The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 27, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Page 8, Image 8

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(Continued from pngo 2.)
wore Misses Esther Imhoff, Norma
Chnsc, Loin llltchlo, Maud Crosby,
Awolln Llllobo, Lonora Topo nnd
Vera Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Juza, Mrs. U. Woodbury, Messrs.
Geortro Dowoy. Warren Murphy, Will
Heed, Will Davis, Wlnflold Wood I ions .'or nn Informal afternoon of
bury, II. Simpson, Herbert Morton, Brldgo Monday. This Is ono of ft
Carl Groves, Charles Van Zllo nnd sorles of small parties Mrs. Mlngus
Cnpt. anil Mrs. Will Mngco will
move to Marshllcld soon, occupying
the It J. Montgomery homo In West
Marshllcld. Mr. and Mrs. Mont
gtriiory will movo to Enstslde.
Mrs. 12 Mlngus has Issued lnvlta-
Durt Dandol.
A surprise party was given Mr. ami
Mrs. S. S. Jennings at their North
Bond homo last Thursday evening by
a number of friends nnd neighbors,
nmong whom woro Mr. and Mrs.
Grout, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. HoclUng, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Gubsor, Misses Elizabeth and Tilly
and Doris Gubscr and Harold, Eliza
beth and Mnblo Jennings.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Wornlch onlcr
tnlned at dinner Wcdnesdny, Jnnn
nry 24, at their homo In North
The Mlnnlc-Wls club will meet
Thursdny, Fobrunry 1, with Mrs. Hol
ed Baldwin nt tho homo of Mrs. Mary
Thompson, 88G South Fifth Slrcot.
Mrs. C. K. Porry entertained In
formally nt brldgo 8nturdny after
noon sovornl friends nnd ncghbors,
among thorn Mrs. Dorsoy Kroltzcr,
Mrs. A. L. HoiiBoworth, Mrs. C, It.
Peck, Mrs. L. D. Small, Mrs. F. 0.
Horton, Mrs., Chnrlcs Q. Vnn Duyn,
Mrs. 13. F. Morrlssoy nnd Mrs. E. E.
Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Johnson, Victor
Johnson nnd Hugo Quint wero guests
at tho Geo. F. Murch homo nt dinner
Wcdnesdny ovcnlng. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Johnson arrived on tho Nnun Smith,
visited In Mnrshflold during tho load
ing of tho boat and loft Thursday on
hor for Callfornln whero they will
visit sovoral cities of tho south on
tholr westorn tour.
Cards hnvo been rocolvod horo nn
nounclng tho marrlago In Portland, !J- Hnrtmnn, John Olson, John Mul
Is planning for tho noar future
Initiation of new members and In
stallation of officers camo in tho
order of business nt tho rcgulnr
meeting of Altlor Lodgo No, 102,
Fraternal Union of America Thursday
uvanlng. After tho rogulnr busi
ness session, three now mombors
were Initiated Into tho order, wliore
uron Deputy Grand Norls Jensen,
sslsto' by Deputy Ornnd Guldo V.
0. Prntt, Installed tho following
ofllcors of tho lodgo for tho ensuing
i?. M. Etta Sncchl.
Justice Laura Hanson.
Secretary- Nelllo Owen.
Tieasuror Ruby B. Drows,
Tri'th Frances Mauzoy.
Aleicy Chester Wolcott.
J'lldo Ellen Sneddon.
Guard Albert Carlisle
Sentinel Homer Mauzoy,
Stoward Elsie Busby.
A flno banquet was sorvod to the
members nnd tholr fnmlllcs, tho very
plcnsnnt meeting and social ending
with games nnd cards.
A big dnnco will bo x.ivon Monday
in Logglo's hall, North Bend, by tho
u. .m. u. ciuo, untior tno supervision
of tho general commlttco composed
of Mrs. Wornlch, Mr. Dost nnd Mr.
Olson. Whllo thirty or forty mom
bors will bo present, no refreshments
will bo served, tho nffnlr being
strictly n dnncc. Tho membership
list comprises nenrly twenty couples
nnd Individuals, nmong thorn Messrs.
and Mosdnmc8 C. F. McCollum, L.
