THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1912 - EVENING EDITION r 6 GOVERNOR JUDSON HARMON OF OHIO -By A. V. A'BE'RStETHy COL DM BUS, O.-lBpcclaLJ-Wbcn the bribery charges against members of tlio Olilo gciiernl assembly exploded wltli tho suddenness and force of a bomb and Bent scores on n bunt for lawyers Governor Jndson Harmon took tbe nmo view of tbs personality of guilt that bo did when bo reported to Pres ident Roosevelt that Paul Morton, a member of bis cabinet had been guilty at granting rebates while an oUlcer of the Bantu Fo railroad. "Guilt Is always personal." sold Harmon to ItooMcrelt, and ho resigned bis com mhwlou to Investigate rebating be cause Teddy wns Inclined to shield Morton. A few hours after tbo bribery charges wore Died tho Ohio executive xtit out n order that no man should m- piir'i In tbti legislative boodllng mvi"tlpi tion. Tarty und even iirutitii trU-nd hips must ho set nslde. tli governor aid. nnd ttiu ntlrc sltunttwi cIciiihmi up. Throughout nlueieen yrnrx ul run tlnuous control Hi'iihllciiii rm tt mi xnlnlstnitmnM. whi'ti riuityiv ul irreg ularities were iinicii' invuiviim iiiwiumt. of their pitrty. nxiimrd th itttliiio They nro our Uiicvpm, uml wv uiii defend them " There mi Ohio tn to which grnntH iiiiiiiiiuity to wr citizens I) nd uei'ii demuiiiliug and picad lug for in vnln for dm'tides. The supremely luiportant achieve ments of tbe Ohio Democracy under tho leadership of Governor Harmon may bo divided Into transactions and legislations, tlrsu for the elimination of graft; second, such reform In tho tax system as will protect tho tax payer from the tax spender and wilt compel corporations to stop dodging taxes und pay along with all Indi vidual property owuers; third, thu ap plication of business methods and economy in public exiwudltures. and. fourth, the enactment of purely non partisan laws for tho bent-tit of tho entire people, Irrcspectlvo of political parties, and designed to make rule by Interest seeking corporations extreme ly dIUIcult and mlo by tin people easy. After ho became governor two years ago Mr. Ilnrmon quietly began bis uv vesication or tbo method by which public money bad been loaned by ito publlrnn state treasurers. He leurncd they put Interest earnings lu their pocket. There rollowed In rapid order suits against the estate und ttonclmnci. of V 8. McKlnnon. former lnti' treas urer. for f lltl.78.1 nnd Interest thereon: ngulnst former State Treasurer 1. li Cameron and his bondsmen for $211. 721 nnd Interest thereon Thev wen k'JbtrsiBsiiiiiW ''' '' --i- t'wMM 'siiHSfVrfsvl i 'VHHHFr'M! iT :IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibiiiiiiBHI HON. JUDSON HARMON, GOVERNOR OF OHIO. no who testifies before a legislative committee, uud this law, together with whitewash brush, hud prevented any Republican law violator from being baled before u court or Justice Naturally there was a great rush by distraught members for legislatlvo immunity. Hut Governor Harmon promptly pulled tbo plug of tho Im munity bathtub and prevented any one bathing in lbs soothing waters by Insisting that nu legislative Investigat ing commltteu bo appointed and that tho Inquest of tho grand Jury bo thu only probo. Indictments were returned ngalnst oven members of tho general assem bly und the sergeant-at-urms of tho senate, and tbeso cases will tako the same courau us that of tho most hum file citizen who becomes Involved In criminal charges. A coterie ot Demo cmts who had beeu lighting the gov ernor's bills were among ttiu members Indicted In less than three years ot his ml ml i) la trull on Governor Ilnrmon has jnado record or accomplishment uu paralleled lu (lie history or Ohio poli tics. He tins wrought more progress for tbe people than was in-roiupllsheil In tbo forty years that preceded him. There has been written Into me stat utes legislation Uiat the culightotied City Auto Service Oood Cars, Careful Drivers and rensonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro at any time." Stands nianco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phonos 78 nnd 46. Night Phono 40. HAKKEIt .i GOOn.Ua:. Proprietors. Hcpuhlli-iius. Another graft Investi gation brought fortli the exposure, prosecution and conviction or Mark Sinter, former Ilppubllcnn stato print er, on graft charges In lesser degrees; the settlement or an Interest claim of over $r.7(0 on muds carried lu tho bank for rormer Itepubllciiu State Au ditor Waltei I) Oullhcrt uud the filing or a claim for over 11.000 with tho re ceiver ot a ilfluui't Imnl; at Columbus ns uu Interest charge on fundi curried lu that Imnu by Mr. Gulluert us au ditor These revelations during tho gover nor's llrst term nunkeneii the civic juuscleuce uud paved the way for his subsequent re-election. Tin- Democrats cnpturiHl the general assembly at the suuie time Then Governor Harmon renewed hN eRorts in belmit ot certain mils two ItcpiiliUcnu general nsseinblloA denied him The most notable achievement ac complished by the executive durlug tho legislative session wns the enactment of the Wyiuau bill, including tbo Ore gon, plnn or nominating and electing United Stales senators, A coufereuco commltteo was appoint ed to frame a compromise senatorial nomination and election bill. "I would First Class Auto Service Cars lonvo Frout of Lloyd hotol to moot all trains. Faro 25c. Special calls nnywhoro at all hours. DEST OAKS, nest drivers. Phono CC-J un til 11 p. m., after 11 p. m. phono 6-J. Resldonco phono 28-J; after 12 phono 1S1R. