THE COIOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON? WEDNESDAY,' FEBRUARY 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION he Advertisement Is the Modern Show Window (ONE WAY OF SHOWING BICYCLES) LADIES' $29.00 To $36.00 Two Models" MEN'S $27.50 To $42.50 Four Models in Advertisement to be a Paying Proposition Must Tell the Truth in a Convincing Way (An. advertisement of woodon nutmegs wooden'! tmy.) AM I DOING THAT? Try a DAYTON and Find out. If It Suits You Now the Guarantee Will Do the Rest, If it Don't Suit You Bring it Back, Get Your Money and No Questions Asked, We Are Not Selling Cheaper Bicycles Nor Bicycles Cheaper Than Other Stores, DAYTON BICYCLES All Have Steel Rims and Steel Mudguards and Are Equipped to Your Order, CHOOSE YOUR , , . Frame, Brake, Gear, Chain, Tires Get What You Want Don't Take What You Can Get Buy Your Wheel at a Cyclery as You Buy Your Watch at a Watch Makers, HERE'S MY TICKET Mr. E. Bandel. Marshfioia, Dear Sir: Orogon, .V;." Our mutual friona, Mr. Charlos O. Cook, of tho Gorhara-Rovero Rubber Company, Portland, Oroaon, who aro our Northwostern distributors for the Dayton bicycles, was shoving tho writer soma of your onthusiastio advert isemonts. Our five year guaranteo is a mighty fine talking point ana one that you can absolutely , live up to, ao the Davis Sewing Machine Company stand baok of the Gorham-Revoro Rubber Company to make good on cny defects on Dayton bioyolos. Trusting that you are receiving good re sults from your Bocholor contest letters, I am, ' , Sincerely, w CW , I'OR THE DAVIS SEWING MiOHIHE CO. (Original lottor In our window.) MARSHFIELD CYCLER.Y Phone 180-R AGENTS for COOS COUNTY 607 Front St, Always IB ,usy Comer" The fil&XaJUL Star Are You on the Right Track ? The way to IllhetUth la a do ami grndo, nnd tho faster you got run nlnB down, tho hnrdor It la to atop. If your system Is In need of gonernl building up. If you nro threatened with consumption, tnko REXALL Solution of Hypophos Pbates. u Js a valuablo tonic and restorative, excellent In all pul monary diseases. Vory plonsant to take. Wo rocommond It, bo fause wo KNOW Its formul.n. Sold with tho REXALL guarantee. Full I'JXT DOTTLE $1.00. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co rrlUNE MAIN 298 US WANT ADS. UUTIX lOTEL Hooms now opun. Rates $1,50, $2, J2.5U weok. FOR RENT 4-room houso on Cth St., near Elrod nve.; also G-room flat on 1st at. noar Park ave. Ap ply Geo. A. Raines, 180 Ilroadway S. IPCM. VOOS HAY TIDES. No! w Is g(von ti.o ' tlmo and holghth of high and low water ut Mnrshfleld. ' ' ' Tho tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on Mm first line and heights on the sec ond line of each clay; n comparison if consecutive heights Will indicnto whetl or It U high or low water. For high water on bur, subtract 2 hours : I minute. Dato February, 1012. T hours.. CHI Tldo ....C.G hours.. G. 3 1 TIdde ....0.4 0 hours.. 0.32 Tide ....1.0 10 hours. 1.21 Tldo ...2.4 11.39 1.0 12.34 1.0 7.18 C.2 8.07 D.9 G.04 G.G 7.01 4.5 1.37 1.0 2.40 1.0 11.44 0.7 8.07 4.7 9.29 3.2 THE WKATIIEIl. fn.r Associated Press.) OREGON Unln tonight nnd Thursday. Southeasterly winds increasing along const and prob- ably high tonight or Thursday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- TOUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4.43 a. m., Fob. 7, by DonJ. Ostllnd, Bpeclnl government me- teorologlcnl observer: Maximum 58 Minimum 47 At 4.43a. m 47 Precipitation 07 Wind, southwest; cloudy. BORN. GROKE To Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto Oroko.- at their homo In North Bond Tuosdny, Fobrunry 0, a six pound girl. Mothor and child aro doing nlcoly nnd Mr. Qroko says that ho now has tho renl Coos Bay Deauty. This is their first child. YOU have a right to buy clothes wherever you please; this is a free country, and it's your money. The reason for buying them here is: Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Our kind of service two advantages you'll not get anywhere else; both worth getting. WOOLEN MILL STORE This store Is tho homo of llnrt Schaffner & Mark clothes. 