OU OFTEN fIND THAT THE "NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS" MAN HASNT GOT ANY "TTAI)VKUTI8INa In The TIMKB Will l'Mt Voiir Real KhIjiIo "in (Hum lag Stoira WANT ADVERTISING In T1h TIIK Will Keep tho Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lnptlngt YOU can really holp tho family revonucs by renting n fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to ubo tho classified columns, you may keep that Uttlo extra Income nB "iitcady as a clock." tho Market" KffceUvolyl it will put tho facts about your Jncrty bcforo tho eyes of nil "pos- EXEfJIfc " "m l own t tv" " " MEMBER OF ASSOCIATKI) PRESS OL XXXV IMnbllshcd In 1 im Tito Const Mali MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1 912 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES A Consolidation of Times, Count Mail Mn 1C1 nnd Coot liny Advert Iter. '"" ,ul PUBLIC CHINA W OF UNITED STATES FIRST TO ACT ,ciiripnts Desirous of Having America First to Recognize New Government. LAIM MANCHUS TRYING TO DISMtiWDcn iMHiiuiv llcne That Premier Favors Republic and Is Held Prison er at ruKiii. n Assnclatcd Press to Coos Bay NANKING, China, Jan. 20. Tho brcmost republicans hero dcclaro heir belief that tho Mnnciius nna he younger Imperial princes nro ctcrmlncd to bring uiu 10 rum nd dlimcmbcrmcnt ns a final do- balrlnc act. Few persons now ro Lsc to rccognlzo the hopolossnoss It the Manchu struggle. Fromior tun Shi Knl Is practically Hold a rlioncr at 1'ckln nnd posen ob n lampion of tho Aiancuus in uruur .. his own lifo. His closest Icndi dcclaro ho rcnlly favors tho ipubllc President Sun nnd members of nls ibinet aro firmly convinced that rc jgnltlon of tho republic by tho pow- n will como quicKiy uiui-hh " -ncnto of cortaln powers Is too Ironc acalnst It. They hopo tho lilted States will bo tho first to retch a friendly hnnd to prcsorvo tuna's Integrity. HAVE ALREADY AIUHOATEP iblo to Chicago PnMr Bayn Mun- chus Hnro Itctlrcd. i; Aisociaioa rross 10 uoub uy Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Jnn. 20. Accord- $ to a cablo dispatch from rckln tho Cblcaco Dally News tho nbdl- ittcn of tho 'Manchu dynnsty Ib -an compllihed fact nnd tho dolay In suing tho edict, already drawn up, solely to provent an uprising by le reactionary wing of tho Imperial llnces beaded by Prlnco Kung. It 1 also declared that Tien Tsln will tho temporary cnpltnl of China, hllo a now government Is being Irmcd. F AMINE OS TOWAR Presbyterian Missionaries In China Ask $1,000,000 For Relief Work. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coob Dny Times.) NEW YORK, Jnn. 20. "Two million flvo hundred thousnnd peo ple fnca famlno. Itellof urgently needed. Must roly upon America owing to rovolutlon. Committee np pcnls to America for nt lenst ono million dollars In gold." This Is tho text of a cnblcgram from Shanghai recolvod today by tho Presbyterian Hoard of Foreign Missions. mm PORTLAND M IS Ernest Ottinger Confesses to Killing Edison W. Mutch In Saloon Row Dead Man Was Troublesome. (By Associated Press to tho Coos pa; Times.) PORTLAND, Ore, Jnn. 20. Ern; est Ottinger, a snloon keeper, today confessed to District Attorney Cam- STUDENTS HAD NARROW ESCAPE eron thnt ho shot nnd killed Edison W. Mntch, a wealthy man, In his sn loon last night, and dragged tho body to tho rear of tho bu loon whero It wob found enrly today. According to tho confession Ottin ger nnd Mutch quarreled, Mutch fin ally attacking Ottinger who drew n pistol nnd shot him. Mutch wns known to bo Quarrelsome when Into xicated. Ottinger tins a good rcputa- tllon, accordlngto tho poljco. GAPT. WILCOX SENATOR CUMMINS ANNOUNCES CANDIOACY FOR NOMINATION Ml AS W MORE FIGHTING ; IN GUAYAQUIL Followers of General Plaza De feated After All Night Struggle There. (By Associated Pros to Coos Bay Times.) GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Jim. 20. Fighting occurred In tho strode last evening nnd Uopt up nil night bo twoon tho ndhorontB of Gonoral Leo nldas Plaza nnd Bupportors of Qon oral Alfaro. Tho followers of Gon oral Plara woro dofontcd. Tho loss es on both BldoB woro heavy. ACTION 18 REFERRED W. M. Selander of Sumner Member of Party