THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDJY, JANUARY, 29, 1912 EVENING' EDITION SAIL SUNDAY Still some good ones left mm ON L F 0 ANE good thing about a stock like ours ; the late comers get something good, because there's nothing but good stuff here. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are always a bargain; the prices we're quoting now on 1 9 1 1 goods are so low that the bargain is that much greater. Men's $35 Suits, now $25.85 Hen's $30 Suits and Overcoats now $21.85 Men's $25 Suits and Overcoats $18.85 Men's $20 Suits and Overcoats $14.85 Men's $15 Suits and Overcoats $11.85 Boys' $7.50 Suits and Overcoats $5.35 Boys' $6.50 Suits and Overcoats $4.85 Boys' $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.85 Boys' $4.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.00 Boys' Straight Pant Suits HALF PRICE Dutchess Guaranteed Trousers 25 Per Cent Discount Blankets, "Wool Sox, Sweater Coats, Underwear and all other lines of Wool goods at CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. Wednesday Will be Last Day of Sale Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Outfitters Pure Pineapple Juice What could bo moro nppotlzlug whon ono Is suffering with somo obstlnntc stomnch troublo or racked with nn aggravating throat affection; and what blessed relief simple pluoapplo Julco often brings tlio llttlo ouo tortured with diphtheria. Itlsa Wonderful Thing This Pineapple Juice This Nature Product Wo linvo a stock of DOLE'S HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE JUIOK in tlio store so that If you aro Interested you need only phono for a bottle or caso nnd It will bo dollvorod promptly. Pint 25 Cents ALOHA! Lockhart's Grocery 85JJAND 305 COOS HAY TIDES. January, 11)1". Bclw Is given tlio ttmo and hotghtli of high and low wator at Mu rah Held. Tlio tldos nro placed In tho order of occurrouco, with tholr times on the first llnu and heights on tho boc ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will indicate whether It Is high or low wator. For high wntor on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date 29 3.7 0.2 0.1 3.2 :i.r.c 10.CG G.GG 30 1.0 G.l O.C 1.03 5.2G u. no O.GO 31 3.7 4.01 C.7 1.2 LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. For twonty-four hourB ending nt 4:43' a. m., Jan. 29, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo- tcorologlcnl observer: Maximum , 59 Minimum 38 4 At 4:43 a. m 38 Precipitation nono Wind, 3outhwest; cloudy. Steamship Leaves for Eureka . Will Return Here Next Wednesday. The Steamor Alliance sailed from hhoro bound for Eureka Sunday nf ttcrtioon. She will lcavo Marshflcld on her return trip to Portland on Wednesday afternoon this week. Tho following paBRongorB loft on the Alllnnco for Eureka: L. Doncncglm, K. Ferntcr, Henry Johnson, V. Sandwlck, Mrs. "W. It Holes, W. It. Boles, John Doles, Hol on Holes, F. W. Saris, J. D. Falconcs, mid wlfo, Wm. Fnlcones, F. K. Got tins. Chas. Fry, John Wall, Peter Miller, Tom SlmoiiBon, S. Domlnginl. Attend Concert A Inrgo number of people from Emplro woro In tho city yesterday to attend tho benefit concert of tho Coos Hay Dand WANT ADS. TWO PRIVATE PHONES POSITION WANTED by First clnss camp cook in camp with largo crow or In bonrdlngliouso. Call Times' olllco. U)ST In Xm-th Heiul or MnrshhVld Sunday dull gold bolt pin sot with G garnets Also ombroldary bolt. Finder leavo nt or phono TIihob for reward. FOR SALE Ten horse-Power steam boiler and engine equipped with circular suw and cross cut snw for sawing wood. FIno for clearing land nnd pulling stumps. Enquire of J. E. Fltzgornld, 973 Broadway, or phono 129-J. Hold Enm. A civil Borvlco ex amination for n postofflco clork nnd mall carrlor will bo hold at tho Marshflold postofflco February 24. Buys 8lic Aug. Fnrloy has bought tho O. K. barber shop on Front strcot nnd has ongnged tho Borvlccs of Grant Eggora as his assistant. PERSONAL NOTES .tlISS HESSIE KOOKE, of Coob Rlv or, wns In tho city Saturday. CHARLES MAHAFFEY was In town Saturday attending tho meeting of ' tho Orange MRS. M. C. HOFFMAN who has been quite III at her homo In South Mnrshfleld Is reported Improving. MAYOR L. J. SIMPSON nnd Mrs. . Simpson of North Bond will lcavo this week for a trip to San Francisco. Improve Inlet Tho Coob County Commissioners will open bids Febru ary 2 for dredging Lnron Inlet from Its mouth to tho Wm. Wolr plnco. It Is to bo dredged 30 feet wldo and to n depth of thrco foot. "The Busy Corner" A Reliable Drug Store We put only tho purest and freshest drugs, and exactly tho drugs your doctor orders. In to the prescriptions you bring to us. Wo never mnko mis takes our prescription clorks are too expert for that. And we don't chargo high prices far from It. We carry many excollont pro prietary medicines. Feeling DlllOUS or lauiullcort? RutYnrlncr from