THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAYJANU,ARY 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Always "The Busy rn $xa&ksrm In offering you Rexall Headache Remedies, we be lieve we have the most efficacious and safest prepa rations of the kind that could be provided, QfL Headache Powders. Eight grain J&23si powders. In envelopes containing) respectively, four and twelve powders, 10 cents and 25 cents. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN Navel Oranges 15 and 25 Cents Per Dozen Nasburg's Grocery PHONE 213-J Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would Jo well to call at tht Pacific Monumental Yorx, south Broadway and muko sotoctlon from tho largo stock now ou band. Mr. Wilson has In hia employ tho only practical marble and gra nite cutter In Coos county. And nono but tho best worK Is turned I We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered loos Boy Steam Laundrv . ' I PHONE MAIN B7-J Now Is the Time TO i HAVK THAT RESIDENCE NlllEI) FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 837.J ! J!v! NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Times subscribers who do not twelve ihflir -... I J'e wrested to notify The I , lm,es offlce of any irregularity I J deUvy. This Is tho only means Tho ti.- i. . , i. """ uou oi Know- K when subscribers miss their oni an C0D8eHently tho troubir808 ' remedy,nB th0 J SI DS a erl-you must offer eep on calling." 4 TtaJ,?r0gS.,ns Card8 Prlnt6d at ftl2"ifil prlnt,DB dono at Comer" 298 US Every Pound of Meat yon buy horo means more onjoy mont In eating, inoro bonoflt to tho caters. Every tondor, Juicy morsel you nwallow will prove to you that our moats aro far miporlor to any you lmvo over tasted. For old people who cannot chow ordinary meats, ours aro a boon. Thoy aro so tondor thoy almost molt In tho mouth without any chewing nt all. MAHSIIFIKLU GASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Market NORTH IJENI) MAltSnFIELD WANTED Furnished cotlnge "i Hiiinll Iiouho nonr-lu. Mrs. H. 13. Perkins, Lloyd hotol. o,u,) wants t work nP wm and board and go to school. Enqulro nt Lloyd hotol. . FOIt SALIC Furniture of closo In 1 nnt til ti Plinnn tn nnali At ll a- nil bo sold together, 463 N. Broadway. "WANTED Three dozen thorough broil brown logliorn chlckons and threo dozon Plymouth Hocks. Ad dress J. E. Fltzgornld, Marshflold, 1 Oro., or phono 129-J. LOST Forester emblem clmnii, Malteso cross with stac hoad. Let tered F. of A. Return to Geo. Ayro FOR 8ALK Good new row boat, two sola oars. Choup. Apply J. C. Doaue, Mnrshflold. FOR SALE Garden seeder and cul tivator and other tools nnd imple ments. Mrs. Zevoly, Flagstaff. RESTAURANT for sale, lenso or In oxchnngo for rooming houso; cheap ront. Call TImcB' offlco. FOR RENT Sixteen room houso closo In. Modom conveniences. Reasonable ront. Seo Ivy Condron. FOR SATIE Pure Jersey milk. Phono 108X. FOR RENT 10-room houso In South Marshfleld. Phone 119-L. WANT ADS.j THE LESS ADVERTISING A BUSINESS MAN DOES THE MORE BUSINESS TIE DOESN'T. T& JT O t3 COOS nAY TIDES. January, 1012. DoIjw Is glvon tho tlmo and holghth of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tldos nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr tlmos on tho first lino and holghts on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consccutlvo holghtB will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wator on bar, aubtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. Date 23 5.0 2.4 G.G 0.2 G.47 11.17 G.42 11.21 24 G.8 2.0 G.O 0.8 0.21 12.39 0.34 10.0 2G 0.9 1.7 4.4 l.G 7.0G 1.02 . 7.30 2G G.O 1.4 3.7 0.39 7.G1 2.11 8.GC 27 2.2 CO 1.1 3.1 1.27 8.4C 3.27 10.28 28 2.8 CO 0.7 2.7 2.31 9. GO 4.4G 11. GG THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Jnn. 23. Rnln In west nnd fnlr In oast tonight. Wednesday rain In west, ruin nnd snow In east. Southerly winds Increasing along tho const. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- PORT. For twenty-four hourB ondlng nt 4:43 a. m., Jan. 23, by UonJ. Ostllud, Hpeclal government meteorological obsorvcr: Maximum GO Minimum 39 At 1:43 a. in 41 Precipitation 21 Wind. Southwest; varying. Kill VnrmlntH. Walter, Ed. nnd Stuuloy Oldlnnd Sunday killed n big wildcat near tho Oldland ranch on South Inlet. Between December 10 nnd .January 1, they killed twenty nine coons. Is Paroled. W. D. Mnjpr, aged olghteon, of Enstsldo was haled bo foro Justice Pennock yestorduy on the charge of violating tho gamo lawn by hunting without n license Owing to his youth nnd tho fact that ho was Ignorant ot tho law, Justlco Pcnuock suspended tho collection ot n line of $2." during good behavior, Major agreeing to pay tho costs of tho case. Alternate Goes. Dr. A. L. IIouso warth. who wns honored at tho Buf falo meeting of tho Modom Wood mon of America last summer by be ing selected as a momber of a con gress of tho organization to meet nt Chicago this month to revise rates, HOW ABOUT THIS Mr. Grocer and Mr. Butcher? HOW ABOUT THIS? "Hollo, Contrail GIvo mo 898 Lino busy? Well GIvo mo 989" Thnt's what you got every day, Mr. Grocer and Mr. Dutchor, From your customers. Tho ones who can buy nnywhoro. There uiv other iiuiih'n In the Directory How about GOING AFTER THE BUSINESS on a Dayton Bicycle your BEST CLERIC on a DAYTON will got tho Best Results If your customors know ho's coming they'll hold tholr orders. Dayton Bicycles ARE NOT "Dullt Like a Watch" Roadsters aro Strong as Trucks Guaranteed for flvo years from rims to handlo bars. Wo havo extra bicycles with Delivery Baskets attached for our customer's uso. Bring yours for repairs and uso one of mine. Dayton Bicycles are shown In SIX .MODELS JJS25.00 to $12.50 . at Marshfield Cyclery As nu Inducement to Bicycle Riders outsldo of Marshfleld Until further notlco wo will refund railroad or boat fnro ono way to anyouo who buys a bicycle. from Marshfield Cyclery formerly ' Henry's Giuishop. Solo agent for Coos County. PHONE 180R COR. FRONT AND ALDER STS. linn found It impossible to attend. Ho notified C. N. Oilman oMQrnnts Pubs, who was then chosen na nil alternate, and Mr. Oilman will be present at the meeting. , Taken to HOKpStnl. Mndgo Yar brough, who hns been' 111 nt; the A. L.. Foster homo In South ftfar.Bhflcld of paralysis, will bo taken to Mercy hospital nt North Bend to receive treatment thero. Divides Property. Tho wlfl of tho late C. W. Sauford wns opened Sun day afternoon following tho funornl and It wnB found that he hnd divided tho proporty evenly between each of his chlldron, tho step-children shar ing equally with tho others. Tho estate Ib worth nbout $20,000 and Herman Sauford of Sumner was nnined hb executor of the will. The funeral which was held Sunday from the Mnrshllold Methodist church was one of tho most largely attended over hold horo. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. Nowh of Upper Coqulllo Vnlley as Told by tho Enterprise. Messrs. Armstrong and Paulson ot Mnrshflold wero In Hits section sev eral dnys this weok cruising several pieces ot timber with a view of- pur chasing Hitino for tho Monnsha Wood onwnto Co. Tho committee In chargo of looking up n desirable stto for tho Fair Asso ciation grounds, end ot Inst weok, had Mr. Robinson of Marshflold sur vey tho ground that tho association has In vlow in tho southwest part of town. A mombor of tho commlttco Informs tho Enterprise that tho reg ulation trnck can bo secured horo with plenty of room for exhibit hnlls, pens and stables. A meeting of tho nssoclntlon will bo held in. tho near future to hear tho report of tho com mittee. Born Monday, January 1G, 1912, to Mr. nnd Mrs, Web Must of Loo, n daughter. P. L, Pholnn had a closo call last Tuesday ovonlng from a hoinmor rhago which was probably duo to an ulcer of tho stomach. Ho was just coming homo from tho mill, when ho found his strength falling and was being-assisted to his offlco by W. E. Pike, when whllo unlocking tho door, ho gnvo way entirely. Ho throw up grent clots of blood from his stom ach and bled considerable, and was taken to his rcsldonco In n complete ly exhausted condition. At last re ports Mr. Pholnn wna nicely on tho mond. At tholr annual mooting the Myr tle Point Flro Department elected the following otllcers for tho onsulng yonr: Prcsldont