THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION CORBIN MAIL BOXES Tlic Only Lcitcr Box With n PERFECT LOCK 3 Kinds .... 50c, 75c and $1.00 Pioneer Hardware Co. 330 Front Street Marshfield, Oregon , JmIjf! COOS II AY TIDES. January, 1012. Dohw is glvon tlio tlmo and at AS TO BAKING CAKE WUi your UHUft' effort nnd the sumo degree of skill -with but half tho uhuiiI quantity of shortening -you can hukc light er flner-tuxtured, inoro dclicioUH cake, luring SWANS DOWN Prepared CAKE FLOUR It actually puyH for itself in tho Hhortoning it Haven. It in' prepared purposely for eako bnking. Only Hpooial wheat h used ideal by nature for cako baking. All tho fibrous gluten, which ordinary flour contains, is removed. No corn starch or other ingredients added. You buy it clean and fresh in a sani tary package, containing enough for, ton to twolvo superior cakes. Also .1 comploto lino of all other best grade delicacies for table and kitchen, always at Lockhart's Grocery TWO PRIVATE PHONES 85 AND 305 holghth ot high and !iw water lMarahdcld. i Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr tlmon on tho first lino nnd heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indicate whether It is high or low water. For high water on bnr, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date 07 o o Ml M.4. 28 1.27 2.8 2.31 CO 8.10 CO 0.C0 1.1 3.27 0.7 4.40 3.1 10.28 2.7 11.G5 "The Busy Corner" A X In-'W Reliable Drugstore Wo nut only tho nurpst nnd freshest rimes, and exactly the rtniM vour doctor orders, to tno prescriptions you bring tn us. Wo novor mnko mls- tajCgour prescription clorks nro too oxport for that. And wo don't chnrgo high prices far from It. Wo carry many oxcollont pro prietary medicines. Fooling billoua or Jaundiced? Suffering from constipation, torpid liver, tick hcadachos? Try Ituxnll Liver SnltB. This Is tho most satisfactory Llvcr-Itomody wo'vo over handled and wo know ub formula. It stimulates and regulates tho action of tho liver and bow- ols without griping. Pleasant nnd of fectivo. Sold with tho Roxnll guaran-too. The Rexall Store Lockhart- Par sons Drug Co. I'HO.VB MAI.V 208 US Be Royal TONIGHT Mutt and Jeff mid tho Newsboys a.uuu feot of pictures Hearts nnd Eyes A Drcan of the Oporntlng Table Repeated by renuest nnd Ir ninnn E"ik a dime. It Is tho flnost plo re ever 8hown In Marshfield for tho ifitt ir W"s ,u ears and suro to please all 00See It. U will Im nlmum nt tho Frl tonight. And don't forget Tho Fall of Trov pa Monday nlEM. Tho sanm old 10 rt8 aa you Bay, ono dlmo. TE KoVAIi SUNDAY NIGHT I-ovo and Discipline- An imp Fum e I G. A. R. Parade At Rochester, New York , A Desperate Remedy A Good Nestor Film XANTE'S INFERNO lowl reeh wlU bQ own at tho WANT ADS. & THE WEATHER (By Associated Pross.) OHEGON, Jan. 27. Fair to night nnd Sunday; colder in In terior nnd west tonight; mod erate Bouthwcst winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. RE- . For Rent Six-room furnished houso. Koy nt 38C N. Second stroot. RESTAURANT for snlo or lease. Ohonp ront. 150 N. Front St. FOR SALE Moore's kitchen rango In good condition. Ilnrgnln. Phono 311, North Bond. FOR RENT 8 room Iiouso with two lots for gat-don In Eastsldo (14.00 por month. Apply Martin Brcon, Enstsldo. Wanted Two pump men, two rope walkers and four experienced conl minors. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Compauy. FOR RENT Modom 7-room house on Contral avonuo. Soo Tltlo Gunruutco and Abstrnct Co, WANTED Three dozen thorough bred brown loghom chickens nnd three do.on Plymouth Rocks. Ad dress J. E. Fltzgernld, Maruhlleld, Ore., or phono 129-J. At tho Orphoum, "Iiouso of Photo play," on Monday ovonlng is conced ed to be tho most stuponduous and enthroning ono reel plcturo ovor manufactured. Wo aro ndvlscd that jflRjlt fjftrj Hinning tn'8 l),ctur(S wl" 00 on exhibition only ono nignt nnu nuuro nuvoriiscu ica t n res at this popular play houso han taught us that ono must go enrly on Bitch nights to bo assured of a seat. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 A. M Jan. 27, by BonJ. Outllnd, special govornment me teorological observer: Mnxlmum GO Minimum 38 At 4:43 n. m 42 Picclpltntlon .... .24 Wind, Southwest; cloudy. Wed Lnst linrson mid Mntllda Anderson woro married last ovonlng by Rov. B. F. BcngtHon nt his residence. Tho groom Is a woll-known Coos Bay palntor nnd his brldo has boon con ducting n boardlng-houso In North Mnrshflold Thoy left today for Portland on n honeymoon trip nnd on their return will go to hopsc kcoplng In a homo in North Bend. Tn Injured Ilooktonder Warner, nt Camp No. G of tho Smlth-Powors Company on IsthmuB Inlet, wnn tnlc 011 to Muiuy Hospital ThurHilny to no-1 curo medical attention for bad wound ho sustained as n result of IiIh nx (dipping. A (loop gash was cut In his foot. Tho injury Is not oxpected to permnnontly dlsnblo him find wlfn nrrlvnil hnro vontonlnv nn I tho Breakwater. " Thoy como from Clcvoland, Ohio, Mr. Hans being sent here by tho postotflco department to tnke a position as letter carrlor when free mall dcllvory Is started Febru ary 1. Ho will be carrier No. 1 and John II. Sneddon will bo carrier No. 2. Father Ailing D. J. Itecs has To rched word that IiIb father, D. W. Roes, suffered an attack of apoplexy tho other day and Is In rather seri ous condition. Ho Is 72 years old and ho nnd his vonernblo wlfo cole hrated their fiOth wedding anniver sary a nhort tlmo ngo. Ront Damaged Whllo coming down tho rlvor yesterday tho Express bumped into a piling and ripped ono of tho planks off. Herbert Rogers quickly benched her to prevent tho crnft sinking nnd tho pnsscngcrR nnd enrgo woro transferred to tho Sun rise nnd brought to Marshfield. Child Is Sick Tho six-year-old daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Chonts, re siding in tho former J. E. Oron prop erty, is reported qulto 111. Dropped Policy Geo. E. Cook has received word that Joo Yonkor, who lost his llfo In tho North Star dis aster, dropped his $1000 life insur ance policy in the Surfmon's Union Bovcrnl years ago. Ho loft no Insur ance. PERSONAL NOTES J. A. OLSON, of Beaver Hill, was a Mnrshfleld visitor yesterday. CAUL WEST'S infnnt child ta qulto 111 nt their homo in Eastsldo. D. E. MAJORS' sIx-week8-old baby Is quite ill nt tholr homo near Bny City. W. S. CHANDLER, who has boon 111 for a fow days, Is reported Im proving. MRS. E. W. SHROCK, of Emplro, wns a MnrBhflold shopper yestor-day. MRS. SUTHERLAND, mother of Mrs. McEldownoy, Is reported qulto III of neuralgia at tholr homo In South MnrBhflold. MRS. FRED BARNARD Is Bpond Ing a fow dnys at tho homo of her mother, Mrs. Wilson, near Sumner. HAWLEY WILL WORK FOR IT 'BLACK ARROW" LlimV SIIOOL REPORT Tho Llhhy School, District No. 40, has completed tho first half of Its wlntor courso, January 19, with nn nvorngo attendnnco of 30 pupils, 42 enrolled. On tho 18th nnd 19th lnst. Eighth grndo examinations woro hold nnd tho following pupils passed: An nn Hollnnd, Nolllo Holland, Irono HnrrlBon nnd Hazol Harrison. Ex aminations woro conducted by MrB. Fred Elliott. E. G. MELLEM, Tonchor. BIG M 15 CULLED OFF (By Associated Press to Coos Baj Times. BELFAST, Jan. 20. Tho Liberal party, according to reports hero, hopes to compensato WlnBton Spon- ! cor Churchill, First Lord of tho Ad- 4 BAITIRT PULPIT. Dr. J. D. Sprlngston will do- llvor thrco nddresses Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. All tho workors of tho vnrlmiR chnrnhnn a aro cordially invited to tho con- feronco nt 3 p. m. Dr. Springs- ton has boon much