,wp COOS BAY TIMES e M. O. MALONE1 Editor nnd Tub. DAN K. MALONEV News Editor Entered nt tlio postofneo (t Marsh fold, Oregon, (or transmission through the malls as second class mall mattor. i i i Dedicated to the Borvico rf tho peoplo, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS BAY LEAVE TODAY o n The Most Powerful Bargain Event of the Seai The Big Sale At The Bostoi Southern Pacific Reported to Steamer Sails This Morning Address all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIJIK8. nrsliflcld :: :: : :: Orcgoa Be Behind Real Estate Deals on Peninsula. Ilnllroad rumors nro rife on Coos for Portland With Large Passenger List. Tlio Hreakwnter sailed at 10 r SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY., Ono year ?. $6.00 I'or month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year Jl.bO When paid strictly In adranco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is JG.00 prycUr or $2.50 for nix months. Hay today ns a result of several real dock this morning for Portland estate deals on tho peninsula which "h. 1, 'lT ".? ?"? , ," ' . , , good cargo of miscellaneous freight, nro reputed to hnvo been mnde In j Among those sailing on her wero bchnlf of the Southern Pacific. It t tho following: wns Imposslblo to verify tlicse re- Mrs. J. T. Hampton, J. C. Toyne, porta ns tlio pnrtios reputed to bo C. J. Chutz, wm. II. Allender, II. A, Ofllclnl Paper of Coos County Au Independent Republican nowi paper published ovory ovonlng excopt Bun day, and Wcokly by Tlio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. 11EING Tllltf-SKINNED. N' -EWSI'APERS become calloused a little, probably, In tho mat- tor of bolng thin-skinned. They nro criticised so severoly nnd de nounced so vigorously and so fre quently that they como to take n great deal of it as n mattor of course, nnd they do not understand tho nt tltudo of others, who tho moment at tention is directed to what they arc doing, feel that they have been In sulted. v But mnklng nil due allowance for tho point or view, Tho Coos huay Times can sco nothing to commend In being thlu-sklunod, especially where public matters are Involved. Interested would not make nny sta tcments. There continues to be much spe culation as to developments in the Sumner projects. L. A. Sumner's corioburntlon yesterdny of his pre vious statement about tho situation has sort of put a damper on tho ef forts of a few to question his inte grity. Parties on tho bay who hnvo been In close touch with tho Pacific Great Western and tho Pacific Coast Lino hnvo Just recolved some additional Information that corroborates Mr. Sumner's statement further nnd also tonds to confirm tho rumor printed In Tho Times tho other day that It Hill had any connection with tho Sumuor projects, It has resulted In nn agreement to build only ono road botwoon Eugono nnd Coos Bay nnd to lnsuro tho Joint uso of it to South ern Pacific and Hill lines. This Information, which is appa rently unquestionable Is to tho ef fect that tho heads of tho Sumner projects have stated privately that there will not bo two roads built. They stated that when they started. tho Southern Pacific had not then In cluded tho Coos Bay-Eugene line In its budget but when tho Sumner peoplo got active, the Southorn Paci fic also Btarted In. Thoy state that there Is not the business to Justify the construction of two lines between tho points nnd It is understood that they have made overtures to the Southorn Pacific relntlvo to merging tho projects. Tho Sumner people claim to hnvo by far tho best route Youmnns cher, Ames James Ueanley, D. D. Klnyon, Norn E. Klnyon, Mors. Klnyon, L. T. Rock. Ed. Oundbloom, P. C, Ulllups, M. C