THE COOSMY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1912 EVENING EDITION Lowest Price Ever Offered on Parola Peroxide of Hydrogen One Pint . . . One-half Pint One Fourth Pint . 30c 20c 10c Poroxide of Hydrogen is now a household romodj an effective antiseptic, disinfectant and bactericide. Usod for mouth-wash, gargle, for pimples, boils and for all kinds of outs and sores. Get a Bottle at Red Cross Drug Store PHONE 122-J CORBIN MAIL BOXES The Only Letter Box With a PERFECT LOCK Kinds . . . . 50c, 75c and $1.00 Pioneer Hardware Co. 30 Front Street Marshficld, Orcccn COOS HAY TIDES. Jnnunry, 1012. Dobw 1b given tho tlmo and holghth of high and low wator at Marshflold. Tho tldos nro plnccd In tho order ot occurrence with tholr Union on tho first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison ot consccutlvo heights will Indlcato whothor It Is high or low wator. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Data , 30 4.0 G.4 O.C 1.03 5.2G 11. C9 C.G0 31 3.7 4.01 C.7 1.2 THE WEATIIEH. & OREGON Kaln tonight and Tuesday. Drlsk southerly winds In Intorlor and high along tho coast. TUB WEATHER. , (Dy AsBoclatod Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and colder except near coaBt. Wed- nesdny fair In east and IncrenR- lng cloudiness tollowcdby rain In wost. Westerly winds, shift- lng to southerly. occupied by thojFrot street storo for his factory. j )f Svw Finivflj: Pfe Morris, II. F. Wyatt.MnJor, f I). 'Kinney nnd W. 1). Clnako haVq formed a new real estate firm and will havo offices at Plat II. Mr. Clarke came hero re cently from Butlo, Mont., and Is re puted td bo quYto well to do. PERSONAL NOTES E. A. 1IECKET or MarRhflold Is a Marshncld visitor today. ANSON ROGERS, Jr., was nttcndli.,? to business in Marshfluld today, Saw Librarian Miss Ida Adams of Uoston has been choson librarian of tho Marshficld Public Library nnd will nrrlvo hero about March 1 to as sume her now duties. Shu took a courso nt Simmon's College and has also had some practical experience. Sho Is highly educated and comes most excellently recommended for tho position. Is Hotter Mss Delia Chapman was qulto noveroly scalded about tho reot ana iowor limbs yesterday no a result of kcttlo of boiling wator which sho was lifting from tho stovo upsotttng. Today sho was roportod getting along nicely at tho homo of j hor mother, Mrs. Chapman, at South! Second street and Curtis avenuo. MRS. YOAKUM, of Coos River, was lu Mnrshflold Monday. W. A. RBID Is reported qulto sick nt the C. A. Sehlbrcdo homo. F. K. GETTINS has gono to Eureka and San Francisco on business. North Bend News Capt. Edgar 8lmpson Is making a business trip to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cirdner and daughter, of North Bend Heights, wore Marshflold vUltors Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Myers and nlcco Mlsa Anna Myers of South Marshflold, wero visitors In North Rend yostor day. M. FRIEDHERa and wlfo spent Sunday at tholr cottago on South Coos River. COOSTO.V IllUEKS Cabbage Salad , Select a woll-shapod, crisp head of cabbago. Romovo tho coarso outer leaves, take out tho heart of tho cabbago and cut tho odgos Into points. Chop tho removed cnbbago finely. Season with salt, pepper and equal measures of Halted whipped croara and mayonnalso dressing nnd mix togothor thoroughly. Fill tho open spaco In tho cabbago with this mlxturo and decornto with finely chopped beots gar nibbed with pnrsloy. MmiiUlH a CENTS A LI!. 1HKTS a CENTS A LW. vnr.xii 2 CENTS A PT. JOS. M. MARRION "MAYONNAISE 200 nOTTLE LT THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STORE A PLACE TO I1KST WHEN YOU ARE TIItEI). lasburg's Grocery rilUJNJii 21'3-J o horn. COLLINS To Mr. and, Mrs. Edward Collins of South Coos River, n son, Sunday, January 28. Mother and baby nro doing well. Tlioy re side on the A. B. Seaman ranch, formerly owned by Mark Cutllp. SMITH To Rev. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Sunday, January 23, a son. Rov. Smith is pnBtor of tho United Drothcrn church of North Dend. Socialist Spcjikcr Coining ArthurJ A. Metcnlf, nn ex-prcachor and now n lecturer on Soclnllum, Is ongnged to como to Marshfluld tho first part of March. Ho will probably ntso bo ongnged to visit other places In tho County. "The Busy Corner" liable rug Store Wo put only tho "est and freshest fug, nnd exactly tho rugs your doctor orders. In- mo prescriptions you bring US. We never mnkn mls- Ikes our prescription clerks p ioo expert for that. And aont charco hlch nrlces f from It. "9 carry mnnv expolinnf nro. letary moillMnoa Hnnllnir "ouj or Jaundlcod? Sufforlug constipation, torpid llvor, headaches? Trv Rcxnll r Salts. ' IS the mnsl KnHafnMnrv Iver-Romedy wo'vo ever iBanaied and we know Its lormuia. It stimulates and regulates tho action or tho liver and bow els without griping. rieasant and ef fective. Sold with the Roxall guarantee. WANT ADll KKKTAUIlANT for salo or lease. Chonp ront. 1C0 N. Front st. Ih Improving Alfred Hill, who wifo Injured whllo working In tho Smith Mill n weok ngo Is roportod as recovering at tho hospital. Thoso at tending lilni havo hopes that his In juries aro not qulto as serious as at first supposod. Martin RubbcI Is employed at Ltbby nt present and will return to Coos ton on Saturday. Harry Prowltt of North Bend spont Sunday with his aunt and undo, Mr. and Mrs. R, Mnrple. Harry Walker last weok shipped somothlng like 200 Backs of potatoes to a San Ftanclsco firm. Mrs. E. Alexander and Bon, Lew ellyn of North Dond spent Sunday vi siting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnot. Dr. Watson of North nond wns called over on Sunday to administer to 'Mrs. Herbert Masales, who has been sorlously 111 nt her homo for tho past month. Ben Tyror has sold a part of his. 80 aero ranch ,but will probably keop tho rest ns, on second thought well, Cooston Isn't such a bnd place nftor nil. Miss Catherine Bessoy of Coos Riv er Is tho guest of Miss Llndstrom. Miss Bessie will nlso visit hor rela tives. Mr. und Mrs. Harry Walker , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Walker, all! FOR SALE Puro Brand, single comb Rhode Island Rod cockorols, $3 onch. L. J. Simpson, North Bond, Or. U toll Store 'ckIiart-Pa Pug Co. WANTED Wo sook tho sorvtces of a cnpablo, dopondablo man of fair oducatlon, good address, fluont nnd convincing tnlkor, nnd busl nosa ability to act as special rop rosontatlvo In tho solo of our vari ous standard publications and nro propnrod to make liberal ar rnngomontB with suitable party. Address, stating namo, nationality, business oxporlonco, ngo and ref erences. Hnrpor & nrothors, 208 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. POSITION WANTED by First class camp cook In camp with largo crew or In bonrdlnghoiiBO, Call Tiroes' offlco. LOST Tn North Bona or Murshflold Sunday dull gold belt pin set with 5 gurnots Also ombroldary belt. Finder loavo at or phono Times for reward. Change- HuhIiicsh Arclilo Madden will retlro from tho firm of Sncchl & Mnddon, February 1, whon Mr. Sncchl will tako chargo of tho milk nnd cream business alone. Mr. Snc chl will ho assisted by his brother, R. J. Sncchl, who arrlvod from Rich mond, Cnl n few days ago, tho lat tor looking nftor tho deliveries. Mr. Mnddon has not mado any plans for tho Immodlnto future Bolls Storo Robort Snrtor and wlfo today closed a deal for tho pur chase of D. Y. Stafford's retail candy storo on Front stroot nnd will tako possession at onco. Thoy expect to onlnrgo It, put in