GRATITUDE IS THE BASEST OF ALL OFFENSES THAT BURDEN HUMANITY rTnVHItTlSINC 111 Tho TIMKS W"' .. ... ......I I.'.,).. I.. M (Ham Sm tm?0 WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMKS Will Keep tlio Income from Your I'iiiiiIkIiciI llooiii" from In"lnI YOU can really help tlio family revenues by routing ft few furnished rooms nnd, If you know how nnd who n to (180 the classified colutntu', you inny keep Hint llttlo oxtrn Innomo as "steady ns a clock." Will I'nt vour jii "".". ,l,c Market" KnVctlvelyl ,". .... it,., fnrta nlimit vour JtcSrVf-" i ot n!L??; P; ,?'', ','T, vv" ",,B"1 " m . " in i v i i a ik own iii v" ,Mi:Mlti:it OP ASSOCIATE!) PJtKHS iattzn? lMnlilloliril l JH78 ns Tlio (.'oust Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES Consolidation of Times, Const Mull Mn 1 gT mid Coom liny Adu'illsir. MINS FOR BELIEF LEADING DEMOCRATS IN TURMOIL CHINESE REBELS PLAN I WORK ! ; 10 COME IN SLAY LEADERS OF MANCHUS . .. ..ii., nt mnnnv. foodstuffs roninuUUD " ' clothing 'or tlio rollof of tho i, , !... XTnHl. BIIIC3 Of tllO VICUHIH ui mu "! wi tragedy lnflt Saturday ovoning Itlnuo to como In. igldo from tlio npponl to tho klnd- (ympatblea of tlio pooplo of Coos by tho trngody ltsolf nnd tlio elblllty of huugor and distress of t widows nnd clilldrou, n moro pa le phnso of tho caso boenmo iwn today. Two of tno womon lost their husbands aro again ut to become moincrs. ima ched tho hcarstrlngs of moro than and nrrnngomonts will bo mndo hat thoy will bo proporly cared Chairman Sacchl todny Is nrrang for a consolidation of tho rollof tk for tho families. Ho and tho ers will shortly porsonally visit virions homes and arrnngo for Ithclr wants. Tlnn for Ttenpflto. ho bonoflt to bo given nt tho Ma lic Opera Ifouso tomorrow nftor- In at 2:30 under tho direction of pager Wilson and Director Foh- promlses to draw an unusunlly re attcnaanco nna win connidor- iwoll tho rollof fund. Director klon has arranged nn unusunlly i program and tho vocal selections Mrs. A. B. Qldloy and Mrs. Chad no will bo rare treats. No chnrgo bo mndo for children whon nc- bpanled by their parents. blrcctor Sncchl, of tlio Marshflold hodist Cliurcli choir has ovory- hg In readiness for tho bonoflt Icert to be given nt tho church ; Wednesday evening nnd nn tin- ally flno programm hns boon nr RCd for It. fapbiln Mncgonn nnd tho offlcors tho Breakwater aro arrnnglng to a purso among tho men on tho for tho relief fund. Additional subscriptions rccolvcd ay were: Friend" $ 1.00 Hood fi.00 s Bay Steam Laundry. . . . 5.00 Friend" 2.00 rlty 10.00 it. Bowron 5.00 B. W. Olson 3.00 bt Ilobertson cnntnln of Bunch Messongor 2.00 Iston pcoplo 12.00 Farley 1.00 "Blake l.Oo nes & Matson 10.00 rfNWW WV SURVEY LINE IN N Confirmation of tho reports that tho Southern Pacific Is pinning to brldgo tho Day near Pony Inlot enmo today with tho announcement that tho compnny's survoyors woro mak ing tho Biirvoy 'for thin route. Thoy survoyod tho routo down to Sand Point, whoro tho company recontly bought n lnrgo tract, nnd thon croBscd tho Day nnd survoyod down through tho Simpson or North Dond Park nnd thonco down tho cast eldo of Pony Inlot. Nothing has been glvon out by tho surveyors nnd tho only Information tc bo glennod Is from observation of their Btirvoys. Tho survey Ib said to ho directly ncross tho alto of Dr. nnrtlo'n ronldonro In North Dond, tho survoyors hnvlng tho doom nnd win dows of tho Dnrtlo house- opened in ordor to got tholr lino exact. So far nn known no survoy has yot boon mndo of tho roulo to Glasgow nnd thonco over on to tho tldo flnts on tho onst nldo of tho bay whoro tho company Is roputed to hnvo bought nhout 1100 ncrcs Bomo time ngo. ABUoclatca Press Times.) LEADING DEMOCRATS WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 Senator Donjamln K. Tillman, of South Caro lina, declined to reply to Colonol Honry Wntterson's challcngo of last night In connection with tho Wnt-torson-TIllman-Hnrvoy-Wllson con troversy. "If Colonol Wnttorson liaB any proofs of what ho Bays, ho ought to publish thoni. I havo nothing moro DIG DEAL ON to Bay." This wns Tillman's only comment It was reported earlier In tho dny that ho would mako a