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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 2, 1912 EVEMIWG EDITION I a.' a a ii ni mm mmt m mil uunuliii ED ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE HAWLEY BUS y JETTY rrz-'fi Continued from pago .) Congressional action will bo In the form of a direction Included in tho pending river and harbor bill for an examination. Tho examination can, howovor, bo provided for bjr resolu tion of tho Commlttoo on Commerce of tho Sonato or tho Commlttoo on Rivera and Harbors of tho House of Representatives, as provided for In cction 3 (bottom pago GO) of tho rlvor and harbor act of March 2, 1907. Tho papors and photographs loft 'by you at this offlco havo boon re- talnod for uso In connection with any further examination which may bo dlroctod. Senator llunio WrlU-H In reply to a letter from tho Cham :bor of Commerce expressing Ita ap preciation of tho courtesies extended .'Hugh McLaln on his recent visit to "Washington, Sonator Dourno wrlteB Pr. J. T. McCormac as follows: "My Dear Doctor: I am In receipt of your valued favor of tho 15th. I It wan a great pleasure fop mo to -moot Mr. Hugh McLaln, and If I was of any asslstanco to Aim hero, I am Tory glad. Regarding tho Coot Bay projoct, 1 bollovo that tho citizens of your lo cality will bo satisfied with tho no tion that may bo taken this congress In Toforonco to Cous nay appropria tions. I fully explained to Mr. Mc Lain tho situation and I am satisfied that' It wo got tho survey fo thp Jetty work that that Is tho best thnt can bo accomplished now In vlow of tho fact that tho appropriation was mndo for tho building of a sca-gnlng dredgo. With appreciation and reciproca tion of your kind wishes. QUIKT IN LISRON North Bend News Dr. Holllstor was called to Ten Mile today on business. Mayor and Mrs. L. J. Simpson will leavo Saturday for San Francisco. Frank Rlcbo hns moved his family from Ray City to tho Doano farm on Catching Inlet. Rov. Father Kovnoy has returned to Dandon after a short visit with Father Springer hero. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Qclsondorfor havo moved into tho C. II. Hockott residence- on Sherman avonuo. Tho Swedish Lutheran Church Is giving n social Saturday evening In tho church parlors on Lincoln square Mrs. F. S. Rlcbo and children, of Catching Inlot, nro guests today of tyre. J. C. Doano, of South Marsh-flold. CondltloiiH In INirtugul Rcmimo Nor- nuil Today '(By Associate Prvaa to th Cooa Baj Times.) LI8110N, Fob. 2 Llfo In this city rosumod normal conditions today. Roports como from tho north front ier that tho royalists nro showing activity In tho Northwosturn provin ces of Spain, bordorlng on Portugal. AN EPIDEMIC OF COUGHING Ifl swooping ovor tho town. Old and young nllko nro affected, and tho strain Is particularly hard on llttlo cblldron and on oldorly people Fol ey's Honoy and Tar compound Is u quick, Hiifo and rollablo euro for all coughs and colds. Contains no opi ates. Red Cross Drug Store. Mrs. W. O. Coopor, who has boon visiting for Bcvoral days at tho Blair homo in Bangor, has roturnod to hor homo In Myrtlo Point Earl Hutchlns, of Nowborg, Ore gon, has arrived hero to take a posi tion In tho store of his brotherlu law, S. S. Jennings. Tho Episcopal ladles will hold a cooked food salo Saturday afternoon in tho Coos Bay Grocory In North Bond. Miss Gortrudo Mandlgo, Mrs. J. W. Gardner and Mrs. I. B. Bartlo aro tho commlttco In chargo. A. E. Morton Is acting an North Bond agont to tho Breakwater whllo C. F. McCollum la enjoying a visit in San Francisco. Benefit There Sunday After noon for Families Launch Wreck Victims. Plans have been completed for the concert to bo given by tho Coos Bay Concert Band assisted by some North Bend talent at Eckhoff hall In North Bond next Sunday afternoon ns n ben efit for tho families of tho victims of tho Launch North Star disaster. It Is expected that many from Marsh field will attend and arrangements havo been mndo tor a special boat to leavo here at 1;30, tho concert not beginning until 2:30. Tho North Bend muslclnns who will nsslst aro Miss Delia Broulllard, Mrs. C. S. Kaiser, Mrs. C. II. Worroll and C. S. Kaiser. Director Feuton has announced tho following program for tho concert: Mnrch, "With tho Trumpet and Drum" Weldon Overture, "Orphous" .. ..Offenbach "These Aro They Which Camo" (Holy City) Gaul Mlas Dolla Broulllard Selection from Romeo andIullct" Mycrbocr C. S. Kaiser Descriptive Fantasia, "Winter" (by request) Lnmpo Solcctlon Miss Dolla Broulllard Solccton, "Tho Seronndo" Victor Herbert Mnrch, "Mars Triumphal" . . .Plnard teachers to fill vancanclcs In tfio grades, their salaries being fixed it G5 per month. Mrs. Frank E. Monroo of Floronco will bo a guest for tho