THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUA'RY 12, 1912 EVENING EDITION i i You may not need the clothes right now I but you will later, and you'd better save the I money while you have the chance These Hart Schaffner & Marx suits and overcoats are going at mighty low prices Here's the list that tells the story. i. Men's $35 Suits, now $25.85 Men's $!30 Suits and Overcoats now ipwJ.oo Men's $25 Suits and Overcoats $18.85 Men's $20 Suits and Overcoats $14.85 Men's $15 Suits and Overcoats $11.85 Boys' $7.50 Suits and Overcoats $5.35 Boys' $6.50 Suits and Overcoats $1.85 Boys' $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.85 Boys' $4.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.00 Boys' Straight Pant Suits HALF PKICE I Dutchess Guaranteed Trousers 25 Per Cent Discount Blankets, "Wool Sox, Sweater Coats, Underwear and all other lines of Wool goods at GLFjAHANCE SALE PRTGES. Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Outfitters .riftaaasLi I V Always "TEe BusylCorner" "THE REXALL STORE" b CALL US UP Whenever you want anything from the drug store. That is exactly what the telephone is for. We give personal atteni ion to these calls and with two insesengers, there will he no delay in the del ivery of your wants. Try it and see. Our phone No. is 29S. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co, PHONE MAIN 298 US FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our Btacea loavo Marshfleld for Rosoburg at G o'clock every overling and afford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Railway. Faro 6. 00. COOS BAY HOSUHUKO STAGE LINE. OTTO BOHKTTKK. Agent. I'O MARKKT AV., Miirshflcld. O. 1. BARNARD, Agent, HOSKIIUIta, Ore. PHONE 11 Condensed Statement of tho condition of The First National Bank OP COOS BAY nt tho Closo of Business, Dec. C, 192.1. Resources. Loans and Discounts 229, 329. 87 Bonds, Warrants and Securities ; 73,161.50 U. S. Bonds to securo circulation 25,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 81,472.94 Cash and Sight Exchange 141,131.98 Total 350,000.20 ' Liabilities. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits. r. 10,797.39 Circulation, outstanding 25.000.0u Deposits .... y 414,298.90 Total $550,000.20 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MARSHFIELD OREGON WANT ADS. WANTED Good boy to work before nnd after school. Steady poil tlon. Lewis Confectionery. KOU SALE Household fit nil tint' cheap for cash. Must nil bo sold together. 4C3 No. Broadway. FOR SALIC Remington pump gun and Winchester 30-30 carbine. Both In excellent condition. A bargain for cash. 4G3 Broadway North, P. O. Box 238, MnrHhllold. FOR RENT Slvtoen room house closo In. Modern conveniences. Reasonable rent. See Ivy Coudron. FOR SALE White Family Rotary sowing machine Practically now. Address ".," enro Times' olllce. FOR HALE Remington typewriter. Inqulro at Tho Toggory. FOR SALE Empty Mitato wicks. II. W. Painter. FOR SALIC Pure .lei-M-y milk. Phono 108X. FOR SALE A now wagon for single horso. Will soli for ?5G. Enqulro Holsnor's Barn. FOR SALE Thoroughbred black Minorca nnd mottled Anconn cockorols. 523 So Broadway. WANTED Chocolate dlpjH'r. Steady work. Drmlloy unnuy uompniiy. FOR HALE HO-ucro much on WIN lanch Inlet, 2V6 miles from land ing, 7 acres bottom laud, fine bench land slopes to tho south. Now Iioubo nnd other Improvements. A bargain. For particulars Inquire of ownor Bon Tyror. Cooston. Ore. FOR RENT lO-room house In South Marshflold. Phono 119-L. FOR HALE Practically new parlor organ In good condition. B. R. Mynntt. Phono 311. North Bend. Don't forget tho Turkish Baths PHONE 21 t-J. w tj COOS RAY TIDES, .limitary, 1012. Below Is given tl.o time and lu'lglith of high and low wnter at