That Had Thrilling Time Near Cor Thrilling Time. Six young mon, nil BtudcntB nt tho Oregon Agricultural College at Cor- vallls, had a very exciting oxperlonco InBt Sunday afternoon nnd evening. Ono of them, W. M. Solandcr, wri tes his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Solandor of Catching Inlet, rolntlng thnt tho pnrty of joung mon ventur ed out on tho rapid nnd overflowing Wlllamotto river In a ganollno launch for n boat rldo. With olght gallons of cnSollne on linnrd. thov felt snfo In going ns far as ton miles down tho river. On returning, tho engine bnlkcd, and tho boat wau carried downstream at tho rnto of about 20 miles an hour, thoro bolng an un UBtinlly heavy and sudden frcshot. This cnrrlcd tho pnrty way down by tho tlmo tho onglno wan started! again. This tlmo they renched with' Former Keeper of Coos Bay Life Saving Station Suc cumbs at North Bend. Capt. II. E. Wilcox, formorly keeper of tho Coos Bay Llfo Saving Station nnd who gained honors for his heroic work nt tho timo of tho Emily disaster and other wrecks oft this const, died Inst night at tho homo of II. J. Coko in North Bond. For tho past fifteen years ho has resided nt hlB ranch nt McKlnloy, on the Coqulllo, but hnd been nt tho Coko homo for tho past fow weeks receiving medical nttontion. Brlghts' dlscnso and heart trouble, from which ho had BUfforcd sovernl months, wcro tho causo of death. Capt. Wilcox Borvcd as kcopcr of tho Coos Bay Llfo Saving Station for four yenrs, retiring nbnut fifteen years ngo to go on tho ranch. Be sides tho honors won for heroism, ho was known ns ono of tho best keep IS FOUND TODAY Six Textile Strikers Arrested For Having Explosive In Pos session. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LAWRENCE, Mass., Jan. 20. Tho first arrests growing out of tho Investigation of tho possible ubo of dynnmltc in connection with tho textile strikers of this city -were mndo today when six Syrians and n Negro woro taken Into custody In n house whero several sticks of dynn mlto wns brought Into tho city InBt night from Pennsylvania nnd n sonrch today located It In tho house of Harris Marad, a tailor. EXODUS OF NOBLES Ikln Kallnny Prepares for Retiring thlriPKo Princes tj Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) I LONDON, Jnn. 10 In nn Imporlnl let today tho authorities of tho Jim Railroad were ordered to sond available rolling stock to PokJn. i exodus of nobles Is exnocted very On, according to n nnwn nennov iIIr. Men from Tien Tsln. Full Committee Considers Report on Senator Stephenson (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 20 - The .le burn sub commltteo report to tho Scnnto Commltteo on Privile ges nnd Elections exonerating Sona tor StophciiBon of Wisconsin of tho charges growing out of his election v,ns considered .today by tho full commltteo. Flnnl action was defer red for two weeks. In hnlf a mllo of Corvallls, when tho era tho station has oyor had. Ho wnB oil Bupply gavo out. Again thoy ! "ccjicr J " " ol " " drlftod down tho river nt a terrific B,0,1(,'snB'or but ,wns ,ab80? on n speed, tho boys nil tho while trying ,vlU to tho Comjlllo whon tho vessel to stop th3)ont In various wnys.-Ono i w"8t """"oliod. nt U,nm In l,la ttv wnn M In I Ho is IHUrVlVOd b' M, Wlfo and tWO n chump of willow bruBhos nnd had 8rown . Mason nnd 'Orant, and, to scramble for safety on tho tiny '"" " "'"B"lu"" """" "" branches. Howovcr, ho hollorcd , Margaret. ti,. i. .no af Ma -nmnnninna Tho body was taken to Dora to- ns thoy drifted on. By this tlmo, It.'"" n 'o funeral will bo hold wns dark, and as thoy noticed light I thoro tomorrow nftornoon nt 1 from a dwelling ahead, thoy manag-Kc," 7m,Coko nnd a,n.uinb ed to Improvise a speaking tube nnd . of other friends accompanied tho hnllnfiil tf Iia nnnntn Mmf fnftV wnrt I rOmnlDB "U"U,UU W "" 'VJ "IH' - .w.i 1 .., irl1. fi rtn f tU liAOt V'i HIILUA 1VIIO WI1IJ Ml tllU UUDV ILEYilTES WT MAGGENN ongressman Exnrns5os sin- pere Thanks For Information negarding Jetties. iCapt Macgenn of the Brcakwnter pierday received n iotn t,nm n. !man Hawlov nvnr,..tn. 1.1. n h o! .th.e ranps antl dlta sent " Kr Cantaina inn .. .