noxt two weeks at tho M. G. Colomnn homo In NorUi Bend. Jns. Thomas, an edgorman at tho Porter mill, was Quito badly hurt by being struck by a scantling that got caught In tho machine No bones woro brokon but ho was rendered un conscious for a row minutos by tho blow. ' F. Kalsor of Dufur, Orogon, has boon ongnged as loador of tho North Bond Concert Bnnd. Ho Is a broth er of 0. S. Kaiser of North Bend. Ho formorly lived In North Bond' and ! romomborcd ns an excellent cornet player. Fred Holllstor hns returned frifm a business trip to Eugeno and Flor ence. Ho says tho rallrond pros pects aro bright. Mrs. Holllstor ami son who w'oro visiting hor paronts, Capt. and Mrs. Bergman at Floronco, returned with him. At a meeting of tho North Bond school board this week, Supt. A. G. Rnab was re-olected for n torm of two yoara at a salary of ?1,C00 per an num. This will bo gratifying nows to tho patrons of tho tho North Bond schools us Mr. Raab has dono much to ndvaneo tho schools to thlor pres ent stnndnrd. Mrs. E. A. Brown and Mrs. Irish of Marshflold woro olouted NEW PAPAL DELEGATE. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 2. -Monslg-nor Giovanni Bonz'nno, the now rec tor of tho Collogo Propoganda at Romo has been named as pnpal dole gato to tho United Stntos, succeeding Dlomodo Fnlconlo, who recently wnn elected cardinal. "MONEY TALKS" Clearance Sale of Men's Overcoats Saturday Only We have about 50 New Overcoats in three-fourths and full lengths, blacks and colors, medium and neavy weignts. Your unrestricted choice, Saturday, February 3rd, One-Half Price "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe G BANDON MAHSHPIHi Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eatttide and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Bt. Special PEANUT I1RITTLE and TAFFY SALE nt STAFFORD'S. sound sleep of good health lb not for thoso suffering from kldnoy nllmonts and Irrogularltlos. Tho prompt uso of Foloy Kldnoy PUIb will dlspol backacho and rheumatism, heal and strongthon soro, weak and ailing kldnoys, restore normal action, and with It health and strength. Mrs. M. F. Spalsbury, Sterling, 111., Bays: "I suffered great pain In my back and kldnoyB, could not sleep nt night, and could not raise my hands over my head. Dut two bottles of Foloy Kldnoy Pills cured mo." Rod Cross Drug Store. Perry (& Nicholson 4 Special Clearance Prices All Broken Lots Dining Chairs 20 PER CENT OFF All Odd Rockers 20 PER CENT QFF Some Odd Buffets Good Styles j 20 PER CENT OFF Odd Library Tables ' 20 PER CENT OFF Special Bargains in Bedsteads Rugs Come In and let us show you One' Great, Grand Good Line of RUGS. You will find patterns and qualities here not found elsewhere. We have good Rugs and Artistic Rugs at very low prices. , . , Come in and See PERRY & NICHOLSON People Take Notice! Wo havo all lengths of stovo wood for Balo, prices ranging from 11.50 por tier up. Wo can furnish any length you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. Buy Your Meal at tne UNION MEAT MAI And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Pboae Unique Pantatorium DYKING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ROSS & PINEGOH. 256 Central avonuo Phono 260X nAT WORK. TnE FRIEND OP COOS DAY" S. S. ALU AN EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR COOS BAY f ROM PORTU Monday. February 5, at 6 P. M. CONNECTING WITU Tint NORTH HANK ROAD AT ME NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPACT, PHONE It O. F. McQKORGEj Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sec GORTUELL Phono 8181 We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57.J Now Is the Time TO nAVE THAT RESIDENCE WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PnONE 8377 Steamer Homer DATE OF SAILING TO BE ANNOUNCED LAI F. S. Dow, Agent FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redoiv .wiwBBl uvuil'l'isi) WITH WIRELESS AND Hliwifl"'"".. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR CO0SI Monday, February 5, at 3 P. fl. Phono 44 O, F. McQBORQM I I Havo Somo First Class RESIDENCE LOTS In Eugene to Exchange for Coos Bay Property. What Have You Got? AUG. FRIZEEN 68 Central Ave., Marshfleld. IMEN of klea. who have borne Inventive abllitv please write (iliKKI.EV 1 ililNTIIlK EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS veamsh'p Breakwal ALWAYS ON TIMH I SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON JANUARY 9, i J SAILS FROM COOS BAY AT SERVICE OF THE TD UARY 0, 13, 20, 27. L. H. KEATING, AGENT PRON DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELING MRS. E. BANDEL riiono 10-J, Cor. 4th una Park Avo. T. J. BOAIFE MarshfieW ti&Decorat Dl.tlOTotoa w Per ( was b!e Mng ID w. r. 1 kno Pblc pr hi four breo FDD Furnished Phne t .!, :: ' rn"ftl