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. vote ror n Hcpubilcnn for United States senator if the people by their votes declared for n Republican," tho governor told this committee dur ing the conference. "1 would bo proud to do lu 1 would simply be doing the will of tho people." Ono of the committee suggested the Oregon plan wns undemocratic. The executive replied. "It's the very essenco of Do mocrucy to put the government back Into the hands of the people and let them say whom they want for United States senator." Governor Harmon took a now tack and hud a similar measure offered In the house, tho Wyman bill. That body passed it and Bent It to the sen ate. where tho governor Anally got sufficient Itcpubllcnn votes to savo It Oblonns bud demonstrations recent ly tbnt their Judiciary, one of the most sacred Institutions of a free govern ment, had been Invaded by party boss es In their lnordlnnto thirst for power. Instead of being places where tho pco plo could turn to lnvoko tho penalties of tho criminal statutes on thosu who hnd offended certain courts wcro Do ing used, In cases whoro men of vast political power were concerned, to shield violators from tho vongcanco of the law. IliiMJbo general assembly took a long step forward from boss domination of tho courts by enacting a bill provid ing In tbo future that all Ohio Judges, from the dignified gowned Justices of tho supremo court down to tho humblo laymen who Bit as Justices of tho pence, shall bo elected on tickets ab solutely freo from party emblem or device. Nominations mnv be mado bv conventions, but tho power of bosses to control nominations was broken by n clause In tho bill which says that nominations may bo mado by peti tions. There is not another such law In tho United States. Ohio has boon bnmpcrcd by the crudo, unwieldy machinery ot a con stltutlon which was adopted in 1851, and tho subject of making a now or gnnlc law Is tbo biggest and most Im portnnt proposition that baa coino bo fore a nuckcyo general assembly In mnny years. Selfish bands wcro being outstretched to get control of tho con stitutional convention to bo held In 1012 when Governor Harmon took chnrgo of tho arrangements for It nnd succeeded In gottlng through tho gen eral assembly a bill which will removo tho delegates from political Influence and muko them rcsponslblo to tho peo plo only. So well did ho mnnnge the campaign that Ohio will sot a prece dent ror all otiier states to roHow when thoy come to rewrlto their organic laws Nominations of delegates wll bo mado by petition only, nnd nominees will ho elected on ballots absolutely free rrotn party device or emblem or pny form of phrty designation. The liquor question, which has been a sore spot In Ohio for sixty years, will Ik tlnnlly settled when tho new constitu tion Is ndopted. The state when Governor nnrmon grasped the reins or government had nineteen penal, reronnntory nnd benev olent Institutions, with the responsibil ity or uovonilng them divided among nliiuteen epnrnlo boards or trustees, three members to a board. They were 60 conducted us to secure neither econ omy nor best results. These trusteeships, all honorable positions nnd eagerly sought nrtpr. hnd been used ns a sort or curreucy to pur chase nominations and to rcpny tho boys who hud delivered votes in con voutlous. The trustees uppolnted su perintendents and ull suboidlnntes. nnd theso combined to rurnlsh the dynnmlc power for tho steam roller which tbo lato Mark nanna nnd Boss Georgo II. Cox used to crush tho llfo out of rebellions against tho rule or tbo G. 0. I'. machine. Governor nnrmou's idea was that "the establishments which n Christian stato maintains for charity aro sacred nnd that every seltlsh purpose should perish at their doors." Acting on this principle, tho governor framed and forced through tho general ussembly a bill placing all employees of the Institutions ranking below su perintendent under civil servlco rules Tho nineteen separato boards of trus- 1 KNOWLEDQE. Well dldrtt thou speak, Athena's wisest son: "All that we know Is nothing enn be known." Why should wo shrink from what wo cannot shun? Ilyron. I know myself now, nnd I fool within mo A peace nbovo all earthly digni ties, A still and quiet conscience. Shakespeare. Great wits nro sure to madness near allied, And thin partitions do their bounds divide. Dryden. At thirty man suspects himself n fool; Knows it nt forty nnd reforms his plan. Young. FRESH SEALSHIPT OYSTERS Arrived on Breakwater Phone Orders Phone 73 Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co. Two Deliveries Daily 8 a. m. ana 2 p. m. Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIDENCE WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTUIATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. 1'IIONE S37-J Have That. Roof Fixed NOW See GORTUELL Phone 81SI1 (Continued on page 7.) Authentic J luU inlorautioo about Utaliof, hitchiof, iiiu'ai, fenung and homing poultry It conUinM) is th. lattO edition M Lilly's Poultry book juA prioud, Send lor copy, (its. The Chu. H. Lilly Co., Sfsttls Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wnsh tboso garments elennor and better than tho work can bo done olsowhoro, nnd thoy nro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, ovon woolon gnrmonts aro returned- thf samo slzo ub when sont us. Wo Iron tho gnrmonts nlcoly, make ordinary ropnlrs froo of chnrgo and you hnvo fresh cloan, swoot under wear ready for onch week's change Dundlo yours up with nozt weok'f laundry bundle. Marshfield'Hand & Steam Laundry PIION 2200 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY EVERT NYMANOVER, Expert Piano Tuner-. Pitching, Voicing, Polishing nnd Tun. lug. Organs Repaired, HAINES MUSIC HOUSE, MARSH . FIELD, OREGON. TJR. eco-v'?- f-tf Jttavsuce. uu- jaws Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. E. F. WINKLER, Naturopath and Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation free. Ofllco hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and C to S p. m Naturopath Institute Room No. 1. No. 136 Drondway, Marshflold, Oro. D1 R. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Qraduato of the American school ol Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Ofllco In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4: Phono 161-J; Marshflold; Oregon. J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. )fflee over Flanagan & Bennett Bank larshfleld Oregon Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ROSS & PINEGOR. 256 Central avenue Phone 250X ITAT WORK. j, 253 TTR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Budding, opposite Post Office Phono 10 5-J D- A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high class work on short notice at the rery lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. We Do Not Intend To Attempt to Force This $15 Gas Water Heater Upon the People It would be foolish f0r 0. ff " Mf rtia. . s. v.uusijU..jr iu Bivj away ih exnunsive Wntnr Hni.. . people who would not ut fnnm. The SERVICE performed fcr the Water Heater, however is so valuable that it will bt utilized wherever the HealJ is available. Therefore we are willing 0 take a certain degree of ch ance. The number to be placed FREE is limited. You mini apply soon if you wish to U served. Call or Phone 178. Oregon Power Co, Condensed Statement of tho condition of The First National Bank OP COOS BAY at tho Closo of BufllnoBS, Doc. C, 1911. Resources. Loans and Discounts $229,329.87 Bonds, Warrants and Securities 73,161.(0 U. S. Bonds to eocuro circulation 26,000.01) RenI Estate, Furnlturo and Fixtures 81,472.91 Cash nnd Sight Ezchango 1U.131.SI Total $050,090.39 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In .'.... f 100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits.,. 10,797.81 Circulation, outstanding 25,000.0V Deposits 414,298.90 Totnl $080,000.29 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MARSHFIELD OREGON FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY, ESTABLISHED IN 1889. Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits $100,000.00 8,000.00 Into. ?st paid on tlmo doposlts. SAFKrV DEPOSIT BOXES TOR RENT. U. S. Depository for Postal funds. Taxes can bo paid through UU bank freo of chargo. Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony This Is n vital question for prosont day homobulIdorB whether to na o n house which In appearance must always remain the same Nolch&nn1?111 ,n permH of a mt, refreshing occasionally. 2b ll0 chanpJ as do individual tastes a frame house can Sr J!nin m har,monlzo with Its surroundings a fresh coat thn n,ni " "" """l U Bd B 1 neighbor's HOW hOUSO i. I U m? h0U8 ,3 8uacoptlbIo to most any change yon 2S hto and wW,e U ,8 Pormnnent t does not necessarily wcffa obsnn7nC8?r or a monotony. There nro lots of tblngi boforn hnffi! Ut .h0US68 aDd ,Uml30r tha y Bh0U,(1 kn boforo building como in and we'll glvo you our viows. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT SOBTn BROADWAY, JIARSHFIELD. mmnmmmmmmam Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACICEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 - Marshfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. ueneral Agents "EASTSIDE" GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' 0FFICM xVa IF JI,V