THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1912 EVENING EDITION. h SMS HUSBAND IS MODEL Ml the tctitli time. I ntn Rcventy-threo Inchon tall. fniTlimtliiKly ugly, nml Iiomoph ninny ucconidlMhmcuts of which t am fur too modest to b;k : k. I mid athletic Invo ilnnrliiR. nblor II iffy poodle-dogs, and have a fairly fat jiockotbnok. Do von think tlio Inly would consider mi? I aeoni to Iiomphs all her roqulroniunts wvo tliat of beauty-mid 1 inlKht In llmu IT GROWS HAIR llotv A iv Furl V Want Vim to Pioo at Our ltlh. MarvcloiiH us It tuny scctn, Iloxnll "03" Hair Tonic lias grown hair on heads thai wore once lialil. Of 1-0111-80, In initio of til oso CBSCS woro tlio hair roots dead, nor had (ho Yountj Matron Objects to Leap Year News More Bache lors Entered. I TIs Leap Your. glrlH, and don't for Ki't. j Tlio prlvlloKo of tlio Huff rage tie. AVI th hiiNhfiil, hegltntliu? lioiiux, Pluck up your couruKo and propose, Until old Prorodcnt'H red tape, And lot uo utility man escape, I She who horiltatoe In lout, So land your iiinu at any cost. If you have youth as well as beauty. The Loup Year cry is "Do your duty." Sny. llcraco, dear, will you bo tnlnoV Of all mankind for you I pluo. If ho a happy year nhould wish you, And slyly try to dodge the hwue, Just K't a grip upon tils coat And put tin- tiestlon to a vote. If he votes "No" and you votf "Yen" Throw out uo hIkiiiiI or dlntrs. "Hip, lilt. hurrah, It U a tie Hlest be the tie that binds," you cry. actiulre that. Kindly lot mo know gcnj, tncll 0I1 Knzod, shiny ap nt once. Address "Nemo" care poaratice. Mnrsliileld, Oregon. point HoxnII "9'i" Hnlr Tonic ficts sclen tlllcally, destroying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of tlio hair. IS OtT OK (.'A AIH, Leap Year Editor: I notice yesterday that the nnine Btm,,tK u,i uourlslilng thorn. It of Sherman Oanible had been sent ,rt ,mwt ,il)nim, t0,,t requisite. Is to yon to be Included In the list of lJoirntoy perfumed, and will not eligible. This Is Incorrect. It Is nei-ninnontl.v stain the hair. too Into. Mr. Gamble Is out of the Kme. lie lias piayen ncans unu won and will shortly receive prize. THE WIDOW his i.ENTl'OK INLET IIACIIELOItS. ' AVOW! HEAD THIS. Tlfo Leap Year IMItor got a hard jolt this morning, nlinort a Hilar plcxls nml the only thing that pre vented a ktnkout was the belief that tlio first little pangs of jealousy of some tuwlywod bad prompted It, Hero It Ik. tin- Venr Editor even bolng Ignored In address: Ed"'"- Time-': "Won't you kindly stop prlntlm; this Leap Year slush In your paper'.' I am getting tired of it and I think n lot of oti-ei- itpnn'fi are. The Idea of people being Interested In such stuff. "And then last night that adver tisement you printed should not have been printed. Nn nice girl would ad vertise for a husband. And besides there Is only one man on Coos liny who could meet the requirements i. a . .. 11 nnu no is my iiiisoauii. know It and I don't want hlin to heap Your Editor: 1 I have not seen any names of the i Kentuok Hiiclielors yet, and I am I sure no place can boast of a hotter cillectlun of them than can Keiituck Itilot, not only In quantity, but In quality ns well. Their only draw back Is Hint thoy arc a little bash ful but Leap Year Is supposed to , correct that and thoy have waited I patiently for It for threo years. Here , are some of tlioni: 1 E. P. Hi-llen. ! Jack IIhruii. 