-.i Si v Y the Jotty Bhould b0 ro" MfDl n et5prC8Sea "imsolf as Peiul oyer tho prospects nnd says werinl. n?.lnR ovcr'thlng in his ec t'"11Itatelt. Ilosnyahonp- relaxes any mnin.i.i it i .,., JS5hLtaa.joar?tB. e Coo n.JT '"'Krovomenis or Th ,7 bar and harbor. etto; nsenn'8 efforts l this di- rtherV Zn raost effective is r MLelDled the fact that Ma- u that thov i fl,4 it with tnn0"idOUment wdV?."l,ll5tS11 aB 8uch- " ..i". M Part Of Mn In.. xr .a iSSn.th9Coo.!Bly Jetty. 3 WasHn " erautylng news r.., .v"DloBton, Cant. Mnon io oPec TBllc ever ove tho n Z itS.TVW harbor. Ho VWw?! ,1?..ere. H i7.: ?"" r0 ,ino 'orft.clflo officials ' ""'H near T ua wuronouso to k,l2tMner1 th0 ?a,lroad um .,ocated and Offlclnln nf fh PJiiW!a!!!!?.A?: t, xne railroad Is comnleted aZT0ba8 aopted tho special ing that Capt. Maccenn had Bt w -tho curront8 over tho "j uar no nn nfllnlni .in..n.i SMALL TRACT TITLES GOOD Judge Galloway Renders Im portant Decision on Oregon Railroad Land Grants. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ALBANY, Oro., Jan.20 That tho title to all that part of tho Big Ore gon & California land grant not actu ally attacked In tho present Govern ment suits forfeiture Is good, wns the ruling of Judgo Galloway In decid ing tho case of William George vs. tho Curtlss Lumber company in tho Stato Curcult court horo. This decision is of far-reaching ef fect as It involved tho tltlo to about 3.00,000 acres of land worth at least 115,000,000. Tho caso will bo ap pealed to the stat,o supremo court. Included In tho land tltlo to which Is Indirectly involved in this caso is most of tho town of Mill City, part of tho city of Brownsvillo, thousands of acres of Improved farming land and largo areas of valunulo timber land all lying in Western Oregon. This caEe is tho first one ever brot In the entire country which raised the question of tho validity of the titles of that portion of the grant not involved in tho government suits for forfeiture. The Government suits attacked only that portion of the grant which was sold in tracts of 1000 acres or more and the officials of tho Department of Justice have given assurances that the holders of smaller portions of this grant would never bo attacked. The case was tried here on Decem ber 16 last. B. D. Town8end, special assistant attorney general of tho Un ited States, who lsMn charge of the prosecution of the Government cases was the principal witness, and in his testimony he repeated the assurances that it Ib the policy of the Govern ment not to attack tho holders oz small tracts. in distress and for them to tolophono to Corvnllls for a boat to como nnd rescue thorn. Whon tho rollof-boat approached, tho young mnn In tho willow brushes, managed to slgnnl tho boat by burning his coat. Tho young mon in tho drifting crntt Uko- wiso burned sonio or their clothing to effect a signal, It now being aftcr 10 o'clock nt night and pitch dnrk. All woro finally safoly taken aboard nnd brought bnck, nono tho worst) off, may bo, for tholr oxporlenco, ex cept nn Incrensod feeling of respect for nn Oregon rlvor In tlmo of a freshet. mon I over know," said R. J. Coko today. "You can't praise him too much. Ho wns not only heroic nnd faithful but was ono of tho kindest of fathers nnd ono of tho best of friends. Ho was ono of nnturo's tru est noblemen." MN E ONTR E MHS. SNIDER DEAD. Steamship Arrives Early Today From San Francisco With Large List. ' Tho Redondn nrrlved in this morning from San Francisco after n good trip up tho coast. She had a largo numbor of pnssongorB nnd a fair cargo of miscellaneous freight. Although ho has not yet had op portunity to givo tho now submarlno bell careful tests, Capt. Magco Is much pleasod with It. Tho Redondo will sail from hero for San Francisco noxt Monday morning at 11:30. Among thoso arriving on tho Ro dondo today woro tho following: T. P. Howltt, Mrs. J. Morgan, Miss Richardson, Mrs, L. Housor, Graco Houser, Mrs. W. E. Haskell, S. Walt, Mrs. S. Watt, Clark Crowo, Ed. Mc- Keown, Howard Evans, T. Bradley, Mrs. M. B. Neagloy, Mrs. J. Land rlth, Mrs. E. E. Neagloy, R. R. Dlnln gen, J. M. Caugholl, C. F. Murray, Mrs. O. F. Murray, Miss