J. Simpson, W. Bailey, Geo. Gelson
dorfor, John G. Horn, C. M. Bylor,
W. 8. Turpon, W. E. Best, August
Hoolllng, Frank Gnmblo, Chns. Wil
liams. II. G. Llndon, II. E. Burmos
tor. P. N. Roborg. R. A. Wornlch,
nnd Messrs. Edgnr Simpson, MoDado,
January twonty-fourth, of MIbs Mar
garet A. Barker nnd James L. Gil
christ. Miss Barker will bo romom
berod by tho local lodgo pooplo horo
06, former head of tho Dogrco of Hon
or in Oregon, nnd as a visitor nt tho
J, T. McCormno homo.
Tho North Bend Brldgo club met
for n delightful ovonlng of enrda at
tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J.
Simpson Friday ovonlng, nnd n vory
Jolly Dutch supper was served Into In
tho ovonlng. Tho houso was profuse
ly decoratoa with snllal nnd hucklo
borry branches nnd pussywillows,
Mrs. Bylor nnd Mrs. Ronnlo wero for
tunnto in winning prizes. Thoso
presont woro Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A.
Wornlch, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. Ronnlo,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Turien, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. M. Byler, Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Best nnd Mrs. Frnmo substitute.
Mrs. Frnmo will ontortnln tho club
nt tholr noxt meeting, tho dnto of
which la uneortnlii, depending upon
tho return of Mr. nnd Mrs. . J. Simp
son from Snn Francisco, whoro they
will visit shortly.
D. C. Greene, tho now muungor oi
tho Oregon Power Company on Coos
Bay, has leased the former J. K. Or
on houso in South Mnrshllold,
and ho nud Mrs. Greene will shortly
bogln housekeeping there. Tho
property is one of tho lluost homes
In Marshlleld and was bought by
tho Sisters of Mercy with n view to
converting it into n school whou tho
tune Is opportune,
Mrs. E. L. C. Fnrrin roturned this
week from nu extended visit lu Port
land nud other northern points.
8ho will arrange for tho shipment
of tholr household effects as Mr. Far-
r&Jaa '" "!.o,s '""""" " o..t a coi-i
law there. i or 8e'10" f green nnd whlto thnt
len, Gcorgo Shorldnn, Frod Kruso,
u. ,i. Kinney, uout. Banks, nnd Den
ny Hull.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John A. Blntt on
tortnlnod at dinner Satuday evening
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Gldloy, Mr. nnd
Mrs. II. S. Towor, nnd Miss Norn
Mr. and Mrs. E. Woodln, who re
cently enmo from Klnmath Falls to
spend n short tlmo In North Bond,
loft Thursdny on tho Homer to tnko
up n pormnnent rosldenco In Sncrn
moiito. 0
Mrs. Robt. McCnnn ontortnlned
tho Lndles" Aid of tho Presbyterian
church nt her North Bond homo on
Thursdny afternoon. Tho day wns
spent in sewing nnd in malting plans
for propnrlng work for tho Women's
Kxchnnge. Tho following members
nnd guests wero presont: Mrs. K.
Rood, Mrs. W. R. Simpson, Mrs. C. A.
Smith, Mrs. Geo. Bolster, Mrs. 0. II.
Fnrrlss, Mrs. E. E. Hnycs, Dr. C.
Clnrko nnd Miss LlUInn McCnnn.
Mrs. Fryo was hostess Thursdny
to tho Lndles' Aid of tho United
Brothorn church of North Bond nt
hor homo In Bnngor. Among thoso
presont woro Mrs. J. V. Hodson, Mrs.
A. Footo. Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. Tny
lor, Mrs. Rhode, Mrs. Goldor, Mrs.
Rechlnhound, Miss Mndgo Golder,
Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Charles Cnvnnnugh
nnd Mrs. Fryo.
O- ,
Two of tho daintiest parties of tho
winter season woro glvon Thursday
and Friday afternoons by Mrs. F. M.
