Note These Attractive Cash Prices o a Groceries FOR ONE WEEK ONLY 18 Pounds Bayo Beans $1.00 .10c Prunes I.Jer Pound 8 1-Jle 12 l-2c Prunes Per Pound 10c 15c Prunes Per Pound 12 l-2e irt Pounds ("Juno Sugar $1.00 or $5.90 per sack 13 Pounds Unpolished Head Kico $1.00 iq Pounds Unpolished .Tap Rico $1.00 18 Pounds tfanoy Small White Beans $1.00 loe Fancy Evaporated Apples. . . .Per Pound 12 l-2c Fine Rex Hams Per Pound. 18e Hound Up Kilehon Cleanser, Good for Scrub bing, Scouring, and Polishing Per Can 5c )0N'T FOUGHT OR OVERLOOK OUR FIFTH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE THAT STARTED TODAY. IT WILL SAVE YOJJ MONEY. THE BAZAR. Telephone 32 The House of Quality I THE FRIEND OP COOS BAY" S. S. ALLIANCE KQUirrED WITH WIRELESS DATE OF SAILING FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY U TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER. CONNECT10 WITH THIS NORTH BANR ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH TAJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE O. F. McOEOROE, Agent FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our rtages loavo Marshflold for Rosoburg at 6 o'clock ovory evening and afford quickest connections with Soutborn Pacific Railway. Faro IG.00. COOS DAY roseburg STAGE line. OTTO fiOHETTEE, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Marshflold. C. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEUURa, Ore. PHONE 11 FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Homer Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, Jan. 12, 2 P. M. F. S. Dow, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS St"nship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME BAILS TIIOM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON JANUARY 0, 10, 23, .10 SAILS FHOM COOS DAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON JAN UAUV 0, 1!I, 20, 27. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 05-L Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would do well to call at the Pacific Monumental Yora, South" Broadway and muke selection from the largo Btock now on hand. Mr. Wilson baa In his omDlor the only nractlcal marblo and ra- nlte cutter In Coos county. And none but tho best worK Is turned T One of the Finest Places for A LARGE DAIRY RANCH wll rnlCo.unty la a trnct ot 37 "ores n lower Coaulllo rlvor. Will K" now nt a real bargain prlco. Call or wrlto at onco to AUG. FRIZEEN 1 Lcmral Avenue, Mnrshfieltl Phono 181.T Manchard's Livery Pare I fa JLHe,8aer nnd aro nr the Venund.ere:tc,sjlont 8eIco to dilieo?!eot.Coo- Day. Ciretnl kit w 111 rZ "s!. "a everything the pub i ?ea" "tfcfnctory BorvlM to horse Vs,- Phone us fr driving tie liTllg,r anything needed In kb v . ". jyh also nn triinw. uness of aR kinds. -WAUIIARD BROTHERS LW r,ne 138"J lil'vfS ?a Sales Service. . ;-. noU Aider Streets Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUIJMARINE IJELL Sails For San Francisco From Coos Bay Monday,' January 22, At 1 1:30 A. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COSD?ANY. Phono U C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. Hello! Hello! IIoubowIvcs of Marshflold uso Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor does not keep It call up PHONE 7S-J. Frco' delivery 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. also STERILIZED CREAM & MILK ICE, BUTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE SCH yJI TiMsgaYJ OOL OTE5 StJ woro: Holon Colgnu, Arthur John son, Thnrald Conner, Robert Sned don, Wnyno aosney, Ruth Sandqulst and Reuben Sandqulst. Construction work consisted of Esqultno scones, Mother Gooso Rhy mes In pnpor cutting. Tho grades aro nlso making a circus parade. THIRD AND KOtlltTir RitAiiiui. HIGH SCHOOL. The Third nnd Fmirtli irrniln nnnlla The regular monthly mooting of have greatly enjoyed drawing somo tho High School Literary Socloty f tho,r Christmas toys this weok. wns held Thursdny evening at 8 " S-- -. ?