J. R. Benson Secretnry C. C. Cnrtor Tronsiiror Gus Sehroeder Chief Oliver Spires Assistant Chlof G rover Brown Mr. Benson has tho honor of being president of tho Dopnrtmcnt continu ously slnco Its organization, soven yenrs ago last July. Royal "FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA" A highly oxcltlug and Interesting lnnrluo drama. A genuine sub marine boat is used In tho pic turo, under wny and per forming evolutions. This is undoubtedly tho most thrilling and oxcltlng marine story ovor filmed. It Is reploto with start ling situations and Interesting Inci dents, Tho rescuo of tho doomed crow from a submarine bont Is ono of tho most hazardous effects, ovor shown on tho screon. Tho story 1b faithfully portrayed In that a gonu Ino submarine boat was chartored for tho occasion, tho crow nnd boat be ing placed at tho disposal of tho Imp. Director. Tho drama Is Interpreted by capablo actors and no pains havo beon spared to mako It olnborato and praiseworthy. Tho Btory has to do with tho love, affairs of a young en sign In the U. S. naval service and tho dnughtor of a nontenant, his bu porlor ofllcor. A villain stonls a valvo wheel from tho mechanism of tho submarine boat out of rovongo and the lloutenant, tho onslgn and crow aro powerless at tho bottom of tho sea, as tho boat onco submorged cannot regain tho surface again. Tho onslgn Is shot through, tho torpedo tubo, swims to tho surfaco, and sum mons holpf thus saving tho lives of tho men. Ho wins tho girl for Mb bravery. A two reel story, about 2,000 feet. AIMnSSION 10c. Ono Night Only. Tomorrow Night Tuesday Jan. 23. Everybody turn out and see this wonderful plcturo. The . As a sales-maker and a bust- ness-bulldor, do you know of, anything better or surer than advertising. i- 0 PERSONAL NOTES 1 C. A. SHELBREDE has gone to Sa loin ou business. JOHN I) OOS8 loft "yesterday via Drain for Salom and Po'rtland. It. J. COICE of North Bend wns a Marshfleld business visitor yestor duy. SIMON ERICKSON of Kentuck In let Iss a Marshflold business visitor today. H. J. HORTON'S young son hns been quite 111 nt their home tho last few days. MISS BLANCHE LANDRITH of Coos River was a Marshflold visitor yes terday. MBS. JOHN HENDRICKSON of Coos River was a Marshfleld visitor yes tcrdny. MRS. JENNIE M. STEWART of North Bend wns In Marshfleld yes terday. MRS. HENRY ANDRUSS of Gardinor Is In MnrBhtlcld to recclvo medical treatment. EUGENE CROSTHWAIT roturncd today via Drain from a ton dnys trip to various northorn points. A. E. NEFF Is moving from South Fourth street nnd Donnolly avonuo Into tho R. A. Church rcsldonco on South Fifth street, Just South of Hall avenue. FRED BENTZ, who Buffered an In Jury to his eyo nt the Bay City mill tho other day recovered suf ficiently to return to his homo from Mercy hospital. E. HARRINGTON of Allognny wns In Mnrshflold with his littles son yestorday to sccuro medical treat ment for tho latter. Ho Is suffer ing from blood poisoning, his feet having become Infected. NORTH BEND NEWS Mrs. Laura Housor, Mrs. W. E. Haskell and Uttlo dnughtor, Graco of Oakland, Cnl who nro visiting nt tho C. A. Nolluor, In North Bond, loft yestordny for Ten Mllo to visit relatives and friends thoro. Geo. Benlo of South Coos River wns n business visitor In North Bond todny. A. L. Gubsor was called to Now burg Saturday by tho serious Illness of his father thero. Miss Amy Reynolds spout Sunday in Marshflold. MARSHFIELD POSTOFFICE CLOS ED ON SUNDAYS. In accordance with nn order of tho Post Offlco Dopartmont nt Well ington, D. C., tho Postofflco at Marshflold, Oregon, will bo closed hereafter on Sundays, aftor Fobruary 1st 1912. Tho Gonornl Dollvory, Reg ister, and Stamp windows will not bo opened on Sundays. Mall will bo distributed to boxes as heretofore, and nil outgoing mall will bo dispatched as usual. Special dollvory lottors will bo glvon tho snmo attention ns on othor days. Patrons of tho offlco who aro expecting Important mall can havo tho same dollvorod by depositing 10 conts for a Special Dollvory Stamp beforo G;30 P. M., Saturday ovonlng. This order Is promulgated by tho Post Offlco Department