)' "' 'Wi .... . .. ,.,, f' . " , vj . .." Wfc ,. . "' I HE COOS BAT TIMES, MftRSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1912 - EVENING EDITIOM DORA GEIS IN ffl TRIBUTE 10 01 LBP YEAR IBS. GMDDOGK PLAN EXHIBIT FOR CHILDREN JIB il IS KNOWN ON BAY Balance of Bachelors' Club Redding Paper Tells of High State Superintendent Aldcr- Mi$touTl.or Esteem Former Coos Coun- man to Encourage Study of Stemmler Married. ty Woman Was Held In. Agriculture. nm Ore Tmi IB Lean Year' Stophcn Rogers has Just received Btato Superintendent Alderman Is DOHA, ore., Jan. in. ion i particulars of the death of his endeavoring to Btlmulato Interest In Editor: I notice several claims ot t . , Mr Enmm CradtlocK, n.rin..u,.r In the nub- m t t. . T . Vnim I t . . . - I r -.. kllU OVUUJ w . .0..w.- -w . uoob uny uncueiurH us titnji wnien occurreu Ul llUUUinK, junior- o.nn nn.l la nnw nr r.riiii i.ninir nuiillflhcil In Tim Times, nin. Inst wenk. Mrs. Em 111 a Crad- He schools of Oregon and is now nr Several years ngo tho Pleasant Hill boys formed n bachelor club. Every thing went smoothly until J. O. Stemmler broko tho pledge, and as It Is Leap Tear tho other boys would probably llko to bo released from tholr bondage. Some of these- re side at Dora now and aro: Edward Abornathoy. Stephen Mlnard. A. H. Stead. Ezra Watson. Vernon Dennett. Henry Huff. Roy Swan. Lloyd Lcathorman. Vanco Weekly. H. II. Smith. John Lamb. Lawrcnco Knight. John Hcnnlgar. Lester Maysc. 0. A. Case. IdEAP-YEAR CEREMONIES FREE. Justice of tho Penco Thompson of Elgin, III., announces that he will perform tho mnrrlago servlco freo during tho ensuing year for lady poppers. Jtidgo Newcomer of Chi cago, announces that It will bo unne cessary for Chicago girl poppers to go to Elgin, as ho will also'tlo all Buch loap-ycar knots freo of charge. Justlco Boyor, Evanston goes them ono hotter. Ho will marry freo of chargo, during 1012, any "old maid," whethor sho popped or not. which occurred at Iteddlng, Califor nia, last week. Mrs. Emma Crad dock, did not roallza until Just boforo the end camo that death was near and when sho did, sho reached out, graspod her husband's hand and said "This means Heaven for mo" and peacefully passed away. Tho Dem ocratic Register of Redding contains tho following account of her death: Two hours boforo tho world was commencing to colobrato tho Incom ing year, a cloud ot sadness settled llko a pall over Redding, following the death of Mrs. Emma Craddock, beloved wlfo of Charles A. Craddock, one of our most respected merchants and a city trustee, which camo with a suddenness that stunned tho com munity. All deaths aro sad. Tho pnfcslng of Mrs. Craddock was In expressibly sad. Thero was a pathos Bttrroundlng the Almighty's summon ing In this passing not usually accom panied by so many sad, heart-touch ing features. This splendid servant of her Master was taken in tho prlmo of life; from tho happiest of homes and home surroundings and when all thought of n fatal termination of mi illness that caused tho loved young mntron's removal to St. Caro line's hospital had passed. In fact tho return of tho patient to her homo had been named for tho day which sorrowfully succeeded that of tier funeral. Mrs. Craddock was tho daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rogors, vonerablo and highly respected resi dents of Coos Day, Oro., to which plnco thoy immigrated from New York Btato, whero tho subject of this obituary was born 42 years ago. Sho waB n moro child when brought to tho const and grow to womanhood at Coos Day. To mourn their heavy loss, besides a