The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 31, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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M'W' .. 11 I IMni "lit
Will Keep tlio Income from Your
I'nrnlMicri Booms from LApfllngt
YOU cnn really holp tho family
revenues by rontlnR a fow furnished
rooms and, If you kiiuw how and
when to use tho classified column a,
you rnny keep thnt llttlo extra Income
ns "steady ns n clock."
Will Vul Xr """ -ho
Market" Effectively!
'' . ii inni. r.limit vnnr
n I- hurt re ' l,,w"' A,,u ,l
:'bto.. ..- f i honi who oiinht to
I u.. ;- ...
own . Juu " "
ilk Tlio Const Mall
KhIaIiIIhIicmI In 1H7H
A Consolidation of Times, Count .Mull
mid Coos Iluy AritertUcr.
No. 170
L Associated Press to Coos Bay
ILONDON, Jim. 31. Edict of
Jicatlon of tho ChincBO tlirono
, becned signed according to a
... from Tien 'lain.
Fn,. court will not quit Pekin
. .month, aa tho Manchu troops
f the garrison threaten t shoot
, Roval Family una rrincoi 11
y attempt to loavo tho capital.
Confcrcnco is iieia.
PEKIN, Jnn. 31. Tho Imperial
Irclim board announced that tho
npross Dowager Informed mombors
tha cablnot at a mooting today
at tho throne had decided on a so
Itlon of tho situation which would
nm neaco. Sho Instructed tho
Unininrs to arrnnKO accordingly.
Fit ti understood that tho Imperial
nil? has nccoptod tho conditions
I down by tho republicans and that
Idlcatlon will bo announced at onco.
tho conference yesterday of tho
rlnccs and Empress Downgor at
hlch Premier Yuan was present, It
believed to havo been decided to
Idlcato If tho Imperial family and
ticcs aro allowed to retain the
nntr titles and bo given a ponslon
LgrcKatlng 12,000,000 nnnually.
Nairn That Employes of Big
Combine Do Not Earn Ex
pense of Fair Living.
3; Associated Press to tho Coos Day
WASHINGTON, D. 0., Jan. 31.
that 60 per cont of tho employes, of
bo United States steel corporation
tho Flttsburg district cam loss
paa tho actual cost of subslstanco
tho average Amorlcau family In
lltUburg was tho calculation mndo
tho steel trust honrlng today by
ouls D. Drandols . Drnndola do-
larcd that such cost for a husband,,
fire and threo children Is $768 a
ar and that "working 12 hours a
y 365 days In a year, G5 por cont of
he steel workers thoro earn loss
ban 11.50 less than tho nmount no
isily required for tho bnro cost of
Dramlels declared that In ton years
bo steel corporation had taken from
bo American peoplo $G50,000,000 In
ess of a Ilboral profit on Its In
wtments. "This enormous profit,"
said, "has beon used to grind Its
mployees to tho misery of tbolr
resent condition."
Mon Strikers at Lawrence, Slnss.,
niiiri IU11
Bj Associated Press to Cood Boy
, , Times.)
"., mu,, jnn, au. nor-
us rioting occurred yesterday when
irowd of ii.n,... i i . i
a.iincia uiiumpiea ia pru-
rnt operatives from entering tho
'MlOUS textllft nillla , Dmn .nrb
ln many cases tho strikers woro ouc
ful and tho mills that reopened
"era able to nnnritn nni n n.nn.
7 r.educed scale. Several wero serl-
y Injured. Tho rioters hold up
wenty or more electric enrs headed
'Of ttlft mill . . ...
".ma una lorcoa tho pnsson-
... .7 ,cuve tne cars. Then thoy
wted them In tho bollof that thoy
"ere mi,i . ...
.ncuicuKors. unities ana
utans nf in - ..
dow inrown nt car wm-
tiio mon was mostly foreign
ers and mo..
ch " were womon wno
mi. the mon t0 violence. Tho
POHCft Worn n
tfc n. i,u-'ness and ontrnnco to
nirJ shell.
