.Mim minimi iim.L""" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1912 EVENING EDITION. You may think this is a queer time to talk about spring clothes I but we have got fthey are coming To do it, fdown prices on every suit and overcoat in the house? we include in this offer goods. Here's the 6 spring goods pretty 'Men's $35 Suits, now Men's $30 Suits and Overcoats now i Men's $25 Suits and Overcoats $18.85 Men's $20 Suits and Overcoats $14.85 Men's $15 Suits and Overcoats $11.85 DutchessiGuaranteed Trousers 25 Per Cent Discount Blankets, Wool Sox, Sweater Coats, Underwear and goods at CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. am, i oan't GET APPENDICITIS Itat All I Want to Now. No Moro lai on the Stomach or Sour Stomach. No Moro Heavy Feellna After Mealc or Constipation. tfo matter what vou'vo tried without ttlnsr rellof JUHT TRY nimDlo buck- fern bark, glycerine, etc., an compounded r.ADLIOH-I.KA! You will be surprised me tjuiuit resuus ana you win do arded apnlnst nppemllcltls. The VKKY I18T DOBU will help you and a short itnient with ADLEII-I-KA will make i feel better than you have for years. "his new Uerman ntiDendlcltls remedy tlseptlcltes tho stomach and bowels a draws off nit lmnuritles. A SINQL.L: tfUU IVItOIV. hfU Ull .IIU Riviltuidli BUW bmach. constipation, nausea or heavy bllntc after eating almost AT ONCE. will kaIIab .. rm . & trt.vinM, avt uori ireaimoni ouen cures an ordinary o of appondlcltls. .ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. ONE MAIN 298 US Dr. Johnson's Educator Crackers iducator Crackers iducator Wafers iducator Animal Crackeis iducator Toasterettes Educator Graham Crackers (Baby Educators , ockhart's WO PRIVATE PHONES $ SOAIPE A. H. HODQINS arshfieldlPaint Decorating Co. aates MARSHFIELD. lrnlshed Phono 140L Oregon lique Pantatorium HNG, CLEANING, PRESSINQ REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF WORK. ROSS & PINEGOR. Central avenue Phono 260S to make way for HartSchaffner & Marx list of prices .that will quick: $25.85 Boys' $7.50 Suits and Overcoats $5,35 Boys' $6.50 Suits and Overcoats $4.85 Boys' $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.85 Boys' $4.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.00 Boys' Straight ant Suits HALF IMttCE $21.85 Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Outfitters You Are Able To Obtain ADLER-I-KA In Marshfield Only at "The Busy Corner" , 1 pound 35c 2 pounds 65c 1 pound 35c 1 pound 35c 1 pound 35c 1 pound 30c 25c Grocery -85 AND 305 Level Lots 50-138 EASY PAYMENTS Bay View Addition $250 Each I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. After tho show try a Turkish Bath Phone 214-J. them, because we're marking make room for all other lines of "Wool WANT ADS. TO SELL Dining table mid rooking chair nt half what thoy orlglnnlly coHt. Inquire nt Times' odlco. r()It SALE t u bargain, rutiro furnishings of a deslrablo, closo In cottage. MiiHt nil bo Bold together. 403 No. Broadway. LOST I'nlr gold ran mod spectacles KnHtsldo or MnrHhllold. Howard (or return to Times' ofllco. WANTED A wnltii'NN. Addivss Uox 792. FOR HALE Marine engine, lv horse power. Also two cylinder ntomu nuto onglnoa. Cheap. Call Sunday at LobIIo's building on So. Third street near Mill Slough. FOR SALE Rubber boots, slicker and rain hnt. All In lino condition. 