n sodn fountain nnd enter to tho light lunch trndo In addition to tho rogulnr confectionery business. Mr. Stafford's wholesnlo business has been growing bo rapidly that ho found It nocossary to arrango to dovoto most ot his tlmo to It and so had to roduco his retail Interests. Ho retains tho retail business on Contrnl avenuo nnd will contlnuo to utlllzo tho rear portion of tho room ANSON ROGERS, 8R., nnd wlfo, of Coos Rlvor, wero attending to busi ness In tho city yesterday. CARL WEST'S llttlo child who has been very 111 of pnoumonla nt tho homo In Eastsldo Is reported bet tor. MISSES FLORENCE and Bessie Rooko nnd their sister, Mrs. Brlor, of Coos River, wero shopping In tho city todny. MRS. HENRY SENGSTACKEN and daughters, Misses Gcnevlcvo nnd DorlB, will loavo on tho Rcdondo tomdrrow on their southorn and oastorn trip. W. N. J3KBLAD returned Saturday via Drain from Portland, whore ho Went ns district delegate to tho Hurdwaro men's convention. Ho reports un Interesting and plcaBnnt trip and a more than unusually good and Important mooting II. C. DIERS, of North Bond, Is a Marshflold business visitor to day. Ho reports that tho South orn Pacific surveyors havo com pleted tholr work there, havo been paid off and will lcavo on Uio next Rodondo for San Francisco. MRS. E. HARRINGTON, who hns boon In town to obtain mod leal treatment for her thrco-y car-old son, Lawrenco, returned Sunday to hor homo on Coos River. Tho child hns been suffering from blood poisoning or somo similar nllmont. D. D., from Portland, who hns been holding n fiorlOB of meetings in tho Baptist Church during tho last two weeks, loft Mnrshflold yostorday via Drain for his homo city. Rov. Springs ton .Is n Sunday school specialist of renown, nnd hns conducted a num ber of mcotlngs in tho Interest di rectly along that lino. Ills meet- Percy Pratt was tho guest Sunday of his slstor, Mrs. T. V. Johnson, of Railroad Addition. Miss Lillian McCann and Mlsa AN pha Wlcklund attended the concort in Marshficld Sundny. W. F. Denning, koopor of tha light lionso, nnd Mrs. Denning spent Sunday with relatives In Marshflold. ,Mr nnd Mrs. C. E. Hockett of Em pire wore guests over Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. II. Falkenstoln of North Bend. Mr. and Mrs. R L. Cavanaugh and daughter of Eastsldo were guests of Charles Cavnnaugh of North Bend Sunday. Miss Blancho Williams, teacher of 8outh Coos River, was visiting hor slstor, Miss Grace, In North Bond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mathor and dnughtor, Francos Mnthor, of North Bond Heights wore visitors In Marsh flold 8unday. Mrs. C. A. Nollnor, hor dnughtor, Miss Grace, and son, Robort, aw spending a few days with relative at Tou Mile. Dayton rsons F'OXE - main sos us M.S.TURPEN Archie. j7 FRoyp ST FOR SALE Mooro's kitchen rnngo In good condition. Bargain. Phono 311, North Bond. FOR RENT 8 room houso with two lots for garden In Eastslde $14,90 per month. Apply Martin Breen, Eastqldo. WANTED Throo dozen thorough bred brown leghorn chickens and throo dozen Plymouth Rocks. Ad dress J. E. Fitzgerald, Marshflold, Ore., or phono 129-J. FOR RENT Sixteen room house close In. Modern conveniences. Reasonable rent. Seo Ivy Condron. FOR SALE Pure Phono 108X. Jersey milk. FOR RENT 10-room house In South Marshflold. Phone 119-L. Roadster and Special Try a Dayton Before You Buy a Bicvcle IF IT SUITT YOU NOW the Dayton Guarantee WILL DO THE REST Warranted Five Years from; rims to handle bars six MODELS LADIES' AND MEN'S $27.80 TO $12.50 MARSIIFIELD CYCLERY Phone 180 R. Agent. Front & Alder. of Cooston. That goats thrive well In this part HEV. SPRINGSTON, or mo country may uo proven by a statement mado by Mr. Ray tho other! day, saying that tho ten goats ho