THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELd) 'OREGON,' 'iHoNDAY; JANUARY, 29, 1912-EVEN)NG EDITION - - - COOS BAY TIMES Entorcd nt tho postolllco at Marsh Sold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second claaa mall matter. M. C. MALONKY Kdltor ntid lub. DAN K. MALONKY News Editor Dodicatcd to tho servlco of the peoplo, that no good causo shall lack hamplon, and that evil shall not thrivo unopposed, n mEROPLANE ADVENTURES By JT.AHJtfSTR.ONG DRJSX1SL SUBSCRIPTION ItATKS. DAILY. One year JG.OO Fer month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year 1.60 When paid strictly In advance the ubBcrlptlon price of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for It months. V. Bumping the Bumps In the Air Ofllclnl Pmior of Coos County An Independent Republican news paper published evory ovonlng oxcopt Sunday, and Wookly by Tho Coon Uny Tlmos PubllahliiK Co. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Marshlleld :: :: :: :: Oregon TUB CUBAN SITUATION. UDA Is again on tho threshold of trouble, and tho war depart ment Is anticipating tho necessity of Intervening for tho preservation of order. Tho Cuban national election occurs In Scptombor and tho now President will bo nominated In July. Tho sol dlcrn who fought against Spanish rulo havo organized what Is called tho veteran movement a pro-Cuba nnd nntl-Spanlard movomont not un llko tho proscription ngalnst tho American torlcs that followed tho war of tho revolution. Tho movement Is taking with tho masses of tho peoplo, nnd In tho "breaking down of old liberal and conservative party lines there Is n thrcnt nt tho stability of the gov ernment. Tho wnr department has denied that nny further pruvlslnns for In tervention hnvo been made thnn nro nlwnys rendy In caco nctlon undor tho Plntt amendment Is warranted. Hut tho department Is rondy for In torvontlon nnd Is wntchlng develop ments anxiously. 1 t WITH THE Z TOAST AND TEA t GOOD EVENING. Copyright, mi, by Henry M. Neoly. CopyrlKht In Great Britain and Canmla. Alt rights reicrved.J TO the man on tho ground flying In nn neroplnno looks like the smoothest sailing in tho world. Under ordinarily favorublo weather conditions the nlr craft nee ins to skim along on it perfectly even keel and without tho slightest deviation from n straight Hue. and that is possi bly one reason why the average man thinks that the life of tho nviutor must bo one constnnt succession of pleasant nnd exhilarating experiences. Air conditions 000 feet from the earth nro vastly different from those 0,000 feet up. The lower layers of the atmospboro nro enticingly smooth nnd caBy to sail upon and offer nono of tho unpleasant surprises which wo get as wo go higher and higher. Thero la nothing In tho first S0O or 1.000 feet to look out for except tho vagaries of the wind, and these cnu usually bo Srctty well forecast from the lndlca ons on tho ground boforo starting and from tho conditions met in the first few minutes of flight. But up above that, In tho realm of tho scudding mists and tho drifting fringes of clouds, whero one dashes out of a warm air current Into the coolncsn of suspended moisture, one meets surprise after surprlso and In forced to be always on tho alert, with brain calm and bunds and body ready for instant action at tho first sign of an ncrlal hlllocl: or rnvlno. "Bumping1 the Bumps" In the Air. Hnvo you ever on u warm su:nmer' evening gone to n plcnsuro resort, paid your nickel or 10 cents through n little est fight with the "bumps" In the air. Tho weather was Ideal for climbing. It was cold, but tho nlr was fairly still, nnd tho first few thousand feet of my ascent wero mndo smoothly nnd with out much difficulty In n steady rise that was almost mechanical in its ex actness. Tho bnrogrnph record Is Interesting in Bbowlng the progress of this flight For thoso who do not know It may bo well to explain that tho barograph Is an Instrument which registers altitude, nnd by means of a pen point filled with lndcllblo Ink It records tho varia tion in a constant lino on a plcco of paper which Is moved uround by clock work. Story Told by Barograph. This barograph record shows that In tho first fifteen minutes I roso to a height of 4,600 feet Tho Increasing difficulties of tho climb aro indicated by tho fact that at tho end of tho next fifteen minutes I was only about 7,700 fcot blgb, but tho lino traced by tho pen up to this point Is fairly steady, and only when it passes tho 7,000 foot mark does it begin to waver. It was during this part of my flight that tho train began to tell upon mo and the steadiness of my climb was Interrupt ed by frequent descents. In the noxt few minutes I got my self together better, for tho lino shows u sudden Jump of nearly a thousand feet In ulKiut five minutes, nnd then it is plain to bo seen that my troubles begun, for the lino from 8.700 feel to tho topmost limit, which was grati fy I ugly close to tho 1 0.000 mark, is lit tle more than n blur. It shows that the pen point was vacillating up and Time nftrr flme F trletflhls extreme ly dangrrmtH expedient, nnd