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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1912)
rTtfE CO0,S BAY TlljlES, MARSHFIEtO, OBEGOft, FRIDAY, FEBBIjY, 2, 1912 EVEWIWQ EOjTIONi .rtafc.flfv ,f. I ""J r, v -, ,, , 4 - - ' "' " '-" ' - " ""'" . u ,.i i 7 S ft, fc'M N . , COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONHY Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY Nens Editor . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. POPULATION INCIDENTAL. THE real slzo of a city 18 nioas uscd by the way It does things. Thoro woro only 14,000 free people In Athens during Its best days, and what It did has mado It the city of the -world for all time. There are people enough on Coos Hay and wealth of resources onough to make It the most notnblo centor of the twontleth contury, with one nnltcd nnd unselfish of fort to that end. I TVhat could Coos Day do In the mext ton years If ovory dollar and every worker could be directed to the nchlovomcnt of ono phonomonal accomplishment? I Growing population Is encourag ing, bqcnuBO It holps to stimulate en thusiasm. It Is tho world's measuro of llfo and nmbltlon and progress. But thoro nro other standards fully sg Important. Tho slzo of a city's nmbltlons and their aim nnd tho pnorgy wjth which they are prosecuted, count for more. A community of lO.QOO Is big The Alliance 'wf l sal fiom Port" land for Coos .Day noSjt louday ev ening. Tho Breakwater will sail at 'J o'clock tomorrow morning for Portland. Tho Itandolph arrived off the liar joarly today from Cold Beach and Port Orford. Tho Itodoudo will sail from San Francisco for Coos Day next Mon day afternoon. The Excelsior nrrled In todnj' from San Francisco with freight which she discharged at the Alilntice dock. She will load with lumber here. Agent F. S, Dow has received word that tho Steamer Washington will stop at Eureka this trip and next week, probably, will start on tho Coos Dny-San Francisco run. , Tho Steamer Arcatn, which was formerly on the Coos Day run, wljl bring tho freleht hero for tho Washington this enough to startlo tho civilization ofltrin anii wm nrobably arrlvo next Ita tlrrics, If It has tho right sort of Tuesday. Initiative " ' ' ? Prevent Fire Doing awakonod by tho strong odor of gas, Proprietor -"Qnatcrmass of tho Quatomass studio ,, -about 2 o'clock, this morning prevent ed what might have resulted In a pa& explosion and flro. Not being ablo to find tho gas leak, ho called "Watchman Doano and Shupo who de cided It wns In Sartor's Candy Storo. Mr. Sartor was called down .and on opening tho store, tho room was found filled with gas. The lonk was aiscqvorcd nnd Btopped. They havo .toon mnklpg noma. altreaUons in tho ttorq which Mr Snrtor recqntly pur chased from D. Y. Stafford and this 1 believed to havo caused tho trouble. GROWS .HAIR ON ' heads' BALD SII -R0G m thy "Heavy Fog Prevents Little Weather Forecaster From Seeing Shadow Here. Today Is one ol groat fllgultlcaujo in tho East whoro tho groundhog, lit tle dweller beneath tho earth's am face, Is supposed to take his llrst aprlngtlmo stroll. It he sees hU shndow he retires for nix weeks of . anticipated bad weather. , His ac tions, however, do not havo any effect on tho charming cllmato of old Coos Day. Henry Dlnck sajs that some of the local weather prophetH have got him mixed up on the proposition unci lie 1b not Hiiro Just liow to forecast on tho wenther this year. Ho says thai ho Is sti ro that today, Febrtiury 2, U Ground Hog's day hut that others ap pear equally positive that yesterday was Ground Hog's day. Now the vuii wns, shining yesterday, making It cortnln that tho Ground Hog aw Ills shadow when ho emorged from Ills holo whllo today a heavy fog would makp It Impossible for him to ceo hit shadow. STATEMENT, BY ,A H.LEWIS. To tho Public: An erroneous report has boon stnrtod In Marshflold through tho Jealousy of certain pnrtlos that Roy. 'G. L. Hall has an IntoreBt In our confectlonory business nnd lost It gain further hoadwny, I wish to stato very emphatically that Mr. Hall has not now nor ovor has hnd tho slightest Intoroat financially In our business. Un pnys for whnt ho gots nnd ho comos hero for tin same reason tlint tho mnjorlty of Marshflold people do to got bottor sorvlco nnd bettor goods, A. II. LEWIS. FIRST LA GIUPPE, THE?f BRON CHITIS Thnt wns tho, caso with Mrs, W. S. YlnllAi' MpPnnnru Ifv. "fv tvlfn was takon down with a sovoro at-, Fircf flnce Aiif-n Cntnirn taclc of la grippe, which run Into "S UaSS AUCO MmCe bronphltia She couched an tho' sha1 Cnrs ,onvo Fron' ot L,,y1 noto1 to uronciims. si.o cougned as tiio sue m0(Jt n trn,nfl Far(J 25(J g , , lind