidly spiral! Iii tin- Stnn'ord koi'iI nindy halili. Don't overlook this opportunity to not StalloidV pmo ili-llrlou-i candles at llaiualn Pilies. Saturday and Sunday ONLY Waffles Per Pound Puffs Per Pound . 35c 35c FKUP FREE DELIVERY. In Ferguson Transfer llld. Foot of Mmlcd Ave. SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE S(I0J T. J. BCAIFE lT! A. II. HODOINF MarshSeld PaJnt. (Si Decorating Co. Rati ma tea Furnished MARSHFIULD, Phono HOL Orcgnt, Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTUELL Pbone 8121 Mnrshfield & North Bend Aliwiys Souiotliliig .Vow nt "J W SJ 7 - I wf n i.i,nri..A , 1 10 Central Ave. j SEALS HI PT OYSTERS Arrived on Breakwater Phone Orders Phone 73 Coos Bay Ice Cold Storage Co. Two Deliveries Daily 8 a. m. and 2 p. m. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. Clean, Fast Satisfactory Cooking That is the kind of work the Gas Range can be depended upon for Winter; Summer, Fall and Spring, The Kitchen Heater attachment to Gas Ranges holds fire over night, requires little fuel and is built for heating the room. It permits full use of the Gas Range all the year; means punctual meals, clean kitchenr and reduced labor. Ask our New Business Depart ment. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co Modern linok Uulldlui;, IClemn Lights. Stonm Heal. Eloeaiuly Furnished Roomi with Hot nnd Cold Wntor. IIOTKI, ,CO OS 0. A. METLIN. Prop. Ratoa: 50 cants a Day and Uiivvnriib Cor. Droadwny nnd Market Mamhflald. Orojron 1 TRY TIIU EDGE WITH Y'OUR FINGER. Exnmlno a collar fresh from our i laundry. Notlco Its clear, whlto col or, Its even, clastic stiffness, la smooth and Its perfect shape. , Thon tost tho top odgo hy running your flngor-tlp over It. Notlco tho! smooth, allele finish given It. Noth ing thoro to rub, dig or Irrltato your, neck. This test will provo tho valuo of our tnorvlco. Sond us a trial bundlo' and apply tho test. j MarshfifltUHand & Steam Laundry Mnuzcy Rroi. Props Phono 2UD.J. I Our Wagons Go Anywhoro Anytime. I MMkMMMlllMMMMn'MkMaHMHMinK t CflKM r,','"-,r.jhavuM)molnvtiitIvoal, Itv ll!6i!lUlVa,K:,.Hr,U,,",":KU v A JIHMIIl, ""' ' ''" ' " ' U'u.i.ino,.,.. I,, u Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we will obtain for you amount of taxes on same. Sheriff does not notify you. First National Banl I). L FOOTK. Proprietor. Every Pound of Meat AW yon buy horo means moro enjoy-' ment In eating, moro bonoflt roj tho eators. Evory tender, Julry morsel you swnllow will provo to I you that our meats aro fnr suporlni to nny you havo evor tasted. For old pooplo who cannot chew ordmarj meats, ours are a boon. They an so tender thoy almost melt In tho mouth without nny chewing nt nil. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Murl.ots mirth nrcsn marshfield y? Rksvsuco. --''v.'ji'j'' it SRswrrti J&W?? mow Drift Flour Highest Quality Parties Desiring- Monuments Erected Would tin well to i-nll ut Tiie Pac:fic Sonaniental Works -S v.. C"- i i lf 1 B-.!flfsM :sitj-x --', ,1 S'.itnli Rrmlvny mitl niako soli--Hon fn in tli.- law -tuck nov. (.11 liniid. Mi-. Wilson has In hl oinploy Hit- only H-i4'tli-.-it uiiu-lilo a!:il Kianlto outU-r in V i s county. And initio l.ut tho lio-t mill; Is turned out. IANAGAN & BENNETT B OLIIKST IIA.VK IX COOS COFXTV. KSTAIJLLSHED IX Capital and Surplus . . . $100, Undivided Profits .... 8,000.00 Into m paid on time deposits. SAFETY DHPOS1T 1JOXES FOR REXT. bant ST'"..'0?' f"r P0Stnl f"",,a- Tnos " I 'I'd ll.ro6" J iMiut freo of charge. Abstracts, Real Estate, Rrc anrl !W .:--. V :utv insurance and W Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, Con,,,o0nJeS9S-'0lw tarme Timber Coal and Platting Landd e BpuclaPy Qonaral Agents "EASTB1DE" -.- ETIiPllT ai