4C3 No. Droadway. FOR RENT 0-room furnished houso. Key at 38C N. 2nd St. FOR SALE Household furniture. Must soil at once. Second and Aldor strocts, or P. O. Box 7C. FOR SALE A few settings of full blooded whito Pokln duck eggs, ducks weighing from 8 to 12 lbs. each. Q. W. Stowart, North Dend. Phono G21. WANTED Good boy to work before and after school. Steady posi tion. Lowls Confectionery. FOR RENT Sixteen room house close in. Modorn conveniences. Reasonable rent. See Ivy Condron. FOR SALE White Family Rotary sowing machine. Practically now. Address "Z," care Times' offlco. FOR SALE Pure Jersey milk. Phono 108X. FOR SALE A new wagon for slnglo horso. Will sell for ?5G. Bnqulro Holsner's Darn. WANTED Chocolate dlpHrs. Steady work. Bradley Candy Company. FOR RENT 10-room house in South Marshfield. Phone 119-L. FOR SALE Practically new parlor organ tn good condition. D. R. Mynntt, Phono 311, North Bond. j Don't forget tho Turkish Baths ruu.M; ;jii-.j. Have your Job printing done at The Times' ofllco. Now Is the Time TO nAVE TnAT RESIDENCE WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 337-J COOS HAY TIDES. January, 11)12. Below Is given tho timo and helghth of high and low water at Mnrshflold. Tho tides aro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with their tlmos on the first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of rnfcutlvo heights will lndlcnto wli.'ti ur It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date Jan. 16 0..1G 4.8 1.33 4.0 2.18 4.4 2.C5 4iG 3.26 4.8 3.G4 4.9 " 4,23 G.19 3.6 6.18 3.8 7.09 3.7 7.47 3.7 8.29 3.6 9101 3.4-' 9.34 11.41 6.0 12.29 6.1 1.11 6.1 1.51 6.2 2.28 6.1 3.04 .6.1 3.41 7.03 0.3 7.16 0.1 7.54 0.3 8.27 0.4 8.59 0.4 9.26 0.8 9.54 16 17 18 19 20 , THFWEATIIER. - (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Jan., 1.G;,--Raln in west and rain or snow In eaBt tonight and Tuesday. , t: LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. . For twontyrfour hours ending nt 4M3 a. ro Jan. 1C, by BonJ Ostllnd, special government mo- tcorologlcal observer: Maximum 54 Minimum .,..,., i. .... :. 404 . At 4:43 a. m 46 Precipitation nonp wind, Southwest; cloudy. BORN. BUCKINGHAM To Mr. nnd Mrs. D. L. Buckingham, at thotr home In Ferndalc, Monday, January 15, 1912, a baby daughter. Mothor and child aro doing well nnd tho happy father says ho has tho finest leap year girl In tho wholo world and "My Lord, tho Duko of Buck Ingham" wns never half as proud as he Is. OUTTING To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Outting at tho A. II. Imhoff hos pital In North Bond, Frtdny, Jan uary 12, 1912, an cloven pound son Mothor nnd child aro doing well and tho father who Is n mem ber of tho Life Saving crow, Is as proud of hla first son as tho Cap tain of an ocean liner whon ho gots his first commission. Thoy nro rccolvlng congratulations from their many friends. Ruby Dead. Tho ono day old dnughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clins. Crouch of Ton Mllo, died todny. The mother Is getting along as well as could bo oxpectod. Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshflold city council will meot this ovonlng to tnko up various mnttors, Including tho proposed fill In South Mnrshflold by the Drcdgo Oregon. l'ONtioii Meeting, Owing to tho freshet which mado It Impossible for many of tho mombors to bo In at tendance tho meeting of tho Coos Bay Grango scheduled for last Sat urday was postponed. Is Better W. R. Footo, tho aged slayer of Chos. Wilcox, who was re leased from Jail by Sheriff Gngo and LADIES' Dayton Bicycles MENS' ROYS' Wo nro showing SIX MODELS 1012 Dayton Special $12.50 There may bo others "Just as good" hut not in Marshfield. Dayton Roadster sao.oo The Best wheel Ever nullt for tho money. Four