1 Gilbert Stiinison. i P lyases Nny. Cyrus Kingston. i Willie Gamble. Robert Luke. August I.npplou. Ed. IIiisHuy. Sherman Smith. Erie Anderson. Clarence Sourls. Capt. Hanson. J. Smith. Otto Stophons. -. Ilerburt Stophons. Olo Evoiibou. Ok- Knutson. A HEADER. We want you to get a bottle of ltcxall "!)3" Hair Tonic and use It as directed. If It does not relieve scalp Irritation, remove dandruff, prevent tlio hair from falling out and pro mote nn Increased growth of hair, and in every wny give entire satisfac tion, simply come back and tell us, nml without question or formality wo will limit! back to you every pen ny you paid us for It. Two sizes, flop and $1.00. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. I.ockhart Parsons Drug Co.. "Tlio llusy Corner." Why Not, Save Money on Your Meats? l-Orit OK A KIND. He doesn't ,,,.,, v,r ,.;,.: lit II I til 10 cmnnhmi nn iitlim vnn linvrt ntluu. and If you krp nrlntlng such things j ,, f()lir of l0 I1108l 01111H1. ,,nphe. in yi i "I"-'. "I"; lors at tlio Smith mill and thoy don't "So, kindly, discontinue It or I m,,, , i... .....i,.,,,,.... Miiu . km.i.i. will lmvo to stop your pnpor." i ,.. 1..-1111I0 tholr mumm In the list of Geo, what do you think of Hint? Tlio letter was not signed so you will have to guess who the author was. NEWCOMEItS WANT IX. Leap Year Editor: """ If you will glvo the newcomers a chance, I would llko to submit (ho names of some very nice young men who recently arrived here, to ho In cluded In the Leap Year list. They are not as old as some of tlio bache lors you have been enumerating but Leap Year ellglbles. Their nmnes are: Oris Alhee. Geo. Parker. Win. Ackley. Ed. Hayes. OXE OK 'EM. LEAP VKAIt POETItV. Lean Year Editor: Hero Is a little poem for tlio bach elor girl. It would be real nice If some Coos oil! maiden fair, do not despnlr, county girls would anchor them lioro us pornimient residents. They nro known as the Hlltiuore Forestry School bunch mid Include tlio fol lowing: 4 Kred. Lamoii, Albert Tardy. Jr. Geo. Thompson. Harry S. Wulby. E. L. Segersten. Geo. AlcCaskoy. Frank Heath. Cutis. O, Alarston. NEWCOMER. Calumet Hams. Sweet corn foil n. and lean, pound I OL .Mistletoe Hams, none better. Pound Mistletoe Itacon, tlio very best, pound 20c 32c "The Hub" The Store Which Does Things. We Save You Money. Clearance Sale Men's Suits one-fourth, one-third to one-half off. Men's Overcoats one-fourth-, one-third to one-half off. Men's Raincoats one-fourth, one-lhird to one-half off. Boys' Suits one-half price. Bargains in Shoes, Hats and Furnishins We Stand Ready to Serve You Better Than Ever Before. a ONEY TALKS" H Clothin g &. Shoe Co. 13ANDON MAKSIIKnDLD nesi, puiiiiu uij in. j, T ( M I Other grades of bacon. Pound 1 Qp WOW I &M IMfCC ! from 25c to I Jl - r Royal Chinook, smoked salmon the best you over ate. 9)r Pound A-vFL Wo still lmvo a few boxes of Apples I per tier up. left at tier box (M AA $l.:2fl and 4I,VU The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. "Wo linvo nil lengths of stovo wood for sale, (rices ranging from $l.flO Wo can furnish nny length you wlnli. L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. inero is nnipio nope ror you. Hide your time, await vinn- chtnico. Catd' the man. mid wear tlio HIRAM I SKIRT. BACHELOR'S KIHENI). North Hond, Ore. Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT HESIDENCK WIRED FOIt LIGHTS. i:.STlMATi:.S GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J ( CITY FISH MARKET Foot of Market Ave., on Dock I FRESH FISH, CLAMS AND I CRABS. I Fair Prices, Honest Weight and a first-class article, You can all afford to eat fish at our prices, Try them, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PIIOXE lino.! Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony This Is n vltnl question for present day liomebullders whether to lmvo n house which In appenranco must always roinnin tho smiio or n liouso that will permit of u llttlo refreshliiK occasionally. XelKhliorhoods cIiiiiiku us do Individual tastes n rramo linuso can easily bo innilu to Imrmonlzo with Its HiirniunilliiKH n fresh coat of paint often will niako It as Rood as your nelf;hbor'H now house tho sanio as a now suit mnkes you feel llko a now innii. At nny rnto a frame house is siiHceptiblo to most nny cIiiuiko you inlKht deslro and while It Is permanent It does not noccssnrlly need becomo an eyesore or n monotony. Thoro nro lota of tlilims we've obsorved nbout Iioubos mid luiuhor that you ahould know before building couio In and wo'll glvo you our vlowe. C. A. Smith Lumber" & Mfg.' I Co. RiriAIL DEPART.MENT SOUTH HROADWAV, MAIINIIFH-UJI. The New Year on Coos liny Is tiirlliiK Hk n water wiikoii, nil rlKht, ail i-Uht! A ITXK PERI-'OILMANCE. Splendid Building Lot it- 70f0l feet on corner In West lllgli Ic-I gl-Ollllll Last XlL'ht'x Atti'iictloii I'mvi-vi in it.. ANSWERS "LONELY" j '' Alul Anouy. Lean Yenr IMItor! It iviim n Irninn mIuiu- nil i.l,r I R'ntle to i i- wnii t ad" that up- "Tlio Millionaire Tramp" at tno lienred In 'I ho Time yesterday, Masonle Opera House last night Is would offer the following mn a said by those unfortunate enough to young man, a bachelor, of twenty-1 lmvo been present to lie the flv ' ' ' -w I poorest, punkest and most putrid wlthnuf undue liosltntlon Hint I ntn performance ever produced on the anilnblo and rongonln w i local stauo. ineniis that my wife could have her Tho actors, spare the name, f way nine ilmes out of ten but that Hiey could be so called, lorn in put my loot down mighty hard t" initoi-s. clawed eoniodv like Marslillcld A good buy .-jiL'.OOO.OO I. S. Kaufman &. Co. J "7 Front St. Unique Pantatorrirm llYEIXf. CLEAXIXO. PltKSSIM. ulANII ItEPAIRIXti ALL KINDS OI I clam illKKin- and made nielodrania a HAT WOKK. TPIIP1 nnm lilnnvn r-r-.n... III I kl It r If lliuf ,..,.... .....1.... .. .. I Tho,-ka boo,, toiling how "KS .h!' J2ZZ .- .-"tlV you can EASILY guard a-ralu t ap-'' , tw ,,,lk no- "" ,,VI' ' ,, and how ,., relievo "'"r.', Iwr.,w! and d'stn- I HilVe That Roof Fixed Biuuiaiu nun nowei ir.iiii:e uluiiHt ln-i ii.'i-firmiiii... wii.m m,.. ..t .1... INSTANTLY. Is off.i-ed short time by Lockhart Drug Co. Jli -flrV. 1 m t 111 w - I nil Ml I IX V V free for i actors niinotinreil to the hendne Phioii ,"ut "w "l"ihnd was dead." the intoruie oroe.e led to x couch and ! it"""mn-', -My hiubRiid dead," I white tlio audience grouched and i 1 innnlfo'ted mm-' vnret that any of -! ill. n-t.(i left alive. AltltKSTI.Vd j And tho price was "r, cents. And the audience large. Ami all prooiit weie agreed that !e .V.1H.-M moving picture tluu ! rive a better show every night f'-'- " and Id cents. Tho Hiidlein.e breathed n sluh of .'l' w en the agony was over. Manager Pratt Is wnrccl to bo censured us It I dlllicult to get re liable iiilvHiice inforniutlon on main of those trHellng aggregations of elani'dlggor. and hop-Held canarlc -tng as actors, but It seems a shtuno that tho miwsetuenMovlng ii.uuie should lie made the victims of fcinh performance u that of Inst evening. vow Si-p COIITUELL Phone ill a I tour attention by i ' us of a iniir ' u-ly low prlco ii.n mn- way of 'nit: CaudltM, .on First flnss Ifonl Rstnto Same very good bargains, 1IENTALS and IXSl'IiA.WE - you should call on Al'fl. FUIZEEX, (IH Cent ial Ave., Mnrslilleld. Hello! Hello! Housowlvea of Mnrahflold uso Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor docs not kcop It call up l'HOXE 73-J. I-'reo dollvery 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. nlso STEIHL17.E1) CltEASI ft MILK ICE, nUTTEILMILK, COTT.IGU CHEESE "THE FltlEXH OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIKELESS DATE OF SAILING FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER. CONNECTING WITH THE NOItTll HAVic un.tu a-h nm, v.v ....,W ftvrikiai4ii- 'HONE II NOHTII I'aJIFIO STEA.MSIIIP CO.MPANY. V. P. .McGICOHGE. Agent Union Oils .JASOLINE DISTILLATK HENINE KEHOSENK SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTIHFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. larhhllelil. Ore. PHONE H02-) Mall Oitlers Solicited. FAST AND COM.MODIOUS Steamer Redondo IW'IPPED WITH WIKELESS AND Sl'llMAUINE HELL nv,'17'' '''MM COOS HA) SATl lfDAV,JAXf'Af)' V. 1912. INTEIM)CE.X TnAXKinii'ivtTir.v r,.... .,i i.u.urai, C F. McQEOItOB, Agent. Phono 4-1 bi-n you buy ' nth lu thtt Cou- n'oii.iiy lino i i want tliom i f all to bo i! .ii. d reliable. I t.ilue nro ' i rimiu'ii by i 'tM,-. not by I'M rev pmato SACKS for snle 11. W. I'alntor. al alllo '11 0Fm TWO STDltlCS. THE DAXGKIt OF l.. (iltlPPE Is It fatal tendency of pneumonia. To cure yotu- la grippe coughs lakt ruU)' Honev ami Tnr fi,in..i,Mi Wo glvo "' '" l-'lsl'er. Washington. Kns.. as: "I with ti-ouh'ed vvit' a cvoiv attack or la grippe that threatened pneumo nia. frl'iid advised Foley's Honev jnnd Tar Compouinl and I t relief W. taklu-4 the first few doses I Sktro-l K K ' l-,v '"' 1,s ',,,,1 '" 'n grippe UIS( IN "Ut PimM ' ('t' ,ue Keuulne. In the mUL. i. yoUow i,,u,,k- i!i:n citoss imrt! mwrwiiiTw . COMPANY. b IBSI III . NL A" V CATTLE ON THE Itl'X For a living all the time cannot he expected to make sweet, tender meat The cattle from which we get our choice meat aro tlio stall-fed. grain fattened kind that produco tho best mont on earth. Try us with nn or der for next Sunday's meat. Tlion nil the family will ho home to enjoy tho treat, which will not cost you a cent more than usual. MAKS1IFIEL1) CASH MAIIKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets NOItTII IlEXD Steamer Homer Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, Jan. 12, 2 P. ML S. Dow, Agent v a I a i teame KQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS l Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME MAItSHFlELD SAILS FHOM POHTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON JAXu.UIV 0, 10, -a, 30 Ii. II. KEATING. AGENT PnONE MAIN H5-L -( U ia ,. -a ha tiauM)tne lnveiitl o nUllty r.i lluru,,., Hu.hl";,. ,1.1; Parties Desiring Menu- fp meats to be Events --a&i ' .. Ci ; ' " "" l0 ca t the Pacific Monumental o. south Mr. Ml8on has In hm omninv ,a i ' r, ..... w..., i.iHtucui maroie ana gra itter lu Coos county. And nrm h,.. k. w... . . Fl juanciv nlte cut Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co HK.VRV SENGSTACKEN M CoaulUo 0m:e Phone 191 Marahfleld' o U.J Farma - Timber - Coal and Platting Land., a .pec'ialty. Oenaral Agents "EASTSIDE" ... w,.i W1U ut-81 worn is turned GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO NE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE-1 s5sr ,"rsJvlTBJnCSft; 'S.ttxix'x:. : Eynw.t?.'?''.'!