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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1912)
'W THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY. 2l1912 EVENING EDITION, ... v in '" faa r iii 'dv Ufl'i t At .' rr TT i ' . i . n i TrT mil n'iMM mi -,-. U -,1.1, V I J f ! I GRAN9 THEATER TONIGHT!!! DON'T MISS IT 191 1 World's Championship Base Ball Games ' -V V 'TY, il' ! L. V . 11 i 4 1 V Philadelphia vs. New York Grai4 Theater Tonight ways . tok .tiafe. A A KTI Uttc l"Aiicn77 ' IIIC A vvi ibi 5te2s& Special for Two Days INU LONGER PEROXIDE ,... or i full rouNDs asc ' ?IALF POUNDS 15o Quarter'POUNDS .'. 10o " This Ifl tho L. St M. brand, thoro bolng tio bettor- and la guaran vi undor tho Puro Food and Drura act, Understand, thla Is not in Inferior grado and tho salo laeta only until Saturday. Lockhart-Parsons-Drug Co. HONE ' ' ' ' MAIN 298 US Free Delivery i Phone YourJOrders f lerring, Flounders, Sea Bass, Steel Head Salmon and Crabs, "Clams' of 'All Kinds Our'Stock Is Fresh Every Morning . .it i , CITY FISH MARKET i Ferguson Transfer Building, Foot of Market Avenue SMITH' & BALCH '' ' ' ' Phbne 269-J WANT ADS. FOR R ISN'T A thntMNrooin house In Fcrndalo. Phono' 124-L. .UNITED Statea .Caahlor Will soil any part of 100 sharos U. S. Cash lcr stock at $14 per. O. II. Mc Clolland, 208 Railway Exchango, Portland, Oro. FOR SALE At barguln, 2 1-2 h. p. gasoline onglno, stationary typo. F. M. Frlcdborg. FOR BALE 40 M. Bhlnglo at a bnr bnln. F. M. Frlcdborg. FOR SALE Practically now up rlRht piano. Inquire at Times office. I. V"-".. " jr ?r v tOOS s bay TIDES. Bol .w is glvon tho tlmo and hqlghth of high and low water at Murshflold. B Tho tides nrb placed In tho ordor of occurrcncb, ivlth tholr tlmoa on the first line and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consocutlvo holghts will Indicate whether It Is high Or low water. For high wntor on bar, subtract 2 hours 3-1 minutes. Date February, 1012. 2 hours.. 2.38 7.3G 1.54 8.24 TIdo ...4.8 3 hours.. 3.18 TIdo ...B.'4 4 hours.. 3.157 TIdo ... .5.8 3.4 8.29 2.4 0.17 1.0 7,3 1.3 2.40 9.U7 7.3 1.5 3.30 9.47 7.1 0.8 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight colder' In cast. Saturday with castorly winds. 4 and fair MJlk Scarce Tho Cooa Day Con donsary has closed down for a month, owing to Bhortago of milk. New Boat .Tack Lapp has a now speed boat, tho Kid III. The hull was built by Matson and Erlckson of Catching Inlet and the cnglneB nre those he formorly had In tho Kid II. FOR RENT Furnished houso kooplng rooms, Blnglo or In sultos, $10 for sulto of 3 rooms. Phono ICC, North Bond. Meet Saturday Tho regular meet-? ing qf the W. C. T. U. will bo hold tomorrow afternoon at 8 o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Fnnnlo Wheolor on Third streot South. WANTED Position n inniiiigcr of rooming houso. Mrs. 13. M. Tray er, North Dond, FOR RENT Modern furnished f rooms and .housokcoplng apart-! monts; frco bath. Lloyd Hotol. Is Scvcnty-Ono Chas. Sneddon, tho well-known Mnrshflold pioneer, Is today celebrating his seventy-first birthday. Ho was tho recipient of congratulations from his many friends who woro awaro of tho anni versary. I Play Randon Tho Marshflold ' High School-basketball tonm loft this ,,,..wu ... , ,, ' morning for Bnndon, whoro they will WANTED Position by practical. , U0 1)nn(on Hlgh Bchool toam nurso, for wook or month. Pro- tl;,8 ovonlng. Tho team Is rather for confinement cases. Room 3, rpplod throo ot tho rcgulnr p1ay. nbovo Times office I uo,ng nnblo to go. Chauncoy "" ' PlnrUn linil Jo rntnnln In Orilor to FOR SALE Puro t,rod singlo cntcR tho nrcnlwntor for Portland nnmlt T)Yi1it falntift Tlstrt Ann1Ait1a ' vu...u w.wuw .a.,,..u ,ivU ""''"p tomorrow, Guy Stutsman was bick' $3 each. Dond, Or. L. J. Simpson, North FOR RENT H room houso with two nnd Isaacson waH unablo to go, Hen ry Lococq, Ooo. Johnson nnd Wcsloy Senman wont as substitute playors. !,rrroC,rC0bro.r. THIS BOOK WORTH READING Eastsldo. m FOR RENT Sixteen room houso close In. Modorn