--- - ol lo nV10 o'clock In tho nssombly room of tho NUMEROUS Union Oils JASOL1NE ' DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENE 8AMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUSH'S Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Monhflcld, Ore. PHOVE S03-J Moil Orders Solicited. Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIDENCE WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J High School. Tho debato was won by Carl Larson and Bcsslo Flana gan. A rending by Miss Silverman was very woll given. A vory Inter esting original story wtiB read by Mary Price, a piano solo by Lucy Powers was well rondored. Tho next regular meeting will bo hold Thurs dny evening, Fcbrunry 15. Most of tho High School classes nre reviewing for tho Bomcstor ex aminations which will bo given next week. As outBldo rending In English tho following books aro being read by tho various classes: Xmas Carol by Dickens, Ninth grndo; Tho Talo of Two Cities, by tho Tenth grndo; Tho Vlcnr of Wakoflold by tho Elovonth grade, nnd any ono from tho follow ing list, by tho Twelfth grndo: Tho LaBt of tho Mohlcnns by Cooper, My Study Window by Lowell, Up From Slavery, Booker Washington, Making of an American, Jacob Rols; Hyp.i tla, Klngsloy. Superintendent Tlcdgcn wont to Bnndon Friday where ho gat a nn ad dress beforo tho Paront Teachers' As sociation Friday evonlng. mobiles and horns woro produced. Tho Third grndo havo Just begun tho puzzling work of multiplying with largo numbers containing sov eral ciphers. In tho spoiling contest between tho Third nnd Fourth grades, tho Third grado is coming out ahead this weok. Thoso writing the moBt per fect papers aro: Beatrice Corosson, Elwln Johnson, Waltor Moore, Cron glo Nolilo, Stolla Magnus nnnd Hnn nnh Ilagqulst. ! RgESgipjAllRECTORY EVKlIrNv3LNOVintTX'W Evpert Plnno Timet-. Pitching, Voicing, Polishing nml Tun ing. Organs Hopnlrcd. HAINES MUSIC HOUSE, MARSH FIELD, OIIEGON. T" R. K. V. WINKLER, , " Naturopath nnd Chiropractor. All chronic dlsoascs treated. Consul tatlon frco. Ofllco hours; 9 to 13 n. m.; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. m Naturopath. In'stltuto Room No. 1. No. 13C Broadway, Marshflold, Oro WAWTrn 1 1 i JAnpfrro ... '-U . PwWTocLr?i,ERING AND tic rw. CLEAN by tho Pneuma- u anlng Company. Orders for - ou m GlNa & HARVEY PnONE 100 People Take Notice ! Wo havo all lengths of stove wood for sale, prices ranging from fl.CO per tier up. Wo can furnish any length you wloh. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. pvlt. U. W. LESLIE, "' Osteopathic Physician Graduate of the American school ot Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 161-J; Marshflold; Oregon. EIGHTH GRADE. Tho following pupils woro promot ed this week from tho Eighth grndo to tho High School: Herbert Brad ley, Dorothy Horton, Stolln Jutstrom, Fcstus Walter, Lydla Holm, Ollvor Johnson, Elmer JohnRon, Dora Brown nnd Allco Josophson. Condi tioned promotions: Floronco Reh flcld, Freldn Holm. In nn arithmetic test given this week In tho B division Cnrl Back, Eva Hanson, William Ilorsfnll nnd Nolilo Wnrwlck hnndod In good pa pers. Mrs. Stnddon conducted tho Eighth grndo cxnmlnntlons Thursdny nnd Friday this weok. Tho pupils of this grndo havo boon revlowlng propnrntory to Homostor examinations, which will bo given next week. SIXTH AND SEVENTH GRADES. Ethol Hnynes nnd Bcsslo Sanqulst of tho Sixth grndo hnvo been nbsent this weok, thoro havo been no nb sences in tho Seventh grade. Zoo Dolnn of tho Sovonth nnd Ru by Cooley of tho Sixth grndo won prlzoB In a word building contest on Friday aftoruoon. Sixth nnd Seventh grades aro re viewing tho semester's work In pre paration for tho Bomcstor examina tions which begin Monday, Jnnunry 22. J W. UENNBTT, Lawyer. )fUeo over Flanagan & Bennett Bank larshflold Oregon