DAVptmb .
IHPVd '"''K"" nt ROYAL
'NIGTITS. Admission 25o
tlSBaiSt tbe Turk,Bh BathB
A. 0. Gahcmachc and his wife
loft ob tho Kodndo this morning
for San Francisco following Gabor
nacho'e bisig compelled to defray
costs of liiB hearing and part of
tho damago to tho lino typo ma
chines). This W98 in complianco
with Justico I'cnnock'sdcciBionand
with Doputy Prosecuting Attorney
Liljcqviit'a view ns to tho best
means of disposing of tho caso.
Lftst night and today, it develop
ed that tho insurance companies
which sufforcd losses in tho flro
which destroyod the Gubcrnacho
homo will invesiigato tho blaze.
Besides this, it is said that Gabcr
nacho included in tho list of arti
cles lost a gas stovt belonging to
tho gas company, otc.
It was roportcd that ho had in
cluded about $250 worth of jewel
ry, whioh was found on his poreon
when ho was arrested, in tho Hit
f his losscfl but this was not cor
rect. Where ho could havo had tho
drasees bolonging to local womon
'cached" during tho flro is now a
question which is porpluxing the
Many rumors relative to Gabor
ache and his wife arp now afloat
but most of them aro rumord, that
it is difficult to vorify.
Ilccovcr Tmo Uretwvs
Last evening, Mr. and Mrs, Ward
M. lllnko succeeded In compelling tho
Qnbcrnnches to return two di esses
bolonging to Mrs. Wake. Mrs.
Gnbornncho hud not accounted for
four of Mrs. Ulako's gowns but lust
evening thoy returned two of thorn
and partially reimbursed Mrs. Blake
for tho other two.
Win. Grimes was unablo to And
trnco of a $05 gown bolonging to
Mrs Grimes. Sho had Mrs. Gnbei
nacho making a fow alterations In
tho gown at tho tlmo of tho lire
and It wns supposed to havo boon
burned although thoro Is now doubt
about It. When search was mnda
for it yestordoy, Mrs. Cvibornncho
dlsplnyod much auger and oppressed
hor fear nnd dissatisfaction in a
medley of brokou English nnd
French thnt astonished all about hor.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson wishes It stat
ed that sho hnd nothing to do with
A. C. Gabornache and. his wlfo other
than that thoy boarded Wiom for
nwhllo after tho Gnbornacho house
was burned. Mrs. Johnson says
that thoro wore no dresses loft at her
house and this statomont by thorn
was n dellberato Ho and they so ad
mitted last night.
(By Associated 1'ross.j
30. Attorney Miller said lato
.today that Gompors bad not"
boon subpoenaed aa a witness
in tho dynamite investigation,
"nor do I know nny reason why
ho should be," ho added.
Onp Man Stubbed and Fatally wound
ed nt Lnvtvonco
LAWRENCE, Mass., Jan. 30 In a
clash between two hundred striking
textile workers and a squad of mil
itia hero todoy, John Ramy, a Syr
Ian, wns stnbbed In tho back nnd
fatally wounded. Tho whole city
Is undor control of tho militia and
tho union picket near the mills has
been stopped by tho soldiers.
(Dy ABsoclatod Press to Coos Day
Tim ei )
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 31 The ex
aminer today says that Dort II.
Franklin, former McNnmara detcc
tlvo, mndu a complete confession
January 14 implicating Attorney
Claronco Dnrrow In tho alleged Jury
bribing. Tho next movo In tho case,
It la said, will bo tho release of
Franklin on his own recognizance so
ho can accompany offlcorB East for
tho purposo of aiding in tho appro
ltonBlon of tho man nllogcd to havo
furnlshod tho bribo monoy. Doaplto
lack of any official statomont to that
offoct, it 1b gonorally accepted that
Franklin will bo principal witness
ugalnst Darrow. To offset his testi
mony, it's understood tho dofenso will
ondoavor to provo Franklin, It not ac
tually In tho employ of William J.