de tailed roply. Colonol Wattorson In tho mcantlmo has Issued a statomont In which ho said ho had proof of nny statement made by him, that ho had authority to ralso monoy for Wilson's campaign and nctually ralsod n con siderable Bum. Ho suggested tho se lection of a Jury of flvo to pnss upon tho Issue R It was rumored toduy tho McClay jcstato of Portland which recontly D RINGS Y II (By Associated PrcBB to Coos Day Times.; SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 27. Tho bought tho R. D. Humo holdings in bo( of S,0,d a0' ih nos "? was murdered In Portland nnd hlo Curry County Is negotiating for tho dismembered body shipped to Scattlo 1 In a trunk, was shipped to Portland iuil 13 uuu OI.UUI muvuruw i mujui , todQy nd wUh ,fc th() trunk Th,8 KInnoy and may cIobo tho deal for thorn soon. No official confirmation of It could bo obtained today. Ono or two othor largo deals aro! also In progress. probably ends Scattlo'a connection with tho case. W K JETTY REPORT franl total $451.00 Cooston Peonln Alii. flctor Llndstrom, of Cooston, clr- ed a relief nntlMnn ihn nrA hort tlmo $12 was raised nnd was turned Into tho rnnnrnl ro- 'nnd through Tho Times today. contributors to It woro: wndstrom . nn .Walker li00 C jT i.oo c-JohnBOn 1;00 Mnborn 1 00 L Walker ' in T . -.. x.uu Arnot n Olson . . c- Hanson ... tor Stauff ... Markle ... S'aatten .... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .60 fotal ;; $12.00 Jlnnr Komi n..i. h6 donation nf i.' - . ff. . ' uiuimnB, iooa- ;f"' etc., continues big. chl" .t 8 ,nformel Chairman ,.' r ;h Kcncrnl relief com ,e that Iia TOin .. ., .. dcrt f. ... ' '""iisn nour Zl" the families. mm . . Candr ComPny has "eea to fnrnlol, . ntltv V " L"""'aoraDio , Wr f foodstnffB for tho fnm- nng thnBB ...-. . bvi. v'li nine in cirta nT ,70r supplies aro: PserofK,Chapmnn' Mrs- c- s rr.orth nend. r.h.. r. E8ME:o,,-n.E:p,negor: .ehiw.0,. 1L,nL0' D- mci- ilrs. t t " " D- McArthur. i... J "accenn lino niit. bo!ul?,:ow',,ehT'"ob- ,efemlttee r Ul Bn0ral !aTe niorrT:: - H aertIserY pntron,,!,nB Tn Confirmation of tho nows from Captnln T. J. Mncgoun, of tho Drcak wntor, that Major Morrow's special report on tho Coos Bay bar was fa vorablo to tho restoration of tho Jot- ty enmo In tologrnniB from Con gressman Hawloy to Dr. J. T. Mc Cormnc, prcsldont of. tho Ghnmbor of Commorco, William Grimes, chalr- mnn of tho oxecutivo commlttco of tho Mnrshflold Chnmbor of Com morco, nnd n numbor of othors to day. Tho tologrnm Is us follows: "Morrow's roport favorablo to rea tnratton of Jotty but englnoors horo sny law provonts report or cstlmato nt this tlmo. Hnvo taken ninttor up with members of rlvors and hnrbors commlttco to seo If wo can secure proper nuthorlzntlon. Letter fol lows." Whtlo this makes It dubious nbout securing onrly government nld, still with everything favorablo nnd only technicalities and politics Interfer ing, nil boosters of tho bar and Jotty nro very hopoful. To Divert Funds. Captain Mncgonn Is now Investi gating n plan which wnB suggested by tho government onglneors nt Port land nnd will tnko It up with tho Port Commission. This plnn Is to havo tho Port Commission by spe clal election or othorwlso divert tho $300,000, or tho grontor portion of It, for uso on tho Jotty. The Idea Is thnt Just ns soon ns Congress mnkes tho appropriation for tho Jotty, tho Port Commission could bo rolm ursed for tho money It had advanced. SEN6STACKEN one Honry SonOBtnckon has lncorp'ora od all his real ostato holdings In Coos County, Oro., and Humbolt and Santa Cruz Counties, Cal., undor tho cor- (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore, Jon. 27. Thoro havo boon no developments in tho Scld Blng enso. RATE RAISED ON WOODMEN tBfl sooo "11 0) bbojj pojnpoBBV to.) (soraix CHICAGO, Jon) 27 Proposi tion forroviflion upward of tho in- ALLIANCE IN EARLY TODAY Tho steamer Alllanco arrived In port this morning, bringing a largo cargo of general merchanlse from Portland from tho local business houses. Sho will sail at 1 P. M. to morrow for Eureka. Tlio following passongerB woro brought for Coos Bay: Mrs. . L. Dradloy, J. T. Dear lng, George D. Flrt, Clyde Sweeney and G. M. Bowor. If