a THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO, OREGON, MONDAY, JAMUARY 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION ' 4 i SJ ViSW ibwti:. JtCWVX NO TRACE OF BODIES FOUND FAMILIES LEF1 WITHOUT 1ID Relatives of Victims of North Star Disaster Practically Without Means. (Continued from page 1.) pnrtlculnr roughness on the bar. The strong obb tide on striking tho oconn awoll mntlu conBldornblo of n son inoro thnn tho little launch could ,,8 n result of tho wreck of tho withstand. , North Star No. 1 Saturday evening, Tho launch was pretty badly bro- tnrcc families are left In rnthcr dea ken up on the submerged rocks at tltuto clrcumstnnces nnd fourteen tho end of tho Jetty and pieces of young children nro fatherless, her aro drifting nshoro today. i Tragic nnd pathetic as tho dlsns- Some think that If tho bodies of ter ordinarily would bo, this phnBO tho victims nro over recovered it will 0f jt makes it doubly bo. Today, bo on tho South Spit. Careful watch thcro was consldornblo talk of try Is bolng maintained for them. nB to succor the families of tho vlc Yonker Well Known. tims In some way or other nnd , a Joe Yonker, the owner nnd mas- benefit may be arranged for them.' ter of tho North Stnr, was one of in tho llrnlnard, Tanner and Yon the best known boatmen on tho Hay. ycr fnnillleB, there arc thirteen lit For years n member of tho Coos Uay tie children and all the families aro life saving crow and later connected practically without means. Tanner with navigation on the Bay, ho was jinj een laid up for several months known to all who traveled theso wa- wj.j, n broken leg ond relatives had tors. Ho was n member of tho lire been aiding his family. Yonker had eavlng crow nbout twenty years jU8t completed paying for tho launch ago, about tho tlmo of tho wreck of Nortn gtnr, having made tho last tho Emily, and was In charge of tho payment on It two weeks ago and tatlon at tho tlmo of the Arago did- tnnt represented his worldly wealth, aster, sixteen years ago laBt Scptem- urnlnrtrd left little or nothing, bor. Wymnn, tho youngest son of Ira Ho sorved under Capt. Wilcox who Au,c0, B eighteen years old and is died at tho homo of It. J. Coke in not need ot nHslstnnco but tho North Hend Saturday. While In others arc. Marshfleld Saturday, ho expressed n vwws-vswvssw deBlra o attend tho funeral of his Wt, friends nnd relatives of old captain, whom he so highly re- the victims of tho dis- garded, which was to have been hold n8tcr nIKi parties from tho various at tho Dora cemetery Sundny after- towns. Tho caps of Wm. Uralnnrd noon nt 2:30 o'clock. Per- nnj jO0 Yonker woro picked up on haps it was this desire or possibly tho beach. Pieces of tho lll-fntcd it was one of thoao strange and nunc, which was battered to pieces mystorloiiB premonitions thnt boiiio- Wero also picked up by somo nnd times como to man that led him to brought back as relics of tho nccl- exprcBS tho deslro, according to a re- dent. port in circulation hero last night, jsjo traco ot any of tho bodies of not to mako Saturday aftornoon's tho disaster was found. Somo trip to South Inlet. thought that possibly they might bo About two years ngo, Yonkors mot 0n tho rocks near tho Jotty. Jas. with n mishap In tho lower bay, his Wasson nnd othorB arranged to go boat swamping. Then, his nblllty in thoro todny as soon an tho tldo is tho sea and surf, saved him, swim- jow enough to bco if thoy might lmvo ming nshoro in water bo rough that been caught there, an ordinary small craft could not i Almost on Rent, lmvo romalncd afloat in it. A young daughter of Dol Rhodes Wm Drnlnard is also well known 0f gouth Inlet nnrrowly escaped bo- horo and leaves a wlfo and sovcral nR 0no of tho victims of tho North children. A brother, Itoy Dralnard 8tnr No. 1 tragody. Sho was in Hvps In North Ucnd nnd another Mnrshfleld Snturdny but wob dolayod brother, Itubo Rrnlnnrd, has been at n g0nB t0 tho boat In returning, tho Uowron nnd Noblo ranches at Th North Star was only about ono Ton Mile. A sister, now married In hundred yards from tho dock when Portland and In well