Burns, at lenst was In tho oorvico of
tho atato whon ho wno employed as
CHICAGO, Jan. 81. Concern
ing the rcporl sent out from Port
land thnt tho Chicago it North
westorn railroad was to bo extend
ed to tho Pacific coast, President
W. A. Gardner denies that tho
company is planning to extend
fiom Lander, Wyo.
It li8 boon roportcd many times
.that this road would bo pushed
through to moot competition of
other transcontinental lines, but
tho Northwestorn's favorable con
nections with tho Harrimnn lines
hns in a do tho construction of a
road of its own unnecessary.
Presidont Gardner is not in the
far west as was reported.
Tho Redondo Bnlled oarly todoy
for San Francisco with a capnelty
list of passongors nnd a largo cargo
of freight.
Among thoo sailing on her wtvo
tho following:
Frod Harris and wlfo, Fred Harris,
r Nolllo Harris. J. A. Matson,
Goo. II. Rotnor, J. II. Flanagan, Hel
ma Nolson, Mrs. F. F, Smith, Mrs.
T, D. Guorln, MIbs Guorln, C. W.
Myor.C. D. Minor, Wm. Carpenter, J.
C. Fallor, Grnco Kruso, Mrs. A. G.
Atkon, Mrs. E. Nasburg, Loulso Nas
burg, Dorrls Sougstakon, Mrs. Henry
Songstnckeu, Gouovlovo Songstacken,
W. II. Loncosts, T. Bradley, A. C.
Gabornache and wlfo, C, A. DeCamp,
W. T. Block, W. L. linker, Mrs. M.
Perclval, Mrs. Anna Morse, Helen
Morso, Jasper Marosca, W. D. Mini
on, Win. LaFrong, L. S. Parrott, J.
Donovan, Chin Ott, Chin Ding, Tony
Potors, Goo. Potltos, John Wllsou
(By Associated Press.)
f NEW YORK, Jan. 30 "I
am convinced that Theodore
4 Roosevelt will be the next pros-
idont of the United States,"
says Governor 8tubbB. This
statement was made today as he 4
loft Roosevelt's office propara-
tory to leaving for Washington.
Delhor Mall Tomorrow The free
delivery of mall In Marshflold will bo
Inaugurated tomorrow when A, O.
Haas and John B. Sneddon w'll
start carrying. Jti will mosslbl1j
bo a few days before overythlng 's
got in teadlness for It.
confidential agent for tho McNnmara
No Early IfeitrinK For Iirrow on
ItrllHsry Indictment
(By Associated Press to Cooi Bay
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30. Al
though acting with all colorlty tho
prosecution In tho caso of Claronco
Darrow, Indicted for alleged Jury
bribery, docs not oxpect to begin tho
trial for a long tlmo.
Monnwhllo tho county grand Jury
will continuo Its probo and tho dopu
ty district nttornoy who conductod
tbq bribery Investigation declarod to
day that startling dovolopmonta
wholly apart from and concerning
tho conspiracy phaso of tho allegod
notional dynamiting operations of
John J. McNnmara and his crow
might bo expected at any tlmo,
(By Asaoclatod Press to Coot Bay
BILLINGS, Mont., Jan. 31.
Tho Chinese woman nrrestod her
under tho name of Mo Fung was
positively identified today as Oi
Sen wanted on tho chargo of com
plicity in tho murder of Soid Bing
whoso body was found in a trunk
at Seattle; The identification was
by, Wong Hong, an interpreter em
ployed by tho Portland police Tko
woman waved extradition and
waB taken to Portland this after
noon. Sho refused to discuss tho
Tho offnrts of tho parties at
Roseburg to havo Coos County So
cialists assist them in their effort
to revivo tho offort to rtcall Judge
Coke has mot with a sharp robuke.
