A MERE MAN'S POINT OF VIEW ,r Women Acronnuts Demonstrate a Courage Characteristic of Wo men In Almost Every Sphere I of Daily Life. By BYRON WILLIAMS. MHUU men who Lave been nccaskiuu'd to thinking of woman or n being fright fully ufrald of a muuho mid unspeakably glvon to nerves scarcely cau credit the statement that women will rncc with aeroplanes during the aunnner aviation meets. Mile. Du trlcu will represent France, Mrs. James V, Martin will wenr tho English colors uud Miss Emily WUlard, daugh ter of C. F. Wlllard, aviator, will be an American representative. And right hero one. mere man pins hU faith to Mlna Wlllard, who Iibb shown herself to possess courage undaunted by mlco, bugs, thunderstorms nud fly Ins machines. Tho fact that women nro flying proves, of course, that they aro mid probably nlways have been Just at bravo nn men. Physiologists clnlin that women can stand much more pain than man, and this Is not to bo scoff ed at in tho aerial business, where ono may come down at any tlmo like an April shower, gently and grace folly, or after tho manner of the nma.ll boy whoio hold on tho limb momen tarily has been interfered with by a sraucy nnd malignant bhicjny protect Ins her nest As for tho bravery of women, I al ways bavo bolioved in it I bavo over been conscious of that sort of bravery In her that Bcoffs at storm and bal loons, but more especially of that greater typo of courago that success fully nnd uncomplainingly withstands hardship, discouragement, contumely, property, lost hopo and tho indifference of tho man, to go with whom she gavo tip a good homo and tho comforts of a peaceful life tho sort of courago that laughs at mcro nerves, tho shrill 'Ing at chanco snalcea and fuzzy cater pillars. Woman's courago is of tho stnncher sort, tho kind of courago that makes her forgot everything except loyalty and lovo, tho courage that poets sing about and dying men conjuro ur in tho last Impressions of ono who, thou- SNAPSHOTS AT CELEBRITIES Clnus A. Spreckcls, Enemy of the Sugar Trust. A Qlrl Hon Swapper, ' MIm Stella DleUormnn of Hog IIol 1 low, N. V hns long been celebrated LAUNDRY ! r TT : 1 I Sk, NW k'o iymAvkw .i ssisisVvr5W.w.Ei ir. y 1 w IHilMiiB8k ijiiVHVisVisVisV' xz IssHHIIIh Mi& X sVDVJH9isBtflPsiAsflUB 3&EiHlY9 Photo by American Ptms Association. Claus Augustus Spreckcls. who gnvo important testimony before tho con gressional committee investigating the sugar trust, Is head of tho Federal Sugar Rollnlng company. For many years ho has fought tho big combina tion, and In the course of his testi mony ho produced letters which pur port to show that tho trust was n vio lator of the Sherman law for at least a short tlmo after the enactment of that statute. Incidentally it was de veloped that Spreckcls' light against tho American Sugar Itcllnlng company was tho causo of an estrangement that separated him from his father nnd brothers for many years. Tim fam ily breach camo when tho Sprockets re finery wan permitted to pasH Into con trol of tho trust Claus A. Spreckcls, besides being a prominent flguro in tho sugar business for many years, has been actlvo In the civic life of San Francisco. He took a leading part In tho reform movement In that city which resulted in tho con viction nud imprisonment of Mnyor SchmlU and Abo Iluof In 1007. A WOMAN nORSE SWAPPER. as the shrewdest woman horso trader In this country. Sho can tell tho good points of a horso nt first glanco and has mado many n good swap whllo jogging along country roads. Sweet Job. "What aro you doing now, Jimmy?" asked Ills claim. "Oh, I've got n swell Job In a bakery dcalln' out pies," boasted Jimmy. "Huh! Lots of good it docs you to soil pics." "Aw, you nro slow, Tho npplo pies nro marked with n big A, an' do peach an' pumpkin pics aro marked with a P." "How kin you tell do difference?" "I tasto dem." Chicago Nows. Mr. Perkins, Financier. George W. Perkins, organizer of tho International Harvester company, for mer partner of J. Plerpont Morgan and associated with hint ns organizer of tho steel trust, Is said to bavo received $5,000,000 for his nharo In tho consoll- I datlon of tho harvester companies. On Aug. 11', 11)02. tho International Hnr- I veiter company was organized under ' tho laws of tho stato of Now Jersey with n capital of $120,000,000. It was Statk or oiuo, city or Tolfw), . l.VCAI UIIUNTV. I " fmllK i. nllhtmv hmbn.A.lti ll.. 1... I. .....I tllirftlfF nt Oil. firm .if L I ..!...... t. . ....I ......... ... ,..v ..imiii l .... j,iv III' 1 Ob 1.11. UII1IIK I'UiIiicm In. tho City of Toledo. County and HiaicniiTPMlO, niiil Hint phIiI llrm will pny the urn nt ONi: III'Nliltr.i) Poi.I.AIIH fnrcat-li am. lVlr fllfcll flf f'rtfurrli ll.nln.i...,.) 