Parsons nt her homo in West Mnrsh- J
field. Tho rooms woro bcnutlfullyl
bung lu trailing ivy and borrles nnd I
Miss M. F. Mullen, formerly of
jsmpiro, niriveii noro tins week from
Snn Francisco vln Portland for a
short stay. It was hor proporty at
Emplro thnt was lost when Cnpt.
Mugeo's homo was destroyed by lire
and tho $1,000 Insurance on it will
only partly reimburse hor. Many
of hor porsonal belongings which
wero stored lu tho house, wero nl6o
The A N. W. club was entertain
ed nt n pleasant nftornoon or sew
wib by Mrs. E. Mlngus, Thursday.
Mrt-. Stump and Miss Marsh wero
guests of tho afternoon and iisslsted
in tho rogulnr work of tho club.
Noxt week, Thursday, Mrs. F. M.
Frledburg will be hostess.
was prettily copied in tho luncheon
nnd In tho dnlnty candles with tholr '
crowns of smilax that decked each .
tnblo. Eight tables of Brldgo woroj
played Thursdny nnd seven Friday,
honors being won by Mrs, J. W Ben-'
nett nnd Mrs. Eugeno Crostwnlt nnd
Becond honors by Miss O'Hrlon nnd
Mrs. F. G. Horton. Mrs. Parsons
wns assisted Thursday by Mrs, E.
Crosthwalt nnd Mrs. W. F. Miller,!
Friday by Mrs. E. F. Morrlssoy. Miss I
Eugenln Schilling and Miss Charlotto !
MRS. E. SHADBURNE. teacher of I
voice placement, breathing nnd ln-j
terprotntlon of song Is ready to re
celvo tho public. Studio 241 Com-'
morclal Ave- I
1 John Lnfon, Jr., and wifo nnd bnby
will lonvo nbotit Mnrch 1G for Aoho
vlllc, N. C., whero Mr. Lnfon hns nc
ceptcd nn excellent position In tho
' government forestry service Mr.
Lnfon hns been In chnrgo of tho
' roforcstrntlon work of tho C. A.
Smith Compnny. Ono renson for tho
chnugo Is thnt Mr. nud Mrs. Lnfon
' will bo nenr their pnrcnts, who re-
sldo in tho south. Tholr dopnrturo
from tho Bny will bo greatly re
grottcd by tho host of friends thoy
havo mndo here.
Tho Progress Club Bpent n very
pleasant and Instructive nftornoon,
Mondny, on tho subject of "Mural
Decorations." A long nnd clovor
paper on the subject of the nftornoon
wns rend by Mrs. F. G. Horton. An
nrtlclo on "Tho Death of Mr. Abboy"
was road by Mrs. C. W. Tower.
The ps.plo of North Bend nro In
deed grateful to Tolln broulllnrd and
Mrs. Worrol for the opportunity of
homing tho delightful musical pro
gri :n of Tuesday ovonlng.
in b. to of tho storm a good nudl
or.o ntliorcd at Eckhoff Hall for
two hours of pleasure
Mis. votrol Is well known as a
a capable planlsto. Hor play
ing howovor was a rovolation to hor
frlonds. In tho "MIsororo" by Gotts
uha'it her flno Interpretation and
bplendld touch woro shown to good
advantage. Tho "Polka Caprlco do
.a Rcino" by Raff was brilliantly
rendered. Tho difficult loft hand
arrangement of "Homo Swcot Homo"
proved tho gront mnstory of tho koy
board. In fact It could not havo
bcon bettor played nnd wo only hope
thnt In tho futuro, wo mny mnny
times hear this talented musician.
Tho orchestra was a splendid ad
dition to tho program and was truly
No words aro too strong in prnlso
of Miss Dolla Broulllnrd'8 work.
"A beautiful girl with n beautiful
volco," every triumph Is within her
Sho is unnssumlng nnd girlish nnd
hor strong personality Is felt tho mo
ment sho stops upon tho platform.