remembered Bho rCnched there but hor calls could hero as Miss Edna Dralnard. Sho not bo ncnr(1 by Capt. Yonker and ho was a graduate of tho Marshfleld ,,l(1 not rcturn for hor. MhoolB and for qulto n whllo was Seasickness Saved Him. cashlor at the Ploncor-Hardwnro Ed jiCKCown, foroman of tho Company. Smith-Powers Logging camp on ClirlntmiiM l'rcwnta Lost. Soutll giough, probably owes to his Ono of tho pathetic Incidents of fo t0 BCa8lckneH8. Ho arrived horo tho wreck was tho finding yestordny Saturday on tho Hedondo from San of dolls, toys nnd trinkets that lmd Franclsco whero ho had boon snond- bcen washed nBhoro from the North ,nB ft coup0 of wcocH on biiBlnesB Star. They woro from tho Christmas nmI 0wmro. h0 wn8 vory sonslck box aunt to Frank Tanner for IiIb on thu trlp U1 nm, whon ho reached family by his mptlior nt Los Angeles. horo ,10 ,,,,, fe0, ko KOltlnK on tho Tnnnor was Injured somo months North Stnr ,, K0,nB homo 8 ho ngo in tho Smith-Powers logging h(, ,nnnod to u0. Tho (cn of tos- enmp, having had his leg broken and H, nl)01t on tho ttIo ,ttUnch 0), been otherw so hurt. This was his tM0 r0UKh wntor , tho lowor ,,a. d!d second trip to town Snturdny ho not rCHt wol, wIlh tho frc8ll lllomo. went to tho express ofllco and got tho rIe8 )f 1)ia BoaBlcknoss and so ho re- Christmas box which had been do- ni,ncd ,n Mnrahnold for a day Joyed and was taking It homo. Tan- j)0st jjjh n,),, nor morried Mnry Wasson, a dnugh- MnBlor Mechanic I lay worth of tho tor of tho Into Oeorgo Wasson of Smith-Powers compnny lost nil his South Inlet nnd n sister of Jns. Was- tooIs on tho North gtnr ,,0 wn son, Ceo. Wushoii nnd Mrs. Chns. Hllpp()8Cd t0 K to South Slough on Codding. IIo leaves llvo little chll- ,10r Saturday afternoon to suporln- , , . ,, ,, , . tond somo repair work at tho camp Tanners s stor, Mrs. Hov ington thoro. Whllo gottlng randy, ho sud- nnd her family recently moved horo (l0llIy dCcldod to tnko tho afternoon from Los Angeles nnd roBldo on a trnn to ncnVcr Hill nnd walk across, ranch near tho Tanner homo. j R0(ng his tools on tho boat. ThlB Cunw After Organ, i i,n ,n,i v v.n,.f i.ia ...if It wm only by an accldont thnt I110W ()f tho cImnR0 , ,lf) ,,, nd Vm. Rra Innril was a passenger on ;collBOquontI. niuch apprehension tho North Star Saturday. Ho enmo ; POIlcornlnK him wns foil by A. II. up to got an organ thnt ho lmd pur-. Powo ,, others whon tho first chnsccl for tho children and Jas. ' ncWH of th0 North Star dlBnstor Unsson wns to tnko tho Instrument renched here. Until it was definitely and nralnard homo In Wesson's knowll ,nt nu 0II tho bont woro lost, boat. Owing to rnln and strong , Wll8 thought best to keep tho news tldo, Wasson decided to postpone fr0m Mrs. Hny worth who lives In taking it down until Sunday Ural- Murshlleld. Finally sonieono tele nnrd thought to remain nnd go with phoned to the South Slough enmp ...... uw uuiummi ,.u umiiii mini , iiini roilllil thnt Ilnvwnrtli wiih untn TELLS ABOUT 1IH Nil III WRECK' STILL UNKNOWN' F. J. Binqham. First to Go to Aid of North Star. Tells Details of It. F. J. Ulnghnni, head of tho South Inlet Excelsior factory, who wns ono of tho first to try to go to tho rescue of the launch North Stnr when It was carried out over tho bar Satur day night, wns In Mnrshfleld todny. His visit was to assist In tho cam paign that litis been started to secure tho removnl of tho Ufa Bavlng station from Ub present site to Charleston, near Coos Head. Ho says that eve rybody who 1b familiar with tho bar at nil knows that tho life saving sta tion should bo removed and declares thnt tho North Star disaster is but an Illustration of tho danger In al lowing further delay in moving it. This afternoon, Mr. Ulnghnm be gan tho circulation of potltions to so- euro tho removal of tho station and ovorybody Is signing them. Mr. Bingham in discussing tho accident todny Bnld: "Tho first indication that the North Star was in troublo was evi denced when sho was near Buoy No. 1. This is about three-quarters of a mllo abovo tho mouth of tho Bay and tho real dnngor point. Mrs. Yonkor, who always kept