nt tho end of each rNe I found myself n little higher than l had been before, and, best of all, I found that I was able to hold the advnutugo thus gained. Attended by Shrieking Fiends. l cannot explain adequately Ju3t what a tremendous impression wan made upon nus by these aerial hurdles. On the downward slope l seemed to be hurtling madly Into eternity, catapult eil toward the earth and uttended by (To Be Contuued.) Charles Durham, Lovlngton, 111., has succeeded In finding n positive euro for bed wetting. "My Httlo boy wot tho bed overy night clear thro' on tho floor. I tried several kinds of kidney medlcluo and I wna in tho drug storo looking for something dif ferent to help him when I heard of Foley Kidney Pills. After ho hnd taken thorn two days wo could seo n change and when he hnd taken two thirds of a bottlo ho was cured. That is about six weeks ago and ho- has not wet In bed since." BED CBOSS DRUG COMPANY. City Auto Service (iood Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhore at nny time." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phone 46. BARKER & GOODALE, Proprietors. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTHELL Phone 8131 THOUQHT8 ON LOVE. "Ilnte hnth no harm for lovo," so ran tho song; "And pence uuwciiponed con quers every wrong." -Whlttler. Somo weep because they part And languish broken hearted, And others oh, my heart IlecniiRe (buy never parted. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch. When lovo is strong It nover tnrrles to tnlto heed Or know If Jtn return exceed Its gift, lu Its Hwlft husto no greed. No strifes belong. Helen Hunt The light of lovo shines over all; Of love that says not mine nnd thine. But ours, for ours Is thine and mine. Longfellow. HER SHOULDER HAG. When Evolyn goos forth upon Her dally promenade, T.o! from her uhouldor hangs a bag Of volvet or brocado, J roatly fad of fnahou, fringed And trimmed With cords of gold And big enough with room to spnro Ilor dainty self to hold. Tint In Its soft, capacious dopths, With richest sntln lined, A handkerchief nnd powdor puff Aro nil that ono can find. Hecnuso when Evelyn hnd bought This fancy nf tho inluuto --Sho did not hnvo u ponny loft Alns, to carry In it. Mlnnn Irving, - JAMES WATSOX, When polities bogliiH to boll nnd enn- dlanto8 lino up to fight. When Unrny-hnndod sons of toll can not decide Just which Is right; You'll rind Jim Watson right In lino, a soldlor of tho G. O. P. Without n kick without n whlno, ho plugs nwny for llb-or-ty. Have Us Launder Your Underwear We wash tbeso garments cleaner and better than tho work can be done olsowhoro, and thoy aro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, oven woolen garments aro roturned the samo slzo as when sent us. Wo iron tho garments nlcoly, make ordinary ropairs free of chnrgo and you hnva fresh clean, swcot under wear roady for each week's change Bundle yours up with next wcok'i laundry bundle MarshfieluNHand & Steam Laundry IMION 2150-J rPRESSIONAL DIRECTOR Y TUTHS. K. HirADHUItXi:. Tenchor of volco placoment, breathing and Interpretation of song If. roady to receive tho public. Studio 1211 Commercial Ave. T"H. K. K WINKLER, " Naturopath nnd Clilroprnctor. All chronic dlsoasoa treated. Consul tation freo. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 und 6 to 8 p. m Naturopath institute Room No. 1 No. 136 Broadway, Marsbflold, Oro "HAD ANYTHING KAII.KH I'tlKUh WOULb HANK BUU.N NO ALTEU NATIVE BUT A BACKWARD DHOP TO AWFUL DESTRUCTION." H. B. HICKRY, of tho Standlsh lllckoy Lumber Company, Is horo from San Francisco to nrrnngo for tho purchase of boiuo tlmbor In this section. His company n year or so ago bought a lumber mill at North Bond, of which W. E. Best lb mnnngor nnd for which ho wishes to secure timber. box office window, got Into a Httlo car with six or seven othor persons and for several minutes thereafter coasted up and down a series of artificial hills and valleys at n thrilling speed? In other words, havo you ever tasted of tho excitements of "bumping tho bumps?" Well, "bumping tho bumps" Is Just what wo do when wo climb for height; wo engage In uerlal rough riding. Sometimes wo do It volun tarily, but most of the tlmotho"uuip" comes with tho complete nnd sudden surprise that spells disaster for us unless wo nro on tho alert to cope with its difficulties. I think I may claim without boast ing that I have done more nltltudo work thnn any man now living. Twlco I have set the world's height mnrk, but In my practice work I havo made sev eral climbs which to mn wero even more notable than thoso which wero officially recorded, and on nt least two of these my barograph registered high er thau tho then world's record figures. I was preparing myself for work that suoum uo otncuuiy recorded In open competition, nnd In this preparation I trnvo had experiences with tho "bumps" of tho air which I shall not soon for get nnd which havo taught mo always to expect the unexpected in tho upper Etrntn of tho atmosphere. As I write I havo before mo sovoral bnrocranh records of my vnrlous flights nnd the