IALF TRYING IS ONLY HOLDING OUT ON YOURSELf AND NEVER WINS .T llVI2UTIHINfl In Tho TIMES Vtil'' ......I !... ..... til.. (KtfflS Smtra WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep the Income from Yonr I'lii-iiiiltfil Rootim from Lapsing! YOt' enn really help tho family rovenui'B by renting ft few furnUhc ! rooms iintl, It you knw how hl 1 when to use tho classified columns, you may keep Hint lmlo oxtra Inrouio an 'Vtondy as a clock." Will I ' l""1 iV,", "'""" " .1,0 Market" Effectively l u will put tlio facta nbout your own . J"" " " mummer of associated press ZSSSOVf fOL XXXV KsIiiIiIMiimI In IH7H at The Cont Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Tliui's, Const .Mull ga "52 anil Coos Hay AdwrtlstT. Sag 1 ICE OF SIX BODIES OF NORTH STAR WRECK FOUND inriioc Wot Washed Ashore 'and May Never Be Found- one Ollll UIIKIIUWII. ENGINE BALKING OR LOST PHUrtLLtn oauoc Location of Life Saving Station Blamed For Law oi uei- unu hiu. iin in n Into hour this afternoon, to traco had boon found of tho bo lies of any of tho vIctlmB of tho Ircck of tllO I.atllicn norm ouir u. f n thn Coos Hay bar lato Saturday Ivcnlng when six moil loBt tholr Ives. Careful wnicu nns uuun uuim- ilncd nnd Bonrcn mnuo bo iur ub ossiblo but m vain. Tho victims of tho (UsaBtor wore: tor YONKERS, owner and cap ita of tho North Star No. 1. VM. URAINAKD, a Houin iniei knehcr. . . I FRANK TANNER of South inioi. ! TOM FERRARI, ngod 18, Hon of lhai. Ferrari, a rancher living at Ilnch's Point on south inioi. IRA ALDKB, tho South jniot rawbrldgo tondor. UNKNOWN MAN, oviuonuy a Iranger. sovorni ai umpire saw Dm but nono know nun. i Mr. Anderson, a niombor of tno ko saving crow, was wnBhod out to bo boat but wbb rcBcucd by tho Ihers. At first, It wbh roportcd that Bovon ero lost but this la presumed to kvo orlglnntod from tho BiippoBl- bn that Master Mechanic ilnywortn tho Bmlth-Powora Logging com- Iny was aboard tho craft. How- cr, Mr. Ilnywortn instead of tnK B tho North Star No. 1 to tho ttlth-Powers Logging Camp whore was ordered to aunorlntond ro- ilrs walked down and thus escaped dlro fato which tho occupants of Ill-fated launch mot. Iluy- brth's family liven In Marshllold and Itll ho was located to bo snfoly at lo South Slough camp Saturdny ovo- ng much approhoiiHlon wns folt for m." ITho North Star No. 1 loft hore to Saturday nttornoon. DoHldcs dsq drowned, n numbor of Emplro oplo, Including tho Misses Wlck- in, left hero on lior. Sho mndo tho Ip to Emplro without troublo nnd ero part of tho pasBongors loft her. J Cnuso Xot Known. Tho causo of tho disaster Is not wwn for certain. At first. It wns pposed that a balky gasollno on- oe was responsible but Inter ro rts Indlcato that tho launch may to lost her propollor. One reason for tho supposition thnt as cnglno troublo was statomonta Capt. Yonkcr hero Saturday that i engino nnd been working badly the trip un. To Jnck Flnnncnn. stated that ho disliked making 8 trip down Satlirilav nnnn lincmiKn feared onKlno troublo. However, T. H. Barry, who mndo ' "'P rom hero to Emplro, stntos it the engino was working perfect Mr. Rarry witnessed tho North T Washout OVOP thn lint nn.l lin "ks that It might hnvo resulted " mo loss of tho prepoller near uui oi mo nay. wordlne to uiim th Mntii Fr No. 1 drifted nut nvn Hin lnr lVT"1.081, "eating that sho i-iuuaoiy dragging hor anchor that Cant. Vnnkn i.-.i i.