watch for hor hus band's return, especially when tho tide was ebbing, henrd tho distress whlstlo about 5 o'clock. Through a strong glass, sho was ablo to seo them plainly. Sho snw them cast tho anchor but apparently it did not hold. Then sho saw thorn splice tho lino. Then she fully realized the danger that thoy woro in and im mediately sont their llttlo son to no tify hor brother, Robert Nyman, who worked nt tho factory with mo, to go to tholr rescuo. Just aB soon as tho lad reached us, wo closed down tho plnnt nnd' started in our launch, tho Pilot. "As wo pnsscd tho island, wo cnll cd to tho crow of tho Mayflower and thoy followed ub. Wo wont down and went out as far as tho boll buoy but could seo nothing. Wo then re turned nnd mot tho Mayflower. They agreed that tho only thing to do was to leave n couple of men on tho Charleston Sand Spit to nld in case any of tho men had survived nnd woro trying to got ashore. "Wymnn Allco nlso wltnosso tho dlsnstor whllo lighting tho harbor lights. Ho said thnt wo woro pos sibly five minutes too Into to bo of service to them. "After wo had returned, wo mot tho life saving crow Just coming down to go to tho rescue of tho men. "Wymnn Allieo says that four of the men on the North Stnr Jumped Just boforo tho crnft capsized and two remained on her. Tho lookout nt tho Llfo Saving Station says that none of thorn Jumped. Young Albco is certain thnt ho snw them Jump, howovor. "Tho tldo continued to ebb for nbout three hours after tho accldont occurred. It wiih an unusunlly strong obb. If tho life saving sta tion had been located nt Charleston, thoro is not the slightest doubt in my mind hut that tho North Stnr or nil aboard her could hnvo been snved." Identity of Stranger Lost on North Star Has Not Been Established. Who wns tho sixth victim of the North Star disaster? This la tho question thnt is the puzzling feature of tho tragedy to day. Several thought that they knew but investigation of each clue has shown that the person who was feared to have been tho unknown vic tim wns at other points and escaped, ed. So far, only a fairly accurate do Bcrlptlon of tho man has been ob tnlned. T. II. Barry who went from Mnrshfleld to Empiro on tho North Star and MIsb WIckman of Empiro havo furnished them. Both ngrco fairly well. Ho was a man of nppnrcntly 30 or 3C years old, good looking, woro a moustncho, had ruddy, reddish face and of averago physique. WaB dress ed as working mnn, wearing logger's boots. Miss WIckman thought that ho had a heavy dark moustacho but Mr. Bar ry believes his moiiBtncho was rather light. Mr. Barry says his hands wero whlto and soft, Indicating that ho had not been working recently. Mr. Barry overheard somo remarks that lead him to bollovo thnt tho stranger had been Injured In nn accident nnd had recently loft tho hospital. This led to a supposition that ha might bo Louis Molassl, an Italian, who hnd boon receiving treatment at Mercy hospital and who expected to leave North Bond Saturday for tho Smith-Powers camp on South Inlet. Howovor, a mnn named Motcnlf who enmo up from the South Inlet enmp todny stated thnt it was not Molnssl. Shorman Rogors, n logger at tho Contrnl hotel, thought at first It was his brother, J. II. Rogers. Howovor, tho latter was smooth shaven nnd did not nnswor tho description and ho also discovered that J. II. Rogers loft for Myrtlo Point Snturdny to visit relatives by tho name of Moore. Dr. Bnrtlo nnd othors nt North Bend nt first thought it might bo n young mnn nnmed Finnoll who hnd boon working nt tho foundry thoro nnd who had planned to loavo Snt urdny nftornoon for n hunting trip to South Inlot. Ah ho did not hnvo a moustacho, it is not bnlloved thnt It was ho. It Is posslblo that his Identity may nevor bo ascertained. Havo your Job Tha Times' oflco. printing dono at NO CAUSE TO DOUBT tho North Star nnd so ho went. Uralnnrd married Abblo Elliott, a daughter of Milton Elliott of South Inlet, nnd is survived by his wlfo and four smnll children. Usually Went Overland. Ira Albeo, tho South Inlet forry mnn, nearly nlwnys drove to aud from Mnrshflold. It