Horton. E. W. Wright, Geo. L. Carr. Mrs. L. A. Sumner, Paul N'euvllle, Mrs. Paul Nouvlllc, W. E. Ressler. W. J. Conrad, W. N. Ekblad. T. R. Sheridan, O. E. Hlgglns, A. W. Myers, Frank Norberg, R. J. Upton, I. P. Hewitt, S. S. Roberts, Ed. Orr, Harry Winning, Mrs. Winning, S. O. Whltset, T. Trulson, Mrs. T. J. Lo land, E. A. Skahill, W. G. Fnhlon, S. E. Hodge, L. Lowadorse, J. T. Har rlgan, Mrs. Harrlgan, C. II. Green wood, Hans. Skuomo, II. Hansen, C. Skugmo, R. A. Barnes, C. A. Hop ping, L. II. Caldwell, J. F. Boll, J. Powers, Four Chinamen, C. Ander son, Hugh O'Ncll, Ed. Burgess, G. B. Brown, Mlko Levis, Sam Nass, Mrs. C. Bennott. Marts Second Week Monday Have you been here? Our tremendously j inns, O. L. Shofstad, A. II. Flct-1 . .Ill J- 1 M.. 1 no! omtJr.nlcl prices on standard grade goods is a new lesson a DnnnlrtU V J flnt.nn ft..... "" in practical economy. You should not trade elsewhere if you can buy it at The Boston! Store. We guarantee an absolute saving of from 20 to 60 per cent. Sale continues for On tho contrary, It would profor tho avngo uluntncHH of English politics 8urvoyed nnd tho right-of-way secur 10 n nnmuypamoy ijiock pomoness, od, n0WeVcr, ofllclnl announcement mien iiiuujr nut-in 10 uiiiiK puuiic , reunrd nc this will nrobablv bo fnrth- rncn should bo treated with. Thoro will bo tho healthiest pub lic rentlment wlloro dobnto Is freest, and where men nro not only permit ted, but nro expected to sny what they think. It Is not a bad symp tom that there Is dissension occa Blonnlly. A successful revivalist onco said that ho could do nothing until he got tho dovll mad. Coos county noods nothing so much today as a lot of plain speaking no mattor whoso feelings nro hurt. A thln-sklnnod mock politoncBo that Ignores real evils rather than under go tho unpleasantness of righting thorn .novcr got any community or Individual nhead. GIVEN TIME TO coming soon. Tho Coos Day nnd Eastern, tho survey for which was mndo lust summer by Engineer Aston, Is re ported to bo very nctlvo at San Frnnclsro nnd enrly dovolopments on It urn expected. Nothing now has been given out concerning tho Coos Bay and Bolso but parties who nro closo to It say that ovorythlng is coming nil right out a little slower than they expect cd. H IHIP III COOS COONTT another week. Below we show only a few of our big bargains. LINE TO COOS HAY SHOT Marshficld Mayoralty Election Contest Hearinfl -To Locate Contested Voters. Oral argumonts In tho mayoralty election contost of It. A. Copplo vs. E. E. Straw wero auhmlttod boforo Judgo J. S. Coke yesterday aftor noon and upon their conclusion, tho contostoo, Mnyor Straw, wna given ton days In which to fllo a written brlof In tho enso nnd Mr. Copplo was allowed flvo days from that ttmo In which to flloo his answer. Harry Hoy who Is tho attorney for Mr. Copplo, protested against tho request of Mossrs. Sohlbrodo, Upton and Gobs, attorneys for Straw, for so long a time nB ten days. He said that the matter being nn election contest should bo expedited nn much ns possible, Tho Copplo sldo is un derstood to bo anxious to hnvo tho case decided as quickly as possible ns It probably will go to tho su premo court. It was stated today that tho Btraw side Is ondeavorlng to locnto nil of tho twunty-elght voters whom tho Copplo forces contested at tho polls. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Randolph sailed today for Port Orford and Oold Roach, carry iiiK n cargo of gonornl merchandise. The Heather, the llghthouso ten dor whlrh has been taking supplies to the Cape Arugo Life Saving Sta tion nnd lostorlng aids to navigation In tho Bay, sailed today for Pott-laud. New Mcdford Rnllivny to Connect Up ut Itoscburg MEDFORD, Oro., Jan. 20 Fob ruary 1, declared Manngor Pnrron of tho Oregon Southorn railroad, will mark tho beginning of actual work In tho way of construction from sov eral points of tho proposod lino. Mr. Farron has Just roturned from Port Orford, wnoro In company with President J. Arnold Doyle, ho has boon In conference with the citizens of that city and various points throughout the counry, obtaining rights of way for their lino. It nlBo developed that tho com puny are to placo tormlnnl connec tions In Rosoburg. At lonst that is a statement of Mr. Farron. Ho also stated that Cops Bay and Mnrshfteld will have au outlot by rail nnd prob ably feed Into Rosoburg at tho samo time affording an outlet for tho Umpqua valley. WILL DOUBLE FORCE GEO. L. CARR HAYS EVERY PLACE EXCEIT COQUILLE RESPONDS HEARTILY TO TEM PERANCE MOVEMENT. Geo. L. Carr, tho field s'ecrotnry of tho prohibition party in Oregon, ro turned to Portland on tho Break water today after a two wcoks' visit in Coos county. During this time ho delivered twolvo lectures In Mnrsh lleld, North Bond, Coqulllo, Myrtle Point nnd Bandon. Mr. Carr states that ho Is well pleased with his visit hero, with tho rccoptlon given him by tho pastors nnd congregations of tho different churches and tho apparent result of tho cnmpalgn. Tho tompornnco workers have boon organized in con formity with tho "Out-to-Wln" mo vement in nil tho cities, and a county organization has been porfected, and doflnlto results nro expected. Tho duly 'discouraging placo In Coos county in Mr. Carr's estimation was Coqulllo. Thoro', only ono of tho ministers could bo mado to ovln co nny Interest In this tompornnco movomont, and tho church peoplo re sponded but poorly. In all tho other cities the response was hearty and general, ho says. YARDS AND YARDS OF YAL. LACE in dainty Baby Irish and T two-threads. Vals. to 15c yard 3C HEAVY 0 AN TON FLANNEL in white and unbleached. Extra 19V grade, selling now, yard I 62L WOMEN'S LONG BLACK COATS in former $12.50 and $15.00 frn fir values. Now, only pU.C3 TABLE OILCLOTH in Standard Sana tas grades. Plain white, '?'7 marble and colors. Yard wwC FANCY AND BLUE STRIPE FEATHER pillows. 2 1-2 A pound grade. Extra value, each. DU.C WOMEN'S BLACK COTTON Hose. , Sizes 8 1-2 to 9. "Regular, 15c quality. Pair 8c Twoliy Brothers to Put on Mort Men to Work Soon Tho Eugene Roglator Bays "John D. Twohy, of Twohy Brothers, con tractors of construction on tho pro posod Wlllnmotte Paclllc rnllwny, came up from Portland thtu morning and will go out this morning on tho stage or tho scene of Not! tunnel op e.utlons. "Mr. Twohy Informs tho Register that an 80 foot drift has been driven Into the tunnel nnd that workmen are now engaged in widening the nporture to ,the rt-iiilto propor tions, Tlio formation thus far en countered In tho mountain GRANT NOW OPPOSES CANTEEN IN U. S. AR.MY (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, III., Jan. 18. Gcnoral Frederick Dent Grant who many times In odlclal ro- ports has rocommonded tho res- torntlon of tho nrmy canteen now la opposed to It. This in- formntion Is contained In a lot- tor ho wroto to a tompornnco pnpor at EvanBton, Illinois. aonornl Grant says tho person- nol of tho army has changed greatly In tho last ton years nnd tho soldiers have adjusted thomsolves to tho now condl- tlons. COTTbN BATS in good quality of cot ton. Each bat, 'n only, JL ONE UUNDlil'W PIECES A'Mr DRESS GINGHAMS. Direct from mill. Keguiar lOe quality. a a Yard ( MEN'S WORK S1URTS in 75c gradi Sizes 14 to 17. On sale here rt at OlK CHILDREN'S VIC I SHOES in sizes 5 to 8. Regular $1.50 grade. nn OiLsale, pair jQ MEN'S CAMEL'S HAIR WOOL under- wear. Shirts 38 to 46. Drawers r f 40 to 44. Garment j3( BARBER'S COTTON