1b persistent there that tho Twohy Brothers will como to Coos Liny short ly. It Is also believed there that the Southern Pacific will start construc tion on tho Coos Day end of the lino In tho spring. IJrcnkwnter Delayed In ordor to completo Bomo minor repair work on tho Breakwater, tho vessel was kept at Portland one day longer than usual this weok and will sail from thcro tonight for Coos Bay. Sho will nrrlvo Friday morning and sail from here Saturday. Somo now tubes aro bolng put In hor bollors. Hold Meeting Tho Itoyal Neigh bors hold n vory woll attondod nnd Interesting meeting Inst night. Four now members woro inltlntcd nnd n good time enjoyed by all. Oveihuiil Boat Levi Smith has completod overhauling tho Allco II. for tho spring nnd summer. Now anchors and lines have been provided for hor. Big Shipments During tho month of January, tho C. A, Smith mill shlppod 12,179,050 feet or lumbor, S98.400 lath and 735,000 shingles. This Is n now record for ono month's shipments nt tho mill. In Better Word has been ro relvcd horo that Duncan Douglas, who has boon sufforlng from n sovoro nttuck of In grlppo nt Corvallla whero ho Is attending Oregon Agricultural College, Is considerably Improved. Tender Banquet Local mombors of tho Stgmn Chi will tender Clnudo Nasburg a banquet nt Tho Chandlor Thursday evening, tho occasion be ing Mr. Nnahurg'a approaching nup tials. Among thflso who will bo present Thursday evening nro Hues Tower, Tom Bonuott, II. K. Booth, Jnck Flanngan, J. C. Kendall and Clnudo Nasburg. Brooks In Located As a result of tho Item in Tho Times Inst evening that Andrew Murphy of Mllwnukeo was seeking Hoy Brooks nnd had nsk cd MnrshnI Carter to try to locnte him horo, Brooks wns located. Supt. Geo. Hourko of tho Enntsldo mill cnll ed up Marshal Carter and Informod him thnt Hoy Brooks had boon work ing In tho Enstsldo mill for four months. Mr. Cnrtor Informod Mur phy. Why Murphy sought Brooks s not known. hand, which ho Injured during hla vacation hero Inst summer, has been bothering him nnd special ists will bo consulted nboutlt. H. B. HICKEY, of tho Hlckoy-Stand-lsh Lumbor Company, who has been spending a fow days looking after interests on tho Bay, will Icavo for his homo in San Fran cisco on tho next Redondo. MISS WILLA HALL did not at first intond to return to Portland over land today. Upon further tole graphlo advices from hor homo, sho dccldod to wait and will Icavo on tho Breakwater noxt Saturday. MKS. B. II. JONES is a guest at tho homo of her brother, Leo Wohstor. Sho camo up from Port Orford whoro sho has boon visiting her daughter, Mrs. Maurice L. Barrett, and Is now on route to hor homo In St. Louis. Sho will Icavo on tho noxt Redondo. PERSONAL NOTES MRS. T. J. McGENN, of, Empire, was visiting in tho city yesterday. Granted Divorce Judgo Coko yes- terday grnntod Mrs. Cnrrlo Martin, of Mnrshflold, n dlvorco from Win. S. Martin, of Medford. Sho wnB also glvon the custody of n minor child. No alimony was allowed. Ship Potatoes Tho Redondo Is bringing n shipment of 1175 sacks of potatooa from Coos Bay to San Fran cisco this trip. Tho shlpmont Ib mndo up of dollvorlea from Steven Rogors, Roads nnd othor farms. Tnoliy Brother Coming Accord ing to parties from Eugene, a rumor MRS. DAL SAUNDERS, of South In let, Is spending n fow dnya In tho city. JAS. WATSON, County Clork, wns horo from Coqulllo yesterday to nt toud tho Coos County Bar Associa tion mooting nnd to visit friends. MRS. A. B. DALY will lonvo on tho Redondo for an extended trip south, Intending to visit n numbor of plnces In Cnllfornln nnd Arizona. JAMES BRYCE, formerly purser on tho steamer Plant whon thnt ves sel piled botweou Coos Bay and San