In singing the "Nurwordlo Schn
sucht Kennt" much depth of feeling
wns shown. Tho "Spring Song"
wnB beautifully rendcrod, displaying
tho beautiful high tones nnd lloxl
Iblllty of voice whllo tho chest roijls-
tor control wns very good In Reu
ben's "Lnmont."
"Un dou'x Hon" wnn beautifully
sung showing perfect French die-1
tlon. In Bomo of tho othor songs,)
MIsa Broulllnrd'8 dramatic qualities1
woro splendidly Bhown but without
so much sweetness. Miss Broulll
nrd's volco might bo called a Col-.
o rat ura dramatic soprano. Sho'
seoms equally woll nt homo In fling
ing tho highest notes or tho lowest. I
8ho Is by fnr tho most chnrmlng
or heard on this coast nnd wo
regrot that hIio soon roturna to tho
Enst to resume hor studies.
Miss Broulllard Is from Iowa.
Falling health forced her to snond n
few months on tho const nnd from
hor rcsldonco horo sho hns dorlvcd
nucli bouollt.
UT of tho dusky midnight,
Over the Bluer new,
A spirit cntno
With n limit of Maine,
Hliiulni! of jou. of mi.
Dnuii niso over tho mountain,
Qolil on the furthest height.
And the roliltm wing
Till tho wlldwood rang
Only of love's dollRht.
Midnight nnd dawn mul nunsct
Ilomi of tho cast nnd west
AKaln I wait
M your garden gntc,
And tho thorn Is In my breast.
-Louis V. I.edoux In Century.
I know tho dcaroat llttlo place,
All sunny fair.
And there's no othor spot I fain
Would go but there.
"Oh. Is It sea or hill or stroam
Or desert wide?"
You nsk. "And will Its days bo
And calm besldo?"
And then I lnugh. "I do not know
Nor do I care.
Tho dearest spot, nnd you enmo. too,
Is anywhcrol"
-Clalro Wallace Flynn In Alnslco's.
'Knn nro four Tb too apt to run.
'TIs best to set a watch upon.
Our tongue.
Know when to speak, yot bo con
Whon sllenco Is most eloquent
Our tlmo.
Onco lost, no'er found, yet who can say
He's overtaken yesterday?
Our thoughts.
Oft when nlono thoy tako them wings
And light upon forbidden things.
Our temper.
Who In tho family guards It bost.
Boon has control of all tho rest.
Pittsburg Press.
Politics Is tho sclcnco of ex
igencies. Theodore Parker.
I will listen to any one's con
victions, but pray keep your
doubts to yourself. I have plen
ty of my own. Goethe.
Unhappy Is the man for whom
his own mother hns not mndo all
mothers venerable. Rlchter.
'TIs sad work to bo nt that pass
thnt the bost trial of truth must
bo the niultitudo of believers in
n crowd whero tho number of
fools so much exceeds that of
tho wise. As if anything were so
common as Ignorance! Mon
taigne. All philosophy lies in two
words, "sustain" nnd "nbstnln."
.ZAItU of the wilding ways,
ituier or tho changing days.
Ilnund nnd round the world
ami under.
Hkles of motley, woods of
Stately mountain, moody sea,
Matter llxrd and forces free.
Form nnd color, uo, Intent,
Yield unto thy blandishment.
Wizard of tho wilding ways,
neauty over speaks thy praise,
riowery mead and fruitful fields
Light and shade that seed tlmo yields.
Streams that bear tho harvest down,
Hills that templed cities crown,
liver living, evor dying.
To thy will aro still complying.
Wizard of the wilding ways;
Man. thy power doth amnzo.
Little does he understand
Of tho cunning of thy hand
That doth mnrk the leaf with veins
And control the plangent rains,
But ho treasures up thy deeds,
And they unify hlu creeds.
-Charles V. Stevenson.
Democracy Is tho form of po
litical government which best
promotes freedom nnd social Jus
tice; hence tho importance of
considering tho Inroads which
other authorities and powers
hnvo made slnco 1770 on our
democratic liberties nnd of study
ing tho means of resisting these
Inroads. Wo shnll best prnlso
the men of 1770 by trying to
omulnto under our now coniM
tloim their foresight, wisdom nud
courage-Charles W. Eliot
Angling was Indulged In by the
Egyptiiius, the Greeks aud the Ro
Faith Unshaken.
