EAKING OF PARADOXICAL WORDS EVER NOTICE CRACKERJACKS NEVER CRACK ,'ANT ADVERTISING hi The TIMES (tea Exm& WANT ADVERTISING hi Tho TLMIC8 Will Ki'cp tho Income from Vour I'urnlslicd Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn renlly holp tho family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms - nmli If you know how nnd Will liit Your Real Kstnto "In tho Market" HnYullvclyl It will put tho facts about your rapcrty boforo tho eyes of nil "pos- Iblo buyers" In town. And If hero's 0110 of them who ought to ij whou to uso tho classified columns, wii It, you'll soli ltl I juii 11111 iiuuii 111111 iiiiiu uxiru iucuiuu nil "nfnnill. no n nlnnl '' MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS tlH steady ns a clock. VV YW Established In JH7H AAW ns Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall n 1KO nnd Coos liny Advertiser. nUm lo Sag BA GREATLY SHOCKED B U. S. THREAT ilrs on Island Tranquil To- ly but Outbreak Is Feared in province. ECT DISTURBANCES IN RURAL DISTRICTS t. Knox's Action Falls to Create Much Interest In Congress Today Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.; IAVANA, Cuba;, Jan. 17. Abso- tranquility relgnod In Ilanava ay In splto of tho shock of tho nn- Inccmont In tho morning papors tho posslblo Impending lntorvon- by tho United states in uunnn Ilrs. Moagro roports from tho ln- kor do not glvo Indications of ablo, but some fears aro expressed Havana that disturbances nro Ely to occur In tho rural districts ro especially in mo provinces 01 nntn nnd Plnnr Del Wo when tho rs becomos moro gonornlly clrcu- td. Commenting on bccromry it's note. Gonornl Froyo Andrn- Fof tho Interior Dopartmont said, kls a blow to all good Cubans but Emust hopo It will sound n noto Iwnmlng. All muBt join in n rlotlo offort to do thoir best 10 tho country. OPPOSED TO PLAN. ilnnnn Sulzcr Wants to Lot Culm Scttlo Itn Own Troubles. Associated Pr-ss to Coos Bay Times.) ASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 17. threatened Intervention in Cuba not stir much Interest In tho asn today. Chnlrmun Sulzor of tho feign Affairs' Committee prcdlct- Khat tho Cubans would souio affairs without intorroronco this country. LOCAL .OVBKFLOW. DODGE of Allogany Is visiting Irlends in Mnrshflold. IS. WM. FARRIN of Sumnor Is n Mnrshflold shoppor today. . Til. MORGAN of Dnnlols Creole Is Mnrshflold visitor today. VS. ESTERBECK of Catching In- at IsMn Mnrshflold today on busi ness. IS. WM. MAGILL nnd son have re turned to their homo in Curry junty nftor n short visit with hor irothor, Mnir Dnno. iW. MAIIONEY loft for his homo Washington todny aftor n short riBit with his sisters, Mrs. Ells- Iboth Adams nnd MIbs Mamlo Mn- loney. IS. M. E. HILDRETII and hor (jnughtor, Mrs. Chns. Murr of ftirth Bond nro in Mnrshflold Ihopplng and visiting for tho day. ny. ItlackH Woman. Yestorday nft- 9on, Chns. Blo8trom whllo badly bxlcnted nttneked Mrs. Trolllngor, toll-known Mnrshflold colored wo- on North Front street. By- fidors quickly wont to her roscuo. Btrom was given twolvo dayB in city jail for Intoxication and his will bo roportod to Doputy Pro ving Attornoy Ltljoqvlst who may Becuto him. Ho wns formorly n bor hero but has become nddlct- io tho uso of liquor. Recently ho ed to bo put on the "blacklist." IE EVENTS PREDICTED FOR EUROPE. 'his year Mine, do Thebes, tho ibrated French seeress, has boon r than usual In Issuing her an il and International horoscope tho delay Is doubtless duo to tho rwhelmlng events that nro going Imppen In 1012. For 1912 Is go to bo lurid and slnlstor. Hero, bfly, on tho word of Mmo. de Ibes, Is tho history of odious, stro ps iui2: Far, which will wreck Europo and er continents as well. ansplraclos. Msasslnntlons. nal ruin of Paris. lownfall of tho Gorman emperor. lots. plderalcs. vll destiny for England. 'uslllades and bloodshed in Spain. ears and misery elsewhere. lavo your calling cards printed at Times office. fter tho show try a Turkish Batb ne 2 14-J. I OF INTERVENTION SSiiNNN.SNV RRE LOSSES Two Large Buildings In Goth am Damaged In Conflagra tions There Today. JAPAN'S 1JI0 FIIIK. (By Associated Press.) OSAKA, Jnpnn, Jan. 17. Tho damngo In yesterday's flro amounts to fifteen million dol- lnrs. Thirty thousand who wcro rondcred homolcss nro being provided with sholtcr in public buildings of tho city. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) NEW YORK, Jan. 17 Tho sov- on-story warohouso of tho Terminal Storngo Company on tho North Klver waterfront between 27th nnd 28th streets, was damaged by flro today. Tho loss Is $125,000. Flro In tho Knickerbocker Trust company's 22 story building nt Brondwny nnd Exchango Placo, a short dlstnnco from tho Stock Ex change, resulted In dnmago of ono hundred thousand dollars. Servo Sentence. CoiiBtublo Emery of J North Bond pnsscd through hero yestordny en routo to Coqulllo with Justls Snlln who will sorvo twelve days In tho county Jnll for shooting ducks after dark. Ho was given tho option of oorvlng twolvo days or pay ing $25 and ho took tho Jail Bon tonco. AGED BRIDE IS Mrs. Walter Smith, Formerly of Empire, Weds Youth at Alameda, Cal. Fow who read tho Horn In Tho Times tho othor day about n woman nt Alnmodn, Cnl whoso ago was sixty-two, marrying a youth of twenty-two thought thnt tho nged brldo was formerly a well-known Coos Bay woman. It has Just been nBcortaluod that oho 1b tho mother of Mrs. Morton Tower, nnd that Bho nnd hor Into huBbnnd, Wnltor Smith, roslded at Emplro for ninny years. Mr. Smith was clork In tho South ern Oregon company's store nt Em plro. Tho family loft hero for Cali fornia n number of years ago. A daughter of Morton Tower who spent tho Bummer on tho Bay n couple of soasons ago when hor parents visited his father nnd mother, Major nnd Mrs. Towor hero, wns brldesmnld for hor grandmother. Tho San Fran cisco papors dovoto considerable space to tho oxtrnordlnnry event. Tho San Francisco Examiner says: "In splto of tho objections of his family ,2 2-year-old Georgo L. Becker of 2105 Central avoniio, Alameda, married Mrs. Frpdrika Park Smith, sixty-two years old, Monday night. Tho ceromony was porformed In tho brldo's Iioubo nt 121 G Chestnut street, hor slxteen-yenr-old grand daughter, Miss Fredrlkn Towor, act ing as brldosmald nnd Stownrt Beck er, tho sixteen-year-old brother of tho groom, acting as best man. Tho couplo wed In a bower of pink bridesmaid's roses, whllo tho house was olaborntoly decorntcd with flow ers. Tho bride carried a bouquet of pink and whlto roses. Sho was gowned In white. Tho Rer. Bverott Cooper of Christ Episcopal church road tho marriage service. Although opposing tho marriage, tho parents, brothers nnd sisters of Beckor wore present. Becker, who Is tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin L. Becker, Is a grnduate of tho Alameda High School, and sin ce thnt tlmo has been In the employ of tho Southorn Pacific rnllrond, In tho accountant's office. Ills bride is the widow of Wnltor Smith, who was killed in tho earthquake at Santa Rosa. Tho couplo will not make their honeymoon journey at this tlmo as Becker cannot securo loave of nb- (Continued on page 4.) N EW YORK OWN OB CONGRESS TO HAVE LONG SESSION Not Likely to Adjourn Until August and May Interfere With National Conventions, (By Associated Proas to Coos Bay T'lmei.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 17. Tho democratic nnd ropubllcnn lenders of tho House agreed today that thero Is llttlo llkollhood of Con gress adjourning before August next. It was said that this probability lar gely .Influenced tho democrats in choosing' Baltimore ns the national convention city. Tho republicans will have a moro or less awkward situation to deal with In holding their convention In Chicago with congress In session. A condition of congress being In session during tho nntlonnl convontlon periods has not existed since 1802. EILES AGIN E Rev. J. T. M. Knox Starts Suit at Coquille Plan to Divide Property. The potltlon of Rev. J. T. M. Knox of Mnrshflold asking for a dlvorco on tho groundB of cruol nnd inhuman treatment was fllod with County Clerk James Watson nt Coquille yes terday. Tho potltlon recites tho grounds briefly. Rev. Knox Is