COOS BAYTIMES,WEEKLYEDITION,MARSHFIELD,OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1912 - EVENING EDITION 8 K fr it ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE (Continued from page 2.) .Bradley, Frances Williams, Nora To wer, May 1'reiiHB and Airs. Coleman i&ro regular members of ttiu chid while -IIb8C8 Edna Stanley, Agues Carpenter, Clmrlotto Murch, Ruth Horton, Mnrjorlo Cowan, Marie Ma loney and Myrtle Cowan are special guests of the afternoon. Tho daintiest of children's par tics was given Monday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Jennings at their North JJond homo in honor of lllo eloventh birthday of their Utile daughter liable A drizzling nilil kept tho guests indoors but in spite of tho wet weather a few Jolly Iioutb worn spent In games nnd mtlslc. Whan .refreshments wore seivcd u big blrtn lay cake was on display, holding tho eleven candles that marked Miss Ma .blo's ycurs. Tho little gucstB pres ent were Misses Ucsslo Christians.., Diablo and Gladys Croakers,, Thero bu Btoln, Mnrgreto Best arid DorU Gubsor. Tho Sisters of Dcthlmy spout a -.pleasant nnd practical uHornoon sow lug, embroidering nilti complotlng plans for tho fair. Everything is now arranged, work Is apportioned, and committees are In worklug ordor to produco in the many booths, ono of the most successful displays on record. After a busy time- of chat, Mrs. Uargolt, tho hostess of tho afternoon, served dainty refresh ments. Tho society will bo enter tained Fob. C by Mrs. Geo. F. Murch. 0 A fcaturo of tho dollghtful dnnco given Monday night at Logglo Hall by tho U. M. 0. Club of North llend was a surprize dinner tendered tho married couples and chaperons by tho young men of tho club. The aupper was ns iniormni ns it was delicious and inndo a very pleasing nr tormnth to tho Jolly dance. Messrs. Donnlo Hull, HobU Hanks, Edgar Simpson, J. Ilurtmnn, H. McDadu, John Olson, George Shorldan, John .Million, C. J. Kinney and Fred Kruso woro tho hosts. o-v Mrs. E. Mlngus eiitortnlned Monday at n delightfully Informal Urldge par ty nt hor pretty homo In West Marsh Hold. Card trophleH pf the four tables woro won by Mrs! G. A. Bon- thlid-ycar at tho University of Oregon. O Tho Hridgo club will bo ontertalnca Wednesday, Fob. 7, by Mrs. Win. Ilo.sfnll, Jr., at her homo on Central avenue. Mrs. F. K. Geltlns has Issued In vitations for cards, Tuesday, Fob. li. Mrs. W. F. Miller has Issued invit ations for a large and claborato Val entino pnrty for February 14. 0 Tho Itoynl Neighbor and their friends were guests at a social even ing given Tucsdny In tho Finnish Ilnll In their honor by tho Modern Wood men of America. A program hna been arranged, a feature of which was tho floor work of tho Lodgo to tho music furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Ellcrbcck. Tho urogram Included recitations by Miss Mnblo Cralg nnd Mrs. Kclloy, hoIos by Mrs. Kcllcy nnd Mrs. E. W. Smith, a musical trio by Mrs. Soubret and Misses No Is on nnd Larson and tho excollcnt door work. A supper was served at tho conclusion of tho progrnm. 0 Miss Altco Tlckoll arrived) lioro from Portland this week to visit her sister, Mrs. G. Lolloy Hall. Sho will spend some time hero nnd nt Coqulllo. 