Other Models $25.00 to $i!1.50 All these aro guaranteed for flvo years, rims included. You don't luno to tako "what you can get." WE EQUIP WHEELS TO SUIT YOU As an inducement to Bicycle Riders outside of Murbhflchl Until farther notice wo will refund railroad or boat faro ono way to anyone who buys a bicycle. from Marshfield Cyclery formerly Reary's Gunshop, Solo agent for Coos County. PHONE 180R COR. FRONT AND ALDER STS. placed In chargo of u nurso In prlvnto quartors on account of Illness, Is re ported much improved today, ac cording to advises from Coqulllo. Plnn Ball. Arrangements nro bo lng made for a grand midwinter ball In Eagles' hall Saturday night, Feb ruary 3. Tho music will bo furnish ed by n slx-plcco orchestra. Are Engaged. Frlonds of Don W. Grinin havo been apprised of his en gagement to Miss Mnrcln Morso of Portland, tho wedding to tnko place early In May. Tho nuptials will bo tho culmination of qulto a romanco. A year or so ago, Mr. Grlffln saved tho llfo of his flancco by rescuing her from drowning whon alio met with n boating accident on tho Wlllnmctto rlvor. Will Lecture. Geo. L. Carr, flold secrotary of the Oregon Out-to-wln Prohibition movement, will glvo u lecture Wednesday at 7:30 p. in., i.l tho Methodist Episcopal church. Tho subject will bo "Tho Attltudo of our National government to tho Liquor Traffic.'' Mr. Carr Is a business man and a forceful speaker and will show up somo points of interest that the voters of Marshfield should know. Ball Is Success. Tho Leap Year ball given at tho Eagle's hall Satur day ovonlng was a decided success. About 125 couples were In atten dance, tho Indies giving nn excellent dcmbnstrntlon of how thoy would do things It they always had tho Initia tive in such matters. A fow of them got slightly mixed in making up their programs but tho crowd was a most congenial ono and ovoryono enjoyed thomsolvcs immonsoly. Tho early hours of tho ovonlng wreo mado espe cially ontortalnlng by tho activities of tho ladles In filing out tholr pro grams. Many nhndsomo gowns wero In ovldcnco. PERSONAL NOTES FRED KRUSE of Isthmus Inlet Is In Marshflold today. LESTER SMITH of Coos River- Is In Mnrshflold todny on business. MR. BENGTSON of Ten Mile Lnkcs wns In Mnrshflold Saturday on business. MRS. FRANK GULLIAMS and Mrs. Grover Gulllnms of Daniels Crook aro Marshflold shoppers today. E. E. COOK, who arrived hero re cently from Rolln, Mo., has taken a" position nt McCrnry's pharmacy. JAS. BOONE and Chas. Hunter wore down from Smith-Powors Camp No. 7, on Catching Inlet to spend Sunday. MISS FLORENCE FARLEY, daugh ter of Jack Farley, who underwent an oporatlon nt Morcy hospital to day, Is reported gottlng along nlco ly. A. V. WICKMAN of Empire was a visitor fn Marshflold yesterday. Ho roports tho ronds vory bad, par ticularly between North Bend and Mnrshflold. MBS. CHAS. McCULLOUail will en tertain tho Baptist Ladles' Aid So ciety Wednesday afternoon. Tho annual election of ofllcors will tnko placo nt tho meeting. FRED. NELSON loft Saturday for San Frnnclsco whoro ho will spond n couplo of wcoks on business nnd pleasure Ho will visit his father, J. N. Nelson, and n sister while away. W. S. CHANDLER nnd wlfo havo postponed tholr trip to San Frnn clsco until nbout Fobrunry 1. Bus iness affairs of Mr. Chandler's mado tho latter date moro conve nient for tho trip. MltS. MAY BAKER from Borkoloy California, hns located permanent ly In Marshflold, having recontly taken possession of tho rooming houso nt 252 Broadway, formerly owned by Mrs. Estos. ERNEST