constipation, torpid liver, fl ueaaacuesY Try Ilcxnll 'her Salts. This Is tho most satisfactory 'iver-uemeay wo'vo ovor nanaied and wo know Its formula. It stimulates and regulates tho action of tho liver and bow els without griping. Pleasant and ef fective. Sold with tho Rexnll The Rexall Store Lockhart-Parsons piioN-EDru Co- Ill0Jft MAIN 208 US Coos Bay Naturopath College CIIIHOPHACTIC, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY nnd nil branches of Natural Thora poutlcs taught. Tonus reasonable. First Semester to opon February 12. For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North Bend, Oregon. I Ilavo Somo First Class HESIDENCE LOTS In Eiigeuo to Exchango for Coos Bay Property. " What Huvo You Got? AUG. FHIZEEN G8 Central Ave, Marshflold. FOR SALE !)( feet of 5-K steel cable, second-hand but good as now. Enquire F. P. Norton. Clinnge In Director F. S. Dow, owing to extension In IiIb prlvnto biislnoss requiring so much of litis tlmo, hns resigned nB director of tho First National Bnnk. John C. Mor rhrfnt han been' elected to fill- tho vacancy. ROBERT G. ROOKE ivas doing bus In 388 In Marshflold Saturday, also attending tho mooting of tho Grange. ROY LANDR1TII, of Coob River, Is shipping n Inrgo quantity of po tatoes to San Francisco on tho next steamer For Kent Six-room furnlshod houso. Key at 38G N. Second street. FOR SALE Moore's kitchen ran go In good condition. Bnrgaln. Phono 311, North Bond. FOR RENT H room houso with two lots for garden in Eastsldd $14.00 pur month. Apply Martln'Breen, Eastsldo. WiuiUmI Two pump men, two ropo runners nnd four oxporlonced coal minors. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Company. Married Tier' Oscar Ingmnn nnd Miss Esthor Ilondrlckson woro quiet ly mnrrlod at tho residence of Rov. B. F. Bongton Inst Snturday even ing. Thoy nro making tholr homo lompornrlly with Mr. Ingninn'fs brother, Androw Ingmnn. of East-side. FOR RENT Modem 7-rooin houso on Control avonuo. Seo Tltlo Guarantoo and Abstract Co. Blanchard's Livery We have secure the livery busl icbB of L. H. Hoisuor and are pro pared to render oxce.lont sorvlco to tho people of Coo- Bay. Cirefnl 1 1vors, gooa rlss tad everything hat will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phone us for a driving horso, a rig or anything needed In tbo livery line. Wo also do truck g business of 11 kinds, IJLANCHARD BROTHERS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service 141 First and Alder Streets A. Modern Brick Building, Electric Lights. Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Roomc with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL. COOS O. A. METLIN. Prop. Rates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards Cor, Broadway and Market Marsh Mold. Oregon. WANTED ! ! ! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 iJUlimes Does Job Printing WANTED Three doien thorough brod brown leghorn chickens and throo dozon Plymouth Rocks. Ad droBs J. E. Fitzgerald, Marshflold, Ore., or phono 129-J. FOR RENT Sixteen room houso- closo In. Modern conveniences, Reasonablo rent. Seo Ivy Condron. FOR SALE Pure Phono 108X. Jersoy milk. FOR RENT 10-room houso In South Marshfleld. Phone 119-L. Now Is the Time TO nAVE THAT RESIDENCE WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 837-J WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRE8SING AND REPAIRING ALL 1CINDS OF ROSS & PINEGOR, 256 Central avenue Phone 250X HAT WORK. Piiyn Fine Justus Salln, of Coos Jon who started to sorvo n 2C-day sentence for violating tho gnmo lnw tins changed his mind. Ho chosa tho jail sontonro In plnco of paying a flno nnd yestordny ho compromised by pnylng n flno nnd gaining his re lease Wallaco Crouch tho Haines Inlot rancher who Is serving n 25-dny sentence for violntlng tho fruit law, mny ho put to work on the rond. Supplies for Haines Tho Alllanco Saturday brought In four or five car loads of hay, feed and flour for A. T. Haines tho feed and flour dealor. This will onnblo him to fill nil orders promptly with tho freshest nnd best In his lino thnt tho market affords. Tjgggjl Dayton EH E. J. THOMSON and family today moved from Eastsldo to South Marshflold, occupying n rcsldonco nenr Dr. Housawortlt's homo. F. E. NELSON returned on tho Ro dondo today from a business trip to San Francisco nnd other Calif ornia points. JAS. BERING and brldo nrrlvcd hero today from Snn Francisco. They will probably rcsldo In tho Mc Phorson rcsldonco on Pino strcot. W. J. CONRAD rotiirnod Saturday via Drain from a trip to Portland Salem nnd Eugono. Goorgo Good rum who Is nt Eugono will return horo early next wcok. MISS CORDELL, of South Coos Riv er, pnsBed through tho city on her way to North Bond to visit hor brother who Is conflnod In tho hos pital on account of a recent accl-dont. MISSES HILDA LINDSTROM nnd Over one thousand signatures havo