consumption and could not sleop ca8 nnyWnoro nt all hours. DEST t night. Tho nrst bottle of Foley's OARS. Dest drtvors. Phono 66-J un- Honey nnd Tar Compound gnvo her til 11 p. m., after 11 p. m. phone so much rollof thnt she continued K-J. Rosldonco phono 28-J; after 12 ib1ng It until slio was pormnnontly phone 181R. cured. Rod Cross Drug Store. I J). L. FOOTE, Proprietor, .ISnld-hcndcd PcoploMny Get a New Chance In Life. In thoso .days when youth la tho moving, actor In business, when a mnn makes his mark' at thirty-five nnd is ready to rotlro at forty-flvo, when buslnoss houses pension tho man wo call ''middlo aged" rathor than allow his lagging Influonco to Intrudo upon tho commercial niBh, n bald head Is almost fatal to any mnn's hopes. Tlio following must thoroforo provo Interesting to peo plo who nro losing their hair or who nro bald. Rosorcln Is ono of tho Intost and most effective germ killers discov ered by sclneco, nnd In connection With Dotn Napthol, which Is both germicidal and antlsoplle, a combina tion Is formed which destroys tho gorms which rob tho hnlr of Its nu- trlmont, nnd also creates a clean nnd hen!thy condition of tho srnlp, which nrovonls tho development of now gqrms. Pilocarpi Is n well-known agent' for rostoffng tho tialr to Us natural color, whoro tho loss of 'color has boon duo to a dlacaso of tho scalp.' Yet, It b not a colorlpgj mattor or dye. ' ji , - " ' This combination of curatives mixed with alcohol as a stimulant perfects a mpst offcctlvo remedy for hnlr nnd scalp troubles. Tho famous Rnxall "93" Hnlr Ton ic Ib chlofly composod of Rosorcln, Deta Napthol and Pllocnrpln. It holps 'to mnko tho scalp healthy, to nourish tho hnlr, to stimulate tho fol licles. Whoro tho bead Ib already bnro, It enters tho foljlclos. revital izes tho roots, supplies nourishment, nnd stlmnlntoB n new growth. Wo want you to try n few bottles of Roxnll "93" Hnlr Tonic, on our personnl guornnteo that the trlnl will not coRt you n penny If It does not gl,ve you nbsoluto satisfaction. That's proof of our faith In. thin romedy and It should Indisputably domonstrnte thnt wo know what wo nro talking nbout when wo sny that Roxnll "93" ITnlr Tonic will grow hair on bnld headfl. excopt., of course, whero bald ness has boon of such long duration thnt tho roots of tho hnlr nro entirely dend, tho follicles closed nnd grown over, nnd tho scalp Is glared. Remember, wo nro basing our Blntomonts upon what has nlrendy been nrcompllshod by tho use of Rox nll "93" Hnlr Tonic, nnd wo hnvo the right to assume that what It has dono to hundreds of others It will do for vou. In nny event you cannot lose anything bv giving It n trial on our liberal guarantee. Remember, you can get Roxnll Romedles In this com munity onlv nt our storo Tho Roxoll Store. T.ockhnrt-PnraonB Drug Co., "Tho Dusy Corner." For Snappy, Up-to-Date Men's Haberdashery, and "Something Just a Little Different," Come to THE TOGGERY Here you are, boys! Those "Fuzzy Wuzzy Hats" 'for early spring, at $3.00 to $4.00. Spicy Neckwear. First showing of Natty CIuetL Shirts. Everwear Hosiery for men. Guaran. teed for six months. Pure Silk and Lisle, $1.50 and $3.oo box of six pair all colors. See Big Window Display. This Is the Last, Chance for a Suit, or an Oyercoat 1 ' ' TAKE ADVANTAGE YOURS, ANXIOUS TO PLEASE. THE TOGGERY hi 1 1 E..W. Kammerer, Successor to Thayer Grimes and Geo. Goodrum. ilO WHV NOT TItY THIS VKXN ON HOSEUURG-COOS LINE? Kansas Man, Using Four Mules nnd Itond Scrnpcr, Starts Out to Build Railroad. (Dy Assoclafod Press to Coos Day Times.) GARDEN CITY, Kan., Fob. 2. If Rudolph Myers, who Is now GO years old, lives ton or fifteen yoars longor nnd remains firm In his dotormlna- tlon to build n rnllioad nil by him self, tho peoplo of Gnrdon City may hear tho toot of a locomotive on tho only rnllwny In tho world constructed by one-nlnn pdwor. Myers has already started his "sys tem" nnd hnB graded four inlloB of londbed out of .Tetmoro, G3 miles northeast of Garden City. Ho ox pects to bring his road ten miles nearer Onrden Cltv. tho projoctod terminus, within tho noxt year, with his own labor nnd money. In tho 1 ml. nlrendy completed ho hns done all tho labor with tho aid only of four mules hitched to a rond scrapor. Ho sayn llt'tlo nbout Ills ambitious projqct, and It Ib only known that ho intends to construct his lino' from Jctmoro, which Is on n brnnch of tho ; . i. , . . . ' santa io system, 'to tnis city, wnica Is on tho main lino. Offers of fi nancial nsslstnnco nnd labor havo been spurned by Myers. Ho bognn ncqulrlng tho right of way nbout three years ago, paying cash for tho lnnd. Somo peoplo consider Myers a "llttlo