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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1912)
'., r y- . .! Irr-, 1 ,,. ' l j t ifTEN NOTHING SEEMS TO SUtittED LIKE 1HE OTHER fELLOW'S SUCCESS WANT ADVERTISING fai Tho TIMES VV'IH Vut Vour llcnl Estnto "lu tho Market" Effectively! it will put tho facta about your nrnnorty boforo tho eyes of nil "pos Pin buyers" In town. And If there's ono of then, who ought to ...... If. VOll'll BOll HI (Eum WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio MME Will Keep tho Inconio from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really holp tho family revonues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep that little extra lucomo ns "steady as a clock." 0u - - MEMBER OK ASSOCIATI gxmmnsEfflsammkTzwxMixmxuxssBBP Sag Qfimra !I IRESS ' ' . lis Tho Const Mall Chinese Woman Arrested at U" ntiiLe Mnnt.. Tfills All Plliinyj ... - - On Return to Portland. WONG SI SAM IS W ACCUSED OF DEED Cook of Columbia River Steam er Charged With Hav ing Slain Chinaman. 'Br Associated Press to Coos Day 1 ' Tim co.) PORTLAND, Fob. 2. 01 Son, tho r.hlncso woman nrrcstod in Billings, Mont, for tho allogod murder of Beld Ding In this city on tho night of Dccombor 20, and who arrived hero today from Montana, mndo a con fession to tho chief of police. Sold Ding was killed in tho womnn'a apnrtmonts and tho body cut up nnd placed In a trunk nnd Bhlppod to So attlo whoro It was dlscovorcd in tho depot January 24. Hor nrrost fol lowed throo days lator. As a result of 01 Son's confession lo tho pollco n warrant has been Is tued for a Chinaman whoso name hns not been mndo public. Dotcctlvo Hydo with tho assistance of two Chlneso this afternoon took into custody Wong SI Sam, who Is also charged with first dogrco mur der In connection with tho killing of Eeld Ding. Wong SI Snm has boon working as a cook on tho Btcamor Dallas City. Oi Sen wont to Tho Dalles Immediately nftor Sold Ding's disappearance nnd later returned to Portland, but is supposed to havo gone east to Dllltngs from Tho Dalles. Maine Man For Crime. 01 Son this afternoon flatly de nied that sho waB In any way impli cated in tho murdor. Sho said Wong SI Sam nnd Sold Ding woro locked In hor apnrtmontB togothor for flro hours; thnt Snm Instructed hor to go to Billings whoro ho could locnto hor as n wltnosa It ho got Into trouble Tho cxprossmnn who took tho trunk containing Ding's body to tho dopot positively identified 01 Don ns the womnn who ongnged his services nnd two othor wltnessofl who saw hor talking to tho oxprossmnn also Iden tified hor. ' TO JUSTIFY RATES Express Companion Clnim Expenses Aro Great. (Dy Associated Tress to Coos Day Times.) WAHSINGTON, Fob. 2. Efforts were begun today by tho oxpress com panies at tho hearing on express rnto3 before tho Intorstnto commorco com mission to Justify oxtstlng rates bo cause of tho oxponso of handling transportation and dollvory. DELAY MONEY TRUST PROBE Congressional Inquiry to Bo Post poned Until After Elections. (By Associated Press to Coos Day TlmeB.; WASHINGTON, Fob. 2. Develop ments Into tho proposed Congression al inquiries Into tho monoy truBt nnd hipping combine and othor interests havo surrounded tho futuro of thoso Investigations with uncertainty. Common roport Is that tho money trust Investigation will bo postponed until after tho Presidential election. STEEL TRUST MENACE Investigators Tell of Condition Sur rounding Pittsburg plant (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 2 John A. Pitch of Pittsburg, who has made an Investigation into tho condi tions surrounding tho steel workerB at Pittsburg and Birmingham was a wit ness today before the Stanloy Investi gation committee. Fitch's testimo ny was similar to that given by Louis " Brandeis of Boston who criticizes 'United States Steel corporation's Mtltude toward labor and for the con ations under which the mon wero jorklnp. Fitch said the corpora , www wields such a power as to men ace the country. UDIES' STCTltTS marked down. e wlndowoo3 BAY OASn Store. fl.I?r,,ty "WN and WOMEN will ve by buying nt IIAINES. .mi VVYU Tno const Ainu VOL. AAAV unhiiHiieil In 1878 OTSEJTCQNFESSES DETAILS OF MURDER OF SEIO 16 MARSHFIELD, MORE DYNAMITE INDICTMENTS Thirty True BIII6 Drawn Up for Indianapolis Federal Grand Jury to Vote. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Fob. 2. Thirty Indlctmonts or moro, growing out of tho govommont'e Investigation of tho dynamlto conspiracy "havo boon drawn up and tho possibility that thoy may bo voted on by tho Federal grand Jury by next Tuesday was ad mitted at tho ottlco of United States Attorney Charles W. Mlllor today. Tho indlctmonts, If any aro returned, will bo secret, although tho number of indfctmontB will bo mndo public. Who is Involved will bo kopt secrot until tho nrrests aro effected. It la said that tho threo charges on which the government based Its benrch for ovldonco woro "Violation of Federal laws regulating intorstnto transportation or oxplostvca, conspir acy to vlolato tho laws regulating transportation of explosives nnd con- ccnlmont of knowledgo of guilt of thoso who committed any of the oth or two crimes. Ortlo McManlgal, tho government's chlof witness, hns loft Indlnnnpolls and Is believed to bo on his way to Los Angeles. RAISEllRSE " Steamship's Crew Contributes Handsomely to Local Re lief Fund Today. Tho oillcors nnd crow of the, Stenm or Breakwater havo raised a pur bo of $71.50 for tho rollof fund for tho families of the victims of tho Launch North Star dlsnstor. " This amount wns turned in to Tho Times today. Whllo Capt. Mncgonn know that his trow would bo most generous In this worthy charity, thoy oven exceeded his anticipations and today he was paying great tribute to them for their kindness in tho mntor. Tho contributions through Tho Times to dnto aro ub follows: ProvIoiiBly roportod $6-10.10 Dronkwnter crow 71 BO Marshflold M. E. choir bonoflt . 17.3 Total $72S.95 Litit of Contributors TJio following Is tho list of con tributors to tho purso raised by tl Breakwator's crow: T. J. Macgonn $5.00 0. F. Pnrkor y. ... 5. CO J. M. Swoltzor ".'. . .a. 00 M. C. Dakko 3.00 Geo. L. P. Covell '. 3 00 Erik Schmidt 3. CI W. Vllloraoyar 2.00 John Cnrlson 1! 00 W. Halvreson 2.60 A. Kruhmlng 2.00 N. A. jf.hnnson . ? 00 Theo, Nonstads 2 00 E. Smith f 2.00 D. Rasmussen 2.00 Allan McCulloch .; 2.00 W. J. Kllrldo 2.00 R. W. Dunham 2.00 R. Dory .. . , .......2.00 R. Graner . .2.00 M. Dorele . . .v ". ....2.00 J. Darttas 2.50 Delaney LOO F. Klerty . .. .'. . .,. 2.00 E. Notzel .00 L. C. Zoernor ;..." 3.00 Henry Hanton 2.00 J. Pechns "-0 Pat McParko ..1.50 A. End'orwood 1.00 L. Henry ,.,.1.00 B. Dustlndery ,, ....1.00 E. Compler o..,,1.00 Ben Lopea 1.00 J. W. Hurlbut -. .. ..l.Op Total ..$71.50 BH OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 2, 1912 EVENING EDITION. TO LET WOMEN Col. RoOSeVGlt SaVS Women Should Have Right to Vote if They Want it His Views. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.. NEW YORK, Fob. 2 In an edl torlal in tho Outlook on "Women's Rights," Col. Roosovolt says In part: "I heartily bolluvo In tho equality of rights ns botwecn mnn nnd womnn, but also In full nnd emphatic rocog - nltlon of tho faot that normally, thoro can not bo an Identity of func tlon. Indoed, thoro must bo n com ploto dissimilarity of function bo twoon thorn, and any effort to Ignore this patent fact is 'silly. I bollevc in woman suffrago wborovor tho womon wnnt It. Whoro thoy dont NEED CAVALRY AND ARTILLERY United States War Department Will Try to Get More in National Guard. (Dy Associated Press to Coos, Da) Times.