thin tracing of the pen points on one or two of them recalls to my mind the oxporleuces through which I passed whllo making them, and one In par ticular 1 pick out as being a souvenir of us streuuous n day's work ns I have ever done. It was a little Jaunt Into tho heart of the heavens, made beenusu of mv loner cherished desire to go up to the 10,000 foot mark, and It gavo mo my hard down and up and down, and 1 shall not aoou forgot tho plunges and Jumps tho bumping tho bumps the rough riding that caused this lino to take such an appearance. I had set out to mako 10,000 feet, and when I was suro that I must be Bomowbcro near thero I looked at my barograph and found that It registered nearly n thousand feet short of my mark. I hnd almost reached the limit of my strength. It seemed Impossible to make tho Bleriot climb any higher, yet I shoved her uoso up nt an nnglo that threatened destruction1 If any thing went wrong, but tho motor only spat protestlugly nnd dragged her for ward horizontally without 'seeming to pull her up uu Inch. I decided to seo what an Increase of speed would do. Accordingly I headed tho noso of tho Bleriot downward, nnd, with tho engine running at Its utmost. I took u deep plunge Into the spaco below nnd kept plunglug until my speed must havo been somowhere near 100 miles an hour. Then, with this tremendous impetus. I headed tho ma chine upward agalu at a good nngle and was rojolced to flud that I not only ruwui-u uuovo my starting point, hat that the propeller seemed able to hold me thero without difficulty. pvR. O. W. LESLIE, - Osteopathic PbyslcUa Graduato of tho American school ot Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marsbflold; Oregon W. BENNETT, Lawyer. )fflte over Flanagan & Bennett Bank rarshfleld Oregon rR. J. T. McCOHMAO, Marshfleld, Oregon. Jfflce; Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office Phone 105-J D R. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high class work on short notlco at the very lowost prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo slte Chandler hotol. phone 112-J. STADDEN All klnda of photograph work, bromide enlarging juid kodak finishing. We Do Not Intend To Attempt to Force This $15 Gas Water Heater Upon the People REWARD FOR CAPTURE OF PAPER THIEVES Tho Coos Bav Tlmos will nnv $5.00 roward to auy iiartv fur- nlsblng evidence that will con- vlct men or bovs who stent en. pies of Tho Times from aub- scrlbors nftor Tho Times' ilollv- orv llOVfi linvn flnllvnrn.t It A. ' I .Tttnisaa"! : --. .- -j? m Snow Drift Floui Highest Quality It would be foolish f0r Company to give away lU cxpenaive Water Heatcri ,, people who would not them. The SERVICE performed I, the Water Heater, howey is bo valuable that it willj. utilized wherever the Healj, is available. Therefore we are willing J take a certain degree J chance. The number to be placJ FREE is limited. You mint apply soon i you wish to I served. Call or Phone 178. Oregon Power Co Condensed Statement of the condition of The First National Bank OF OOOS HAY at tho Closo of Business, Dec. 5, 1911. Resources. Loans and Discounts $229,339.11 Bonds, Warrants nnd Securities 73,161.(1 U. S. Bonds to eocuro circulation 25,000.01 Roal Estnto, Furnlturo nnd Fixtures 81,472.11 CnBh and Sight Excbnneo r 141,131.11 Total 8330,000 labilities. Capital stock paid In 100,000. Surplus nnd uudlvlded profits... 10.797.1) Circulation, outstanding 26,000.0 Doposlts , 414,298.11 Total 8380.0W-M INTEREST PAID ON TISU3 ANI SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MARSHFIELD OnEGOX FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTV, ESTABLISHED IN 1880. Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits $1 00,000.00 8,0001 Into, ?st paid on Unto deposits. 1 SAFETY' DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. U. S. Depository for Postal fuuds. Taxes can bo paid through tWj uuuk jreo or cnargo. Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony Thla Is a vital question for pre80nt day horaobullderB whether to havo a houso which In appearanco must always remain tho uxa Nni,i,nTJ mt ,W,U perm,t of a N"10 refreshing occasional -nu d! Ca"? as Uo '"dividual tastes a frame house e Sr ninn d0 m har,monl!:o with Us surroundings a fresh co th .L ll mnko u aB B00d na y"r neighbor's now boart mv SnE fr?.a n,W BU,.t makeB yu feel 1,k a new man. At mtLht L t ? ?V.8e ,s 8UBCPtHlo to most any chango yo might deslro and whllo it Is permanent It does not necessirllr wev nhZl ? (yes.or? or a monotony. There are lots of thUJj heforo ,.i ned ab0Ut .housea and lumbr that you should knot beforo building com0 In and we'll give you our views. C. A. Smith Lumber &1 Mfg. Co, .x.., m.i-AiH".MENT SOUTH BROADWAY, MARSIIFIEU'- Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire 1 If w ana Marine Insurance , Title Guarantee and Abstract 0. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phono 191 Marshfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. flAMaml A ...X lira a rmrit vtnt "" Ascma "xiiABiaium" J! GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFIC 7