still nt Coqulllo whero ho wont following nn nltcrcntlon that resulted In tho application for tho dlvorco. It Is understood thnt Rev. Knox nnd wlfo havo about 115,000 or $20,- 000 worth of proporty. It Is not un- llkoly that an offort will bo mado to mnlcnbly dlvldo tho proporty and do tormlnnto tho caso without n legal fight. Chas. I. Relgard Is represent ing Rev. Knox and It is understood that Judgo John F. Hall Is representing- Mrs. Knox. p ill of.iicnnn; II II I III I 1 1 1 1 I Ui Hi wf 111 I UIIU Well-Kflown Coos Bay Pioneer Succumbs to Pleurisy arid Heart Trouble. C. W. Snn ford, ono of tho best known ploneors of this section and a resident of tho Pacific coast for ...., ,v..,Uv., v.w ""'"" .'" day after a brief Illness of pleurisy and heart troublo. Tho nows ot his death camo as n gront shock to his many friends, fow of whom woro nwaro of his serious illness. Mr. Sanford spent tho grcnter port of tho last halt contury In and around Mnrshflold. For somo yenrs ho waa proprlotor of tho old Western hotel hero. Ho homestcaded n ranch on Haynos Inlet nnd rondo that his homo after retiring from business hero but for tho last fow years had spont constdorablo of his tlmo with rolattves In California. Ho was born In Now York and was sovonty years and three days old. Ho was a votoran of tho Civil War and n mombor ot tho G, A. R. Ho Is survived by twenty grnnd- children and ono gront-grandchlld. His wife died about two years ngo. ' rno surviving cuuuren nro; Mrs. Magglo Bowron ot Ton Mllo, Miss Graco Sanford of Haynos Inlot, Mrs. C. A. Nollner ot North Bend, Herman Sanford of Sumner, Ernest Sanford of Haynes Inlot, Mrs. Cora Sanford of Ashland, Oregon, Vivian Gnnfnril nt Pntnhlnn. Tnlnfr Tifra Wm. aim,, wnf minf r,A , I 0 step-chlldron, Mrs. Laura' Houser of,row morning from Portland. Oakland, Cal., and Chas. Liggett of Ten Mllo, Tho tlmo ot holding tho funeral will not bo determined until all of tho rolatlves aro communicated with. O GIRL DANCES SELF TO DEATH NEW YORK, Jan. 17, Miss Caroline Carpenter of Roose- velt, L. I., 19 years old, was so popular with the young gallants at a danco ot tho Junior guild i l of St. Pauls Episcopal church In tho Board of Trado Hall, that sho had to split her dances. Just boforo midnight, whllo waltzing, sho reeled, almost fell f , to tho floor, and died without regaining consciousness. Physl- clans said sho had danced her- , self to death. OUMMINS A CANDIDATE. Imvn Senator to Seek llopublloin Presidential Nomination. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DES MOINES, la., Jan. 17. Sen ator Albert B. Cummins will shortly announco lrnsolf ns n candidate for tho republican presidential nomina tion, according to a report norslstent among his friends hero today. , WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 17. Senator Cummins today absolutely declined to discuss the reports that ho was about to announco hlmsolf as n candidate for the republican nomi nation for president. It Is genorally expected, however, among Cum mins' friends In Washington that the announcement of his candidacy will bo niadovery soon NORTH INLET R. A. Church Pays. $18,500 For John Bear's 160-Acre Tract Today. Negotiations wero closed today for tho sale of tho John Bear ranch on North Inlet to R. A. Church for $18,500. Tho ranch contnlns 1G0 acres, much of it bottom land, nnd Is ono of tho best In that section. Mr. Church will take possession of tho ranch nt onco nnd plans to convert it Into a flno dnlry ranch. Ho had been negotiating for n rnnch on tho Coqulllo but tho dcnl for that foil through. Ho has been residing In South Mnrshflold since ho dlspos cd of his Coos River rnnch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bonr, who havo been living on tho rnnch for tho past yonr, will return to Mnrshflold to ninko their homo. Dennis McCarthy, Head Crui ser For Coos County, Makes Report on Work. That each quarter section of tlm- ber land that hns boon crulsod for Co01 county hn8 on nn nvorngo 7t. 232,000 feet of standing tlmbor IB tho r ort ot DonnIs McCarthy, head ,,: Mr. irnnnhv im. h,i chargo of tho official crulso which been mado under tho dlroctlon ot tho Coos county commissioners for tho purposo of moro nccuratoly ns Besslng tho tlmbor Innds nnd hns mndo n most enroful nnd nccurnto crulso. A summary of tho work accomplished under his dlroctlon during tho pnst threo sonsons Is ns follows: Totnl ncrcs cruised. .. .290,022.01 Acres Umbered 232,474.28 Acres not tlmbored .... 