Marshfleld. Tho tides arc plnccd In tho order of occurrence, with their times on the first Hue nnd heights on the sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indlcnte whether It la high or low water. For high wnter oh bar, subtract 2 hours 3l minutes. Date 12 2.13 8.09 3.31 10.03 1.8 CO l.l 3.7 13 3.15 9.5-1 3.39 11.24 2.7 CO 1.1 3.0 14 4.17 10.51 5.41 3.1 CO 0.2 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 a. m.. Jan. 12, by BenJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorological observer: Maximum G5 Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. m 44 Prcclpltntlon 1.44 Wind, southwest; rainy. BiiyN Ranch. It Is announced that Jerry G. Kinney has purchased tho T. T. Totten runch, live miles north of Allegany, for $3,500. Mr. Totten nnd family expect to return to Oklahoma. Ih Recovering. Jtobert Starkoy, the well-known Bay City pioneer nnd poet, Is recuperating from the effects of a bad fall he sustained lately. That ho will soon bo over tho Ill effects of his Injuries Is tho nrdent wish of tho many friends of tho venerable old gentlomnn. No lliimlnn Shooting A report In circulation hero yesterday that there had been a shooting affair at Hamlon, Involving nn Itnllan there, was absol utely without foundation, according .to advises to The Times from Bnudon. How the report originated Ik unknown. To Learn IIiinIiipmn. Vernon Smith, tho eldest son of C. A. Smith, Arrived on Breakwater 1012 Model Dayton Special Bicycle No expense has been spared In building IIiIh wheel $ "Ve also carry Dayton (Roadster $:io.oo CASCADE BICYCLES OHEGONIA 1UCYCLES $27:m JUVENILE WHEELS $25.00 All bicycles equipped to suit Indivi dual taste and guaranteed for live years. Guarantee Includes Dayton Rims WILL NOT WARP. Till .laiiuary 1(1, Five Per Cent Off marked price. Marshfleld Cyclery PHONE 1HOR Cor. Front and Alder Streets who graduated from Harvard last year, has come here to become acti vely Identified with the company.lle will start In at the bottom and work his way up, learning every phase of tlie business so as to prepare him self to later succeed his father as head of the big business. Play ('uqiiille. The Mnrshflold High S-hool basketball team wont to Coqtilllo this afternoon to piny the High School team there this eve ning. They will return at noon to morrow. Those going were Pitman, tsaarson. I.nrseu, Stutsman nnd Clarke and Prof. Grnnnls and Man ager Harrington. Here For Bout. Jack Duarto, an Oakland boxer, arrived hero yester day for his fifteen round go with Jess Day which Is scheduled to take place nt tho Mnrshflcld Skating Illnk January 20. Ho snys he Is In excellent condition but ho will con tinue his training here. Day has been In training for some time, hnv lng expected the bout would take placo tomorrow night. Ih Hi-ought Here. II. Gray, a tim ber crulsor, who was tnkon III of In flammatory rheumatism while work ing In tho Fall Crook country, above Allegany, wob brought to Mercy hos pital thin wcok for treatment. For soma time ho has been cared for In a lonoly cabin twonty-clght miles from Allegany. As ho did not im prove, it was ttnnlly decided to bring him to Allegany on a pack horso and then tnko him by boat to tho hos pital. Two friends brought him to Allegany, one walking on each side to hold him on the horso on tho steep and narrow trail. PERSONAL NOTES Buy Your at the Meats UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 INE AT THE TIMES' 0FFICEALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING A PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OE FreshjVegetables for Saturday CRISP "WHITE HEAD LETTUCE .... 