conveniences. Reasonable rent. Soo Ivy Condron. FOR RENT 10-room house la South Mnrshflold. Phono llfl-L. Tho Adlor-l-ka book, tolUng how you can EASILY guard against ap pendicitis and how you can rollovo stomach nnd bowel troublo nlmost INSTANTLY, Is offered freo for a short tlmo by Lockhart & Parsons Drug Co. DON'T RIDE YOUR LITTLE .BROTHER'S WHEEL ANY MORE Every Pound of Meat yQUbuy horo moans moro enjoy mont In eating, moro bonoflt toj tho eaters. Every tondor, Juicy. morsol you Bwallow will provo to you that our moats aro far superior 1 to any you liavo ovor tasted. For old peoplo who cannot chow ordinary moats, ours nro a boon. Thoy are so tondor they almost molt In tho mouth without any chewing at all. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKET. . ..FOURIER BROS. Two Markets NORTH BEND MARSHFIELD OET A DAYTON fm Working . jMan's Time (Complied by otjo who's' bootf'ihero.) YOUR SIZE Table NDEirTIIE AUSPICES' OP THE YOUNCPPEOPLE OF COod BAY fOIt THE BENEFIT OP TUB WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF THE . k NORTH STAR, DISASTER. Ogles' Hall, Saturday Feb. 3 MflCtV hv Ctxexc ftav (irnhncira ( l" Toello (Director). Violin; n. T.vnn. ninrlnnt; Haves Howard J 'nn.i.. n ... " " - '; ", n, u. Simpson, Trombone; Alma Xoello Piano; ,J. Shepard fv ' LyOJl JwwZ vv; J- urummer. fVhen Y 1 JK ' n lou neor tho Snappy Two-Stops nnd Dreamy Walltzos Youl u't Can't Make Your Feet Behave,, , ! Admission qent'S $1.00 ladies free. torn n....- - Ikti Bta. nUIW,nf' Electric ! Sr A.Ubtu prop. KOTJLPy-J?""-- THE ONE WnO WALKS. Gotting Up Eating Broakfast Starts to Work Walking 'T.nE-ONE."WHO RIDES. .5:30 A. M Stooping .0:00 A. H.VA, .'..'..' , ".'.Getting Up , .'g:15 A. M. . . ,(. . , Cooking Breakfast .6:30 A. M Eating Breakfast Walking 6:45. A. M , ..Starts to Work At Work .7:00 A. M S,J.'. ,i .'. . .At Work Full (Cold) Dinner Pall. .. .12:00 M Going Homo to Lunch Whittling a Stick, ...... .,.'.12:30 P. M Reading tho Paper kV Work .....'....' .1:00 P. M .f:..,. .AfWork Starts Homo ,..,....0:00 P. M.,.. ....Starts Homo Walking 6:15 P. M Ready for Supper Bell Walking 0:30 P. M Resting Eating Supper 6:45 P. M Ready to go out Tired Out 7:00 P. M Enjoying HlmscU ' ' S . . A M M. & , TO' RIDE NOW J . BUY A DAYTON Have Steel Rims Will Not Warp WANTED ! ! ! JARPETS, .UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEANi ,by tho Pneuma tlo.pioanjng, Company,, Orders for work taken at GOING & HARVEX PnONE 106 , GUARANTEE!) J i' Have Steel Mudguards FIVE YEARS Keep tho Mud Off YOU NEED NOT SEND A POWER OF ATTORNEY OR A STRING OF AFFIDAVITS EAST TO REPLACE A DEFECTIVE PIECE. COME TO MARSHFIELD CYCLERY liv.,A,!k,lifi n7 ,i" H SOT.H AGENTS . Cor. Front ami Alder. RAKING good care of you that's our business in clothes; not merely trying to sell you some thing, and get your money1, but?cto see that'yo'ii get what you want, what fits and looks' well; tKe right clothes for i you. I rts Hart Schaffner & Marx make them; we sell them. WOOLEN MILL STORE This storo Is tho homo of llnrt Schaffner & Mark clothes. Coach Qrannls accompnnlod tho team. 1 Is Mnklng Improvement F. M. Frledberg hns commenced building nn addition to his West Mnrshflold rcsldonco making n number ot nltor ntlons and additions. , Letter Po8tage Postmaster Curtis says there scorns to, bo a misunder standing by tho gonornl public In roforonco to locnl letters. All local lottors heroaftor muct boar two cents postn'RO whether addressed to a poBt ofllco 'bbx or for carrier distribution. Parties' rocolvlng mall by cnrrlor nro also requested to Imvo the number nnd street nddrosB placed on all com munications to facilitate doltvory. Shipments Increnso Jack Guyton jhan Just complotcd compiling somo I intorcstlng statistics on'vtho lumber production of Coos County last year. According to his figures, thoro was an Incronso of nbout 07 per cont over tho production for 1910. In round numbers, ho estimates tho lumber shipped from tho Coqullto in 1911 was 0300,0,000 feet, an Increaso of nbout 90 por cent ovor 1910, nnd tho