"Is that man a reliable weather
prophet V"
"I should say he Is," replied Fnruwr
CominxMPl, "Sometimes HI vcnMii
Is a few days nheml of time or u few
days behindhand, but It always p-tx
ber." Washington Ktnr.
How to Remove Spots From a Table.
You can remove that unsightly white
spot from the polished top of your din
Ing tnblo. mused by u hot dish, by
simply saturating n piece of cloth with
essoin o of peppermint and rubbing the
tpot Willi it.
1 ..... i i . .K . -tk"i I
ii is..'! n TrJdKMrf j
I ah.'T'TrVHU I
mi ir,&r-z?r.
f m "
Men's High-Grade Clothing
At Clearance Sale Prices
Entire stock reduced nothing held back
no reserve, every suit included All colors
blues and blacks and fancy mixtures
latest diagonal weaves
Prices One-Fourth, One-Third to
One-Half Less
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co,
it. U. No. 20
HEN first 1 saw sweot Tcsey
Twns on a market nay.
A low backed car sho drovs
nnd sat
Unon a truss of hay.
Dut when that hay was blooming Brass
And decked with (lowers of sprtnK
No flower wns there, that could compr
With tho blooming Rlrl I sin.
As sho sat In tho low backed car
Tho man nt the turnplko bar
Never nsked for tho toll,
Dut Just rubbed his ould poll
And looked after the low backed car.
In bnttlo'a wild commotion
Tho proud and mlgnty Mars
With hostile scythes demands his tithes
Of death In warlike cars.
While reggr, peaceful Koddess,
Has darts In her bright eyo
Thnt knock men down In tho market town
As right nnd left they fly,
Whfle sho sits In her low backed car,
Than battlo moro dangerous far,
For tho doctor's nrt
Cannot euro tho heart
Tint Is hit from that low backed car.
Sweet Peggy round her car. sir,
Has strings of ducks and geese,
Dut the scores of hearts sho slaughter
liy far outnumber these.
While she among her poultry sits
Just like a turtledovo.
Well worth tho cago I do engage
Of tho blooming god of lovo.
Whllo she sits In her low backed car
Tho lovers come, near nnd far,
And envy tho chicken
That Peggy Is plckln'
As she sits In her low backed car.
Oh, I'd rather own that car, sir,
With Peggy by my sldo
Than a coach and four and gold gator
And a lady for my bride,
For tho lady would sit fornlnst me
On n cushion mado with taste,
Whllo Peggy would sit beside me.
With my arm around her waist,
Whllo wo drovo In the low backed car
To bo married by Father Mahar.
Oh. my heart would beat high
At hor glanco and her sigh.
Though It beat In a low backed carl
Samuel Lover.
Geo. W. Urynnt coal and hauiitt
rock crushor
10 III
Doctor's Orders.
Red Cross Drug" Store
Phone 122-J
7Ai e iw- viLtlvc h
Latest Styles
Best Quality
Lowest Prices
"I nm so hungry, mum."
"Truly, mum."
"Then saw that wood for me."
"Mo physician says 1 shall tako no
exercise on an empty stummlck.
Ttut you have killed your hero in
tho flrst chapter."
"Sure! I want to havo it over with
sojhe reader can havo some peace of
Hi! court
in7AZir.,nyZ, TOF?F corn
n J,l'rl "! Fund.
Conulllo Mill & Morcantllo
t a?' Jub0"p.R. D. No. 1G.?1557.5G
J. M. Darker, hauling
uur, i;oos uay wagon rd.
James Hayes, supplies fur
nished, R. n. N'o.26....
C A. Courley, supplies
furnlshod, R. d. No. 26..
Mrs. -vym. Carver, supplies
furnished, R. D. No. 26..
Adolph Hayes, labor fur-
nisnea, u. d. No. 2G.