Murray, K. H. Menko, S. Londner, J. Williams, F. Lapp, E. Scbroeder, A. Anderson, A. Polly and ten steerage. Wife of John Snyder, Jr., Succumbs After Several Weeks Illness. Mrs. John Snydor, Jr., dlod nt hor homo on North Front street Inst evening after sovoral wooks' Illness of n complication of diseases. Sho Is survived by hor husband and Uttlo daughtor, Thelma. Mrs. Snydor was about thirty-six years old. Hor maiden nnmo was Fredorlcka LIppold and sho was reared In Onkland whoro a numbor of relatives reside Tho body will bo taken thoro for burial besides hor son and other relatives. PRESIDENT TAFT "CUTS" CHAPEL Chief Executive Joins Throng of Students to See Fire Didn't Attend Services. (By Associated Preen tto Coos Bay Times) NEW IHAVEN, Conn., Jnn. 20. Prosldont Tnft "cut" chapel nt Yalo' this morning to go to a flro. Tho flro was In tho old South Mlddlo Hall on tho Collego Campus and did but Uttlo damage. President Tnft was passing tho goto whon ho saw a heavy smolco beating down onto tho college enmpus. With all tho ardor of his collogo days, ho Joined tho rush of undergraduates who woro streaming poll-moll toward tho burn ing dormitory. Ho mingled with tho crowd of students nnd watched tho flromon at work. Ho then wnlkod to tho chapel arriving thoro Just ns Prosldont Hndloy had concluded prayer. Tho flro damage was small. lowan Formally Enters Field For Republican Choice For Presidency. ABIDE BY RESULT IN THAT STATE Makes Two Insurgents Against Taft Wilson's Name Filed In Nebraska. WILSON IN NEBRASKA. (By Associated Press.) LINCOLN, Nob., Jan. 20. Tho namo of Woodrow WIlBon was presented as n candldato for president on tho democratic primary ballot by n potltlon signed by thirty leading citi zens of Omaha filed with tho Secretary of Stato horo today, IS WN G R INSPECTORS CLOSE CASES. Roanoke mul AUInnco Officers Aro Not Hold Resixmslblo. Tho Portland Orogonlan says: "Thoro will bo no trial of ofllcors of the steamer Roanoko, becauso of a llfo having been lost and tho vessol damaged whllo leaving tho Columbia river on hor Inst trip In Decembor, nor will thoro bo any further action regarding tho qnso of tho stoamor Al liance,, which lost hor rudder off Coos Bay ovor a week ago, whllo bound there from Portland Investi gations were held In both cases by Local Inspectors Edwards and Fuller and they have decided to fllo no charges. Chief Englneor Henry Cave, of tho North Pacific Steamship Company, has arrived from San Francisco to supervise repairs being made to the Alllunco and will romaln until they nro completed. Tho vessel may leave the drydock Saturday, but all will depend on the headway made In get ting the new rudder In place. PUGILIST WELCH ILL. WILL REPORT BILL Omnibus Publlo Building Measure Carries $10,000,000 (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. O., Jan. 20 The House Committee on public buildings and grounds today decided to report an omnibus bill carrying! sixteen million dollars. Democratic Physicians Say It Will Bo Long Time Bcforo Jlo Can Fight. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SANTA MONICA, Cal., Jan. 20. Physicians called to attend Freddie Welch after he was broucht to the I hospital here declared tho flghtor Is suffering from muscular, contraction in the neck and that It will bo a long time before he can engage In a fight and may never bo able to enter the ring again. I Leader Underwood 'advised agalufek CARAMEL SALE at ! ''this action. '- , ' ' Saturday and Sunday. STAFFORD'S Passenger on Eva Steps Off Deck In Darkness Body Not Recovered Yet. A youth named Hartshorno fell oft tho Gardiner Stago Company's rlvor boat, Eva, about four miles below Scottsburg about 8 o'clock last ovo nlng and was drowned. His body was not recovered. News of tho tragedy was brought horo today by Dr. J. D. Sprlngston of Portlnnd. Dr. Sprlngston says that Hartshorno with a cousin, also named Hartshorno, from Portland, was an routo to Smith rlvor with a ranchor named RIckor to tnko em ployment on tho latter's ranch. Young Hartshorno was about 22 years old and was from near Guth rie, Okln. Ho had boon working at tho Edwards Furnituro Storo In Portlnnd but was out of work and ho and his cousin, whoso family reside In Portland and whoso parents llvo at Wllsonvlllo, near Salem, started out to find employment. Mr. RIc kor mot them nnd was taking them to his placo. Whllo coming down tho river, HartBhorno started to stop outside. He pushed tho sliding door back and not realizing that tho deck of tho boat wbb so narrow, stopped off into tho river. It was very dark. The Eva was stopped and diligent search was made for the youth but no trace of him was found. Parties living on the river nearby also assisted In the vain search. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Buy Times. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 20. Senator Albort B. CummlnB of Iowa, a progressive ropubllcan announces his candidacy for tho ropubllcan nomination In n statomont in which ho Bays that If tho ropubllcanB of iowa bollovo him a fit man to urgo boforo tho Chlcngo convention ho will ncccpt their decision. Tho entrance ot Cummins Into tho presIdontlaT fight materially com plicates tho republican situation. Taft now Is openly opposed for tho npmlnntlon by LaFollotto nnd Cum mins, both progressives, whllo other progressives nro urging tho nomina tion of Roosevelt. Tho announce ment of Cummins hns been expected for sovoral days. Coming today In connection with a report from Don vor tthnt Glfford Rlnohot -was taking initiative In tho movomont for a conferenco of progressives ropubliq nns to decldo on ono candldato to opposo Taft, It started a riot of noll- tlcal speculation which eclipsed tho ordinary activities of government. GOV. CARROLL TALKS. Iowa StniidiMit Official Gives View on Cummins. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DES MOINES, la., Jnn. 20 "I ennnot seo nt tho presont tlmo whoro Sonator Cummins' announce ment ns n cnndldato for prosldont will holp along matters In Iowa politics." This wns tho comment of Governor B. F. Carroll. Thoro Is somo division of opinion as to wheth er or not Cummins can got tho united support of tho dologatos of all tho olovon congressional districts. W. C. Hayward, secrotary of stato said "Tho sonator Js entitled to a solid Iowa delegation." (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times. PARKERSDURG, Iown, Jan.20 Iown will be for Senator Cummins tor president without a doubt," said C. F. Franko, chairman of tho Ro publlcan Stato Central .commlttoo to tho Associated Press whon shown tho announcement ot tho Iowa sonator. Tho WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of tho Presbyterian CHURCH will hold a FOOD SALE, SATURDAY, JANU ARY 27, beginning at 1 o'clock, at M. A. SWEETMAN & Co. 'a real es tate OFFICE, Broadway, ANVIL QUIT RUN Small Steamer Discontinues Portland Ilnntlon Run Tho Portland Orogonlan says: One more movo will bo mndo this season by tho gasollno schooner An vil, that bolng from Albors' doclc to the city loveo, as sho has been or dered out of commission. Tho crew has been paid off and tho last mem ber left tho vessel yesterday, liar period of Idleness Is Indefinite, as a spurt In business on tho coast may result n her bolng ordored out in March. Sho hns piled as far south as Bandon, mnklng way ports, oat winter weather that held hor bar bount at times, combined with a fall ing off In trade, causod hor owners to decldo to lay hor up. "Captain Snyder summoned Harbor-master Spelor and Detective Mal- jott abroad tho Anvil yesterday to take a member of tho galley force Into custody on a charge of havlnr purloined supplies from tho pantry but bb the property was not fount n his belongings, ho was not arrest ed, Captain Snyder said that some one had cleaned out the stock from packages of mincemeat to bars of soap," SENATOR ROOT SPEAKS Coos Bay CREAMERY CHEESE at 30 CENTS a pound at The BAZAR PHONE 32. Denounces Recall of Judges Before New York Bar (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) NEW -YORK, Jan. 19 Senator Ellhlu Root In an address here to day istaunchly defended tho state and federal court and denounced the principles underlying the recall of judges. The senator as presldout of tho New York Stato Bar Associa tion spoke at the annual meeting ot that organization.