dovotcd husband, nnd parents, aro thrco sons, Warron, Al lan nnd John; Mr. and Mrs. John Craddock, parents of Chnrlcs A. Craddock; Frank Rogors, Hcrbort RogcrB, brothers, resident of Marsh flold, Ore; Mrs. Nolllo El7.ey, a Bis ter of Ironton; Minn., and another sister, Mrs. A. J. Sherwood, wifo of a prominent attorney residing at Co qulllo, Oro. Thero nro clrcumstnnccB that In tho pausing of this bolovcd lndy Tho North Rend High school has- causo our pen to fnltor in tho rof- kotball team will Icavo tomorrow for J oronco to her llfo. Sho wns a dear Dnndon whero thoy will piny tho nolghbor, bolovcd as ono of n big North Bend News Mrs. M. J. Pratt visited her dough tor and rolatives in Mnrshflold Monday. Mrs. Perry DoelBon of Mnrshflold visited hor slater, Miss Amy Rey nolds, yesterday. Irono Hodson of Rorb Inlet, re turned homo yesterday after n pleas nnt visit with North Dcnd relatives. high school tenm tomorrow night. Friday night, they will piny Couulllo nt Coqulllo nnd tho Myrtlo Point High School tenm will como to North Bond to piny tho team Fobrunry 17. ALONG Till WATERFRONT. Word hns boon received hero of family in tho ndjnlnlng hnmcH and for years dally association had Im pressed on her neighbors tho mngnl llconco of hor clinrnctor nnd her In lluonco for good. Nor wns it so only during her cloven yonrs resl donco In this city, whither sho wns brought by her hiiBbnnd for tho bono flt of her health. Henrken back to tho old Oregon homo town and thoro in ii hub uvuii ruiuivuii iiltu ui : !,. i,i. .., . . .. ,, tho death at San Francisco of Cnpt. g ",rlhn ' , lB S ?mmn 11. II. Dlrkholm at his homo there. r 'r' 00,'' I"8 " "il jr youn wo- .M....UWWU, in lutiuiuui hi iiuj IMlllH, Ho formerly wns master of vcssolfl plying to Coos Ray but retired from tho sen a number of years ago to bo como Danish consul nt Snn Nrjjnr clscn and cugngo In tho hotol busi ness thoro. ranging for big exhibits of products raised by school children nt tho county, district nnd stato falrB In Oregon. Ho haB arranged for about $1,000 worth of prizes to bo award ed at tho Stato Fair in Salem next fall for tho bost exhibits and has Just forwnrded tho following circu lar letter to teachers to havo thom encourago tho school chlldron to tako hold of tho work: Knowing that you aro willing to cooporato in oducntlonal work I ask you to cooporato tnis year oy en couraging all your pupils in tho growing of crops, domestic sclonco nnd poultry raising. Chlldron llko to do things nnd will respond to your oncouragomont. Your district will hold n fnlr at , wh'ch your pupils will bo asked to oxhlblt what thoy raloo or mako. The best of those exhibits will bo brought to tho stato fair whoro llbornl prizes will bo awarded. Ask your pupils how many of them would llko to havo a Shotland pony, a thoroughbred Jorsoy cnlf worth $100, a purobred pig that would tako tho prlzo at any Btock show, a purebred sheop with wool so thick thnt thoy would havo to fcol around to find its oyes, or a goat with flossy hair that roaches to tho ground; or secure a flno Scotch Col llo pupplo that knows as much ns somo pooplo, or win n monoy prlzo that will buy Just whnt thoy want. All those prlzca nnd many moro nro to bo given at tho Btato fair next fall. Ask If they know how to grow potntocs, pumpkins, squashes, corn, pop corn, nt cotorn. Ask how many of them llko wntormolons or musk molons. Tho reason so mnny boys nnd girls In Oregon do not grow wn tormolons Is bocnuso thoy nro nfrald tho other boys will steal thom. If thoy all grow watermelons thoro will bo no ono to steal. Ask thom If thoy