1... a ... the uiu of Hull' ('Atnrrli rurc. . , , l-'KA.NK J. rilKNKY, Hworn to More nu iiml Mib-cMbid In my prciKiMliU i.th ilny of ltrrinl.or, A. !. 1MJ. tfKAl.,) A. V,flM:A8UNt ,, ... NoTAItY VVM.W V i . . .,n "'ii iniviiiniiVt mill .' 'v i.iwmi 1H114 iiiiiuiusniirinii'i of tluia)ieni. buiitl for ti'Mlmoiiliiln free. Wo Iron our goods by tho very latest Improved machinery and du not crush the llfo out of tho linen after a few weeks. Our low pres sure machinery Is so easy on the guodb that we aro enabled to latinJ cr man) gnnncnts as long bb a year or more. Tho finish that wo pro mite Is an exact duplicate of that wh'ch Is being worn by tho most cav'iil dreaders In tho larger East ern ctlcs. If you want laundry vvo.k that will glva you the satlsfac tii.li pi Knowing that you nro weal ing v'iii, very latest, you should bn cure to send your nckagc to us. Our w:monb call ovorj whore. Coos Bay Steam Laundry WIONE MAIN &" Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sec GORTHELL Phono aiai NOTICK TO TAX-PAYEItS. Tnxos for tho year of 1011 aro duo and payablo on and after Fob ruary G, 1912. Thrco per cent re bate up to March 1G. From March 1G to April 1st pay taxes nt faco. Thero will bo no further notlco of tho amount of tnxos duo sent out by mall, except upon tho tax-payers re quest. Send in your lists of property as early ns possible Dated January 1G, 1912. W. W. QAGB, Sheriff nnd Tax Collector. First Class Autojj Service Cars loavo Front of Lloyd hotol to moot nil trains. Faro 2Gc. Special calls anywhoro at nil hours. DEST CARS. Best drivors. Phono GC-J un til 11 p. m., after 11 p. m. phono 5-J. Rcsldonco phono 28-J; nftor 12 phono 181R. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND ItEPAIIUNG ALL KINDS OF ROSS & riiN'EGOK. 2G0 Central avonuo Phono 2D0X HAT WORK. Don't forgot tho Turkish Baths PHONE 21 1-.T. WOUKK AKHONAUTH. ands of miles away, awaits their coming, all unconscious of tho battle ccuo of death. It is tho kind of courago that has built empires, founded cities and per petuated tho gentler, purer things of llfo. And it is tho kind of courago that makes mon bow their heads when tho word "mother" Is mentioned, tho kind of courago that shames n man from tho path of grossness nnd crlmo, tho courago that inspires and Idealizes life. Again, it is tho sort of courage that enables n weak woman to go into tho busy, blood supping strugglo of tho metropolis, where human ghouls hunt Innocent victims, and there, despite tho temptations and tho despair, win an honest siiRteuauce, turning her back upon tho gay and frivolous and daugerouH llfo as a thing to bo spurn ed and feared. This is tho real cour age, tho courago that is worthy of tho name. And whllo only a few of Eve's daughters may lilt through tho am bient on strange, blrdllko machines, thousands may and must exhibit that wonderful courago of faithfully light ing tho battle of life, with no mark against tho purity of tho record or stnln upon tho escutcheon of con science Oertalnly women can becomo aero nauts. They can becomo nnythlng that comports with woman's modesty and splie-v, and tho sphere Is wider than . was, much wider, And It has broad ened becauso woman bus Insisted on her rights to llvo something of an In dividual life to llvo a part of what sho Is. Why should mow man arrogate to himself tho authority of denying to woman tho right to fly? if she wants to fly let her. In a way she always has flown ijulto high. Any man who has successfully pursued and captured a particular woman knows that sho used all modes of travel in tho merry chaso of lovo, and no man who has followed woman through Agapemono will deny sho can "go some," whether on foot, on horse back or via tho aeroplane. Spring Is Coming And the (hue. for glnrting tho incubators is here. And it is iiltogother iu order to look over our stock of Petaluma Incubators Known to bo tho best in the market. Prices rnnmii" as to size nnd capacity. &4 . .j, From $12.50 to $52.00 LiJndm &n JLJtxvmAmLM im smsMMlk The Kitchen Heater Holds Fire Over Night This inexpensive gas range attachment avoids kindling (ires in cold kitchens winter mornings. Jt is built to heat the room nnd does it with very little solid fuel. With a kitchen heater the gas range can be used straight through tho year, delivering punctual meals, saving the time of the cook and keeping her kitchen clean. Ask our New Business Department. Tele phone 178. Oregon Power Co Condensed Statement of the condition of The First National Bank op coos DAY at the CIoso of Business, Dec. C, 1011. ItaMurccs. Loans and Discounts $229,329.11 Bonds, warrants and Hocunuea 73,161.