In ordor that clerks and carriers nt all postofllcos may havo one day's rest in so von, thus placing thorn on n par with oth er government employes nnd tho la boring peoplo generally, and tho co operation of tho public Is earnestly requestod. W. B. CURTIS, Postmaster. SCHOOL NOTICE TO PARENTS. Tho attention of parents Is direct ed to tho fact that tho second half of tho school yeur will opon on Mon day, Janunry 29. On that dato pupils In tho primary grado will bo admitted, and It Is hoped that all beginners will bo In nttendanco upon tho first day it pos sible and not lator than tho and of tho first week. Parents aro asked to kindly send slips with tho namo and ago of chil dren who aro entering for tho first tlmo. According to tho Stato law no child under six years of ago will bo admit ted. F. A. TIEDGEN, Superlntondont. Oh Sporry Flour! Oh Sporry Flour! You'ro host by every tost. For fifty years, each day and hour You've dlstnncod all tho rest. In bread or cakos, In doughnuts too, In flapjacks or in pies, A housowlfo who has tried you once, Now lauds you to tho skies. Tuno: Holdolborg. Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour ALLIGATLIfi IS SEEN IN BAY T. W. Allen of North Bend Says He Shot One Maybe One' Willard Russel Brought Alligator hunting Is llablo to be como tho latest sport on Coob Bay. T. W. Alton, an employo of tho North Bond box factory, Is responsi ble for It or rather Is tho discoverer of alligators horo and tho dlscovory gnvo him the fright of his life. As ho formerly hunted alii gntorB on tho Gulf of Mexico, ho declares that ho Is not mistaken and Ib In hopes of securing tho carcas of ono alligator which ho Is confident ho killed. Ho wns digging clams on tho flat below tho mouth of Pony Slough and had Btartcd homo In his rowbont. Ho was rowing nlong when tho boat struck something that caused It to sheer to ono side. Ho noticed some thing in tho wnter at tho sldo of his boat, but It wns under water. A fow minutes lator, It struck tho boat again nnd ho was dumfounded to see tho rough, scaly back of nn alli gator In tho shallow water. Ho grab bed lila shot gunnndholdlngthomuz zlo ns nonr tho surfaco of tho water as posslblo flrcd at tho alligator. It disappeared. A fow minutes latec tho alligator catnu closo nnd Allen sayH that ho saw whoro ho had wounded It Ho flrcd again nnd thil tlmo tho nlllgator Bank. For a whllo aftor coming back, Al ton was dubious about tolling hlc story as ho had novor heard of alli gators being found In wator so far north. Howovor, ho told tho story to somo of his friends and It Is Just gottlng gonornl circulation. Ho say! tho alligator was a largo ono. R. J. Coko when ho heard tho story recalled that about eight year ago Willard Russell brought flvo Uttlo alligators horo from Florida to exhibit to his friends. Ho had thorn, on exhibit for qulto awhllo when two of thorn died. Ho then turnod tho romnlnlng thrco Into Pony Slough. Nothing had been hoard of them slnco nnd It wns gcnornlly sup posed that thoy hnd also died. How over, Allen's dlscovory of an nlllga tor horo Is believed to oxplaln tho whereabouts of ono of thorn, Allen Is going to mnko a careful search of tho spot whoro ho saw the alligator sink as ho thinks that ha fatally wounded It. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Alltnnco will sail from Port land Thursday ovonlng for Coos Bay, according to word received by Agent C. F. McGeorgo yestordny. Tho Rodondo will Ball from San Francisco next Friday for Coos Bay. Tho Breakwater Balls this ovonlng from Portlnnd for Coos Bay. EXERCISE YOUR LUNGS Stand or sit erect, Don't stoop over give your lungs a chance to breathe, Take the bend out of your droop ing shoulders by using a shoulder brace, "TRUEfORM" SHOULDER BRACE WILL Keep your shoulders In pro per condition expand your chest and afford your lungs plenty of space in which to exercise themsel ves every time you breathe, Prices $1.25 and $2.50. For sale In Marshfield by us only, BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS "It's the ONE flour on the Pacific coast guar anteed money back." THE flour that does NOT disappoint.