Tho Ooquillo Socialists' Local has
adopted a rosolutioM declaring it
will not bo a party to th scheac
of tho Roseburg politicians bohiud
Tho resolutions adopted by the
Coquillo Socialists is as follows;
"WHEREAS, Local Coquillo of
Coos county of the Socialist party
has received a potltion for tho re
call of Circuit Judge John S, Coko
for gross Incompetency, with request
that this Local solicit signatures to
same; And whereas said John S.
Coke is not a membor of tho Social
ist party and Is neither a ward or
servant of tho Socialist party, there
fore be It
"Resolved, that Local Coquillo boa
no part in said recall potltion: for If
said Judge had been olectod by tho
Socialist party ho would, If neces
sary, have been recalled without any
petition because ho would ( havo
beon compelled to sign an undated
resignation before "becoming
a candidate, then all that would bo
needed to recall him would bo for
tho proper committee to fill In tho
date and present It to the proper
Adopted January 28, 1912.
J. E. Qulck.Sec, Local Coquillo.
W. H. Lytton, chairman. Local
SIGNS point to I1A1NES for FLOUR
und FEED.
DANCING SOnOOL Thursday this
veok. Got your costumes, ready for
mm uvtjmufc.
If you have anything to soil, trade,
rent, or, want help, try a want ad.
( w ' - '-''--'-'iWWWWMWVVW
Tho mon of Camp No. 4 of tho
Smith-Powers Logging Company, a,ent
$82 to Tho Times today as a dona
tion to tho fund for tho rollof and
bonoflt of tho widows and orphans
of tho victims of tho North Star dis
aster. Tho following Is a list of tho
Fred Anson 9 2.00
James Lnttln 6.00
Felix Lokcs 1.00
Frank Carson 1.00
Jako Papas 1.00
Dave Morgan 1.00
Robert Costollo ? 00
H. F. Evans 1.00
Davo Talbot 1.00
Chas. Gruno 1.00
Thoo. Shrodor 1.00
C. A. Stlftlor 3.00
Tom Brennon 1.00
John Martinson 1.00
B. Fordlnnnd 1.00
Ed. JUcKcown 1.00
Ilownrd-'Evnns' '..,.. .. .... l.uO
James Kearns .' LtQ
Mlko McKoown ,,. 1.00
Chas. La Sinn 100
Ed Kaston 1..00
John Fulimcr 1.00
Wm. Sommlcr 50
Chas. Sanders LOO
John Johnstono 1.00
Pote Duggnn 10.00
Sponso Elmor 1.00
W. H. Mooro 2.50
H. .Alboo 2.00
Mlko Murry 2.00
W. T. Hunnlcutt 1.00
Rny Cox 2.50
M. Thompson 1.00
Tonoy Petorson 1.00
Albert Tardy 2.00
A. C. Cox 2.50
John Rodman 1.00
Poto Paunovlch 2.0
Geo. Gonovlch 1,00
R. D. .Tomnco 100
Geo. Luklch 1.00
Mlko Zoklln 1.00
C. A. Henvenstono 2.00
F. O. Norman 3.00
Davo Brown 5.00
Geo. Freyes 3.00
J. A. Trainer 2.00
In addition to tho nbovo list tho
mon of Camp No. 4 also contributed
$30 in cash which was given to Mrs.
Sanders, who Is porBonnlly distribut
ing among tho mothers and chlldron
of tho wreck victims. This makes a
total of $112 from tho mon of Cnmp
No. 4 of tho Smith-Powers Logging
Co. Tho following is a list of tho
contributors to tho $30 cosh dona
tion: Ed Jackson $ 1.00
J. C. Carlson 2.00
J. Salvago 1.50
A. Bonon 2.00
Guy Bramer 1.00
Mrs. Whltworth 5.00
Ed McKoown 5.00
Stanley Twikls 1.00
John Miller 1.00
Win Fisher 1.00
Geo. Nichols 2.00
Chas. Wilson LOO
Chas. Gustorson 1.00
I Gustorson L0
Chns. Hoult LOO
John Flmstrum 1.00
II. A. Noll 1.00
Ellis Mlllor LOO
H. Rodmnn 50
Cnmp Seven List.