got about two months ngo havo already catou nil tho chnconl off tho stumps. It was feared horo that tho sovoro wind storm of last weok would plnyi havoc with tho telophono wires but' pnnillHfina U'nrn lintfnn Minn lnnlrmt ' for, ns tho lineman, Harry Walker of Lnrseu Inlot, wns called over only once. Rov. C. Shlrrol of Bunker Hill will hold sorvlces at Cooston on Fob, 4, commencing nt 3 o'clock. Mr. Shlr rol has boon coming horo every third Sunday for tho past two months or. A,,m'Ml Alimony After a honr moro. His visits aro looked forward ,nB ,n c,,nmuo" today, Judgo Coko to, as his sormons interest all. .allowed Mrs. Tom Nichols $100 suit monoy nnd 10 por month tompornry alimony ponding tho hearing to Mr. Nichols suit for divorce. Mrs. Nic ola claimed ho was making over $200 por month, whllo Nichols claimed ho was making only about $150 por month. Mr. Nlcols claimed ho bought tho homo property which Is In Mrs. Nlcols' namo nnd which ho claimed was worth $5000 and had only $1400 Incumbrnnco against It Mrs. Nlcols claimed It Is worth only $3000 Mrs. Clnra Burns gavo a birthday party for hor husbnnd, Mr. Burns, nnd frlonds, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Mookor, nt tholr homo Sunday. Tho guests present woro Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay lor, Men Smith nnd O. C. Smith. Owing to tho smnll suito of rooms occupied by tho fnmlly, Mrs. Burns was unablo to Invito tho many j frlonds she would hnvo wlshod to seo present. Threo now Patterns In Decorated Dishes nt MUnor's. FALL OF TROY nt ROYAL THEATER WEDNESDAY night Seo tho clovor play "Francis Ward" to bo proBontod nt tho M. IngB hnvo been well nttonded nnd sonic Opora Houoo Wodnosday ovou havo aroused much Intorost nmongnB January 31, by Francos Brock- mombors nnd outsiders, nnd his visit Is looked upon ns having boon vory successful nnd conduclvo of good results. Miss Gladys BR.OCKWELL well nnd company. Got prices on Heavy Wlro Cattle I'onco nt MUnor's. WANTED Position by practical nurso, for wool: or month. Pro for conflnomont cases. Room S, nbovo Times offlco. in Frances Ward MASONIC THEATER WEDNESDAY, JAN 31ST Miss Brockwell Will Be Sup ported by Local Talent, I Advance Port Case Deputy Dlst trlct Attorney L. A. LUJoqvlst has joined with C. R. Peck In a petition SeatS NOW On Sale at "The t0 th0 0rKn Supremo Court to ad vance tno noanng or tno case of the Stato of Oregon vs. tho Port ot Coos Bay Commission and got as early a decision ns posslblo on It. This is tho last of tho soveral cases against tho Port Commission ponding. Busy Corner."- PRICES 25c, 50c and 75c THAT DOLLAR If you wnnt It to do good sorvlco, bring ltito the FIXUP Men's Suits Prom $8.50 to $25.00 Men's Shoes from $3 to $4.25. Men's Hats from $1.25 to $3 Everything guaranteed by us. Marshfield & JNbrfeh Bend U. S. Ma'll Boxes, 40c to $1,50, at MUnor's. Seo tho clever play "Francis Ward" to bo presented at tho Ma sonic Opora Houso Wednesday oven' lng January 31, by Francos Brock well and company. Ilbby COAL. The kind YOU hnvt ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. Soo tho clover play "Francis Ward" to bo presented at tho Ma sonic Opera House Wodnosday even ing Jnnunry 31, by Frances Brock well and company. Of Interest to All but especially to thobuild or of fine cakes, pastry, icoB, deserts, otc.: Uso Sunset, Vanilla and Sunset. Lemon These aro tho aomo of per fection in flavors. For salo by ns and tho loading grocors. We also make tho fol lowing Sunset flavors: Orange, Almond, Winter green, Cinnamon, Pine apple, Strawberry and Banana. Price 25c, 50c, $1.00 anil $1.75 the Bottle BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS The Hour That Docs Not Disappoint Sperry's Drifted Snow flour BEST BY EVERY TEST