you have anything to soil, trade, rent, or want help, try a want ad. pornto namo of "Honry Songatackon BUranco rates of tho Modern Wood Company" and complotod tho organ- ,nen 0f America was ndoptod at Izatlon yesterday. Tho offlcors of tho convention by n voto of -1G0 tho company nro Honry Songstnckcn, for the- high rntei, nguinst 307 president; Agnos R. Songatackon, opposed. vlco-presldont; nnd Honry Sengstnck-I Tho plan incroaBCB tho rato of on, socrotary-troasuror. inaurunco in tho ordor from fifty Tho capitalization of tho company to ono hundred per oont nnd pro- E BE RELOCATED Upon tho suggestion of Captain Macgenn, an additional petition r questing thnt tho location of tho Coos Bay Life Snv'"- " has boon drafted and will bo presented to tho larger Interests and navigators on the Bay for their signatures and thon bo forwarded to Washington. "Tho petition, it is expected will bo signed by tho StmpBon Lumbor company, C. A. Smith lumber company, tho Port Commission, Chamber of Commorco, tho Coos Day, Roseburg & Eastorn Railway, tho Portland and Coos Day stoamora plying in horo, and oth stoarmorB plying In hero, and oth ors Tho gonoral petitions asking tho chnngo havo been Blgnod by nearly 1,500 people Tho petitions ask for tho location to bo at Charleston or near Coos Head. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bar Times., PEKIN, Jan. 27. Gonoral Liang Pi, a high Mnnchu official and form er commandant of tho Imporial guards was Injured porhnps fatally ( by tho explosion of a bomb thrown by an unidentified Chinaman In mil itary uniform. Tho bomb thrower was killed by tho oxploBlon. Agonts of tho rovoultlonary party In this city recontly Intimated a dy namlto campaign was not Improbable , nnd tho present nctlvlty may bo tlie beginning of n sorlcs of similar crlmos. Evidently it Is tho Intention of tho dynamiters to pick out promi nent officials nnd military officers opposed to tho republican movemont- Second Ono In Dnngcr. ARRESTED FOR OFFENCE HERE In fixed at $10,000, a nominal sum bolng all that Is necessary for a hold ing corporation. Dcsldcs hla vast amount of town proporty in tho vnrl- oiis municipalities In Coos County, Mr. Songatackon owns about COOO acres of Coos County lnnd In nddltl tlon to his oxtonslvo holdings out side. A deed transferring his hold ings to tho now compnny wbb filed with County Clork Watson this week and 14 closely typewritten pages woro required to dcscrlbo his proporty. IE POINT EASY WINNER Tho MyrtU Point team still con tinues to win, defeating tho Mnrsh flold basket ball boys thoro last night by a score of 49 to 15. Tho gamo was not ns ono sided as tho score would indicate. In the beginning of the contest, Mnrshflold took tho load over tho much heavier Myrtlo Point team, making two field baskets beforo tho valloy boys could got started. After a few minutes' play, howov-J er, tho Myrtlo Point boys came to tho front and tho scoro ended 29 to 6 in their favor. A large numbor of bnskots wero scored from tho center of tho field, fouls being numerous on both sid es. During tho gamo Myrtle Point was awarded 4 points. Marshfleld had little ohanco for team work on tho cramped floor. Next FriUay Marshfleld plays at Bandon. vides for twelve assessments each year, while number of tho ordor heretofore liuv contributed from nine to cloven aaiessmunts 3 early. BOAT IS RELEASED French Vessel Seized by Italians Is Released Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) ROME, Jan. 27. Tho French pas sengor steamer Tavlgnauo, solzod by Italian torpedo boats last night off Blban, Tunis, has been released, PLAN ATTACK D P (By Associated Press to Coos Day Tlinoa.) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27. Pres ident Sun Yat Son of the provisional Chlneso republic has lBsuod an ulti matum to tho Manchu dynasty de claring tho Manchu throne must be abdicated by 8 o'clock In tho morn ing, January 29, the dato sot for endlug tho armistice between tho government and republicans or an attack will bo made on tho capital. This information came in a cable gram today to tho Chinese Dally Free Press. An army of 100,000 troops are marching on Pekln, according to a cable which further declares that within 30 days the total revolution ary troops directed against that city -will be 500,000. The Imperial General Tune .Koo Sul, with his army of 10,000 has for saken the Manchu causa and Joined the revolutionary army at Shao Kan, in the province of Hupoh. Going steady: HAINES' FLOUR. Through maliciousness) of A. C. Gabornacho, formerly in chnrgo of tho linotypes in Tho Times oflico, Tho Times wns issued yestorday nnd today undor rather ud vorso circumstances, which not only delayed tho paper but made it impossible to publish much of nows of tho two days. Mr. Gabornacho two weeks ago was given notico, after ho had re fused to do Bomo of his work and nftor troublo with othor employes of tho oflico, that his 6orviceH woro no longer desired. At the timo, ho agreed to work until another man could bo secured for tho pluco. Yesterday, Mr. Murphy, a lino typoj operator of tho Portland Oregonian, arrived horo to do sonio Special linotype work on Tho Times Ho was introduced to Gabornacho. This wns about 10:30. Immediately nftor Mr. Murphy loft, Gabernacho begnu tinkoring with tho two linotypo machines. At noon, he left after his lunch without giving any intimation that anything was wrong. Ho failed to show up at ono o'clock nnd whon Mr. Murphy attempted to operate tho machines, ho found both woro out of commission. As a result Tho Times had to abbroviato everything and set a part of it up by hand. This morning, Gabernncho was placed under arrost on a charge of willful and malicious damage to tho machines. Previously ho created quite a scono in front of Tho Times oflico. Ho furnished $500 cash bail for his appoaranco in Justice Ponnock's court Monday after noon. Owing to threats that Gaborna cho mado against ether employes of Tho Times, othor charges may bo preferred against him. When Gabernacho was searched nftor his arrest, a numbor of parts of tho linotypo machine woro found secreted on his person. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) TIEN TSIN, Jan. 27. An nttompt was mado today to assassinate Brlg ndlor Goncrnl Chnng Hunt Chls nt the ratlrond station horo. Tho Gonontf wns not Injured. Two bombs wore thrown nt hlB carrlago wrecking hl vohlcle. Tho bomb thrower was cap tured. Tho intonded victim was Inrgoly responsible for kcoplng th population of Tien Tsln from going: over to tho revolutionaries. LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER Just say: FLOUR. I am using HAINE'S Chicken Tainales, our own make, at Lewis Confectionery. Tho Breakwater sailed this after noon for Portland wltli a good cars& of frolght and n fair passongor list. Among those sailing on bor wore P. M. Halls-Lewis, Thos. Curtis, Mr. Thos. Curtis, John King, D. D. Daw son, L. W. Snrgont, W. E. TrlbWer Mrs. C. II. Larson, A. M. Harrfnp ton, M. J. Bnkor, J. Potorson, II. It Prlco, John Wlncholl, John Bklllo, V. II. Trnylor, Mrs. Traylor, F. W Bailey, M. L. Sill, M. T. Shoemaker, II. A. Carlson, C. Larson, Otto Schottor, S. Lindner, J. G. Annie, MIko Doloy, Phil Wondt, Pat Hooli gan and John Cochran. REFERENDUM AT PORT ORFORD t. 1 Word wns recoived hero yester day thnt tho partita opposing tic organization of tho Port f Pork Orforo had attompted to file n ref erendum petition against tho levy ing of tho tax by the commission ers for tho preEont year. Tho law provides that a refer endum petition must bo filed with in tiiirty days. The petition was filed Into Thursday ovoning. The secretary holding that tho thirty day provision meant thirty days' and not thirty days and thirty nights, hold that tho potition com ing in aftor business hours on the thirtieth day was too late. It is expected that tho next step will probably be an application to tho circuit court by tho opponents of tho Port for a writ of mandamus to compel tho secretary of tho Port commission to flla tho referendum petition. DON'T FORGET tho QUATEH- .MASS Studio for flno photos. Chicken Tainnles, our own make, 4 Lewis Confectionery. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. For tho balanco of the winter, there will be a boat at the O'Kelly landing that can be chartered dny or night. J. A. O'KELLY, Prop-