Is stated that Saturday's trip wns tho II rut ono he hnd started by launch in n long time. Tho heavy rains nnd muddy ronds nro presumed to hnvo been tho enuso of his taking tho launch instead of mnklug tho trip overland. Mr. Albeo's wlfo, who was n daughter of tho lato Capt. Wymnn, former keeper of tho Capo Arngo Light house, died about a year ago. Ho is survived by a son who Is about olghteon yenrs old. A brother, Mel vln Albeo, works nt tho C. A. Smith mill horo, Wlfo Snw Disaster. Mrs. Joo. Yonkor was among tho first to hear tho distress whlstlo from tho North Star No. l. Sho was watching for tho return of tho bout. Through a strong glass, she was able to illscom tholr danger and Imme diately sont word to Supt. Blnghnm of tho South Inlet oxcelslor factory nnd to John Wasson of tho Mny flowor who was near tho Islnnd. Tho Yonkors homo Is nt Scott's Point nnd sho wns nblo to watch thorn. Sho snw thorn throw tho an chor out in a vain attompt to pre vent tho tldo from carrying thom out to sea. Mrs. Yonkors Is a sister-in-law of Ira Albeo, aud a daughter of tho lato Capt. Wymnn of tho Capo Arngo Lighthouse Besides her, four smnll children survlvo Mr. Yonkor, ltelfcs of Wreck. Yesterday, tho boach was crowded there. WIo Guy. "You don't earn your living." "Why should I?" "Why shouldn't you?" "Because thoro nro a lot of bloom lug Idiots that earn a good deal mure thnu they use." Remarked improvement, Bho war ahy wIipii alio went nwajr Two month niw prcclicly, Put klM now, I hnvo to ay, rtpnl nicely. She wns thy tor a city miss. I look nt It astutely Anil wonder how sho learned to kiss So cutely. nut she Is not Inclined to tell. And I enn only ponder. How do girls learn to kiss so well? I wonder. Waahlnvton Herald. Ono Certainty. In writing what tho future holds Just put this In your letter Tlmt you w III always net . bump Wliero you hud hoped for better. It Would Kill Him. "I'd llko to seo tho conceit tnken out of tlmt fellow." "It wouldu't do." "Think not?" "No. There's a law against It." Described. "Variety Is the spice of llfo." "Mabel has a variety lu tho way of hair." "Regular spiced peach, isn't sho?" No Jump For Him. "Where aro you going?" "To tho Jumping off place." "Aud then?" "I urn coming back." Cause of His Grief. A kind hearted old gentleman found a small boy crying and stopped to sea what was tho mutter. "What's tho trouble, son?" ho asked. "Tommy Brown lilt me," boohooed tho boy, "an father ho hit mo becnuso I let Tommy hit me, an' Tommy Brown ho hit mo again becnuso I told father, an now father Ml lilt me again because Tommy Brown hit mo tho second time." LIppIncott'B. Tho Times' Want Ads bring results STADDEN All Minis of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. Amono Those Present. Whenever there's nn accident. And victims' names nro listed Among them there are always some Who "went liomo unassisted." But when there Is a midnight feast Where liquids fizz and foam No paper ever tells Just how The revelers got home. Chicago Tribun. Savo money by patronizing The Times advertisers. A .Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong fliiaraiitee. Wo guarantee Immcdlnto nnd posi tive relief to nil sufferers from cons tipation. In ovory enso whoro our remedy falls to do this wo will re turn tho money paid us for It. That's u frank statomciit of facts, and we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Roxall Orderlies aro eaten Just like candy, aro particularly prompt and agreeable In action, may bo taken at any tlmo, day or night: do not causo diarrhoea, natiaoa, griping, oxccsslvo looseness, or other undesirnblo of fects. Thoy havo a vory mild but positive action upon tho organs with which thoy como In contact, appa rently acting as a regulativo tonic upon tho relaxed muscular coat of tho bowels, thus overcoming weak ness, and aiding to restore tho bow- ols to more vigorous and healthy ac tivity. Roxall Ordorllca are unsurpassable and ideal for tho uso of children, old ioii8 nnd dollcato persons. Wo enn not too highly recoinmond thom to nil sufferers from any form of cons tipation and its attendant evils. Thnt'B why wo back our faith lu them with our promlso of monoy back ir thoy do not glvo ontlro satis faction. Threo sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents, 3G tablets 25 cents nnd 80 tablets 50 conts. Romombor, you can obtain Roxall Remedies in Mnrshflold only nt our store, Tho Roxnll Storo. Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co.. "Tho Busy Comor." THE D.VXOKU OF LA GRIPPE Is its fntnl tondoncy of pneumonia. To cure your la grlppo coughs take Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound. R. E. Fisher, Washington, Kas., says: "I wns troubled with a severe attack of la grlppo that threatened pneumo nia, a menu navlsed Foley's Honoy and Tnr Compound and I got relief after taking tho first few doses. 1 took throe bottles nnd my la Erlnna was cured." dot tno gonulno. in thn yellow package RED CROSS DRUG COMPANY. T. J. SOAIFE iSi A. H. HODfJINB MarshfieldgPaint, i Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phone 140L Oregon A. Modern Brick Building, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL. COOS O. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 conts a Day and Upwards Cor. Broadway and Market Marahfiold, Oregon. BlancharcTs Livery Wo havo secure, the liverr html. es8 of L. H. Hoisner and aro pre pared to render excellent service to the people of Coo Bay. Cirefnl pi Ivors, goon rlsa ud everything hat will mean satisfactorv rofvip. n the public. Phone UB for n Hrlvlnr. horse, a rig or anything needed In iue iivery line. Wo also do truck- g business of all kinds. IHiANCnARJD I1ROTIIERS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Sales Servlcs). iii uirsi anu Aider Streets We Are Selling Men's hj Clothing for Less Than It's Worth During This Sale It is ilic same cloUihii? for which, usually, you. y pay the regular price. Every garment YOU choose from, it's YOU we wish to satisfy. "UI3N.TAM1N CLOTHES" have the style. . and character so essential to the man who wants! bo well circsseu. Clearance Sale Prices on Every Suit in This Store One-Fourth, One-Third to One-Half le "MONEY TALKS" YY 1 sOl il O Ol f nuo uouung ol onoe to, MABSUFIELD BANDoi THE FRIEND OF COOS DAY" S. S. ALLIANC1 EQUIPPED WITH WIIIELE8B SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY 6 P. Ill WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24. CONNECTING W1TU THE NORTH BANK ItOAB AT PORTLAJ NOKTn PAJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 O. P. McGKORGE, Ajnt FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our ttages leave Marshfleld for Rosoburg at C o clock w eronlnc and afford aulckost connections with Southern Pidsl Railway. Faro JC.OO. coos rtAY itnsrcnima stage LINE. OTTO BOHICTTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV.. JUrthMl C. P. IURNARI), Agent, ROSEDURG, Ore. PHONE 11 PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondol EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUBMARINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, AT 3 P. M. INTER-OOEAN TRANSPORT ATION COMPANY. Phono 44 0. P. McOEORQB, Agett Steamer Homer Sails for San FranciscojTrom Coos Bay, Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2 P. M, F. S. Dow.Agent EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON JANUARY 0, 10, S3. SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OP THE TIDE ON JA UARY 0, la, 20, 27. L. H. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN W-1 One of the Finest Places for A LARGE DAIRY RANCH nCnC?nty ,8, 1 trac.1 ot m acrea n lowop Coqulllo river. W soil now at a real bargain price. Call or wrlto at onco to AUG. FRIZEEN 08 CcntrnI Avenue, Marshfleld phono 181 WANTED ! ! ! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at uumu x liAUVEY I PHONE 100 J City Fish Market In Ferguson Transfer BIdg, Foot of Market Ave. SMITH & BALCH. Pronrifitnr. People Take Notice! We havo all lengths of stove for sale, prlceB ranging from W per tier up. Wo can furnlio W length you wish. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-I PHONE 200J j BstiHlfllsiHstlBHMstsiiiiiiKSLssJ