appreciated during his visit hero. o Henry Songstaeken is in receipt of tho following letter from Con gressman Hawley, relative do Mr. Sengstaeken's suggestion tbnt an other dredge like tho Oregon bo built for Wachington and the Or egon bo allowed to remain hero: "In addition to what wrote you yesterday relative to my pre sentation of the needs of Coos Bay to tho Committics on Rivers and Harbors, I beg to fay that 1 have taken it np with Congressman Humphrey, of Washington, who is a member of tho Committee on Rivers and Harbors, of tho House of Reprosentotivos, the matter of an additional Government dredge for tho state of Washington, and have assured him. of my willing iiBBrf to cooporato with him to secure the same. With best wishes, I am, Truly Yours, W. C. HAWLEY. (Dy Bay Porters Work Graft Associated Press to Coos Tlmoa.) CHICAGO, Jan. 27. PortorB trar ollng out of Chicago swindled thft railroads out of largo sums last year by substituting liquors, cigars and cigarettes for thoso of tho company. Sovornl Great Northern porters hav been arrcsd. mlralty, for his disappointment ovor FOR RENT Sixteen room houso closo in. Modom convonloncos. Roasonnblo ront. Soo Ivy Condron. Willi In 'Frisco Word has been I)8ettlllff h, , to Bpcnk ,n fftVOr rcce ved hero that Jas. E. Boring, of of IIomo nulo t ulBtor Hal To d0 mo 11 ioi-i orson-umsor uompnny, was th,8 thoy w orKftnlzo a domonstra mnrried In San Francisco recently. , tJon , connecton with his visit to Ho nnd IiIb brldo will nrrlvo horo on Ttnlfnut. Thn tnllltnrv nnHmrlH in !. T-.l 1- tr .... " "' "" 11111 iiuiuiuuo .Mommy. ReNlgiiatiou Accepted The Board of Trustees of tho Marshfield Pres byterian Church hnvo accepted tho resignation of Rov. Dr. J. T. M. Knox ns pastor of tho church. FOR SALE Pure Phono 108X. Jersey milk. roil RENT 10-room Iiouso In South Marahflold. Phono 119-L. TO MY QUEST. Jmw down thy burden with thy robe, O friend, And slip luto thy bed ns In the arms Of him who sendoth both the pain nud cheer; Draw up thy covers as thou drawest o'er Thy sins the loving mercy ot tho Lord. And lay theo down to rest und Hwcct contout. When thou uwukest, then I pray thee wash Thy heart of sin and clothe thy soul in peace, In charity, in purity of mind To hldo thy grief behind a smil ing face And Journey forth a blessing to tho world. Ruth Sterry. Dublin nro prepared to Bond troops should thoy bo required to mnlntnln order. Mr. Churchill announced that ow ing to tho dnngcr of stirring up trouble ho would enncol tho pinna for tho Belfast mooting. B NOTICE. Unconditional Resignation Rov. Dr. Knox requests tho Btntomont thntlTo Whom it May Concorn: his resignation of tho pastorate of tho Presbytorlan Church was uncon ditional and beenmo offoctlvo with out notion by tho bonrd of trustees. Ho Is no longer connected in any way with tho church. New Carrier nere A. O. Unas As I am no longer living with my wlfo I will not bo responsible for any debts which Bho may contract and Interested pnrtles will net ac cordingly. J. T. M. KNOX. BETWEIEN JOY AND 80RROW. ETWEEN Joy and iorrow, An 'twlxt ilny nti'1 mnrrnwr, 1 lay for a apace. And 1 heard, o lyinr, My old grier URiiing From her farorr place. I said: "Thou art ovor. And where dreams hover Thou hovorcit now. In tho land of thy dwelling: What waters aro welling And blossoms what bough? "Old tours nro Its rivers. Tho wind that thero quivers "la breath of od slchs; Wreck strewn aro the shores thero, And sunsot endures thero Through Infinite skies. "But all thoro Is quiet. Thero no wave makes riot On tho waif cumbered coasts, Where thou movest banished, But not qulto vanished A ghost among ghosts." 