3 for 25c BLUE RIBBON CELERY Each 10c ETNE WHITE CAULTELOWER Each 15c HOT HOUSE CUCUMBERS Each 12c Vimi RIPE TOMATOES' Per lb. loe BELL PEPPERS Per lb. 12.c ErNE SOLID CABBAGE Per lb. 2ioc RUTABAGAS Per lb. 2c CARROTS Per lb. 2c PARSNIPS Per lb. 2Vc BUNCH TURNIPS ; . . . Each 5c BUNCH GREEN ONIONS Each 5c RED CABBAGE Per lb. 2.c ARTICHOKES Each 10c SWEET POTATOES extra good Per lb. 5c DRY ONIONS Per 11). 4c Lockhart's Grocery TWO PRIVATE PHONES 85 AND 305 MRS. .1. .T. 013 Alt will lcavo on tho Breakwater for Portland JOB COACH Is hero from Dniidou on business and pleasure. EUGENE CIIOSTHWAIT expects to icavo on tho Brenkwutor for Fort laud on business Dit. A. J. HENDRY nnd family have moved from Ferndulo to Curtis nvcnuo near Broadway. MRS. W. P. MACGILL and son of Bandon are guests of her brother, Mnlr Dnno, In Mnrshflold. MKS. K. MINGU8 will loavo tonight for Portland for n short visit with friends there. OTTO FUSON of Bunker Hill re turned yesterday from a visit at eastern nnd northern points. P. A. WARNER, son-ln-lnw of C. A. Smith, is on tho Day to spend n few weeks looking after business here. CAl'T. J. A. O'KELLY expects to leave on tho Brenkwoter for Port land and Astoria on business and pleasure. CATHARINE, tho little daughter or Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Going, Is re ported qulto 111 at their homo In West Mnrshflold. C. M. SPENCER of Bandon wns n Marshllcld business visitor yostor day botweon trains, returning homo In tho nttornoon. X. A. LEACH, representing tho Mac Leay ostato of Portland which re cently purchased tho It. I). Ilumo ostnto In Curry passod through Charles Durham, Lovlngtou, III., tins succeeded In finding n posltlvo euro for bed wotting. "My little boy wot tho bed ovory night clonr thro' on tho floor. I tried several kinds of kldnoy medlcluo nnd I wns In tho drug storo looking for something dif ferent to holp him whou I honrd of Foley Kldnoy Pills. After ho had taken them two days wo could soo a change and when ho had taken two thirds of n bottlo ho wns cured. That Is about six wcoltB ago and ho has not wot In bed slnco." RED CROSS DRUG COMI'AXV. First Class Auto Service Cars lcavo Front of Lloyd hotol to meet all trains. Faro 25c. Special calls anywhoro nt all hours. BEST CARS. Best drivers. Phono GC-J un til 11 p. in., after 11 p. m. phono G-J. Rosldonco phono 28-J; nfter 12 phono 18111. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. TFe Royal TONIGHT 3,000 foot of all now pictures each night. "now hopkixg raised Tin: huxt" Lnughnblo comedy How, do you suppose Hopkins raised tho. rent; woll, go nnd soo. "HAXGE .JUSTICE" An Indian and cowboy lovo nnd wnr and cowboy to tho rescue , "AX INDIAN LEGEND" A very flno Indian picture ' 2 (.'rent Indian I'letiucs tonight SATl'HDAV XIGIIT "A MARRIAGE IX THE STAlt LIGHT" A girl goes away and gets her best friend nnd get married In tho Stnr light. "THE SHERIFF'S BROTHER" A very lino cowboy picture, I "TIIK KVKXIXO BELL" A very lluo lovo story. All for 10 centK, hero yesterday en route to Wed deriiurn to look over the holdings. The company has not fully com pletcd Its plans for developing the property. P. J. FEENEY of Bandon wbb in Mnrshllold yesterday on business. He reports everything nourishing nt tho city by tho sea. THOMAS THOIISON' and wlfo nnd daughter, Blanche, of Isthmus In let will leave tonight for eastern Oregon where they expect to locate. P. A. SANDBURG will leave today for Portland on business, He , tuny visit Spokane nnd other l northen points before ho returns jo the liny. CAPT. X. J. CORNWALL, of Gardi ner pnssed through hero yesterday on route homo nfter upending' a ' month with his family at Berke ley, Cal. JAMES FALCONER and wlfo will leave tonight for a three I weeks' stay In Portland. They . "vlll visit othor northern points be I foro thoy return to tho Bay. J. ALBERT MATSOX