Tho following Is a list of tho fub-
scrlptlons for tho benefit of tho fam
ilies of tho vlctlmB of tho launch
North Star mndo by employes of tho
Smith-Powers Logging Cnmp No. 7:
B. F. Sogur $ 5.00
K. S. RoblnB 1.00
(Continued on page 2.)
Contributions for tho rolicf oH
tin families of the victims of th
Launch North Star disaster con
tinue, to come in. The Times re
ccived.a check, for $2.00 from Jake
Goldie, formerly of Marshficld, but
now in Portland, and another for
$2.00 from Win. Barkas, of Min
ville, Ore. Then camo a purse el
$92.00 from tho omployus of the
Smith-rowers Camp1 No. 4, omn
South Inlet, and anothor for $21.85
from tho Hub Clothing and Shoe
company besides smaller donation
Frank Satchi and O. J. CoIer
representing tho different coinmit
mittaes handling tho North Qc
rolicf funds, made a trip to South
Slough yesterday to make a per
sonal investigation and inBpcetios,
of tho conditions with the, families
of tho viotims of tho wreck
Messrs. Sacchi and Cole will later
mako a detailed roport of condi
tions and recommendations an ts
tho djsposition of tho ftuidn audi
articles to bo distributed.
Donations Up to Dnto.
Previously roportcd f 491.ftV
Junior Baptist Union ....... .!.
Smlth-Powora Camp No. 4 . . 82.A;
Robt. McCann 2.St
Hub Clothing & Shoo Co. . . . 2LS
J, H. & R. R. PJnkorton... . 6.MI
Jnko Goldlo, of Portland. . . . 3.541
John A. Blatt .0
Wm. Barkas S.
4 1 i
"'-Grand total f 310.1
Besides this amount that has
been turned over to tho committee
through Tho Times, F. A. SaccliE
recoived $118.65 from tho Coos lay
Concert Band which will bo uecdl
in tho relief work undor his direc
tion. Benefit Concert Tonight.
Tho choir of tho MarshAoU jrfli
odlst church will glvo a benefit con
cert nt tho church this ovonlng; No
admlttnnco will bo chnrgod but fol
lowing tho program, a collection will
bo taken up for tho eonoflt of tho
families of tho Launch North Star
disaster. Director Sacchi of ths
choir has arranged an excollont k
grnm nnd ovoryono Bhould try
Dlreotor Toollo of Toollo's orches
tra will give tho proccods of tho biff
bnll which will bo tondorod nt tbe
Eagles' hall noxt Saturday ovonfngu
Fob. 3, as a benefit to tho fnmllffm
of tho Launch North Star disaster.
This Is ono of tho host orchestras ob
tho Bay and that tho danco will l
a most enjoyable ono Is assured.
A Siitatnntlul Contribution
Tho special ton por cont donatfoa
of tho Hub Clothing and Shoo C
to Tho Times North Star Rollof Fund
last Saturday netted $21.05, whfcJt
lias been turned over to tho commit
tee. In nddltlon to thla and per
sonal donations, Manngor Fonsler an
nounces thnt boys' clothing will bo
given by Tho Hub to any of tu
needy children of the victims of t!to
North Ilciul Bonoflt
Tho Coos Bay Concert Banct k
colved a communication from North
Bond at tho rohearsnl last nlgrn,
asking tho band to assist at a bono
flt concert to bo hold In North Bonrt;
noxt Sunday afternoon, tho proceed
to go to tho families of tho victims;
of the. North Star disaster.
Edgar McDanlols of tho Coos Bay
Harbor and C. E. Knlsor aro makfnff
tho arrangements, prompted by the
Interest felt In "the matter by tti
population of tho city.
Tho band readily voted unani
mously to tnko part and will go ty
special boat sometime In tho after
Tho Lenp Year danco given by tb
ladles of Llbby at tho Libby hall last
Saturday ovenlng proved to bo a
(Continued on page 4.)