- .THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEV DAN 12. MALONEV Editor mid Pub. News Editor S1EEI TBUST Entered nt the poatomco at Marsh old, Oregon, tor transmission through tho malls as Bocond class nail tn nt tor. Dedicated to tho sorvlco cf tho people, that no good causa nhall lack ehainplon, and that ovl) shall not thrive unopposed. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Ifnndillclil :: :: :: :t Oregoa SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year 6.00 Per month 60 WEEKLY. Ono year Sl.bO Whon paid strictly In advnnco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day TlmoB Is $5.00 pir year or $2. GO for six months. Odlclnl l'apor of Coos County Au Independent HopublUan news paper published every ovonlng oxcopt Sunday, and Weokly by Tlio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Till: AMERICAN WOMAN'. ACCORDING to Mrs. Newell Dwlght Hlllis In n volume of essays on "Tho American Wo man and Her Homtf," the qualities in which the women of this country are most Inciting purtnlu to tho at tributes of a homo maker. She sees all sorts of brilliant nnd dcslrablo traits In feminine America, but bo Here thnt ns homomakers tho wo anon nro not conspicuously success CuL She nrcounts for thin, In part nt Jcnst, b' tho fact that a Klrl Is taught ftvorythlng'elHo except the science of bomo-mnklng. Says Mrs. IIIIIIs: In 110 form of business, does n young man expect to begin nt tho hend of tho establishment. Yet a girl Is expected to assumo tho chnrgo of a most varied, a most com plicated, most delicate line or busi ness with little or no preparation, nnd Is severely censured If she Is not xucccssful. She would probably advnrato moro thought nnd preparation In tho way ot domestic obligations for tho wo rtion who are Intending to becomo "Jiousokcopcrs. Books and Records of Com pany Finally Produced Be fore Stanley Committee (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Da; Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 23. Emphatic denial that the United Sta tes Steel corporation, a "monopoly as chnrged," was made to tho Stanley Investigating committee today by President J. J. Farrcll, In continuing the testimony begun yesterday. Ho declared it was not the purpose of the corporation to "gobble tho export trade of tho world nt any cost." Far roll said a monopoly of tho Iron steel trade this country nolthcr possible nor desirable. He said: "It is charged that tho corpora tion Is seeking to drlvo other coun tries out ot tho export markets. That Is far from tho truth. Tho British stcol Industry must oxport forty per cent ot its product in order to live. Germany must export fifty per cent nnd JJclgturu eighty per cent. Tho product of tho United States Is creat ed thnn that of England, Germany and Bolglum combined and Its dom estic consumption is so much greater that tho export trado Is not bo vital. ' : WITH THE . : TOAST AND TEA , TAKT WILL NOT OUST HKC. HITCHCOCK GOOD EVENING. ' . PLANS POLITICAL PKOIIK. .. ! 'Senator fimii Wants InvcM lent Ion of Campaign Funds. (By Associated Pros? to Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, 1), C Jan. 23. Senator Gore Introduced a Joint reso lution for n Joint congressional Inves tigation or the presidential campaign funds or 1904 and l'J08 and as soon ns practicable or 1912. Tho resolu tion would provide $50,000 for tho Investigation, tho first report will bo nindo next mimmcr. .MUST STAND TRIAL. Hotline to Qua-sli Indictment of So- called Itatli Tub Trust. IfBy Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmon.) DETROIT, Jan. 23 Judge Angoll In tho United StntOH court, refused today to quash the ludtctmontH against tho so-called hath tub trust. "I see no reason to supposo that In delivering Its opinion In tho Stand ard Oil easo. tho Supremo Court of tho United States Intended to rendor Impossible criminal prosecutions un dor tho Sherman net. and I am unnblo to concludo that It did not rendor thorn Impossible," said Judgo Angoll. A TURKISH HATH will flOOD. Phono 2M-J. do yon (By Associated Pros to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 23. President J. J. Fnrrell nnd Attorney J. A. Ileod of tho United State jteel Corporation, who are testifying he fore the Ilotiso "Steol Tr"ul" li vut tlgatlon committee, hnvo produced tho books nnd