1'hlllp Ilourke Marston. Bnvo money by Times advertisers. patronizing The Working Man's Time Table (Compiled by ono who's boon thero.) I A FRIEND. DIDN'T know It thon, For 1 couldn't understand, Out were ho to come again I should like to clasp his hand. And nere ho to find me hero I should like to let him know That tho years havo made It clear How I wrongod him long ago. With the hot blood of my youth And Its rosy, golden glow I can speak It now, In truth, I looked on him as a foe. For he checked me when he could. And ho foiled my dearest plan, And I never understood, For I grew to hate tho man. Others flattered when they came, Others loudly spoke my praise, Uut ho Baw my plan was lame. And he tried by many ways To convince me I was wrong, I was blind and couldn't ste, Still believing all along That he really hated me. But the years have passed since thon, And today I understand. Oh, were he to como again I should like to clasp his handl All tho flatterers havo gone, And, now I am near the end, Of them all he was the one Who mi honestly my friend. JOY8 OF HOME. Sweet are tho joys of homo And pure as sweet, for they I.lko dews of morn and evening come To make and closo tho day. The world hath Us delights And Its delusions too. But homo to calmor bliss Invites More tranquil and more true. Anonymous. CLASSIC WISDOM. Who ever prescribed to him self n limit to his sins or ovor recovered tho blush of ingenuous shame once banished from hla now burdened brow? If you deserve to bo accounted 11 man of bljmeloss Integrity and stanch love of justice, both in word und deed, then 1 hall you tho truo nobleman. By tho verdict of his own breast 110 guilty man la acquit ted. Nnturo has given us tours. Of nil our feeling this is tho noblest part Let nothing shocking to eyes or enru approach thoso doors that close upon your child. Juvenal. If you havo anything to soil, trade, rent, or want holp, try a want ad. Try Tho Times Want Ads. Needs It In Business. "He tins no use for religion." "Is that so?" "Yes." "Ho Isn't llko Brother Brown." "How Is It with him J" "Ho gets nil tho trado of his follow members." SAVE MONEY HAINES' by buying feed ot Chicken Tnmnlcs, our own mako, at Lewis Confectionery. Thoroughly reliable! FLOUR and FEED. Hnlnes' A TURKISH RATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J. THE ONE WHO WALKS. THE ONE WHO RIDES. Getting Up 5:30 A. M Sleeping Eating Breakfast 6:00 A. M Getting Up Starts to Work C:1C A. M Cooking Breakfast Walking G:30 A. M Eating Breakfast Walking .,..0:45 A. M Starts to Work A. Work v 7:00 A. M At Work Full (Cold) Dinner Pall. .. .12:00 M Going Homo to Lunch Whittling a Stick 12:30 P. M Reading tho Paper At Work 7:00 P. M At Work Starts Homo 6:00 P. M Starts Homo Walking 6:15 P. M Ready for Suppor Bell Walking 6:30 P. M Resting Eating Suppor 6:45 P. M Ready to go out Tired Out 7:00 P. M Enjoying Himself Do you nood FLOUR. Soo nAINES. BUY A Have Steel Rims Will Not Warp DAYTON GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS TO RIDE NOW Havo Steel Mudguards Keep the Mud Off Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ILWAYS USED. PHONE 73 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. Don't forget PHONE 211-J. tho Turkish Baths Try The Times' Wnnt Ada. CUT OUT WORRYING Half the things you worry about never happen any way, but why worry at all? Get your system in good shape and you won't worry. b. & s. SYRUP OP .HYPO-PHOSPHITES is the tonic-medicino that builds your body and forti fies your brains against unnecessary worry. Take B. & S. SYRUP OF HY POPHOSPHITES and you will do more work with less trouble and less worry. $1.00 the Bottle BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS The Flour That Does Not Disappoint Sperry's Drifted Snow Hour BFST BY EVERY TEST MARSHFIELD CYCLERY m tb, 1912, A,eoruary ara p- J. Lemanskl, Prop. Phono 180 R. SOLE AGENTS Cor. Front and Alder.