know how to food chickens. If thoy buy throo set tings of eggs from ono nolghbor, nnd thrco lions from anothor, and In Mnrch put tho two together thoy will probably ralso somo prlzo-wln-ners for tho fair. Tho chlldron. of Oregon enn double tho eg? produc tion In thrco yonrs. Ask thom If thpy know thnt tho slzo of tho pumpkin docs not dopbnd upon tho slro of tho boy or tho girl who plants the seed. I know n girl six years old who rnscd corn four teen fcot high. Lot us show pooplo that wo nro tho most nllvn chlldron In tho world by 75.000 out of our ISn.COO children exhibiting nt tho county fnlrtt. nnd 35,000 nt tho stnto fnlr. Lnst year 14,000 children In Inwn lmd oxhiblts nt fairs. Let us bent thom two to ono. (Continued from pngo 1.) sonce. They any thoy will mnko tho trip Inter. Thoy will llvo nt tho resi dence of the bride. Decker was populnr In high school nnd took considerable pnrt In ath letics. Mrs. Decker, whoso hnlr Is white, accompnnled him to Oakland Friday and they secured tho mar rlngo license. When they applied for tho license sho gavo her ago ot 21. While Decker's family acknowl edged that thoy had opposed tho marriage, thoy refused to discuss It, except to say that Mrs. Becker had been n friend of tho family and n frequent visitor at tholr homo. Neither Dcckor nor his brldo would see visitors at thblr homo Miss Tower answered tho boll, but refused to answer nny questions be yond stntlng that sho would Btlll muko her homo with hor grnnd-mother. Miss Tower said: "I havo nothing to Bay In tho matter, nnd I don't sco thnt It Is nnybody's business If grand mother did wnnt to marry again. I know Mr. Decker quite well nnd think he will mnko hor n good hus band. Their marrlago will mako no difference to me, ns I will still con tinue to llvo with her." When Mrs. Dcckor wns asked to como to tho door, sho rofuscd, send ing bnck word Hint sho wob busily engnged In cooking her hushnnd's supper and could not bo disturbed, "Grandmother won't como," Bnld Miss Tower when bIio returned. "Sho says sho lo too busy cooking supper. Thoro's nothing to Bay, anyhow. Thoy'ro married and thoro Is nothing moro to be said. I am ouro tho mar riage will bo a happy ono, for grand mother Is tho best woman In tho world. I think Mr. Dcckor is lucky to havo won hor." Tho Rov. Mr. Coopor Bnld that whllo ho thought It rnthor unusual for n woman to marry n man bo much younger thnn herself, ho performod tho ccromony na n matter of duty. "I was called upon to perform tho marrlngo coromony," Bald tho Rov. Mr. Coopor, "and wont to Mm. Smith's houso and' did bo. All tho members of both families living In Alnmcdn woro presont nnd I can not say that I noticed nny signs of pa rental objections." Whllo Mrs. Becker Is forty yenrs oldor than hor husband, sho Is nn nttrnctivo womnn, her complexion being nB fnlr ns thnt of hor slxteon-yonr-old gronddnughtcr nnd hor whlto hnlr giving hor nn nlr of dis tinction. Sho docs not look to bo moro thnn forty. Try Tho TlmoB" Wnnt Ads. Tho Bchoonor Admiral, which was wrecked nt tho mouth of tho Colum-1 bin lost Snturdny, was built nt North Christian breeding of tho old rover out Qunkor families, from whom bIio descended. On hor wedding day n short eighteen yenrB ngo, tho wish tho spark of llfo in ono who mennt of husband to bo nnd family wus , so much to this community, and ns for qulotnoss, tho very thought stir-, tho soroly strlckon husband Hnyfi, red tho homo neighborhood of Emmn I "N enrthly hand could Btny tho Al Rogers and tho wedding wns tho ' mlghty'u flnt." To him, his thrco most largoly attonded In thnt vfoln. I flno sons nnd those nonrost nnd ilonr- Ity. n trlbuto to tho worth of tho: cat only honrtfolt sympathy can bo A LIBERAL OFFER SmV'i.i8!!'