Francisco, arrived In tho city today on u business trip. IIo la now Unvoting for tho Pacific States Refineries Oil Co. of San Francisco. "Jim" hnB hosts of frlondB on tho bny nnd was kopt busy today greeting his many old tlmo acqualntnncos. IIo roports that Harry Skinner, woll known horo ns formor agent for tho Alli ance, Is now chlof clork nt the Sprcckols dock In Snn Francisco. NEWS OF ALLEGANY. Mr. nnd Mrs, Bert Gray, of Alle gany, have Btartod for Colfax, Wash., to bo with thoir father, John Long, who Is vory 111. Thoy wont by prl vnto convoyanco from Allognny to Drain, starting this morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlaomnn, of Mnrsh flold, havo boon visiting nt tho L. T. Thomas home for tho past week. E, P. SCHOW, of Portland, Ib Iu th city nftor n trip to Port Orford and Gold Bench In tho Interest of railway dovolopmonts in tho district. BAPTIST CHURCH MEETINGS. nt 7:30 Wodnosdny ovonlng. All singers aro urged to como to prepare for tho special meotlnga which nro to begin noxt Sundny. Thursday, tho meotlng nt 7:30 will bo for speclnl prayor for tho "Good News" rovlval which Is to begin noxt Sunday morning. FOR KENT Vory cheap If takon nt once; houso, burn, chicken house young nllko nro affected, uud two acres of laud iu Enstsldo. Good location for chicken ranch. Apply immediately Max Tlmmer mnn's boat shop. i FOUND Two pairs of ladles evening gloves left at Mllllcoma Club at i tlmo of Now Yenr's ball. Ownor' 1 can havo sumo by notifying club nnd paying for this ad. WANTED Everybody in Marshfleld to buy fish at City Fibh Market., Phono 2C9-J. ' AN EPIDEMIC OF COUGHING Is sweeping over tho town. Old and and tho sirnln Is particularly hard on llttlo children and on oldorly people. Fol ey's Hor.oy nnd Tnr compound Is a quick, safe and reliable euro for all coughs and colds. Contains no opi ates. Red Cross Drug Store. '. fs lino engine; wilt trade for A. C. Vi H. P. motor. Phono 122-J. I.OKT Fountain pon on high school routo; flndor return to Times of fice and receive reward. e Clean rnj Pc s and Cent Suits Goods Called for and De'ivere 1 )os Bay Sieam Laundry ,mK M A7..I Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIDENCE WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. I MM IN E S37-J Vi ANTED Man to work on ranch; must bo good mllkor. Apply W. (S. Besslo. Phono 310X1. WANTED Cnrr'cr- hoy to deliver Tho Times. Must bo In Fourth Grade at school. I'OR RENT n-acro Improved ranch with 0-room house; closo In. Ad dress Box 704. TOR SALE At bargain, 2 1-2 h. p. gasollno onglne, stationary type. F. M. Frlodborg. , MISS LAURA DIMMICK will ho In ehargo of Mrs. Elrod's millinery store during hor nhsonco on hor trip to Snn Frnnclsco. Mrs. Elrod will lonvo on tho next Redondo. MRS. NELLIE A. OWEN, of the Ladles' Emporium, will lenvo on tho Redondo for a business trip to San Francisco. Sho oxpecta to return on tho snmo steamer on Its noxt voyage. MRS. NELS. RASMUSSEN loft this morning for Portlnnd whoro sho will meet their son, Gordon, who hns been attending Orogon Agrloul- The Royal TONIGHT 3000 Feet of Now Pictures "LITTLE DOVE'S ROMANCE" CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE RED STAR'S HONOR These reels nro thrilling and ex citing Indian pictures and they will not bo ropeatod. THE ROYAL, the 10 cont Plcturo Show, will glvo you something Friday Night for your tural College nt Corvallls. Ills dime. FOR SALE New 72 hi or. SI Bunker Hill Store , FOR SALE 40 M. shlnglo nt n bar- W7r ' C'yiilu-r In- bnn, f. M. Frledborg. ft.oo. 1'ho.y. 301-L,! : U Jud .'HIMTiNUDO.vrVr I HE. TIMES' 0FFIU "OR RENT A 3-room houso, noar Fend'ile Phone 121-L. 'OP. SALE I'O" PENT Sixteen room house olop In. Modorn conveniences. RnnpnnnWe rent. See Ivy Condron. 1 '! RENT in-ioom wwv In South The Flour That Does Not Disappo'nt Sperry's Drifted Snow flour BEST BY EVERY TEST UlEA: virJne saso- Marshfleld Phone 11 9-L.