0 Tho North Hond Knights of Pythi as will tender a reception and social nt their hall February 12 compli mentary to tho wives nnd sweethenrts of tho mombors. Tho hoys of tho I. 0. U. dancing club gnvo another dollghtful dnnclng party nt Logglo's hnll, North Bentf,' Friday ovonlng. About sovcnty-flve pooplo woro present nnd hnd a Jolly tlnio dnnclug to tho oxcollont music. Mrs. A. L. Dnvls, Mrs. B. Lnngenborg, Mrs. L. Falkenstolu nnd Mrs. P. Ro berg nctcd as patronesses. Among thoHO prosent woro Misses Vesta Mc- Cullough. Fronees Golden, Esther Im hoff, Edith Horn, Edith ThomnH, EI1 wiboth Hoolllug, Otlllla Hoolllug. Roso Pulley, Dorothy Klbblor, nor nlco Hlckoy, Mrs. Frank Frnino, Mlss 08 JcntiPtto Barrett, Inez Andorson, Lnulso Llllcho, Amelia Llllobo, Loin Ritohlo, Nora Hage, Amy Reynolds, position In tho C. A. Smith Lumber Company. 0 Mrs. Edward Langenborg, n slstr of Miss Esther Imhoff of North Rend, will lenve about tho Inst of tho month for her home In Vancouver, Wash. 0 Miss Grace Kruso who Is making a short visit In San Francisco Is ex pected homo In a week or two. 0 MIbs Mury Krusc Is Issuing Invita tions to a number of young people of tho High School set for a Vnlentlno pnrty February 14 at hep pretty homo In West Mnrshflcld. Tho Eagles' Hall, Saturdny night, February 10, will be tho scene of a dollghtful dancing pnrty at which Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Tower and Miss Nora Tower will entertnln. Afmtfln rfaln KlnMnHln O. ..-,..... nott and Mrs. Eugene O'Counoll. Mrs , t'X, anv,""'vl' .,..u i ,..., ... J": Mo8Br8- olo r"t. Clnronco Klb blor, Fred Reynolds, Marlon Rey- ilingus is ontortalnlg nt anotlier email Bridge party this afternoon. 0 Tho Progress club will meet Mon day February G at thei homo of Mre. John Lnfon In West Marahfleld. Mrs. Barry was to have beon hostoss, but -owing to tho Imminent departure of Mrs. Lnfon tho program hns beon al torod. Tho subject for Monday will bo "Famous Women of the French flnlon." O Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Presbytor Ian church moots Wednesday Feb. 7, at 2 o'clock with Mrs. John Dnshney, at hor homo on South Fifth St., for tho customary sowing nnd convorsa tlon. Orrln Prntt, a graduato of tho nilt- .miss .wirjono uownn leaves todny more Forestry School nnd n recent on tho Rrenkwnter for Portlnnd and I employee of n Eureka business (Inn, Eugono whore bIio will contlnuo hor hna returned to Coos nay to accept a nolds. Frank Muskns, Win. Davis, Lloyd Huntley, Robt. McLaughlin, Win. Reed. Herbort Morton, John Shoppnrd. Will Davis, Porcy Phillips, Potor Roborg. Joo Windsor, Chas. Gnuntlet, August Hoolllug, Lylo Chnpollo, Geo. Dewey, Connlo Me Dade, A. Maraton, Warren Murphy, McLeod, Leo Craven, Fred Kruso, L. Fnlkonstoln, Arthur Chaso nnd Edward Thomas. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ludwlg Oettlng, who hnvo beon spending some tlmo recent ly In North Rend, loft yesterday to resumo their resldonco nt tho Light houso on tho Sluslaw. DON'T READ THIS Singer Sewing Machines Tho public Is Invited to visit our offlco nnd Inspect our stock of tho latest ball-boarlng machines sold on oasy pnymonts. Slightly used machines of dlfforont makos from $5.00 to f 10.00. Needles and Parts for All Machines Machines for Rent Repairing a Specialty Phono 184-L. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICE 178 So. Broadway., Mnrshflcld. Ono of tho cleverest entertain ments for some time was given last Thursdny evening by tho Chrlstnln Endcnvor of tho North Bond Prosby te.lnn church, In tho form of a Chl neso Toa. The church pnrlors woro elaborately decorated for tho event in all manner of strnngo mattings nnd curios that trnnsfomed them Into a veritable Chinese Tea room. No chairs woro allowed, tho guests being compelled to sit, Orlontnl fash Ion, upon the mats and cushions that strowed tho floor. Quaint Chinese gnmes were played to while away tho ovonlng rind Uio cllmnx was capped when the characteristic refreshments of rice nnd milk, ten nnd lint cakes, wero daintily served by llttlo maid ens gowned In tho flowing Oriental robes. In tho games, prizes wore awarded tho youth who had the long est finger-nails and tho mnldcn who possessed the tiniest feet. In thoso truly Chinese rcqutromonts, Mnrlon Reynolds nnd Miss Norma Chasu woro awarded tho well-won honors. Among thoso present nt tho picas ant entertainment wero Mrs. Geo Hnzcr, Mrs. Edward Lnngcnborg and Misses Josephine Grlflln, Hendry, Alice Wnttors, Dorothy Kibbler, Frances Golden, Naomi Smith, Esthor Imhoff, Mnrlan Hovcnor, Vcstn Me Ciillough, Normn Chaso, Juno Young, Bcsslo Immel, Allco Carlson, Amy Reynolds, Mildred Rood, Alpha Wick lund nnd Lillian McCann, Rev. D. A. MacLeod, Messrs. Lylo Chapellc, Har ly Conro, Marlon Reynolds, Fred Roynolds, Oscar Carlson, Herbert Morton, Glen Grout, Clydo Smith, J. Hlsoy, Win. Wood, Clnronco Covoy, Walter MacLeod, Chns. Peterson anil Clnronco Kibbler. 0 Tho following musical progrnm was given by tho choir of tho Meth odist Eplscopnl church Wednesday ovonlng, nnd a freo will offering was takon nt Its close for tho benefit of tho families loft destltuto by tho North Star disaster: I Know that My Redeemer Llvotli. Blessed Is Ho. Bohold I Stand nt tho Door. Magnify tho Lord. Tho Christ Is Come. Tho Bcnutlful City of God. Ho Will Hnvo Mercy. Pralso God From Whom nil nioss Ings Flow. Benediction. Tho numbers woro cxcollontly ren dered nnd woro equally gratefully appreciated, as was proven by tho gonorous collection taken. A sub stantial aid was given tho Rellof Fund thru theso efforts of tho choir nnd director, Mr. F. A. Sncchl, who hns glvon so much vnlunble tlmo nnd thoughtful enro to this mnttor. Un dor tho direction of Mr. Sncchl the choir hns reached a high degreo of musical prowess, with tho result that tho selections glvon WedncBdny woro exceedingly plensnnt to hear and ln dleato excollont training nnd prac tice. Tho members of tho choir nro: Tonor Frank Sumnor, Mr. Isaac son, Clny Church, Frank Howe. Soprano Ruth Allon, Mrs. Cooloy, Mrs. Howard Savago, Mary Hansen, Mrs. F. Rlrch. Alto Mrs. Irish, Evelyn Lang-worthy, Bass Mr. Grannis, Mllo Sumuor, Lesllo Isancson, Dr. Winkler, F. C. Birch, Mr. Hunt. "MONEY TALKS" Clearance Sale of Men's Overcoats Saturday Only We have about 50 New Overcoats in three-fourths and full lengths, blacks and colors, medium and heavy weights.1 Your unrestricted choice, Saturday, February 3rd, One-Half Price "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. BANDON MARSHFIELD o Mrs. Harry Nnsburg gave n llttlo quilting pnrty yesterday afternoon nt which sovernl ladles of tho Eplsco pal church wero present. Invitations hnvo beon Issued by Miss Hazel Morrlninn nml Mloo w,.