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 2. Serious concorn la folt by tho War Dopart- mont over tho scarcity of cavalry and field artlllory organizations In the National Guard. In a formal an nouncement of tho policy of tho de partment to oncourago theso branch es, It Is stated that unallotted funds from tho Federal militia maintenance appropriations will buw fer Ual purpose. The state soldiery Is top heavy with Infantry, probably b causVlt Is so much cheaper to organ Izo and maintain. Attention of tho dopnrtmont has boon directed also to tho fact many Btato Infantry rogl- monts nro not fully recruited nnd this is regarded as falso economy ns tho samo numbor of oxponslvo offi cers nro required for a regiment of, eight compantos ns for ono with tho full quota. T JETTY Congressman Trying to Get Action at Present Ses sion of Congress. That Congressman Hawloy is keep ing busy on tho Coos Bay Jotty Im provement project Is evldonccd by dovolopmonta In tho matter. Accord ing to a tolcgrnm from him to Marsh field parties tho othor day ho had Congressman DavldBon ngreo to introduco a resolution boforo tho Rivers and Harbors Committee that would pavo tho way for action on an appropriation at tho present session of Congress, In letters to Dr. McCormno and W. U. Douglas today, ho enclosed tho following copy of a letter he re ceived from tho Chiof of Engineers at Washington relative to the matter: Referring to the correspondence recently loft by you at this office relative to tho proposed restoration of a portion of the Jotty at Coos Bay, Oro., I havo tho honor to Inform you that a report on this subject by tho district office, Major Jay J. Morrow, Corps of Engineers, hna been re ceived. It Is tho opinion of Major Morrow that tho north Jotty should be restored to at least Its original completed condition; that such res toration will ultimately bo required, and that a postponement of tho work may greatly Increase the cost of res toration. It may be stated that the law pre vents the submission at this tlmo to Congress of a further report .or estl riate for the work desired. It is be lioved, therefore, that further action by Co-jgresa or Its committees should precede action by tho department. If tho usual custom is followed the (Continued on page 4.) 1 BUSY BOD i DECIDE SUFFRAGE want It, suffrngo should not bo forced i i1.M T !. Ia. ana.1 J . uu mum x iiitiin. mm it wuuiu uu well to lot tho women themsolvea, nnd only womon, voto at a special election as to whothor thoy do or do not wish tho voto ns pormanont possession." Continuing tho editorial sayB that whoro euffrago is In forco, tho Blight changes which havo occurred havo been for bettor, not for worso, but J "Tho question of woman suffrage 1b , unimportant compared to tho great fundamental questions that go to tho ' rnnr nt Tlrrf nnnrlntf no ti rrnv I tt tint ri men nnd women. Thoro Bhould bo equality of rights and duties, but not nn identity of functions, and with mnn, ns with tho womnn, tho duties nro thoso related to tho homo and the family." RECORD LOST IN LAST FIRE Think Chicago Building Was Destroyed to Conceal Dynamite Evidence. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Fob. 2. Special agonts of tho Dopartmont of Justice aro In vestigating tho flro which destroyed tho Opon Bonrd of Trado building hero Dccombor 10, last Tho In vestigators , refuso to discuss tho caueo of tholr work but It Is said that valuable records which would throw, light on the McNamara dynamltinga woro destroyed la. the flro. Twenty one unions had offices In the build ing. Pending tho outcomo of tho in vestigation of tho fcdrnl grand Jury which should havo been discharged n month ngo Is bolng held by a spe cial order of Judgo Cnrpontor of tho United Stntcs District Court. Tho flro wns orlglnnlly roportod to tho authorities ns "suspicious." OPEN OFFICE Breakwater Will Have Own Representatives in Rose City Henceforth. Tho Btenmor Breakwater horoaftor will havo its own offlco and offico forco at Portland nnd will nfford bettor accommodations to tho Port land ond of tho business than has over been given herotoforo. H. J. Mohr, who haB been agent for tho local railway horo, has boon appointed ngont of tho company at Portland and L. H. Keating, who has been agent of tho Brenkwator In Marshflold, has been appolntod cash ier of tho new Portland agency. They will leave on tho Breakwater tomorrow to assume tholr now posi tions. L. A. Pnrkhurst has been appoint ed agent for tho local railway and also of tho steamship company. O, R. Dlndlnger has been named na his assistant to dovote his entire time to tho Breakwator business. Tho new offlco quarters In Port land will beat the Alnsworth-streot which tho Brenkwator has been us ing In tho past Heretofore the Portland business has been handled through tho agents of othor Southern Paciflo lines. Traveling auditor, R. V. Shelford, Is here from Portland checking out the officials preliminary to making the change. I Concert Is Bnccess. At the. benefit concert by the choir of the Marshfleld Methodist Church Wednesday night, $17.37 was taken up In the collection for tho relief of the families of the victims of tho launch North Star disaster. There was a fair nttondnnce and tho progrnm wns excellent, the choir havlrfk been specially drilled for It by Director F. A.&acchl. N N A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull nnd Coos liny Advertiser.' MEXICAN UPRISING SPREADS TO NEW 14 E British Sailors Lose Lives , When Gunboat Sinks Small Naval Vessel. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmcn.) PORTSMOUTH, England, Fob. 2.. Tho Drltlsh submnrlno "A 3" sank this morning In a collision with tho British gunboat Hazard off tho Isle of Wight and her crow of 14 was drowned. Three lleutcnnnts In addition to tho regular quota of crow wero on board tho submarlno making tho total num bor of deaths fourteen. OPPOSE THIRD TERM Plan Legislation to Prevent Presi dent Srovlng Mora than Ono Term. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. The third torm question camo up yostor day when Representative Olydon, a democrat from Texas, proposed a resolution declaring It tho sonso of tho Houso that any doparturo from tho custom of two terms Is "nuwlso, tinpatrlotfo and fraught with peril to frco Institutions." fllaydcn an nounced that ho has another resolu tion for a constitutional amendmnt providing a President, may' serve only one term. , '.THO i i i LA FOLLETTE IS IN TO STAY Manager of Wisconsin Man Says No Let Up in Cam paign for His Leader. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmes.j WASHINGTON, Fob. 2. At tho Progressive Republican headquarters horo, tho declaration was mado by W. L. Houser, in chargo, that tho fight for La Follotto would contlnuo as If thoro wero no othor Progressive Republican candidates on tho horizon and that It was Mr. La Follotto first, last and all tho tlmo. In regard to tho roport from Don vor thnt a concerted movomont to hold pre-convontlon meeting to de cide on ono progrosslvo candidato, Housor said ho know nothing of such a movo. Ho could not seo that any conference of tho sort was Ukoly. La Follotto's only commont whon Bhown Cummins' statement was, "I have nothing to say." Sonator Robert M. La Follotto will take his Presidential candidacy cam paign Into tho west, possibly as far as tho coast on a trip that will start early In March. maifTIDE DAMAGES Santa Monica, Calif., Bnffors Ilcnvy Loss from