N. P. Peterson, supplies furnished
llonson & Hendricks, inatorlal Cit&l
ing Crook Brldgo fiM
A. N. Gould, surveying, lovelllnj
casn nuvancoa im
Lloyd Splros, viowor ju,
C. It. Flanagan, vlower, .. ,.ij(
Hnrrlson Sanford, axmnu
ii. Ei. Rohortson, nxmnn .. ..m
.mji-ui niougu-joiui iicar Itotj
A. N. Gould, surveying, levelllnt
cnan uavnnccd
L,ioyu apiros, viowor
u it. t'lnnagan, viowor nil
cuehtor uonr, axmnn m
imrrisou uauioru, axmnn .. ,,fn
L,oiiis Ht. uonnis, rodman .
litiwaru llonson, rodman
CM)icr llriUKu-Nortlt Fork ltd,
A. N. Gould, lovcllng, profiles, etc
A. N. Gould, making ostlmalei, k
Huniuor 1'iiirviow, and Coottoi
Allogany ronds lltl
Special Itond Fund
E. E. Weekly, balanco in full on
contract, R. D. No. 18.. ..Illlil
T. S. Evorndon, sorvlccs as tptli!l
ronu mnstor, R. D. No. 18.. M
Utfiiernl Inind
Thos. B. Kay, stnto treasurer, n
port or inmatcH of stato Instlto-
tlon for fcoblo minded ., 14) M
S. C. Glloa, robato on taxes, tit.
State of Oregon)
County of Coos) ss.
I, Jnmos Watson, County Clrll
of Coos County. Oregon, ex-el
Clork of the County Court (or nUl
County and Stnto. custodian oil
records, nchlvos nnd flies ot m
County, do horoby certify that I
foiogolng Is a true and corml
stntoinout of tho amount ot bllliill
lowed, on tho various funds ol I
County as nudltod by tho CoiKI
Court of Bald County and SUtKl
tho adjourned November 1911 To
thereof, iib tho snnio appear In I
Journals of said Court now la Ml
olllco and custody.
Witness my hand nnd the seiMl
tho County Court afllxcd this
day of January A. D., 1912.
County Clerk.
UA11V una TKItM
I lu Ro Vncntlon Kxpenses .Vote:
null Dni.j.tiilu.t. Hill
Ofllcors Salaries .. ..2091.6lj
Indigent Soldiers I'J
Jnnltor IM-JJ
County Bounty s'!m
Circuit Court !
Scnlp Bounty, Vi stato.... ""
J. P. Dlctrict No. S
KtntM vh. Klklns
C. L. Ponnock, J. P. fecB, claim
17.25 reduced nnd ulioweu
W.'b! Cox, VonBtnblo foes', railroad
faro, etc .... ''
C. L. Ponnock, J, P. fees, state u
Gould ''
C. L. Ponnock, J. P. fees, State u
Gustafson H
W. B. Cox, conBtablo foes, state H
OiifltnfAon "
J. W. Carter, making arrest, ftatt
vs. Gustafson
C. L. Ponnock, J. P. foes, state
Loudon '"
C. Ii. Pennock, J. P. fees, state n.
Arnot l"
S. W. Nonh. Dop. Game Warden,
Stato vs. Arnot, claim J1.00 not
C. L. Ponnock, J. P. feos, state rt
Johnson '
S. W. Noah, Dop. Game Wnrfv
Stato vs. Johnson, claim lvt
not allowed. , .,
C L. Ponnock, J. P. feos, state .
S. W. Noah, Dop. Gamo Wrd.
Stato vs. Kendall claim f 1.00 n
allowed '
Stato vs. Bcscott ,,
W. B. Cox, constable, care of prlj..
onor, etc -'Zt
Walter Richardson, making arrw(
meals, otc
AVitnesses . .
John Millott jji
O. F. Thomas '
JoMe Hoyt i'jj
William II. Evans 'j
' ile Moran 'jj
Nflls Hamiisson '
Gladies Belmont :'
vV'Ulam Horsfall hj
NUle Hofman '.'
J. A. O'Kelly, transportation cla"8
J1.20 not allowed
C. A. Metlln, room for prisoner,
plaim $5,00 not allowed.