- ded so as to trv t nnin , May. ln, caso ,10 Bh0W rogaln ph. v. "lH 10St Power. lBe ebb tide nn in. trongest of thn vonr. tL MnrH. rwu caught n th0 gtron l and Was Bnrnt.t -.... I Eh. I. i ""' "Ul IU BOB. VZ$?U ?l th0 llf0 8av,nK Bta- hft .. C fni or tno North stnr An inStnnVn.n: ::vt ""uOH " " strike h. . .: rv.iB,s v "? Ich h.j i "u W1U io crait tk. .Lleen t0S8'ns Hko a cork w BUiillinr anna ... . . . ocwo vua cuugni Dy adedte1"? cro? 1Icy . r No i , 'raeeay or tho North thpm i v luo lU'CKiy enacted datalV?fc.of -Servlco. Th0 th St., ' i. , OC(PnniB of tho wiSrS? th hand of .n,nn as rumnroH .t tli been ln.f.the Ufo BnvlnB crow eDJStJ" ort to go vas ,, ulu iSOrtH stnr but ssr a youns TO MOVE LIFE SAVING STATION Campaign to Secure Location Near Charleston Renewed As Result of Disaster. As a result of tho launch ' North Star disaster, It Is likely thnt tho Coob liny Ltfo Saving Station will bo moved to a nlto near Charleston Hay and Coos llond. It Is claimed thnt If tho Ufa saving station had been locnted there, It Ih probablo that tho launch North Stnr No. 1 or part or possibly nil of Us pnBscngorfl could havo been saved Saturday night. Evoryono who 1b familiar with tho situation takoB thin vlow of 11 and unites In dcclnrlng thnt stops should bo takon Immcdlntoly to bco thnt tho Btatlon 1b moved. Tho lookout ntntlon could bo mnlntulnod where It now Is or moved to nonror tho pro posed slto Just ns Is doomed advis able Dr. J. T. McCormnc, president of tho Chnmbor of Commerce, who lias had tho matter up with tho ofllclnls nt Washington n numbor of times nnd who Iiob presented lottom nnd dntn showing why tho ntntlon Hhould bo moved Immcdlntoly resumed tho campaign yestorduy morning by send ing tho following tologrnmH to Con gressman W. C. Hawloy: "Disabled gasollno boat drifted over Coos Dny bar yestorday and nix men woro drowned by tho tlmo tlio llfo Having crow had arrlvod from tlio stntlon two miles nway. Hud tho station boun located nt Chnrloston nt tho ontrnnco to tho harbor this and many previous acci dents could havo boon prevented. "All Interests unlto In urging Im mcdlato removal of tho station to Chnrloston. "Superintendent of llfo snvlng Bor vlco has all dntn and reports as wo hnvo frequontly urged that this chnngo ho mndo. "Plcnso oxpcdlto this matter In tho Interests of humanity. "Llfo Saving crow gnllantly bravod bronkorB with tholr power boat los ing oho man ovorbonrd but ho was rcBcuod lator." Whon Mnjor J. J. Morrow visited tho Hay a year ngo, tho need of mov ing tho station wns thon pointed nut to him by Dr. McCormnc, Henry Songstnckoij of tho Port CommlsBlon nnd others. Ho Informed thorn thnt tho matter should ho taken up with tho Dopnrtmont nt Washington In chnrgo of tho Llfo Saving service They lind beon previously written about it but additional letters woro sent. Nothlu was dono. In vlow of tho dlsnstor to North Star No. 1, It Is not llkoly thnt tho Dopnrtmont can longor dolny making tho chnngo. lLET US TALK "iT .OVER , WHAT'S tho mnttcr with the Coos Dny Llfo Saving Stntlon? Is It hoodooed? Is It lnelllclent? Is It suffering from too much red tnpo? Is tho stntlon located nt the wrong plnco7 All theso questions crowd themselves hurriedly whilo tho thoughts nnd tenrs of Saturdny evening's terrible tragedy arc still fresh and fear ful. That thoro Ih something wrong bo me where miiBt bo admitted. Every opportunity for ronl servlco for tho purpose for which It wns organized nnd Ib mnintulned becomes another tragedy of tho sea. Tho Times nnd every