High Wnters (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SANTA MONICA, Calif., Feb. 2 An unusually high tldo today wrought thousands of dollars' dumaga around Santa Monica Bay, Piers were great ly damaged, promenades lnjurod and several amusement resorts damaged. CRAZED WDTE'S DEED. (By Assofilnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Fob. 2. Mrs. Emma Jones, widow of Edmund Jones, tho bank Janitor who was found dead In his bedroom Friday with threo bul let wounds In his head, wns taken to the asylum for tho Insano. No charge was placed against her. SPECIAL CANDY Sale nt STAP: FORD'S Saturday and Sunday, I DROWN IN A SUBMARIN No. 172 DISTRICTS TODAY Assault Made On Federal Pris on at Chihuahua Early Today By Band. ANOTHER FORCE IS GATHERING NEAR CITY Gov. Colquitt of Texas Notifies President He Will Pro tect El Paso. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bar TimoB) CHIHUAHUA, Mox., Fob. 2. A mob of about 150 mon assaulted the ponltcntlary hero nt C o'clock thl morning. They woro ropulsod after two hours' hnrd fighting by tbt guards under Captain Salgado rote forced by troops from tho local gar rlson. It Is known that 3 Ruralo guards wero killed. It Is roportod thnt near ly 400 mon nro mobilizing In tho vi cinity of tho town, doclarlng that they will cut off tho water supply. Tho attacking mob is roportod to composed of discharged Rurales. A detachment of 100 ruralo guards are protecting tho stnto palaco. (Dy Associated Press to Com Bay Times.) AUSTIN, Tox., Feb. 2 In a m Bago to President Taft, Governor Col quitt advised tho prcsldont thnt it necessary ho would uso drastic mcas tiro to protect tho cltlzonn of El Paoo from a recurrence of tho conditions that provallcd.on the Amorlcan side during the battle of Juarez. Ifn aslis the president to notify tho Mex ican government not to flro acros tho bordor. WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT Lender of Uprising at Juarez Willing to Accept. (By Associated frees to Coos Bay Tlmos.) SAN ANTONIO, Tor., Fob. 2. "It thoro Is a successful revolution- la Northern Mexico nnu I am called to tho presidency, I will nccopt," said Emlllo Vnsquoz Gomoz, who has Tiees proclaimed tho choico of tho Juare mutlnors for president horo today- READY FOR DATTLU .Tunrer. Mutineers Assemble to Meet Mexican Troops. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. I EL PASO, Tox., Fob. 2. Tho ea tiro mutinous garrison nt Juarez as sembled In tho snnd hills south .of Juarez this nftornoon in anticipa tion of tho approach of troops front Chihuahua. A special train was mad; up In tho Juarez yards and n body of mon tnkon nboard and started south as bcou(3 to Intorcopt any troops that may bo coming from Chi huahua. Tho mutineers nro Jubllant" over tho outbreak In Chihuahua. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Time-..' EL PASO, Fob. 2. Mexican Cob--sul Lloronto in El Pnsot admitted to day that thoro Is fighting In Chihua hua. Ho says part of tho garrison ! In rebellion and that tho loyal troop aro attempting to subduo tho muti neers. Llorento's ndvico Ib fron Acting Governor Gonzales from Chi huahua. Private advices received here this afternoon state there I fighting around the ponttontlary l Chihuahua. WELSn IN HOSPITAL- Jlngllsh Pugilist Unable to FIgWt Wnugh nt Vernon Today. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times) LOS ANGELES, Fob. 1, Freddie--Welsh, tho English lightweight scheduled to fight Bobby Waugh 20 rounds at Vernon, today was tako to the hospital this morning. It was stnted thnt he had a cold In tho baoV nnd hs neck wns so stiff that ha was unable to keep tho engagement. Pennut BRITTLE 20e TOUND at STAFFORD'S, Sntnrday nnd BnndViyv VALENTINES from one-hnlf cent up at COOS BAY OASIT 8TORH.