and John Kronholm loft this afternoon for south Coos River to sco that tho freshet does no dnmngo to Mr. Mntson'B sununcr home, "The Nook." MRS. F. E. WESTERBERG nrrlvcd hero yesterday from Portlnnd to Join her husband who Is arrang ing to open a five, ten nnd fifteen cont store In tho O'Conncll build ing. DEL. BENGTSON hns returned from Bay Point whoro ho has boeu working In the offices of tho C. A. Smith Lumber company to tako a position in tho Cobs Bay ofllces of tho compnny. C. M. WHEELER nrrlvcd horo Inst evening from Portland via Drain. Mr. Whcolor Is with tho Wnrron r ...... ... i I v,uii!u ueuun eompnny wnicn nas cuniKo oi mo oiiniiiimic paving in the Northwest nnd will try to In troduce it here. MRS. O. N. WILSON nnd llttlo daughter, Vorla, of Sttmnor, who have been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. G. P. Barnard and other rolntlvcs and friends In Mnrshllold, return ed homo todny. S. W. SHOOK, who resides on the Ivy Condron ranch on North Coos River, wns a Marshflold business visitor todny. Ho says tho river Is rising rapidly ns a result of tho heavy rains. CI1AS. HUNTER came down from Isthmus Inlot todny with his wlfo and son. Tho baby hns not bcon woll nnd ho nnd Mrs. Hunter will remain In .Marshfleld. Mr. Iluntor will resume his position nt tho Smith-Powers Logging camp. FKED HARRIS nnd family will lcavo shortly for Portland'' and may ro iiiru to their old homo In Dallas, Tax., where Mr. Harris was assist ant auditor of tho City National Bank. Mr. Hnrrls has mndo soino oxtonslvo Investments hero nnd ex pects to return. R. J. MONTGOMERY and wlfo nnd son roturned Inst ovonlng vln Drain from Borkoloy, Cnl., whoro thoy have bcon spending a few weeks. Mr. Montogomery says that Coos Bay certainly looks good to him. His oporntlon for appen dicitis wns n Bticcess and ho Is now In much hotter health than ho has boon In u long tlmo, E. C. PADDOCK returned yesterday from his holldny vacation In Snn Francisco. Mrs. Paddock will remain until Fobrunry 14 to at tend tho mnrrlago of her slater, Miss Gortrudo Rynn, who weds a Mr. Mlcholson of tho Southorn Pa cific railway. MIbs Ryan will bd romombored by ninny Coos Bay friends who mot hor whon she visited Mrs. Pnddock Inst sum inor. MR. and MRS. C. J. HOWARD. and family arrived this week from Cottngo Grovo to make tholr fu ture homo on Coos Bay. Mr. Howard succeeds II. L. Flnlny son ns coast roprcsontntivo of J. A. Folgor & Co., of Snn Fran cisco. Mr. Flnlayson taking tho Interior territory. Mr. nnd Mrs, Howard nro making tholr home for tho present In tho I. S. Smith flats on South Brondway. Mr. Howard oxprosses hlmsolf favor ably Impressed with Coos Bay and is already enrolled ns n now monjbor of tho Booster club. ARK WED IN Ki77k.NK. Miss Agnes Morgan nnd Ray Conydon .Married at ,1. D. llaiiillii Home. A very protty wedding took placo nt Eiigono, Oregon, January 9, when Mr. Ray Conydon nnd Miss Agnes Morgan wero united In mnrrlago, Tho ring ceremony wns used, Rov. No ft olllclntlng, Tho brldo wns prettily attired In bluo silk. Only rolntlvcs nnd n few Intlmuto frlonds wero pro sout. Aftor tho coromony n sump tuous dlunor was sorved at tho homo of Mr. J. D. Hamlin, Mr. Hnmlln be ing nn undo of tho groom nnd well known on Coos Bay. Tho groom Is a Portland man nnd tho brldo Is n dnughtor of W. II. Morgan, n Coos Bay girl, hor many Coos Bay friends hero join with us lu wishing them Joy nnd happiness. ' City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt any time." Stands Blanco. Hotol nnd Blanco Clgnr Storo. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 4G. BARKER & GOODALK. Proprietors. THE BEST That Wheat and Science , Can Produce Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour ' & s p .