00,548.67 Totnl stnndtng tlmbor 10,532,755,000 Average per ncro of timbered area 45,200 Tho county commissioners aro expending about $10,000 por yoar on tho crulso and havo sot asldo that nraount for tho coming year. DENNIS MCCARTHY will leave to morrow for San Francisco and Los Angeles on n short pleasuro trip. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Breakwater Is duo In tomor- Tho Nann Smith arrived in this afternoon from. Bay Point. The schooners Omega and Loulso arrived In today from tho south. POSTPONE ABDICATION OF CHINESE THRONE (By Associated Press.) PEKIN, China, Jan. 17. No deflnlto action was taken at the conference ot tho princes of tho Imperial clan with the Empress Dowager today. A discussion of I tho subject of abdication was postponed until Friday owing to the Blight Indisposition of Premier Yuan Shi Kal. Cer- tain of the princes declare tho 4 abdication of tho throne Is 4 pending. 4 nMcccTAwnnc 2 I MlHf LllHlfLr ill AWAY TIMBER FOUND UNITED MINE WORKERS TO LUMBER RATE FIGRT BEGUN Southern Pacific Opposes Re duction From Willamette Valley to San Francisco (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 17. A pormancnt injunction against tho Interstate Commerco Commission's order fixing rates on lumber from tho Wlllamotto Valley to San Fran cisco Bay points was requested to day of tho commerco court by tho Southorn Pacific and other railroads. Tho rat8 which wero increased from 13.10 nnd $3.35 to $5.00 n ton, woro rcducd by tho commission to $3.50 and $3.75 a ton. Tho railroads at tacked tho commission's ordors ns confiscatory. LOSES HOPE OF HEIR. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) THE HAGUE, Jan. 17 Apparent ly a well-founded report has It that Queen Wllhelminn, who two weeks ngo was said to bo expecting nn In teresting family ovont, had suffered n mishap which dissipates immedlato hopes of tho birth of an heir to tho throne. Fractures Ribs. C. J. Wost of Easts'do, slipped and fell nnd frac tured two ribs tho othor day. Ho was suffering from a painful Injury to his log sustained by a knlfo slip ping nnd cutting a bnd gash, and fools that ho Is hoodooed. Semi-Annual Meeting of Coos County Association Held Here Last Evening. Tho soml-nnnunl mooting of tho Coos County Hnrdwnro Beaters As sociation wns hold nt tho Chandler grill Inst oveulng nnd proved to bo ono ot iho best meetings tho associa tion hns over hold. Thero wns a good nttondnnco nnd various mnttors wero dlBciiBsod. Tho buBlnoBs mooting wns followed by n banquet nnd social session. . President A. E. Ncff presided. F. E. Hague Is secretary of tho asso ciation. Tho annual election of ofll cors will tnko placo nt tho noxt mooting. At tho business meeting, J. T. Hnrrignn nnd W. N. Ekblnd of Mnrshflold, and O. E. Hullng ot Myr tlo Point woro olected delegates to tho annual convontlon ot tho Oro gon Retail Hnrdwnro Dcalors at Portland. At tho banquet, tho principal tnlks woro mado by J. T. Harrlgan, F. E. Hague and Jack Lamb. Among thoso present nt tho moot ing woro: O. E. Hullng of Myrtlo Point, Mr. Schroodor of Myrtlo Point, Tom Niel sen of Bnndon, A. R. McNntr of Bnn don, Tom Modloy of Coqulllo, Jnck Lamb of Coqulllo, P. N. Roborg ot North Bond, Mr. Hnzor of North Bond and F. E. Hague, Mllo Sumnor, W. N. Ekblnd, J. T. Harrlgan, A. E. Neff. E. C. Paddock of Mnrshflold, representing Bnkor & Hamilton, wns tho only invited guest. PLEADS NOT QUITTV. Detective Franklin Denies McNnmnra Jnry Bribery. (By Assoclntcd Press to the Coos Bay Times) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Jnn. 17. Setting at rest nil rumors thnt ho would throw himself on tho morcy of tho court, Bert II, Frnnklln, tho former McNnmnrn dotectlvo, accused