- I lyn Langworthy for n Vnlentlno pari ly, i'-ou. , Miss Mary Clarke today received particulars of tho marriage of her sister, Miss Theresa Ciarko, to Donnls McCarthy at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco last Mondny morning at 8 o'clock. Tho news of tho wed ding will como as a surprise to tho host of friends of tho couple on C003 nny. Although thero wore Intima tions of tho nuptlaw when Mr. Mc Carthy left for California last week soon after MIbb Ciarko went to San Francisco, nono of their friends woio sure of It. Mr. McCarthy Is head timber crulsor for tho Coos County Commissioners and Is ono of tho most highly respected men In this section. Ills brtdo hns been engaged in the mllllnory business hero with her sis ter and their ninny frlonds will unite In wishing thorn all tho happiness that tho future can bring. After a six weeks' honeymoon trip through California, they will return to Mnrsh field to make their homo. Tho cnthcdral In which thoy woro wed was tho ono that tho mother of tho brldo attended services In for years. 0 Mr. nnd .Mrs. E. W. Knmmoror nro moving from their Railroad Addition houso to tho placo formerly occupied by R. 51. Jennings nnd wife In West Mnrshflcld. 0 Tho Ladles of St. Monica's Catholic Church woro ontortalncd Inst Wcd nosdny nftornoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Blnnchflold In South Marsh field. They will meet with hor ngnln next Wodnesday nftornoon. 0 Tho Young Pooplo's Society of tho Swedish Luthornn Church mot fori ordlnnry business Inst ovonlng In tho church, Tho olectlon of offlcors wns postponed until noxt meeting. 0 Tho Women's Mlsslonnry Society of tho Bnptlst church will bo enter tained noxt Wednesdny by Mrs. E. W. Lewis nnd Mrs. Petei Clnuson nt tho Cluuscn homo In South Marshfiold. Tho society nieots on tho first Wed nesdny of every month for an nftor noon of business nnd pleasure. 0 A Midwinter Ball is to bo given this ovenlng nt tho Eagles' hall by Mr. Toollo and his orchestra of North Bend, tho proceeds of which aro U swell tho Roliolf Fund for thoso who woro widowed nnd orphaned by tho North Star wreck. It Is hoped that all will attend nnd that as largo a purse as possible will bo raised for their benoflt. PERSONAL 0VERH0W After n short business meeting, tho Young People's Socloty of tho Bnp tlst church, meeting Friday night at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. P. Hnr rlngton, proceeded to dovoto tho rest of tho evening to fun nnd frolic. Games of all kinds were stnrted nnd tho lively ovoulng furnished a groat deal of pleasure to nil who woro so fortunato as to nttond. Recitations wero given by Miss Frances Frnnso and Mrs. E. E. Kelly that wero de- llghtful in mood nnd expression. At the close of tho evening refreshments woro served by tho hostess, assisted by Miss Alpha Mnuzey. Among thoso present wero Misses Umn nnd Isis Mnrsh. Alpha Mauzoy, Clara Roh flold. Frances Franso, Ruth Mat thews, Belva Flangan.Emma Quater mass, Anna Downs, Helen McLaugn lln.Cora Dye, Edna Cralg, Randa WM. BONEBRAKE was u MarBhlleld visitor today. MRS F. C. TRUE and bnby aro horo from Coqulllo to visit at tho O. 0. Lund home. E. L. PIERCE wns doing business In Coqulllo today, returning on thin evening's train. REV. F. W. DAVIS nrrlvod in Mnrsh flcld this morning ovorland. Ho has recently visited St. Paul, Minn., and other Eastern points nnd has como to