TOWELS. Hem med. Red stripe border. Our , price, each j( CANVAS WORK GLOVES with brow knit wrists. Our price, pair, only .' , Ik MEN'S WOOL HOSE in black, bluoanl grey. Kegular 20c grade. Pair 15( WORSTED DRESS GOODS in new pat terns, liz to 3b inches wide. )A. 3L Yard. very readily to tho tunneling opera tions oh It Is mostly soft sandstone. "At present 300 men nio engaged In the various operations but the contractors expect to double that foice when conditions warnint," n.'tr n v sit to the country around Hmira, says that the team work on :! e Pacific Groat Woatern has ce.is fd but the men aro still engaged !n cVm.I'K It Is roported in tha.t iiinlrv I lint thn linrKna linvn Iikp.i ..,nl l ' - .. - -.. .. , ........ .. ) iciuu ,u to , nhturo. Another gentleman MAKE GOOD PROGRESS Tho Homer sails this afternoon from Snn FmnoUro for Coos Bay nnd Is duo hero Tuosday morning. She had n hard trip from horo to Ban FrancUeo last week, according to San Francisco papers. CARAMEL RALE at STAFFORD'S Saturday and Sunday. LADIES' SILK pottlcoats $2.00 at COOS BAY Cash STORE. Ilavo your Job The Times office. printing dono at Work on Southern Pneltle Duo West of Eugene In Rushed EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 15 W. R. Fount.ilne, engineer In chnrgo of tho Coos Buy railroad, returned last night from a trip to tho tunnel, He says that work Is progressing rapidly nil nlong the line, in spite of mo wet wontner of last week. Grad ing Is being dono whoro possible and clearing is bolng pushed all along tho Hue. Within 60 days SO por cont of tho brush and tlrabor will hnvo boon cleared. Thoy have about finished halt a mile of tho now comi ty road west of Elmlra. Twohy Brothers aro also pushing tho com pletion of tho corduroy road to Notl. Tho last flood brought down a lot of log3 to Elmlra which will In used either thoro or at tho tunnol. Twohy Brothers hnvo organized n hospital sorvlco with Dr. Butler In charge and havo all modern sanitary arraugements on hand for treatmeut if ftelu'ess or accident. A man who was In town today itvorU that tho officers of the road Iiiivh be. n quietly working to pin ch isc timber or secuio options on it. 'n the Ljuntry beyond tho tunnol. Drain Line Rumor. Anothor report ntloat horo Is that thoro Is u possibility of tho Drain line being rovlvod. Tho story Is that a lino will bo built In from Eugono via Florence to Gardiner and tlint nnothor lino will bo built from Drain down tho Umpqua to Gardiner and tho two will use tho Snme trncks from Gardiner to Coos Bay. Just whero tho roport originated and how much there Is to It could not bo as certained today. . r r fir s sr rmnrtn if-iiiiiT-k-rir--. JUjIj M UULi UJiJ'JdO MATfJltlALiB 111 plain panamas and figured suitings, yard . 48c PILLOW CASES, bleached and hemmed. Size 42x36. Our prico, A a each I C MEN'S BORDERED HANDKER CHIEFS in blue or red. Size 24 inch. Our price, each IkI WOMEN'S DAINTY CROSS-hnvved handkerchiefs. Hemmed. Each i only v JC WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES in wide widths. Short vamp $3.5Q r m grade. Pair $.4 J WOMEN'S AND MISSES DRESS shoes, with low heels, vici & r y blucher. Pair only vPCvj3 MEN'S DRESS HATS, in best staple snapes. Jilack or brown. ffl OC $3.50 grade. Each J . J ij MEN'S HEAVY WORK SUSPEND ERS in 35c grade. Pair, Ofy MEN'S DRESS SHOES in gun metal calf. $3.50 grade. Pair &J nt BOYS' SHOES in gun metal calf. Sizes 3 i-u to o. Uur special, CI Qfl M UN'S SUITS in medium heavy worsted material, sizes ao to 5b. (T C Ilk JU.JJ Suit "Every Article a Big Bargain" Don't Buy It Elsewhere If You Can Get It Here iigJihe Boston zmss ' Store "Every Article a Big Bargain The One Great Bargain Center of Southern Oregon