., Am!LSft,?n lit SirA "L0"1..10 V0?1" A"0 "" ' I ?Prosod-poor consolation -lis nnmod hor tho Agulnnldo but later tho nnmo wob chnngod to tho Admiral. Tho atenmer Robarts which wns hnulod out on dry dock lnst spring Is now bolng repaired nnd whon this Is finished, tho vonsol will bo lnunch od ngaln. Floronco Wost. RIG SHIP IS BEGUN. Great Britain 81m Im lis 28th Drond- naught. spontaneous ns was tho lnst trlbuto of respect from tho countryside making tho funeral noted ns ono of tho largest hold in this elfv. w. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay ' frleml8 ,w"o bolng nenrby woro Times.) ' ,nvi"u thn denth nnd tho fnnornl, i ii mum no reinoinnoreci tJiat, hull- that continued to tho sad nnnsinir truo. but llvlntr ovldonco of tlm iiont tho denrest honoymoon. And In llfo, . In men nnd .womon. bo in denth, ovidonco of oxtromo pop- Mrs. Emma Craddock leaves n ulnrlty and lovo was obvious In tho I vo'd that cannot bo filled In tho assomblngo thnt packed tho Htllo homo, tho church, tho city. Hor Episcopalian edlllco on Tuesdny of worth In llfo Is accentuated In this week nnd tho Inrgo cortego thnt ' Booth, for each fleeting day omphnsl followed tho casket to Its Inst resting , B0S ow loss, nnd to tho boroaved plnco In Bedding's Silent City. romnlns tho thought that each day i noso wno attended tho obsoqules ' "rings tnoin closer to tho rounlon thnt must tako plnco In thnt man slon not mndo by hands, eternal In tho henvons. UNITED STATES POST OFFICE. PORTSMOUTH. Eng Jan. 1C Tho keel pinto of Grout Drltnln'H twenty-eighth ship of tho dread naught clnsH was laid today at tho Portsmouth dockyard. It Is tho first of llvo provided for In tho 1911 1912 naval appropriation. Sho will bo tho lnrgost battleship over constructed In England. days Intervening, no nowspnpors woro pruned mm lesions In tho rmmirv List of unclaimed letters remnln Ing In tho Mnrshflold postofflco Jan uary ID, 1912. Persona cnlllnc for PUT LEAD SLUGS IX TURKEYS. iu. not mow of tho boronvemont In nnmo will plonso any ndvortlsed nnd i"i"'.?' um " ,,est known and most Pay ono cent for eneh lotter called liljj'ily respected families until tho fr: , I last had ilti woro performed. Jpseph Anoldy, John Anderson.iO, iactor I. Cockcroft of tho J. Drndloy, Leo Baruc, Mr. Barton, jl-.piMi-.pnl etiutch briefly said fare- Miss Gladys Belmont, W. Van Dusk- Ve,l Mi the chvrch whoro but rocoiit-' Irk, Mrs. Kato Clayton, Mrs, Joslq t vi hi i: iTii.it ' iiiiii fit iuii -(i rnii ,. iiiiiino ri a mr nii T ... 1 vvivuiini iuu ww..mo, rAo, luiuua ijuuue. - vvivuiiiii-ii i mi vuiiiuo. iuio. iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiirn. iinttr ' o. 1s.....ll!. . m . . . .- -- . - -' ---, ao' "! J- California turkey deulors nro oc-'V """"", M " tonnrmution, tho sti g. m. i;spy. Lous EJvnns, Mrs. M. JVEih ouaed of putting lond Blugs In tho .'".f Ult "faslon IioIhr rondored ' Ungor. F. O. Grny, Miss Afy, JlallU birds so as to ndd to tholr weight. l'" "o vosted choir of tho church, JJmK Miss Mablo Horvoy, John Hon" It is n wicked practice and a viola-1 """ ,nt ta. Krvesldo tho burial core- drlcks, Miss Kntherlno Hplnckcs, tlon of tho best principles of tho m"nl?? nf tUo church wero complot- Miss Llnwood Hubbard. Jnmea John. i, ...v.o u, iu ,,i,i, wuro cnoHon . reier jounson, oilvor Johnson: from tho city administration, they Toml Keltaln, Miss Saphfo Labor' .Z.1 ,..,.;, B0 uronwot. C ty -"iss aiico uindrlth, Annn Larson, Irustoos Wllllnm Stonhons. I t Frank Mnbrn MM Ti-..l ;,""' .1 runnary an. ;so cook nook over prescribed such a inothod of stulllng n iiirKey. TTc ,...