(1 U. S. BondB to socuro circulation 25,000.0) Roal Estato, Furnituro and Fixtures 81,171.11 Cash and Sight Ezchango 141,131.11 Total $S50,0IX).at LlnblUUos. Capital stock patd in $100,000.00 Surplus nnd undlvldod profits. f. 10,797.11 Circulation, outstanding 2 G, 00 0.0 j Deposits 414,298.(1 Total 9580,000 INTKHKST PAID ON TIME AJH) SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MAHSIIFIETil) OREG0X STATEMENT OF CONDITION ' Flanagan Bennett Banking of MAItSIIFIELI), OREGON At tho close of business, December B, 1011. Resourced. Loans and Discounts $422,312.(1 Banking Houso DO.OOO.OJ'I uuua una uxenangea , 184,486.41 Ttnl 9050,700.10 . , labilities. Capital Stock paid in $ 60,000.01 Surplus nnd Undivided Fronts 68,631.61 DPBltB , 648,267.51 Totnl ' $050,700.10 ClFOnriK W. VEI1K1.VS. formed by the consolidation of tho Mc Connlclc Harvester company, controlled by John D. Rockefeller; the Dcerlmr, the Olessner. tho Piano and tho Mil wnukeo companies, all encaged In munufactiirlnc acrlcultural machinery. Issuer four other compiuilos were ab HorbiHl, AccordluK to Htatements mada before the Stauley hmiho committee, the International Harvester company Is practically in control of tho maim. fuel ii 10 of farmiiiK Implements. Mr. Perkins Is chairman of tho nuance eomiiilteee and a director of the croat harvester combine, lie is a native of Chlrnco and Is forty-nlne years old. lie bectui his career In tho life Insurance business, becoming cluilr man of the iliianco committee of tho Now York Life In ipoo and vice presi dent of tho company threo years later. A TPRK1SII ItATH win .in .. GOOD. Phono 214-J. Authentic nj raluille iolonnitioq bout biwdui, halchti f. ffUUlf, i .i.:. .. j-r. :-,""-' '.? ..,.-.. auu nguiin; poultry if conliurj in th. I.tcrt nitioa ci llttY I I'UUII.V II.VMr...A ... 1 . 'I i .---" !! '" I"" nuuiv(vpjr, net. . o wMi MlS- xy & I1READ PUniTST Is of primo Importanco In tho health ful exlstonco of llfo. Pure, sweet, vhoiesonio, satisfying bread Is our output, dny n, day out, week in, wt ok oui . If not acquainted with ttii cxcellonco of Coos Bay Bakery hread, haston your trial order this way and bo convinced of its super iority. ' Coos Bay Bakery Tho plnco for good goodies. Phono 111-L Market Ave. Marshfiold Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony rhls Is a vital question for prosent dny homohulldors whether tn iiavo a houso which in appearanco must always remain tho earn' vi,K l mt ,W,U V0Tmi Qt a m0 rofroshlng occaslonallr. .n. U? Chn"? "8 d0 tndlvWunl tastes a frarao houso ew n? nntn.nJr'10 m 1,IU;monlzo with its surroundings a fresh coat m, 1 " mnUo U ns Sod ns your neighbor's now house mI ?a? i f"!" n,ow 8u,.t nmkes J'ou rcel ko n now man. At m leht WJ, rn?? h?"801,uMoptlble to most nny change y"" Sf Kool tl n"(l wh,, H ,s Permanent it does not necessarllr wovo obsoivninn?'eSor? or a lnnotony. Thoro nro lots of thteU beforo Sfffl Ut .1,0USCS nnd lumbor thnt y Bhou,d m boforo building como in and wo'll glvo you our views. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT SOUTII BROADWAY, MARSIIFIELD. rjw1 Vlj I..UI5RACE THE OPPORTUNUV ti .Ira attention to our flour. Of nu tr-f i.lgh-grndo flours ours is tho beet nz u ovldenced by its Increasing uso among thoso who havo tried oth or brn.-.us. Havo your grocer send you i uuck In tlmo for your noxt bak ing our husband will appreciate tho letter bread, cako or pastry. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, n . "ENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offle. Phone 191 - Marshfleld Offlfe 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Oonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" A. T. Haines The Times Does Job Printingl Phono 100J AVntcrfront, MUd. jfcxvr-a ThtChu. H. Lnir Co.. Sttl.