Marehflold to spend a couplo of weeks or so In this vi cinity. JOE LARSON, of Allegany, who re cently sold his ranch, tho old Ed Noah placo, to Carl Johnson, wna in tho city todny mnklng arrange ments to start soon on a yonr'8 tour of Europo and Bays whon ho returns ho will como through tho Panama Cannl. R. W. EDGINGTONand family aro recont arrivals In Mnrshflold, com ing to locato pormanontly. Mr. Edglugton Is spnclnl roprosontatlvo for Pacific Mutual Llfo Insurnnco Company of Los Angoles, Cal., and has camo horo to pormanontly os- tabllsh that company In this dis trict. C. A. LANGWORTHY and wife nnd bnby returned Inst ovenlng from an oxtended trip through Callfornln. Thoy camo vln Bandon. Mr. Lnngworthy says that during his trip ho did not strlko a slnglo plnco thnt looked ns good to him ns Mnrshflold. Thoy had a vory pleasant trip. Stamson, Lola Montgomery, Allco Tlckoll, Bessie Ayrcs, Mrs. Cluudo Stutsman, Slgna StnmBon, nnd Mury Prlco, Mrs. Mnrsh, Mr. and Mrs. H. muuK, mrs. is. k. Kelly, Mrs. Mc Laughlin. Mrs. A. 55. Downs, Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Harrington, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alva Doll, Dr. Lesllo, Rev. G. LoRoy Hnll, Messrs. Chns. Smith, Geo. Doll, Clifford Donno, J. Martinson, Harry Jonds, Chns. Rohflold, Lomborg, F. B. Shlrrel, Claudo Stutsman, Rny 01 llvant, Clnrenco Llndborg, C. H. Smith nnd Everett Hnrrington. LEAVE TODAY ON 1 Steamer Sails This Mon ' With Large Passenger List for Portland. Tho Bronkwator sailed this 1 Ing for Portlnnd with a large llftw passongors nnd a fair cargo ot 1 collnnoouB frolght. Among tho out-going passetp woro Louis Keating and IUrr11 Mohr, who aro to havo charge old Broakwator's now offlco In Pori Among thoBO sailing on the Br wntor woro tho following: K. W. Goodalo, Mrs. Lawlor.l MnrJorlo Cowan, M. Phelan, 0. fcf son Knufmnn, Mrs. 0. W. Hauls 0. J. Addis, Shorloy Trollnger.&l Goldstoln, C. R. Peck, J. D. Choi Mrs. J. B. Chonto, Rufus Cnoi Mrs. Howard Savngo, I. It. To Georiro nnnnon. Goorco Gtt Gcorgo Hormnn, Mrs. George man. Chnuncoy Clark, Ella H'l Mrs. A. C. Jones. Mrs. McStarJn Wilson, Bosslo Long, W. A. Smi Chnrlcs Kndko, Fred CaughelL 1 H. Glllnnd, A. P. Fulkorson, W McClollnn. Mrs. Roy McClellw.1 W. Estns. MIrb nillhicB. Miss BlWtf W. P. Clonry, B. Sldwell. Mlj Johnson. Henry Block. 0. Qui". I V.. Tlmn,1lin Tnn. TtQUrOr. A- ' Mnthows, F. 0. Horton, Lee Us City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: Will go anywhero at any time." p iS?frBIa55 Hotel and nanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. nARKER & GOODALE. Proprietor. ! "1 Mrs. M. G. Coleman, Miss Flore" Potorson of May. nnd Mrs. Monroe of Floronco, were Msrtl& shoppora yostordny. Mrs. B. R. Hodson and daogW Misses Erma and Irene, will be ' nml minafa nf thn Robt. "' homo. Tho w n rn tt win meet ..J , W. A. W. "- .J dav at 2; 30 nt tho homo of Mr.' Rnnhnnn .Tnnnn on Virgin' i, ... ATnhrt ' union avenues, ah uw""-j urged to bo present as final ff mentn will ho mado for w contest which Dr. Clarke 1 P1"" to hold tho middle of this monti- SPECIAL CANDY Sale at $ FORD'S Saturdny and Sunday WANTED-- 200,000,000 Coos County Fir Cedar nnd Snruco. Rmn ,Ma n, nroper P will bo considered. Apply to Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. Henry Songstacken, Manager Tzaraa! t- i -v.