- Johnson ) i tn t lil'il AN APPLE A DAY Old "Doc" Wlloy recommond thnt wo cat nn npplo every day anybody olso had offerod that ndv wo would havo suspected ho belong' ed to tho npplo trust Harry Glover; Flro WH, arrangements J III'. ll.M.i;i UK l, (JIUIM'R Ueillil. Tho fiinm-,1 Is Its fatal temloncy of pnouinonla. ; were conducted by tho Roddlnir Yin To euro your la grlppo coughs tako dortnklng parlors. B v.u a .iiiuuj nun j;ir UUHipOUnil. u. k, i-isnor, wnsitington, Kns says: Kattlo Mn R. Mutson, Mr. E. McFnr- oeorgla Meolo, John Mnl- Mlllor. Bill Mitchell. Trtf1nA 11F., xw Brnynnrd. Mnrslml Honrv s.i... iw Miss Lillian Mnmn nii, ,"-..' Illnn ,shIf,)l, Tralnor. Night Police- Miss Judith Nelson. Chris' Nelson! an John ledy and Night Watch- Mr. Olo. Jim Porter, Fred R. Por man l-.d. Dickenson fnlinu-n.i .,). tor. n. p. nni m, cli t., ; E. Smith. City Treasurer R .( son, Claronpo dvlco n'."1"' C ty At,or"' Chnrlos H. Mrs. Sadlo Jl 'I wns troubled with a sovoro attack of la grlppo that threatoned pnouino nla. A frlond advised Foloy's Honoy nnd Tnr Compound and I got rollef nftor taking tho flrst few doses. I took threo bottles nnd my la grlppo was cured." Got tno gonulno, in tho yellow package RED CROSS DRUG COMPANY. Floral tributes In hn.iiiHfnll.. .,. ated doslgns covered tho casket among thom bolng exquisite pieces from tho city administration, from tho Eagles, of which order tho bo renvod husband Is an honored moni tor, nnd from Mrs. Jnno Olney. Ihrough tho last illness of tho de feased, which wns of only n fow wooks duration, everything posslblo on this enrih was dono to keop alight I'orcy Rowley. II. c. Rosinu- fr, A. L. Ross, W. Stamboll, M. L. Shel don. Fred. T. Stull, Mrs. W. R. Stew art, Harry Smith, Mntl Tombor, Mrs. F. Urquall, Frank Vnndermost, L. Victory. Mrs. Emmn Whitworth, Don Wright, E. Wobor, Mr. E. Wlrth T1 ,T,rth' Mrs' Dora WlUlnms; Jack WluMer. W. B. CURTIS, P. M. JH" B lt 8Jln,nco at ODD FEL IXJS' hull 'nuff Sed. Wo Guni-imtco to Relievo Dyspepsia. If wo Full tho Mciliclno Gouts Nothing. To unquestionably provo to tho pooplo that Indigestion nnd dyspop sia can bo pormnncntly rollovcd nnd thnt Roxall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring nbout this result, wo will fur nish tho modlclno nbsolutoly freo If it fails to glvo Bnti8fnctlon to any ono using It. Tho romarkablo bucccss of Roxnll Dyspopsln Tablets In duo to tho high degreo of sclentltle skill used In do vlslntr their formula ns woll as to tho caro oxorclsod in their manufacture. wneroiiy tno woll-known properties of BlHinuth-Subnltrnto nnd Pepsin hnvo boon combined with Cnrmlmi tlvcs and other ngents. BlHinuth-Subnltrnto nnd Pepsin aro constantly employed and recog nlzod by tho entire medical profes sion ns Invaluable In the treatment of Indigestion nnd dysnonsln. Tho Popslu usod In Roxnll Dyspop sln Tablet sis cnrefully prepared so as to dovolop Its greatest ofllcloncy Pepsin supplies tho digestive apparatus ono of tho most Impor tant oloments of tho digestive fluid. Without It tho dlgostlon nnd nsslml latum of food nro Imposslblo. Tho Cnrmlnntlvos possess proper ties which aid In relieving tho dis turbance and pain caused by un digested food. This combination of thefo Ingredients makes n rnmmiv Jnva'ui b'o for tho comploto relief of Indigestion nnd dyspopsln. We are so certain of this that we Urg? you to try Roxnll Dysuoiibla Tablets on our own porsanal guaran tee. TIco sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, nnd ?1.00, Romembor, you enn 9btnln Roxnll Remedies only nt our stdro Tho Roxall Storo. Lnnifiinr. Pnrsons Brug Co., "Tho Busy Cor- I non" Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash tbeso garments cleaner and better than tho work can bo done olsowhore, nnd thoy aro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink thom, oven woolen garments are returned the same slzo as whon sent us. Wo iron tho garments nicely, make ordinary repairs free of charge and you havo fresh clean, aweot under wear ready for each week's change Bundle yours up with next weok' laundry bundle. We Are Selling Men's ft Clothing for Less Than It's Worth During This Sale It is the same t-lothing for which, usually, you glJ ly pay tho regular price. Every garment YOU choose from, it's YOU we wish to satisfy. "BENJAMIN CLOTHES" havo the stylo, , ! 1 J AK . ...l. ' i ana cliaractcr so essential 10 uiu muu who wains ji be well dressed. Clearance Sale Prices on Every Suit in This Store One-Fourth, One-Third to One-Half le "MONEY TALKS" WW 1 "l ! O Ol i nuD uoimng a onoe u MARSHFIELD BANDOi FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our BtagoB loavo Marsnnoia tor icosoourg at o ociock eui oronlng and afford quickest connections with Southern Pid Railway. Faro JC.00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG STAGE LINE. OTTO BOHETTKR, Awnt, 120 MARKET AV., Mann O. P. nARNARD, Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore, niONK 11 THE FRIEND OP COOS BAY" S. S. ALLIANC1 equipped vrzn wireless DATE OF SAILING FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS W TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER. CONNECTING WITH TJIlfi NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTI NORTH PAJIEIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 O. F. McGKOROE, Afrnl FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redond KQUIPPEI) WITH AyiltELKSS AND SUBMARINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, JAN. 18, 1912. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO.MPANY. Phono 4 O. P. McQEORGE, Ajk Steamer Homer Sails for San Francisco from Coo Bay, Friday, Jan. 12, 2 P. ML" F. S. Dow, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON JANUARY O, 10, 23. SAILS FRO.M COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON JA VARY (I, 111, 20, 27. L. II. ILEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN H MarshfieloSHand & Steam Laundry PnON 220-J NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. For tho balance of the winter, thoro will bo n boat at tho O'Kelly landing that can bo chartered day or night. J. A. O'KELLY, Prop. Blanchard's Livery Wo have secured the livery busl. loss of L. H. Helsuer and aro pro pared to rendor excellent Bervlco to thO POOnlo Of COW BttV. fiirnfi.l dilvers, goon rigs tad everything hat will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phone us for n driving l.n . . f.MO ui. a rig or anyining needed In me uvery line. Wo also do truck- g business of all kinds. BLAN'CHARD nROTIIERS Phone 13 8-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder StreetB WANTED ! ! ! 3ARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & HARVEY PnONE 100 U C II ?? iesw Vfho havesome Inventive nbllltv People Take NotkJ Wo havo all longths of stoTe' for salo, prices ranging from l: per tier up, Wo can furnliM length you wioh. L. H. HEISNEKI Phone No. 120-J or 40-L. We Clean and. Pre Ladies' and Gent's Su Goods Calledffor and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laur PHONE MAIN 67-3 -W