records ordered by the committee. Heed said the cor poration hnd not abandoned the hope that the committee would avoid unnecessary publicity or the opornt ing costs of tho corporation's busi ness. Chairman Stanley told the stcol ofllclals It was not tho committee's purpose to unnecessarily mnko pub lic trndo socrctHt but that all facts essential to show the corporation's acts under the Sherman anti-trust would he nindo public. Profit nnd loss figures from 1902 to dale were supplied and Stanley nnnouiired thoy would bo used "without restric tions." During tho last summer, Stanley agreed that the cost sheets would he used by tho committee's expert so ns not to mnko public the actual operat ing costs of the suhsldlnry compa nies but since the subpoena duces tecum had been Issued for these re cords, tho chairman has declared ho Is no longer bound by this restriction. Heed said ho realized the subpoe na was used to nullify tho provlous agreement. OUR FUTURE. Some think or profess to think thnt our country Is on tho dowri grndc; thnt wo aro approaching serious times, perhaps revolution, under ono guise or another. I have no forebodings of thnt sort I hare more fnlth today In tho American people than I hnvo ever had before. Thoro are per haps more public men of doubt ful character In public llfo than there were many years ago, but wo have now 00,000,000 people nnd must expect more. Never beforo nt any tlmo In tho history of our country was It moro cer tain thnt a public man who con sults the iutcrests of his pcoplo nnd Is guided nlono by what aro the best Interests of tho people, particularly If ho adds to that n prlvnto llfo that Is puro and clean, Is certain nt somo tlmo or other to rccelvo duo reward. Justlco Hnrlan. (Uy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jan. 23. President Tnft emphatical ly denies that members of his cabinet nre urging him to dis miss Postmaster Hitchcock from the odlclnl rntnlly. Tart mndo It clenr that ho does not plnco the slightest credence In the story thnt Hitchcock Is disloyal to him. WRECK IN CANADA. (By Associated Press.) COLE. Sask., Jan. 23. Twenty-seven persoiiB wcro In- Jurcd when n Cnnndlan North- em trnln went over tho cm- bnnkment here today. J TOBACCO CASE ENDS. Bay Wlckerslinm Siiyn Trust Has Been Knocked Out. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Tlraoa.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Jnn. 23. Attornoy General Wlckorsham de clares public Interest has been sub served nnd competition will bo re stored under tho reorganization or the "tobacco trust" adopted ns n ro sult or tho decision or tho United States Supremo Court dissolving tho corporation. GIVEN LIKE SENTENCE. Re- IIII1111U Doctor Who Killed Wire reives Piinitdiiucut. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) ELGIN. III., Jan., 23 Dr. Hnrry Elgin Webster, who conressed to murder or his wife, Bessie Kent Webster was sentenced to life Impri sonment In tho Jollot ponltontlnry by Judge Fnrrund In the county circuit court. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Llverv & Transfor Co. HTATK 01-9)111(1. CITY OP TtlLKIKi, l.l'l'AS I'lU'NTV. I " frank J Clifiioy iuikoittli Clint lu U senior partiuir o the ll rm n( K 1 Clii'iier A Co. (IdIiik hiuliuo in the City nt Tnhsln. dimity ittut tfUU'iUoroitlil, anil that tnlil linn will tmy the Oil in ol ONI! III'XimKIl DOI.UVKH fiiri-aVh niul very wi; ;t Catnrrli that (initio! Ih rnn.il hy tlieiuool lliill'aCAtarrliCiiio , , , WANK J CIIKXKY. Hworn In before 1110 mill uImiIIh'I hi my pruuu'i, IhUrtlhilay nt Dm-mlior. A It. ItsNl, KU.) A W.tll.KASON. llrtlraCMlajrliCiirnla lakfu liuorually. ami ftrUillrvcllyou llio Wocnl rtiul mmoiumirfiu'ci o( Ihu nyaliMii Komi (or Ii'IIiiiiiiiIuh free. City Auto Service Good Cars, Caroful Drivers and roasonnblo chargos. Our motto: "Wl go nnywhoro nt any time." Stands Blanco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Store, Day Phones 7S and 46. Night Phono 40. DARKER t fiOOIUIiK. Proprietors. CARELESS ABOUT APPEN DICITIS JNJVIARSHFIELD Many Marshflold pcoplo hnvo stom ach or bowel troublo which is Hkoly to turn Into appendicitis. If you havo constipation, sour stomach, or gas on tho stomach, try slmplo buck thorn bark, glycorlno, etc., as com pounded In Adlor-1-ka, tho now Gor mnn appendicitis remedy. Lockhart & Parsons