thinking person will make duo nllownnco for tho many ugly Htorlcs thnt nro afloat. Whon hearts nro hot with n feeling of somo apparent Injustice somewhere in tho schemo of things stories start quickly. Bnck of all this, howovor, is tho awful actuality that a gasollno bont, drifting helplcBH to n drendful doom, wont unsuc cored nnd six lives woro loBt nnd tho Life Snvlng Stntlon hns ngnln be como n mlsnomor nnd ItB members might bo mummies for nil tho assis tance thnt was rendered to tho victims of this second nwftil tragedy in a fow yoarB. Without accoptlng or giving further currency or credence to tho worst of tho stories It Is substantially and reliably reported thnt tho wlfo of ono of tho victims, Mrs. Joo Younkcr looking through a field glass nnd sousing tho Bltuntlon gnvo tho nlarm to Mr. Dlngham, nnd nftor telephoning tho Llfo Snvlng Stntlon, ho proceeded In n private boat and was nenrly at tho scono of tho troublo boforo tho Llfo Saving crow. It Is roportcd n fnlse stnrt In tho aurf bout nnd n return for tho power bont caused n dolny thnt might, hnvo Biivcd six lives. This is in ltsolf n sorlous reflection. Another woll-foundcd complaint is thnt the stntlon Is locnted too far from tho points of rcnl danger nnd thnt In enso of troublo it requires too much tlmo to rench tho scene of difficulty. This Is something tnn glblo nnd should bo Investigated. A Llfo Saving Stntlon should bo for tho purposo of rendering assis tance to thoso In dlBtroBB nnd should bo nB near nB posslblo to any known points of dnngor. Tho Coos Dny stntlon Is mnnlfcstly unfortunnto. It is nil right whon It comes to giving exhibitions of heroism on holiday excursions, but for rcnl sorvico something seems to be lacking. It in tho duty of somoono to seo wlint'B wrong. This second trngedy should not bo permitted to pass without heeding tho lesson that Jgwrltln tho crlmson jetterB of humnn lives. FOUR! INJURED AT BEAVERI1NILL NOTED RAILROAD OFFICIAL u ARE RILLEOINJRECK TOlr tAAAAAMANVNWAA CAPT. MAGEE'S ROME BURNED Miners Trying to Remove Gas From Contact With Old Mine Hurt by Explosion This Morning. Ono man was sorlously Injured nnd throe others badly but not seriously hurt In n gas oxploslon In tho Denver Hill mine this morning . Tho hijured nro: . JAS. nARKHOUSE, soverely burned about head nnd fncc. Arms nnd legs also broken. Condition critical. Now at Morcy hospital. MIKE WOODWICIC, burned about head and fnce. Not sorlous. GEO. J. KOVICH, burned about head and fncc. Not sorlous. WALTER HOLM, burned about LEAVE TODAY MRliO WIIjTi AID WOMEN. r 'n of T.o I r " i "9 aw , "Kins ai unariee- ! ,h dlsasV; "l s.tar J"t bo- ! . U18aster and la nnn.in FWffil ,vror board anl tr,e,i ktcffiM"' Yonkersvlow- y atC aIar ?!?? a Ew out n,Q r D" BttW mom '1 notfcn 33 .anchor but that It SSv&yter was ; .... -vvvOiiirru lo uuj (Co.d on ptIt 4) John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Has New Hobby Now. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da; TIraeB.) NEW YORK, Jan. 22. John D. Rockofollor, Jr., who announced that ho hnd completed his two yenra' campaign ngalnst "whlto slavory" will now turn his nttontlon to estab lishing n "bureau of criminalistic re search." Tho bureau's aim Ib tho Improvement and ultlmnto reforma tion of conditions under which wo men nro convicted in criminal courts and compelled to sorvo sentences im posed upon thorn. ROYAITV ON VISIT. Noted English Family Guests at Wliltelnw Reld Home. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. The Duke- of Connaught, undo of King Georgo of Englnnd, tho Duchess Con naught, their daughtor, Princess Pa tricia and their suite, reached hero today from Ottawa for a social visit of four days with Mrs. "Whltolaw Reld. WILL EXECUTE 10 FOR DYNAMITE OUTRAGE (Dy Associated Press.) SALONIKA, Turkey, Jan. 22. 4 NInoteen persons havo been condemned to death for alleged participation In tho dynamite outrage at Istlb in December, which resulted in tho death of twelve nersons. I Steamship Sails For San Fran cisco With Large Numuer of Passengers. ' The Rodondo Balled todny noon for San Francisco with n largo pas- RGncni' list and a kooiI cargo of gen- ornl freight in addition to tho cargo of lumbor from tho Smith nun. AmniiL' thoso aniline on tho Redon- do were tho following: W. F. Dowron, Jr., C. S. Wlnsor, J. Dylor, John Snyder, Mrs. M. na tea, Mrs. J. I. OJIda, W. C. Dradley, K. E. Fisher, W. C. Scott, Nick Wle lnnd, P. Thurgnllaa, Mra. Geo. Han son, Miss T. Clark, Mrs. F. H. Rogers, A. J. Dalllnger, Carl Koorta, Geo Tee, Quo Wing, Harold Carllalo, Mra. A. Smith, Walter Carllalo, R. Lncks trom, Mrs. R. Lackstrom, E. Porter, a. S. Stage, Louis RuvelBon. hend nn dfneo. Not sorlous. Tho nccldcnt occurred this morn ing In tho second crosscut of tho shaft of tho now mlno. Tho men were trying to romovo n deposit of gns when tho oxplo slon occurred. Just what caused It la not known but it is presumed that n spark from tho olectrlcal dovlcos used must hnvo dono so. Tho gna wns tho old mlno. Tho explosion was not sovoro enough to Injure tho property. No flro follow ed tho explosion, boyond tho first flnsh, Bhowlng thnt tho doposlt of gna Is slight. Darkhoiiso was tho only ono badly hurt. Ho was brought to Morcy hos pital. Tho othors remnlncd at tholr homes atnn.v.r JJ'JL' DR. WILEY IS "NOT GUILTY" Fire Supposedly of Incendiary Origin Destroys Property at Empire. The homo of Capt. Will Magco of tho stcamor Rcdondo wns totally destroyed by fire at Empire about 2 o'clock this morning. Tho flro wns discovered by Capt. Magco who was aroused from his sleep by tho crack ling of tho flames or the Binokc. Ho barely had tlmo to save, with tho nsslatanco of nolghbors, somo of tho furnishings. Tho houso belonged to Miss M. F. Mullln who hns been mnking her homo in Snn Francisco for tlio Inst few yenrs. A Inrgo portion of thn furniture nnd furnishings nlso be longed to her. There wns no lnsu rnnco on either Cnpt. Mngco's , or Miss Mitllln's property. Capt. Ma goo's loss Is probably botweon 1800 nnd $1,000 nnd Mlos Mullln's about 13,000. Capt. Magco is convinced thnt tho flro wns of Incendiary origin. Ho do clarcu that it wns not from tho out side. He hnd no flro in his homo ex cept In tho kitchen stovo last ovonlng. This was far from the origin of tho blaze. Capt. Magco hns strong suspicions ns to tho pnrty who was responsible for tho flro nnd for n whilo this morning thought to fllo chnrges. Howovor, tho filing of charges was postponed ponding nn Investigation of it. Whilo captain of tho tug Columbia, ho incurred tho enmity of nn Emplro man nnd ho nttributes sovornl things thnt hnvo occurred slnco to tho ef forts of that Individual to gain re vongo. Onco tho Columbia wns cut looso from tho dock, nnothor tlmo tho henrt of his big hawsor wns cut and still nnothor tlmo acid was pour ed on tho hnwsor to weaken it. DELAY HATE INCREASE. MURDER PLOT S REVEALED Negro Minister Charaed With Exciting Followers to Kill Several. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. J LAKE CHARLES, La., Jan. 22. Detectives Investigating a aeries of twonty-slx murders which occurred in Louisiana In tho last year are hold lnt n nnirrn nrennher. Klnir Harris. While Harris Is not' accused of tho specific crlmo It la believed that no, no hAnri of tho "sacrifice church" worked some of his followers up to Buch a frenzy that they committed several Killings in tne name or. me religion. All tho victims were ne groes. Get vour HUNTER'S and ANG LER'S LICENSE at MELNER'S. , Investiqatina Committee Sus tains Pure Food Expert In Congress. (By Associated Press to Coos Daj Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. Dr. Hnrvoy W. Wiloy Is held "not guilty" of conspiracy to ovndo tho law In tho report filed in tho IIouso today by tho committee that conduct ed tho Investigation lnat August on charges upon which Taft was aBked to dismiss tho nation's chiof chemist from tho government service Not only docs the commltteo absolve Wi ley from criticism, but it, attacks tho whole administration of tho pure food law, demnnds now loglslntlon nnd n chnngo in tho method in tho Department of Agriculture by which tho law la now npplled. BIG SLASH IN Advance In Freight on Hops Held Up by Commission. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Da; Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. In n decision tho Intorstnto coinmls slon todny ordered nn ndvnnco of about ten por cont In tho transcon tinental freight rates on balod hops from North Pacific coast tormlnnla to Atlantic senboard dostinntions, effec tive January 24, suspended until May 23. All transcontinental and inter mediate railways nro defendants. TREE Primers, Saws and at MIIiN'ER'8. Shears BOATS 'V.WUHWW?OTt STEEL TARIFF Democrats Propose 30 to 50 Per Cent Reduction Free List Items. ' (By Associated FreBs to Coos Bay Times) WASHINGTON, D C, Jan. 22. Reductions from thirty to fifty per cent on all items In the iron and steel tariff and tho placing on tho tariff free list of iron ore, sewing machines, printing machines, cash registers, nails and many other ar ticles against which a tariff Is now levied are proposed In tho democra tic steel revision tariff bill made public today. V, S. Moil BOXES at MILNER'S. I Don't forget tho Turkish Baths PHONE 314-J. El TO COOS BAY Homer Transferred to Govern ment Service In Alaska- Washinaton Coming. Agent F. S. Dow of tho stoamor Homer today recolvod word that tho Homer would bo transferred to tho government' servlco at tho Soal Is lands, Alaska, and that tho stcamor Washington will bo put on the Coos Bay-San Francisco run In hor placo. Tho Washington Is a comparative ly new steamer, having beon built about throo years ngo. Sho has ac commodations for about fifty passon gers nnd Is much faster than tho Homer. Sho will Ball from San Fran cisco for Coos Bay next Saturday. The Homer will leave bero on her final trip Wednesday aftornoon for San Francisco and will go from thoro to Alaska. "k .. . i" -XStfWMrtirt9Sn J. T. Harahan, Frank Melcher, E. B. Pierce and E. E. Wright Dead. TRAIN CRASHES INTO ' THEIR SPECIAL CAR Several Others Injured In Dis astrous Accident at Kin mundy, III. (By Associated fresa to Coos Ba:f Times.) CENTRALIA, III., Jan. 22. James T. Harahan, Sr., former prost dont of tho Illinois Central railroad", Frank Melchor, second vice-president of tho Rock