of jury brlbory, pleaded not guilty to the two charges fllod against him. His trial was sot for February 27. Tho pleas wero entered aftor Judgo Willis had denied a motion of Franklin's attorney to discuss tho two Informations lodged against tho dotectlvo by W. Joseph Ford, assis tant district attornoy. If you havo anything to sell, trade, rent, or want help, try a want ad. HARDWARE MEN f HOLD SESSION m ORGANIZE GREAT UNION Delegates to National Conven tion Want to Merge All Miners' Organizations. WOULD WIELD GREAT POLITICAL INFLUENCE Gompers and Mitchell Are De nounced and Government Ownership Is Advocated. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay, Times) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jnn. 17. Ono groat union ot tho coal nnd motnl miners of tho United States and Canada miiBt bo formed It tho m I no workers nro to successfully combat mlno corporations, doclarcd Edward Young of Great Falls, Mont , representing the Westorn Federation of Miners In his nddrcSB boforo tho United Mlno Workers of America to dny. Ho urged that tho nntlonnl conl miners' organization absorb tho motnl minors' union nnd Bald ho be llovcd tho merger plan now going forwnrd would bo successful within n fow yenrs. A referendum voto Is to bo tnlton nmong tho motnl minors of tho Western Fcdorntlon. J. A. McKlnnon of Douvor, roportod to the convontlon thnt tho propositions will bo npprovod by a largo majority. Gompers In Scored. A heated dobato followed tho road lng of nrc8olutlon providing for tho withdrawal of tho MlnoWorkors from tho Amorlcnn Fcdorntlon ot Labor and condemning tho leadership ot Samuol Gompors nnd John Mitchell, ns "nffillatcd with that Bleep produc I"2 agoncy, tho National CIvIo Fed eration." It Ib not expected that A voto on tho resolution will bo roach cd until lato In tho day. Denouncing tho Fcdorntlon of Lnbor ns n tool of tho steel trust nnd othor lntoroats, Its ndvocntos nro calling a groat la bor convontlon for April 1 for tho formation ot n now nntlonnl Indus trial organization. FOR GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP. United Mine Workers Adopt Resolu tion Favoring It. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay, Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jnn. 17. Government ownership of nil Indus tries wns favored by tho United Workers of Amorlcn, now In conven tion hero, In n resolution ndoptod to dny. Tho resolution, which wns pre sented by a Pennsylvania union, Is na follows: "Whereas, Wo consldor It would bo n bonoflt to (ho community nt large, thoroforo, bo It, resolved, that this convention go on record favoring government ownership ot till Indus tries." Tho resolution wnB bnckod by tha socialists in tho convontlon nnd a count showed practically no opposi tion nmong tho 1,300 dolegntcs. Tho result of tho voto wiib greoted with cheers. "Aftor wo havo united on tho In dustrie Hold wo will unlto on tho political flold nnd then tho men who dally risk thoir lives In mining coal nnd motnls, will got thnt which bo longs to them," snld McKonnou. STRIKERS FIGHT MILITIA. Slight Clutfi Marks Tovtllo Workors fitrlko In East. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) LAWRENCE, Mnss., Jnn. 17. Threo thousand striking textllo workors nnd mllitln clnshcd wbon tho former rofused to ehango tho lino of mnrch of a parado and attomptod to forco'tho soldlors lino. Tho mllltla mon belabored their assailants with clubs but no ono was seriously hurt. HLAOK HAND VIOTDf. Italian Found Murdered Near Spok ano Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay ' Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 17. Tho body of Tommle Barhano, an Italian, believed to bo a victim of tho "Black Hand", wns found In Hill Yard this morning. Threo bullets had been flred Into his body. Thero Is no cluo, COOS BAY CAMP NO. 100, W.O.W. ATTENTION l All members requested to bo pre sont at rogular meeting tonight Jan uary 17, 1012. Important business. By order of W. U. DOUGLAS, Clork. ELKS, ATTENTIONl Do not forget that meeting to morrow night. W. O. TIPPETTS, Secretary,