stntcs that A SINGLE BOSE of this slmplo romedy will ro- novo bowel or stomach trouble al most INSTANTLY. WYNKEN, BLYNKEN AND NOD. ITTNKEN, IUynkcn and Nod ono nleM ' Balled oft In a wooden ahoo Sailed oh a river of crystal light Into a iea ot (low. "Whore are you groins; nnd what do you wish?" Tho old moon naked tho three. "We havo como to flali for tho herring nh That tlvo In this beautiful aetu Nets of silver and Rold hava we," Said Wynkcn, lllynkcn Anil Nod. 1UIE old moon laughed nnd aang a aong An they rocked In (ho wooden shoe. And thu wind that aix-d them all night long Iluninl tho vnca of daw. Tho llttlo atara wero tho herring flih That lived In tho beautiful sea. "Now cnat your net wherover you wish Novcr afraid aro wol" 80 cried the aturs to tho fishermen threo, Wynkcn, Illynken And Nod. ALL night long their nuts thoy thraw To tho stars In tho twlnkllnc foam, Then down from tho skies camo tho wood en shoe. Urlngltiit the iMionnon homo. Twits all so rui ii-mill, It scorned As If It could not he. And somo folk thouglit 'twas a dream they'd dioatnrd Ot aulllni; thut lionutlful sea, But 1 ahull nniiio you tho fishermen three Wynken, lllynkcn And Nod. WYNKI3N and Rlynken aro two little eyes. And Nod Is a llttlo head, And tho wooden shoo that sailed tho nklos Is a wco ono'a trunJIo bed. Bo shut your eyes whllo mother sings Of wonderful sights that be, And you shall nee tho beautiful things As you rock on tho misty sea, Where tho old shoo rocked tho flshor men three Wynken, Wynken And Nod. Kugene Field. Somo people nre so poor that they aro really perky about It. After ho Is married n man forgets that his wife likes llttlo attentions Just tho same us other women do. Let your boss run his own affairs, no will nppreclnto your kindness. The man who spends freely as ho goes along Isn't popular with his heirs- at-lnw. Tho moro sense n man has tho fun nier ho is when ho falls in love. As a general thing tho homelier n photograph Is the moro It resembles tho subject. If doctors nnd lawyers wcro elim inated from tho sehoino of things the laity might learn sense, and self re-Unnco. CAN Y0UASK MORE? Your .Money Hack for the Asking. You Promise Nothing. Wo are so confident that wo can furnish rollof for Indigestion nnd dyspepsia that wo promise to supply tho medicine free or all cost to every ono who uses It nccordlng to direc tions who Is not porfectly satisfied with the results. Wo exact no prom ises and put no ono undor any obli gation whatovcr. Suroly nothing could bo fairer. Wo nro located right hero where you live, and our reputation should bo sufllclcnt nssur nnco ot tho genuineness or our offor. Wo wnnt ovory ono who Is troubled with Indigestion or dyspopsla In any form to come to our store nnd buy a box of Hoxnll Dyspepsia Tablets. Tako them homo, nnd glvo them a rensonnblo trial, according to direc tions. If thoy don't plonso you, tell us and wo will quickly return your money. They hnvo a very mild but positive action upon tho organs with which thoy como In contnet, appa rently acting ns a regulatlvo tonic upon tho relaxed musculnr coat ot tho bowel, thus overcoming weak ness, and aiding to restoro tho bow els to moro vigorous nnd hcnlthy nc tlvlty. Three slzos, 2ric, GOc, nnd $1.00. Itemembcr, you can obtain Hoxnll Hemedles only nt our store The Hoxnll Store Lockhart-Parsons Drug Store. "The Busy Corner." Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wnsh tbcao garments clennor and batter than the work can bo done olsowhoro, and thoy nro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, ovon woolon gnrmonts nro roturnod the samo bIzo ns when sent us. Wo Iron tho gnrmonts nlcoly, makf ordinary ropnlrs freo of chnrgo and you hnvo frcah clean, sweot undor wear roady for each week's chnngo Bundlo yours up with noxt weok'i laundry bundlo. Marshfield,Hand & Steam Laundiy I'HOV stuno WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 KHONT ST. li Ball ?fi,w,,-v?h!iv'"m nvent o ability "iIW,l Ml.,...,.. W.l.l..,V.n.' V II first Class Auto Service Cars loavo Front of Lloyd hotel to meet nil trains. Faro 25c. Special calls anywhoro at all hours. BEST CARS. Bost drlvors. Phono OC-J un til 11 p. m., after 11 p. m. phono B-J. Resldonco phono 28-J; after 12 phono 1S1R. T. Tj. FOOTE, Proprietor. fRKRlCHCO. JftBJft Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Coos Bay People liberally Responded so promptly to our nnd Special Sale of our Fancy Candies That wo havo decided to afford another opportunity to get fami liar with tho goodness of Staf ford's famous candles. On next Saturday and Sunday Wo will sell TTRKISH XOUGAT, cr lb. 35c .MARSllMALLOWS In four flavors mint. ClIOCOLATK, ROSK and VAX1LLA por pound 30c AXfllih FOOD, per pound. . . ,30c Remember theso prices nro for Saturday and Sunday only. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastiide and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY EVKRT NYMAXOVKH, Kxpcrt Piano Tin unci-. Pitching, Voicing, Polishing mid Tun ing, organs Repaired. IIA1XKS MUSIO HOUSE, MARSH- F1KL1), OHF.GOX. DR. B. V. WINKLER, Naturopath nnd Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treatod. Consul tation freo. Ofllco hours: 9 to 12 n. m.; 2 to B nnd G to 8 p. m. Naturopath institute Room No. 1. No. 136 Brondwny, Marshfleld, Oro &JaMrcl& rR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to Phono 161-J; Marshflold; Oregon. J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. )fflso over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Iarshflold Oregon rVt. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshflold, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office Phone 10B-J TWO STORES. T" R. A. J. HEXDUY'S -'v..,,i xnnurs. We are equipped to do hlch class work on short notice at the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, pfcono 112-J. Save 15 Per Cent on Your Meat Bill 1 A saving of 15 per cent per pound moans that you gain one pound out of every seven you buy. How can you obtain this saving? The answer is By Cooking witli a gas range in- stead of a coal stove, Careful Tests show that: A seven-pound roast loses 30 per cent of its weight cooked In the oven of a coal stove, A seven-pound roast loses but 15 per cent of its weight cooked in a gas range. The difference in favor of gas cooking with other kinds of meat is even greater than 15 per cent, It runs to 20 per cent and over, In these days of the high cost of living, few aids can be found to reduce expenses, One of these is gas service costing the consumer less than ever before, Telephone No, 1 78 today and get the facts about equipping your kitchen for gas, Please mention this advertisement, Condensed Statement ot tho condition of The First National Bankl OF coos BAY at tho Closo ot BusluoBS, Dec. 5, 1911. Resources. uoana nnu Discounts I229.SM.I1 Bonds, Warrants and SocurlUps 73.1J1.II U. S. Bonds to Bccuro circulation 25.O00.M Real Estato, Furnlturo nud Fixtures 81,tTlll v,usn anu aifini uxennngo 141,11111 " $350,OOM labilities. unpiiai BtocK paid in J1OO.O00.HI Surplus nnd undlvldod proflta.,. 10,79T4) Circulation, outstanding 25,009 til uoi'osi" , 414.31l.Hl 10la $550,OOUI INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MAKHIIFIELD OIIECOI STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan , Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho closo of business, December S, 1011. Loans and Discounts ,' J422.S11H Banking Houso 50 OOJ.H Cash und Exchanges !!!!!"!!!! 184,'ilM Toto1 $030,7WJI . . . Uabllltles. capital stock paid In j 50.OOI-N Surplus and Undivided Proflta 58 511.11 DpBit ::::::::::::::::; 6,hmi Tola $050,7WII Home Permanency vs. Home Monotonj hnv L! iul q!1f,0.n for present day horaobulldora-whether Sr a hoJso th1,C.1,,n aN,earanco must always remain the NelKhborhon, u Un1.1 P8rmIf of a llttl refreshing occaaloniW s.Th.l.t"1'?0 nB U. Individual tnstes-a frame houM( of nalnt nfV m ,",r,monizo with Its surroundings a fresn -the samo a Jl''Ba,,l" ns B0(l V neighbor's new bwj any ?ate a tra,l C 8U,f mBke8 yu feel ko now man. Z, f i." .! ""dwh,, u ,a Permanent It does not neceV wov0 ouservprt ntfnT or a ranotony. Thero nro lots of tw before buHdlnJ tl' ,hU8eS nnd lumbor that y oM kW noiore building com0 In and we'll glvo you our views. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. iuhaih DEPARTMENT SOUTH nnOAmvAV xrAiiSllFIEll ""-' " f -- I Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Ca n . " HENGSTAOKEN, Mkt. Coquille Offloe- Phone 191 - Marshfleld' Offlfe 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. ueneral Agents "EASTSIDE" r . The Times Does Job Printii ".tatST" pep gljfa-iifflKi mWWJBTt