NORTON nnd Jns. Boasloy of Rosohurg arrived hero Saturday via Myrtle Point. Thoy wore two FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COM POUND Is a rollablo family medlclno. Glvo It to your children, nnd tako l( your solt If whon you feel a cold coming on. It checks nnd cures coughs and colds nnd croup nnd prevents bron chitis nnd pnoumonin. RED CROSS DRUG CO. First Class Auto Service Cars loavo Front of Lloyd hotol to meet all trains. Faro 25c. Special calls anywhoro at all hours. BEST CARS. Best drivers. Phono 66-J un til 11 p. m., after 11 p. m. phono 5-J. Residence phono 28-J; after 12 phono 18111. J). L. FOOTE. Proprietor THE BEST That Wheat and Science Can Produce Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour days on routo as a result of tho bad weather. RAY NOEL of Coos River is a Marsh flold visitor today. JOHN BEAR of Haynos Inlot, Is la Marshflold on buslnoss. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos River is a Marshflold Bhoppor today. T. M. COLLVER and wifo of Catch ing Inlot wero Marshflold visitor today. GEO. TAYLOR and Ed. McAaron of Isthmus Inlot aro In Marshflold to day. REN SMITH wns down from his Coos Rlvor ranch today on busi ness nnd pleasure. L. A. LILJEQVIST, deputy prosecut ing attornoy, camo over from Co qulllo today to tri' a gamo law vio lation enso boforo Justice Shustor in North Bond. ( MRS. ELIZABETH ADAMS spent U..uuy an mo guest of Mrs. Frank Rogers on South Coos Rlvor. Mrs. Rogers has been. nniDC for some timo and may loavo Bhortly for Southern California or Arizona In hopos of securing relief through a ohango in climate. P. M. HALL-LEWIS will loavo short ly for Woodburn, Ore, whoro Mrs. Lowla and baby aro visiting rela tives. Ho will also visit at Hood River and at CorvalHs. On hit roturn, ho and Mrs. Lowls will establish a homo In Marshflold, Mr. Lowla having decided to open an engineering offlco hero. North Bend News Capt. Edgar Simpson has gono to Portland on business. Ed. Coffolt spont Sunday at th Franks Rogers ranch on South Cooa Rlvor. Miss Wllla Hall of South Marsh field spont Sunday at tho homo of her sister, Mrs. W. D. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curtlns of Marshflold wore guests at tho homo of Mrs. J. M. Stowart yestorday. Tho monthly business mooting of tho Methodist Sunday school will bo hold this ovonlng at tho homo of A. L. Gubsor on Union avenuo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russoll of North Coos Rlvor, havo boon guests for a few days nt tho homo of Mrs. RussoU's mother, Mrs. K. Rood, on North Bend Heights. Roy Young nnd Miss Sylvia Taylor woro marrlod Friday ovonlng, tho Itov. Hlsoy omclnting. Thoy will ro sldo la tho Maxon bungalow at Ban gor. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Ilghthouso tender Hoathor Is In tho bny for tho purpose of carry ing supplies to tho Capo Arago Light Houso and nlso repairing dofecta la tho local aids to navigation. Tho Rodondo will sail from San Frnnclsco for Coos Bay next Thurs day aftornoon. As yet, Agent McGoorgo has not boon notified of tho dato on which tho Alliance will sail from Portland for Coos Bay. It Is not expected that sho will bo on drydock long for re pairs. Nice Large Fancy Naval Oranges tho 45c kind wo aro soiling for 35c Per Dozen Smaller ones lh35 Cents Kind You can got for 25c Per Dozen Phono your ordor. Thoy will not last long. The Bazar Phone 32 The llouse of Quality. City Auto Service Good Cars, Caroful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 40. BARKER & GOODALE, Proprietors.