off," hut tho wlsor ones think him a Napoleon or tlnnnco nnd bo- llovo that hU right of way will bc como highly valunblo, Blnco It trnv orscs a route whoro a railroad Is much needed and over which a lino will cortnlnly bo built soonor or later. TRY THE EDGE WITH YOUIt FINGER. Examine a collar fresh from our laundry. Notlco ita clear, whlto col or, Its oven, olastlo stlffnoss, Is smooth and Its perfect shapo. Then test tho top edgo by running your finger-tip ovor it. Notlco tho Binooth, slick finish glvon It. Noth ing thoro to rub, dig or Irritate your neck. This test will provo tho valuo of our service. Bond us a trial bundlo nnd apply tho test. Marshf ietd Hand & Steam Laundry Miicy IJros. Props Phono ;0-J. Our Wngons Go' Anywhoro Anytime Blanchard's Livery Wo hao securo the livory b'ltl lo'bs of L. II, Helsuer and ard pie pared to render excellent sorvlco t( tho peoplo of Co.- Day. Cnruful i Ivors, gJOQ rljs Jd ovorything hat will mean baturactory sorvlco to tho public. Phon as for a driving horso.'a rig or anything neoded Id tbo livory lino. Wo nlao do truck g business ot tl kinds. DLANCITARD nROTHERS ' c PUbno 188-7 Livery, Feed and Bnlen Scrvlci. 141 First and Alder Stroota WM..S.TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. 1HIUIU IM WUli I OltL UtIIIUIUlll A TURKISH HATH will GOOD. Phono 21 --.!. do you --- ft-fffllMS i..i,lkti" MA-- ns'ts j Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality 35e llpyal TONIGHT . "THE SKATING nUG" Full of Fun and Falls THE RLOTTE1) URAND" A Cowboy Story of mtoriso Interest. "MUTT AND JEFF" "You Know tho Rost." SATURDAY and SUNDAY NIGnT i tw Givnt Picture Displaying Dante's Inferno ' i ' V City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel nnd Dlanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 40. DARKER & OOQDALE, Proprietors. SSISl2!!i!5lI KTRS. E. SIIADHURNE. Toncn'or of volco placement, breathing and Interpretation of song If, ready to rocolvo tho public. Studio 211 Commercial Ave. v ' i i - You Can't Afford to Give Up Your Gas Range At Any Season of .the Year The Kitchen Heater can be attached . i. rr-r , to your range in a few minutes At a small cost it will keep your kitchen warm and comfortable all winter It will save in fuel and labor and make unnecessary the change from the light clean, economical gas range Telephone J78 and ask one of our New Business men to explain fully. Oregon Power Co I Vi c rR. 15. F. WINKLER, Naturopath nnd Chiropractor. All chronic dlsoaaoB'trealod. Consul tatlon freo. Offlco hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to G and C to 8 p. m Naturopath lnstltuto Room No. 1. No. 13G Droadway, Marshtleld, Oro DR. G. W. LESLIE, n.fpnnntliln Phvalrlau Graduate of Ctfe Amorlcau school ol Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4: Phono 161-J; U'arshnold; Oregon. J W. BENNHTT, Lawyer. )ffle over Flanagan & Dennett Bank larshfleld Oregon rR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshtleld, Oregon. Jfflce: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Offlte Phone 105-J Important Notice to Property Owners Give us a description of your property and we yyjill obtain for you amount of Jaxes on , same. , Sheriff does not notify you. First National Bank D R. A. J. HENDRY'S We are equipped to do high class work on short notlco at tho -very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST DANK IX COOS COUNTY, ESTABLISHED IN 1880. Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits $100,000.00 8,000.00 Into, ?st paid on time deposits. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. U. S. Depository for Postal funds, bank free of charge. Taxes can be paid through this Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony hi'n8 LV,!tal fstWfor present day 'horaobulidors whether to or I L ,i Vlh,Cn,ln anPoarnce must always remain the MB NeAhhorhnn?at '" pemIJ of a 1,tt,Q m'w occnslonaHT. easffi Z Cn"P ns d0 'dividual tastes-a frame house a Sf nain nf?rd m ,mr,raonzo with Ito surroundings a fresh cot -th nm 8nn W lt Bd 8 W nolghbor'8 HOW hOUJJ any rate a frame houso is suECoptlbIe to most any change yo might desire and while It Is permanent It doea not nocesBarlly we SLa,n1yeB?r? or a monotony. There aro lots of thing before huffi bUt .hU8ea ai,d ,umber 41?at ?u -Bn(?u,d kn0W boforo building come In and we'll glvo you our vlows. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT SOUTH BROADWAY, MARSHFIEIJ). Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. n .,, UENR1T SENGBTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 - Marshtleld Offlw 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. J General Ag ent fBABTSIDB't-.-v smu