so far been sccurod to the petitions nuking thnt tho locaton of tho Coos Bay I.lfo Saving Station he chang been forwarded to the officials of the Department. D.r McCormac , as president of the Chamber of Commoroo, has sent the following letter to tho Superintend ent of tho United States Llfo Savin? Sorvlco nt Washington, D. C, rela tive to tho matter; The recent disaster on Coos Bay bar, which caused tho loss of alt lives and left thrco widows with fourteen fatherless chlldron, has npaln called nttontlon to tho need of n chnngo In tho location of tho Llfo Saving Station at this place. Much of tho criticism that has been directed toward tho efficiency of the sorvlco of Coos Bny has boon caused by oventB that might havo been pre vented had tho station boon located whoro prompt sorvlco could havo bceen rendered to those In dnngor. With nn Increasing commerce" which furnishes a Btcady dally pro rr Bslon of frolght and passcngor ves sels In nnd out of this hnrbor, sor oral thousand lives ench year aro placed In Jcopnrdy In enso of accident by reason of tho presont location of tho Llfo Saving Station. On Coos Bny thoro aro ovor thro hundred motor boats, nenrly nil of which during somo tlmo of the year run down to tho entrnnco to tho hnrbor, two miles bolow tho loca tion of tho Llfo Saving Station, rind should any accident happen on tho ebb tldo thoy nro carried out to sea beforo the crow can rcscuo thorn. Many nccldonts happen every year Is- this locality. In which tho rescues havo boon performed before tho Llfo Saving crew could arrive Ploaso refer to roport on tho wreck of tho echoonor Marconi, a vessel loaded with lumbor bound for Chill, which wns wrecked on tho bar, drifted ovor tho South Spit Into Bns tendorf Covo, whoro by means of llneB from tho ovorhnnglng cliffs, tho crow woro rescued by Captain B. W. Olson and a counlo of tho crow of tho steamer Nann Smith boforo tho Llfo Saving crow arrived. Mnny Instances could bo given whoro smnll boats havo been In troublo that would havo resulted In loss of llfo had there not been othor nld to hnnd thnn that furnished by tho distant Llfo Saving crow. Tt Is not tho purposo of this lotter to crltlclpo tho work of the crow nt thin time, hut rnther to show that with present conditions thoy aro so handlcnnnod that they are Uablo nt any tlmo to ho blamed for results that thoy cannot prevent. During tho Bummer tlmo tho boach nt CharlcBton Is a resort for bathors and at times several hundrod aro gnthored thoro with nil tho possibil ities of accidents nttondlng such re ports, nnd tho station should bo lo cated thoro so that tho crow could glvo prompt nsslstanco In case of Violet Stauff, of Cooston, woro In troublo. Mnrshflold shopping Snturday. Under sopnrato cover I am mailing Thoy nlso brought tho money rnlsod by tho people of Cooston for tho North Star sufferer. Roadster Special Try a Dayton Boforo You Buy a Bicycle IF IT SUITS YOU NOW TJIE Dayton Guarantee AVILL DO THE REST Warranted Fiye Years FROM RIMS TO HANDLE BARS SIX MODELS LADIES' AND MEN'S $27.50 TO $12.50 MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Marhflcld Agency Phono 180 R. Agent. Front & Alder. MRS. PHILIP N. FLAGG hns re ceived word of tho sudden death of hor grandmother, Mrs. A. A. Liv ingston nt Salem, Orogon. Sha was about sovonty-threo years old and long had been n resident of Oregon. von petitions nnd othor data In re lation to this subject, which I hopo will recelvo your- careful considera tion, and that you will take prompt Btops to remedy this alarming dofoct In tho Forvlco nt this port. Very respectfully yours, J. T. M'COnMAO, Presldont Chamber of Commorce. Trlnl on Today A. C. Gabornacho, charged with maliciously damaging Tho Tlmos' llnotypo mnchlnes, Is be ing tried In Justice Ponnock's court this afternoon. THE DANGER OF LA GRIPPE Is Its fatal tendency of pneumonia. To euro your la grlppo coughs take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. R. E. Fisher, Washington, Kas., says; l "I was troubled with a sovere attack oi la grippe mat tnreatened pneumo nia. A friend advised Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound nnd I got rellof nftor taking tho first few doses. I took three bottles and my la grippe was cured." Get tiie genuine, In the yellow package. RED CROSS DRUG COMPANY. Ilavo your ion printing dono at Tho Times' offlco. Farmer Increase tholr crops, by planting tested seeds. Mor- 4 chants Increase business by soil- Ing quality merchandise and ad- vortlslng. first Class Auto Service Cars leavo Front of Lloyd hotel .o meet all trains. Fare 25c. Special calls anywhere at all hours. BEST OARS. Best drlvors. Phono 6C-J un til 11 p. ra., after 11 p. u. phone B-J. Resldenco phone 28-J; after 13 phone 181R. T). L. FOOTE. Proprietor. The Flour That Does Not Disappoint Sperry's Drifted Snow Hour BfST BY EVERY TEST