Island, E. B. Pierce, gen eral solicitor of tho Rock Island and Eldrldgo E. Wright, aon of Luko W Wrlght, formor accrctnry of war, were killed In n collision between two Illinois Contrnl trains at Kin mundy, Illinois, twenty miles cast oC hero oarly today. Threo trainmen were injured nnd othor passongere badly shaken up. Tho Now Orleans Express was taking water at Kinmundy whon the Pnnnmn Limited ran Into tho roar end Tho killed woro in tho private car of Mr. Melchor. Tholr bodies woro found nenr tho borths they had occupied. Only ono occupaut in the prlvnto car, tho secretary to Mr. Melcher, escaped. Tho onglno of tho Pnnama Limited ploughed Its way through tho private enr and stopped by tho steel coaches immediately preceding Tho Impact Bhovcd tho standing trnln for a dls tnnco down tho tracks, although the brakes were locked. Tho Limited carried sleeping cars only and wltk Btood tho crnsh. It is snld that no flagman was souK back from tho Now Orleans Limited.. Harahan recently retired from the presidency of tho Illinois Central. Cause of Wreck. Tho cnuso of tho wreck Is ascribed! to a scarcity of wator along tho road A recent special ordor makes it ne cessary for all trains to tako wator at Kinmundy and a freight that took wator boforo tho oxprosa, hold the express longer thnn wns customary. Tho engineer and fireman of the Limited wore n freight crow lately put on tho pnssonger trnln. It la Be lieved they forgot tho ordor for aI8 trains to tako wntor. Tho flngmair of tho express did not hnvo tlmo to flag: tho Limited. Four occupnnts of tho private, car escaped death or Injury. Theso are Byron B. Curry, prlvnto secretary to vlco-presldont Molchor, Thomas: B. Buabco, nttornoy for tho Rock Island for tho atatos of Arkansas and Loui siana nnd two nogro porters". IJndly Hurt Alfred Hill of Marsli flold was badly injured In an acct dont nt tho Smith mill this morniug. His log wns brokon and ho was other wise Injured. Ho wns takon to Mer cy hospital where ho Ib In a critical condition. FATRER T S OR S MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were Issued by County Clerk Watson the past week to tho following persons: Roy II. Young nnd Sylvia Ray Taylor. John A. Rasmussen and Laura Evelyn Borgerson. Ray Pendergrass and Kathryn Do Vrles both of Marshflold Rudolph William Lackstrom nnd Violet Agnes Ennls of Marshfleld. Reuben O. Young and Cornelia Lomas of Bandon. Coqullle Sentinel. Mrs. C. F. McKniciht Receives Sad Intelligence Today Heart Trouble Cause. John A. Spanglor, fathor of Mrs. O. F. McKnlght, died suddenly at bis homo at Corvallls this morning of heart failure. A telegram contain ing tho briof announcomont of his death was recolvod by Mr. McKnlght today. Mr. and Mrs. McKnlght will leave tomorrow morning via Drain for Cor vallls. Tho news came as a great shock. Mr. Spongier spent a few weeks with his daughter here, leaving about January 10 for his homo In Albany. For some tlmo he has boon sufforlag from henrt troublo. Ho suffered aa attack a few days ago. Mr. Spanglor wns ono of tho lead ing men of Corvallls. Ho had bees engaged In tho paving business there. He was about flfty-fllx years old. Besides Mrs. McKnlght, another daughter, Mrs. L. L. Porter of Ore gon City, nnd a son, Martin L. Span glor of Oakland, survive. Mrs. Spangled died somo years ago. Houso NUMBERS at MILNETl'O. Sanitary NER'S. PLUMBING at MT&- Aftor tho show try a TutBJsq Batfa Phone 2 14-J. .flftrfMfeiirffrt4't- fc--