rR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshflold, Oregon. Jfflco: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office Phono 106-J TTR. A. J. HENDRY'S -' Modem Dental Parlors. Wo nro equipped to do high clasa work on Bhort notico at the very lowost prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. T. J. SOAIFB A. H. HODGINS Marshfield Paint (Bk Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregon Have Us Launder Your Underwear We wash these garments cleaner and better than tho work can be done elsewhere, and they are not worn so much. Wo do not shrink thorn, oven woolen garments are returned the eamo size as when sent us. We iron the garments nicely, make ordinary ropalrs free of charge and you have fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's change Bundle yours up with next week's laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PnONl- 220-J FlltST GItADE. Tho regular monthly mooting ot tho primary tenchors was hold .Mon day evening In tho Central school building, In Mrs. Ponnock's room. Tho meeting wns In charge of Miss Elmore. Tho work for tho month wns planned. At tho closo of this meeting tho tenchors plannod to meet ngnln on Thursdny overling to plnn tho art work for tho month. Patriotism Is tho subject for tho month, tho games, storlos, etc., cen tering around this subject. Thoro wns a numbor of cases of In grlppo In tho room this weok. Thoso nbsent on account of It woro Alton Knrdoll, Loulso Connor, Nlvn Lnkln nnd Brynn Knox. Hnrry Wolf wns tardy Thursday morning. Such subjects as "Tho Bear nnd tho Rnbhlt," "Tho Wolf nnd tho Hon," nnd othors wore glvon for original storlos. Many nnd varied wero tho situations portrayed show ing great imagination nnd interest. Some of tho best ones woro drama tized. Elizabeth Jones, Alton Knrd oll, Callsta Waltor, Frodorlc Hoag lund told vory good ones. SECOND AND TniRD GRADES. Thoso absent because of sickness this week wore: Elry Haines, Loro na Hoffman, Cecil LaChapollo. Painting nnd drawing this week, consisted of winter scones and among thoso who did good worki CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWS. For story work with tho scissors tho primary pupils aro cutting Jack and tho Snow Man. Mrs. Pnlnter was a visitor In tho primary, Second and Sixth grades Thursday. Gladys Ferry of the Fourth grndo hns been nbsent tho pnst weok on account of Illness. Edna Johnson Is n now pupil In tho Sixth grndo. Orrln Stnddon is a nowly regis tered pupil of tho Fourth grndo. Lcstor Dnly of tho Fifth grado hnB boon nbsent tho Inst week suffering from n sovoro nttnek of tonsllltls. Pcnrl Perkins of Minneapolis, joiin iiyinor or Snn Frnnclsco nnd Etigcno, Stnddon of Unities Inlet nro now pupils in tho Sovonth grndo. Tho Sovonth grndo aro rovlowlng in nil subjects. Coo. Wntklns of tho Seventh grndo Is ngnln In school nftor n fow days' nbsonco on account of Illness. THIRD GRADE. Clyde Lawhorno hns returned to school nftor nn nbscuco of two months. This tlmo ho spont In Cali fornia. Tho pupils or tho Third grndo hnvo finished learning n poem en titled "A Quarrel." This llttlo pleco ot poetry makes the point clear thnt: "Two It tkos to moko n qunrrol, Ono enn nlwnys ond It." Bcsslo Thomns nnd Stella Erlck son hnvo beon on tho sick list tho past week. All of tho pupils nro looking for ward to Februnry ns n month rich In nrt work. Thoy enn uso Welling ton's, Lincoln's, nnd Longfellow's birthdays nnd St. Valontlno's Day ns subjects. NOTICE TO VETERANS. Mombers of tho G. A. R. nro re quested to meot nt tho Wilson Un dertaking pnrlors at 1:30 Sundny nftornoon to nttond tho funeral of Into comrndo, C. W. Sanford nt tho Marshflold Methodist church. Mom bors ot tho Sons of Veterans will net as pnll-boarors but tho G. A. R. will escort tho body to tho gravo. S. B. CATHOART, Post Commandor. NOTICE TO THElMjilLIO. For tho balance of tho winter, thoro will be a boat nt tho O'Kclly landing that can bo chartered dny or