shipping froin tho Bay to hnvo boon about 105,000,000 feet in 1911, nn Increnso of nbout 60 por cont ovor tho previous year. Tho Improvements mndo by tho Coos County mills dur ing tho yenr totalled far Into tho thousnnds of dollars. PERSONAL NOTES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTICE Tho rogulnr monthly mooting of tho Marshflold Chamber of Com morco will bo hold Friday evening at 7:30 and all mombors, Including tho members of the Exccutlvo Com mittee, aro requested to bo present. Chairman Grimes will nhnounco his now committees for tho ensuing year. J. T. McCormac, Pros. Fqur Flavors of TAFFY 20c LB. nt STAFFORD'S. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hav UAVAYR UHKD. PnONE 73 Psclfir Mvrv & Transfflr Co. A Largo Variety of tho Latest SINGER SEWING MACHINES Such as thd 00-27 and 9W7 aro to bo' scon now at our office Como and look thorn over hoforo buying elsowhero. Wo also havo a few slightly used machines of different makeB from $ft to 910. Ropalrlng a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. SINGER' SEWING MACHINE OFFICE 178 So. Broadway, MnrshfkIil. Phono: 184-L. Coos Bay Naturopath College CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY and all branches ot Natural Thera peutics taught. Tonus reasonable. First Semester to open February 12. For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North Iiend, Oregon. twj 4 II J' iJ t(. I II..M "TT""" AUpyST FJtIZEEN wont to MyrtlO Point today on buBlnss. DADE HAINES Is rocovorlng .from ft sovoro attack of la grlppo. OLE EVENSON was In Marshflold from his ranch on business today. MRS. JAS. COCHRAN, or Coos City was 'a ' Marshflold shopper yostor day. CAPT. II. W. DUNHAM' Of Coqulllo a Marshflold business visitor yo terday. FRED CAUOHELL of Woddorburfl Is a Marshflold business visitor to dny. ' ,; E. W. KAMMERER nnd family hnvo moved from railroad addition to West Marshflold. GEOROE SHERIDAN of tho North, Bend Condcnsary was a Marshflold business visitor today. FRANK RI3IB13 and wlfo hnvo movod from Bay City onto tho J. O. DoaD.0 ranch on Catching InloU JAS. SHERIDAN, who Is now em ployed nt Camp 7 on Isthmus In let, camo down yostorday on busi ness and pleasure NED O. KELLY roturnod tp Coqullto today nttor spondlug a couple of days horo on business, - . MRS. T. C, RUSSELL (fid her stater, Miss Tona Sneddon, of Bonver Hill aro Mnrshflold visitors tonay. MRS. CLAUDE KIDDER has return ed to Coqulllo aftor spondlng a couple of days horo on business. MISS EDITH PRE8TON, ot Lowoll, Mass., Is oxpected horo noxt wook by her undo, F. P. Norton, to mako an oxtendod stay with him In Marshflold. D. A. CURRY has boon laid up for a fow days with an injured hand, having accidentally run a natl through tho niombor while doing some ropnlr work at his homo. CHAUNCEY CLARKE will loavo on on tho Broakwator tomorrow for t .Portland, whoro lio will visit for u fow days with his undo, Joo Fen holz of St. Paul, who Is making a trip to tho coast. MILO PIER80N loft this afternoon fpr Ton Mile to look nftor business matters nnd to nttond a big ball to bo given nt tho hall thoro to morrow nlght M. A. SWEETMAN returned yester day from a bustnoss trip to Fish trap. Ho reports that It was tvory warm thoro yostorday and tho day previous. Tho roads aro In bad shapo In that section. ALEX SIMPSON of Lnrsen's Jnlet who has been laid up for about five months with an lnjurcd1kncu was ablo to bo In Marshflold to day. Ho has not fully recoyorod but Is getting n,long' 'as woll ns could ho expected. MISS ALIGfa Tlckoll, who has been employed in Portland slnco hor re turn from a visit at her old home near Rochester, N. Y., last summer arrlvdd hero yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. G. Loroy Hall. Sha will go to Coqulllo soon to tako a position In Sheriff Gage's office during tho tax payment rush. Don't forget the Turkish Bntha PnONE 2M-.L The Flour That Does Not Disappo nt Sperry's Drifted Snow flour : BEST BY EVERY TEST -J !rt'w .V3. vZZt m . J y .. fr V m I L ' 1 -,' '1 v. . - - jjl