night. J. A. O'KELLY. Prop. SEVERAL ADDITIONAL LISTS OR BACHELORS FROM MANY POINTS IN OLD COCS BUSY YEAR AHEAD FOR GIRLS. COOS RIVER BACHELORS Lunp Year Editor: I wish to stnto that Cons Rlvor hna n few good looking bachelors who would make good If given a talr, chance. Following Is the list . uohn Elllasbn ' Bill Mannerlug Frank Smith Jenn Long Rufus Goodman Geo. Smith Ed. Hlnkloy ONE OF THEit HOW ABOUT IT, MR. MOODYr L-np Your Editor: Thoro's ono bncholor. a regular bluo ribbon, who hns thuo far escap ed tho Argus oyes of tho Lonp Year Ldltor and tho Leap Year Maiden, that Is Pickens M. Moody, of tho Ore gon Power Co. Ho has too many qualifications of a man who would nako n good husband to bo pormit d lo blush unseen. Print his nanio In, letters of gold thnt tho girls may ONE WHO KNOWS II lit FERNDALE'S OFFERING. Leap Ycnr Editor: I hnvo been wondering why soma of tho young men nt Forndalo havo not been Included In your columns hnvlng boon omitted In tho first list. Thoy nro n mast dosorvlng lot of fellows, dcsorvlng, I mean, of bottor nttontlon nnd nppreclatlon, and also of n fnlr chnnco with nil tho pro posing maidens nnd. widows. Allow mo to mention a fow of thorn: John Ilolgoncs. Frnnk Mnrtln. Dnn Dolllngor. Lnrs. Lnrson. , Albert Lnrson. Henry Lnrson. , Andy Wolsh. Clins. Johnson. Gust Witt. Elmer Lnrson. Big Allen. Hans Hngomclster. John Johnson. FAIR PLAY. SOME MOHE "SWENSKA POJICAE" Editor Lenp Yonr: When you mentioned tho numer ous "Svonskn pojkno" nt Bunkor Hill that nro "henrt wholo and fancy free" nnd ronlly flno parties for nnxl ous young Indies nnd bonutlful wi dows to chooso from, I wns sur prised to find thnt you had overlook ed so many. Lot mo suggest tho following to comploto tho list: Edwin Erlckson. Fred. Edlund. Oscnr Erlckson. Erik Edlund. Oscar Hodlund. Poto Erlkson. BUNKERHILLER. All Children's Eyes MEN of ideal, who have noma Inventlvo ability please writo UltKELCV .1 Mcl.NTlUK, I'aieut Alloruij., ' tVwhluitUu, 1. U should bo examined before sending them to school. A child's eyes are aoliunto things. Hence it is only by tho rarest skill, aro children oyes fitted with glasses, which aro In accordanco with tholr requirements. Years of experience onnb'loB mo to guarantee satisfaction In such cases. We Do Our Own Grinding Office over Norton & Hansen's Store. F. J, nAYES, Optometrist Optometrist. llil JJi Send For This Seed Annual-Free A COOS RIVER BACHELOR. Denr Leap Year Editor: I nm Immensely Intorosted in your Lonp Yoar Column nnd feol that no truly desirable young man should" bo overlooked, slnco It Is sure to bo of mutual bonoflt If n young lndy can bo directed to a flno young follow. And I know of no moro Industrious, pleasing nnd genornlly gratifying: young man to mention than O. F, Andorson of Coos River. INTERESTED. LEUy Kii ire leflnlfoi purity toil peraiinirioa. No wed, te packed by ui imltutlicM two qutliiin iliow thevetyliighemumhtd. Out fully quipped Uboittory undci th ciltcTioo of a icicotift and expert ttrd letter lemove, all guru woik. when buyiog Lilly', wed,, you buy toaeucd crop,. Scad lot ctulog. The Chu. H. Lilly Co., Sctttla City Auto Service Good Cnrs, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges, Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blnnco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Jhono 4J. BARKER & GOODALE, Proprietors. MORE IN MARSHFIELD. Lonp Year Editor: Thoro nro still somo vory flno young follows In Mnrshflold thnt you hnvo overlooked. Allow mo to sug gests tho following: E. Nelson. J. Martinson. , Al. Potorson. Tom Malso. Chris. Leo. Alfred Fllesburg. OBSERVER. A LEAP YEAR SUGGESTION FOIfc THE LADIES. (Tho following communlcntiotj wns sent in. Wo mako no com ment. Ed.) Leap Year Editor: Could wo suggest ladlos Dayton Roadsters as nn aid In tho pursuit of tho oluslvo bnchelor? MARSHFIELD CYCLERY. P. S. Tho writer Is hnppy though married. "; Try Tho Times' Want Ads. .